- Object
- name
- type
- structure
- semantics
- version
- Container (parent: Object)
- collection
- sequence, time series
- Genre (parent: Object)
- cultural, social
- linguistic, notational
- stylistic
- Node (parent: Object)
- atomic
- stream
- composite
- genre
- Document (parent: Node)
- structure (document type definition)
- layout
- representation
- Organizer (parent: Object)
- function/relationship
- parameters/arguments
- Organization (parents: Container, Organizer)
- catalog
- concept space
- hyperbase
- index
- knowledge base
- thesaurus
- audience: personal, community, ...
- Link (parent: Organizer)
- directed, undirected
- source/origin
- target/destination
- User (parent: Object)
- human
- agent
- authentication scheme
- Community (M) / Social World (parents: Container, User)
- negotiated meanings, agreement to disagree, visions/problems
- practices, norms, what is legitimized, what is accepted
- fluidity, volatility, longevity
- scope, scale
- homeostasis /self-protection mechanisms
- institutional circuits
- communication channels
- constrained by availability of necessary infrastructure
- defined by logs of use
- cross-community
- Using (parent: Object)
- browsing
- collaborating
- consuming
- exploring
- learning
- navigating
- problem solving
- publishing/producing
- searching
- seeking
- valuing
- viewing
- Using Pattern (parents: Container, Using)
- distributions
- repeatings (MRP)
- repair/correction sequences
- reusings
- chunking over time into dealing with: question, session, research area
- usage statistics, perhaps in context
- Interface (parent: Object)
- dialog
- collaboration, groupware, communication
- modalities, presentation
- system behavior
- flexibility, configurability
- embedding in environments
Community, Document, Genre, Interface, Organization, User, Using, Using Pattern
Add in: Publisher/Provider (not here!!!), question, answer (and q/a pairs or FAQ files and Bellcore movie selector using people's ratings), ...
- cost/benefit
- relevance/pertinence
- utility/usability
There are cross-relationships.
One might hope that an expert systems might apply rules that relate various facets of each of these in combination with others to yield a particular quality.
Scenario: retrieve based on relevance to a user community.