The Reiki Club formed in 2003 and has weekly meetings. Students, faculty, staff, visitors, members of the community and all others interested are welcome to attend for some part or for all of our sessions, that run every:
We teach about Reiki, and offer free help with all types of healing needs.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) deals with attunement to spiritual consciousness (rei) and life energy (ki).
Reiki involves laying-on of hands or related work with the human energy field (e.g., acu-points, meridians, chakras, aura), aimed to promote healing and/or spiritual development.
Traditional Usui Reiki derives from the work of Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, who lived 1865-1926.
If you are connected with Virginia Tech, or are in the area of Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, you are encouraged to attend any of the weekly meetings of the Club where there is free training as well as help with healing issues (pain or other physical/emotional/mental difficulties).
If you want to learn to practice Reiki (which like tai chi does not require any specific religious belief), see the page on learning Reiki.
We also teach about
Tong Ren Therapy.
It was developed by
Author: Edward A. Fox
, Level III Reiki practitioner and teacher, member IARP, MPRUE
Great-Grandmaster and Teacher, Tong Ren Practitioner
Last Updated: 19 January 2025
Email: Please send comments and suggestions to:
(c) Copyright 2011-2025 Edward A. Fox