@string{ijar = "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning"} @string{basis = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{arist = "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology"} @string{ipm = "Information Processing \& Management"} @string{jacm = "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{jdoc = "Journal of Documentation"} @string{jasis = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{cacm = "Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{asis87 = "Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{ijcai9 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai7 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{acmcs = "ACM Computing Surveys"} @string{ijis = "International Journal of Intelligent Systems"} @string{acmtoois = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} @string{acmtois = "ACM Transactions on Information Systems"} @string{acmtoms = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} @string{acm-mm93 = "Proceedings of the First ACM International Conference on Multimedia"} @string{caia85 = "caia85"} @string{jan = "January"} @string{feb = "February"} @string{mar = "March"} @string{apr = "April"} @string{may = "May"} @string{jun = "June"} @string{jul = "July"} @string{aug = "August"} @string{sep = "September"} @string{oct = "October"} @string{nov = "November"} @string{dec = "December"} @string{vpisu = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University"} @string{eaf = "Edward A. Fox"} @article(MACK83, Author = "Robert L. Mack and Clayton H. Lewis and John M. Carroll", Title = "Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "1", Number = "3", Pages = "254--271", Month = jul, Year = 1983) @article(MACK89, Author = "Wendy E. Mackay and Glorianna Davenport", Title = "Virtual Video Editing in Interactive Multimedia Applications", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "802--810", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(MACK89b, Author = "Wendy E. Mackay", Title = "EVA: An Experimental Video Annotator for Symbolic Analysis of Video Data", Journal = "SIGCHI Bulletin", Volume = "21", Number = "2", Pages = "68--71", Month = oct, Year = 1989) @article(MACK89c, Author = "Carol B. MacKnight and Santosh Balagopalan", Title = "An Evaluation Tool for Measuring Authoring System Performance", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "10", Pages = "1231--1235", Month = oct, Year = 1989) @article(MACL79, Author = "I. A. Macleod", Title = "SEQUEL as a Language for Document Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "30", Number = "5", Year = 1979) @article(MACL83, Author = "I. A. Macleod and R. G. Crawford", Title = "Document Retrieval as a Database Application", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev. Applications", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "43--60", Month = jan, Year = 1983) @inproceedings(MACL86, Author = "I. A. Macleod and P. Martin and B. Nordin", Title = "A design of a distributed full text retrieval system", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "131--137", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(MACL90, Author = "Macleod, Ian A.", Title = "Storage and Retrieval of Structured Documents", Journal = ipm, Volume = "26", Number = "2", Pages = "197--208", Year = 1990) @article(MAES94, Author="Pattie Maes", Title = "Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "30--40", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(MAGE90, Author = "Therese Mageau", Title = "Laser-Disc Technology", Journal = "Electronic Learing", Pages = "23--28", Month = mar, Year = 1990) @techreport(MAIN91, Author="Y. Mainguy, J.B. Birch, and L.T. Watson", Title="A Robust Variable Order Facet Model for Image Data", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month="Dec. 12,", Year=1991) @article(MALL92, Author="John A. Malleo-Roach", Title="Bringing Multimedia Technology to the {SPARC}station", Journal="SUNEXPERT Mag.", Volume=3, Number=2, Pages="60--62", Month=feb, Year=1992) @article(MALO87a, Author = "Thomas W. Malone and Kenneth R. Grant and Franklyn A. Turbak and Stephen A. Brobst and Michael D. Cohen", Title = "Intelligent Information-Sharing Systems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "30", Number = "5", Pages = "390--402", Month = may, Year = 1987) @article(MALO87b, Author="Thomas W. Malone, Joanne Yates, and Robert I. Benjamin", Title="Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="484-497", Month=jun, Year=1987) @book(MALO88, Author = "Murray Maloney et al.", Title = "Soft{Q}uad Author/Editor Users Guide", Publisher = "SoftQuad Inc.", Address = "Toronto, Canada", Month = jun, Year = 1988) @article(MAMR87, Author="S.A. Mamrak and M.J. Kaelbling and C.K. Nicholas and M. Share", Title="A Software architecture for Supporting the Exchange of Electronic Manuscripts", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=5, Pages="408--415", Month=may, Year=1987) @inproceedings(MANG88, Author = "Steve Mango and others", Title = "Microwave Remote Sensing Subpanel Report", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "27--35", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year =1988) @article(MANN88, Author="Michael V. Mannino and Paicheng Chu and Thomas Sager", Title="Statistical Profile Estimation in Database Systems", Journal=acmcs, Volume=20, Number=3, Pages="191--221", Month=sep, Year=1988) @article(MANT88, Author="Marylin M. Mantei and Toby J. Teorey", Title="Cost/Benefit for incorporating Human Factors in the software Lifecycle", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=4, Pages="428-439", Month=apr, Year=1988) @book(MARC89, Author = "Alan B. Marchant", Title = "Optical Recording", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley Book Express", Address = "PO Box 9159, Boston, MA", Year = "1989") @article(MARCH88, Author = "Gary Marchionini and Ben Shneiderman", Title = "Finding Facts vs. Browsing Knowledge in Hypertext Systems", Journal = "Computer", Note = "ISSN 0028-9162", Volume = "21", Number = "1", Pages = "70--79", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @inbook(MARC84, Author = "Mitchell P. Marcus", Title = "Some Inadequate Theories of Human Information Processing", Booktitle = "Talking Minds: The Study of Language in Cognitive Science", Editor = "Thomas G. Bever and John M. Carroll and Lance A. Miller", Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Pages = "253--278", Year = 1984) @article(MARC83, Author = "R. S. Marcus", Title = "An Experimental Comparison of the Effectiveness of Computers and Humans as Search Intermediaries", Journal = jasis, Volume = "34", Number = "6", Pages = "381--4048", Month = nov, Year = 1983) @inproceedings(MARC86, Author = "Richard S. Marcus", Title = "Design Questions in the Development of Expert Systems for Retrieval Assistance", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "185--189", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MARC91, Author = "Richard S. Marcus", Title = "Computer and human understanding in intelligent retrieval assistance", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 54th ASIS Annual Meeting", Volume = 28, Pages = "49--59", Location = "Washington, D.C.", Month = "27-31 October", Year = 1991) @book(MARCU91, Author = "Aaron Marcus", Title = "Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User Inferfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(MARK91, Author="Brian D. Markey", Title="Emerging Hypermedia Standards", Journal="Proceedings of the USENIX Conference", Month=jun, Year=1991) @inproceedings(MARK87, Author = "Karen Markey and Karen Calhoun", Title = "Unique Words Contributed by Marc Records with Summary and/or Contents Notes", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "153--162", Year = 1987) @incollection(MARK88, Author = "Michael Jay Markman", Title = "Epilogue: Hypercard", Pages = "333--339", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(MARK90, Author = "Judith Markowitz and J. Markowitz and J. Terry Nutter and Martha W. Evens", Title = "Beyond Is-A and Part-Whole: More Semantic Network Links", Journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications", Volume = "X", Number = "X", Pages = "X", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(MARKO88, Author = "Markowitz, Judith and Sumali Pin-Ngern and Martha Evens and James Anderson and Sun M. Li", Title = "Generating Lexical Database Entries for Phrases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Waterloo Conference", Location = "Waterloo, Ontario", Month = "October", Year = "1988", Pages = "115--127") @inproceedings(MARK86, Author = "Judith Markowitz and Thomas Ahlwsede and Martha Evens", Title = "Semantically Significant Patterns in Dictionary Definitions", Booktitle = "Proceedings 24th Annual Meeting of the ACL", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "112--119", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MARKE91, Author = "Brian D. Markey", Title = "Emerging Hypermedia Standards: Hypermedia Marketplace Prepares for {HyTime} and {MHEG}", Booktitle = "Proc. USENIX Conf.", Address = "Nashville, TN", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(MARK87, Author="M. Lynne Markus and Niels Bjorn-Anderson", Title="Power over Users", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="498-505", Month=jun, Year=1987) @inproceedings(MARS83, Author = "E. Marsh", Title = "Utilizing Domain-Specific Information for Processing Compact Text", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference of Applied Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "Association of Computational Linguistics", Pages = "99--103", Year = 1983) @article(MARS82, Author="T.A. Marsland and M. Campbell", Title="Parallel Search of Strongly Ordered Game Trees", Journal=acmcs, Volume=14, Number=4, Pages="533-553", Month=dec, Year=1982) @inproceedings(MARS92, Author = "Peter Marshall", Title = "{WAIS}: The {W}ide {A}rea {I}nformation {S}erver or anonymous what???", Booktitle = "Proc. Canadian Net'92", Address = "St John's NFLD", Month = jun, Year = 1992) @incollection(MART87a, Author = "Brian Martin", Title = "The First {CD} {ROM} Publication", Chapter = "15", Pages = "269--282", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Booktitle = "{CD} {ROM} Optical Publication", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @book(MART86, Author = "Johannes J. Martin", Title = "Data Types and Data Structures", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall International", Address = "Englewood-Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MART87, Author = "J. Sperling Martin", Title = "The {AAP} Standard Markup Language", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Developers Workshop, Second International Conference on {CDROM}", Address = "Seattle, WA", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @article{MARTS88, author={Martins, J.P. and Shapiro, S.C.}, title={A Model for Belief Revision}, journal={Artificial Intelligence}, volume=35, pages={25-79}, year=1988} @article(MART86b, Author="P. Martin and D. Tsichritzis", Title="Complete Logical Routings in Computer Mail Systems", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=4, Number=1, Pages="64-80", Month=jan, Year=1986) @article(MART90, author="Johnny Martin Martin and W.S. Tsai", title="{N-Fold} Inspection: A Requirements Analysis Technique", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="225-232", month=feb, year=1990) @InProceedings{MATS90, author={Matsukawa, T. and Nakamura, J.-I. and Nagao, M.}, title={An Algorithm of Word Clustering from Co-occurrence Data Using DM Composition and Statistical Estimation}, organization={COLING 90}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, month="August", year=1990} @misc(MAUL86, Author = "Michael L. Mauldin", Title = "Thesis Proposal: Information Retrieval by Text Skimming", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University", Address = "Pittsburgh, PA", Month = may, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MAUL91, Author="Michael L. Mauldin", Title="Performance in FERRET: A Conceptual Information Retrieval System", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="347-- 354", Year=1991) @article(MAUR91, Author = "H. Maurer and M. R. Williams", Title = "Hypermedia systems and other computer support as infrastructure for museums", Journal = "Journal of Microcomputer Applications", Volume = "14", Pages = "117--137", Year = 1991) @inbook(MAXW74, Author = "Maxwell, Edward and Raoul N. Smith", Year = "1974", Title = "A Computerized Lexicon of English", Editor = "Mitchell", Title = "Computers in the Humanities", Publisher = "Edinburgh University Press", Pages = "124-131") @misc(MAXW85, Author = "Allen J. Maxwell Jr.", Title = "Installation of the {SMART} Information Retrieval System and its Use for Retrieval of Book Passages", Institution = vpisu, Month = may, Year = 1985) @book(MAYB91, Author = "Mark Maybury, ed.", Title = "Proceedings of the {AAAI}-91 Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces", Publisher = "Amer. Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence", Month = "July 15,", Year = 1991, Address = "Anaheim, CA") @article(MAYE86, Author="Richard E. Mayer, Jennifer L. Dyck, and William Vilberg", Title="Learning to Program and Learning to Think: What's the Connection?", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="605-610", Month=jul, Year=1986) @techreport(MAYF92, Author = "James Mayfield and Charles Nicholas", Title = "Using semantic nets to enrich hypertext links", Institution = "University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Computer Science", Number = "TR CS-92-02", Month = jan, Year = 1992) @techreport(MAYO90, Author="Kevin A. Mayo, Steven A. Wake, and Sallie M. Henry", Title="Static and Dynamic Software Quality Metric Tools", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-52", Year=1990) @techreport(MAYO91, Author="Kevin A. Mayo and Sallie Henry", Title="Communicational Measurement", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month="Oct 11,", Year=1991) @inproceedings(MAYS86, Author = "Eric Mays", Title = "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning About Changing Data Bases in the Context of Natural Language Question-Answering", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceedings from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", Pages = "559--578", Year = 1986) @article(MCCA92, Author="Georgia L. McCabe", Title="The {P}hoto {CD} Strategy: A Revolution In Imaging?", Journal="CD-ROM Professional", Pages="18--24", Month=jan, Year=1992) @book(MCCA79, Author = "McCawley, James", Year = "1979", Title = "Adverbs, Vowels, and Other Objects of Wonder", Publisher = "University of Chicago Press", Address = "Chicago, IL") @inbook(MCCA86, Author = "McCawley, James", Year = "1986", Title = "What Linguists Might Contribute to Dictionary Making If They Could Get Their Act Together", Booktitle = "The Real-World Linguist", Publisher = "Ablex", Address = "Norwood, NJ", Pages = "3-18") @article(MCCA89, Author = "Robert McCarthy", Title = "Behind the Scenes at {B}ank {S}treet {C}ollege", Journal = "Electronic Learning", Pages = "30--34", Month = oct, Year = 1989) @inproceedings(MCCO84, Author = "Michael C. McCord", Title = "Semantic Interpretation for the Epistle System", Booktitle = "Proceedings ILPC-84", Pages = "65--76", Year = 1984) @article(MCCU85, Author = "McCune, et al., Brian P.", Title = "{RUBRIC}: A System for Rule-Based Information Retrieval", Journal = "IEEE Trans. on Software Eng.", Volume = "SE-11", Number = "9", Pages = "939--945", Month = sep, Year = 1985) @article(MCDO89, Author="Charles E. McDowell and David P. Helmbold", Title="Debugging Concurrent Programs", Journal=acmcs, Volume=21, Number=4, Pages="593-624", Month=dec, Year=1989) @book(MCGE85, Title = "The Design of Interactive Computer Displays", Author = "K. McGee and C. Matthews", Publisher = "Report Store", Address = "Lawrence, KA", Year = 1985) @article(MCGI76, Author = "McGill, et al., M. J.", Title = "Syracuse Information Retrieval Experiment (SIRE): Design of an On-Line Bibliographic Retrieval System", Journal = "ACM SIGIR Forum", Volume = "10", Number = "4", Pages = "37--44", Month = "Spring", Year = 1976) @techreport(MCGI79, Author = "M. J. McGill and M. Koll and T. Noreault", Title = "An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Document Ranking By Information Retrieval Systems", Institution = "Syracuse University School of Information Studies", Number = "xx", Year = 1979) @article(MCGI87, Author = "Tony McGinty", Title = "Three Trailblazing Technologies for Schools: {CD-ROM}, Artificial Intelligence, Speech Technology", Journal = "Electronic Learning", Volume = "17", Number = "1", Pages = "26--30", Month = sep, Year = 1987) @misc(MCGU86, Author = "Thomas R. McGuire", Title = "The Enhanced Library Search Interface", Institution = vpisu, Note = "MS Report", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(MCHE86, author="William K. McHenry and Seymour E. Goodman", title="{MIS} in Soviet Enterprises", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1034-1043", month=nov, year=1986) @misc(MCIL84, Author = "M. D. McIlroy", Note = "Personal communication on February 8, 1984", Year = 1984) @article(MCKE91, Author="L. Edwin McKenzie, Jr. and Richard T. Nodgrass", Title="Evaluation of Relational Algebras Incorporating the Time Dimension in Databases", Journal=acmcs, Volume=23, Number=4, Pages="501--544", Month=dec, Year=1991) @techreport(MCKE83, Author = "Kathleen R. McKeown", Title = "Natural Language Systems: How are they meeting human needs", Institution = "Columbia University", Number = "CUCS-76-83", Year = 1983) @inproceedings(MCKE85, Author = "Kathleen R. McKeown and Myron Wish and Kevin Matthews", Title = "Tailoring Explanations for the User", Booktitle = "Proc. IJCAI-85", Year = 1985) @article(MCKE86, Author="G.P. McKeown", Title="Iterated Interpolation Using a Systolic Array", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Month=jun, Pages="162--170", Year=1986) @inproceedings(MCKI87, Author = "Alastair McKinnon", Title = "Mapping the shape of an argument", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "170--180", Year = 1987) @article(MCKU85, Author = "Marshall Kirk McKusick", Title = "UNIX Unleashed", Journal = "UNIX Review", Volume = "3", Number = "10", Pages = "28--33", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @techreport(MCLI87, Author="Brian Thomas McLintock and John W. Roach", Title="Musical Expression in Automated Composition of Phrases", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-34", Month=nov, Year=1987) @article(MCMATH89, Author = "Charles F. McMath and Robert S. Tamaru and Roy Rada", Title = "A graphical thesaurus-based information retrieval system", Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "31", Pages = "121--147", Year = "1989") @article(MCMA90, Author = "Frank McMahon", Title = "Day in the life of {A}migas in Television", Journal = "Amazing Computing", Volume = "5", Number = "8", Pages = "46--50", Year = "1989") @article(MCMA91, Author="Neil McManus", Title="JPEG-compressed images can print to PS Level 2 with EPS method", Journal="MacWeek", Volume=5, Number=41, Pages="30", Month="Dec. 3,", Year=1991) @book(MEAD81, Author = "C. T. Meadow and P. A. Cohrane", Title = "Basics of Online Searching", Publisher = "John Wiley and Sons", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1981) @book(MEDN86, Author = "Zigurd R. Mednieks and Terry M. Schilke", Title = "C Programming Techniques for the Macintosh", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams and Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Year = 1986) @article(MEGH91, Author="Carlo Meghini, Fausto Rabitti, and Costantino Thanos", Title="Conceptual Modeling of Multimedia Documents", Journal="IEEE Computer", Volume=24, Number=10, Pages="23-32", Month="October", Year=1991) @inproceedings(MEHL82, Author = "K. Mehlhorn", Title = "On the program size of perfect and universal hash functions", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Pages = "170--175", Year = 1982) @article(MEHT86, Author="Cyrus R. Mehta and Nitin R. Patel", Title="Algorithm 643", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Month=jun, Pages="154--161", Year=1986) @incollection(MELC73, Author = "I. A. Mel'cuk", Title = "Towards a Linguistic `Meaning -- Text' Model", Booktitle = "Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics", Editor = "F. Kiefer", Publisher = "Dordrecht -- Holland: D. Reidel", Pages = "33--57", Year = 1973) @book(MELC84, Author = "Igor Mel'cuk and Nadia Arbatchewsky-Jumarie and Leo Elnitsky and Lidija Iordanskaya and Adele Lessard", Title = "Dictionnaire Explicatif et Combinatorie du Francais Contemporain", Publisher = "University of Montreal Press", Address = "Montreal, Canada", Year = 1984) @inbook(MELC88, Author = "Mel'\v cuk, Igor and Alexander Zholkovsky", Year = "1988", Title = "The Explanatory-Combinatory Dictionary", Editor = "Martha Evens", Booktitle = "Relational Models of the Lexicon", Address = "Cambridge, England", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Pages = "41--73") @techreport(MELV90, Author="Robert C. Melville et al", Title="Globally Convergent Homotopy Methods for the DC Operating Point Problem", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-61", Year=1990) @article(MEND85, Author="Haim Mendelson", Title="Pricing Computer Services: {Queueing} Effects", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=3, Pages="312--321", Month=mar, Year=1985) @book(MERI87, Publisher = "Meridian Data, Inc.", Title = "{CD} Publisher: User Manual", Address = "Capitola, CA", Year = 1987) @inbook(MERR82, Author = "Paul F. Merrill", Title = "Displaying Text on Microcomputers", Booktitle = "The Technology of Text: Principles for Structuring, Designing, and Displaying Text", Editor = "David H. Jonassen", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Pages = "401--414", Year = 1982) @article(METZ89, Author = "Douglas P. Metzler and Stephanie W. Haas", Title = "The Constituent Object Parser: Syntactic Structure Matching for Information Retrieval", Journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = 7, Number = 3, Month = July, Year = 1989, Pages ="292--316") @incollection(MEYE86, Author = "Rick Meyer", Title = "From Online to Ondisc", Booktitle = "{CD} {ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "467--484", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MICC86, Author = "H. Mary Micco and Irma Smith", Title = "Designing an Expert System for the Reference Function: Subject Access to Information", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "204--210", Year = 1986) @inbook(MICH71, Author = "Michelson et al.", Title = "An Experiment in the Use of Bibliographic Data as a Source of Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "The Smart Retrieval System: Experiments in Automatic Document Processing", Editor = "G. Salton", Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1971) @article(MICH92, Author="Brian Michon", Title="Highly Iconic Interfaces", Chapter = "20", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "357--372", Year=1992) @book(MICR89, Title = "{CD-ROM} Yearbook 1989-90", Author = "Microsoft Press", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "I-55615-000-8", Year = "1989") @book(MILLC86, Title = "The Essential Guide to Interactive Videodisc Hardware", Author = "Charles Miller", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Wesport, CT", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MILLD85a, Author = "D. Miller", Title = "A spatial representation system for mobile robots", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1985 Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation", Address = "St. Louis, MO", Pages = "122--127", Month = mar, Year = 1985) @techreport(MILLD85b, Author = "D. Miller", Title = "Planning by Search through Simulation", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, Yale University", Number = "423", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(MILLD85c, Author = "D. Miller and R. J. Firby and T. Dean", Title = "Deadlines, Travel time and Robot Problem solving", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Address = "Los Angeles, CA", Pages = "1052--1054", Month = aug, Year = 1985) @techreport(MILLD87, Author = "David C. Miller", Title = "Compact Disc Interactive: An Early 1987 Status Report", Institution = "Fred Meyer Charitable Trust, Library and Information Resources for the Northwest", Month = feb, Year = 1987, Note = "Available from Fred Meyer Charitable Trust 1515 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Portland OR 97201") @techreport(MILLD86a, Author = "David C. Miller", Title = "The New Optical Media Mid-1986: A Status Report", Institution = "Fred Meyer Charitable Trust, Library and Information Resources for the Northwest", Month = aug, Year = 1986, Note = "Available from Fred Meyer Charitable Trust, 1515 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97201") @techreport(MILLD86b, Author = "David C. Miller", Title = "Moving Information: Graphic Images on {CD-ROM}", Institution = "Fred Meyer Charitable Trust, Library and Information Resources for the Northwest", Month = nov, Year = 1986, Note = "Available from Fred Meyer Charitable Trust, 1515 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97201") @article(MILL87b, Author = "David C. Miller", Title = "Evaluating {CDROM}s: To Buy or What to Buy?", Journal = "Database", Month = jun, Pages = "36--XX", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(MILL85a, Author = "George A. Miller", Title = "Dictionaries of the Mind", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ACL", Pages = "305--314", Month = jul, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(MILL85b, Author = "George A. Miller", Title = "Wordnet: A Dictionary Browser", Booktitle = "Proceedings First Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary: Information in Data", Month = nov, Address = "Waterloo, Canada", Pages = "25--28", Year = 1985) @article(MILLJ91, Author = "James P. Miller", Title = "Blue-green laser chip developed by {3M} increases the storage capacity of discs", Journal = "The Wall Street Journal", Volume = "243", Number = "43", Month = "Aug. 29,", Pages = "B5", Year = 1991) @inproceedings{MILLE88, Author = "Richard B. Miller and others", Title = "Science Data Management Subpanel Report", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "51--63", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @book(MILL86a, Author = "Rockley Miller Binder and John Sayers", Title = "The US Videodisc Market: Analysis and Forecasts to 1990", Publisher = "Future Systems, Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-01-8", Year = "1986") @book(MILL86b, Author = "Rockley Miller Binder and John Sayers", Title = "Videodisc and Related Technologies: A Glossary of Terms", Publisher = "Future Systems, Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-02-6", Year = "1986") @book(MILL86c, Author = "Charles Miller", Title = "The Essential Guide to Interactive Videodisc Hardware and Applications", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT", Year = "1986") @techreport(MILL86d, Author="David P. Miller and Prabhakar M. Koushik", Title="Low Error Path Planning for a Synchro-Drive Mobile Robot", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-28", Year=1986) @incollection(MILLR87, Author = "Rockley L. Miller", Title = "An Overview of the Interactive Market", Chapter = "1", Pages = "1--14", Booktitle = "{CD-I} and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @book(MILLR87b, Author = "Rockley Miller and Roberta Binder and John Sayers", Title = "Compatibility of Interactive Videodisc Systems", Publisher = "Future Systems, Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-03-4", Year = "1987") @article(MILL87a, Author = "Carol Bergfeld Mills and Linda J. Weldon", Title = "Reading Text from Computer Screens", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "19", Number = "4", Pages = "329--359", Month = dec, Year = 1987) @techreport(MILL87b, Author="David P. Miller", Title="A Task Resource Scheduling System for Automated Planning", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-1", Year=1987) @article(MILL90, author="David J. Miller", title="Simulation of a Semiconductor Manufacturing Line", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="98-108", month=oct, year=1990) @article(MILO86, Author="G.V. Milovanovic and M.S. Petkovic", Title="On Computational Efficiency of the Iterative Methods for the Simultaneous Approximation of Polynomial Zeros", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Month=dec, Pages="295--306", Year=1986) @book(MILS84, Author = "Jessica L. Milstead", Title = "Subject Access Systems: Alternatives in Design", Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc.", Address = "Orlando, FL", Year = 1984) @book(MINN88, Author = "{Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation}", Title = "Videodiscs for Education: A Directory", Publisher = "Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation", Address = "3490 Lexington North, Saint Paul, MN", Edition = "Third", Note = "0-87490-403-X", Year = "1988") @incollection(MINS75, Author = "M. Minsky", Title = "A Framework for Representing Knowledge", Booktitle = "The Psychology of Computer Vision", Editor = "P. Winston", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1975) @article(MINS92, Author="Margaret Minsky and Ming Ouh-Young and Oliver Steele and Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. and Max Behensky", Title="Feeling and Seeing: Issues in Force Display", Chapter = "16", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="289--306", Year=1992) @article(MINS94, Author="Marvin Minsky and Doug Riecken", Title = "A Conversation with {M}arvin {M}insky About Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "22--29", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @inproceedings(MINT85, Author = "Steven Minton and Philip J. Hayes and Jill Fain", Title = "Controlling search in flexible parsing", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "785--787", Year = 1985) @article(MINZ92, Author = "S. E. Minzer", Title = "Signaling and Control for Multimedia Services", Journal = "IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Comm.", Volume = "?", Number = "?", Pages = "1383--1394", Month = dec, Year = 1991) @incollection(MISC87, Author = "William H. Mishco and Jounghyoun Lee", Title = "End-User Searching of Bibliographic Databases", Booktitle = "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology", Editor = "Martha E. Williams", Volume = "22", Pages = "227--264", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers", Address = "New York, NY", Note = "ISBN 0-444-70320-0", Year = 1987) @article(MISR86, Author="Jayadev Misra", Title="Distributed-discrete Event Simulation", Journal=acmcs, Volume=18, Number=1, Pages="39-66", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(MITC94, Author="Tom Mitchell and Rich Caruana and Dayne Freitag and John McDermott and David Zabowski", Title = "Experience with a Learning Personal Assistant", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "80--91", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @inproceedings(MITE88, Author = "N. N. Mitev", Title = "Human Computer Interaction and Online Catalogues", Booktitle = "OPACs and Beyond, Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC", Year = 1988) @article(MIT89, Author = "{MIT} Media Laboratory", Journal = "edu Magazine", Title = "A Place Where Ideas Come to Life", Number = "59", Pages = "26--28", Month = "Fall", Year = "1989") @article(MITT84, Author = "Sanjay Mittal and B. Chandrasekaran and Jon Sticklen", Title = "Patrec: A Knowledge-Directed Database for a Diagnostic Expert System", Journal = "{IEEE} Computer", Volume = "17", Number = "9", Pages = "51--58", Month = sep, Year = 1984) @misc(MITTO85, Author = "Roger Mitton", Title = "A Description of the file OALD.DAT", Note = "Personal Communication, July 18", Year = 1985) @article(MOGH75, Author = "Dineh Moghdam", Title = "User Training for On-Line Information Retrieval Systems", Journal = jasis, Volume = "26", Number = "3", Pages = "184--188", Month = "May--June", Year = 1975) @article(MOLI90, Author="Rolf Molich and Jakob Nielson", Title="improving a Human-Computer dialogue", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=3, Pages="338-348", Month=mar, Year=1990) @inproceedings(MOMT90, Author = "Parham Momtahan and Ragui Kamel", Title = "{PX} Connection Architecture", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @inproceedings(MOON85, Author = "Raymond Mooney and Gerald DeJong", Title = "Learning schemata for natural language processing", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "681--687", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(MOOR85, Author = "Frank Moore", Title = "The Files Archival Image Storage and Retrieval (FAISR) System", Booktitle = "Proceedings 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk, and {CD-ROM} Conference and Exposition", Month = dec, Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Pages = "146--149", Year = 1985) @techreport(MOOS87a, Author="Robert L. Moose, Jr. and Richard E. Nance", Title="Model Analysis in a Model Development Environment", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-29", Month=jul, Year=1987) @techreport(MOOS87b, Author="Robert L. Moose, Jr. and Richard E. Nance", Title="Link Models for Networks with Dynamic Topologies", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-15", Month=apr, Year=1987) @techreport(MOOS88, Author="Robert L. Moose, Jr.", Title="Modeling Networks with Dynamic Topologies", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-32", Month=jan, Year=1988) @article(MORE82, Author="Bernard M.E. Moret", Title="Decision Trees and Diagrams", Journal=acmcs, Volume=14, Number=4, Pages="593--624", Month=dec, Year=1982) @techreport(MORG86, Author="Alexander P. Morgan and Layne T. Watson", Title="A Globally Convergent Parallel Algorithm for Zeros of Polynomial Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-25", Year=1986) @techreport(MORG87a, Author="Alexander P. Morgan and Andrew Sommese and Layne T. Watson", Title="Collapsing the Resultant Dipole System", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-33", Year=1987) @techreport(MORG87b, Author="Alexander Morgan and Andrew J. Sommese and Layne T. Watson", Title="Finding All Isolated Solutions to Polynomial Systems Using Hompack", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-28", Year=1987) @article(MORR86, Author="James H. Morris, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Michael H. Conner, John H. Howard, David S.H. Rosenthal, and F. Donelson Smith", Title="Andrew: A Distributed Personal Computing Environment", Journal="cacm", Volume=29, Number=3, Pages="184-201", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(MORR86, Author = "J. M. Morrissey and D. J. Harper and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Title = "Interactive querying techniques for an office filing faculty", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Pages = "121--134", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MORR83, Author = "J. Morrissey", Title = "An Intelligent Terminal for Implementing Relevance Feedback on Large Operational Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Information Retrieval Proceedings", Month = may, Editor = "G. Salton and Hans-Jochen Schneider", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Berlin", Pages = "38--50", Year = 1983) @article(MORR90, Author="J.M. Morrissey", Title="Imprecise Information and Uncertainty in Information Systems", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=2, Pages="159--180", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(MORR91, Author="A. Morris", Title="Expert systems for library and information services - a review", Journal=ipm, Volume=27, Number=3, Pages="713--724", Year=1991) @article(MOSS90, Author="J. Eliot B. Moss", Title="Design of the Mneme Persistent Object Store", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=2, Pages="103--139", Month=apr, Year=1990) @inproceedings(MOTR86, Author = "Amihai Motro", Title = "Query Generalization: A Method for Interpreting Null Answers", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceedings from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Pages = "597--616", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(MOTZ84, Author = "Dalia Motzkin and Kenneth Williams and Karl Chang", Title = "Uniform organization of inverted files", Booktitle = "AFIPS Conference Proceedings of the 1984 National Computer Conference", Address = "Las Vegas, NV", Pages = "567--585", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(MOTZ91, Author="D. Motzkin", Title="An Efficient Directory System for Document Retrieval", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="291--304", Year=1991) @misc(MUEL87, Author = "Kurt Mueller and Jim Kearney", Title = "Optical Storage - The Future is Here Today", Year = 1987) @article(MUKH86, Author = "Uttam Mukhopadhyay and Larry M. Stephens and Michael N. Huhns and Ronald D. Bonnell", Title = "An Intelligent System for Document Retrieval in Distributed Office Environments", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "3", Pages = "123--135", Month = may, Year = 1986) @incollection(MULL92, Author = "Michael J. Muller and Robert F. Farrell and Kathleen D. Cebulka and John G. Smith", Title = "Issues in the Usability of Time-Varying Multimedia", Chapter = "1", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="7-38", Year = "1992") @article(MUNS88, Author="John C. Munson", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure {XVIII}", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=3, Pages="334--341", Month=mar, Year=1988) @techreport(MURT86, Author="Katta G. Murty and Layne T. Watson and L.M. Kelly", Title="A Geometric Problem in Simplicial Cones with Applications to Linear Complimentary Problems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-29", Year=1986) @inproceedings(MUSM90, Author = "Hans Georg Musmann", Title = "The {ISO} Audio Coding Standard", Booktitle = "Proc. Globecom 90", Month = dec, Organization = "University of Hanover", publisher = "{IEEE}", Year = 1990) @techreport(MYAE86, Author = "Sung Myaeng and Robert R. Korfhage", Title = "Towards an Intelligent and Personalized Information Retrieval System", Number = "86-CSE-10", Institution = "Southern Methodist University Department of Computer Science", Address = "Dallas, TX", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @article(MYER90, Author="Brad A. Myers", Title="A New Model for Handling Input", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="289-320", Month="July", Year=1990) @article(MYER83, Author = "T. A. Myer", Title = "Standards for Global Messaging: A Progress Report", Journal = "J. Telecommunication Networks", Volume = "2", Number = "4", Month = "Winter", Year = 1983) @book(MYER86, Author = "Patti Myers", Title = "Publishing with {CD-ROM}", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Note = "ISBN 088736-181-1", Year = 1986) @inbook(MYLO84, Author = "John Mylopoulos and Hector J. Levesque", Title = "An Overview of Knowledge", Editor = "Michael L. Brodie and John Mylopoulos and Joachim W. Schmidt", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "3--18", Year = 1984) @article(MYSL91, Author="Rik Myslewski and the MacUser Lab Staff", Title="Is It Time For CD-ROM?", Journal="MacUser", Volume=7, Number=6, Pages="151-166", Month="June", Year=1991) @incollection(NADL88, Author = "Jeffery N. Nadler and Robert J. Wiesenberg", Title = "CD ROM Hardware", Pages = "79--106", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @article(NAGA85, Author = "M. Nagao and J. Tsujii and J. Nakamura", Title = "The {J}apanese Government Project for Machine Translation", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "11", Pages = "91--110", Year = 1985) @article(NAGE88, Author="H. Nagel", Title="From image Sequences Towards Conceptual Descriptions", Journal="Image and Vision Computing", Volume=6, Number=2, Pages="59--74", Month=may, Year=1988) @techreport(NAIS85, Author = "Lee Naish", Title = "{MU}-{P}rolog 3.2db Reference Manual", Institution = "Melbourne University", Month = jul, Year = 1985) @techreport(NAIS83, Author = "L. Naish and J. Thom", Title = "The MU-Prolog Deductive Database", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Melbourne", Number = "83/10", Month = nov, Year = 1983) @book(NAIS84, Author = "John Naisbitt", Title = "Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives", Publisher = "Warner Books", Address = "New York", Year = 1984) @article(NAKA90, Author="Shizuo Nakano, Naofumi Nagai, Ritsuo Sawada, and Osamu Miyagishi", Title="Network Control Method and Human-Machine Interface Design for ISDN Multimedia Terminal", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="360-367", Month=apr, Year=1990) @techreport(NANC86, Author="Richard E. Nance and James D. Arthur and Ashok V. Dandekar", Title="Evaluation of Software Development Methodologies: A Final Report", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-42", Year=1986) @article(NANC87a, author="Richard E. Nance, Robert L. Moose, Jr. and Robert V. Foutz", title="A Statistical Technique for Comparing Heuristics", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=12, pages="430-449", month=dec, year=1986) @techreport(NANC87b, Author="Richard E. Nance and Robert L. Moose", Title="Link Capacity Assignments in Dynamic Hierarchial Networks", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-30", Month=jul, Year=1987) @techreport(NANC87c, Author="Richard E. Nance", Title="The Conical Methodology: A Framework for Simulation Model Development", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-8", Month=dec, Year=1987) @techreport(NANC88, Author="Richard E. Nance", Title="Contemplations of a Simulated Navel", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-35", Month=jan, Year=1988) @techreport(NANC89, Author="Richard E. Nance, Benjamin J. Keller, and Dave Boldery", Title="Documentation Production Under Next Generation Technologies", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-26", Month="Feb. 15,", Year=1989) @techreport(NANC89b, Author="Richard E. Nance and Benjamin J. Keller, and Dave Boldery", Title="Documentation Production Under Next Generation Technologies", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-13", Month="Feb. 15,", Year=1989) @techreport(NANC90, Author="Richard E. Nance, James D. Arthur, and Benjamin J. Keller", Title="Requirements for a Software Maintanence Methodology", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-4", Month="Jan 18,", Year=1990) @techreport(NANC91, Author="Richard E. Nance, James D. Arthur, and John A. Ciarmella, Jr.", Title="Requirements for a Software Maintenance Methodology", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Year=1991) @inproceedings(NARA90, Author = "Arun Narasimhan and Edward A. Fox", Title = "Application of Multimedia in Simulation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of The Twentieth Annual Virginia Computer Users Conference", Pages = "166--180", Month = sep, Institution = "VPI\&SU Department of Computer Science", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Year = 1990) @article(NARA91, Author="A. Desai Narasimhalu and Stavros Christodoulakis", Title="Multimedia Information System: The Unfolding of a Reality", Journal="IEEE Computer", Volume=24, Number=10, Pages="6-8", Month="October", Year=1991) @mastersthesis(NARA92, author = "Arun Narasimhan", title = "Design of the {I}ntegrator to work with {HyT}ime", school = "Virginia Tech, Dept. of Computer Science", year = "1992", month = jan) @article(NASH86, Author="J.C. Nash and R.L.C. Wang", Title="Algorithm 645", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="274--277", Year=1986) @inproceedings(NASHXX, Author = "John C. Nash and Mary M. Nash", Title = "General data structures for time and money programs", Booktitle = "X", Pages = "113--120", Year = "X") @book(NATI86, Author = "{National School Boards Association}", Title = "Should Schools use Videodiscs?", Publisher = "National School Boards Association", Address = "1680, Duke Street, Alexandria, VA", Year = "1986") @article(NAZE86, Author="J.L. Nazareth", Title="Implementation Aids for the Optimization Algorithms that Solve Sequences of Linear Programs", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Month=dec, Pages="307--323", Year=1986) @article(NEGR81, Author="N. Negroponte", Title="Media Room", Journal="Proc. of the Society for Information Display", Volume=22, Number=2, Pages="109-113", Year=1981) @article(NEGR91, Author = "Nicholas Negroponte", Title = "Vanishing Point", Journal = "{NeXTWORLD}", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "98--100", Year = 1991) @book(NELS87a, Author = "Nancy Melin Nelson", Title = "Essential Guide to the Library (IBM PC)", Publisher = "Meckler Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Volume = "8 - Library Applications of Optical Disk and {CD-ROM} Technology", Year = 1987) @book(NELS87b, Author = "Nancy Melin Nelson", Title = "{CD-ROM}s in Print 1987", Publisher = "Meckler Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Note = "ISBN 0-88736-179-X", Year = 1987) @article(NELS86a, Author = "Nancy Melin Nelson", Title = "AAP Sets Things Straight", Journal = "{CD-ROM} Review", Volume = "2", Number = "2", Pages = "X", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(NELSO65, Author="T.H. Nelson", Title="A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Intermediate", Booktitle="Proc. of the ACM National Conf.", Pages="84--100", Year=1965) @book(NELSO81, Author="T.H. Nelson", Title = "Literary Machines", Address = "South Bend, IN", Publisher = "The Distributors", Year=1981) @book(NELSO87, Author = "Ted Nelson", Title = "Computer Lib", Publisher = "Tempus Books of Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1987, Note = "ISBN 0-914845-49-7") @article(NELS88, Author = "Theodor Nelson", Title = "To Strike the Lightning", Journal = "HyperAge", Month = "Feb--March", Pages = "5--6", Year = "1988") @article(NEUF86, Author = "Lynne M. Neufeld and Martha Cornog", Title = "Database History: From Dinosaurs to Compact Discs", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "4", Pages = "183--190", Month = jul, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(NEUM88, Author = "W. Russell Neuman", Title = "The mass audience looks at {HDTV}: an early experiment", Booktitle = "National Assoc. of Broadcasters Annual Convention", Address = "Las Vegas, NV", Publisher = "NAB", Year = 1988) @articleOB(NEUM90, author="Peter G. Neumann", title="Inside RISKS: Ghosts, Mysteries, and Uncertainty", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages=170, month=oct, year=1990) Note="also, Inside RISKS: Insecurity about Security in aug 1990 and 'Inside RISKS: Some Reflections on a Telephone Switching Problem' in jul 1990 issue" @article(NEUM91, author="Peter G. Neumann", title="Inside RISKS: Putting on your best Interface", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="138", month=mar, year=1991) @article(NEWB92, Author="Monty Newborn and Danny Kopec", Title="The 21st {ACM} North American Computer Chess Championship", Journal=cacm, Pages="67--83", Month=nov, Year=1991) @article(NEWC91, Author = "Steven R. Newcomb and Neill A. Kipp and Victoria T. Newcomb", Title = "The {HyTime} Hypermedia/Time-based Document Structuring Language", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "11", Pages = "67--83", Month = nov, Year = 1991) @article(NEWC91b, Author = "Steven R. Newcomb", Title = "Contributed Articles \& Documents", Journal = "SGML SIGhyper Newsletter", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @book(NEXT90, Author = "{NeXT Computers, Inc.}", publisher = "NeXT Computers, Inc.", Title = "NeXTstep Concepts", Year = 1990) @article(NICO90, Author="Cosmos Nicolaou", Title="An Architecture for Real-Time Multimedia Communication Systems", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="391-400", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(NIEH76, Author = "R. T. Niehoff", Title = "Development of an Integrated Energy Vocabulary and the Possibilities for On-Line Subject Switching", Journal = jasis, Volume = "27", Number = "1", Pages = "3--17", Month = "Jan--Feb", Year = 1976) @article(NIEL90a, Author = "Jakob Nielsen", Title = "The Art of Navigating Through {Hypertext}", Journal = cacm, Volume = "33", Number = "3", Pages = "297--310", Month = mar, Year = 1990) @article(NIEL90b, Author="Jakob Nielson", Title="Traditional Dialogue design to Modern User Interfaces", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=10, Pages="109-118", Month=oct, Year=1990) @article(NIIH86a, Author = "H. Penny Nii", Title = "Blackboard Systems: The Blackboard Model of Problem Solving and the Evolution of Blackboard Architectures", Journal = "The AI Magazine", Volume = "7", Number = "1", Pages = "38--53", Month = "Summer", Year = 1986) @article(NIIH86b, Author = "H. Penny Nii", Title = "Blackboard Systems: Blackboard Application Systems, Blackboard Systems from a Knowledge Engineering Perspective", Journal = "The AI Magazine", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Pages = "82--106", Month = aug, Year = 1986) @misc(NISO86a, Author = "NISO (Standards Committee EE of the National Information Standards Organization)", Title = "A Review and Commentary on the Working Paper for Information Processing Volume and File Structure of Compact Read Only Optical Discs for Information Exchange", Institution = "National Bureau of Standards", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(NISO86b, Author = "NISO", Title = "Standard ECMA-119 Volume and File Structure of CDROM for Information Interchange", Institution = "NISO", Address = "National Bureau of Standards, Administration 101, Library E-106, Gaithersburg, MC 20899", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @misc(NISO87, Author = "NISO (National Information Standards Organization)", Title = "A Proposed American National Standard for Information Sciences -- Common Command Language for Online Interactive Information Retrieval", Institution = "National Bureau of Standards", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD", Year = 1987) @book(NIST90a, Author = "{National Computer Systems Laboratory}", publisher = "NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology", address = "Gaithersburg, MD", Title = "Multimedia Courseware in an Open Systems Environment: A {DoD} Strategy", Month = "May", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(NIYO86, Author = "Debashish Niyogi and Sargur N. Srihari", Title = "Document Understanding Using a Knowledge-Based Methodology", Booktitle = "Proceedings Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Month = oct, Pages = "128--134", Address = "McLean, VA", Year = 1986) @article(NOLT92, Author="Joseph Nolthuis", Title="Multimedia and the Art of Linking Reality", Chapter = "5", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "79--86", Year=1992) @article(NORE77, Author = "T. Noreault and M. Koll and M. J. McGill", Title = "Automatic Ranked Output from {B}oolean Searches in SIRE", Journal = jasis, Volume = "28", Number = "6", Pages = "333--339", Month = nov, Year = 1977) @inbook(NORE81, Author = "T. Noreault and M. J. McGill and M. Koll", Title = "A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a {B}oolean Environment", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval Research", Publisher = "Butterworths", Editor = "Oddy et al.", Year = 1981) @article(NORE82, Author = "T. Noreault and R. Chatham", Title = "A Procedure for the Estimation of Term Similarity Measures", Journal = "Information Technology: Research and Development", Volume = "1", Month = jul, Year = 1982) @article(NORM94, Author="Donald A. Norman", Title = "How Might People Interact with Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "68--71", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @inproceedings(NORV87, Author = "Peter Norvig", Title = "Inference in Text Understanding", Booktitle = "Proceedings AAAI-87", Month = jul, Pages = "561--565", Year = 1987) @article(NOTK88, author="David Notkin, Andrew P. Black, Edward D. Lazowska, Henry M. Levy, Jan Sanislo, and John Zahorjan", title="Interconnecting Heterogeneous Computer Systems", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=3, pages="258-273", month=mar, year=1988) @techreport(NOWE94, Author="Lucy Nowell and Edward A. Fox and Lenwood Heath and Deborah Hix and William Wake and Eric Labow", Title="Seeing Things Your Way: Information Visualization for a User-Centered Database of Computer Science Literature", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 94-06", Year=1994) @techreport(NSF93, Author = "NSF", Title = "Research on Digital Libraries", Institution = "National Science Foundation", Number = "NSF 93-141", Year = 1993) @inproceedings(NUGE86, Author = "William R. Nugent", Title = "Error Detection and Correction Systems for Optical Disks: Issues of Media Defect Distribution, Defect Growth, Error Management and Disk Longevity", Editor = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Pages = "10--15", Booktitle = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of SPIE", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Note = "ISBN 0-89252-730-7", Volume = "2", Year = 1986) @article(NUGE88, Author = "William R. Nugent", Title = "Color compression results in a digital videodisc of prints and photographs", Pages = "258--261", Journal = "{SPIE} Optical Storage Technology and Applications", Publisher = "{SPIE} -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Volume = "899", Year = 1988) @article(NUNA91, Author="J.F. Nunamaker, Alan R. Dennis, Joseph S. Valacich, Douglas R. Vogel, and Joey F. George", Title="Electronic Meeting systems to Support Group Work", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=7, Pages="40-61", Month="July", Year=1991) @misc(NUNN87, Author = "Gary L. Nunn", Title = "Regression Analysis of Extended Vectors to Obtain Coefficients for Use in Probabilistic Information Retrieval Systems", Institution = "VPI\&SU Department of Computer Science", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "MS Report", Month = dec, Year = 1987) @article(NUSS91, author="Daniel Nussbaum and Anant Agarwal", title="Scalability of Parallel Machines", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="56-67", month=mar, year=1991) @inproceedings(NUTT83a, Author = "J. Terry Nutter", Title = "Default reasoning using monotonic logic: a modest proposal", Booktitle = "Proceedings AAAI-83, The National Conference on AI", Address = "Washington, D.C.", Month = aug, Pages = "297--300", Year = 1983) @techreport(NUTT83b, Author = "J.T. Nutter", Title = "Default Reasoning in {A.I.} Systems", Institution = "Computer Science Department, SUNY at Buffalo", Number = "204", Year = 1983) @techreport(NUTT85, Author = "J.T. Nutter", Title = "Deciding what to say: the need for dynamic selection criteria in connected text generation", Institution = "Tulane University Computer Science Department", Number = "85-101", Year = 1985) @techreport(NUTT86, Author="Jane Terry Nutter", Title="Uncertainty and Probability", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-36", Year=1986) @inproceedings(NUTT87, Author = "J. Terry Nutter", Title = "Assimilation: A Strategy for Implementing Self-Reorganizing Knowledge Bases", Booktitle = "Proceedings AAAI-87", Month = jul, Pages = "449--453", Year = 1987) @techreport(NUTT89b, Author = "J. Terry Nutter", Title = "A Lexical Relation Hierarchy", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Number = "TR-89-6", Year = 1989) @techreport(NUTT89c, Author="J. Terry Nutter", Title="Representing Knowledge About Words", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-22", Year=1989) @techreport(NUTT89d, Author="J. Terry Nutter", Title="Knowledge Representation Issues in Default Reasoning", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-21", Year=1989) @techreport(NUTT89e, Author="J. Terry Nutter and Steve J. Safigan and Angel M. Diaz, Jr.", Title="Design For a Fully Transportable Natural Language Front-End to Database Management Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-20", Year=1989) @techreport(NUTT89f, Author="J. Terry Nutter", Title="A Lexical Relation Hierarchy", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-6", Year=1989) @incollection(NUTT90OBa, Author = "J. Terry Nutter", Title = "Knowledge Based Lexicons", Booktitle = "Current Trends in SNePS -- Semantic Network Processing System", Editor = "D. Kumar", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Berlin, West-Germany", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(NUTT90b, Author = "J. Terry Nutter", Title = "Representing Knowledge About Words", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second National Conference of AI and Cognitive Science", Editor= "A.F. Smeaton and G. McDermott", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag British Computer Society Workshop series", Pages = "228--238", Year = 1990) @article(NUTT90c, Author = "J. T. Nutter and E. A. Fox and M. Evens", Title = "Building a lexicon from machine-readable dictionaries for improved information retrieval", Journal = "Literary and Linguistic Computing", Volume = "5", Number = "2", Pages = "129--138", Year = 1990) @techreport(NUTT90d, Author="J. Terry Nutter", Title="Al, Science, and Intellectual Processes: Preliminary Remarks and Arguments", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR-38", Year=1990) @techreport(NUTT90e, Author="J. Terry Nutter, Edward A. Fox, and Martha W. Evens", Title="Building a Lexicon from Machine-Readable Dictionaries for Improved Information Retrieval", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-17", Year=1990) @article(OCON80, Author = "J. O'Connor", Title = "Answer-Passage Retrieval by Text Searching", Journal = jasis, Volume = "31", Number = "4", Pages = "227--239", Year = 1980) @inproceedings(OCON86, Author = "Brian C. O'Connor", Title = "Representation and the Utility of Moving Image Documents", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Volume = "23", Pages = "237--243", Year = 1986) @article(ODDY77, Author = "R. N. Oddy", Title = "Information Retrieval through Man-Machine Dialogue", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "33", Number = "1", Pages = "1--14", Month = mar, Year = 1977) @incollection(OFIE86, Author = "Gabriel D. Ofiesh", title = "The Seamless Carpet of Knowledge and Learning", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "299--320", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @incollection(OFIE87, Author = "Gabriel D. Ofiesh", Title = "Interactive Information Technologies and Their Potential in Education", Chapter = "8", Pages = "161--171", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @article(OGUE90, Author="Francois Oguet and Christiane Schwartz and Francis Kretz and Maryse Quere", Title="{RAVI}, A Proposed Standard for the Interchange of Audio/visual interactive Applications", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="428--436", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(OJAL86, Author = "Marydee Ojala", Title = "Views on End-User Searching", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "4", Pages = "197--203", Year = 1986) @techreport(OKEE86a, Author="Robert M. O'Keefe and Osman Balci and Eric P. Smith", Title="Validation of Expert System Performance", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-37", Month="Nov. 18", Year=1986) @techreport(OKEE86b, Author="Robert M. O'Keefe and Ruth M. Davis", Title="Discrete Event Simulation With Pascal", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-12", Month=jun, Year=1986) @techreport(OKEE86c, Author="Robert M. O'Keefe", Title="An Interactive Simulation Description Interpreter", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-5", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(OKER91a, Author = "Ann Okerson and Kendon Stubbs", Title = "The {L}ibrary {``Doomsday} {Machine''}", Journal = "Publishers Weekly", Pages = "36--37", Month = "February 8,", Year = "1991") @misc(OKER91b, Author = "Ann Okerson", Title = "Building Electronic, Networked Journals in the Sciences", Note = "Association of Research Libraries (ARL), Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing", Howpublished = "Memorandum calling for May 1, 1991 meeting", Month = "April 8,", Year = "1991") @article(OLDE85, author="Rodney R. Oldehoeft and Stephan J. Allan", title="Adaptive Exact-Fit Storage Management", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="506-511", month=may, year=1985) @misc(OLNE68, Author = "Olney, John", Year = "1968", Note = "To All Interested in the Merriam-Webster Transcripts and Data Derived from Them, Systems Development Corporation Document L-13579") @article(OMAN90, author="Paul W. Oman and Curtis R. Cook", title="Typographic Style is More Than Cosmetic", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=5, pages="506-520", month=may, year=1990) @misc(OMI87, Author = "Optical Media International", Title = "TOPIX: {CD-ROM} Premaster/Encoding System Overview", Publisher = "Optical Media International", Address = "CA", Year = 1987) @book(OPTI90, Author = "{OptImage}", publisher = "{OptImage} Interactive Services Company", address = "Bensenville, IL", Title = "{CD-I} Starter System Users Manual", Year = 1990) @article(OREN86, Author = "Tim Oren and Gary A. Kildall", Title = "The {C}ompact {D}isk {R}OM: Applications Software", Journal = "IEEE Spectrum", Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "49--54", Month = apr, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(OREN87, Author = "Tim Oren", Title = "The architecture of static hypertexts", Booktitle = "Proc. Hypertext '87", Year = "1987", Pages = "291--306", Month = "November", Address = "University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill") @book(ORGA72, Author = "Elliot I. Organick", Title = "The Multics System: An Examination of its Structure", Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1972) @article(OSTE86, Author="A. Ostermann and P. Kaps and T.D. Bui", Title="The Solutions of Combustion Problem with Rosenbrock Methods", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Month=dec, Pages="354--361", Year=1986) @techreport(OVER86, Author="C. Michael Overstreet and Richard E. Nance", Title="Diagnostic Assistance Using Digraph Representations of Discrete Event Simulation Model Specifications", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-8", Month="Mar. 26", Year=1986) @techreport(OVER87, Author="C. Michael Overstreet and Richard E. Nance and Osman Balci and Lynne F. Barger", Title="Specification Languages: Understanding Their Role in Simulation Model Development", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-7", Month=dec, Year=1987) @inproceedings(OZKA86, Author = "E. Ozkarahan and F. Can", Title = "An automatic and tunable document indexing system", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(PADU86, author="David A. Padua and Michael J. Wolfe", title="Advanced Compiler Optimizations for Supercomputers", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=12, pages="1184-1201", month=dec, year=1986) @article(PAIC84, Author = "C. D. Paice", Title = "Soft Evaluation of {B}oolean Search Queries in Information Retrieval", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev. Applications", Volume = "3", Number = "1", Pages = "33--42", Year = 1984) @article(PALA90, Author = "Oscar Palacios-Velez and Baltasar Cuevas Renaud", Title = "A dynamic hierarchical subdivision algorithm for computing Delaunay triangulations and other closest-point problems", Journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software", Volume = 16, Number = 3, Month = sep, Year = 1990, Pages ="275--292") @article(PALA91, Author = "Murugappan Palaniappan and George Fitzmaurice", Title = "Internet{E}xpress: An Inter-Desktop Multimedia Data-Transfer Service", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "24", Number = "10", Pages = "58--67", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @article(PALA92, Author="Andrew J. Palay", Title="Toward an 'Operating System' for User Interface Components", Chapter = "19", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="339--356", Year=1992) @book(PALM85, Author = "E. M. Palmer", Title = "Graphical Evolution: An Introduction to the Theory of Random Graphs", Publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(PALM87, Author = "Ruth Ann Palmquist and Pradeep Singh", Title = "Testing the importance of a simple thesaurus enhancement for a natural language statement of an information need", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "193--195", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(PAOM86, Author = "Miranda Lee Pao and Chunpei He and Dennis B. Worthen", Title = "Comparing Retrieved Items with Subjective Relevance Judgment", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci.", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "261--264", Volume = "23", Year = 1986) @techreport(PARI85, Author = "Cecile L. Paris", Title = "Towards More Graceful Interaction: A Survey of Question-Answering Programs", Number = "CUCS-209-85", Institution = "Columbia University Department of Computer Science", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(PARK86, Author = "Scott D. Parker Jr. et al.", Title = "Logic Programming and Databases", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceedings from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company", Pages = "35--48", Year = 1986) @article(PARK92, Author="Alan P. Parkes", Title="The Inferential Appropriateness of a Manipulable Inter-Medium Encoding", Chapter = "12", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "189--216", Year=1992) @article(PARK89, Author = "Alan P. Parkes", Title = "The Prototype {CLORIS} System: Describing, Retrieving and Discussing Videodisc Stills and Sequences", Journal = "Information Processing and Management", Volume = 25, Number = 2, Pages = "171--186", Year = 1989) @book(PARS86, Author = "Eric Parsloe", Title = "Interactive Video", Publisher = "Sigma Technical Press", Address = "5 Alton Rd, Wilmslow, Chesire, UK", Note = "0-905104-55-2", Year = "1986") @techreport(PATE84a, Author = "P. F. Patel-Schneider and R. J. Brachman and H. J. Levesque", Title = "ARGON: Knowledge Representation meets Information Retrieval", Note = "Fairchild Technical Report No. 654", Number = "FLAIR Technical Report No. 29", Month = sep, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(PATE85, Author = "Peter F. Patel-Schneider", Title = "A decidable first-order logic for knowledge representation", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "455-458", Year = 1985) @techreport(PATE84b, Author = "P. F. Patel-Schneider", Title = "Small can be Beautiful in Knowledge Representation", Number = "AL Technical Report No. 37", Month = oct, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(PATE92, Author = "Sameer Patel and Ghaleb Abdulla and Marc Abrams and Edward A. Fox", Title = "{NMFS}: Network Multimedia File System Protocol", Booktitle = "Proceedings Third International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Pages = "328--333", Note = "Nov. 12-13, San Diego, CA", Year = 1992) @mastersthesis(PATE93, Author = "Sameer Patel", title = "Proposal --- {D}esign of the {NMFS} Protocol: A Real-time Protocol for Multimedia Networks", school = "Virginia Tech, Dept. of Electrical Engineering", year = 1993, month = may) @article(PAUS92, Author="Randy Pausch and Rich Gossweiler", Title="Application-Independent Object Selection from Inaccurate Multimodal Input", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "9", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="139--146", Year=1992) @article(PEAR90, Author = "P. K. Pearson", Title = "Fast hashing of variable-length text strings", Journal = cacm, Volume = "33", Number = "6", Pages = "677--680", Month = jun, Year = 1990) @article(PECH83, Author = "M. A. Pechura and J. D. Schoeffler", Title = "Estimating File Access Time of Floppy Disks", Journal = cacm, Volume = "26", Number = "10", Pages = "754--763", Month = oct, Year = 1983, Note = "and Corrigendum 27(1): 52, Jan. 1984") @article(PECK88, Author="Joan Peckham and Fred Maryanski", Title="Semantic Data Models", Journal=acmcs, Volume=20, Number=3, Pages="153--190", Month=sep, Year=1988) @article(PEEL85, Author = "Arno J. H. M. Peels and Norbert J. M. Janssen and Wop Nawijn", Title = "Document Architecture and Text Formatting", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "3", Number = "4", Pages = "347--369", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(PELE88, author="Abraham Peled", title="Introduction", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=3, pages=249, month=mar, year=1988) @techreport(PELZ86, Author="Wolfgang Pelz and Layne T. Watson", Title="Message Length Effects for Solving Polynomial Systems on a Hypercube", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-26", Year=1986) @article(PENN85, Author = "Bruce W. Pennycook", Title = "Computer-Music Interfaces: A Survey", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Pages = "267--289", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @misc(PERE83, Author = "F. Pereira", Title = "Logic for Natural Language Analysis", Institution = "SRI Int.", Month = jan, Note = "Tech. Note 275", Year = 1983) @book(PERL86, Author = "Martin Perlmutter", Title = "Producing Interactive Television", Publisher = "Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc", Address = "701 Westchester Av, White Plains, NY", Note = "0-86729-187-7", Year = "1986") @article(PERR86, Author="R.H. Perrott and A. Zarea-Aliabadi", Title="Supercomputer Languages", Journal="acmcs", Volume="18", Number=1, Pages="5-22", Month=mar, Year=1986) @incollection(PETEG88, Author = "George Peterson", Title = "Geography, Images, and Technology", Pages = "241--249", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @techreport(PETE82, Author = "James L. Peterson", Title = "Webster's {S}eventh {N}ew {C}ollegiate {D}ictionary: A Computer-Readable File Format", Number = "TR-196", Institution = "University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Science", Month = may, Year = 1982) @book(PETE83, Author = "J. Peterson and A. Silberschatz", Title = "Operating System Concepts", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1983) @article(PETE86, Author="James L. Peterson", Title="A Note on Undetected Typing Errors", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="633-637", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(PFAL80, Author = "J. L. Pfaltz and W. H. Berman and E. M. Cagley", Title = "Partial-match retrieval using indexed descriptor files", Journal = cacm, Volume = "23", Number = "9", Pages = "522--528", Month = sep, Year = 1980) @book(PHIL88, Editor = "{Philips International, Inc.}", Title = "Compact-Disc Interactive", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Company", Address = "New York, NY", Note = "ISBN 0-07-049816-4", Year = 1988) @article(PHIL91a, Author = "Richard L. Phillips", Title = "{MediaView}: A General Multimedia Digital Publication System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "7", Pages = "75--83", Year = 1991, Month = jul) @inproceedings(PHIL91b, Author = "Richard L. Phillips", Title = "{MediaView}: A multimedia publishing system developed with an object-oriented toolkit", Booktitle = "Proc. {USENIX} Summer 1991 Technnical Conference \& Exhibition", Month = "June", Year = "1991", Publisher = "USENIX", Note = "10-14 June, Nashville, Tennessee") @misc(PIER92, Author="Roy Pierce, Convenor of SC18/WG1", Title="Set of Documents from {SC18}", Month=jan, Year=1992) @inproceedings(PINN90, Author = "Pin-Ngern, Sumali and Robert Strutz and Martha Evens", Year = "1990", Title = "Lexical Acquisition for Lexical Databases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the First Great Lakes Computer Science Conference", Location = "Kalamazoo, MI", Month = "October 18-20, 1989,", Publisher = "Springer", Address = "New York, NY") @article(PIZA89, Author = "Arturo Pizano and Allen Klinger and Alfonso Cardenas", Title = "Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pictorial Databases", Journal = "{IEEE} Computer", Pages = "59--71", Year = 1989, volume = 22, number = 12, Month = dec) @article(PLAI90, Author = "David A. Plaisted", Title = "A heuristic algorithm for small separators in arbitrary graphs", Journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", Volume = "19", Number = "2", Month = apr, Pages = "267--280", Year = 1990) @article(POGG85, Author = "A. Poggio and others", Title = "{CCWS}: A Computer-based, multimedia information system", Journal = "{IEEE} Computer", Volume = "18", Number = "10", Pages = "92--103", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(POLL83, Author = "S. E. Pollitt", Title = "End User Searching for Cancer Therapy Literature - A Rule Based Approach", Journal = "SIGIR Forum", Volume = "17", Number = "4", Pages = "136--145", Month = "Summer", Year = 1983, Address = "Bethesda, MD", Note = "Proceedings of Sixth International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(POLL84, Author = "S. E. Pollitt", Title = "A 'front-end' system: an Expert System as an online search intermediary", Journal = "Aslib Proceedings", Volume = "36", Number = "5", Pages = "229--234", Month = may, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(POLL85, Author = "Carl J. Pollard and Lewis G. Creary", Title = "A Computational Semantics for Natural Language", Booktitle = "Proceedings 23rd Annual Meeting ACL", Month = jul, Pages = "172--179", Year = 1985) @article(POLL87, Author = "Steven Pollitt", Title = "{CANSEARCH}: An expert systems approach to document retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "2", Pages = "119--138", Year = 87) @article(POLL88, Author = "Stephen Pollock", Title = "A Rule-Based Message Filtering System", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = "6", Number = "3", Pages = "232--254", Month = jul, Year = 1988) @incollection(POLLXX, Author = "A. S. Pollitt", Title = "A rule-based system as an intermediary for searching cancer therapy literature on MEDLINE", Booktitle = "X", Publisher = "X", Chapter = "4", Pages = "82--126", Year = "X") @article(PORT82, Author = "M. F. Porter", Title = "Implementing a Probabilistic Information Retrieval System", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev.", Volume = "1", Number = "2", Pages = "X", Year = 1982) @inproceedings(PRAB87, Author = "Chandra Prabha", Title = "Access to the full text of nonfiction books: design considerations from a study of public library users", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "196--200", Year = 1987) @techreport(PRAS90, Author="Comarapalyam K. Guru Prasad and John W. Roach", Title="A Comparative Evaluation of Indexing Schemes", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-8", Month=aug, Year=1990) @article(PRAT85, Author = "Terrence W. Pratt", Title = "Pisces: an environment for parallel scientific computation", Journal = "IEEE Software", Pages = "7--20", Month = jul, Year = 1985) @book(PRAT88, Author = "Douglas Pratt", Title = "The Laser Video Disc Companion", Publisher = "New York Zoetrope", Address = "838 Broadway Dept 5A, NY", Note = "0-918432-86-3", Year = "1988") @article(PRES89, Author = "Larry Press", Title = "Thoughts and Observations at the {M}icrosoft {CD-ROM} Conference", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "784--36788", Month = jul, Year = 1989) @article(PRES90, Author = "Larry Press", Title = "Compuvision or Teleputer?", Journal = cacm, Volume = "33", Number = "9", Pages = "29--36", Month = sep, Year = 1990) Note="also, 'Personal Computing' in jul 1990 issue" @article(PRES92, Author="Larry Press", Title="Personal Computing: Dynabook Revisited -- Portable Computers Past, Present, and Future", Journal=cacm, Volume=35, Number=3, Pages="25", Month=mar, Year=1992) @article(PRES94, Author="Larry Press", Title = "Tomorrow's Campus", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "13--17", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @inproceedings(PRIC93, Author="R. Price", Title="An Introduction to the Future MHEG International Standard for Hypermedia Object Interchange", Month=aug, Year="1993", Booktitle = acm-mm93, Note= "Anaheim, California, to appear") @article(PRIE91, Author="Ruben Prieto-Diaz", Title="Implementing Faceted Classification for Software Reuse", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="88--97", Month=may, Year=1991) @article(PRIT84, Author="Paul Pritchard", Title="Some Negative Results Concerning Prime Number Generators", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=12, Pages="53--57", Month=jan, Year=1984) @book(PROC78, Editor = "Procter, Paul", Year = "1978", Title = "Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English", Address = "London, England", Publisher = "Longman") @inproceedings(PROC83, Author = "Procter, Paul", Year = "1983", Title = "Beyond the Dictionary in Lexicography", Booktitle = "Workshop on Machine Readable Dictionaries", Publisher = "SRI", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Month = apr) @book(PROD87, Author = "Productivity Products International, Inc.", Title = "Objective-C(TM) Reference Manual", Publisher = "Productivity Products International, Inc.", Address = "Sandy Hook, CT", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(PUNC86, Author = "William F. Punch III and Michael C. Tanner and John J. Josephson", Title = "Design Considerations for PEIRCE, A High-Level Language for Hypothesis Assembly", Booktitle = "Proc. Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Month = oct, Address = "McLean, VA", Pages = "279--281", Year = 1986) @article(PUTZ91, Author="Wolfgang Putz and Erich J. Neuhold", Title="is-News: a Multimedia Information System", Journal="IEEE data eng. bulletin", Month=mar, Year=1991) @article(PURD87, Author = "Alan Purdy and Bruce Schuchardt and David Maier", Title = "Integrating an Object Server with other worlds", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = "5", Number = "1", Pages = "27--47", Month = jan, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(PUST87, Author = "James Pustejovsky and Sabine Bergler", Title = "The Acquisition of Conceptual Structure for the Lexicon", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-87", Month = jul, Pages = "566--570", Year = 1987) @techreport(QIAN88, Author="Jianzhong Qian and Roger Ehrich and J.B. Campbell", Title="DNESYS--An Expert System for Automatic Extraction of Drainage Networks from Digital Elevation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-23", Month="Aug. 6", Year=1988) @article(QIAO90, author="Jinan Qiao, Yizheng Qiao and Sanzheng Qiao", title="Six-Digit Coding Method", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=5, pages="491-494", month=may, year=1990) @article(QUAR86, Author = "John S. Quarterman and Josiah C. Hoskins", Title = "Notable Computer Networks", Journal = cacm, Volume = "29", Number = "10", Pages = "932--971", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @article{QUIL67, author={Quillian, M.R.}, title={Word Concepts: A Theory and Simulation of Some Basic Semantic Capabilities}, journal={Behavioral Science}, volume=12, pages={410-430}, year=1967, } @incollection(QUIL68, Author = "Ross Quillian", Title = "Semantic Memory", Booktitle = "Semantic Information Processing", Editor = "Marvin Minsky", Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1986) @inbook(QUIN86, Author = "J. Ross Quinlan", Title = "INFERNO: A Cautious Approach to Uncertain Inference", Booktitle = "Expert Systems: Techniques, Tools and Applications", Editor = "Philip Klahr and Donald A. Waterman", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Pages = "350--390", Year = 1986) @book(QUIN87, Author = "Quintus Computer Systems", Title = "Quintus Prolog Reference Manual version 10", Publisher = "Quintus Computer Systems", Address = "Mountain View, CA", Month = feb, Year = 1987) @techreport(QUIZ90, Author = "R. B. Quizon and E. A. Fox", Title = "Virginia Disc 2: Preparing, Presenting and Retrieving {MARC} Standard Library Data on a {CDROM}", Number = "TR-90-5", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = apr, Year = 1989) @inproceedings(RABI91, Author="F. Rabitti", Title="ImageQuery Processing Based on Multi-level Signatures", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="305--314", Year=1991) @article(RADA89, Author = "Roy Rada and L. F. Lunin", Title = "Introduction and overview to Perspectives on Hypertext", Journal = jasis, Volume = "40", Number = "3", Pages = "159--163", Year = "1989") @article(RADA89a, Author = "Roy Rada and Ellen Bicknell", Title = "Ranking documents with a thesaurus", Journal = jasis, Volume = "40", Number = "5", Pages = "304--310", Month = sep, Year = "1989") @article(RADE77, Author = "Tadeusz Radecki", Title = "Mathematical Model of Time-Effective Information Retrieval System Based on the Theory of Fuzzy Sets", Journal = ipm, Volume = "13", Pages = "109--116", Year = 1977) @article(RAD82, Author = "T. Radecki", Title = "Reducing the Perils of Merging {B}oolean and Weighted Retrieval Systems", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "38", Number = "3", Month = sep, Year = 1982) @inproceedings(RAGH86a, Author = "Vijay V. Raghavan and Lawrence V. Saxton and S. K. Michael Wong and Stanley S. Ting", Title = "A Unified Architecture for the Integration of Data Base Management and Information Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Proc. IFIP-86", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Pages = " ", Year = 1986) @article(RAGH86b, Author = "Vijay V. Raghavan and S. K. M. Wong", Title = "A Critical Analysis of Vector Space Model for Information Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "5", Pages = "279--287", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(RAGH86c, Author = "V. Raghavan and J. S. Deogun", Title = "User-oriented document clustering: A framework for learning in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "157--163", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(RAGU88, Author="K.S. Ragu and James D. Arthur", Title="Abstraction Mechanisms in Support of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Task Specification", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-15", Year=1988) @techreport(RAHT87, Author = "Sebestian Rahtz", Title = "Humanities Computing 1986-87", Institution = "University of Southampton, Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science", Number = "CSTR 87-9", Year = 1987) @article(RAIT85a, Author = "David Raitt", Title = "Electronic Publishing -- A General Review", Journal = "Wits Journal of Librarianship", Number = "3", Pages = "109--120", Month = apr, Year = 1985) @article(RAIT85b, Author = "David Raitt", Title = "Electronic Publishing -- A View from the Library", Journal = "X", Volume = "5", Number = "3", Pages = "199-210", Month = sep, Year = 1985) @techreport(RAMA85, Author = "Kotagiri Ramamohanaro and John Shepherd", Title = "A Superimposed Codeword Indexing Scheme for Very Large Prolog Databases", Institution = "University of Melbourne Department of Computer Science", Number = "85/17", Year = 1985) @article(RAMA90, author="S. Raman and N. Alwar", title="An Al-Based Approach to Machine Translation in Indian Languages", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=5, pages="521-527", month=may, year=1990) @proceedings(RAMA88, Editor = "H. K. Ramapriyan", Title = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop, NASA Conference Publication 3025", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division", Address = "Washington, D. C.", Year = 1989) @article(RAMA89, Author="M.V. Ramakrishna", Title="Practical Performance of Bloom filters and Parallel Free-text Searching", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=10, Pages="1237--1239", Month=oct, Year=1989) @techreport(RAME87, Author="Visvanathan Ramesh and Roger W. Ehrich", Title="Determining Object Orientations from Run Length Encodings", Institution=vpisu, Number= "TR 87-18", Month="Jun 21", Year=1987) @article(RANG91, Author="P. Venkat Rangan and Harrick M. Vin", Title="Designing File Systems for Digital Video and Audio", Journal="Operating System Review", Volume=25, Number=5, Pages="81--94", Month=oct, Note="Proc. 13th ACM Sym. on Oper. Systems Principles (SOSP'91)", Year=1991) @article(RANG92, Author="P. Venkat Rangan and Harrick M. Vin and Srinivas Ramanathan", Title="Designing a Multi-User Multimedia On-Demand Service", Journal="IEEE Commun. Mag.", Volume=30, Number=7, Pages="56--64", Month=jul, Year=1992) @book(RAO90, Author = "K. R. Rao and P. Yip", Title = "Discrete Cosine Transform - Algorithms, Advantages, Applications", Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc", Address = "London", Note = "ISBN 0-12-580203-X", Year = 1990) @article(RAOS85, Author = "S. V. Nageswara Rao and S. Sitharama Iyengar and C. E. Veni Madhavan", Title = "A Comparative Study of Multiple Attribute Tree and Inverted File Structures for Large Bibliographic Files", Journal = ipm, Volume = "21", Number = "5", Pages = "433--442", Year = 1985) @article(RASM91, Author = "Edie M. Rasmussen", Title = "Introduction: Parallel Processing and Information Retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "27", Number = "4", Pages = "255--263", Year = 1991) @inproceedings(RAU87, Author = "Lisa F. Rau", Title = "Information Retrieval from Never-ending Stories", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-87", Month = jul, Pages = "317--321", Year = 1987) @article(RAU87b, Author = "Lisa F. Rau", Title = "Knowledge organization and access in a conceptual information system", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "269--283", Year = 1987) @article(RAU89, Author = "L. F. Rau and P. S. Jacobs and U. Zernik", Title = "Information Extraction and Text Summarization using Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "419--428", Year = 89) @inproceedings(RAU91, Author="Lisa F. Rau and Paul S. Jacobs", Title="Creating Segmented Databases from Free Text for Text Retrieval", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="337--346", Year=1991) @article(RAUC86, Author = "Wendy Rauch-Hindin", Title = "Upper Level {OSI} Protocols Near Completion", Journal = "Mini-Micro Systems", Month = jul, Pages = "53--66", Year = 1986) @article(RAUG85, Author="Michael R. Raugh", Title="Modeling California Earthquakes and Earth Structures", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1130-1150", Month=nov, Year=1985) @techreport(RAKO90a, Author="Joanna Rakowska, Raphael T. Haftka, and Layne T. Watson", Title="An Active Set Algorithm for Tracing Parameterized Optima", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-45", Month="May 17,", Year=1990) @techreport(RAKO90b, Author="Joanna Rakowska, Raphael T. Haftka, and Layne T. Watson", Title="Multi-Objective Control-Structure Optimization Via Homotopy Methods", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-63", Year=1990) @techreport(RAKO91, Author="Joanna Rakowska, Raphael T. Haftka, and Layne T. Watson", Title="Tracing the Efficient Curve for Multi-Objective Control-Structure Optimization", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-2", Year=1991) @article(RAWL93, Author = "Gregory J. E. Rawlins", Title = "Publishing over the Next Decade", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "474--479", Year = 1993) @article(RAYM88, Author = "Darrell R. Raymond and Frank Wm. Tompa", Title = "Hypertext and the {O}xford {E}nglish {D}ictionary", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "7", Pages = "871--879", Year = "1988") @article(REES87, Author="Mina Rees", Title="The Computing Program of the Office of Naval Research, 1946-1953", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="830-848", Month=jun, Year=1987) @misc(REGI88, Author = "Regis McKenna Inc.", Title = "Four Companies Commit to Establishing Industry Standards for Interactive Video/Graphics", Address = "1800 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303", Month = mar, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(REIS85, Author = "Brian J. Reiser and John R. Anderson and Robert G. Farrell", Title = "Dynamic student modelling in an intelligent tutor for LISP programming", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "12--13", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(REMDE87, Author = "Remde, J. R. and Gomez, L. M. and Landauer, T. K.", Title = "{S}uper{B}ook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration-Hypertext?", Pages = "175--188", Booktitle = "Proc. Hypertext '87", Year = "1987", Month = "November", Address = "University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill") @book(RESC69, Author = "Nicholas Rescher", Title = "Many-Valued Logic", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 69) @article(REST86, Author = "F. Mark Restorick", Title = "Novel filing systems applicable to an automated office: a state-of-the-art study", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Pages = "151--172", Year = 1986) @article(RETT86, author="Randall Rettberg and Robert Thomas", title="Contention Is No Obstacle to Shared-Memory Multiprocessing", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=12, pages="1202-1212", month=dec, year=1986) @article(RETT90, author="Marc Rettig", title="Practical Programmer: Software Teams", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="23-27", month=oct, year=1990) @article(RETT91, Author="Marc Rettig", Title="Practical Programmer: Nobody Reads Documentation", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=7, Pages="19--24", Month=jul, Year=1991) @article(REVE87, Author="Lee Revens", Title="The First 25 Years, 1972-1987", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="860-872", Month=jun, Year=1987) @article(REYN87, author="Robert G. Reynolds", title="The Partial Metrics System", journal=cacm, volume=30, number=11, pages="956-963", month=nov, year=1987) @article(REYN92, Author="Louis R. Reynolds and Steven J. Derose", Title="Electronic Books", Journal="Byte", Pages="263--268", Month=jun, Year=1992) @techreport(RIBB89, Author="Calvin J. Ribbens, C.Y. Wang, Layne T. Watson, and Kevin A. Alexander", Title="Vorticity Induced by a Moving Elliptic Belt", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-35", Year=1990) @techreport(RIBB90a, Author="Calvin J. Ribbens and Layne T. Watson", Title="The Parallel Performance of Schwarz Splitting", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-34", Month="Oct. 23,", Year=1990) @techreport(RIBB90b, Author="Calvin J. Ribbens", Title="On Parallel ELLPACK for Shared Memory Machines", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-46", Month="Aug. 27,", Year=1990) @techreport(RIBB91, Author="Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson, Colin deSa", Title="Toward Parallel Mathematical Software for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month="Nov. 27,", Year=1991) @incollection(RICHXX, Author = "Elaine Rich", Title = "Users are individuals: individualizing user models", Booktitle = "X", Chapter = "7", Pages = "184--201", Publisher = "X", Year = "X") @techreport(RICH90a, Author="D.S. Richardson and M. Abrams", Title="Implications of Using the Event Scheduling World View for Parallel Simulation", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-44", Month="Sep. 14-16,", Year=1990) @techreport(RICH90b, Author="D. Richardson, and M. Abrams", Title="UNITY Algorithms for Detecting Stable and Non-Stable Termination Conditions in Time Warp Parallel Simulations", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-62", Month="Dec. 19,", Year=1990) @techreport(RICH91, Author="D.S. Richardson", Title="Terminating Parallel Discrete Event Simulations", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-9", Month=may, Year=1991) @techreport(RICH85, Author = "Mark H. Richer and William J. Clancey", Title = "GUIDON-WATCH: A Graphic Interface for Viewing a Knowledge-Based System", Institution = "Stanford University Department of Computer Science", Number = "STAN-CS-85-1068 and KSL-85-20", Address = "Stanford, CA", Month = aug, Year = 1985) @article(RIEC92, Author="R. Douglas Riecken", Title="Human-Machine Interaction and Perception", Chapter = "18", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "319--338", Year=1992) @article(RIEC94a, Author="Doug Riecken", Title = "Introduction to Special Issue on Intelligent Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "18--21", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(RIEC94b, Author="Doug Riecken", Title = "M: An Architecture of Integrated Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "106--116", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @incollection{RIEG70, author={Riegel, K.F.}, title={The Language Acquisition Process, a Reinterpretation of Selected Research Findings}, booktitle={Life-span Development Psychology}, editor={L.R. Goulet and P.B. Baltis}, pages={357-399}, year=1970, address={New York}, publisher={Academic Press} } @inproceedings(RIEG81, Author = "C. Rieger and S. Small", Title = "Toward a Theory of Distributed Word Expert Natural Language Parsing", Booktitle = "IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", Volume = "SMC-11", Number = "1", Pages = "43--51", Month = jan, Year = 1981) @incollection(RIES82, Author = "C. K. Riesbeck", Title = "Realistic Language Comprehension", Booktitle = "Strategies for Natural Language Processing", Editor = "Wendy G. Lehnert and Martin H. Ringle", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Pages = "435--454", Year = 1982) @article(RIET88, Author = "Ron J. Rietdyk", Title = "Creation and Distribution of {CD-ROM} Databases for the Library Reference Desk", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "58--62", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @article(RIPL89, Author = "G. David Ripley", Title = "{DVI} -- A digital multimedia technology", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "811--822", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(RITC74, Author = "D. M. Ritchie and K. Thompson", Title = "The UNIX Time-Sharing System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "17", Number = "7", Pages = "365--375", Month = jul, Year = 1974) @article(RITC84, Author = "G. D. Ritchie and F. K. Hanna", Title = "Semantic Networks - a General Definition and a Survey", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev. Applications", Volume = "3", Number = "1", Pages = "33--42", Year = 1984) @inproceedings(ROAC86, Author = "J. Roach and P. Montague", Title = "TIMEX: Planning the Coordination of Multiple Processes in Time", Booktitle = "25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", Address = "Athens, Greece", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @techreport(ROAC90, Author="John W. Roach and John Deighan", Title="VPI Prolog User Manual", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-30", Month=feb, Year=1990) @article(ROAD85, Author = "Curtis Roads", Title = "Research in Music and Artificial Intelligence", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Pages = "163--190", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @techreport(ROBE88, Author="David Warren Roberson", Title="Automated Second Echelon Committments for the {C3EVAL} Model", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-37", Year=1988) @misc(ROBEXX, Author = "S. E. Robertson", Title = "On sample sizes for non-matched pair IR experiments", Note = "Karen - something missing") @article(ROBE76, Author = "S. E. Robertson and K. Sparck Jones", Title = "Relevance Weighting of Search Terms", Journal = jasis, Volume = "27", Number = "3", Pages = "129--146", Year = 1976) @article(ROBE86, Author="S.E. Robertson", Title="On relevance weight estimation and query expansion", Journal=jdoc, Volume=42, Number=3, Pages="182--188", Year=1986) @book(ROBI78, Author = "Richard Robinson", Title = "The video primer", publisher = "Quick Fox Books", address = "New York", Year = 1978) @techreport(ROBI89, Author = "R. B. Robinson and Ron Freedman and Patrick Lee", Month = sep, Year = "1989", Title = "The {J}ean {T}alon Project: User Needs and Current Trends - {V}olume {I} : Final Report", Institution = "ABT Associates of Canada") @article(ROBI86, author="Pierre N. Robillard", title="Schematic Pseudocode for Program Constructs and its Computer Automation by {SCHEMACODE}", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1072-1089", month=nov, year=1986) @incollection(ROCC71, Author = "J. J. Rocchio Jr.", Title = "Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "The {SMART} Retrieval System, Experiments in Automatic Document Processing", Editor = "G. Salton", Chapter = 14, Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1971) @inproceedings(RODE87, Author = "Nancy K. Roderer", Title = "Use of the library of congress optical disk pilot system: the present and the future", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "207--208", Year = 1987) @book(ROPI87, Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Title = "{CD ROM} Volume 2: Optical Publishing", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1987) @article(ROSC87, Author = "Winn L. Rosch", Title = "WORMs for Mass Storage", Journal = "PC Magazine", Month = jun, Pages = "135--166", Year = 1987) @article(ROSE90, Author="J. Rosenberg, A.L. Ananda, and B. Srinivasan", Title="Self-assessment Procedure XX", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=2, Pages="190-202", Month=feb, Year=1990) @article(ROSE92a, Author="Judson Rosebush", Title="Sounds in {CD}-{ROM}--Integrating Audio in Multimedia Products", Journal="CD-ROM Professional", Pages="83-91", Month="January", Year=1992) @article(ROSE92b, Author= "Jonathan Rosenberg and Robert E. Kraut and Louis Gomez and C. Alan Buzzard", Title= "Multimedia Communications For Users", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume=31, Number=5, Pages="20--36", Month=may, Year=1992) @techreport(ROSS88, Author="Constance V. Rosson", Title="Management Indicators: Assessing Product Reliability and Maintainability", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-40", Month=aug, Year=1988) @book(ROTH86, Author = "Judith Paris Roth", Title = "Essential Guide to {CD-ROM}", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Year = 1986) @book(ROTH87a, Editor = "Judith Paris Roth", Publisher = "Meckler Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Title = "Optical Information Systems", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Note = "ISSN 0886-5809", Year = 1987) @book(ROTH87b, Editor = "Judith P. Roth", Title = "OIS 1987 Conference Proceedings", Publisher = "Meckler Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Note = "ISBN 0-88736-243-5", Year = 1987) @techreport(ROTH87c, Author="Paul Roth and Ilan Katz", Title="A Study of the Performance Simulation of a File-Server-Configured Micro-Lan", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-9", Month="Feb. 25", Year=1987) @incollection(ROTH91, Author = "Steven F. Roth and Joe Mattis and Xavier Mesnard", Title = "Graphics and Natural Language as Components of Automatic Explanation", Chapter = "10", Pages = "207--239", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @incollection(ROUX87, Author = "David Roux", Title = "Updating {CD ROM} Databases", Chapter = "14", Pages = "255--268", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @article(RUDN92, Author="Alexander I. Rudnicky and Alexander G. Hauptmann", Title="Multimodal Interaction in Speech Systems", Chapter = "10", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="147-172", Year=1992) @article(RUDO90, Author="Brian A. Rudolph", Title="Self-Assessment {XXI}", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=5, Pages="563--576", Month=may, Year=1990) @inbook(RUME75, Author = "D. E. Rumelhart", Title = "Notes on a Schema for Stories", Booktitle = "Representation and Understanding", Editor = "D. G. Bobrow and A. Collins", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "211--236", Year = 1975) @article(RUSH86, Author="Avi Rushinek and Sara F. Rushinek", Title="What Makes Users Happy?", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="594--598", Month=jul, Year=1986) @inproceedings(SACC84, Author = "G. M. Sacco", Title = "OTTER - An Information Retrieval System for Office Automation", Booktitle = "Proc. Second ACM-SIGOA Conf. on Office Information Systems", Month = jun, Pages = "104--112", Year = 1984) @article(SACK83, Author = "Ron Sacks-Davis and K. Ramamohanarao", Title = "A two level superimposed coding scheme for partial match retrieval", Journal = "Information Systems", Volume = "8", Number = "4", Pages = "273--280", Year = 1983) @article(SACK85, Author = "Ron Sacks-Davis", Title = "Performance of a multi-key access method based on descriptors and superimposed coding techniques", Journal = "Information Systems", Volume = "10", Number = "4", Pages = "391--403", Year = 1985) @article(SAFF85a, Author = "William Saffady", Title = "Optical Disks: A Survey of Products for Data and Document Storage", Journal = "Micrographics and Optical Storage Equipment Review", Volume = "10", Pages = "3--89", Year = 1985) @book(SAFF85b, Editor = "William Saffady", Title = "Micrographics and Optical Storage Equipment Review", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Westport, CT", Volume = "10", Year = 1985) @book(SAFF85c, Editor = "William Saffady", Title = "Micrographics and Optical Storage Equipment Review", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Westport, CT", Volume = "11", Year = 1985) @article(SAFF86a, Author = "William Saffady", Title = "Optical Storage Technology: A Survey of Technology, Products, and Applications", Journal = "Micrographics and Optical Storage Equipment Review", Volume = "11", Pages = "3--111", Year = 1986) @book(SAFF86b, Author = "William Saffady", Title = "Optical Disks for Data and Document Storage", Publisher = "Meckler Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Note = "ISBN 0-88736-065-3", Year = 1986) @article(SAGE75, Author = "N. Sager", Title = "Sublanguage Grammars in Science Information Processing", Journal = jasis, Volume = "26", Number = "10", Pages = "10--16", Month = "Jan-Feb", Year = 1975) @techreport(SAGE80, Author = "Sager, Naomi and Lynette Hirschman and Carolyn White and Carol Foster and Susanne Wolff and Robert Grad, and Eileen Fitzpatrick", Year = "1980", Title = "Research into Methods for Automatic Classification and Fact Retrieval in Science Subfields", Number = "String Reports No. 13", Institution = "New York University") @book(SAGE81, Author = "N. Sager", Title = "Natural Language Information Processing", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1981) @inbook(SAGE86, Author = "Sager, Naomi", Year = "1986", Title = "Sublanguage: Linguistic Phenomenon, Computational Tool", Editor = "Ralph Grishman and Richard Kittrede", Booktitle = "Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains", Publisher = "Erlbaum", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Pages = "1-18") @book(SAGE87, Author = "Sager, Naomi and Carol Friedman and Margaret S. Lyman", Year = "1987", Title = "Medical Language Processing: Computer Management of Narrative Data", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA") @article(SAGER85, Author = "T. J. Sager", Title = "A polynomial time generator for minimal perfect hash functions", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Pages = "523--532", Year = 1985) @techreport(SAGER84, Author = "T. J. Sager", Title = "A new method for generating minimal perfect hashing functions", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri-Rolla", Number = "CSc-84-15", Year = 1984) @article(SAGI86, Author="Ike Sagie", Title="Computer-Aided Modeling and Planning", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="225--248", Year=1986) @mastersthesis(SAHL92, author = "Eskinder Sahle", title = "Development of a User Interface for {MARIAN} and {CODER} Systems", school = "Virginia Tech, Dept. of Computer Science", year = "1992", month = jan) @book{SAIN71, author={Saint-Jacques, B.}, title={Structural Analysis of Modern Japanese}, publisher={University of British Columbia Evergreen Press}, address={Vancouver}, year=1971} @InProceedings{SAKA86, author={Sakamoto, Y. and Ishikawa, T. and Satoh, M.}, title={Concept and Structure of Semantic Markers for Machine Translation in Mu-Project}, organization={COLING 86}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, month=aug, pages={13-19}, year=1986} @InProceedings{SAKA84, author={Sakamoto, Y. and Satoh, M. and Ishikawa, T.}, title={Lexicon Features for Japanese Syntactic Analysis in Mu-Project-JE}, organization={COLING 84}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, month=jul, pages={42--47}, year=1984} @article(SAKA90, Author="Shiro Sakata", Title="Development and evaluation of an In-House Multimedia Desktop Conference System", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="340-347", Month=apr, Year=1990) @inproceedings(SAKO85, Author = "Yoichiro Sako and Tadao Suzuki", Title = "{CD-ROM} System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Optical Storage", Note = "Karen - missing pages? IEEE Catalog Number 85CH2234-3", Publisher = "Optical Society of America", Year = 1985) @mastersthesis(SALO86, author = "Gitta B. Salomon", title = "Design and implementation of an electronic special interest magazine", school = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", year = "1986", month = sep) @article(SALT63, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "Associative Document Retrieval Techniques using Bibliographic Information", Journal = jasis, Volume = "10", Number = "4", Month = oct, Year = 1963) @article(SALT71, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "Automatic Indexing Using Bibliographic Citations", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "27", Number = "2", Month = jun, Year = 1971) @article(SALT72, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "A New Comparison Between Conventional Indexing (Medlars) and Text Processing ({SMART})", Journal = jasis, Volume = "23", Number = "2", Pages = "75--84", Year = 1972) @article(SALT72b, Author="G. Salton", Title="Dynamic document processing", Journal=cacm, Volume=15, Number=7, Pages="658--668", Year=1972) @article(SALT73, Author = "Salton, G. and Yang, C. S.", Year = "1973", Title = "On the Specification of Term Values in Automatic Indexing", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "29", Pages = "351--372") @article(SALT75a, Author = "G. Salton and C. S. Yang and C. T. Yu", Title = "A Theory of Term Importance in Automatic Text Analysis", Journal = jasis, Volume = "26", Number = "1", Pages = "33--44", Month = jan-feb, Year = 1975) @article(SALT75b, Author = "G. Salton and A. Wong and C. S. Yang", Title = "A Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing", Journal = cacm, Volume = "18", Number = "11", Pages = "613--620", Month = nov, Year = 1975) @book(SALT75c, Author = "Salton, G.", Year = "1975", Title = "A Theory of Indexing", Note = "Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics No. 18.", Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics") @book(SALT75d, Author = "Salton, G.", Year = "1975", Title = "Dynamic Information and Library Processing", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall Inc.", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ") @incollection(SALT80, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "The {SMART} System 1961-1976: Experiments in Dynamic Document Processing", Booktitle = "Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science", Pages = "1--36", Year = 1980) @book(SALT83a, Author = "G. Salton and M. J. McGill", Title = "Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1983) @article(SALT83b, Author = "G. Salton and C. Buckley and E. A. Fox", Title = "Automatic Query Formulations in Information Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "262--280", Month = jul, Year = 1983) @techreport(SALT83c, Author = "G. Salton and E. A. Fox and E. Voorhees", Title = "A Comparison of Two Methods for {B}oolean Query Relevance Feedback", Institution = "Cornell University Department of Computer Science", Number = "TR 83-564", Month = jul, Year = 1983) @article(SALT83d, Author = "G. Salton and E.A. Fox and H. Wu", Title = "Extended {B}oolean Information Retrieval", Journal = cacm, Volume = "26", Number = "11", Pages = "1022--1036", Month = nov, Year = 1983) @inbook(SALT83e, Author = "G. Salton and E.A. Fox and H. Wu", Title = "An Automatic Environment for {B}oolean Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Information Processing", Volume = "83", Editor = "R.E.A. Mason", Publisher = "North-Holland", Pages = "755--762", Year = 1983) @techreport(SALT83f, Author = "G. Salton and C. Buckley and E. Fox", Title = "{B}oolean Query Formulation with Relevance Feedback", Number = "TR 83-539", Institution = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Ithaca, NY", Month = jan, Year = 1983) @techreport(SALT83g, Author = "G. Salton and E. Fox and E. Voorhees", Title = "Advanced Feedback Methods in Information Retrieval", Number = "TR 83-570", Institution = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Ithaca, NY", Month = aug, Year = 1983) @article(SALT84a, Author = "G. Salton and E. Voorhees and E. Fox", Title = "A Comparison of Two Methods for {B}oolean Query Relevance Feedback", Journal = ipm, Volume = "20", Number = "5-6", Pages = "637--651", Year = 1984) @article(SALT85a, Author = "G. Salton and E. A. Fox and E. Voorhees", Title = "Advanced Feedback Methods in Information Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "3", Pages = "200--210", Month = may, Year = 1985) @article(SALT86a, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "Another Look at Automatic Text-Retrieval Systems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "29", Number = "7", Pages = "648--656", Month = jul, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(SALT86b, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "On the Use of Knowledge-Based Processing in Automatic Text Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci.", Volume = "23", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "277--287", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(SALT86c, Author = "G. Salton", Title = "Recent trends in automatic information retrieval", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(SALT86d, Author = "Salton, G. and Lesk, M. E.", Year = "1986", Title = "Computer Evaluation of Indexing and Text Processing", Journal = jacm, Volume = "25", Number = "1", Pages = "8--36") @techreport(SALT87, Author = "Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley", Title = "Parallel text search methods", Institution = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Number = "87-828", Year = 1987) @book(SALT89, Author = "Gerard Salton", Title = "Automatic Text Processing", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", City = "Reading, MA", Year = "1989") @article(SALT91a, Author = "Gerard Salton", Title = "Developments in Automatic Text Retrieval", Journal = "Science", Volume = "253", Pages = "974--980", Month = sep, Year = 1991) @article(SALT91b, Author = "Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley", Title = "Global Text Matching for Information Retrieval", Journal = "Science", Volume = "253", Pages = "1012--1015", Month = sep, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(SALT91c, Author="Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley", Title="Automatic Text Structuring and Retrieval-- Experiments in Automatic Encyclopedia Searching", Page="21--30", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address = "Chicago, IL", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @article(SAME84, Author="Hanan Samet", Title="The Quadtree and Related Hierarchial Data Structures", Journal=acmcs, Volume=16, Number=2, Pages="187-260", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(SAME85, Author="Hanan Samet", Title="Data Structures for Quadtree Approximation and Compression", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=9, Pages="973-993", Month=sep, Year=1985) @article(SAMM86, author="Jean E. SamMet", title="Why {Ada} Is Not Just Another Programming Language", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="722-733", month=aug, year=1986) @book(SAMP85, Title = "Writing Systems: A linguistic introduction", Author = "Geoffrey Sampson", Publisher = "Hutchinson", Address = "London", Year = 1985) @article(SAMU90, author="Pamela Samuelson", title="Legally Speaking", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="23-29", month=aug, year=1990) @article(SAMU91a, Author="Pamela Samuelson", Title="Legally Speaking: Digital Media and the Law", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=10, Pages="19-21", Month="Oct.", Year=1991) @article(SAMU91b, Author="Pamela Samuelson", Title="Legally Speaking: is Information Property?", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=3, Pages="15-18", Month="Mar", Year=1991) @inproceedings(SANC94, Author = "J. Alfredo S\'{a}nchez", Title = "User Agents in the Interface to Digital Libraries", Pages = "217--218", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @inproceedings(SAND87, Author = "Ingolf Sander and Stephen Slovenkai", Title = "Magneto-Optical Recording with a Compact Optical Head", Booktitle = "Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage", Pages = "182--185", Publisher = "Optical Society of America", Note = "Stateline, NE, Sponsored by the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society of IEE and Optical Society of America, IEEE Catalog Number 85CH2234-3", Year = 1985) @article(SLAG85, author="James R. Slagle and Henry Hamburger", title="An Expert System For A Resource Allocation Problem", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=9, pages="994-1004", month=sep, year=1985) @incollection(SLAV86, Author = "Sharon Salveter", Title = "Supporting natural language database update by modeling real world actions", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems", Editor = "Larry Kershberg", Publisher = "The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", Pages = "639--657", Year = 1986) @article(SANFXX, Author = "D. Sanford and J. Roach", Title = "Representing and Using Metacommunication to Control Speakers' Relationships in Natural Language Dialogue", Journal = "The International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "X", Pages = "X", Year = "X") @inproceedings(SANS90, Title = "The Impact of Broadband Integrated Services on the Structure of Systems and Application Software", Author = "Robert D. Sansom and Eric C. Cooper", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(SARA75, Author = "Tefko Saracevic", Title = "RELEVANCE: A Review of and a Framework for the Thinking on the Notion in Information Science", Journal = jasis, Volume = "26", Number = "6", Month = nov, Pages = "321--343", Year = 1975) @article(SARA88a, Author = "Tefko Saracevic and Paul Kantor and Alice Y. Chamis and Donna Trivison", Title = "A Study of Information Seeking and Retrieving. I. Background and Methodology", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "3", Month = may, Pages = "161--176", Year = 1988) @article(SARA88b, Author = "Tefko Saracevic and Paul Kantor", Title = "A Study of Information Seeking and Retrieving. II. Users, Questions, and Effectiveness", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "3", Month = may, Pages = "177--196", Year = 1988) @article(SARA88c, Author = "Tefko Saracevic and Paul Kantor", Title = "A Study of Information Seeking and Retrieving. III. Searchers, Searches, and Overlap", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "3", Month = may, Pages = "197--216", Year = 1988) @article(SARN86, Author="Neil Sarnak and Robert E. Tarjan", Title="Planar Point Location Using Persistent Search Trees", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="669-679", Month=jul, Year=1986) @book(SATY86, Author = "M. Satyanarayan", Title = "Modelling Storage Systems", Publisher = "UMI Research Press", Address = "Ann Arbor, MI", Year = 1986) @article(SAVI87, Author = "Shannon Smith Saviers", Title = "Reflections on {CD-ROM}: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Purpose", Journal = "Special Libraries", Volume = "78", Number = "4", Pages = "288-294", Month = "Fall", Year = 1987, Note = "ISSN 0038-6723") @inproceedings(SCHA85, Author = "J. David Schaffer and John J. Grefenstette", Title = "Multi-objective learning via genetic algorithms", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "593--595", Year = 1985) @book(SCHA77, Author = "R.C. Schank and R. P. Abelson", Title = "Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Year = 1977) @incollection(SCHA81, Author = "R. C. Schank and J. L. Kolodner and G. DeJong", Title = "Conceptual Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval Research", Editor = "R.N. Oddy et al.", Publisher = "Butterworths", Address = "London, England", Year = 1981) @book(SCHA82, Author = "R. C. Schank", Title = "Dynamic Theory. A Theory of Reminding and Learning in Computers and People", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1982) @article(SCHI88, Author = "Peter B. Schipma", Title = "A {CD-ROM} Database Product for Oncology", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "63--66", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @article(SCHN90, Author="Fred B. Schneider", Title="Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial", Journal=acmcs, Volume=22, Number=4, Pages="299--320", Month=dec, Year=1990) @article(SCHW86, Author = "Candy Schwartz and Laura Malin Eisenmann", Title = "Subject Analysis", Journal = arist, Volume = "21", Pages = "37--62", Year = 1986) @book(SCHW87, Author = "Edward E. Schwartz", Title = "The Educators' Handbook to Interactive Videodisc", Publisher = "Association for Educational Communications and Technology", Address = "Washington, D.C.", Year = 1987) @book(SCHW87b, Author = "Richard Schweir", Title = "Interactive Video", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications, Inc", Address = "720 Palisade Av, Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "0-87778-206-7", Year = "1987") @techreport(SCHWJ86, Author = "Jacob T. Schwartz", Title = "'Dreamworld': The Use of Computerized Electronic Media Display Environments in Education and Art", Institution = "New York University, Computer Science Department", Month = mar, Year = 1986, Note = "Available from Dept. of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012") @article(SCHWE88, Author = "Julie B. Schwerin", Title = "{CD-ROM}: Potential Markets for Information", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "54--57", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @book(SCHWE86, Author = "Julie B. Schwerin and Howard Kaikow and Constance Bailey and Parke Lightbown", Title = "{CD-ROM} Standards: the Book", Publisher = "Learned Information (Europe) Ltd. and InfoTech", Address = "Oxford, England", Year = 1986) @article(SCHWI77, Author = "Schwind, C. and J. Janas", Year =1977, Title ="Automatic Thesaurus Construction from Natural Language Definitions", Journal ="SIGART Newsletter", Volume = 61, Pages = "49--50") @inproceedings(SCIO86, Author = "Edward Sciore and David Scott Warren", Title = "Towards an Integrated Database-Prolog System", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceeding from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Pages = "293--305", Year = 1986) @article(SCUL89, Author = "John Sculley", Title = "The Relationship Between Business and Higher Education: a Perspective on the 21st Century", Journal = cacm, Pages = "1056--1061", Month = sep, Volume = 32, Number = 9, Year = 1989) @inproceedings(SEBA94, Author = "Fabrizio Sebastiani", Title = "A Probabilistic Terminological Logic for Modelling Information Retrieval", Pages = "122--130", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(SEIT86, Author = "Mike Seither", Title = "Philips, Control Data TeamUp to Market Half-Height {CD ROM} Drive", Journal = "Mini-Micro Systems", Pages = "15--18", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @article(SELF86, Author = "Mallory Selfridge", Title = "Integrate Processing Produces Robust Understanding", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "12", Number = "2", Pages = "89--106", Month = apr, Year = 1986) @techreport(SELI87, Author="Calvin Selig and Sallie Henry", Title="A Design Tool Used to Quantitatively Evaluate Student Projects", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-27", Year=1987) @inproceedings(SELI89, Author="Seligman, D.D. and Feiner, S.", Title="Specifying Composite Illustrations with Communicative Goals", Booktitle="ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology", Place="Williamsburg, VA", Month="Nov. 13-15,", Year=1989) @article(SELK94, Author="Ted Selker", Title = "{COACH}: A Teaching Agent that Learns", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "92--99", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @techreport(SENE89, Author="Frederick A. Senese, Christopher A. Beattie, John Schug, Jimmy W. Viers and Layne T. Watson", Title="A Full Variational Calculation Based on a Tensor Product Decomposition", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-36", Month="May 31,", Year=1989) @techreport(SENE89b, Author=" Frederick A. Senese et al", Title="An Alternative to Full Configuration Interaction Based on a Tensor Product Decomposition", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-14", Month="Apr. 11,", Year=1989) @book(SERN87, Editor = "David Sernoff Research Center", Title = "Interactivities: A Communique on Digital Video Interactive Technology", Publisher = "David Sernoff Research Center", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(SEWE86, Author = "Winifred Sewell and Sandra Teitelbaum", Title = "Observations of End-User Online Searching Behavior over Eleven Years", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "4", Pages = "234--245", Year = 1986) @book(SHAF76, Author = "Glenn Shafer", Title = "A Mathematical Theory of Evidence", Publisher = "Princeton University Press", Address = "Princeton, NJ", Year = 1976) @techreport(SHAF88, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer and Manan Samet", Title="Set Operations for Unaligned Linear Quadtrees", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-31", Month="Sep. 8", Year=1988) @techreport(SHAF89, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer, Ramana Juvvadi, and Lenwood Heath", Title="A Generalized Comparison of Quadtree and Bintree Storage Requirements", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-23", Month="Jun. 21,", Year=1989) @techreport(SHAF89b, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer and Quentin F. Stout", Title="Linear Time Distance Transforms for Quadtrees", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-7", Month="Aug. 23,", Year=1989) @techreport(SHAF90a, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer and Gregory M. Herb", Title="A Real-Time Robot Arm Collision Detection System", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-28", Month="Jun. 11,", Year=1990) @techreport(SHAF90b, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer and Dave B. Boldery", Title="The Elevation Pyramid", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-29", Year=1990) @techreport(SHAF91a, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer et others", Title="Project GEOISM: The First Two Modules", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month="Sep. 25,", Year=1991) @techreport(SHAF91, Author="Clifford A. Shaffer and Charles D. Feustel", Title="A Representation and Algorithm for Exact Computation of Cascaded Polygon Intersections with Fixed Storage Requirements", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month="Sep. 25,", Year=1991) @article(SHAH91, Author="K. Shahookar and P. Mazumder", Title="{V1SI} Cell Placement Techniques", Journal=acmcs, Volume=23, Number=2, Pages="143-220", Month=jun, Year=1991) @article(SHAM86, Author="L.F. Shampine and L.S. Baca", Title="Fixed Versus Variable Order Runge-Kutta", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Month=mar, Pages="1--23", Year=1986) @inproceedings(SHAP79a, Author = "S. C. Shapiro", Title = "Generalized Augmented Transition Network Grammars for Generation from Semantic Networks", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics", Pages = "25--29", Year = 1979) @incollection(SHAP79b, Author = "Stuart C. Shapiro", Title = "The {SN}e{PS} Semantic Network Processing System", Booktitle = "Associative Networks", Editor = "Nick Findler", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "179--203", Year = 1979) @inproceedings(SHAP86, Author = "Stuart C. Shapiro and William Rapaport", Title = "SNePS Considered as a Fully Intentional Propositional Semantic Network", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-86, Fifth National Conf. on AI", Month = aug, Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Pages = "278--283", Year = 1986) @incollection{SHAP87, author="Shapiro, S.C. and Rapaport, W.J.", title="{SNePS} Considered as a Fully Intensional Propositional Semantic Network", booktitle="The Knowledge Frontier", editor="Cercone, N. and McCalla, G.", pages="263--315", year=1987, publisher="Springer-Verlag", address="New York, NY"} @unpublished(SHAR86, Author = "Sharat Sharan", Title = "Information Retrieval Comparisons", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = jun, Note = "MS thesis", Year = 1986) @techreport(SHARM86, Author = "Niraj Kumar Sharma", Title = "Sequence: A functional view of array and record", Institution = "Ol Dominion University, Dept. of Computer Science", Number = "TR-86-020", Year = 1986) @techreport(SHASH85, Author = "Dennis Shasha", Title = "When Does Non-Linear Text Help?", Institution = "New York University, Computer Science Department", Month = sep, Year = 1985, Note = "Available from Dept. of Computer Science, Curant Instit. of Math. Sci., 251 Mercer St., New York, NY 10012") @article(SHAS90, Author="Dennis Shasha and Tsong-Li Wang", Title="New Techniques for Best-Match Retrieval", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=2, Pages="140-158", Month="April", Year=1990) @misc(SHAS85, Author = "Lokendra Shastri and Jerome A. Feldman", Title = "Evidential Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formal Theory", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "465--474", Year = 1985) @article(SHAT84, Author="John Shattuck", Title="Computer Matching is a Serious Threat to Individual Rights", Journal="cacm", Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="538-541", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(SHAW88, author="Alan Shaw", title="Special Section on Operating Systems", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=3, pages="255-257", month=mar, year=1988) @mastersthesis(SHEA86, author = "Timothy E. Shea", title = "Computer-based rule systems in graphic design", school = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", year = "1986", month = sep) @article(SHEM87, Author="Itzhak Shemer", Title="Systems Analysis: A Systematic Analysis of a Conceptual Model", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="506-512", Month=jun, Year=1987) @inproceedings(SHEPXX, Author = "M.A. Shepherd and C.R. Watters and E.W. Grundke and P. Bodorik", Title = "Multiple access methods to hierarchically structured fulltest databases", Booktitle = "X", Pages = "30--38", Year = "X") @article(SHER74, Author = "D. Sherman", Title = "A New Computer Format for {\it Webster's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary}", Booktitle = "Computers and the Humanities", Volume = "8", Pages = "21--26", Year = 1974) @book(SHER78, Author = "J. Gilmour Sherman and Robert S. Ruskin", Title = "The {P}ersonalized {S}ystem of {I}nstruction", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "Vol. 13 in The Instructional Design Library, series ed. Danny G. Langdon", Year = 1978) @book(SHER82, Editor = "J. Gilmour Sherman and Robert S. Ruskin and George B. Semb", Title = "The {P}ersonalized {S}ystem of {I}nstruction: 48 seminal papers", Publisher = "TRI Publications", Address = "Lawrence, Kansas", Year = 1982) @book(SHER88, Author = "Christopher Sherman", Title = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @article(SHER92, Author="Gene Sherron", Title="Imaging Systems: an Overview for Management", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="34-38", Month="January/February", Year=1992) @techreport(SHIN88, Author="Yung S. Shin and Raphael T. Haftka and Layne T. Watson and Raymond H. Plaut", Title="Tracking Structural Optima as a Function of Available Resources by a Homotopy Method", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-43", Month="Feb. 8", Year=1988) @inproceedings(SHIP86, Author = "Jerry Shipman", Title = "Error Detection and Correction for 5 1/4 Inch Optical Disks", Booktitle = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of SPIE", Editor = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Volume = "2", Pages = "278--297", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Note = "ISBN 0-89252-730-7", Year = 1986) @article(SHNE86, Author = "Ben Shneiderman", Title = "Designing Menu Selection Systems", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "2", Pages = "57--70", Year = 1986) @book(SHNE87, Author = "B. Shneiderman", Title = "Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1987) @book(SHNE92, Author = "B. Shneiderman", Title = "Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd ed.", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1992) @book(SHNE89, Author = "B. Shneiderman and Greg Kearsley", Title = "Hypertext Hands-On!", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1989) @article(SIBL90, author="Edgar H. Sibley", title="Introduction", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=5, pages="488-490", month=may, year=1990) @book(SIGE80, Author = "Sigel-Schubin-Merrill", Title = "Video Discs", Publisher = "Von Nostrand Reinhold Co", Address = "135 W 50th St, NY", Note = "0-442-27784-9", Year = "1980") @article(SIJS91, Author = "Frans Sijstermans and {van der Meer}, Jan", Title = "{CD-I} full-motion video encoding on a parallel computer", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "81--91", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(SILB92, Author="Jay R. Silber", Title="FlightSafety and the DVI Medium", Journal="Instruction Delivery Systems", Volume=6, Number=3, Pages="9-13", Month="June", Year=1992) @article(SILB91, Author = "Avi Silberschatz and Micahel Stonebraker and Jeff Ullman", Title = "Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "10", Pages = "110--120", Month = oct, Year = "1991") @techreport(SIMM83, Author = "Robert F. Simmons", Title = "A Text Knowledge Base for the {AI} {H}andbook", Institution = "University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science", Number = "TR-83-24", Month = dec, Year = 1983) @article(SIMM87, Author = "Robert F. Simmons", Title = "A text knowledge base from the AI Handbook", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "321--329", Year = 1987) @book(SIMM84, Author = "R. F. Simmons", Title = "Computations from the English", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1984) @article(SIMO91, Author="Barbara Simons, Dennis Frailey, A. Joe Turner, Stu Zweben, and Peter Denning", Title="Report: An ACM Response", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=10, Pages="121-131", Month="Oct.", Year=1991) @article(SIMP87, Author = "David Simpson", Title = "Erasable Optical Disks: When, What, Why?", Journal = "Mini-Micro Systems", Volume = "20", Number = "12", Pages = "15--18", Month = dec, Year = 1987) @techreport(SING88, Author="Yung S. Sing et al.", Title="Design of Laminated Plates for Maximum Buckling Load", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-14", Year=1988) @techreport(SIOC88, Author="Antonio Siochi and H. Rex Hartson", Title="Task-Oriented Representation of Asynchronious Interfaces", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-42", Month=may, Year=1988) @techreport(SIOC89, Author="Antonio C. Siochi", Title="Computer Analysis of User Interfaces", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-34", Year=1989) @techreport(SIOC90a, Author="Antonio Siochi and Roger W. Ehrich", Title="Computer Analysis of User Interfaces Based on Repitition in Transcripts of User Sessions", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-15", Year=1990) @techreport(SIOC90b, Author="Antonio C. Siochi, Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="Notational Techniques for Accomodating User Intention Shifts", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-18", Year=1990) @article(SIOC91a, Author="Antonio C. Siochi and Roger W. Ehrich", Title="Computer Analysis of User Interfaces based on Repetition in Transcripts of User Sessions", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=4, Pages="309--335", Month=oct, Year=1991) @article(SIOC91b, Author = "Antonio Siochi and Edward A. Fox and Deborah Hix and Edward E. Schwartz and Arun Narasimhan and William Wake", Title = "The Integrator: a prototype for flexible development of interactive digital multimedia applications", Journal = "Interactive Multimedia", Volume = "2", Number = "3", Pages = "5--26", Month = "July-Sept.", Year = 1991) @techreport(SIRB84, Author = "M.S. Sirbu and J.B. Sutherland", Title = "Naming and directory issues in message transfer systems", Institution = "M.I.T.", Number = "TM-263", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @article(SIRC86, author="Sumit Sircar and Dinesh Dave", title="The Relationship between Benchmark Tests and Microcomputer Price", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="212-217", month=nov, year=1986) @article(SKEE86, Author="Robert D. Skeel and Thu V. Vu", Title="Note on Blended Linear Multistep Formulas", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="223--224", Year=1986) @book(SKIE90, Author = "Steven Skiena", Title = "Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1990) @inbook(SKOL80, Author = "Mark Skolnick", Title = "The Utah Genealogical Data Base: A Resource for Genetic Epidemiology", Booktitle = "Banbury Report 4: Cancer Incidence in Defined Populations", Editor = "John Cairns and Joseph L Lyon and Mark Skolnick", Address = "Cold Spring Harbor Lab", Pages = "285--296", Year = 1980) @inproceedings(SKUC85, Author = "D. Skuce and S. Matwon and B. Tauzovich and S. Szpakowicz and F. Oppacher", Title = "A Rule-Oriented Methodology for Constructing a Knowledge Base from Natural Language Documents", Booktitle = "Proc. Expert Systems in Government Symp., IEEE", Pages = "378--385", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @techreport(SLAC87a, Author="Marc G. Slack and David P. Miller", Title="Spatial and Temporal Path Planning", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-19", Year=1987) @techreport(SLAC87b, Author="Marc G. Slack and David P. Miller", Title="Path Planning Through Time and Space in Dynamic Domains", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-5", Year=1987) @article(SLAT86, Author="Brian M. Slator, Matthew P. Anderson, and Walt Conley", Title="{Pygmalion} at the Interface", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="599-604", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(SMAL73, Author = "H. G. Small", Title = "Co-Citation in the Scientific Literature: A New Measure of the Relationship Between Two Documents", Journal = jasis, Volume = "24", Number = "4", Month = jul, Year = 1973) @article(SMAL80, Author = "H. Small", Title = "Co-Citation Context Analysis and the Structure of Paradigms", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "36", Number = "3", Pages = "183--196", Month = sep, Year = 1980) @article(SMEA86a, Author = "A. F. Smeaton and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Title = "Information retrieval in an office filing facility and future work in Project Minstrel", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Pages = "135--149", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(SMEA86b, Author = "A. F. Smeaton", Title = "Incorporating syntactic information into a document retrieval strategy: An investigation", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research \& Devel. in Inf. Ret.", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Pages = "103--113", Year = 1986) @article(SMIT94, Author="David Canfield Smith and Allen Cypher and Jim Spohrer", Title = "{KidSim}: Programming Agents Without a Programming Language", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "54--67", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(SMIT92a, Author="Stuart Smith and R. Daniel Bergeron and Georges G. Grinstein", Title="Stereophonic and Surface Sound Generation for Exploratory Data Analysis", Chapter = "11", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="173-184", Year=1992) @article(SMIT92b, Author="Kime H. Smith, Jr.", Title="Accessing Multimedia Network Services", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume=31, Number=5, Pages="72--80", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(SMIT80a, Author = "Linda C. Smith", Title = "Implications of artificial intelligence for end user use of online systems", Journal = "Online Review", Volume = "4", Number = "4", Pages = "383--391", Year = 1980) @article(SMIT80b, Author = "Linda C. Smith", Title = "Artificial intelligence applications in information systems", Journal = arist, Volume = "15", Pages = "67--106", Year = 1980) @inbook(SMIT84, Author = "L. C. Smith and A. J. Warner", Title = "A taxonomy of representations in information retrieval system design", Booktitle = "Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis of Information Processes", Editor = "Hans J. Dietschmann", Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "31--49", Year = 1984) @article(SMITP89, Author = "Philip J. Smith and Stephen J. Shute and Deb Galdes and Mark H. Chignell", Title = "Knowledge-Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System", Journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = 7, Number = 3, Month = jul, Year = 1989, Pages ="246--270") @article(SMITR85, Author = "Smith, Raoul N.", Year = "1985", Title = "Conceptual Primitives in the English Lexicon", Journal = "Papers in Linguistics", Volume = "18", Number = "1", Pages = "99--137") @inbook(SMITR73, Author = "Smith, Raoul and Edward Maxwell", Year = "1973", Title = "An English Dictionary for Computerized Syntactic and Semantic Processing", Editor = "A. Zampolli and N. Calzolari", Booktitle = "Computational and Mathematical Linguistics", Publisher = "Olschki", Address = "Florence, Italy", Pages = "303--322") @book(SMITS86, Author = "S. Smith and J. Mosier", Title = "Guidelines for Human-Computer Interface Design", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1986) @article(SMITH88, Author = "J. B. Smith and S. F. Weiss", Title = "An Overview of Hypertext, Special Issue on Hypertext", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "7", Pages = "issue", Month = jul, Year = 1988) @techreport(SNAV92, Author="Cory Snavely", Title="Implementation of a Cover Coefficient-Based Incremental Clustering Algorithm for Very Large Document Databases", Institution="SAN Departmental Honors Program, Miami Univ. of Ohio", Month="Dec. 16,", Year=1992) @article(SNOD86, Author = "Richard Snodgrass", Title = "Temporal Databases", Journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = 19, number = 9, Month = sep, Pages = "35--42", Year = 1986) @techreport(SOLL85, Author = "K.R. Sollins", Title = "Distributed name management", Institution = "M.I.T.", Number = "TR-331", Month = feb, Year = 1985) @article(SOLL86, Author="Martin K. Solomon and Riva Wenig Bickel", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure {XV}: A Self-Assessment Procedure Dealing with File Processing", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=8, Pages="745--751", Month=aug, Year=1986) @article(SOLO91, Author="Elliot Soloway", Title="Log on Education: How the Nintendo Generation Learns", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=9, Pages="19-22", Month="Sep.", Year=1991) @techreport(SOMM85a, Author = "Ian Sommerville and Alastair Blair", Title = "DSA - A Tool for Descriptive Text Analysis", Institution = "University of Strathclyde Software Technology Research Group", Number = "CS/ST/2/85", Year = 1985) @techreport(SOMM85b, Author = "Ian Sommerville and Murray Wood", Title = "SOFTLIB -- A Document Management System", Institution = "University of Strathclyde Software Technology Research Group", Number = "CS/ST/4/85", Year = 1985) @book(SOUT88, Author = "Gerald Souter and Howard Hisrch", Title = "The Disconnection: Interactive Video and Optical Disc Media", Publisher = "Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc", Address = "701 Westchester Av, White Plains, NY", Note = "0-86729-218-0", Year = "1988") @inproceedings(SOWA85, Author = "John F. Sowa", Title = "Using a Lexicon of Canonical Graphs in a Semantic Interpreter", Booktitle = "Proc. First Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary: Information in Data", Address = "Waterloo, Canada", Pages = "63--82", Month = nov, Year = 1985) @book(SPEN87, Author = "J. Spencer", Title = "Ten Lectures on the Probabilistic Method", Publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Year = 1987) @book(SPER90, Editor = "C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard", Title = "Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine-Readable Texts", Publisher = "Text Encoding Initiative, ACH/ACL/ALLC", Note = "Draft: Version 1, TEI P1", Year = 1990) @article(SPOH86, Author="James C. Spohrer and Elliot Soloway", Title="Novice Mistakes: Are the Folk Wisdoms Correct?", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="624-632", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(SPRI86a, Author="Jorn Springer", Title="Exact Solution of General Integer Systems of Linear Equations", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Month=mar, Pages="51--61", Year=1986) @article(SPRI86b, Author="Jorn Springer", Title="Algorithm 641", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Month=jun, Pages="149", Year=1986) @article(SPRU78, Author = "R. Sprugnoli", Title = "Perfect hashing functions: a single probe retrieving method for static sets", Volume = "20", Pages = "841--850", Year = 1978) @inproceedings(SREE90, Author = "Cormac J. Sreenan", Title = "Synchronised Retrieval of Multi-Media Data", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @inproceedings(SRIH94, Author = "Sargur N. Srihari and Stephen W. Lam and Jonathan J. Hull and Rohini K. Srihari and Venugopal Govindaraju", Title = "Intelligent Data Retrieval from Raster Images of Documents", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Pages = "34--40", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @article(SRIN87, Author="Ananth Srinivasan and Kate M. Kaiser", Title="Relationships between Selected Organizational Factors and Systems Development", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="556-563", Month=jun, Year=1987) @article(STAL84, Author="William Stallings", Title="Local Networks", Journal=acmcs, Volume=16, Number=1, Pages="3-42", Month="March", Year=1984) @book(STAL86, Author = "Richard Stallman", Title = "GNU Emacs Manual, Fifth Edition, Emacs Version 18 for Unix Users", Publisher = "X", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @article(STAN86a, Author = "Craig Stanfill and Brewster Kahle", Title = "Parallel free-text search on the connection machine system", Journal = cacm, Volume = "29", Number = "12", Pages = "1229--1239", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @article(STAN86b, Author="Craig Stanfill and David Waltz", Title="Toward Memory-Based Reasoning", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=12, Pages="1213-1228", Month=dec, Year=1986) @article(STEI86, Author = "Charles W. Steinfield", Title = "Computer-mediated communication systems", Journal = arist, Volume = "21", Pages = "167--202", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(STEI90a, Author = "Ralf Steinmetz and others", Title = "Compound Multimedia Objects - Integration into Network and Operating Systems", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(STEI90, Author="Ralf Steinmetz", Title="synchronization Properties in Multimedia Systems", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="401-412", Month=apr, Year=1990) @inproceedings(STER84, Author = "Leon Sterling", Title = "Logical levels of problem solving", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Logic Programming Conference", Address = "Uppsala, Sweden", Pages = "231--242", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @book(STER86, Author = "Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro", Title = "The Art of Prolog", Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1986) @article(STER90, author="Theodore D. Sterling and James J. Weinkam", title="Sharing Scientific Data", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="112-119", month=aug, year=1990) @techreport(STEV88, Author="K. Todd Stevens and James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance", Title="A Taxonomy for the Evaluation of Computer Documentation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-38", Month="June 15", Year=1988) @article(STEV89, Author = "Scott M. Stevens", Title = "Intelligent Interactive Video Simulation of a Code Inspection", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "832--843", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(STEW85, Author="G.W. Stewart", Title="A Note on Complex Division", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="238--241", Year=1987) @book(STIC75, Author = "James E. Stice", Title = "Expansion of {K}eller Plan Instruction in {E}ngineering and Selected Other Disciplines: A Final Report", Publisher = "The University of Texas at Austin", Address = "Austin, TX", Note="One of a series of reports on the project sponsored by Grant 72-11-3 from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation", Year = 1975) @inproceedings(STIC85, Author = "Jon Sticklen and B. Chandrasekaran and John R. Josephson", Title = "Control Issues in Classificatory Diagnosis", Booktitle = "Proc. IJCAI-85", Pages = "300--306", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(STIR87, Author = "Keith H. Stirling", Title = "Database building and online searching performance factors affected by using an emulator: an evaluation of DIALTWIG", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "215", Year = 1987) @article(STOD90, Author = "David S. Stodolsky", Title = "Archiving Secure Interactions", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "353--354", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @book(STON66, Author = "Stone, P. J., Dunphy, D. C., Smith, M. S., and Ogilvie, D. M.", Title = "The General Inquirer: A Computer Approach to Content Analysis", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Publisher = "MIT Press", Year = "1966") @article(STON85, Author = "J. Stoneback", Title = "The collegiate Community", Journal = "UNIX Review", Volume = "3", Number = "10", Pages = "24--48", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(STON83, Author = "M. Stonebraker et al.", Title = "Document processing in a relational database system", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "1", Number = "2", Month = apr, Year = 1983) @article(STON90, Author = "M. Stonebraker and L. A. Rowe and M. Hirohama", Title = "The Implementation of {POSTGRES}", Journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", Volume = "2", Pages = "125--142", Month = "March", Year = "1990") @article(STON91, Author = "Michael Stonebraker and Greg Kemnitz", Title = "The {POSTGRES} Next-Generation Database Management System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "10", Pages = "78--92", Month = oct, Year = "1991") @book(STOR85, Author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", Title = "The C++ Programming Language", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1985) @book(STOR91, Editor = "James A. Storer and John H. Reif", Year = "1991", Title = "Proceedings Data Compression Conference, April 8-11, 1991, Snowbird, Utah", Publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", Address = "Los Alamitos, CA") @article(STRA90, Author="David D. Straube and M. Tamer Ozsu", Title="Queries and Query Processing in Object-Oriented database Systems", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=4, Pages="387-430", Month="Oct.", Year=1990) @article(STRE85, Author="Roy L. Streit", Title="Algorithm 635", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="242--249", Year=1987) @article(STRU88, Author = "Roger Strukhoff", Title = "Apple Joins the Corps", Journal = "{CD-ROM} Review", Volume = "3", Number = "2", Pages = "14", Note = "ISSN 0891-3188", Year = 1988) @article(STRU87, Author = "Roger Strukhoff", Title = "The PDO Show", Journal = "{CD-ROM} Review", Volume = "2", Number = "4", Pages = "35--39", Note = "ISSN 0891-3188", Year = 1987) @article(STYT91, Author="M.R. Styt, G. Frieder, and O. Frieder", Title="Three-Dimensional Medical Imaging", Journal="acmcs", Volume=23, Number=4, Pages="421-500", Month="Dec.", Year=1991) @article(SUBR85, Author = "P.A. Subrahmanyam", Title = "The 'Software Engineering' of Expert Systems: Is Prolog Appropriate?", Journal = "IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", Volume = "11", Number = "11", Pages = "1391--1400", Month = nov, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(SULL85, Author = "Michael Sullivan and Paul R. Cohen", Title = "An endorsement-based plan recognition program", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "475--479", Year = 1985) @book(SULL91, Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Title = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(SUND90, Author="Daniel M. Sunday", Title="A Very Fast Substring Search Algorithm", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=8, Pages="132--142", Month=aug, Year=1990) @book(SUNM85, Author = "SUN Microsystems Inc.", Title = "Programmer's Guide to SUN Windows", Publisher = "SUN Microsystems Inc.", Address = "X", Month = may, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(SUTC91, Author="Richard F. E. Sutcliffe", Title="Distributed Representations in a Text Based Information Retrieval System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address = "Chicago, IL", Month = oct, Pages = "123--132", Year = 1991) @article(SVEN86, Author = "Elaine Svenonius", Title = "Unanswered Questions in the Design of Controlled Vocabularies", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "5", Pages = "331--340", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(SWAN91, Author="Don R. Swanson", Title="Analysis of Unintended Connections Between Disjoimt Science Literatures", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="280--290", Year=1991) @inbook(TAGU81, Author = "J. Tague and M. Nelson and H. Wu", Title = "Problems in the Simulation of Bibliographic Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval Research", Editor = "R.N.M. Oddy and S.E. Robertson and C.J. Van Rijsbergen and P.W. Williams", Publisher = "Butterworths", Address = "London, England", Pages = "236--255", Year = 1981) @inproceedings(TAGU91, Author = "Jean Tague and Airi Salminen and Charles Mc{C}lellan", Title = "A Complete Model for Information Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address = "Chicago, IL", Month = oct, Pages = "14--20", Year = 1991) @article(TAHA76, Author = "Valiollah Tahani", Title = "A fuzzy model of document retrieval systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "12", Pages = "177--187", Year = 1976) @article(TAKA86, Author = "K. Takahashi and H. Yamada and H. Nagai and K. Matsumi", Title = "A New String Search Hardware for VLSI", Journal = "Computer Architecture News", Volume = "14", Pages = "20--27", Year = 1986) @article(TAKE92, Author="Yoichi Takebayashi", Title="Integration of Understanding and Synthesis Functions for Multimedia Interfaces", Chapter = "14", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "233--256", Year=1992) @article(TANG91, Author="John C. Tang and Scott L. Minneman", Title="VideoDraw: A Video Interface for Collaborative Drawing", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=2, Pages="170--183", Month=apr, Year=1991) @article(TARJ79, Author = "R. E. Tarjan and A. C. C. Yao", Title = "Storing a sparse table", Journal = cacm, Volume = "22", Pages = "606--611", Year = 1979) @article(TART85, author="John Tartar, Editor", title="The 1984 Snowbird Report: Future Issues in Computer Science", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="490-493", month=may, year=1985) @article(TAYL90, author="Murat Tayli and Abdulla I. Al-Salamah", title="Building Bilingual Microcomputer Systems", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=5, pages="495-505", month=may, year=1990) @inproceedings(TENN90, Author = "David L. Tennenhouse", Title = "The {V}iew{S}tation Research Program on Distributed Video Systems", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(TENO84, Author = "Carol Tenopir", Title = "Full-text databases", Journal = arist, Volume = "19", Pages = "215--246", Year = 1984) @inproceedings(TEUH86, Author = "J. Teuhola and T. Raita", Title = "Text compression using prediction", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(THAC88, Author="William Thacker and Layne T. watson and S. Kishore Kumar", Title="Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection from a Disk Rotating in a Vertical Plane", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-52", Year=1988) @book(THEU87, Author = "{The University of Chicago Press}", Title = "Chicago Guide to Preparing Electronic Manuscripts: For Authors and Publishers", Publisher = "The University of Chicago Press", Address = "Chicago, IL", Year = 1987) @article(TEUH91, author="Jukka Teuhola and Lutz Wegner", title="Minimal Space, Average Linear Time Duplicate Deletion", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="67-73", month=mar, year=1991) @techreport(THOM86, Author = "James A. Thom and Kotagiri Ramamohanaro and Lee Naish", Title = "A superjoin algorithm for deductive databases", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Melbourne", Number = "86/1", Year = 1986) @techreport(THOM87, Author = "James A. Thom and Justin Zoebel", Title = "NU-Prolog Reference Manual: Version 1.1", Institution = "Machine Intelligence Project, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Melbourne", Number = "86/10, revised May 1987", Year = 1987) @article(THOMA85, Author = "G. R. Thoma and S. Suthasinekul and F.L. Walker and J. Cookson and M. Rashidian", Title = "A prototype system for the electronic storage and retrieval of document images", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "3", Number = "3", Pages = "X", Month = jul, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(THOMA87, Author = "G. R. Thoma and T. R. Harris and S. E. Hauser and F. L. Walker", Title = "Design considerations affecting throughput in an optical disk-based document storage system", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "225--233", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(THOMB83, Author = "B. Thompson and F. Thompson", Title = "Introducing ASK, a simple knowledgeable system", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference of Applied Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", Pages = "17--24", Year = 1983) @inproceedings(THOMP85, Author = "R. H. Thompson and W. B. Croft", Title = "An expert system for document retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. Expert Systems in Gov. Symp.", Publisher = "IEEE", Pages = "448--456", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(THOMP90a, Author = "P. Thompson", Title = "A {C}ombination of {E}xpert {O}pinion Approach to Probabilistic Information Retrieval, {P}art 1: The Conceptual Model", Journal = ipm, Volume = "26", Number = "3", Pages = "371--382", Year = 1990) @article(THOMP90b, Author = "P. Thompson", Title = "A {C}ombination of {E}xpert {O}pinion Approach to Probabilistic Information Retrieval, {P}art 2: Mathematical Treatment of {CEO} {M}odel 3", Journal = ipm, Volume = "26", Number = "3", Pages = "383--394", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(THOMT85, Author = "T. R. Thompson", Title = "Parallel formulation of evidential-reasoning theories", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "321--327", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(THUR86, Author = "B. Thurmair", Title = "Realist: retrieval aids by linguistics and statistics", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(TILL90, author="Matthew A. Tillman and David Yen", title="{SNA} and {OSI}: Three Strategies For Interconnection", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="214--224", month=feb, year=1990) @article(TILO84, Author="Robert B. Tilove", Title="A Null-Object Algorithm for Constructive Solid Geometry", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=7, Pages="684--694", Month=jul, Year=1984) @book(TIME89, author = "{Time Arts Inc.}", publisher = "{Time Arts Inc.}", title = "Lumena 16/32 {Version} 3.3 User's Manual", Address = "Santa Rosa, CA", year = "1989") @article(TING77, Author = "T. C. Ting and Y.W.Wang", Title = "Multiway replacement selection sort with dynamic reservoir", Journal = "The Computer Journal", Volume = "20", Number = "4", Pages = "298--301", Month = nov, Year = 1977) @article(TINK89, Author = "Michael Tinker", Title = "{DVI} Parallel Image Compression", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "844--851", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(TISC85, Author="P.E. Tischer and G.K. Gupta", Title="An Evaluation of Some Cyclic Linear Multistep Formulas for Stiff ODEs", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Month=sep, Pages="263--278", Year=1987) @unpublished(TISC86, Author = "Marc A. Tischler", Title = "Expert separations program: an expert system to aid the analytical chemist in high performance liquid chromatography separations methodology", Institution = vpisu, Note = "M.S. Report", Month = jul, Year = 1986) @article(TISC87, Author = "Marc A. Tischler and Edward A. Fox", Title = "An expert system for selecting liquid chromatographic separation methods", Journal = "Computers and Chemistry", Volume = "11", Number = "4", Pages = "235--240", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(TISS91, Author="Anne Tissen", Title="A Case-Based Architecture for A Dialogue Manager for Information Seeking", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="152--1161", Year=1991) @inproceedings(TOBA93, Author="F.A. Tobagi and J. Pang and R. Baird and M. Gang", Title="Streaming RAID: A Disk Storage System for Video and Audio Files", Month=aug, Year="1993", Booktitle = acm-mm93, Note= "Anaheim, California, to appear") @article(TODD76, Author = "S.J.P.Todd", Title = "The Peterlee relational test vehicle - a system overview", Journal = "IBM Systems Journal", Volume = "15", Number = "4", Pages = "285--307", Year = 1976) @inproceedings(TOMI85, Author = "Masaru Tomita", Title = "An efficient context-free parsing algorithm for natural languages", Booktitle = ijcai9, Pages = "756--763", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(TONG83, Author = "R. M. Tong et al.", Title = "A rule-based approach to information retrieval: some results and comments", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-83", Pages = "411--415", Year = 1983) @inproceedings(TONG86, Author = "Richard M. Tong and Lee A. Appelbaum and Victor N. Askman and James F. Cunningham", Title = "{RUBRIC} {III}: an object-oriented expert system for information retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings IEEE Expert Systems in Government Conference", Address = "McLean, VA", Pages = "106--115", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(TONG87, Author = "Richard M. Tong and Lee A. Appelbaum and Victor N. Askman and James F. Cunningham", Title = "Conceptual information retrieval using {RUBRIC}", Booktitle = "Proc. Tenth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on R\&D in Inf. Ret.", Address = "New Orleans, LA", Pages = "247--253", Month = jun, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(TONG94, Author = "Richard M. Tong and David H. Holtzman", Title = "Knowledge-Based Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources", Pages = "61--66", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @inproceedings(TOWN86, Author = "David K. Towner", Title = "Scanning Techniques for Optical Data Storage", Pages = "172--180", Editor = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Booktitle = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of SPIE", Volume = "2", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Note = "ISBN0-89252-730-7", Year = 1986) @incollection(TRAU88, Author = "David Traub", Title = "An Historical Perspective of CD-ROM", Pages = "17--50", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @article(TRAU90, Author = "David C. Traub", Title = "Information into Knowledgework: The Next Evolution of Man-Machine as {CD-ROM} Enters the 1990s", Journal = "Multimedia Review", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Note = "ISSN 1046-3550", Pages = "5--10", Month = "Spring", Year = 1990) @article(TRAU89, Author = "R. Trautman and S. Von Flittner", Title = "An expert system for microcomputers to aid selection of online databases", Journal = "Reference Librarian", Issue = 23, Pages = "207--238", Year = 1989) @article(TRAV82, Author = "Irene L. Travis and Raya Fidel", Title = "Subject Analysis", Journal = arist, Volume = "17", Pages = "123--158", Year = 1982) @techreport(TRIA87, Author="K. Triantis and C.S. Egyhazy", Title="A Framework for the Study of Query Decomposition for Heterogeneous Distributed Database Management Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-31", Year=1987) @article(TRIG86, Author = "Randall H. Trigg and Mark Weiser", Title = "{TEXTNET}: A network-based approach to text handling", Journal = "ACM TOOIS", Volume = "4", Number = "1", Pages = "1--23", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(TRIV86, Author = "Donna Trivison and Alice Y. Chamis and Tefko Saracevic and Paul Kantor", Title = "Effectiveness and efficiency of searchers in online searching: preliminary results from a study of information seeking and retrieving", Booktitle = "ASIS 86 Proc. 49th ASIS Ann. Mtg.", Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "341--349", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(TROS81, Author = "Harold Trost and Ingeborg Steinacker", Title = "The role of roles: some aspects of real world knowledge representation", Booktitle = ijcai7, Pages = "237--239", Year = 1981) @inproceedings(TRUC86, Author = "T. Truckenmueller and M. Rathgeb", Title = "Methodological issues for the design of an office information server", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @InProceedings{TSUR86 ,author={Tsurumaru, H. and Hitaka, T. and Yoshida, S.} ,title={An Attempt to Automatic Thesaurus Construction from an Ordinary Japanese Dictionary} ,organization={COLING 86} ,booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics} ,month=August ,pages={445-447} ,year=1986 } @article(TUCK91, Author="Allen B. Tucker, editor", Title="Computing Curricula 1991", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=6, Pages="68--84", Month=jun, Year=1991) @article(TUCK92, Author="Larry Tuck", Title="Authoring Tools Make Presentations More Interactive", Journal="Presentation Products", Volume=6, Number=3, Pages="36--37", Month=mar, Year=1992) @techreport(TUNN89, Author="Thurman W. Tunnell and Lenwood Heath", Title="Development of New Hueristics for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-30", Month=sep, Year=1989) @article(TURT91, Author = "Howard Turtle and W. Bruce Croft", Title = "Evaluation of an Inference Network-Based Retrieval Model", Journal = acmtois, Volume = "9", Number = "3", Month = jul, Pages = "187--222", Year = 1991) @inproceedings(TURT94, Author = "Howard Turtle", Title = "Natural Language vs. Boolean Query Evaluation: A Comparison of Retrieval Performance", Pages = "212--220", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @incollection(TYLE91, Author = "Sherman W. Tyler and others", Title = "An Intelligent Interface Architecture for Adaptive Interaction", Chapter = "5", Pages = "85--109", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(ULIC91, Author="Terry Ulick", Title="The Kodak Photo CD", Journal="Colour", Volume="Premier", Pages="2--12", Year=1991) @techreport(ULRI90, Author="Gary Ulrich and Layne T. Watson", Title="Positivity Conditions for Quartic Polynomials", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-57", Year=1990) @article(URRO87, Author = "Henry Urrows and Elizabeth Urrows", Title = "Megadoc -- A Progress Report", Journal = "Optical Information Systems", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Pages = "169--184", Note = "ISSN 0886-5809", Month = may, Year = 1987) @article(VALI90, author="Leslie G. Valiant", title="A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="103--111", month=aug, year=1990) @article(VAND84, Title="Computer graphics Come of Age: An Interview with Andries Van Dam", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=7, Pages="638--648", Month=jul, Year=1984) @article(VAND87, Author = "Kay E. Vandergrift and Marlyn Kemper and Sandra Champion and Jane Anne Hannigan", Title = "{CD-ROM}: Perspectives on an Emerging Technology", Journal = "X", Pages = "27--31", Year = 1987) @article(VAND92, Author="Laura Van Dam", Title="A Picture is Worth 1,000: Researchers are flocking to computerized 'scientific visualization' as a merciful and valuable substitute for data overload", Journal="Technology Review", Volume=95, Number=4, Pages="34--40", Month="May/June", Year=1992) @techreport(VAND91, Author = "{van der Laan}, C. G. and D. C. Coleman and J. R. Luyten", Title = "{SGML-LaTeX}", Institution = "Rekencentrum RUG and Elseview Science Publishers B. V.", Number = "RC-Rapport 24", Month = jul, Year = 1989) @book(VANR79, Author = "C.J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "Information Retrieval: Second Edition", Publisher = "Butterworths", Address = "London, England", Year = 1979) @article(VANR86a, Author = "C. J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "Editorial: Office Animation", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Pages = "81--82", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(VANR86b, Author = "C. J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "A new theoretical framework for information retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "194--200", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(VANR86c, Author = "C. J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "A non-classical logic for information retrieval", Journal = "The Computer Journal", Volume = "29", Pages = "481-485", Year = 1986) @techreport(VASU88, Author="G. Vasudevan L.T. Watson and F.H. Lutze", Title="A Homotopy Approach for Solving Constrained Optimization Problems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-50", Year=1988) @techreport(VENK88, Author="Anjati Venkateshwaran and Richard E. nance and Osman Balci", Title="Dynamically Reconfigurable Networks: Concept Evaluation Through Simulation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-34", Month=jan, Year=1988) @techreport(VERG91, Author="John Paul C. Vergara and Lenwood S. Heath", Title="Edge-Packing by Isomorphic Subgraphs", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-3", Month=nov, Year=1991) @inproceedings(VERM90, Title = "Guaranteeing Delay Jitter Bounds in Packet-Switching Networks", Author = "Dinesh C. Verma and Hui Zhang and Domenico Ferrari", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @incollection(VICKXX, Author = "A. Vickery and H.M. Brooks and B.C. Vickery", Title = "An expert system for referral: the PLEXUS project", Booktitle = "X", Chapter = "6", Pages = "154--183", Publisher = "X", Year = "X") @article(VICK84, Author = "A. Vickery", Title = "An intelligent interface for online interaction", Journal = "J. Inf. Sci.", Volume = "9", Pages = "7--18", Year = 1984) @techreport(VICK88, Author = "A. Vickery and H. M. Brooks and B. A. Robinson and J. Stephens", Title = "Expert system for referral", City = "London", Institution = "The British Library", Number = "Library and Information Research Report 66", Year = 1988) @article(VIN91, Author="Herrick M. Vin and Polle T. Zellweger and Daniel C. Swinehart and P.Venkat Rangan", Title="Multimedia Conferencing in the Etherphone Environment", Journal="IEEE Computer", Volume=24, Number=10, Pages="69--78", Month=oct, Year=1991) @techreport{VIRK89 ,author={Virkar, R.} ,title={A Many-Sorted Theory for Natural Language Understanding} ,institution={Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University} ,address={Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106} ,type={Department of Computer Science Ph.D. Proposal} ,year=1989 } @article(VIRK88, Author = "Rajesh S. Virkar and John W. Roach", Title = "Direct Assimilation of Expert-Level Knowledge by Automatically Parsing Research Paper Abstracts", Journal = "International Journal of Expert Systems", Volume = "1", Number = "4", Pages = "281--305", Note = "ISSN 0894--9077", Year = 1988) @article(VITA85, author="Nicholas P. Vitalari, Alladi Venkatesh, and Kjell Gronhaug", title="Computing in the Home: Shifts in Time Allocation Patterns of Households", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="512-522", month=may, year=1985) @article(VITT84, Author="Jeffrey Scott Vitter", Title="Faster Methods for Random Sampling", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=7, Pages="703--718", Month=jul, Year=1984) @article(VITT85, Author = "Jeffrey Scott Vitter", Title = "An efficient I/0 interface for Optical Discs", Journal = "ACM TODS", Volume = "10", Number = "2", Pages = "129--162", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @article(VLIS90, author="John M. Vlissides and Mark A. Linton", Title="Unidraw: A Framework for Building Domain-Specific Graphical Editors", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="237--268", Month=jul, Year=1990) @techreport(VOOR85, Author = "E. M. Voorhees", Title = "The effectiveness and efficiency of agglomerative hierarchic clustering in document retrieval", Institution = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Note = "Dissertation", Number = "85-705", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(VOOR85b, Author = "E. M. Voorhees", Title = "The cluster hypothesis revisited", Journal = "X", Volume = "X", Pages = "188--196", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(VOOR86, Author = "Ellen M Voorhees", Title = "The efficiency of inverted index and cluster searches", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "164--174", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(WADA84, Author="Ben Tsutom Wada", Title="A Virtual Memory System for Picture Processing", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="444--454", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(WADE89, Author = "Stephen J. Wade and Peter Willett and David Bawden", Journal = "Journal of Information Science", Title = "{SIBRIS}: the {S}andwich {I}nteractive {B}rowsing and {R}anking {I}nformation {S}ystem", Year = "1989", Volume = "15", Pages ="249--260") @article(WAID87, Author = "Dennis Waid", Title = "Disk Development Boosts Performance", Journal = "UNIX WORLD", Volume = "4", Number = "5", Pages = "63--68", Month = may, Year = 1987) @techreport(WAKE88, Author="Steven Wake and Sallie Henry", Title="A Model Based on Software Quality Factors which Predicts Maintainability", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-8", Year=1988) @inbook(WALK87a, Author = "Adrian Walker", Title = "Expert systems in Prolog", Booktitle = "Knowledge Systems and Prolog: A Logical Approach to Expert Systems and Natural Language Processing", Editor = "Adrian Walker and Michael McCord and John F. Sowa and Walter G. Wilson", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Pages = "219--289", Year = 1987) @book(WALK87b, Editor = "Adrian Walker and Michael McCord and John F. Sowa and Walter G. Wilson", Title = "Knowledge Systems and Prolog: A Logical Approach to Expert Systems and Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1987) @techreport(WALKD81, Author = "Donald E. Walker and Jerry R. Hobbs", Title = "Natural language access to medical text", Institution = "SRI International", Number = "Technical Note 240", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(WALKD84, Author = "Walker, Donald E.", Year = "1984", Title = "Panel Session on Machine-Readable Dictionaries", Booktitle = "Coling84", Location = "Stanford University", Month = "July", Pages = "457--463") @inproceedings(WALKD85, Author = "Donald E. Walker", Title = "Knowledge resource tools for accessing large text files", Booktitle = "Proc. First Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English dictionary: Information in Data", Address = "Waterloo, Canada", Pages = "11--24", Month = nov, Year = 1985) @incollection(WALKD86, Author = "D. E. Walker and R. A. Amsler", Title = "The use of machine-readable dictionaries in sublanguage analysis", Booktitle = "Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains: Sublanguage Description and Processing", Editor = "R. Grishman and R. Kittredge", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Pages = "69--84", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WALKF87, Author = "Frank L. Walker and Thomas R. Harris and George Thoma", Title = "A Distributed approach to optical disk-based document storage and retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 26th Annual Technical Symposium", Pages = "44--52", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(WALKJ87, Author = "Janet Walker", Title = "Document {Ex}aminer: Delivery Interface for Hypertext Documents", Pages = "307--323", Booktitle = "Proc. Hypertext '87", Year = "1987", Month = "November", Address = "University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill") @techreport(WALK88, Author="Homer F. walker and Layne T. Watson", Title="Least Change Secant Update Methods for Undetermined Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-28", Year=1988) @article(WALKJ91, Author = "John Walkenbach", Title = "Equipping your {PC} for high-quality sound production", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "32--38", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(WALL84, Author="Peter J. Wallis and Brian A. Wichmann", Title="Requirements Analysis for {Ada} Compilers", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=12, Pages="37--41", Month=jan, Year=1984) @techreport(WALL89, author = "Anders Richard Wallgren", title = "Movies on the workstation", institution = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", month = may, year = 1989, type = "B.S. thesis", address = "Dept. of Elect. Eng. and Comp. Sci.") @article(WALL90, Author = "Lou Wallace", Title = "Amiga Video: Done to a {T}", Journal = "Amiga World", Volume = "6", Number = "10", Pages = "20--28", Month = oct, Year = 1990) @article(WALL91, Author = "Gregory K. Wallace", Title = "The {JPEG} Still Picture Compression Standard", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "30--44", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(WALT88, Author = "Gerry Walter", Title = "Emerging Options for Productivity: Optical filing arrives", Journal = "Inform", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "30-33", Note = "ISSN 0892-3876", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @unpublished(WALT86, Author = "David Waltz", Title = "Operation of the TMC Indexer (TM)", Note = "Notes by H. Wu", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WANG89, Author = "Lui Wang and Paul Baffes", Title = "An Intelligent Training System for Space Shuttle Flight Controllers", Booktitle = "1989 Conference on Innovative Applications of A.I.", Publisher = "American Association for Artificial Intelligence", Year = 1989) @article(WANG85, Author = "Y.-C. Wang and J. Vandendorpe and M. Evens", Title = "Relational thesauri in information retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "1", Pages = "15--27", Month = jan, Year = 1985) @techreport(WANG90a, Author="C.Y. Wang and Layne T. Watson", Title="Large Deformations of a Whirling Elastic Cable", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-19", Year=1990) @techreport(WANG90b, Author="C.Y. Wang and Layne T. Watson", Title="Rotation of Polygonal Space Structures", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-20", Year=1990) @article(WANT92, Author="Roy Want and Andy Hopper and Veronica Falcao and Jonathan Gibbons", Title="The Active Badge Location System", Journal=acmtois, Volume=10, Number=1, Pages="91--102", Month=jan, Year=1992) @article(WARN92, Author="John E. Warnock", Title="The New Age of Documents", Journal="Byte", Pages="257--260", Month=jun, Year=1992) @incollection(WARR86a, Author = "Carl Warren", Title = "SCSI Bus Eases Device Integration", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "85--90", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @article(WARR86b, Author = "Carl Warren", Title = "Software Tools, Utilities Drive Optical Disks", Journal = "Mini-Micro Systems", Volume = "19", Number = "15", Pages = "33--44", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @incollection(WART92, Author = "S. Wartik and E. A. Fox and L. S. Heath and Q. F. Chen", Title = "Hashing Algorithms", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval: Data Structures \& Algorithms", Editor = "W. Frakes and R. Baeza-Yates", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Engelwood Cliffs, NJ", Pages = "293--362", Year = 1992) @techreport(WASH90a, Author="Douglas M. Washabaugh and Dennis Kafura", Title="Real-Time Garbage Collection of Actors", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-24", Year=1990) @techreport(WASH90b, Author="Douglas M. Washabaugh and Dennis Kafura", Title="Distributed Garbage Collection of Active Objects", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-53", Year=1990) @mastersthesis(WATL89, author = "John A. Watlington", title = "Synthetic movies", school = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", year = "1989", month = sep) @techreport(WATS86, Author="Layne T. Watson and L. Ridgeway Scott", Title="Solving Galerkin Approximations to Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by a Globally Convergent Homotopy Method", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-28", Year=1986) @techreport(WATS87a, Author="Layne T. Watson and J. Patrick Bixler and Aubrey B. Poore", Title="Continuous Homotopies for the Linear Complementarity Problem", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-38", Year=1987) @techreport(WATS87b, Author="Layne T. Watson", Title="Globally Convergent Homotopy Methods: A Tutorial", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-13", Year=1987) @techreport(WATS88a, Author="L.T. Watson and R.T. Haftka", Title="Modern Homotopy Methods in Optimization", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-51", Month="Nov. 14,", Year=1988) @techreport(WATS88b, Author="L.T. Watson and C.Y. Wang", Title="Free Rotation of a Circular Ring with an Unbalanced Mass", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-1", Year=1988) @techreport(WATS89, Author="Layne T. Watson and Alexander P. Morgan", Title="Global Optimization for Polynomial Programming Problems Using m-homogeneous Polynomial Homotopies", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-31", Year=1989) @techreport(WATS89b, Author="Layne T. Watson", Title="Globally Convergent Homotopy Methods for Large-Scale Engineering Optimization", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-8", Year=1989) @techreport(WATS90a, Author="Layne T. Watson and C. Y. Wang", Title="Large Deformations of Rotating Polygonal Space Structures", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-49", Year=1990) @techreport(WATS90b, Author="Layne T. Watson", Title="A Survey of Probability-One Homotopy Methods for Engineering Optimization", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-47", Year=1990) @techreport(WATS90c, Author="Layne T. Watson, Stephen C. Billups, and Alexander P. Morgan", Title="HOMPACK: A Suite of Codes for Globally Convergent Homotopy Algorithms", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-36", Year=1990) @techreport(WATS90d, Author="Layne T. Watson", Title="Globally Convergent Homotopy Algorithms for Nonlinear Systems of Equations", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-26", Year=1990) @unpublished(WATT86, Author = "C. R. Watters and M.A. Shepherd", Title = "A logic basis for information retrieval", Note = "Unpublished manuscript", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WATT87, Author = "C. R. Watters and M. A. Shepherd and W. Robertson", Title = "Towards an expert system for bibliographic retrieval: a {P}rolog prototype", Booktitle = "Proc. Tenth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on R\&D in Inf. Ret.", Address = "New Orleans, LA", Pages = "272--281", Month = jun, Year = 1987) @article(WATT89a, Author = "C. R. Watters", Title = "Logic framework for information retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "40", Number = "5", Pages = "311--324", Month = sep, Year = "1989") @article(WATT90, Author="Carolyn Watters and Michael A. Shepherd", Title="A Transient Hypergraph-Based Model for Data Access", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=2, Pages="77--102", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(WAYN91, Author = "Peter Wayner", Title = "Inside {Q}uick{T}ime", Journal = "Byte", Month = dec, Year = "1991", Volume = "16", Number = "12", Pages = "189--196") @techreport(WEAV88a, Author = "M. Weaver and E. Fox", Title = "Implementing an Intelligent Retrieval System: The {CODER} System, Version 1.0", Number = "TR-88-6", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = feb, Year = 1988) @techreport(WEAV88b, Author = "M. Weaver and R. France and Q. Chen and E. Fox", Title = "A Frame-Based Language in Information Retrieval", Number = "TR-88-25", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = aug, Year = 1988) @article(WEAV89a, Author = "M. Weaver and R. France and Q. Chen and E. Fox", Title = "Using a Frame-Based Language for Information Retrieval", Journal = ijis, Volume = "4", Number = "3", Pages = "223--257", Year = 1989) @book(WEBS63, Title = "{W}ebster's {S}eventh {N}ew {C}ollegiate {D}ictionary", Year = "1963", Publisher = "G\&C Merriam, Company", Address = "Springfield, MA") @inproceedings(WEIB87, Author = "Stuart Weibel and Mike Oskins and Diane Vizine Goetz", Title = "Automated title page cataloging", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "234--240", Year = 1987) @inproceedings{WEID88, Author = "Richard Weidner and others", Title = "Multi-Spectral Imaging Subpanel Report", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "37-50", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @techreport(WEIM90, Author="Joerg Richard Weimar", Title="Vectorization Experiment on the IBM 3090 Vector Family", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-14", Month="Feb. 23,", Year=1990) @techreport(WEIM91a, Author="Jorg R. Weimer, John J. Tyson, and Layne T. Watson", Title="Third Generation Cellular Automaton for Modeling Excitable Media", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-11", Year=1991) @techreport(WEIM91b, Author="Jorg R. Weimer, John T. Tyson, and Layne T. Watson", Title="Diffusion and Wave Propagation in Cellular Automaton Models of Excitable Media", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-12", Month="Jul. 10,", Year=1991) @article(WEIM92, Author="David Weimer and S.K. Ganapathy", Title=" Interaction Techniques Using Hand Tracking and Speech Recognition", Chapter = "7", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "109--126", Year=1992) @inproceedings(WEIN87, Author = "Bella Hass Weinberg", Title = "Why indexing fails the researcher", Booktitle = asis87, Pages = "241--244", Year = 1987) @article(WEIS87, Author="Eric A. Weiss", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure {XVII}", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=10, Pages="886--891", Month=oct, Year=1987, Note="see also Commentaries on the Past 15 Years and ACM Time Line in same issue") @article(WEIS90, Author="Eric A. Weiss, editor", Title="The XXII Self-assessment: The Ethics of Computing", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=11, Pages="110--132", Month=nov, Year=1990) @inproceedings(WEIS90, Author = "Karl-Heinz Weiss", Title = "Formal Specification and Continuous Media", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as a Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(WEIS83, Author = "Ralph Weischedel and Norman K. Sondheimer", Title = "Meta-rules as a basis for processing ill-formed input", Journal = "American Journal of Computational Linguistics", Volume = "9", Number = "3-4", Pages = "161--177", Year = 1983) @article(WEIT89, Author="John R. Weitzel and Larry Kershberg", Title="Developing Knowledge-based Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="482--489", Month=apr, Year=1989) @techreport(WELL90, Author="Herman G. Weller and H. Rex Hartson", Title="Metaphors for the Natureof Human-Computer Interaction in an Empowering Environment", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-31", Year=1990) @misc(WELS91, Title = "A Multimedia Courseware Architecture", Author = "Lawrence A. Welsch and Myron Rubinfeld", Month = sep, Year = "1991", City = "Gaithersburg, MD", Publisher = "National Inst. of Standards and Technology", Note = "Draft manuscript") @inproceedings(WEND91, Author="Edgar B. Wendlandt and James R. Driscoll", Title="Incorporating a Semantic Analysis into a Document Retrieval Strategy", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="270--279", Year=1991) @article(WENZ92, Author="Elizabeth M. Wenzel", Title="Three-Dimensional Virtual Acoustic Displays", Chapter = "15", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "257--288", Year=1992) @book{WERN87, author={Werner, O. and Schoepfle, G.M.}, title={Systematic Fieldwork}, publisher={Sage Publications}, address={Newberry Park, California}, year=1987 } @InProceedings{WERN76, author={Werner, O. and Topper, M.}, title={On the Theoretical Unity of Ethnoscience Lexicography and Ethnoscience Ethnographies}, booktitle={Semantics, Theory and Application: Proceedings of the Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics}, editor={C. Rameh}, pages={42-47}, year=1976 } @techreport(WEYE82a, Author = "S. A. Weyer", Title = "Searching for information in a dynamic book", Institution = "Xerox PARC", Address = "Palo Alto, CA", Number = "SCG-82-1", Month = feb, Year = 1982) @article(WEYE82b, Author = "S.A. Weyer", Title = "The design of a dynamic book for information search", Journal = "International Journal of Man Machine Studies", Volume = "17", Number = "1", Pages = "87--107", Month = jul, Year = 1982) @techreport(WEYE84, Author = "Stephen Weyer and Alan Borning", Title = "A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia", Institution = "University of Washington, Seattle, Computer Science", Number = "84-08-01", Month =aug, Year = 1984) @article(WEYE85, Author="Stephen A. Weyer and Alan H. Borning", Title="A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia", Journal=acmtoois, Volume=3, Number=1, Pages="63--88", Month=jan, Year=1985) @incollection(WEYE88, Author = "Stephen A. Weyer", Title = "As we may learn", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Pages = "87--104", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(WHIT83, Author = "C. White", Title = "The linguistic string project dictionary for automatic text analysis", Booktitle = "Proc. Workshop on Machine Readable Dictionaries", Publisher = "SRI", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Month = may, Year = 1983) @incollection(WHIT88, Author = "John Whiteside and John Bennett and Karen Holtzblatt", Title = "Usability Engineering: Our Experience and Evolution", Pages = "791--817", Note = "Chapter 35", Editor = "M. Helander", Booktitle = "Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction", Publisher = "Elsevier", Address = "Amsterdam", Year = 1988) @article(WHIT90, author="George M. White", title="Natural Language Understanding and Speech Recognition", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="72--83", month=aug, year=1990) @techreport(WHIT89, Author="Richard B. Whitner and Osman Balci", Title="Guidelines for Selecting and Using Simulation Model VerificationTechniques", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-17", Month="Aug. 15,", Year=1989) @article(WIEC90, author="Charles Wiecha and William Bennett and Stephen Boies and John Gould and Sharon Greene", Title="ITS: A Tool for Rapidly Developing Interactive Applications", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="204--236", Month=jul, Year=1990) @article(WIEC92, Author="Charles Wiecha", Title="ITS and User Interface Consistency: A Response to Grudin", Journal=acmtois, Volume=10, Number=1, Pages="112--114", Month=jan, Year=1992) @book(WIED87, Author = "Gio Wiederhold", Title = "File Organization for Database Design", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1987) @article(WIED92, Author = "Gio Wiederhold", Title = "Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "25", Number = "3", Pages = "38--49", Month = mar, Year = 1992, Note = "ISSN 0018-9162") @techreport(WILD86, Author = "Christian Wild and Ava Pang and Saraswathi Sundararajan and Dave Eckhardt", Title = "Analysis of executable specification for testing and monitoring of abstract data types", Institution = "Old Dominion University, Dept. of Computer Science", Number = "TR-86-006", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @article(WILE84, Author = "R. Wilensky and Y. Arens and D. Chin", Title = "Talking to UNIX in English: an overview of UC", Journal = cacm, Volume = "27", Number = "6", Pages = "574--593", Year = 1984) @article(WILE91, Author="Jack C. Wiledon and Alexander L. Wolf and William R. Rosenblatt and Peri L. Tarr", Title="Specification-Level Interoperability", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="72--87", Month=may, Year=1991) @inbook(WILK85, Author = "Y. Wilks", Title = "Does anyone really still believe this kind of thing?", Booktitle = "Automatic Natural Language Parsing", Editor = "K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks", Publisher = "Ellis Horwood", Address = "Chichester, West Sussex, England", Pages = "182--189", Year = 1985) @article(WILK90a, author="Maurice V. Wilkes", title="Computing Prespectives: It's All Software, Now", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="19-22", month=oct, year=1990) Note="also, 'Computing Perspectives' in aug 1990 issue" @article(WILK90b, Author = "K. Wilkinson and P. Lyngboek and W. Hasan", Title = "The {I}ris Architecture and Implementation", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", Volume = "2", Pages = "63--75", Month = "March", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(WILK91, Author="Ross Wilkerson and Philip Hingston", Title="Using the Cosine Measure in a Neural Network for Document Retrieval", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="202-- 210", Year=1991) @article(WILL91, Author="Gregg Williams", Title="Experience Quicktime", Journal="Apple Direct", Volume=3, Number=9, Pages="7--15", Month=jul, Year=1991) @article(WILL85a, Author = "Martha E. Williams", Title = "Electronic databases", Journal = "Science", Volume = "228", Number = "4698", Pages = "445--456", Month = apr, Year = 1985) @book(WILL85b, Editor = "Martha E. Williams", Title = "Computer-Readable Databases", Publisher = "American Library Association", Address = "Chicago, IL", Year = 1985) @article(WILL86a, Author = "Martha E. Williams", Title = "Transparent Information Systems through Gateways, Front Ends, Intermediaries, and Interfaces", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "4", Pages = "204--214", Month = jul, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WILL86b, Author = "Martha E. Williams et al.", Title = "Comparative analysis of online retrieval interfaces", Booktitle = "ASIS 86, Proc. 49th ASIS Ann. Mtg.", Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "365--370", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WILLP85, Author = "Phil W. Williams", Title = "How do we help the end user?", Booktitle = "Proc. 6th National Online Meeting", Pages = "495--505", Month = apr, Year = 1985) @unpublished(WILLR86, Author = "R. E. Williamson", Title = "Real-time document retrieval", Institution = "Cornell University", Note = "Ph.D. Dissertation", Month = jun, Year = 1974) @inbook(WILLI81, Author = "Robert C. Williges", Title = "Development and use of research methodologies for complex system/simulation experimentation", Booktitle = "Manned System Design", Publisher = "Plenum Press", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "59--87", Year = 1981) @inbook(WILLI87, Author = "Robert C. Williges and Beverly H. Willigest and Jay Elkerton", Title = "Software Interface Design", Booktitle = "Handbook of Human Factors", Editor = "G. Salvendy", Publisher = "Wiley", Pages = "1416--1449", Year = 1987) @article(WILLI91, Author = "Gregg Williams", Title = "Enter a new dimension with sound, video, animation --- Experience {QuickTime}", Journal = "Apple Direct", Volume = "3", Number = "9", Pages = "7--27", Month = jul, Year = 1991) @article(WILS90, Author = "Kathleen S. Wilson", Title = "The {P}alenque Prototype: A Multimedia Design Example", Journal = "Multimedia Review", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Note = "ISSN 1046-3550", Pages = "34--38", Month = "Spring", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(WINE85a, Author = "S. Winett and E.A. Fox", Title = "Information retrieval techniques in an expert system for foster care", Booktitle = "Proc. Expert Systems in Gov. Symp.", Pages = "391--396", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(WINE85b, Author = "S. Winett and E.A. Fox", Title = "Using information retrieval techniques in an expert system", Booktitle = "Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Applications", Month = dec, Year = 1985) @unpublished(WINE87a, Author = "Sheila G. Winett", Title = "FOCES: An experimental expert system to select appropriate foster care homes for children", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "M.S. Thesis", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(WINE87b, Author = "S. Winett and E. A. Fox", Title = "FOster Care Expert System: A Model Project to Select Foster Care Homes for Children", Booktitle = "Proc. Int. Conf. on Data Bases in the Humanities and Social Sciences", Address = "Montgomery, AL", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(WING91, Author="Victor Wing-Kit Mak and Kuo Chu Lee and Ophir Frieder", Title="Exploiting Parallelism in Pattern Making", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=1, Pages="52--74", Month=jan, Year=1991) @article(WINK91, Author = "Connie Winkler", Title = "Multimedia Gets Down to Business", Journal = "{PC} {W}orld", Year = 1991, Month = may, Volume = 9, Number = 5, Pages = "158--166") @article(WINN84, Author="Robert I. Winner and Edward M. Carter", Title="Self-Assessment XII: A Self-Assessment Dealing with Computer Architecture", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="29--36", Month=jan, Year=1984) @incollection(WINO87, Author = "Marily G. Winokur and Leonard S. Rann and William Thornburg", Title = "A Clinical Medical Information System on CD ROM", Chapter = "16", Pages = "283--300", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @article(WIRT86, author="Nicklaus Wirth", title="Microprocessor Architectures", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=10, pages="978-990", month=oct, year=1986) @article(WITT85, Author = "I.H. Witten and B. Bramwell", Title = "A system for interactive viewing of structured documents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "3", Pages = "280--288", Month = mar, Year = 1985) @article(WITT87, Author="Ian H. Witten and Radford P. Neal and John G. Cleary", Title="Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="520--541", Month=jun, Year=1987) @unpublished(WOHL86, Author = "Robert C. Wohlwend", Title = "Creation of a {P}rolog Fact Base from the {C}ollins {E}nglish {D}ictionary", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "M.S. Report", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @techreport(WOHL88, Author="Robert C. Wohlwend and Edward A. Fox", Title="Creation of a Prolog Fact Base from the Collins English Dictionary", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-24", Year=1988) @article(WOLF82, Author="Philip Wolfe", Title="Checking the Calculation of Gradients", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=8, Number=4, Month=dec, Pages="337--343", Year=1982) @misc(WOLF84, Author = "Wolff, Susanne", Year = "1984", Title = "The Use of Morphosemantic Regularities in the Medical Vocabulary for Lexical Coding", Note = "Prepublication copy") @book(WOLF91b, Author = "Stephen Wolfram", Title = "Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, 2nd Edition", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1991) @article(WONG90, Author = "S. K. M. Wong and Y. Y. Yao", Title = "A Generalized Binary Probabilistic Independence Model", Journal = jasis, Volume = "41", Number = 5, Pages = "324--329", Month = jul, Year = 1990) @inproceedings(WONG86a, Author = "S. K. M. Wong and W. Ziarco and V. Raghavan and P.C.N. Wong", Title = "On extending the vector space model for {B}oolean query processing", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WONG86b, Author = "S.K.M. Wong and W. Ziarko", Title = "A machine learning approach to information retrieval", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(WONG85, Author = "S.K.M. Wong and W. Ziarko and P.C.N. Wong", Title = "Generalized vector space model in information retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Montreal, Quebec", Month = jun, Pages = "18--25", Year = 1985) @book(WONG83, Author = "C. K. Wong", Title = "Algorithmic Studies in Mass Storage Systems", Publisher = "Computer Science Press", Address = "Rockville, MD", Year = 1983) @article(WOOD90, Author="Gillian M. Woodruff and Rungroj Kositpaiboon", Title="Multimedia Traffic Management Principles for Guarenteed {ATM} Network Performance", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="437--446", Month=apr, Year=1990) @book(WRIG90, Author = "Jeanne B. Wright and Clifford E. Grey", Title = "Commodore {A}miga Multimedia Sourcebook", Publisher = "Newtown Business Services, Inc.", Address = "Newtown, PA", Year = 1990) @article(WRIG92, Author="Haviland Wright", Title="{SGML} Frees Information", Journal="Byte", Pages="279--286", Month=jun, Year=1992) @phdthesis(WUHC81, Author = "H.C.C. Wu", Title = "On query formulation in information retrieval", School = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Note = "Available from University Microfilms Int.", Year = 1981) @inproceedings(WYBR90, Author = "D. Wybranietz and R. Cordes and F.J. Stamen", Title = "Support for Multimedia Communication in Future Private Networks", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(WYLE87, Author = "Michell F. Wyle", Title = "A comparison of textual information retention from {CRT} terminals and paper", Journal = "SIGCHI Bulletin", Volume = "19", Number = "1", Pages = "47--50", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @techreport(XERO83, Author = "Member of Cognitive and Instructional Sciences", Title = "Digests of recent research: cognitive sciences and cognitive technologies", Institution = "XEROX Palo Alto Research Center", Year = 1983) @misc(XEPH83, Title = "Xephon user survey: office automation in practice", Publisher = "Xephon Technology Transfer Ltd.", Year = 1983) @techreport(XUGD83, Author = "G. Ding Xu", Title = "Search control in semantic query optimization", Institution = "University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Computer and Information Science", Number = "TR-83-09", Year = 1983) @article(YAGH84, Author = "N.S. Yaghmai and J.A. Maxin", Title = "Expert systems: a tutorial", Journal = jasis, Volume = "35", Number = "5", Pages = "297--305", Month = sep, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(YANG94, Author = "Yiming Yang", Title = "Expert Network: Effective and Efficient Learning from Human Decisions in Text Categorization and Retrieval", Pages = "13--22", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(YANK88a, Author = "Nicole Yankelovich and Bernard J. Haan and Norman K. Meyrowitz and Steven M. Drucker", Title = "Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Environment", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "21", Number = "1", Pages = "81--96", Month = jan, Year = 1988, Note = "ISSN 0018-9162") @incollection(YANK88b, Author = "Nicole Yankelovich and Karen E. Smith and L. Nancy Garrett and Norman Meyrowitz", Title = "Issues in Designing a Hypermedia Document System", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Pages = "33--86", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @techreport(YANK87, Author = "Nicole Yankelovich", Title = "Hypermedia Bibliography", Institution = "IRIS, Brown University", Address = "Providence, RI", Note = "Available from author at IRIS, Box 1946, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912", Year = 1987) @article(YANK85, Author = "Nicole Yankelovich and Norman Meyrowitz and Andries van Dam", Title = "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Pages = "15--29", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(YANK90, Author = "Nicole Yankelovich", Title = "Three Pieces of the Puzzle: Wide-area Hypermedia, Information Agents and On-line Reference Works", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "350--352", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @inproceedings(YAO91, Title="Preference Structure, Inference and Set-Oriented Retrieval", Author="Y.Y. Yao and S.K.M. Wong", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="211--218", Year=1991) @article(YEE91, Author = "M. Yee", Title = "System Design and Cataloging Meet the User: User Interfaces to Online Public Acess Catalogs", Journal = jasis, Volume = "42", Number = "2", Pages = "78--98", Year = "1991") @unpublished(YIPM79, Author = "Man-Kam Yip", Title = "An Expert System for Document Retrieval", Institution = "M.I.T.", Note = "M.S. Thesis", Year = 1979) @incollection(YOUN91, Author = "Robert L. Young", Title = "A Dialogue User Interface Architecture", Chapter = "8", Pages = "157--176", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(YU89, Author = "Clement Yu and others", Title = "Efficient Placement of Audio Data on Optical Discs for Real-Time Applications", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "862--871", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @inproceedings(YUCT86, Author = "C. T. Yu and T. C. Lee", Title = "Non-binary independence model", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(ZADE84a, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "A computational theory of dispositions", Institution = "Electronics Research Lab, University of California", Year = 1984) @techreport(ZADE84b, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Fuzzy sets and commonsense knowledge", Institution = "Berkeley Cognitive Science Program, University of California", Number = "Report No. 21", Year = 1984) @incollection(ZADE84c, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Precision of meaning via translation into PRUF", Booktitle = "Cognitive Restraints on Communication", Editor = "L. Vaina and J. Hintikka", Publisher = "D. Reidel Publishing Company", Pages = "373--401", Year = 1984) @techreport(ZADE84d, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Syllogistic reasoning in fuzzy logic and its application to reasoning with dispositions", Institution = "Electronics Research Lab, University of California", Number = "UCB/ERL M84/17", Note = "To appear in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Multiple Logic, Winnipeg, Canada, 1984", Year = 1984) @techreport(ZADE84e, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Test-score semantics as a basis for a computational approach to the representation of meaning", Institution = "Electronics Research Lab, University of California", Number = "UCB/ERL M84/8", Month = jan, Year = 1984) @article(ZADE83a, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "A computational approach to fuzzy quantifiers in natural languages", Journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications", Volume = "9", Number = "1", Pages = "149--184", Year = 1983) @techreport(ZADE83b, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "A fuzzy-set-theoretic approach to the compositionality of meaning: propositions, dispositions and canonical forms", Institution = "Electronics Research Lab, University of California", Number = "UCB/ERL M83/24", Month = apr, Year = 1983, Note = "To appear in the Journal of Semantics, December 1983") @article(ZADE83c, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Linguistic variables, approximate reasoning and dispositions", Journal = "Medical Information", Volume = "8", Number = "3", Pages = "173--186", Year = 1983) @techreport(ZADE83d, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "A theory of commonsense knowledge", Institution = "Electronics Research Lab, University of California", Number = "UCB/ERL M83/26", Month = apr, Year = 1983) @inproceedings(ZADE82, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Possibility theory as a basis for representation of meaning", Booktitle = "Language and Ontology Proceedings of the 6th International Wittgenstein Symposium", Address = "Kirchberg, Austria", Pages = "253--261", Month = aug, Year = 1981) @inbook(ZADE81, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Test-score semantics for natural languages and meaning representation via PRUF", Booktitle = "Quantitative Linguistics", Volume = "12", Editor = "Burghard B. Rieger", Publisher = "Brockmeyer", Address = "Bochum", Pages = "281--349", Year = 1981) @incollection(ZADE79, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "A theory of approximate reasoning", Booktitle = "Machine Intelligence 9", Editor = "J. E. Hayes and D. Michie and L.I. Mikulich", Publisher = "John Wiley and Sons, Inc.", Pages = "149--193", Year = 1979) @article(ZADE78, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "PRUF -- A meaning representation language for natural languages", Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "10", Pages = "395--460", Year = 1978) @incollection(ZADE74, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Fuzzy logic and its application to approximate reasoning", Booktitle = "Information Processing 74", Publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Company", Pages = "591--594", Year = 1974) @article(ZADE65, Author = "Lotfi A. Zadeh", Title = "Fuzzy sets", Journal = "Information and Control", Volume = "8", Pages = "338--353", Year = 65) @article(ZARR90, Author = "Gian Piero Zarri", Title = "A Knowledge Representation Language for Large Knowledge Bases and `Intelligent' Information Retrieval Systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "26", Number = "3", Pages = "349--370", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(ZARR81, Author = "G. P. Zarri", Title = "Building the inference component of an historical information retrieval system", Booktitle = "Proc. IJCAI-81", Pages = "401--408", Year = 1981) @article(ZARR83, Author = "G. P. Zarri", Title = "An Outline of the representation and use of temporal data in the RESEDA system", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev. Applications", Volume = "2", Number = "2/3", Pages = "89--108", Month = jul, Year = 1983) @article(ZARR84, Author = "G. P. Zarri", Title = "Expert systems and information retrieval: an experiment in the domain of biographical data management", Journal = "Int. J. Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "20", Number = "1", Pages = "87--100", Month = jan, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(ZARR86, Author = "G.P. Zarri", Title = "Constructing and utilizing large fact databases using artificial intelligence techniques", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: proceeding from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. Inc.", Address = "Menlo Park", Pages = "141--160", Year = 1986) @article(ZEIC88, Author = "Alan L. Zeichick", Title = "Extending MS-DOS", Journal = "{CD-ROM} Review", Volume = "3", Number = "2", Pages = "42--44", Note = "ISSN -891-3188", Year = 1988) @article(ZELI87, Author = "Sheila Zelinger", Title = "The Optical Disk Jukebox", Journal = "Inform", Month = dec, Pages = "34--38", Year = 1987) @incollection(ZELL92, Author = "Polle T. Zelleweger", Title = "Towards a Model for Active Multimedia Documents", Chapter = "2", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="39-53", Year = "1992") @inproceedings(ZERN85, Author = "Uri Zernik and Michael G. Dyer", Title = "Towards a self-extending lexicon", Booktitle = "Proc. ACL-85", Pages = "284--292", Year = 1985) @article(ZEZU91, Author="P. Zezula and F. Rabitti and P. Tiberio", Title="Dynamic Partitioning of Signature Files", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=4, Pages="336--369", Month=oct, Year=1991) @inproceedings(ZHAN91, Title="An Object-Oriented Modelling of the History of Optimal Retrievals", Author="Yong Zhang and Vijay V. Raghavan and Jitender S. Deogun", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address="Chicago, IL", Month=oct, Pages="241--250", Year=1991) @techreport(ZIGI91a, Author="Dragan Zigic and Layne T. Watson and Emmnanuel G. Collins and Dennis S. Bernstein", Title="Homotopy Methods for Solving the Optimal Projection Equations for the H_2 Reduced Order Model Problem", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-13", Year=1991) @techreport(ZIGI91b, Author="Dragan Zigic and Layne T. Watson and Emmanuel G. Collins, Jr. and Dennis S. Bernstein", Title="Homotopy Approaches to the H2 Reduced Order Model Problem", Number="TR 91-24", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Year=1991) @article(ZOEL88, Author = "Bill Zoellick", Title = "{CD-ROM} Software Architecture to Promote Interchangeability", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "47--53", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(ZOEL85, Author = "Bill Zoellick", Title = "LaserDOS: A Laser disk operating system", Booktitle = "Proc. 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk and {CD-ROM} Conference and Exposition", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Pages = "206--211", Month = dec, Year = 1985)