@string{ijar = "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning"} @string{ijis = "International Journal of Intelligent Systems"} @string{acmtoois = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} @string{acmtois = "ACM Transactions on Information Systems"} @string{basis = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{arist = "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology"} @string{ipm = "Information Processing \& Management"} @string{jacm = "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{jdoc = "Journal of Documentation"} @string{jasis = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{cacm = "Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{asis87 = "Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science"} @string{ijcai9 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai7 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{acmcs = "ACM Computing Surveys"} @string{acmtoms = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} @string{acm-mm93 = "Proceedings of the First ACM International Conference on Multimedia"} @string{caia85 = "caia85"} @string{jan = "January"} @string{feb = "February"} @string{mar = "March"} @string{apr = "April"} @string{may = "May"} @string{jun = "June"} @string{jul = "July"} @string{aug = "August"} @string{sep = "September"} @string{oct = "October"} @string{nov = "November"} @string{dec = "December"} @string{vpisu = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University"} @string{eaf = "Edward A. Fox"} @misc(AALB90, Author = "{IJ}sbrand Jan Aalbersberg and Frans Sijstermans", Title = "Info-{G}uide: A Full-Text Document Retrieval System", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(AALB91, Author="{IJ}sbrand Jan Aalbersberg", Title="Posting Compression in Dynamic Retrieval Environments", Page="72-81", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(ABBO85, Author = "Curtis Abbott", Title = "Introduction to the Special Issue on Computer Music", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Pages = "147--151", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @article(ABBO85a, Author = "Abbott, guest editor, Curtis", Title = "Special Issue on Computer Music", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @techreport(ABBO85b, Author = "Robert Abbott and Rafael Alonso and Daniel Barbara and others", Title = "Distributed Computing Research at {P}rinceton 1985", Institution = "Department of Computer Science and Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University", Year = "1985", Number = "CS-TR-029-86", Address = "Princeton, NJ 08544") @techreport(ABDE86, Author = "Hussien M. Abdel-Wahab and Beverly Jamison", Title = "Restricted Natural Language Interface for Prolog Relational Databases", Number = "TR-86-004", Institution = "Old Dominion University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Norfolk, VA 23508", Year = 1986) @article(ABEY91, Author="B.W. Abeysundara and A.E. Kamal", Title="High-Speed Local Area Networks and Their Performance: A Survey", Journal="acmcs", Volume=23, Number=2, Pages="221-264", Month=jun, Year=1991) @techreport(ABRA90a, Author="Marc Abrams", Title="Geometric Performance Analysis of Mutual Exclusion: The Model", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-58", Month="Dec. 4,", Year=1990) @techreport(ABRA90b, Author="Marc Abrams and Ashok Agrawala", Title="Geometric Performance Analysis of Mutual Exclusion: The Model Solution", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-59", Month="Dec. 4,", Year=1990) @techreport(ABRA90c, Author="M. Abrams and D. Richardson", Title="Implementing a Global Termination Condition and Collecting Output Measures in Parallel Simulation", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-54", Month=nov, Year=1990) @misc(ABRA91, Author = "Marc Abrams and Joseph A. Wiencko and Scott F. Midkiff and Nathaniel J. Davis and Edward A. Fox", Title = "High Data Rate Network Research", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Note= "(Funded) Proposal to the National Science Foundation for 1992-95", Year = 1991) @techreport(ABRA91a, Author = "Marc Abrams and Qizhong Chen", Title = "A New View on What Limits {TCP/IP} Throughput in Local Area Networks", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Dec. 31,", Year = 1991) @techreport(ABRA91b, Author = "Marc Abrams and John Arnesen and Alan Batongbacal and Chockanath Chandraseka and Jay Wang", Title = "A Workload Emulator Architecture for Distributed Systems", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Dec. 31,", Year = 1991) @techreport(ABRA91c, Author = "Marc Abrams and Ernest Page and Richard E. Nance", Title = "Linking Simulation Model Specification and Parallel Execution Through Unity", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-14", Month = "May 10,", Year = 1991) @techreport(ABRA92, Author = "Marc Abrams", Title = "A Model of {TCP/IP} Suitable for Parallel Simulation of Large Internets", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 92-10", Month=apr, Year=1992) @inproceedings(ABRA84a, Author = "Harvey Abramson", Title = "Definite Clause Translation Grammars and the Logical Specification of Data Types as Unambiguous Context Free Grammars", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems", Year = "1984", Editor = "ICOT", Pages = "678--685") @inproceedings(ABRA84b, Author = " Harvey Abramson", Title = "Definite Clause Translation Grammars", Booktitle = "1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming", Year = "1984", Publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", Pages = "233--240", Month = feb, Note = "Bally's Park Place Casion, Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401") @techreport(ABRA89, Author="Marc Abrams and Greg Lomow", Title="Design Issues in General Purpose, Parallel Simulation Languages", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-38", Month=nov, Year=1989) @techreport(ABUS88, Author="Walid Abu-Sufah and Amjad Daoud", Title="Performance of Some CFD Codes on the Alliant FX/8", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-11", Month=dec, Year=1988) @techreport(ABUS89, Author="Walid Abu-Sufah and John L. Larson", Title="Correlating Workload Characterists to Performance Metrics for the Cray X-MP/Y-MP", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-43", Year=1989) @incollection(ADKI86, Author = "Allen Adkins", Title = "Data Preparation: From Shoestring to Super System", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Pages = "211--230", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Year = 1986) @book(ACL91, Editor = "Mark Liberman", Title = "Association for Computational Linguistics Data Collection Initiative CD-ROM I", Publisher = "Produced courtesy of Dragon Systems, Inc.", Address = "Newton, MA", Note = "Data preparation funded in parts with grants from General Electric and NSF (IRI-9113530)", Month = sep, Year = 1991) @techreport(ACM91a, Author = "{ACM}", Title = "Author Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Documents for {ACM} Transactions", Institution = "ACM Document Interchange Proof of Concept Project", Month = jan, Year = "1991") @article(ACM91b, Author = "{ACM}", Title = "Pubs {B}oard Plans Program for the Future", Journal = "ACMemberNet", Pages = "1,8", Month = may, Year = "1991") @inproceedings(ADAM85, Author = "Michael Q. Adams", Title = "CDROM: Myths, Realities \& Prospects", Booktitle = "ASIS '85 Proceedings of the 48th ASIS Annual Meeting", Year = "1985", Publisher = "ASIS", Pages = "54--58", Month = oct) @article(ADAM89, Author="Nabil R. Adam and John C. Wortmann", Title="Security-Control Methods for Statistical Databases: A Comparitive Study", Journal="acmcs", Volume=21, Number=4, Pages="515-556", Month=dec, Year=1989) @misc(ADAMXX, Author = "Thomas L. Adams and Andrew S. Cromarty and Brian P. McCune and Gerald A. Wilson and Milton R. Grinberg and James F. Cunningham and Carl J. Tollander", Title = "A Knowledge-based System for Analyzing Radar Systems", Year = "XX") @incollection(ADKI88, Author = "Allen Adkins", Title = "Data Preparation and Premastering", Pages = "343--396", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @article(ADLE90, Author = "Marc Adler", Title = "Adding Hypertext-based Help to Your Application Using Microsoft Help Technology", Journal = "Microsoft Systems Journal", Month = may, Pages = "15--21", Year = "1990") @misc(ADRI84, Author = "Richards Adrion and David J. Farber and Franklin F. Kuo and Lawrence H. Landweber and David C. Nagel and Joe B. Wyatt", Title = "SCIENCENET: A Report on the Evolution of a National Supercomputer Access Network", Month = dec, Year = 1984) @article(AGGA88, Author = "Alok Aggarwal and Jeffrey S. Vitter", Title = "The Input/Output Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "9", Pages = "1116--1127", Month = sep, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(AGOS91, Author="M. Agosti and R. Colotti and G. Gradenigo", Title="A Two-Level Hypertext Retrieval Model for Legal Data", Page="315--325", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(AGRE87, Author = "Philip E. Agre and David Chapman", Title = "Pengi: An Implementation of a Theory of Activity", Journal = "IJCAI", Pages = "268--272", Year = "87") @article(AGUE87, Author="Ulises Aguero and Subrata Dasgupta", Title="A Plausibility-Driven Approach to Computer Architecture Design", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=11, Pages="922-932", Month=nov, Year=1987) @inproceedings(AHO86, Author = "A. V. Aho and D. Lee", Title = "Storing a dynamic sparse table", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 27th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Pages = "55--60", Year = 1986) @incollection(AHLS83, Author = "T. E. Ahlswede", Title = "A Linguistic String Grammar of Adjective Definitions from {W}ebster's {S}eventh {C}ollegiate {D}ictionary", Booktitle = "Humans and Machines: the Interface through Language", Editor = "S. Williams", Publisher = "Ablex", Address = "Norwood, NJ", Pages = "101--127", Year = "1984") @inbook(AHLS84, Author = "T. E. Ahlswede and Martha Evens", Title = "A Lexicon for a Medical Expert System", Booktitle = "Relational Models of the Lexicon", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = "1984", Editor = "Martha Evens", Pages = "97--112") @inproceedings(AHLS85, Author = "T. E. Ahlswede", Title = "A Tool Kit for Lexicon Building", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ACL", Pages = "268--276", Month = jul, Year = "1985") @inproceedings(AHLS86a, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens and Judith Markowitz and Kay Rossi", Title = "Building a Lexical Database by Parsing {W}ebster's {S}eventh {C}ollegiate {D}ictionary", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conferences on Advances in Lexicology", Month = nov, Pages = "65--78", Year = "1986", Address = "Centre for the New OED, University of Waterloo") @article(AHLS86b, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens", Title = "Generating a Relational Lexicon from a machine-readable dictionary", Journal = "International Journal of Lexicography", Volume = "1", Number = "3", Pages = "214--237", Year = "1986") @unpublished(AHLS87b, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens and Judith Markowitz and Kay Rossi", Title = "A Design for a Very Large Lexical Database", Year = "1987") @unpublished(AHLS87c, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens and Judith Markowitz and Kay Rossi", Title = "Building a Lexical Database by parsing {W}ebster's {S}eventh {C}ollegiate {D}ictionary", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(AHLS88a, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Jeffrey Anderson and Martha Evens and James Neises and Sumali Pin-Ngern and Judith Markowitz", Title = "Automatic Construction of a Phrasal Thesaurus for an Information Retrieval System from a Machine Readable Dictionary", Booktitle = "Proc. RIAO 88", Month = mar, Address = "Cambridge, MA", Pages = "597--608", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(AHLS88b, Author = "Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens", Title = "Parsing vs. Text Processing in the Analysis of Dictionary Definitions", Booktitle = "26th ACL Annual Meeting", Location = "Buffalo, NY", Month = jun, Pages = "217--224", Year = 1988) @article{AHLS88c, Author={Thomas E. Ahlswede and Martha W. Evens}, Title={Generating a Relational Lexicon from a Machine-Readable Dictionary}, Journal={International Journal of Lexicography}, Volume="1", Number="3", pages="214--237", year="1988", } @article(AHUJ92, Author= "Ahuja, Sudhir R. and J. Robert Ensor", Title="Coordination and Control of Multimedia Conferencing", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume=31, Number=5, Pages="38--43", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(AIKE91, Author="Milam W. Aiken, Olivia R. Liu Sheng, and Douglas R. Vogel", Title="Integrating Expert Systems With Group Decision Support Systems", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=1, Pages="75-88", Month=jan, Year=1991) @book(AITCH87, Author = "Jean Aitchison and A. Gilchrist", Title = "Thesaurus construction: A practical manual", Publisher = "Aslib", Address = "London, UK", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(AITK88, Author = "Hassan Ait-Kaci and Roger Nasr and Jungyun Seo", Title = "BABEL: A Base for an Experimental Library", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "175--190", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(AIZA89, Author = "K. Aizawa and H. Harashima and T. Saito", Title = "Model-based analysis synthesis image coding ({MBASIC}) system for a person's face", Booktitle = "Proc. Signal Processing", Year = "1989") @inproceedings(AKSC93, Author = "Robert M. Akscyn and Donald L. McCracken", Title = "{PLEXUS}: A Hypermedia Architecture for Large-Scale Digital Libraries", Booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGDOC '93, the 11th Annual International Conference on Systems Documentation", Month = "October 5-8,", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario", Note = "15 pages", Year = 1993) @article(ALAV84, Author="Maryam Alavi", Title="An Assessment of the Prototyping Approach to Information System Development", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="556-563", Month=jun, Year=1984) @book(ALDU92, Author = "Aldus, Developers Desk", Title = "Tag {I}mage {F}ile {F}ormat, Revision 6.0", Publisher = "Aldus Corporation", Year = 1992, Address = "Seattle, WA") @book(ALEX64, Author = "Alexander, D. and W. J. Kunz", Year = "1964", Title = "Some Classes of Verbs in English", Institution = "Indiana University Linguistics Club", Address = "Bloomington, IN") @inproceedings(ALHA91, Author="S. Al-Hawamdeh, B. C. Ooi, R. Price, T.H. Tng, Y.H. Ang, L. Hui", Title="nearest Neighbor Searching in a Picture Archival System", Conf.="Proceeding of ACM International Conference...", Place="Singapore", Month="Jan 16-19,", Year=1991) @article(ALLE83, Author = "James F. Allen", Title = "Maintaining Knowledge about Temporal Intervals", Journal = cacm, Volume = "26", Number = "11", Pages = "832--843", Year = "1983", Month = "November") @inproceedings(ALLE85, Author = "James F. Allen and Patrick J. Hayes", Title = "A Common-Sense Theory of Time", Booktitle = "IJCAI85", Pages = "528--531", Year = 1985) @incollection(ALLE87a, Author = "James F. Allen and Diane J. Litman", Title = "Plans, Goals, and Natural Language", Booktitle = "1986-87 Computer Science and Computer Engineering Research Review", Publisher = "Computer Science Department, University of Rochester", Address = "Rochester, New York 14627", Pages = "4--12", Year = "1987") @techreport(ALLE87b, Author = "James F. Allen and Patrick J. Hayes", Title = "Moments and Points in an Interval-Based Temporal Logic", Institution = "The University of Rochester Departments of Computer Science and Philosophy", Address = "Rochester, NY", Number = "TR-180", Month = dec, Year = 1987) @article(ALLERB85, Author = "Robert B. Allen", Title = "Editorial: Processing Manuscripts Electronically", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "3", Number = "3", Pages = "233", Month = jul, Year = "1985") @article(ALLE91, Author="Robert B. Allen", Title="Editorial", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=2, Pages="97-98", Month=apr, Year=1991) @article(ALLERJ85, Author = "Robert J. Allen", Title = "The {CD-ROM} Services of SilverPlatter Information Inc.", Journal = "Library Hi Tech", Volume = "3", Number = "4 Issue 12", Pages = "49--60", Year = 1985) @techreport(ALLI88a, Author="D.C.S. Allison and Amal Chakraborty and Layne T. Watson", Title="Granularity Issues for Solving Polynomial Systems via Globally Convergent Algorithms", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-5", Year=1988) @techreport(ALLI88b, Author="D.C.S. Allison and S. Harimoto and L.T. Watson", Title="The Granularity of Parallel Homotopy Algorithms for Polynomial Systems of Equations", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-4", Year=1988) @techreport(ALLI91, Author = "D.C.S. Allison, K.M. Irani, C.J. Ribbens, and L.T. Watson", Title = "High Dimensional Homotopy Curve Tracking on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-5", Year = 1991) @manual(ALLM83, Author = "Eric Allman", Title = "{SENDMAIL} - An Internetwork Mail Router", Edition = "4.1", Month = jul, Year = "1983", Note = "Draft") @techreport(ALME83a, Author = "Guy Almes and Andrew Black and Carl Bunje and Douglas Wiebe", Title = "Edmas: A Locally Distributed Mail System", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", Year = "1983", Number = "83-07-01", Address = "Seattle, Washington 98195", Month = "July") @techreport(ALME83b, Author = "Guy Almes and Andrew Black and Edward Lazowska and Jerre Noe", Title = "The {E}den System: A Technical Review", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", Year = "1983", Number = "83-10-05", Address = "Seattle, Washington 98195", Month = "October") @article(ALSH87, Author = "Hiyan Alshawi", Title = "Processing Dictionary Definitions with Phrasal Pattern Hierarchies", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "13", Number = "3-4", Pages = "195--202", Month = "July-December", Year = 1987) @article(ALT87, Author="Franz L. Alt", Title="Fifteen Years ACM", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=10, Pages="850--859", Month=oct, Year=1987) @techreport(ALVA85a, Author = "Sergio Alvarado and Michael G. Dyer and Margot Flowers", Title = "Understanding Editorials: The Process of Reasoning Comprehension", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of California", Year = "1985", Number = "UCLA-AI-85-3", Address = "Los Angeles, California 90024", Month = "January") @techreport(ALVA85b, Author = "Sergio Alvarado and Michael G. Dyer and Margot Flowers", Title = "Memory Representation and Retrieval for Editorial Comprehension", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of California", Year = "1985", Number = "UCLA-AI-85-12", Address = "Los Angeles, California 90024", Month = "March") @techreport(AMARXX, Author = "S. Amarel", Title = {Problem Solving: Article for ``Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence"}, Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University", Year = "XXX", Number = "DCS-TR-188") @inbook(AMBA84, Author = "Anita Kak Ambardar", Title = "Human-Computer Interaction and Individual Differences", Booktitle = "Human-Computer Interaction", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "207--211", Year = 1984) @book(AMBR90, Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Title = "Learning with Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-282-5", Year = 1990) @book(AMBR88, Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Title = "Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article (AMMO85, Author = "George J. Ammon and Joseph A. Calabria and Douglas T. Thomas", Title = "A High-Speed, Large Capacity, ``Jukebox'' Optical Disk System", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Year = "1985", Pages = "36--45", Month = "July") @article(AMOS80, Author="Donald E. Amos", Title="Computation of Exponential Integrals", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="365--377", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(AMOS86, Author="D.E. Amos", Title="Algorithm 644", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Page="265--273", Month=sep, Year=1986) @techreport(AMSL79, Author = "Robert Amsler and John White", Title = "Development of a Computational Methodology for Deriving Natural Language Semantic Structures via Analysis of Machine Readable Dictionaries", Year = "1979", Number = "TR MCS77-01315", Institution = "Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas") @unpublished(AMSL80, Title = "The Structure of the {M}erriam-{W}ebster {P}ocket {D}ictionary", Author = "Robert A. Amsler", Year = "1980", Month = "December", Note = "Dissertation, TR-164, University of Texas at Austin") @inproceedings(AMSL81, Author = "Robert A. Amsler", Title = "A Taxonomy for {E}nglish Nouns and Verbs", Booktitle = "Proceedings Annual Meeting of the ACL", Year = "1981", Month = "June-July", Pages = "133--138") @inproceedings(AMSL82, Author = "Amsler, Robert A.", Year = "1982", Title = "Computational Lexicology: A Research Program", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, AFIPS", Pages = "657--663") @article(AMSL84, Author = "Robert A. Amsler", Title = "Machine-Readable Dictionaries", Journal = arist, Volume = "19", Pages = "161--209", Year = "1984") @inproceedings(AMSL86, Author = "Amsler, Robert A.", Title = "Deriving Lexical Knowledge Base Entries from Existing Machine-Readable Information Sources", Booktitle = "Workshop on Automating the Lexicon", Location = "Grosseto, Italy", Month = "June", Year = "1986") @inproceedings(AMSL87, Author = "Robert A. Amsler", Title = "How Do I Turn this Book On?", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo Centre for the Oxford English Dictionary -- Use of Large Text Databases", Location = "Waterloo, Ontario", Pages = "75--88", Month = nov, Year = 1987) @unpublished(AMSL88, Author = "Robert A. Amsler and Frank Wm. Tompa", Title = "An {SGML}-based Standard for {E}nglish Monolingual Dictionaries", Note = "Draft specification", Year = 1988) @article(ANDE82, Author="Walter L. Anderson", Title="Fast Hankel Transforms Using Related and Lagged Convolutions", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=8, Number=4, Page="344--405", Month=dec, Year=1982) @techreport(ANDE90, Author = "David Anderson and others", Title = "Proc. {F}irst {I}nternational {W}orkshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Number = "TR-90-062", Institution = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @inproceedings(ANDE90b, Author = "David Anderson and Ramesh Govindan and George Homsy", Title = "Design and Implementation of a Continuous Media {I/O} server", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(ANDE91, Author = "David P. Anderson and George Homsy", Title = "A Continuous Media {I/O} Server and Its Synchronization Mechanism", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "24", Number = "10", Pages = "51--57", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @article(ANDR91, Author="Gregory R. Andrews", Title="Paradigms for Process Interaction in Distributed Programs", Journal="acmcs", Volume=23, Number=1, Pages="49-90", Month=mar, Year=1991) @inproceedings(ANIC91, Author="Peter G. Anick and Rex A. Flynn and David R. Hanssen", Title="Addressing the Requirements of a Dynamic Corporate Textuasl Information Base", Page="163--172", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(ANSO91, Author = "Louisa Anson and Michael Barnsley", Title = "Graphics Compression Technology: A New Method for Image Reproduction using the Fractal Transform", Journal = "SunWorld", Volume = "4", Number = "10", Pages = "43--52", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(ANTI86, Author = "Jonathan F. Antin", Title = "An Evaluation of Menu Systems for Space Station Interfaces", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society -- 30th Annual Meeting", Year = "1986", Pages = "679--683") @techreport(ANTO89a, Author = "Sergio Antoy", Title = "Algebraic Methods in Prolog Programming", Number = "TR 89-5", Institution = "VA Tech Northern VA Graduate Center", Address = "2990 Telestar Ct., Falls Church, VA 22042-1287", Month = mar, Year = 1989) @techreport(ANTO89b, Author="Sergio Antoy", Title="Design Strategies for Algebraic Specifications", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-32", Month=oct, Year=1989) @techreport(ANTO89c, Author="Sergio Antoy", Title="Algebraic Methods in Prolog Programming", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-5", Month=sep, Year=1989) @article(APPE88, Author = "Andrew W. Appel and Guy J. Jacobson", Title = "The World's Fastest Scrabble Program", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "5", Month = may, Year = 1988) @techreport(APPE83, Author = "Douglas E. Appelt", Title = "Telegram: A Grammar Formalism for Language Planning", Institution = "SRI International", Year = "1983", Month = jun, Address = "Menlo Park, CA 94025", Number = "297") @incollection(APPE87, Author = "Gene Apperson and Rick Doherty", Title = "Displaying Images", Chapter = "8", Pages = "121--168", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @manual(APPL85, Author = "Charles H. Applebaum", Title = "Logic Machine Architecture Database Support System -- Layer 1 User's Manual", Organization = "{MITRE} Corporation", Address = "Bedford, MA 01730", Month = "November", Year = "1985") @incollection(APRE69, Author = "Y. D. Apresyan and I. A. Mel'cuk and A. K. Zolkovsky", Title = "Semantics and Lexicography: Towards a New Type of Unilingual Dictionary", Booktitle = "Studies in Syntax and Semantics", Editor = "F. Kiefer", Publisher = "D. Reidel", Address = "Dordrecht, Holland", Pages = "1--33", Year = "1969") @techreport(APS91, Author = "{APS Task Force on Electronic Information Systems}", Title = "Report of the {APS} Task Force on Electronic Information Systems", Month = "March 15,", Institution = "American Physical Society", Year = "1991") @unpublished(APTE86, Author = "Sachit C. Apte", Title = "Blackboard Management in a Distributed Environment", Year = "1986", Note = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, CS6690 Project") @unpublished(APTE87, Author = "Sachit C. Apte", Title = "Communication in the {CODER} System", Year = "1987", Note = "M.S. Report, Department of Computer Science", Institution = "VPI\&SU", Month = "June") @techreport(ARCH87, Author = "David Archer and Steve Rawsthorn and Brian Robinson", Title = "{CD ROM}: the technology and its applications", Institution = "Hatfield Polytechnic Project Team, Project Quartet", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(AREF90, author="Farahangiz Arefi, Charles E. Hughs, and David A. Workman", title="Automatically Generating Visual Syntax-Directed Editors", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=3, pages="349-360", month=mar, year=1990) @inproceedings(AREN94, Author = "Yigal Arens and Eduard Hovy", Title = "Design Considerations for Model-Based Multimedia Interaction Managers", Note = "12 pages", Editor = "Zahid Ahmed and Robert Akscyn and Nicholas Belkin and Edward Fox and Scott Stevens", Booktitle = "Position Papers, IEEE CAIA'94 Workshop on Intelligent Access to On-Line Digital Libraries", Address = "San Antonio, TX", Month = "March 1,", Year = 1994) @article(ARMS78, Author = "W. Y. Arms and C.R. Arms", Title = "Cluster Analysis Used on Social Science Journal Citations", Journal = "Journal of Documentation", Volume = "34", Number = "1", Pages = "1--11", Month = "March", Year = "1978") @incollection(ARMS87, Author = "Anne Armstrong", Title = "Premastering and Mastering", Chapter = "12", Pages = "217--225", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Year = 1987, Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8") @article(ARTA71, Author = "Susan Artandi", Title = "Document Retrieval and the Concept of Sets", Journal = jasis, Month = "July -- August", Year = "1971", Pages = "289--290") @article(ARTH80, Author="Jeffrey L. Arthur and A. Ravindran", Title="PAGP, A Partitioning Algorithm for (Linear) Goal Programming Problems", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="378--386", Month=sep, Year=1980) @techreport(ARTH86a, Author="James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance and Sallie M. Henry", Title="A Procedural Approach to Evaluating Software Development Methodologies: The Foundation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-24", Year=1986) @techreport(ARTH86b, Author="James D. Arthur", Title="Toward A Formal Specification of Menu-Based Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-4", Month=jan, Year=1986) @techreport(ARTH86c, Author="James D. Arthur", Title="A Descriptive/ Prescriptive Model for Menu-Based Interaction", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-3", Month=jan, Year=1986) @techreport(ARTH86d, Author="James D. Arthur", Title="An Interactive Environment for Tool Selection, Specification and Composition", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-2", Month=jan, Year=1986) @techreport(ARTH87a, Author="James D. Arthur", Title="Partitioned Frame Networks for Multi-Level Menu-Based Interaction", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-24", Year=1987) @techreport(ARTH87b, Author="James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance", Title="Developing an Automated Procedure for Evaluating Software Development Methodologies and Associated Products", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-16", Year=1987) @techreport(ARTH88a, Author="James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance", Title="The Methodology Roles in the Realization of a Model Development Environment", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-39", month=aug, Year=1988) @techreport(ARTH88b, Author="James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance and K. Todd Stevens", Title="Prospects for Automated Documentation Analysis in Support of Software Quality Assurance", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-33", Year=1988) @techreport(ARTH89, Author="James D. Arthur and K. S. Raghu", Title="Taskmaster: An Interactive, Graphical Environment for Task Specification, Execution, and Monitoring", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-15", Year=1989) @techreport(ARTH90, Author="James D. Arthur and K. Todd Stevens", Title="Document Quality Indicators: A Framework for Assessing Documentation Adequacy", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-60", Year=1990) @techreport(ARTH91a, Author = "James D. Arthur, Richard E. NAnce, Gary N. Bundy, Edward V. Dorsey, and Joel Henry", Title = "Software Quality Measurement: Validation of a Foundational Approach", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "May 1,", Year = 1991) @techreport(ARTH91b, Author = "James D. Arthur and Richard E. Nance", Title = "A Framework for Assessing the Adequacy and Effectiveness of Software Development Methodologies", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Sep. 9,", Year = 1991) @techreport(ARUN90a, Author="V. Arun, C.F. Reinholtz, and L.T. Watson", Title="Enumeration and Analysis of Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-10", Year=1990) @techreport(ARUN90b, Author="V. Arun, C.F. Reinholtz, and L.T. Watson", Title="New Homotopy Solution Techniques Applied to Variable Geometry Trusses", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-11", Year=1990) @book(ARWA89, Author = "Joseph W. Arwady and Diane M. Gayeski", Title = "Using Video: Interactive and Linear Designs", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications Inc.", Address = "720 Palisade Av. Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "0-87778-199-0", Year = "1989") @inproceedings(ASAI, Author = "Isao Asai", Title = "'Referation' Database for Document Information Analysis", Booktitle = "ASIS 87", Pages = "1--5", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(ATHE77, Author = "P. Atherton", Title = "Improved Subject Access to Books in Online Library Catalogs", Booktitle = "Proceedings 1st International Online Information Meeting", Year = "1977", Publisher = "London", Pages = "131--138") @article(ATKI86, author="M.D. Atkinson, J.R. Sack, N. Santoro, and T. Strothotte", title="Min-Max Heaps and Generalized Priority {Queues}", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=10, pages="996-1005", month=oct, year=1986) @techreport(ATLI91, Author = "{ATLIS Consulting Group}", Title = "Association for {C}omputing {M}achinery {E}lectronic {D}oc {I}nterchange {P}roof of {C}oncept {P}roject: {D}ocument {I}nterchange {F}acility {P}rocedures", Institution = "ATLIS Consulting Group", Month = jan, Year = 1991) @article(ATTA77, Author = "Rony Attar and Aviezri S. Fraenkel", Title = "Local Feedback in Full-Text Retrieval Systems", Journal = jacm, Volume = "24", Number = "3", Month = "July", Year = "1977", Pages = "397--417") @article(ATTA78, Author = "Rony Attar and Y. Choueka and N. Dershowitz and A. S. Fraenkel ", Title = "{KEDMA} -- Linguistic Tools for Retrieval Systems", Journal = jacm, Year = "1978", Month = "January", Pages = "52--66", Number = "1", Volume = "25") @article(ATTA81, Author = "Rony Attar and Aviezri S. Fraenkel", Title = "Experiments in Local Metrical Feedback in Full-Text Retrieval Systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "17", Pages = "115--126", Year = "1981") @techreport(AUGU85, Author = "Stephanie E. August and Michael G. Dyer", Title = "Analogy Recognition and Comprehension in Editorials", Number = "UCLA-AI-85-7", Institution = "Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles", Address = "Los Angeles, California 90024", Month = "March", Year = "1985") @article(AURB87, Author = "Richard L. Aurbach", Title = "Automated Index Generation for {LATEX}", Journal = "{TUG}boat", Volume = "8", Pages = "201--209", Year = "1987", Number = "2") @inproceedings(AUZI90, Author = "P. Auzimour and others", Title = "An Analysis of Multimedia Restitution and Its Architectural Impact", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @inproceedings(BABA85, Author = "Robert Babatz and Manfred Bogen", Title = "Semantic Relations in Message Handling Systems", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the IFIP WG 6.5 Symposium", Year = "1985", Month = "September") @phdthesis(BACK88, Author = "David S. Backer", Title = "Structures and Interactivity of Media: A Prototype for the Electronic Book", School = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", Year = "1988", Month = jun) @book(BAEC87, Author = "R. Baecker and W. Buxton", Title = "Human-Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufman, Inc", Address = "Los Altos, CA", Year = 1987) @article(BAIL85, Author = "Roger Bailey", Title = "A Hope Tutorial", Journal = "Byte", Month = "August", Year = "1985", Pages = "235--258") @article(BAIL89, Author="Lotte Bailyn", Title="Toward the Perfect Workplace", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="460-471", Month=apr, Year=1989) @article(BAIR86, Author = "Jeffrey Bairstow", Title = "{CD-ROM}: Mass Storage for the Mass Market", Journal = "High Technology", Pages = "44--51", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @phdthesis(BAKE84, Author = "Richard Louis Baker", Title = "Vector Quantization of Digital Images", School = "Stanford Univ.", Year = "1984", Month = jun) @inproceedings{BAKE88, Author = "Richard L. Baker", Title = "A {VLSI} Chip Set for Real Time Vector Quantization of Image Sequences", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "419--437", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @techreport(BALA87, Author = "Mira Balaban", Title = "On the Representation of ISA Hierarchies, Exceptions, Metaphors, and Other 'Anomalies'", Number = "87-4", Institution = "Computer Science Dept., SUNY at Albany", Address = "1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @techreport(BALC83, Author = "Osman Balci", Title = "Requirements for Model Development Environments", Institution = "Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech", Month = "September", Year = "1983", Number = "CS83022-R") @techreport(BALC86a, Author="Osman Balci", Title="Credibility Assessment of Simulation Results: The State of the Art", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-31", Month="Nov. 1", Year=1986) @techreport(BALC86b, Author="Osman Balci and Richard E. Nance", Title="Simulation Model Development Environments: A Research Prototype", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-20", Year=1986) @techreport(BALC87, Author="Osman Balci and Richard E. Nance", Title="Simulation Support: Prototyping The Automation-Based Paradigm", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-20", Year=1987) @techreport(BALC88a, Author="Osman Balci and Richard E. Nance", Title="Simulation Model Development", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-26", Month="Nov. 1", Year=1988) @techreport(BALC88b, Author="Osman Balci", Institution="The Implementation of Four Conceptual Frameworks for Simulation Modeling in High-Level Languages", Title=vpisu, Number="TR 88-21", Month="Aug. 1", Year=1988) @techreport(BALC90, Author="Osman Balci, Richard E. Nance, E. Joseph Derrick, Ernest H. Page, and John L. Bishop", Title="Model Generation Issues in a Simulation Support Environment", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-40", Month="Aug 1,", Year=1990) @article(BALK85, Author="Edward Balkovich, Steven Lerman, and Richard P. Parmelee" , Title="Computing in Higher Education: The Athena Experience", Journal="cacm", Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1214-1224", Month=nov, Year=1985) @techreport(BANA86, Author = "Jean-Pierre Banatre and Daniel Le Metayer", Title = "A New Computational Model and its Discipline of Programming", Institution = "Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires", Year = "1986", Number = "566", Month = sep) @article(BANE87, Author = "Jay Banerjee and Hong-Tai Chou and Jorge F. Garza and Won Kim and Darrell Woelk and Nat Ballou and Jyoung-Joo Kim", Title = "Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications", Journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = "5", Number = "1", Month = "January", Year = "1987", Pages = "3--26") @article(BARA84, Author = "Edward Baras", Title = "Symphony: A Community of Information", Journal = "PC Magazine", Month = "August 7,", Year = "1984", Pages = "129--135") @article(BARA90, Author = "Nick Baran", Title = "Putting the Squeeze on Graphics", Journal = "Byte", Month = dec, Year = "1990", Volume = "15", Number = "12", Pages = "289--294") @inproceedings(BARB85, Author = "F. Barbic and F. Rabitti", Title = "The Type Concept in Office Document Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th International Convention of Very Large Data Bases", Address = "Stockholm", Month = "August", Year = "1985") @inproceedings(BARD85, Author = "D'Ellen Bardes", Title = "Integration Tools Needed: Standards and Participation", Booktitle = "Proceedings 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk, and {CD-ROM} Conference and Exposition", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Month = "December", Pages = "10--13", Year = "1985", Address = "Philadelphia") @techreport(BARG86, Author="Lynne F. Barger and Richard E. Nance", Title="Simulation Model Development: System Specification Techniques", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-19", Year=1986) @misc(BARIXX, Author = "{Bar-Ilan Center for Computers and Jewish Heritage}", Title = "Giving Wisdom to the Wise") @article(BARK72, Author = "F. H. Barker and D. C. Veal and B. K. Wyatt", Title = "Towards Automatic Profile Construction", Journal = "Journal of Documentation", Month = "March", Year = "1972", Pages = "44--55", Volume = "28", Number = "1") @book(BARK87, Author = "Philip Barker", Title = "Author Languages for {CAL}", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishing Co", Address = "PO Box 1663, Grand Central Station, NY", Year = "1987") @book(BARK89, Author = "Philip Barker", Title = "Multimedia Computer-Assisted Learning", Publisher = "Nichols Publishing", Address = "PO Box 96, NY", Note = "0-89397-328-9", Year = "1989") @article(BARL91a, author="John P. Barlow", title="Electronic Frontier: Coming into your Country", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="19-21", month=mar, year=1991) @article(BARL91b, Author="John Perry Barlow", Title="Electronic Frontier: Private Life in Cyberspace", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=8, Pages="19-22", Month=aug, Year=1991) @article(BARN82, Author="Stephen T. Barnard and Martin A. Fischler", Title="Computational Stereo", Journal=acmcs, Volume=14, Number=4, Pages="553--572", Month=dec, Year=1982) @article(BARN90, Title = "Knowledge and Natural Language Processing", Author = "Jim Barnett and Kevin Knight and Inderjeet Mani and Elaine Rich", Journal = cacm, Month = "August", Year = 1990, Pages = "50--71", Volume = "33", Number = "8") @article(BARN88, Author = "George A. Barnett and Gary Siegel", Title = "The Diffusion of Computer-Assisted Legal Research Systems", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "4", Pages = "224--234", Year = 1988) @misc{BARNH90, Title = "The {A}dvanced {N}aval {M}essage {A}nalyzer", Author = "Richard Barnhart", Month = nov, Year = 1990, Howpublished = "Videotape production, VPI\&SU", Note = "Richard Barnhart as host, producer, script-writer; Edward Fox as executive producer, project director. Discusses the CODER system"} @inproceedings{BARNS88, Author = "Michael F. Barnsley and Alan D. Sloan", Title = "Fractal Image Compression", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "351--365", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @article(BARO86, author="Jack J. Baroudi, Margarethe H. Olson, and Blake Ives", title="An Empirical Study of User Involvement on System Usage and Information Satisfaction", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=3, pages="232-238", month=mar, year=1986) @inproceedings(BART88, Author = "Christine Barthes and Pierre Glize", Title = "Planning in an Expert System for Automated Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "535--550", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(BART83, Title = "Adapting a Data Organization to the Structure of Stored Information", Author = "M. Bartschi and H. P. Frei", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Berlin", Month = "May", Pages = "62--79", Year = "1983") @article(BART80, Author="David Barton", Title="On Taylor Series and Stiff Equations", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="280--294", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(BART85, Author = "Richard H. Bartels and John J. Jezioranski", Title = "Least-Squares Fitting Using Orthogonal Multinomials", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 11, Number = 3, Pages = "201--217", Year = 1985) @article(BART85b, Author = "Richard H. Bartels and John J. Jezioranski", Title = "Algorithm 634", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 11, Number = 3, Pages = "218--228", Year = 1985) @article(BAIL89, Author="Lotte Bailyn", Title="Toward the Perfect Workplace", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="460-471", Month=apr, Year=1989) @inproceedings(BART94, Author = "Brian T. Bartell and Garrison W. Cottrell and Richard K. Belew", Title = "Automatic Combination of Multiple Ranked Retrieval Systems", Pages = "173--181", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @incollection(BATE78, Author = "Madeleine Bates", Title = "The Theory and Practice of Augmented Transition Networks", Booktitle = "Natural Language Communication via Computers", Editor = "L. Bolc", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Berlin", Year = "1978") @incollection(BATE83, Author = "Madeleine Bates and Candace L. Sidner", Title = "A Case Study of a Method for Determining the Necessary Characteristics of a Natural Language Interface", Booktitle = "Integrated Interactive Computing Systems", Editor = "P. Degano and E. Sandewall", Publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.", Year = "1983", Pages = "263--277") @incollection(BATE86a, Author = "Madeleine Bates and M. G. Moser and David Stallard", Title = "The {IRUS} Transportable Natural Language Database Interface", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Pages = "617--630", Publisher = "The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", Year = "1986") @article(BATE79a, Author = "Marcia J. Bates", Title = "Idea Tactics", Journal = jasis, Month = sep, Year = "1979", Pages = "280--289", Volume = "30", Number = "5") @article(BATE79b, Author = "Marcia J. Bates", Title = "Information Search Tactics", Journal = jasis, Volume = "30", Number = "4", Month = "July", Year = "1979", Pages = "205--214") @article(BATE81, Author = "Marcia J. Bates", Title = "Search Techniques", Journal = arist, Volume = "16", Pages = "139--170", Year = "1981") @article(BATE86b, Author = "Marcia J. Bates", Title = "Subject Access in Online Catalogs: A Design Model", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "6", Pages = "357--376", Year = "1986") @inproceedings(BATE87, Author = "Marcia J. Bates", Title = "Information: the Last Variable", Booktitle = "ASIS 87", Pages = "6--10", Year = 1987) @article(BATE90, Author = "Marcia Bates", Title = "Where Should the Person Stop and the Information Search Interface Start?", Journal = ipm, Volume = "26", Number = "5", Pages = "575--591", Year = 1990) @article(BATE94, Author="Joseph Bates", Title = "The Role of Emotion in Believable Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "122--125", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(BATR90, author="Dinesh Batra, Jeffrey A. Hoffler, and Robert P. Bostrom", title="Comparing Representations with Relational and {EER} Models", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="126-140", month=feb, year=1990) @book(BAYA86, Author = "Claire Bayard-White", Title = "Interactive Video Case Studies and Directory", Publisher = "National Interactive Videodisc Center", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-86184-156-5", Year = "1986") @article(BAYE72, Author = "R. Bayer and E. McCreight", Title = "Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes", Journal = "Acta Informatica", Volume = "1", Number = "3", Pages = "357--376", Month = nov, Year = "1972") @inproceedings(BAYE85, Author = "Samual Bayer and Leonard Joseph and Candace Kalish", Title = "Grammatical Relations as the Basis for Natural Language Parsing and Text Understanding", Booktitle = "9th IJCAI 85", Pages = "788--790", Year = 1985) @techreport(BEAG87, Author = "D. Beagle and H. M. Kriz and W. Sanders and L. Sewell and R. Steffen", Title = "CDROM: Evaluation and Proposals for Distributed Access", Number = "TFCDROM-1", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = "May", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(BEAL85, Author = "Andrew D. Beale", Title = "Grammatical Analysis by Computer of the {L}ancaster-{O}slo/{B}ergen ({LOB}) Corpus of {B}ritish {E}nglish Texts", Booktitle = "Proceedings 1985 ACL Annual Meeting", Pages = "293--298", Year = "1985") @inproceedings(BEAL88, Author = "Andrew D. Beale", Title = "Lexicon and grammar in probabilistic tagging of written {E}nglish", Booktitle = "26th ACL Annual Meeting", Pages = "211--216", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(BECK89, Author = "Howard W. Beck and Sunit K. Gala and Shamkant B. Navathe", Title = "Classification as a Query Processing Technique in the CANDIDE Semantic Data Model", Booktitle = "IEEE Data Engineering Conference", Address = "Los Angeles, CA", Month = feb, Year = 1989) @inproceedings(BECK89b, Author = "Howard W. Beck and La Raw Maran and Paul Fishwick and Ling Li", Title = "Architectures for Knowledge Based Simulation and their Suitability for Natural Language Processing", Booktitle = "AI and Simulation Conference, SCS Eastern Multi-Conference", Address = "Tampa, FL", Month = mar, Year = 1989) @incollection(BECK75, Author = "Becker, Joseph D.", Year = "1975", Title = "The Phrasal Lexicon", Editors = "Schank, R. C. and B. Nash-Webber", Booktitle = "Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "ACL Annual Meeting", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Month = jun, Pages = "38--41") @article(BECKXX, Author = "Joseph D. Becker", Title = "Multilingual Word Processing", Journal = "Scientific American", Pages = "96--107", Year = "19xx") @article(BECK87, Author = "Joseph D. Becker", Title = "Arabic Word Processing", Journal = jacm, Volume = "30", Number = "7", Pages = "600--616", Year = "1987", Month = "July") @article(BECK84, Author = "Richard A. Becker and John M. Chambers", Title = "Design of the {S} System for Data Analysis", Journal = jacm, Volume = "27", Number = "5", Year = "1984", Month = "May", Pages = "486--495") @article(BECK91a, Author = "Lori Beckmann", Title = "Media integration: authoring software makes it happen", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "15--21", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(BECK91b, Author = "Lori Beckmann", Title = "Macs in Hollywood: from backstage to supporting cast, the {M}ac's future looks bright", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "64--71", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(BEFE85, Author = "Michael G. Befeler", Title = "Integrating the Total Information Solution with the DataDrive Series 2000 and 500", Booktitle = "Proceedings 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk, and {CD-ROM} Conference and Exposition", Month = "December", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Philadelphia", Pages = "24--27", Year = "1985") @article(BEGE88, Author = "Michael L. Begeman and Jeff Conklin", Title = "The Right Tool for the Job", Journal = "Byte", Volume = "13", Number = "10", Pages = "255--266", Month = oct, Year = 1988) @article(BEIS86, Author = "Karl Beiser", Title = "Bibliofile Again", Journal = "Small Computers in Libraries", Year = "1986", Pages = "XX", Month = "June") @inproceedings(BELE87, Author = "Richard K. Belew", Title = "A connectionist approach to conceptual information retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. First Int'l Conf. on AI and Law", Address = "Boston, MA", Year = 1987) @article(BELK78, Author = "Nicholas J. Belkin", Title = "Information Concepts for Information Science", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "34", Number = "1", Pages = "55--85", Month = "March", Year = "1978") @article(BELK83, Author = "Nicholas J. Belkin and T. Seeger and G. Wersig", Title = "Distributed Expert Problem Treatment as a Model for Information System Analysis and Design", Journal = "Journal of Information Science", Volume = "5", Pages = "153--167", Year = "1983") @article(BELK84, Author = "N. J. Belkin and R. D. Hennings and T. Seeger", Title = "Simulation of a Distributed Expert-Based Information Provision Mechanism", Journal = "Information Technology", Volume = "3", Number = "3", Pages = "122--141", Year = "1984") @unpublished(BELK86, Author = "N. J. Belkin and B. H. Kwasnik", Title = "Using Structural Representations of Anomalous States of Knowledge for Choosing Document Retrieval Strategies", Year = "1986", Note = "Modified version of paper presented at The ACM/BCS Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Pisa, September") @article(BELK87a, Author = "N. J. Belkin and H. M. Brooks and P. J. Daniels", Title = "Knowledge Elicitation Using Discourse Analysis", Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "25", Pages = "XX", Year = "1987") @unpublished(BELK87b, Author = "N. J. Belkin and H. M. Brooks", Title = "A Model for Explanation in an Expert Intermediary for Information Retrieval", Note = "Extended Abstract", Year = "1987") @article(BELK87c, Author = "N. J. Belkin and C. Borgman and H. Brooks and T. Bylander and W. B. Croft and P. Daniels and S. Deerwester and E. A. Fox and P. Ingwersen and R. Rada and K. Sparck Jones and R. Thompson and D. Walker", Title = "Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "5", Pages = "395--409", Year = "1987") @article(BELK87d, Author = "N. J. Belkin and W. B. Croft", Title = "Retrieval Techniques", Journal = arist, Volume = "22", Pages = "109--145", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(BELK88, Author = "N.J. Belkin", Title = "On the Nature and Function of Explanation in Intelligent Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "135--145", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(BELK90, Author = "N.J. Belkin and others", Title = "Taking account of users tasks, goal, and behavior for the design of online public access catalogs", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 53rd ASIS Annual Meeting, ASIS '90", Pages = "69--79", Month = "Nov. 4-8", Address = "Toronto", Year = 1990) @article(BELK94, Author = "N. J. Belkin and P. Kantor and E. A. Fox and J. A. Shaw", Title = "Combining the evidence of multiple query representations for information retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "30", Pages = "in press", Year = "1994") @article(BELL85, Author = "Trudi Bellardo", Title = "An Investigation of Online Searcher Traits and Their Relationship to Search Outcome", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "4", Pages = "241--250", Year = "1985") @techreport(BELL86, Author="Peter C. Bell and Robert M. O'Keefe", Title="Visual Interactive Simulation-- History, Recent Developments, and Major Issues", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-15", Year=1986) @inproceedings(BELL87, Author = "Trudi Bellardo and Tefko Saracevic", Title = "Online Searching and Search Output: Relationships between Overlap, Relevance, Recall and Precision", Booktitle = "Proc. ASIS 87", Pages = "11--13", Year = 1987) @article(BELL89, Author="Timothy Bell, Ian H. Witten, and John G. Cleary", Title="Modeling for Text Compression", Journal=acmcs, Volume=21, Number=4, Pages="557-592", Month=dec, Year=1989) @book(BELL90, Author = "Timothy C. Bell and John G. Cleary and Ian H. Witten", Title = "Text Compression", Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Engelwood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "ISBN 0-13-911991-4", Year = "1990") @article(BENB84, Author="Izak Benbasat et others", Title="A Critique of the Stage Hypothesis", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="476-485", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(BENB86, author="Izak Benbasat, Albert S. Dexter, and Peter Todd", title="An Experimental Program Investigating Color-Enhanced and Graphical Information Presentation", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1094--1105", month=nov, year=1986) @techreport(BENJ86, Author = "Paul Benjamin", Title = "Extraction and Generalization of Expert Advice", Institution = "XX", Number = "227", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @book(BENN75, Author = "D. C. Bennett", Title = "Spatial and Temporal Uses of {E}nglish Prepositions: An Essay in Stratificational Semantics", Publisher = "Longman", Address = "London", Year = "1975") @article(BENN80, Author = "Bruce C. Bennon", Title = "Performance Testing of a Book and Its Index as an Information Retrieval System", Journal = jasis, Year = "1980", Pages = "264--270", Month = "July") @book(BENN81, Author = "Junious L. Bennion and Edward W. Schneider", Title = "Videodiscs", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications, Inc", Address = "720, Palisade Av, Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "08778-176-1", Year = "1981") @inproceedings(BENS88, Author = "William H. Benson and John L. McCarthy", Title = "Designing a Macintosh Interface to a Mainframe Database", Booktitle = "RIAO 88", Year = 1988) @article(BENT79, Author = "Jon Louis Bently and Jerome H. Friedman", TItle = "Data Structures for Range Searching", Journal = "Computing Surveys", Volume = "2", Number = "4", Month = "December", Year = "1979", Pages = "397--409") @article(BENT80, Author="Jon Louis Bentley and James B. Saxe", Title="Generating Sorted Lists of Random Numbers", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="359--364", Month=sep, Year=1980) @techreport(BENT85, Author = "Jon Louis Bentley and Daniel D. Sleator and Robert E. Tarjan and Vicotr K. Wei", Title = "A Locally Adaptive Data Compression Scheme", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Princeton University", Year = "1985", Month = "July", Number = "CS-TR-004-85") @article(BENT86, Author="Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan", Title="GRAP--A Language for Typesetting Graphs", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=8, Pages="782-793", Month=aug, Year=1986) @article(BENT88, Author = "Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan", Title = "Tools for printing indexes", Journal = "Electronic Publishing", Volume = 1, Number = 1, Pages = "3--17", Month = apr, Year = 1988) @article(BERC86, Author = "Michael C. Berch", Title = "The {UNIX} Connection", Journal = "UNIX Review", Volume = 4, Number = 5, Month = may, Year = "1986", Pages = "44--53") @article(BERG87, Author = "Brian Berg", Title = "Critical considerations for {WORM} software development", Journal = "Optical Information Systems", Pages = "329--333", Month = sep, Year = 1987) @book(BERG90, Author = "Robert E. Bergman and Thomas V. Moore", Year = "1990", Title = "Managing interactive video/multimedia projects", publisher = "Educational Technology Publications", Note = "ISBN 0-87778-209-1", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ") @book(BERK91, Editor = "Emily Berk and Joseph Devlin", Title = "Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill, Inc.", Address = "New York", Year = 1991) @article(BERN84, Author="Gerald M. Berns", Title="Assessing Software Maintainability", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="14-24", Month=jan, Year=1984) @article (BERN86, Author = "Keith E. Bernard", Title = "Regulatory Development in the U.S.", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "6", Pages = "409--413", Year = "1986") @article (BERN80, Author = "Lionel M. Bernstein and Elliot R. Siegel and Charles M. Goldstein", Title = "The Hepatitis Knowledge Base", Journal = "Annals of Internal Medicine", Volume = "93 (Part 2)", Pages = "169--191", Year = "1980") @article (BERNE92, Author = "T. Berners-Lee and R. Cailliau and J. Groff and B. Pollermann", Title = "{WorldWideWeb}: The Information Universe", Journal = "Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy", Volume = "1", Number = "2", Pages = "52--58", Month = "Spring", Year = "1992") @article(BERR87, Author = "P. Bruce Berra and Nikos B. Troullinos", Title = "Optical techniques and data/knowledge base machines", Journal = "Computer", Volume = "20", Number = "10", Pages = "59--70", Month = oct, Year = 1987, Note = "ISSN 0018-9162") @inproceedings(BERR86, Author = "C. Berrut and P. Palmer", Title = "Solving grammatical ambiguities within a surface syntactical parser for automatic indexing", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(BERT88, Author = "Elisa Bertino and Fausto Rabitti and Simon Gibbs", Title = "Query Processing in a Multimedia Document System", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = "6", Number = "1", Pages = "1--41", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @article(BERT86, Author = "Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy and Colin H. Davidson", Title = "Improved Design of Graphic Displays in Thesauri - Through Technology and Ergonomics", Journal = "Journal of Documentation", Volume = "42", Number = "4", Pages = "225--251", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @book(BERT91a, Editor = "Florence Bertrand and Roger Price", Publisher = "Multimedia and {H}ypermedia information coding {E}xpert {G}roup (MHEG)", Title = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG12, MHEG Working Document S, Version 4, Coded Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information, Working Document {S}.4", Month = "August 19-23,", City = "Santa Clara, CA", Year = 1991) @book(BERT91b, Editors="Florence Bertrand, Francoise Colaitis, Yasuaki Yamagishi, SC29/WG12", Title="ISO/IEC JCT1/SC29/WG12, MHEG Working Document E, Version 5 Experimental Interchange of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Objects", Month="November 18-22,", Year=1991) @inproceedings(BERT92a, Author="F. Bertrand and F. Colaitis and A. Leger", Title="The MHEG Standard and its Relation With the Multimedia and Hypermedia Area", Booktitle="Proc. IEE 4th Int. Conference on Image Processing and its Application", Month="April 7-9,", Address ="Maastricht, The Netherlands", Year=1992) @book(BERT92b, Editor = "Florence Bertrand and Roger Price", Publisher = "Multimedia and {H}ypermedia information coding {E}xpert {G}roup (MHEG)", Title = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG12, MHEG Working Document S, Version 6, Coded Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Objects, Part {I}: Base Notation, Working Document {S}.6", Month = "March 23-27,", City = "Haifa", Year = 1992) @article(BERZ87, author="Alfs Berztiss", title="A Mathematically Focused Curriculum for Computer Science", journal=cacm, volume=30, number=5, pages="356-355", month=may, year=1987) @article(BESL85, Author="Paul J. Besl and Ramesh C. Jain", Title="Three-Dimensional Object Recognition", Journal=acmcs, Volume=17, Number=1, Pages="75-145", Month=mar, Year=1985) @mastersthesis(BETR93, author = "Sangita C. Betrabet", title = "A Query Language for Information Graphs", school = "Virginia Tech, Dept. of Computer Science", year = "1993", month = "to appear") @article(BETT80, Author="J.T. Betts", Title="A Compact Algorithm for Computing the Stationary Point of a Quadratic Function Subject to Linear Constraints", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="391--397", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(BHAT84, Author = "S. Bhatt and F. T. Leighton", Title = "A framework for solving VLSI graph layout problems", Journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", Volume = "28", Year = "1984", Pages = "300--343") @article(BICH74, Author = "Julie Bichteler and Ronald G. Parsons", Title = "Document Retrieval by Means of an Automatic Classification Algorithm for Citations", Journal = "Inform. Stor. Retr.", Volume = "10", Number = "7-8", Pages = "267--278", Month = "July-August", Year = 1974) @article(BICH80, Author = "J. Bichteler and E. A. Eaton III", Title = "The Combined Use of Bibliographic Coupling and Cocitation for Document Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "31", Number = "4", Pages = "278--282", Month = "July", Year = "1980") @article(BICK87, Author = "Michael A. Bickel", Title = "Automatic Correction to Misspelled Names: A Fourth-Generation Language Approach", Journal = cacm, Volume = "30", Number = "3", Pages = "224--228", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @techreport(BICK88, Author = "Timothy W. Bickmore", Title = "An Oject-Oriented Approach to Tactical Text Generation", Number = "AIC-88-116", Institution = "Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Center", Address = "Palo Alto, CA", Year = 1988) @article(BICK89, Author="Riva Wenig Bickel", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure XIX", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="472-481", Month=apr, Year=1989) @inproceedings(BIEB88, Author = "Peter Biebricher and Norbert Fuhr and Gerhard Lustig and Michael Schwantner and Gerhard Knorz", Title = "The Automatic Indexing System AIR/PHYS - From Research to Application", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "333--342", Year = 1988) @article(BIER85a, Author = "A. W. Biermann and L. Fineman and K. C. Gilbert", Title = "An Imperative Sentence Processor for Voice Interactive Office Applications", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "3", Number = "4", Pages = "321--346", Month = "October", Year = "1985") @article(BIER85b, Author = "Alan W. Biermann, Robert D. Rodman, David C. Rubin, and J. Francis Heidlage", Title = "?? Natural Language with Discrete as a Mode for Human-to-Machine Communication", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "6", Pages = "628--636", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BIER86, Author = "Dick J. Bierman and Anjo A. Anjewierden", Title = "The Use of a Graphic Scratch Pad for students in 'Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction'", Booktitle = "27th Int. ADCIS Conference", Address = "New Orleans, LA", Month = feb, Year = 1986) @article(BIEW85, Author = "A. Biewer and C. Feneyrol and J. Ritzke and E. Stegentritt", Title = "ASCOF - A Modular Multilevel System for French-German Translation", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "11", Pages = "137--154", Year = "1985") @article(BIGG89, Author = "A. V. Louis Biggie and William E. Buchanan and Paul L. Hazan and Alexander Kossiakoff", Title = "A Multimedia Rapid Prototyping tool for the Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction", Journal = "Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest", Volume = "10", Number = "3", Pages = "246--253", Year = 1989) @techreport(BIKS87, Author = "T. K. Bikson", Title = "Cognitive Press in Computer-Mediated Work", Institution = "The Rand Corporation", Number = "N-2679-NSF/IRIS", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @techreport(BIKS85, Author = "T. K. Bikson and R. A. Eden and T. M. Lodahl and N.Z. Shapiro and C. Stasz", Title = "Using Computer-based Technologies in Organizations: A Research Prospectus", Institution = "The Rand Corporation", Number = "N-2340-NSF/RC", Month = jul, Year = 1985) @techreport(BIKS83, Author = "T. K. Bikson and B. A. Gutek", Title = "Advanced Office Systems: An Empirical Look at Utilization and Satisfaction", Institution = "The Rand Corporation", Number = "N-1970-NSF", Month = feb, Year = 1983) @techreport(BIKS81a, Author = "Tora K. Bikson", Title = "Electronic Information Systems and User Contexts: Emerging Social Science Issues", Institution = "The Rand Corporation", Number = "P-6690", Month = sep, Year = 1981) @techreport(BIKS81b, Author = "Tora K. Bikson and Barbara A. Gutek and Don A. Mankin", Title = "Implementation of Information Technology in Office Settings: Review of Relevant Literature", Institution = "The Rand Corporation", Number = "P-6697", Month = nov, Year = 1981) @techreport(BILI85, Author = "Alexandros Biliris", Title = "A Model for the Evaluation of Concurrency Control Algorithms on B-Trees: Experimental Comparison of Four Locking Protocols", Institution = "Computer Science Department, College of Liberal Arts, Boston University", Address = "Boston, MA", Number = "85-015", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BILL82, Author = "Horst Biller", Title = "On the Architecture of a System Integrating Data Base Management and Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "G. Salton and Schneider", Address = "Berlin, W. Germany", Year = 1982) @book(BIND87, Author = "Roberta Binder", Title = "Videodiscs in Museums: A Project and Resource Directory", Publisher = "Future Systems, Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-08-6", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(BIND88, Author = "Carl Binder", Title = "Form Follows Function in Database Technologies", Booktitle = "RIAO 88", Year = 1988) @techreport(BINF83, Author = "T. Binford and P. Wionston and M. Lowry and B. Katz", Title = "Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedent", Publisher = "Western Microfilm, Inc.", Address = "San Francisco, CA", Number = "STAN-CS-83-950", Month = may, Year = 1983) @techreport(BIRM86, Author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph and Frank Schmuck and Pat Stephenson", Title = "Boards in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University", Address = "Ithaca, NY", Number = "86-772", Month = aug, Year = 1986) @techreport(BIRM83, Author = "K. P. Birman and D. Skeen and A. El Abbadi and W. C. Dietrich and T. Raeuchle", Title = "ISIS: An Environment for Constructing Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", Address = "Ithaca, NY", Number = "TR 83-552", Month = may, Year = 1983) @inproceedings(BIRM94, Author = "William P. Birmingham and Karen M. Drabenstott and Carolyn O. Frost and Amy J. Warner and Katherine Willis", Title = "The {U}niversity of {M}ichigan Digital Library: This Is Not Your Father's Library", Pages = "53--60", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @article(BIRN85, Author="Joel S. Birnbaum", Title="Toward the Domestication of Microelectronics", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1225-1235", Month=nov, Year=1985) @inproceedings(BIRN85, Author = "Lawrence Birnbaum", Title = "Lexical Ambiguity as a Touchstone for Theories of Language Analysis", Booktitle = "9th IJCAI 85", Pages = "815--820", Year = 1985) @article(BIRR82, Author = "Andrew D. Birrell and Roy Levin and Roger M. Needham and Michael D. Schroeder", Title = "Grapevine: An Exercise in Distributed Computing", Journal = cacm, Volume = "25", Number = "4", Pages = "260--274", Month = apr, Year = 1982) @article(BIRR84, Author = "Andrew D. Birrell and B. J. Nelson", Title = "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls", Journal = "ACM Trans. on Computer Systems", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "39--59", Year = 1984) @techreport(BISH89, Author="John L. Bishop and Osman Balci", Title="General Purpose Visual Stimulation System: A Functional Description", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-33", Month="Oct. 15,", Year=1989) @article(BISW87a, Author = "Gautam Biswas and James C. Bezdek and Marisol Marques and Viswanath Subramanian", Title = "Knowledge-Assisted Document Retrieval: I. The Natural-Language Interface", Journal = jasis, Volume = "38", Number = "2", Pages = "83--96", Year = "1987") @article(BISW87b, Author = "Gautam Biswas and James C. Bezdek and Viswanath Subramanian and Marisol Marques", Title = "Knowledge-Assisted Document Retrieval: {II.} The Retrieval Process", Journal = jasis, Volume = "38", Number = "2", Pages = "97--110", Year = "1987") @inproceedings(BISW85, Author = "Gautam Biswas and Viswanath Subramanian and James C. Bezdek", Title = "A Knowledge Based System Approach to Document Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings CAIA-85", Pages = "455--460", Year = "1985") @misc(BITTXx, Author = "Dina Bitton", Title = "The Effect of Large Main Memory on Database Systems", Pages = "337--339", Year = "XX") @techreport(BIXL84, Author = "J. Patrick Bixler and J. Patrick Sanford", Title = "Compression and Transmission of Lines and Regions Extracted from Digitized Engineering Drawings", Institution = vpisu, Number = "CS84007-R", Month = may, Year = 1984) @techreport(BIXL87a, Author="J. Patrick Bixler and David P. Miller", Title="A Sensory Input System for Autonomous Mobile Robots", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-14", Year=1987) @techreport(BIXL87b, Author="J. Patrick Bixler andLayne T. Watson and J. Patrick Sanford", Title="Finding Straight Lines and Curves in Engineering Line Drawings", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-12", Year=1987) @techreport(BIXL88, Author="J. Patrick Bixler", Title="Tracking Text in Mixed Mode Documents", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-19", Month="June 10", Year=1988) @article(BLAH88, author="Michael R. Blaha, William J. Premerlani, and James E. Rumbaugh", title="Relational Database Design Using an Object-Oriented Methodology", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=4, pages="414-427", month=apr, year=1988) @article(BLAI90, Author = "David C. Blair and M. E. Maron", Title = "Full-Text Information Retrieval: Further Analysis and Clarification", Journal = ipm, Volume = 26, Number = 3, Pages = "437--447", Year = 1990) @article(BLAI85, Author = "D. C. Blair and M. E. Maron", Title = "An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-Text Document-Retrieval System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "3", Pages = "289--299", Month = "March", Year = "1985") @article(BLAI79, Author = "David C. Blair", Title = "Searching Biases in Large Interactive Document Retrieval Systems", Journal = jasis, Volume = "31", Number = "4", Pages = "271--277", Year = 1979) @inproceedings(BLAK90, Author = "Gerold Blakowski", Title = "Supporting the Distributed Processing of Multimedia Information in an Object-Oriented, Heterogeneous Environment", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @book(BLAT92a, Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Title = "Interactive Multimedia Computing", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1992") @article(BLAT92b, Author="Meera M. Blattner, Robert M. Greenberg, and Minao Kamegai", Title="Listening to Turbulence", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "6", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "87--102", Year=1992) @misc(BLAT92c, Author="Meera Blattner", Title="Multimedia & Multimodal User Interface Design", Desc.="Tutorial Notes CHI '92", Place="Monterey, California", Date="May 3", Year=1992) @article(BLOO83, Author = "Richard W. Blood", Title = "Evaluation of Online Searches", Journal = "RQ", Month = "Spring", Pages = "266--277", Year = 1983) @article(BLOO89, Author = "Michael Bloom", Title = "Don't Throw Away Your Winchester ... Yet", Journal = "ESD: The Electronic System Design Magazine", Pages = "42--50", Month = apr, Year = 1989) @article(BLOS91, author="Dorothea Blostein and Lippold Haken", title="Justification of Printed Music", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="88- 100", month=mar, year=1991) @inproceedings(BLUE87a, Author = "Bjoern Bluethgen and Joseph A. Colosi", Title = "A Proposed File Format for Multi-Media CD Production: The Information Exchange Protocol (IXP) by Philips Du Pont Optical Company", Booktitle = "Proceedings Optical Information Systems West Conference", Address = "Los Angeles, CA", Month = "March", Year = "1987") @techreport(BLUE87b, Author = "Bjoern Bluethgen", Title = "Information Exchange Protocol for {CD-ROM/CD-I} Program Productions", Institution = "Philips and DuPont Optical", Address = "Audio Data Video Applications, P.O. Box 1409, D-3000 Hannover 1, West Germany", Month = apr, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BLUMB86, Author = "Joseph F. Blumberg", Title = "Using Entropy as a Measure of Diagnostic Uncertainty", Booktitle = "Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Address = "McLean, VA", Pages = "248--245", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @inproceedings{BLUM88, Author = "Anselm Blumer", Title = "Noiseless Compression Using Non-{M}arkov Models", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "367--376", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @article(BLUM87, Author = "A. Blumer and J. Blumer and D. Haussler and R. McConnell and A. Ehrenfeucht", Title = "Complete Inverted Files for Efficient Text Retrieval and Analysis", Journal = "J. of the ACM", Volume = "34", Number = "3", Pages = "578--595", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @techreport {BLUM86, Author = "J. Blumer and A. Blumer", Title = "Online Construction of a Complete Inverted File", Institution = "University of California", Number = "USCS-SRL-86-11", Year = "1986", Month = "April"} @inproceedings(BOBR85, Author = "D. G. Bobrow", Title = "If Prolog is the Answer, What is the Question? or What it Takes to Support AI Programming Paradigms", Booktitle = "IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering", Volume = "11", Number = "11", Pages = "1401--1408", Month = "November", Year = "1985") @article(BODE94, Author="Margaret A. Boden", Title = "Agents and Creativity", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "117--121", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @techreport(BOEH83, Author = "Hans-J. Boehm and Norman Hutchinson", Title = "Biased B-Trees", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Washington", Number = "83-12-05", Month = dec, Year = 1983) @article (BOEH88, Author = "Barry Boehm", Title = "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = 21, Year = "1988", Pages = "61--72") @inproceedings(BOGU87, Author = "Boguraev, Branimir", Year = "1987", Title = "Experiences with a Machine-Readable Dictionary", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED", Institution = "University of Waterloo", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario", Month = "November", Pages = "37--50") @inproceedings(BOGU87b, Author = "Bran Boguraev and Ted Briscoe and John Carroll and David Carter and Claire Grover", Title = "The Derivation of a Grammatically Indexed Lexicon from the {L}ongman {D}ictionary of {C}ontemporary {E}nglish", Booktitle = "ACL 87", Pages = "193--200", Year = 1987) @article(BOGU87c, Author = "Bran Boguraev and Ted Briscoe", Title = "Large Lexicons for Natural Language Processing: Utilising the Grammar Coding System of {LDOCE}", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "13", Number = "3-4", Pages = "203--218", Month = "July--December", Year = 1987) @article(BOIS85, Author="Ronald F. Boisvert and Sally E. Howe and David K. Kahaner", Title="GAMS: A Framework for the Management of Scientific Software", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=4, Page="313--355", Month=dec, Year=1985) @inproceedings(BOLD89, Author = "Dave B. Boldery and Clifford A. Shaffer", Title = "Spatial Data Generation through Interpolation", Booktitle = "VCUC", Year = 1989, Institution = vpisu) @misc(BOLL89, Author = "Peter Bollman and Gwang S. Jung and Vijay V. Raghavan and Lih C. Shu", Title = "On Probabilistic Notions of Precision as a Function of Recall", Year = 1989) @techreport(BOLL85, Author = "P. Bollmann and F. Jochum and U. Reiner and V. Weissmann and H. Zuse", Title = "The Live-Project Retrieval Experiments Based on Evaluation Viewpoints", Institution = "Forschungsgruppe Computergestuetzte Informationssysteme, Technische Universitaet Berlin", Address = "Berlin, W. Germany", Number = "3/85", Year = 1985) @book(BOLLO85, Author = "B. Bollob\'as", Title = "Random Graphs", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "London", Year = 1985) @book(BOLT90, Author = "{Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.}", Title = "{BBN/Slate} Reference Manual, Rel. 1.1", Publisher = "Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1990) @misc(BONA85, Author = "R. Peter Bonasso", Title = "Capturing Domain Primitives for Knowledge-Engineering", Pages = "169--177", Year = 1985) @incollection(BONA91, Author = "Jeffrey Bonar and Blaise Liffick", Title = "Communicating with Higher-Level Plans", Chapter = "7", Pages = "129--156", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(BONI91, Author = "Andrew Bonime", Title = "The promise and the challenge of {CD-I}", Journal = "CD-ROM Professional", Volume = "4", Number = "5", Month = sep, Pages = "17--30", Year = 1991) @article(BONZ90, Author = "Susan Bonzi", Title = "Syntactic Patterns in Scientific Sublanguages: A Study of Four Disciplines", Journal = jasis, Volume = "41", Number = "2", Pages = "121--131", Year = "1990") @article(BOOK80, Author = "A. Bookstein", Title = "Fuzzy Requests: An Approach to Weighted {B}oolean Searches", Journal = jasis, Volume = "31", Number = "4", Month = "July", Pages = "240--247", Year = "1980") @article(BOOK83a, Author = "Abraham Bookstein", Title = "Outline of a General Probabilistic Retrieval Model", Journal = "Journal of Documentation", Volume = "39", Number = "2", Pages = "63--73", Month = jun, Year = 1983) @article(BOOK83, Author = "A. Bookstein", Title = "Information Retrieval: A Sequential Learning Process", Journal = jasis, Volume = "34", Number = "5", Pages = "331--342", Month = "September", Year = "1983") @article(BOOK85, Author = "A. Bookstein", Title = "Probability and Fuzzy-Set Applications to Information Retrieval", Journal = arist, Volume = "20", Pages = "117--152", Year = "1985") @inproceedings(BOOK86, Author = "A. Bookstein", Title = "Performance of self-taught documents", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(BOOK88, Author = "Abraham Bookstein", Title = "Set Oriented Retrieval", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "583--596", Year = 1988) @misc(BOOK90a, Author = "A. Bookstein and {O'Donnell}, M. J.", Title = "A Scholarly Electronic Journal on the {I}nternet: ``{T}he {C}hicago {J}ournal of {C}omputer {S}cience''", Howpublished = "Proposal from The University of Chicago", Month = "April 5,", Year = "1990") @article(BOOK90b, Author="Abraham Bookstein and Shmuel T. Klein", Title="Compression, Information Theory, and Grammars: A Unified approach", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=1, Pages="27-49", Month=jan, Year=1990) @inproceedings(BOOK91, Author="Abraham Bookstein and Shmuel T. Klein", Title="Generative Models for Bitmap Sets with Compression Applications", Page="63--71", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @incollection(BOOS86, Author = "John H. Boose", Title = "Expertise Transfer for Expert System Design", Booktitle = "Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics", Editor = "Gavriel Salvendy", Publisher = "Elsevier", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "24--143", Year = 1986) @article(MILL87, author="Taylor Booth and Raymond E. Miller", title="Computer Science Program Accreditation", journal=cacm, volume=30, number=5, pages="376-389", month=may, year=1987) @article(BORE91, Author = "Nathaniel S. Borenstein", Title = "Multimedia Electronic Mail: Will the Dream Become a Reality?", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "117--119", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(BORG87a, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Individual Differences in the Use of Information Retrieval Systems: Some issues and some data", Booktitle = "ACM SIGIR", Year = 1987) @misc(BORG87b, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Individual Differences in the Use of Information Systems: Proposal to Center for the study of women, UCLA", Month = feb, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BORG87c, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Information Systems Functionality: A User-Driven Perspective", Booktitle = "Workshop on Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems: Functionalities in Information Systems Session", Address = "Rutgers University, NJ", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BORG86a, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Individual Differences in the Use of Information Retrieval Systems: A Pilot Study", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci.", Month = "Sept.-Oct.", Address = "Chicago, IL", Volume = "23", Pages = "32--38", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(BORG86b, Author = "Christine L. Borgman and Donald Case and Charles T. Meadow", Title = "Evaluation of a System to Provide Online Instruction and Assistance in the Use of Energy Databases: The DOE/OAK Project", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci.", Month = "Sept.-Oct.", Year = 1986, Address = "Chicago, IL", Volume = "23", Pages = "32--38") @article(BORG86c, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Why are online catalogs hard to use? Lessons learned from information retrieval studies", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "6", Pages = "387--400", Month = nov, Year = "1986") @inproceedings(BORG85a, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Designing an Information Retrieval Interface Based on User Characteristics", Booktitle = "Res. and Dev. in Inf. Ret., Eighth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf.", Address = "Montreal", Month = "June", Pages = "139--146", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BORG85b, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Individual Differences in the Use of Technology: Work in Progress", Booktitle = "ASIS Proceedings", Pages = "243--249", Year = 1985) @article(BORG84, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "Psychological Research in Human-Computer Interaction", Journal = arist, Volume = "19", Pages = "33--64", Year = 1984) @article(BORG89, Author = "Christine L. Borgman and Donald O. Case and Charles T. Meadow", Title = "The Design and Evaluation of A Front-End User Interface for Energy Researchers", Journal = jasis, Volume = "40", Number = "2", Pages = "99--109", Month = mar, Year = "1989") @article{BORG89a, Author = "Christine L. Borgman", Title = "All users of information retrieval systems are not created equal: an exploration into individual differences", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "3", Pages = "237--251", Year = "1989"} @article(BORK87a, Author = "Harold Borko", Title = "Getting Started in Library Expert Systems Research", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "2", Pages = "81--87", Year = 1987) @article(BORK87b, Author = "Harold Borko", Title = "Introduction and Overview", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "2", Pages = "75--76", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BORK85, Author = "Harold Borko", Title = "The Responsa Project: A Full-text Retrieval System for Hebrew Case Law", Booktitle = "ASIS Proceedings 1985", Pages = "367--368", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BORK81, Author = "Harold Borko", Title = "Automatic Indexing: A Tutorial", Booktitle = "Automatic Information Retrieval ACM 81", Location = "Los Angeles, CA", Month = nov, Year = 1981) @book(BORK78, Author = "H. Borko and C. L. Bernier", Title = "Indexing Concepts and Methods", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York", Year = "1978") @article(BORK77, Author = "Harold Borko", Title = "Toward a Theory of Indexing", Journal = ipm, Volume = "13", Pages = "355--365", Year = 1977) @article(BORN87, Author = "Howard Bornstein", Title = "CARD: Shaking by Association", Journal = "The MACazine", Volume = "4", Number = "12", Pages = "64--69", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BOSC88, Author = "P. Bosc and M. Galibourg", Title = "Flexible Selection among Objects: A Framework based on Fuzzy Sets", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "433--449", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(BOSC86, Author = "P. Bosc and M. Courant and S. Robin", Title = "CALIN: A user interface based on a simple natural language", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "114--122", Month = "September", Year = 1986) @incollection(BOTT88a, Author = "John W. Bottoms", Title = "Full Text Indexed Retrieval Systems", Pages = "309--328", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @inproceedings(BOTT88, Author = "John W. Bottoms", Title = "Multimedia Retrieval Systems Using SGML", Booktitle = "RIAO 88", Note = "submitted", Year = 1988) @article(BOUR78, Author = "Stephen R. Bourne", Title = "The {UNIX} Shell", Journal = "Bell System Technical Journal", Volume = "57", Number = "6", Pages = "1971-1990", Year = "1978") @book(BOUR82, Author = "Stephen R. Bourne", Title = "The {UNIX} System", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1982) @techreport{BOUS88, author={Bousfield, W. and Cohen, B. and Whitmarsh, G. and Kincaid, W.}, title={The Connecticut Free Association Norms}, institution={University of Connecticut}, address={Storrs, Connecticut}, type={Department of Psychology}, year=1988} @book(BOUW86, Author = "G. Bouwhuis and J. Braat and A. Juijser", Title = "Principles of Optical Disc Systems", Publisher = "Association for Information and Image Management", Address = "1100 Wayne Av, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD 20910", Year = "1986") @article(BOVE84, Author = "J. D. Bovey and S. E. Robertson", Title = "An Algorithm for Weighted Searching on a {B}oolean System", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Res. Dev. Applications", Volume = "3", Number = "2", Pages = "84--87", Year = 1984) @mastersthesis(BOVE85, author = "Bove, Jr., Victor Michael", title = "Personalcasting: Interactive Local Augmentation of Television Programming", school = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", year = "1985", month = sep) @article(BOVE87, Author = "J. D. Bovey and P. J. Brown", Title = "Interactive Document Display and its Use in Information Retrieval", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "43", Number = "2", Pages = "125--137", Month = jun, Year = 1987) @article(BOVE92, Author="V. Michael Bove, Jr. and Andrew B. Lippman", Title="Scalable Open-Architecture Television", Journal="SMPTE Journal", Volume=101, Number=1, Pages="2-5", Month=jan, Year=1992) @book(BOWE87, Author = "Richard A. Bowers", Title = "The Optical Publishing Directory 1987", Publisher = "Learned Information, Inc.", Address = "143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055", Note = "ISSN 0893-0317", Year = 1987) @book(BOWK86, Author = "Bowker", Title = "Books in Print Plus", Year = 1986, Note = "on CDROM ISBN 0-8352-2334-5") @article(BOYE77, Author = "R. S. Boyer and J. S. Moore", Title = "A Fast String Searching Algorithm", Journal = "Comm. ACM", Volume = "20", Number = "10", Pages = "762--772", Month = oct, Year = 1977) @article(BOYN85, Author = "Walter J. Boyne and Hernan Otano", Title = "Direct Document Capture and Full Text Indexing: An Introduction to the National Air and Space Museum System", Journal = "Library Hi Tech", Volume = "8", Pages = "7--14", Year = 1985) @article(BRAC84, Author = "Giampio Bracchi and Barbara Pernici", Title = "The Design Requirements of Office Systems", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", Volume = "2", Number = "2", Pages = "151--170", Month = apr, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(BRACH88, Author = "Ronald J. Brachman and Deborah L. McGuinness", Title = "Knowledge Representation, Connectionism, and Conceptual Retrieval", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "161--174", Year = 1988) @article(BRACH85, Author = "Ronald J. Brachman and James G. Schmolze", Title = "An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System", Journal = "Cognitive Science", Volume = "9", Pages = "171--216", Year = 1985) @incollection(BRAD82, Author = "James Bradford", Title = "A Metric Space Defined on {E}nglish and its Relation to Error Correction", Booktitle = "COLING 82", Editor = "J. Horecky", Publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.", Pages = "43--48", Year = 1982) @inproceedings(BRAJ88, Author = "Giorgio Brajnik and Giovanni Guida and Carlo Tasso", Title = "{IR-NLI} {II}: Applying Man-machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence Concepts to Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "387--399", Year = 1988) @article {BRAJ87, Author = "Giorgio Brajnik and Giovanni Guida and Carlo Tasso", Title = "User Modeling in Intelligent Information Retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "305--320", Year = "1987"} @proceedings(BRAM84, Editor = "M. A. Bramer", Title = "Research and Development in Expert Systems -- Proceedings of the Fourth Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge, England", Year = 1984) @book(BRAN87, Author = "Stewart Brand", Title = "The Media Lab", Publisher = "Viking Penguin, Inc.", Address = "New York, NY", Note = "ISBN 0-670-81442-3", Year = 1987) @book(BRAN87a, Author = "Richard Brandt", Title = "Videodisc Training: A Cost Analysis", Publisher = "Future Systems Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-07-7", Year = "1987") @misc(BRANT86, Author = "David A. Brant and Daniel A. Nesmith", Title = "Knowledge-based System Technology", Number = "ARL-TM-86-4", Month = aug, Year = 1986) @unpublished(BRATXx, Author = "Paul Bratley and Yaacov Choueka", Title = "Processing Truncated Terms in Document Retreival Systems", Year = "XX") @article(BRAW90, Author = "Gene Brawn", Title = "The Studio Builder's Reference Guide", Journal = "Amiga World", Volume = "6", Number = "10", Pages = "30--44", Month = oct, Year = 1990) @article(BREA87, Author = "Juiliette O. Breazeal and Meera M. Blattner and Hilary D. Burton", Title = "Data Standardization in Heterogeneous Data Bases through the use of Data Abstraction", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "5', Pages = 465--475", Year = 1987) @techreport(BREG86, Author = "William S. Bregar and Arthur M. Farley and Garland Bayley", Title = "Knowledge Sources for an Intelligent Algebra Tutor", Number = "86-30-7", Institution = "Oregon State University Computer Science Department", Year = 1986) @incollection(BREM87, Author = "Joe Bremner", Title = "Data Protection", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Chapter = "13", Pages = "227-254", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @article(BREN80, Author = "Liksa P. Brenner and Mary Huston-Miyamoto and David A. Self and Phyllis C. Self and Linda C. Smith", Title = "User-Computer Interface Designs for Information Systems: A Review", Journal = "Library Research", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "63--73", Year = "1980-81") @misc(BREN72, Author = "Norman Brenner", Title = "Algorithm 467: Matrix Tranposition in Place [F1]", Booktitle = "Collected Algorithms from CACM", Year = 1972) @article(BREN91, Author="Rita Brennan", Title="Timed Media Movie Format", Journal="IMACompatability Project Proceedings", Volume=1, Number=1, Pages="51-54", Month=sep, Year=1991) @techreport(BRES86, Author = "J. L. Bresina and S. C. Marsella and C. F. Schmidt", Title = "REAPPR - Improving Planning Efficiency via Local Expertise and Reformulation", Institution = "Laboratory for Computer Science Research, Dept. of Computer Science, Rutgers University", Number = "LCSR-TR-82", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @article(BREW88, Author = "Bryan Brewer", Title = "Great Expectations: Something's Happening Inside Dark Castle", Journal = "Hypermedia", Pages = "70--74", Month = "Summer", Year = 1988) @incollection(BREW86, Author = "Bryan Brewer", Title = "Compact Disc Interactive Audio", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "273--290", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @incollection(BREW87, Author = "Bryan Brewer", Title = "Using Audio", Chapter = "9", Pages = "169--183", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @incollection(BRID87, Author = "Raymond Bridge and James Morin", Title = "Preparing Text", Chapter = "4", Pages = "45--62", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @booklet(BRID65, Author = "Bridgeman, Lorraine", Year = "1965", Title = "Nouns before That Clauses in English", Publisher = "Indiana Linguistics Club", Address = "Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana") @booklet(BRID65, Author = "Bridgeman, L., D. Dillinger, C. Higgins, P. D. Seaman, and F. Shank", Year = "1965", Title = "More Classes of Verbs in English", Publisher = "Indiana University Linguistics Club", Address = "Bloomington, IN") @proceedings(BRIT87a, Title = "British Library Symposium on {CD ROM}s", Year = 1987) @article(BRIT87, Author = "Michael Brittain", Title = "Implications for {LIS} Education of Recent Developments in Expert Systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "2", Pages = "139--152", Year = 1987) @article(BRIT73, Author = "J. Michael Brittain and Maurice B. Line", Title = "Sources of Citations and References for Analysis Purposes: A Comparative Assessment", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "29", Number = "1", Pages = "72--80", Month = mar, Year = 1973) @article(BRIT92, Author="David Brittain", Title="Being There: the Promise of Multimedia Communications", Journal="Technology Review", Volume=95, Number=4, Pages="42-50", Month=may/jun, Year=1992) @article(BROA87, Author = "Robert N. Broadus", Title = "Early Approaches to Bibliometrics", Journal = jasis, Volume = "38", Number = "2", Pages = "127--129", Year = 1987) @incollection(BROD88, Author = "Michael L. Brodie", Title = "Future Intelligent Information Systems: AI and Database Technologies Working Together", Booktitle = "Artificial Intelligence and Databases", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufman", Address = "San Mateo", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(BROD86a, Author = "Michael L. Brodie and Matthias Jarke", Title = "On Integrating Logic Programming and Databases", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems, Proc. from the First Int'l Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Pages = "191--207", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(BROD86b, Author = "M. Brodie and Balzer and Wiederhold and Brachman and J. Mylopoulos", Title = "Knowledge Base Management Systems: Discussions from the Working Group", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems, Proc. from the Frist International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Year = 1986) @book(BROD84, Editor = "Michael L. Brodie and John Mylopoulos and Joachim W. Schmidt", Title = "On Conceptual Modelling: Perspective from Artificial Intelligence, Databases and Programming Languages", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1984) @article(BROD92, Author = "Herb Brody", Title = "Machine Dreams: An interview with {N}icholas {N}egroponte", Journal = "Technology Review", Volume = "95", Number = "1", Pages = "33--40", Month = jan, Year = 1992) @article(BROO87, Author = "H. M. Brooks", Title = "Expert Systems and Intelligent Information Retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "367--382", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BROO86, Author = "H. M. Brooks", Title = "Developing and Representing Problem Descriptions", Booktitle = "Proceedings of IRFIS 6, Intelligent Information Systems for the Information Society", Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "Amsterdam", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(BROO85, Author = "H. M. Brooks and P. J. Daniels and N. J. Belkin", Title = "Problem Descriptions and User Models: Developing an Intelligent Interface for Document Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: Proceedings of Informatics 8", Address = "London", Publisher = "ASLIB", Pages = "191--214", Year = 1985) @misc(BROOXX, Author = "H. M. Brooks", Title = "The Functions of an Information System: The Monstrat Model", Year = "XX") @article(BROOK84, Author = "Terrence Brooks", Title = "Private Acts and Public Objects: An Investigation of Citer Motivations", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "4", Pages = "223--229", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BROV87, Author = "Carol A. Broverman and W. Bruce Croft", Title = "Reasoning about Exceptions During Plan Execution Monitoring", Booktitle = "AAAI-87", Pages = "190--195", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(BROV85, Author = "C. Broveman and W. Croft", Title = "A Knowledge-Based Approach to Data Management for Intelligent User Interfaces", Booktitle = "Proceedings 11th International Convention on Very Large Data Bases", Address = "Stockholm", Month = aug, Year = 1985) @misc(BROWXX, Author = "Donald E. Brown", Title = "An Information Theoretic Approach to the Integration of Multisource Conflicting Information", Note = "National Science Foundation Project Summary", Year = "XX") @inbook(BROWNXX, Author = "John Seely Brown", Title = "Process Versus Product: A Perspective on Tools for Communal and Informal Electronic Learning", Booktitle = "Report from the Learning Lab: Education in the Electronic Age", Pages = "41--57", Year = "XX") @incollection(BROWN82, Author = "John Seely Brown", Title = "Learning-by-Doing Revisited for Electronic Learning Environments", Booktitle = "The Future of Electronic Learning", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoicated", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Editor = "M. A. White", Month = apr, Year = 1982) @incollection(BROW86, Author = "Peter Brown", Title = "Viewing Documents on a Screen", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "175--184", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Year = 1986) @book(BROW88, Author = "Marc H. Brown", Title = "Algorithm Animation", Publisher = "The MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = "1988") @article(BRUA89, Author = "Marie-Brance Bruandet", Title = "Outline of a Knowledge-base Model for an Intelligent Information Retrieval System", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "1", Pages = "89--115", Year = 1989) @inproceedings(BRUA80, Author = "M. F. Bruandet", Title = "A Conceptual Framework for Automatic and Dynamic Thesaurus Updating in Information Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics", Location = "Tokyo, Japan", Month = sep, Pages = "586--589", Editor = "Coling", Year = 1980) @inproceedings(BRUE93, Author = "Dennis J. Brueni and Bailey T. Cross and Edward A. Fox and Lenwood S. Heath and Deborah Hix and Lucy T. Nowell and William C. Wake", Title = "What If There Were Desktop Access to the Computer Science Literature?", Booktitle = "Proc. 21st Annual Computer Science Conference, ACM CSC '93", Pages = "15--22", Note = "Feb. 16--18", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Year = 1993) @techreport(BRUE93b, Author="Dennis J. Brueni and Edward A. Fox and Lenwood S. Heath", Title="{SGML} document type definitions for {P}roject {E}nvision database of computer science literature", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Number="in preparation", Year=1993) @techreport(BRUE93c, Author="Dennis J. Brueni and Lenwood S. Heath and Praveen Paripati", Title="Math{A}ccess: {T}he {E}nvision link to {{\em Mathematica\/}}", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="in preparation", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Year=1993) @incollection(BRUN88, Author = "Richard Bruno", Title = "Compact Disc-Interactive", Pages = "131--186", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @book(BRYN88, Author = "Bryan, M.", Title = "SGML: An authors guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Year = "1988") @techreport(BUCHA85, Author = "Bruce G. Buchanan", Title = "Expert Systems: Working Systems and the Research Literature", Number = "KSL-85-37", Institution = "Knowledge Systems Lab, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University", Address = "Stanford, CA 94305", Month = dec, Year = 1985) @article(BUCH85, Author = "Cary Buchman and Daniel M. Berry and Jakob Gonczarowski", Title = "FFORTID, An Adaptation of the {UNIX DITROFF} for Formatting Bidirectional Text", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = "3", Number = "4", Pages = "380--397", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @misc(BUCKL86, Author = "Michael K. Buckland and Clifford A. Lynch", Title = "The Linked Systems Protocol and the future of Bibliographic Networks and Systems", Year = 1986) @techreport(BUCK85a, Author = "C. Buckley", Title = "Implementation of the {SMART} Information Retrieval System", Number = "85-686", Institution = "Cornell University, Department of Computer Science", Month = may, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(BUCK85b, Author = "Chris Buckley and Alan F. Lewit", Title = "Optimization of Inverted Vector Searches", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Information Retrieval Eighth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference", Address = "Montreal", Pages = "97--110", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @book {BUDD87, Author = "Laura Buddine and Elizabeth Young", Title = "The Brady Guide to {CD-ROM}", Publisher = "Prentice Hall Press", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1987} @article(BUEL81, Author = "D. A. Buell and D. H. Kraft", Title = "A Model for a Weighted Retrieval System", Journal = jasis, Volume = "32", Pages = "211--216", Year = 1981) @article(BUEL85, Author = "D. A. Buell", Title = "A Problem in Information Retrieval with Fuzzy Sets", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "6", Pages = "398--401", Month = nov, Year = 1985) @inproceedings {BUI84, Author = "Thang Bui and Soma Chaudhuri and Tom Leighton and Mike Sipser", Title = "Graph bisection algorithms with good average case behavior", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Year = "1984", Month = oct, Address = "Singer Island, FL", Pages = "181--192"} @misc(BULI88, Author = "Stephen Bulick", Title = "Transparent Multi-Media Information Retrieval over a Network", Note = "Prepared for Eurinfo '88 on Information Technology for Organizational Systems, Athens, May 16-20, 1988") @incollection(BULL84, Author = "H.-J. Bullinger and K.-P. Faehnrich", Title = "Symbiotic Man-Computer Interfaces and the User Assistant Concept", Booktitle = "Human-Computer Interactions", Editor = "G. Salvendy", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "17--26", Year = 1984) @techreport(BUND90, Author="Gary N. Bundy and James D. Arthur", Title="Measuring Software Quality in ADA packages: An Objectives, Principles, Attributes Framework", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-42", Year=1990) @article(BUNN87, Author = "David Bunnell", Title = "Hypervisions", Journal = "MacWorld", Pages = "21--30", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @book(BUNZ92, Author="Mark J. Bunzel and Sandra K. Morris", Title="Multimedia Applications Development: Using DVI Technology", Publisher="McGraw Hill, Inc.", Address= "New York", Year=1992) @article(BUSC92, Author="Earlene Busch", Title="Search and Retrieval", Journal="Byte", Pages="271-276", Month=jun, Year=1992) @article(BUSH45, Author = "V. Bush", Title = "As We May Think", Journal = "Atlantic Monthly", Volume = "176", Pages = "101--108", Month = jul, Year = "1945") @article(BUSH86, Author = "Philip A. Bushby", Title = "Computers in the Classroom: Educational Process and Higher Order Skills", Journal = "EDUCOM Bulletin", Month = "Spring", Year = 1986) @article(BUTC85, Author="D.F. Butcher and W.A. Muth", Title="Predicting Performance in an Introductory Computer Science Course", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=3, Pages="263--268", Month=mar, Year=1985) @mastersthesis(BUTE88, author = "William J. Butera", title = "Multiscale Coding of Images", school = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", year = "1988", month = sep) @incollection(BUTL86, Author = "Matilda Butler and William Paisley and Frances Spigai", Title = "{CD-ROM} in the Matrix of Publishing Choices", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: the New Papyrus", Pages = "453--466", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-75-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @article(BUTT91, Author = "Paul Butterworth and Allen Otis and Jacob Stein", Title = "The {G}em{S}one Object Database Management System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "10", Pages = "64--77", Month = oct, Year = "1991") @misc(BYLAXX, Author = "Tom Bylander", Title = "Architectures for Distribution of Knowledge Based on Functional and Conceptual Decomposition", Year = "XX") @inproceedings {BYLA83, Author = "Tom Bylander and Sanjay Mittal and B. Chandrasekaran", Title = "{CSRL}: A Language for Expert Systems for Diagnosis", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Year = "1983", Pages = "218--221"} @article(BYLA86, Author = "Tom Bylander and Sanjay Mittal", Title = "CRSL: A Language for Classificatory Problem Solving and Uncertainty Handling", Journal = "AI Magazine", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Pages = "66--77", Month = aug, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(BYRD86, Author = "Byrd, Roy J., Judith L. Klavans, Mark Aronoff, and Frank Anshen", Title = "Computer Methods for Morphological Analysis", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ACL", Location = "New York, NY", Pages = "120--127", Year = 86) @techreport(CALA85, Author = "Paul H. Calamai and Andrew R. Conn", Title = "A Projected Newton Method for $l_p$ Norm Location Problems", Institution = "Argonne National Lab", Address = "9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439", Number = "Tech Memo 56", Month = aug, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(CALZ84, Author = "Calzolari, Nicoletta", Year = "1984", Title = "Detecting Patterns in a Lexical Data Base", Booktitle = "COLING84", Institution = "Stanford University", Month = jul, Pages = "170--173") @incollection(CALZ88, Author = "Calzolari, Nicoletta", Year = "1988", Title = "The Dictionary and the Thesaurus Can Be Combined", Editor = "Martha Evens", Booktitle = "Relational Models of the Lexicon", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Pages = "75--96") @article(CARS94, Author = "Lawrence W. Carstensen and Clifford A. Shaffer and Robert W. Morrill and Edward A. Fox", Title = "{GeoSim}: A {GIS}-Based Simulation Laboratory for Introductory Geography", Journal = "Journal of Geography", Year = 1994) @book(CARV74, Author = "Carver, D.J.", Year = "1974", Title = "{C}ollins {E}nglish {D}ictionary", Publisher = "Collins Publishers", Address = "Birmingham") @techreport(CAME89, Author = "John P. Cameron", Title = "A Cognitive Model for Tabular Editing", Institution = "The Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Research Center", Number = "OSU-CISRC-6/89-TR 26", Address = "Columbus, OH 43210", Month = jun, Year = 1989) @inproceedings(CAMP87, Author = "David K. Campbell", Title = "Drive Issues for High Performance Magneto-optic Recording", Booktitle = "Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage", Pages = "1--5", Publisher = "Optical Society of America", Note = "March 11--13, Stateline, NE, Sponsored by the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society of IEEE and the Optical Society of America, IEEE Catalog Number 85CH2234-3", Year = 1987) @incollection(CAMP88, Author = "Robert Campbell and Patricia Hanlon", Title = "Grapevine", Pages = "157--177", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(CAMPI83, Author = "G. Campi", Title = "On the Automatic Correction of Orthographic Mistakes", Journal = "ACM SIGOA Newletter", Volume = "4", Number = "2", Pages = "7--13", Month = "Winter", Year = 1983) @inproceedings(CAN85, Author = "Fazli Can and Exen A. Ozkarahan", Title = "Concepts of the Cover Coefficient-based Clustering Methodology", Booktitle = "SIGIR 85", Pages = "204--211", Year = 1985) @article(CANF93, Author="Fazli Can", Title="Incremental Clustering for Dynamic Information Processing", Journal=acmtois, Volume=11, Number=1, Pages="to appear", Month=jan, Year=1993) @inproceedings(CANA85, Author = "Alberto J. Canas and Frank R. Safayeni and David W. Conrath", Title = "A Conceptual Model and Experiments on How People Classify and Retrieve Documents", Booktitle = "SIGIR 85", Pages = "282--287", Year = 1985) @incollection(CANT86, Author = "Marc Canter", Title = "The New Workstation: {CD-ROM} Authoring Systems", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Publisher = "Microsoft Press, Inc.", Pages = "359--376", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Year = 1986) @incollection(CANT87, Author = "Marc Canter and Erik Neumann and Jay Fenton", Title = "Controlling {CD-I}: Languages and Authoring Systems", Chapter = "7", Pages = "139--160", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(CAPLXX, Author = "Michael Caplinger and Bruce Schatz", Title = "Searching in a Hyperlibrary", Booktitle = "5th Int. Conf. on Data Engineering", Year = "XX") @inproceedings(CARB85, Author = "Sandra Carberry", Title = "A Pragmatics-based Approach to Understanding Intersentenial Ellipsis", Booktitle = "ACL 85", Pages = "188--197", Year = 1985) @article(CARD85, Author = "Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner", Title = "On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "17", Number = "4", Pages = "471--522", Month = dec, Year = 1985) @article(CARD91, Author="Stuart K. Card, Jock D. MacKinlay, and George C. Robertson", Title="A Morphological Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=2, Pages="99--122", Month=apr, Year=1991) @article(CARD92, Author="Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, and George G. Robertson", Title="The Design Space of Input Devices", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "12", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "217--232", Year=1992) @article(CARL90, Author="David A. Carlson and Sudha Ram", Title="HyperInteligence:The Next Frontier", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=3, Pages="311-322", Month=mar, Year=1990) @inproceedings(CARM89, Title = "The Use of a Generalized Hierarchy Exploration Tool in Search and Retrieval Systems", Author = "Frank C. Carman II and Phillip J. Smith and Steven S. Shute", Booktitle = "Designing and Using Human-Computer Interfaces and Knowledge Based Systems, Proc. of the Third Int'l Conference on Human-Computer Interaction", Address = "Boston", Month = sep, Year = 1989, Pages = "187-194", Volume = "II") @article(CARP73, Author = "Mark P. Carpenter and Francis Nain", Title = "Clustering of Scientific Journals", Journal = jasis, Volume = "24", Number = "6", Pages = "425--436", Year = 1973) @article(CARR88, Author = "John M. Carroll and Amy P. Aaronson", Title = "Learning by Doing with Simulated Intelligent Help", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "9", Pages = "1064--1079", Year = 1988) @article(CARR89, Author="Nicholas Carriero and David Gelernter", Title="Linda in Context", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="444-459", Month=apr, Year=1989) @article(CART79, Author = "J. Lawrence Carter and Mark N. Wegman", Title = "Universal Classes of Hash Functions", Journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", Volume = "18", Pages = "143--154", Year = 1979) @book(CARV, Editor = "Carver, D.J.", Year = "1974", Booktitle = {Collins English Dictionary}, Publisher = "Collins Publishers, Birmingham") @incollection{CASA67, author={Casagrande, J.B. and Hale, K.L.}, title={Semantic Relations in {P}apago Folk Definitions}, booktitle={Studies in Southwestern Ethnolinguistics}, editor={Hymes, D. and Bittle, W.}, pages={165-196}, year=1967, publisher={Mouton}, address={The Hague}, } @inproceedings(CATE87, Author = "Steven C. Cater and Donald H. Kraft", Title = "TIRS: A Topological Information Retrieval System Satisfying the Requirements of the Waller-Kraft Wish List", Booktitle = "Proceedings Tenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address = "New Orleans, LA", Month = jun, Pages = "171--180", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(CASE88, Author = "Donald Owen Case", Title = "How do the experts do it? {T}he use of ethnographic methods as an aid to understanding the cognitive processing and retrieval of large bodies of text", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "127--133", Year = 1988) @article(CASE85, Author = "Donald Case", Title = "The Personal Computer: Missing Link to the Electronic Journal?", Journal = jasis, Volume = "36", Number = "5", Pages = "309--313", Year = 1985) @article(CATT91, Author="R.G.C. Cattell. guest editor", Title="Introduction", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=10, Pages= "30-33", Month=oct, Year=1991) @incollection(CAWK86, author = "A. E. Cawkell", Editor = "A. E. Cawkell", Title = "The Electronic Processing and Delivery of Documents and Text. {P}art 2: Other Methods of Delivering Text and Images Electronically", Booktitle = "Handbook of Information Technology and Office Systems", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc.", Address = "New York, NY", Pages= "120--132", Year = 1986) @article(CAWK76, Author = "A. E. Cawkell", Title = "Citations, Obsolescence, Enduring Articles, and Multiple Authorships", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "32", Number = "1", Pages = "53--58", Year = 1976) @article(CAVA92, Author="Robert J. Cavalier", Title="Course Processing and the Electronic Agora: Redisigning the Classroom", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=2, Pages="32-37", Month="March/April", Year=1992) @booklet(CDIN88, Title = "CD-I News", Publisher = "LINK Resources, Corp.", Address = "New York, NY", Note = "Available from LINK Resources Corp., 79 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @techreport(CDRO86, Author = "CDROM Ad Hoc Advisory Committee", Title = "Working Paper for a Standard {CD-ROM} Volume File Structure", Institution = "XX", Month = may, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(CELE91, Author="A. Celentano and M. G. Fugini and S. Pozzi", Title="Querying Office Systems About Document Roles", Page="183--190", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(CERC84, Author = "Nick Cercone and Gordon McCalla", Title = "Artificial Intelligence: Underlying Assumptions and Basic Objectives", Journal = jasis, Volume = "35", Number = "5", Pages = "280--290", Year = 1984) @article(CERC83, Author = "N. Cercone and M. Krause and J. Boates", Title = "Minimal and almost minimal perfect hash function search with application to natural language lexicon design", Journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications", Volume = "9", Pages = "215--231", Year = 1983) @article(CERI86, Author = "S. Ceri and G. Gottlob", Title = "Normalization of Relations and Prolog", Journal = cacm, Volume = "29", Number = "6", Pages = "524--544", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @techreport(CHAD88a, Author="Ritu Chadha and Donald C.S. Allison", Title="Decomposing Rectilinear Figures into Rectangles", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-17", Year=1988) @techreport(CHAD88b, Author="Ritu Chadha and Donald C.S. Allison", Title="An O(N log N) Expected Time Merge Heuristic for the Planar ETSP", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-16", Year=1988) @techreport(CHAK89, Author="A. Chakraborty, D.C.S. Allison, C.J. Ribbens, and L.T. Watson", Title="Unit Tangent Vector Computation for Homotopy Curve Tracking on a Hypercube", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-39", Year=1989) @techreport(CHAK90, Author="A. Chakraborty, D.C.S. Allison, C.J. Ribbens, and L.T. Watson", Title="Analysis of Function Component Complexity for Hypercube Homotopy Algorithms", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-27", Month="May 23,", Year=1990) @techreport(CHAK91, Author = "A. Chakraborty, D.C.S. Allison, C.J. Ribbens and L.T. Watson", Title = "Analysis of Function Component Complexity for Hypercube Homotopy Algorithms", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-4", Month = "Feb. 9,", Year = 1991) @article(CHAM85, Author="Alan B. Chambers and David C. Nagel", Title="Pilots of the Future: Human or Computer?", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1187-1199", Month=nov, Year=1985) @article(CHAM88, Author = "Alice Y. Chamis", Title = "Selection of Online Databases Using Switching Vocabularies", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "3", Pages = "217--218", Year = 1988) @article(CHAN85, Author = "D. Chandler", Title = "The Monthly Report", Journal = "The {UNIX} Review", Volume = "3", Number = "10", Pages = "8--18", Year = 1985) @article {CHAN86, Author = "B. Chandrasekaran", Title = "Generic Tasks in Knowledge-Based Reasoning: High-Level Building Blocks for Expert System Design", Journal = "{IEEE} Expert", Pages = "23--30", Year = "1986", Month = "Fall"} @article(CHAN87a, Author = "B. Chandrasekaran", Title = "On the Minimum Vocabulary Problem", Journal = jasis, Volume = "38", Number = "4", Pages = "234--238", Year = 1987) @techreport(CHAN87b, Author = "S. C. Chan and I. F. Chang and T. S. Chua and K. C. Chu and Alex B. H. Kang and K. C. Kwok and C. K. Law and K. H. Lim and K. T. Loh and H. B. Low and A. D. Narasimhalu and T. M. Ng and W. H. Wong", Title = "Methodologies and Applications of Visual Languages for Information Services", Institution = "Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore", Address = "Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511", Note = "Paper prepared for presentation at 1987 Workshop on Visual Language, Aug 19-21 1987, in Linkoping, Sweden", Number = "ISS RR-29", Year = 1987) @book(CHAN88, Author = "L. M. Chan and R. Pollard", Title = "Thesauri used in online databases: An Analytical guide", Publisher = "Greenwood Press", Year = "1988") @inproceedings {CHANB85a, Author = "B. Chandrasekaran", Title = "Generic Tasks in Knowledge-Based Reasoning: Characterizing and Designing Expert Systems at the `Right' Level of Abstraction", Booktitle = caia85, Year = "1985", Pages = "294--300", Publisher = "{IEEE} Press"} @inproceedings {CHAN85b, Author = "B. Chandrasekaran", Title = "Generic Tasks in Knowledge-Based Reasoning: Expert Systems at the Right Level of Abstraction", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Year = "1985", Pages = "62--65", Publisher = "IEEE Press"} @article(CHANG86, Author = "C. C. Chang", Title = "Letter oriented reciprocal hashing scheme", Journal = "Information Sciences", Volume = "38", Pages = "243--255", Year = 1986) @article(CHANG84, Author = "C. C. Chang", Title = "The study of an ordered minimal perfect hashing scheme", Journal = cacm, Volume = "27", Pages = "384--387", Year = 1984) @techreport(CHANG83, Author = "C. L. Chang", Title = "An experience of building an expert system with prolog", Institution = "IBM Research Div.", Address = "Yorktown Hgts, NY", Number = "RJ 3925 (44525) 6/20/83", Year = 1983) @inproceedings(CHANG87, Author = "Shih-Chio Chang and Wen-Chin Chen", Title = "'And-Less' Retrieval: Toward Perfect Ranking", Booktitle = "ASIS 87", Pages = "30--35", Year = 1987) @article(CHANG87b, Author = "Shi-Kuo Chang and L. Leung", Title = "A Knowledge Based Message Manangement System", Journal = acmtoois, Volume = 5, Number = 3, Pages = "213--236", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(Chang88, Author="S.K. Chang, C.W. Yan, D.C. Dimitroff, and T. Arndt", Title="An Intelligent Dayabase System", Journal="IEEE tose", Volume=14, Number=5, Pages="681-688", Month=may, Year=1988) @article(CHAP81, Author = "Janet L. Chapman", Title = "A State Transition Analysis of Online Information-Seeking Behavior", Journal = jasis, Volume = "32", Pages = "325--333", Year = 1981) @techreport(CHAP89, Author="Bryan L. Chappell, Sallie Henry, and Kevin Mayo", Title="Measurement of Ada Throughout the Software Development Life Cycle", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-44", Year=1989) @incollection(CHAR82, Author = "E. Charniak", Title = "Context Recognition in Language Comprehension", Booktitle = "Strategies for Natural Language Processing", Editor = "Wendy G. Lehnert and Martin H. Ringle", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Pages = "435--545", Year = 1982) @article(CHAR83, Author = "E. Charniak", Title = "Passing Markers: A Theory of Contextual Influence in Language Comprehension", Journal = "Cognitive Science", Volume = "7", Pages = "171--190", Year = 1983) @techreport(CHAR88, Author = "Robert Lee Chartrand and Elizabeth Baldwin", Title = "Information Services for Agriculture: The Role of Technology", Institution = "Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress", Number = "88-108 S", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @techreport(CHAS91, Author = "Joseph Dwight Chase and Sherry Perdue Casali", Title = "A Comparison of Three Cursor Control Devices on a Cursor Control Benchmark Task", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR-8", Month = jan, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(CHEE85, Author = "Peter Cheeseman", Title = "In Defense of Probability", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-85", Pages = "1002--1009", Year = 85) @inproceedings(CHEN87a, Author = "Ching-chih Chen", Title = "Large-scale multi-media database in the humanities: case presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Bases in the Humanities and Social Science", Year = 87) @incollection(CHEN87b, Author = "{Chen}, Ching-chih", Title = "Interactive Videodisc Technology, Information Transfer and Communications: A Case Presentation on {PROJECT} {EMPEROR-I}", Booktitle = "Information, Communications, and Technology Transfer", Publisher = "Elseview Science Publishers B.V.", Editor = "E.V. Smith and S. Keenan", Pages = "149--155", Year = 87) @article(CHEN87c, Author = "Ching-chih Chen", Title = "Large-scale image processing", Journal = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science", Volume = "13", Number = "6", Pages = "15--16", Month = aug, Year = 87) @article(CHEN87d, Author = "Ching-chih Chen and Sheila Intner", Title = "A conversation with Ching-chih Chen", Journal = "Technicalities", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Pages = "3--7", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(CHEN86a, Author = "Ching-chih Chen", Title = "The Potential of the interactive videodisc for international cooperation as documented by PROJECT EMPORER-I", Booktitle = "Impact of New Information Technology Library Cooperation, Proceedings of Essen Symposium", Pages = "190--204", Year = 1986) @article(CHEN86b, Author = "Peter Pin-Sham Chen", Title = "The Compact Disk {ROM}: How it works", Journal = "IEEE Spectrum", Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "44--49", Month = apr, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(CHEN85, Author = "Di Chen and Nelson Yew", Title = "A 5.25 in. Optical Digital Data Storage Drive", Booktitle = "Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage", Year = 1985) @techreport(CHEN84, Author = "Ching-chih Chen", Title = "Chen to Direct NEH Supported Project Emperor-I", Institution = "Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science", Year = 1984) @misc(CHENH88a, Author = "Hsinchun Chen", Title = "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Design of Online Information Retrieval Systems", Institution = "New York University, Dept. of Information Systems", Month = nov, Year = 1988) @techreport(CHENH88b, Author = "Hsinchun Chen and Vasant Dhar", Title = "User Misconceptions of Information Retrieval Systems", Institution = "Center of Research on Information Systems, New York University, Computer Applications and Information Systems Area", Address = "New York, NY 10003", Number = "CRIS 173 or GBA 88-20", Month = mar, Year = 1988) @techreport(CHENH88c, Author = "Hsinchun Chen and Vasant Dhar", Title = "Online query refinement on information retrieval systems", Institution = "Dept. of Information Systems, New York University", Address = "New York, NY 10003", Month = nov, Year = 88) @inproceedings(CHENH87, Author = "Hsinchun Chen and Vasant Dhar", Title = "Reducing indeterminism in consultation: a cognitive model of user/librarian interactions", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the American Associate for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87)", Location = "Seattle, WA", Month = jul, Year = 87, Note = "Also a report in the Working Paper Series for New York University CRIS \#158 or GBA \#87-60.") @article(CHEN88, Author = "PeHong Chen and Michael A. Harrison", Title = "Multiple representation document development", Journal = "Computer", Volume = "21", Number = "1", Pages = "15--31", Month = jan, Year = 1988, Note = "ISSN 0018-9162") @article(CHENP76, Author = "Peter Pin-Shan Chen", Title = "The entity-relationship model -- toward a unified view of data", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Month = mar, Pages = "9--36", Year = 76) @misc(CHEN90, Author = "Qi Fan Chen", Title = "An Object-Oriented Network Database System for Information Retrieval Applications", Note = "Dissertation Proposal", Howpublished = "VPI\&SU Dept. of Computer Science", Month = aug, Year = 1990) @misc(CHENQ91a, Author = "Qi Fan Chen and Edward A. Fox", Title = "LEND Classes Documentation", Note = "System documentation", Howpublished = "VPI\&SU Dept. of Computer Science", Month = "Sept. 30", Year = 1991) @misc(CHENQ91b, Author = "Qi Fan Chen and Edward A. Fox", Title = "LEND System Component Description", Note = "System documentation", Howpublished = "VPI\&SU Dept. of Computer Science", Month = "Sept. 30", Year = 1991) @misc(CHENQ91c, Author = "Qi Fan Chen", Title = "A Faster Minimal Perfect Hashing Function Search Algorithm", Note = "Unpublished draft manuscript", Howpublished = "VPI\&SU Dept. of Computer Science", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @phdthesis(CHENQ92, Author = "Qi Fan Chen", Title = "An object-oriented database system for efficient information retrieval applications", School = "Virginia Tech Dept. of Computer Science", Month = mar, Year = 1992) @inproceedings(CHENG84, Author = "Yizong Cheng and K. S. Fu", Title = "Conceptual Clustering in Knowledge organization", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-84", Pages = "274--279", Year = 84) @article(CHER88a, author="David R. Cheriton", title="The {V} Distributed System", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="314-333", month=mar, year=1988) @article(CHER88b, author="Christopher Cherniak", title="Undebuggability and Cognitive Science", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=4, pages="402--413", month=apr, year=1988) @techreport(CHER80, Author = "L. L. Cherry and W. Vesterman", Title = "Writing Tools - The {STYLE} and {DICTION} Programs", Institution = "Bell Labs", Address = "Murray Hill, NJ", Month = nov, Year = 80) @techreport(CHER78, Author = "L. L. Cherry", Title = "{PARTS}: A System for Assigning word classes to {E}nglish text", Institution = "Bell Labs", Number = "81", Month = jun, Year = 78) @article(CHEU80, Author="To-Yat Cheung", Title="Multifacility Location Problem with Rectilinear Distance by the Minimum Cut Approach", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="387--390", Month=sep, Year=1980) @techreport(CHIA82, Author = "Wan P. Chiang and Toby J. Teorey", Title = "A method for database record clustering", Institution = "The University of Michigan Computing Research Laboratory", Number = "CRL-TR-5-82", Month = aug, Year = 82) @inproceedings(CHIA86, Author = "Y. Chiaramella and B. Defude and M. F. Bruandet and D. Kerkouba", Title = "IOTA: A Full Text Information Retrieval System", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conference on Research \& Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "207--213", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article {CHIA87, Author = "Y. Chiaramella and B. Defude", TItle = "Prototype of an Intelligent System for Information Retrieval: {IOTA}", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "285--303", Year = "1987"} @incollection(CHIND91, Author = "David N. Chin", Title = "Intelligent Interfaces as Agents", Chapter = "9", Pages = "177--206", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(CHINR91, Author="Roger S. Chin and Samuel T. Chanson", Title="Distributed Object-Based Programming Systems", Journal=acmcs, Volume=23, Number=1, Pages="91-124", Month=mar, Year=1991) @article(CHIN86, Author="Roland T. Chin and Charles R. Dyer", Title="Model-Based Recognition in Robot Vision", Journal=acmcs, Volume=18, Number=1, Pages="67-108", Month=mar, Year=1986) @techreport(CHIT90, Author="Chandan Chitale, John Deighan, and John Roach", Title="Hierarchial Constraint Satisfaction as a Model for Adding Types with Inheritance to Prolog", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-6", Month=may, Year=1990) @inproceedings(CHOD85, Author = "Martin S. Chodorow and Roy J. Byrd and George E. Heidorn", Title = "Extracting Semantic Hierarchies from a Large On-Line Dictionary", Booktitle = "Proc. of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ACL", Pages = "299--304", Month = jul, Year = 85) @book(CHOM66, Author = "Noam Chomsky", Title = "Syntactic Structures", Publisher = "Mouton \& Co.", Address = "The Hague", Year = 66) @book(CHOMXX, Author = "Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle", Title = "The Sound Pattern of English", Year = XX) @article(CHOU89, Author = "Yaacov Choueka", Title = "Responsa: an operational full-text retrieval system with linguistic components for large corpora", Journal = "Computational Lexicology and Lexicography", Note = "{T}o appear", Year = 89) @inproceedings(CHOU88, Author = "Yaacov Choueka and Aviezri S. Fraenkel and Shmuel T. Klein", Title = "Compression of Concordances in full-text retrieval systems", Booktitle = "SIGIR 88", Pages = "597--612", Year = 88) @techreport(CHOU87, Author = "Yaacov Choueka", Title = "Two Conferences on Optical Storage: an informal report and some reflections", Institution = "Bell Communications Research", Number = "TM-ARH-008691", Year = 87) @article(CHOUE80, Author = "Y. Choueka", Title = "Computerized Full-Text Retrieval Systems and Research in the Humanities: The Responsa Project", Journal = "Computers and the Humanities", Volume = "14", Number = "3", Month = nov, Year = 1980) @article(CHOW90, Author="Ching-Hua Chow and Motomitsu Adachi", Title="Achieving Multimedia Communications on a Heterogeneous Network", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="348-359", Month=apr, Year=1990) @phdthesis(CHRI91, Author = "Michael George Christel", Title ="A Comparative Study of Digital Video Interactive Interfaces in the Delivery of a Code Inspection Course", Year = 1991, School = "Georgia Institute of Technology") @misc(CHRI89, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis and Daniel Alexander Ford", Title = "File Organizations and Access Methods for CLV Optical Discs", Pages = "152--159", Year = 89) @techreport(CHRI88a, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis and K. Elliott and Daniel A. Ford and K. Hatzilemonias and E. Ledoux and M. Leitch and R. Ng", Title = "Optical Mass Storage Systems and their Performance", Institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1", Number = "CS-88-05", Year = 1988) @techreport(CHRI88b, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis and Daniel A. Ford", Title = "Performance Analysis and Fundamental Performance Trade Offs for {CLV} Optical Disks", Institution = "University of Waterloo, Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1", Number = "CS-88-06", Year = 1988) @misc(CHRI87a, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis", Title = "Office Information Systems", Note = "Tutorial, ACM SIGMOD", Year = 1987) @article(CHRI87b, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis", Title = "Query Processing in Optical Disk Based Multimedia Information Systems", Journal = "IEEE Database Engineering", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(CHRI87c, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis", Title = "Analysis of Retrieval Performance for Records and Objects Using Optical Disk Technology", Journal = "ACM TODS", Volume = "12", Number = "2", Pages = "137--169", Month = jun, Year = 1987) @article(CHRI86a, Author = "S. Christodoulakis and M. Theodoridou and F. Ho and M. Papa and A. Pathria", Title = "Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in {MINOS}: A Model and a System", Journal = "ACM TOOIS", Volume = "4", Number = "4", Pages = "345--383", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @article(CHRI86b, Author = "Stavros Christodoulakis and Christos Faloutsos", Title = "Design and Performance Considerations for an Optical Disk-Based, Multimedia Object Server", Journal = "Computer", Pages = "45--56", Month = dec, Year = 1986, Note = "ISBN 0018-9162/86/1200-0045") @techreport(CHUA88, Author = "T. S. Chua and W. H. Wong and K. C. Chu", Title = "Design and implementation of the Animation Language {SOLAR}", Institution = "Institute of Systems Science National University of Singapore", Address = "Heng Mui Ken Terrace, Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511", Year = 88, Note = "paper prepared for presentation at Computer Graphics International 88") @article(CHUR90, Author = "Kenneth Ward Church and Patrick Hanks", Title = "Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, and Lexicography", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "16", Number = "1", Pages = "22--29", Month = "March", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(CHUR89, Author = "Kenneth W. Church and Patrick Hanks", Title = "Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, and Lexicography", Booktitle = "ACL 89", Address = "Vancouver, Canada", Year = 1989) @article(CICH80, Author = "R. J. Cichelli", Title = "Minimal perfect hash functions made simple", Journal = cacm, Volume = "23", Pages = "17--19", Year = 1980) @article(CICH88, Author = "Edward M. Cichocki and Susan M. Ziemer", Title = "Design Considerations for {CD-ROM} Retrieval Software", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "43--46", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @techreport(CLAN85a, Author = "Willam J. Clancey", Title = "Heuristic Classification", Institution = "Stanford University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Stanford, CA 94305", Number = "STAN-CS-85-1066 or KSL-85-5", Month = jun, Year = 85, Note = "Also in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 27, pages 289--350") @techreport(CLAN85b, Author = "William J. Clancey", Title = "Review of {S}owa's 'Conceptual Structures'", Institution = "Stanford University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Stanford, CA 94305", Month = mar, Year = 85) @techreport(CLAN85c, Author = "William J. Clancey", Title = "Acquiring, representing, and evaluation a competence model of diagnostic strategy", Institution = "Stanford University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Stanford, CA 94305", Month = aug, Year = 85) @techreport(CLAN84, Author = "William J. Clancey", Title = "Classification Problem Solving", Institution = "Stanford University Dept. of Computer Science", Address = "Stanford, CA 94305", Number = "STAN-CS-84-1018 or HPP-84-7", Month = jul, Year = 84) @article(CLAP86, author="Russell M. Clapp et others", title="Toward Real-Time Performance Benchmarks for {Ada}", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="760-778", month=aug, year=1986) @misc(CLARXX, Author = "James L. Clark and Jeffrey L. Cooke", Title = "A workstation envrionment for retrieving text from small to large unstructured information reservoirs", Pages = "39--51", Year = "XX") @booklet(CLAR87, Editor = "Ann Clarke and Bill Tuck", Title = "Project Quartet Newsletter", Month = aug, Year = 1987) @techreport(CLAR86, Author = "Ann Clarke", Title = "The British Library's Compact Disc Experiment", Institution = "British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data", Year = 1986, Note = "ISBN 0-7123-3086-0") @article (CLAR92, Author= "William J. Clark", Title="Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume=31, Number=5, Pages="44-50", Month=may, Year=1992) @techreport(CLEV88, Author="Bennett W. Cleveland and Calvin J. Ribbens", Title="Schwarz Splitting Using {ELLPACK}", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-2", Month="Feb. 3", Year=1988) @inproceedings(CLEV91, Author="Cyril W. Cleverdon", Title="The Significance of the Cranfield Tests on Index Languages", Page="3--12", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @techreport(CLEV68, Author = "C. W. Cleverdon and E. M. Keen", Title = "Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems", Institution = "Aslib Cranfield Research Project, Vol. 1 and 2", Address = "Cranfield, England", Year = "1968") @techreport(CLEV66, Author = "Cleverdon, C. and J. Mills and M. Keen", Year = "1966", Title = "Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems: vol. 1Design, vol. 2 Test Results", Institution = "Aslib-Cranfield Research Project", Address = "Cranfield, England") @article(CLIFF83, Author = "James Clifford and David S. Warren", Title = "Formal Semantics for Time in Databases", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", Volume = "8", Number = "2", Pages = "214--254", Month = jun, Year = 83) @misc(CLIN89a, Author = "Ben E. Cline", Title = "Socket to me: prototype directory access programs", Year = 89) @inproceedings(CLIN90a, Author = "Ben E. Cline and J. Terry Nutter", Title = "Implications of Natural Categories for Natural Language Generation", Pages = "1--8", Year = 1990, Booktitle = "First Annual SNePS Workshop") @techreport(CLIN89b, Author="Ben E. Cline and J. Terry Nutter", Title="Implications of Natural Categories for Natural Language Generation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-19", Year=1989) @techreport(CLIN90b, Author="Ben E. Cline and J. Terry Nutter", Title="Natural Categories for More Natural Generation", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-22", Year=1990) @misc(CLIN91, Author = "Ben E. Cline and Robert K. France and Edward A. Fox", Title = "OPAC Design Document: MARIAN", Note = "Unpublished Internal Communique", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @book(CLOC84, Author = "W. F. Clocksin and C. S. Mellish", Title = "Programming in Prolog, 2nd Ed.", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "New York", Year = 1984) @article(COCH83, Author = "Pauline A. Cochrane and Karen Markey", Title = "Catalog Use Studies -- Since the Introduction of Online Interactive Catalogs: Impact on Design for Subject Access", Journal = "Library and Information Science Research", Volume = "5", Number = "4", Pages = "337--363", Year = 1983) @article(COCK88, author="John Cocke", title="The Search for Performance in Scientific Processors", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="250-254", month=mar, year=1988) @article(COCK91, Author = "Greg Cockroft and Leo Hourvitz", Title = "{NeXTstep}: Putting {JPEG} to multiple uses", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "45", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @misc(CODDXX, Author = "E. F. Codd", Title = "Relational Completeness of data base sublanguages", Pages = "65--98", Year = "XX") @article(CODD79, Author = "E. F. Codd", Title = "Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", Volume = "4", Number = "4", Pages = "397--434", Month = dec, Year = 79) @inbook(COELXX, Author = "Helder Coelho", Title = "Library Manager: A case study in knowledge engineering", Booktitle = "Database Creation and Cataloguing", Publisher = " ", Pages = "32--53", Year = "XX") @techreport(COFF86, Author="R.W. Coffin and J. W. Roach", Title="An Implementation of D.H. Warren's PROLOG Machine on a Vax 11/780", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-17", Year=1986) @article(COHE86, Author = "Elaine Cohen and Margo Young", Title = "Cost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on Paper, {CD-ROM} and Online", Journal = "Optical Information Systems", Month = nov, Year = 1986, Pages = "485--490") @article(COHE85, Author = "Jacques Cohen", Title = "Describing PROLOG by its Interpretation and Compilation", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "12", Pages = "1311--1324", Year = 1985) @article(COHE87, Author = "Paul R. Cohen and Rick Kjeldsen", Title = "Information retrieval by constrained spreading activation in semantic networks", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "255--268", Year = 87) @inproceedings(COHEN87, Author = "Philip R. Cohen and Hector J. Levesque", Title = "Intention = Choice + Committment", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-87", Pages = "410--415", Year = 87) @inproceedings(COHEN82, Author = "Robin Cohen", Title = "Interpreting clues in conjunction with processing restrictions in arguments and discourse", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-82", Pages = "528--533", Year = 82) @article(COHE90, author="Jaques Cohen", title="Constraint Logic Programming Languages", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="52--68", month=jul, year=1990) @incollection(COHI84, Author = "L. F. Cohill", Title = "A taxonomy of user-computer interface functions", Booktitle = "Human-Computer Interaction", Editor = "G. Salvendy", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "125--128", Year = 84) @inproceedings{COHN88, Author = "M. Cohn", Title = "Performance of Lempel-Ziv Compressors with Deferred Innovation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "377--391", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @article(COIN86a, Author = "COINTS Report Staff", Title = "{CD-ROM}: Revolution Makers", Journal = "The COINTS Reports", Volume = "6", Number = "5", Pages = "XX", Note = "ISSN 0198-8840", Year = 1986) @article(COIN86b, Author = "COINTS Report Staff", Title = "Books vs. {CD-ROM}", Journal = "The COINTS Reports", Volume = "6", Number = "6", Pages = "XX", Note = "ISSN 0198-8840", Year = 1986) @misc(COLA91, Source="F. Colaitis, Convenor of WG12", Title="Report of the Kurihama Meeting", Status="Contribution to the Haifa Meeting", Month="nov", Year=1991) @misc(COLA92, Source="F. Colaitis, Convenor of WG12", Title="Terms of Reference of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG12 (MHEG)", Month="jan", Year=1992) @article(COLE80, Author="D. Coleman et al", Title="A System of Subroutines for Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Computations", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="327--336", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(COLE85a, Author="Thomas F. Coleman and Burton S. Gurbow and Jorge J. Marie", Title="Software for Estimating Sparse Hessian Matrices", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=4, Page="363--377", Month=dec, Year=1985) @article(COLE85b, Author="Thomas F. Coleman and Burton S. Gurbow and Jorge J. Marie", Title="Algorithm 636", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=4, Page="378", Month=dec, Year=1985) @article(COLM85, Author = "Alain Colmerauer", Title = "Prolog in 10 figures", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "12", Pages = "1296--1310", Month = dec, Year = 85) @article(COLM90, author="Alain Colmerauer", title="An Introduction to Prolog {II}", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="69-91", month=jul, year=1990) @incollection(COLV87, Author = "Gregory Colvin", Title = "Database Retrieval and Indexing", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Chapter = "7", Pages = "103--120", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Volume = "2", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Year = 1987) @article(COME85a, Author = "Douglas Comer", Title = "Pervasive {UNIX}: Cause for Celebration", Journal = "UNIX Review", Volume = "3", Number = "10", Pages = "34--45", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @misc(COME85b, Author = "Douglas E. Comer and Larry L. Peterson", Title = "Conversation Based Mail", Institution = "Purdue University", Year = 85) @book(COME84, Author = "Douglas Comer", Title = "Operating System Design: The {XINU} Approach", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Englewood-Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1984) @techreport(COME83a, Author = "Douglas E. Comer and Larry L. Peterson", Title = "Conversation-Based Mail: An Overview", Institution = "Purdue University Department of Computer Sciences", Address = "West Lafayette, Indiana", Number = "CSD-TR-465", Month = dec, Year = 83) @article(COME83b, Author = "Douglas Comer", Title = "A Computer Science Research Network CSNET: A Historical Status Report", Journal = cacm, Volume = "26", Number = "10", Month = oct, Year = 83) @article(COME79, Author = "D. Comer", Title = "The Ubiquitous {B}-tree", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "11", Number = "2", Pages = "121--137", Month = jun, Year = 1979) @article(COME77, Author = "Douglas Comer and Ravi Sethi", Title = "The complexity of trie index construction", Journal = jacm, Volume = "24", Number = "3", Pages = "428--440", Month = jul, Year = 77) @book(COMM90, Author = "Commodore", Year = "1990", Title = "Amiga Vision Authoring System", Publisher = "Commodore Electronics Limited", Address = "PA") @techreport(COMP87, Author = "Kevin J. Compton and C. Ward Henson", Title = "A uniform method for proving lower bounds on the computational complexity of logical theories", Institution = "The University of Michigan Computing Research Laboratory", Address = "Ann Arbor, MI", Number = "CRL-TR-04-87", Month = apr, Year = 87) @misc(COMPXX, Author = "Compu{S}erve", Title = "{IQ}uest", Month = may, Year = 86) @techreport(CONE87, Author = "John S. Conery", Title = "Object Oriented Programming with First Order Logic", Institution = "Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon", Address = "Eugene, OR", Number = "CIS-TR-87-09", Month = aug, Year = 87) @article(CONK87, Author = "Jeff Conklin", Title = "Hypertext: a Survey and Introduction", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "20", Number = "9", Pages = "17--41", Month = sep, Year = 1987) @techreport(CONK86, Author = "Jeff Conklin", Title = "A Survey of Hypertext", Number = "356--86", Institution = "Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation", Address = "Austin, TX", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @article(CONR86, author="Michael Conrad", title="On Design Principles for a Molecular Computer", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="464-480", month=may, year=1985) @techreport(CONS82, Author = "Robert L. Constable", Title = "Programs as Proofs", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", Number = "TR 82-532", Month = nov, Year = 82) S. Cook, {\em The complexity of theorem-proving procedures,} Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1971, pp. 151-158. @techreport(COOK82, Author = "Curtis R. Cook and R. R. Oldehoeft", Title = "A Letter Oriented minimal perfect hashing function", Institution = "Oregon State Unversity Computer Science Department", Address = "Corvallis, OR", Number = "82-1-2", Year = 82) @techreport(COOK79, Author = "Curtis R. Cook and Do Jin Kim", Title = "Best sorting algorithm for nearly sorted lists", Institution = "Oregon State University Computer Science Department", Number = "79-20-3", Year = 79) @incollection(COOKP88, Author = "Peter Cook", Title = "Multimedia Technology", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Pages = "217--240", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(COOKP84, Author = "P. R. Cook", Title = "Electronic Encyclopedias", Journal = "{Byte}", Volume = "9", Number = "7", Pages = "151--170", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @article(COOKR84, Author = "Rick Cook and John Brandon", Title = "The {PICK} Operating System Part 1: Information Management", Journal = "{Byte}", Month = oct, Year = 84, Pages = "XX") @article(COOKR84, Author = "Rick Cook and John Brandon", Title = "The {PICK} Operating System Part 2: System Control", Journal = "{Byte}", Month = nov, Year = 84) @inproceedings(COOKS71, Author = "S. Cook", Title = "The complexity of theorem-proving procedures", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing", Year = "1971", Pages = "151--158") @article(COOM87, Author = "James H. Coombs and Allen H. Renear and Steven J. DeRose", Title = "Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing", Journal = cacm, Volume = "30", Number = "11", Pages = "933--947", Month = nov, Year = 1987) @article(COOP88, Author = "Lorraine K. D. Cooper and Alan L. Tharp", Title = "Inverted signature trees and text searching on {CD-ROM}s", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "2", Pages = "161--169", Year = 89) @article(COOP83, Author = "Michael D. Cooper", Title = "Usage Patterns of an online search system", Journal = jasis, Volume = "34", Number = "5", Pages = "343--349", Year = 83) @inproceedings(COOP91, Author="William S. Coper", Title="Inconsistencies and Misnomers in Probabilistic IR", Page="57-61", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @book(CORB91, Author = "C.R. Corbin", Title = "The Art of Distributed Applications", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "New York", Year = 1991) @inproceedings(CORK87, Author = "Daniel D. Corkill and Kevin Q. Gallagher and Philip M. Johnson", Title = "Achieving Flexibility, efficiency, and generality in blackboard architectures", Booktitle = "Proc. AAAI-87", Pages = "18--23", Year = 87) @article(CORM85, Author = "G. V. Cormack and R. N. S. Horspool and M. Kaiserswerth", Title = "Practical Perfect Hashing", Journal = "The Computer Journal", Volume = "28", Pages = "54--58", Year = 1985) @article(CORR80, Author = "A. Correira", Title = "Computing Story Trees", Journal = "Amer. J. Comp. Ling.", Volume = "6", Number = "3--4", Pages = "135--149", Year = 1980) @article(CORT91, Author = "Juli Cortino", Title = "Animating the action on your computer", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "40--44", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(COUL86, Author="Neal S. Coulter and Norman H. Kelly", Title="Computer Instruction Set Usage by Programmers: An Empirical Investigation", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="643-647", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(COVE85, Author = "D. G. Covell and G. C. Uman and P. R. Manning", Title = "Academia and clinic: Information needs in office practice: are they being met?", Journal = "Annals of Internal Medicine", Volume = "103", Pages = "596--599", Year = 1985) @article(COVE87, Author = " ", Title = "Here Comes the Compact Disc", Journal = "Instruction Delivery Systems", Volume = "1", Number = "4", Pages = "8--10", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(COWE86, Author="Wayne R. Cowell and Christopher P. Thompson", Title="Transforming Fortran DO Loops to Improve Performance on Vector Architectures", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Page="324--353", Month=dec, Year=1986) @book(COWI75, Author = "A. P. Cowie and R. Mackin", Title = "{O}xford {D}ictionary of {C}urrent {I}diomatic {E}nglish. Volume 1: Verbs with Prepositions and Particles", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Address = "Oxford", Year = 1975) @book(COWI83, Author = "A. P. Cowie and R. Mackin and I. R. McCaig", Title = "{O}xford {D}ictionary of {C}urrent {I}diomatic {E}nglish. Volume 2: Phrase, Clause and Sentence Idioms", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Address = "Oxford", Year = 1983) @book(COX86, Author = "Brad J. Cox", Title = "Object Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1981) @article(COYN91, Author="John P. Coyne", Title="Assessing DVI Software", Journal="Multimedia Review", Volume=2, Number=4, Pages="66-68", Month="Winter/Spring", Year="1991-1992") @techreport(CRAM86, Author="M.S. Cramer and A. Kluwick and L.T. Watson and W. Pelz", Title="Dissipative Waves in Fluids Having Both Positive and Negative Nonlinearity", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-39", Year=1986) @article(CRAW86a, Author = "R. G. Crawford and H. S. Becker", Title = "A novice user's interface to information retrieval systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "4", Pages = "287--298", Year = 86) @article(CRAW86b, Author = "Charles R. Crawford", Title = "Algorithm 646", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 12, Number = 3, Pages = "278--282", Year = 1986) @article(CRAW81, Author = "R. G. Crawford", Title = "The Relational Model in Information Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "32", Number = "1", Pages = "51--64", Year = 1981) @article(CRAW90, author="Diane Crawford", title="From Washington", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="27-29", month=jul, year=1990) @inproceedings(CRAWS86, Author = "Susan Crawford and Barbara Halbrook and Simon Igielnik", Title = "Testing the use of a medical center-wide online current awareness service: {BACS}/{C}urrent {C}ontents", Booktitle = "ASIS 86", Pages = "56--58", Year = 86) @inproceedings(CREA85, Author = "Lewis G. Creary and Carl J. Pollard", Title = "A computational semantics for natural langurage", Booktitle = "ACL 85", Pages = "172--179", Year = 85) @article(CREC86, Author = "John P. Crecine", Title = "The next generation of personal computers", Journal = "Educom Bulletin", Volume = "Spring", Year = 86, Pages = "2--10") @techreport(CROC82, Author = "David H. Crocker", Title = "Standard for the format of {ARPA} {I}nternet text messages", Instititution = "University of Delaware", Address = "Newark, DE 19711", Number = "RFC 822", Year = 82) @unpublished(CROF78, Author = "W. B. Croft", Title = "Organizing and Searching Large Files of Document Descriptions", Note = "Dissertation, Cambridge University, England", Year = 1978) @article(CROF79, Author = "W. B. Croft and D. J. Harper", Title = "Using Probabilistic Models in Information Retrieval Without Relevance Information", Journal = "J. Doc.", Volume = "35", Pages = "285--295", Year = 1979) @incollection(CROF82, Author = "W. B. Croft and M. T. Pezarro", Title = "Text Retrieval Techniques for the Automated Office", Booktitle = "Office Information Systems", Editor = "N. Naffah", Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "565--576", Year = 1982) @inproceedings(CROF84, Author = "W. B. Croft and R. H. Thompson", Title = "The use of adaptive mechanisms for selection of search strategies in document retrieval systems", Booktitle = "Res. \& Dev. in Inf. Ret., Proc. 3rd Int. BCS and ACM Symp.", Publisher = "Cambridge Univ. Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Pages = "95--110", Year = 1984) @article(CROF85a, Author = "W. Bruce Croft and Thomas J. Parenty", Title = "A comparison of a network structure and a database system used for document retrieval", Journal = "Inform. Systems", Volume = "10", Number = "4", Pages = "377--390", Year = 1985) @techreport(CROF85b, Author = "W. B. Croft and R. H. Thompson", Title = "An expert assistant for document retrieval", Institution = "Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts", Number = "85-05", Address = "Amherst, MA", Year = 1985) @article(CROF86a, Author = "W. Bruce Croft", Title = "{B}oolean Queries and Term Dependencies in Probabilistic Retrieval Models", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "2", Pages = "71--77", Year = 1986) @techreport(CROF86b, Author = "W. B. Croft and R. H. Thompson", Title = "{I3R}: A New Approach to the Design of Document Retrieval Systems", Institution = "Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts", Address = "Amherst, MA", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(CROF86c, Author = "W. B. Croft", Title = "User-specified domain knowledge for document retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Pages = "201--206", Year = 1986) @article {CROF87a, Author = "W. Bruce Croft", Title = "Approaches to Intelligent Information Retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "249--254", Year = "1987"} @inproceedings(CROF87b, Author = "W. Bruce Croft and David D. Lewis", title = "An Approach to Natural Language Processing for Document Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. Tenth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on R\&D in Inf. Ret.", Address = "New Orleans, LA", Month = jun, Pages = "26--32", Year = 1987) @article(CROF87c, Author = "W. Bruce Croft and Roger Thompson", Title = "{I3R}: A New Approach to Natural Language Processing for Document Retrieval Systems", Journal = jasis, Volume = "38", Number = "6", Pages = "389--404", Year = 1987) @article{CROF89, Author = "W. Bruce Croft and T. J. Lucia and J. Cringean and P. Willett", Title = "Retrieving Documents by Plausible Inference: An Experimental Study", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "6", Pages = "599--614", Year = "1989"} @article(CROF91a, Author="W. Bruce Croft", Title="Editorial", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=3, Pages="185-186", Month=jul, Year=1991) @inproceedings(CROF91b, Author="W. Bruce Croft and Howard R. Turtle and David D. Lewis", Title="The Use of Phrases and Structured Queries in Information Retrieval", Page="32-45", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @inproceedings(CROT85, Author = "Art Crotzer", Title = "Data Preparation for Full Function Research -- A Case Study", Booktitle = "Proc. 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk, and {CD-ROM} Conference \& Exposition", Month = dec, Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "Philadelphia, PA", Pages = "49--55", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(CROU86, Author = "D. Crouch", Title = "The visual display of information in an Information Retrieval Environment", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research \& Devel. in Inf. Ret.", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "58--67", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @book(CROW88, Author = "Peter Corwell", Title = "Authoring Systems", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT", Note = "0-88736-084-X", Year = "1988") @article(CULL85, Author="D.K. Cullers, Ivan R. Linscott, and Bernard M. Oliver", Title="Signal Processing in {SETI}", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1151-1163", Month=nov, Year=1985) @article(CULL84, Author = "Cullingford, Richard E.", Title = "Word-Meaning Selection in Multiprocess Language Understanding Programs", Journal = "IEEE Trans. on PAMI", Volume = "6", Number = "4", Month = jul, Pages = "493--509", Year = 1984) @techreport(CUMM86a, Author = "Cumming, Susanna", Year = "1986", Title = "Design of a Master Lexicon", Institution = "National Science Foundation", Note = "In xerograph") @techreport(CUMM86b, Author = "Cumming, Susanna and Robert Albano", Year = "1986", Title = "A Guide to Lexical Acquisition in the JANUS System", Institution = "National Science Foundation", Note = "In xerograph") @techreport(CZEC91a, Author = "Zbigniew J. Czech and George Havas and Bohdan S. Majewski", Title = "An optimal algorithm for generating minimal perfect hash functions", Year = "1991", Month = nov, Number = "217", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland") @techreport(CZEC91b, Author = "Zbigniew J. Czech and George Havas and Bohdan S. Majewski", Title = "Practically optimal algorithms for minimal perfect hashing", Year = "1991", Month = nov, Number = "222", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland") @article(CZEC92, Author = "Zbigniew J. Czech and George Havas and Bohdan S. Majewski", Title = "An optimal algorithm for generating minimal perfect hash functions", Year = 1992, Volume = "43" , Pages = "257-264", Journal = "Information Processing Letters") @unpublished(DABN91, Author = "D. Dabney", Title = "Personal communication", Note = "Based on Ph. D. dissertation in progress at U. of California, Berkeley.", Year = "1991") @article(DALL84, Author="Gene Dallaire", Title="Computer Matching: Should It Be Banned INTRODUCTION", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages=537, Month=jun, Year=1984) @inproceedings(DANI85, Author = "P. J. Daniels and H. M. Brooks and N. J. Belkin", Title = "Using Problem Structures for Driving Human-Computer Dialogues", Booktitle = "RIAO 85, Actes of the conf.: Recherche d'Informations Assiste par Ordinateur", Address = "Grenoble", Pages = "645--660", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(DANI86a, Author = "P. J. Daniels", Title = "The User Modelling Function of an Intelligent Interface for Document Retrieval Systems", Booktitle = "Proc. of IRFIS 6. Intelligent information systems for the information society", Month = sep, Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "Amsterdam", Year = 1986) @unpublished(DANI86b, Author = "P. J. Daniels", Title = "Cognitive Models in Information Retrieval - an Evaluative Report", Note = "Final Report to the British Library Research and Development Department on Project Number SI/G/753", Month = may, Year = 1986) @article(DANI86c, Author = "P. J. Daniels", Title = "Cognitive Models in Information Retrieval -- an Evaluative Report", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "42", Number = "4", Pages = "272--304", Month = dec, Year = "1986") @article(DANN92, Author="Roger B. Dannenberg and Robert L. Joseph", Title="Human-Computer Interaction in the Piano Tutor", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "4", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "65--78", Year=1992) @inproceedings(DANZ91, Author="Peter B. Danzig and Jongsuk Ahn and John Noll and Katia Obraczka", Title="Distributed Indexing: A Scalable Mechanism for Distributed Information Retrieval", Page="219--229", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(DANZ87, Author = "Pamela N. Danziget", Title = "{CD-ROM}: Is the Future Now?", Journal = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science", Volume = "14", Number = "1", Month = oct, Pages = "19--20", Year = 1987) @misc(DAOU90, Author = "Amjad M. Daoud", Title = "Performance Analysis for CD-ROMs and Efficient Data Structures for Information Storage and Retrieval", Note = "Dissertation Proposal", Howpublished = "VPI\&SU Dept. of Computer Science", Month = sep, Year = 1990) @phdthesis(DAOU93, Author = "Amjad M. Daoud", Title = "Efficient Data Structures for Information Storage and Retrieval", School = "Virginia Tech Dept. of Computer Science", Note = "to appear", Year = 1993) @techreport(DATT89, Author = "S. Datta and E. Fox", Title = "Implementation of a Perfect Hash Function Scheme", Number = "TR-89-9", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = apr, Year = 1989) @incollection(DATT71, Author = "R. T. Dattola", Title = "Experiments with a Fast Algorithm for Automatic Classification", Booktitle = "The {SMART} Retrieval System, Experiments in Automatic Document Processing", Editor = "G. Salton", Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1971) @article(DATT79, Author = "R. T. Dattola", Title = "FIRST: Flexible Information Retrieval for Text", Journal = jasis, Volume = "30", Number = "1", Pages = "9--14", Year = 1979) @article(DAVE85, Author="J.H. Davenport and B.M. Trager", Title="On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (II)", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=4, Page="356--362", Month=dec, Year=1985) @inproceedings(DAVE88, Author = "Glorianna Davenport", Title = "Software Considerations for Multimedia Video Projects", Note = "Film/video group of the {M}edia {L}ab at {MIT}", Booktitle = "Proc. X11 Video Extention Tech. Meeting", Address = "Bellcore, NJ", Month = jun, Year = 1988) @book(DAVI86, Editor = "R. Davies", Title = "Intelligent Information Systems: Progress and Prospects", Publisher = "Ellis Horwood Ltd.", Address = "Chichester, England", Year = 1986) @article(DAVI88, Author = "David H. Davies", Title = "The {CD-ROM} Medium", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "34--42", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @incollection(DAVI88a, Author = "David H. Davies", Title = "Future Possibilities of CD-ROM", Pages = "209--240", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @article(DAVI91, Author = "Nigel A. Davies and John R. Nicol", Title = "Technological perspective on multimedia computing", Journal = "Computer Communications", Volume = "14", Number = "5", Pages = "260--272", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @book(DAYN84, Author = "Rod Daynes and Beverly Butler", Title = "The Videodisc Book", Publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons, Inc", Address = "PO Box 063 Somerset, NJ", Note = "0-471-80342-1", Year = "1984") @article(DEAK86, Author="I. Deak", Title="The Economical Method for Generating Random Samples", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Page="34--36", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article{DEBI89, Author = "Fathi Debili and Christian Fluhr and Pierre Radasoa", Title = "About reformulation in full-text IRS", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "6", Pages = "647--657", Year = "1989"} @book(DEBL82, Author = "Michael L. DeBloois", Title = "Videodisc/Microcomputer Courseware Design", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications", Address = "720 Palisade Av, Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "0-87778-183-4", Year = "1982") @book(DEBL85, Author = "Michael L. DeBloois", Title = "Effectiveness of Interactive Videodisc Training: A Comprehensive Review", Publisher = "Future Systems Inc", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-938907-00-X", Year = "1985") @inproceedings(DEER86, Author = "Michael Deering and Joseph Faletti", Title = "Database Support for Storage of AI Reasoning Knowledge", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceedings from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Pages = "5270--536", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(DEFU85, Author = "B. Defude", Title = "Different Levels of Expertise for an Expert System in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Res. \& Dev. in Inf. Ret., Eighth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf.", Address = "Montreal, Canada", Month = jun, Pages = "147--153", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(DEJA86, Author = "D. DeJaco and G. Garbolino", Title = "An information retrieval system based on artificial intelligence techniques", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @incollection(DEJO82, Author = "G. DeJong", Title = "An Overview of the {FRUMP} System", Booktitle = "Strategies for Natural Language Processing", Editor = "Wendy G. Lehnert and Martin H. Ringle", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Pages = "149--176", Year = 1982) @article(DELM87, Author = "Delmar Group", Title = "New {CD-ROM} Format Brings Real-Time Video", Journal = "LOTUS Computing for Managers and Professionals", Month = may, Year = 1987) @article(DEMAXX, Author = "Russel DeMaria", Title = "Hypertext-Nawed Guide Helps Users with Interactive Program Development", Journal = "PC Week", Pages = "61, 70", Year = "XX") @article(DEMA87, Author = "Samuel Demas", Title = "Comparing BIG Bibliographies on {CD-ROM}", Journal = "American Libraries", Month = may, Pages = "332--335", Year = 1987) @article(DENN85, Author="Peter J. Denning and Michael C. Mulder", Title="Introduction", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1128--1129", Month=nov, Year=1985) @techreport(DENN86, Author = "Peter J. Denning", Title = "Electronic Publishing", Institution = "Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center", Number = "RIACS Technical Report 86.21", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @article(DENN89, Author = "Peter J. Denning and others", Title = "Computing as a Discipline", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "1", Pages = "9--23", Month = jan, Year = 1989) @article(DENN89b, Author="Peter J. Denning and Karen A. Frenkel", Title="A Conversation with Steve Jobs", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="436-433", Month=apr, Year=1989) @article(DENN91, author="Dorothy E. Denning", title="The United States vs. Craig Neidorf", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="22-43", month=mar, year=1991) @article(DERI86, author="Dorothy Deringer, David Brandin, Dexter Fletcher, and Neil Jacobstein", title="The Report of the Long-Range Planning Committee", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1061-1071", month=nov, year=1986) @techreport(DERR86, Author="Emory Joseph Derrick and Richard E. Nance", Title="Local Area Networks and the Dynamic Hierarchy: A Tutorial", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-16", Month="May 30", Year=1986) @techreport(DERR89, Author="E. Joseph Derrick, Osman Balci, and Richard E. Nance", Title="A Comparison of Selected Conceptual Frameworks for Simulated Modeling", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-27", Month="Aug. 4,", Year=1989) @article(DERO90, Author = "Steven J. DeRose and David Durand and Elli Mylonas and Allen Renear", Title = "What is Text, Really?", Journal = "Journal of Computing in Higher Education", Volume = "1", Number = "2", Pages = "3--26", Year = 1990) @article(DESA86, Author = "B. C. Desai and P. Goyal and F. Sadri", Title = "A Data Model for Use with Formatted and Textual Data", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "3", Pages = "158--165", Month = may, Year = 1986) @techreport(DESA91, Author = "Colin DeSa et al", Title = "Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Homotopy Curve Tracking", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-7", Year = 1991) @inproceedings(DEPP86, Author = "U. Deppisch", Title = "S-tree: A dynamic balanced signature index for office retrieval", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(DEVA91, Author="Premkumar Devanbu, Ronald J. Brachman, Peter G. Selfridge, and Bruce W. Ballard", Title="LaSSIE: A Knowledge-Based Software Information System", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="34--49", Month=may, Year=1991) @article(DEVL85, Author="Jane P. Devlin and William A. Lowell and Anne E. Alger", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure XIV: A Self-Assessment Procedure Dealing with the Legal Isses of Computing", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=5, Pages="481--489", Month=may, Year=1985) @article(DEUX91, Author = "O. Deux and others", Title = "The $O_2$ System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "10", Pages = "34--48", Month = oct, Year = "1991") @article(DHAR87, Author="Vasant Dhar and Harry E. Pople", Title="Rule-Based versus Structure-Based Models for Explaining and Generating Expert Behavior", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="542-555", Month=jun, Year=1987) @article(DHAR90, author="Vasant Dhar and Nicky Ranganathan", title="Integer Programming vs. Expert Systems", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=3, pages="323-337", month=mar, year=1990) @manual(DIAL86, Author = "DIALOG Information Services Inc.", Title = "DIALINDEX. Database 411 from DIALOG Information Retrieval Service", Note = "Specification sheets", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(DIBE86, Author = "Di Benigno and G. R. Cross and C. G. deBessonet", Title = "COREL: A conceptual retrieval system", Booktitle = "Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on Research and Devel. in Inf. Ret.", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "144--148", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(DIDO86, Author="Armido DiDonato and Alfred H. Morris", Title="Computation of the Incomplete Gamma Function Ratios and their Inverse", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Page="377--392", Month=dec, Year=1986) @inproceedings(DIET88, Author = "M. Dietzfelbinger and A. Karlin and K. Mehlhorn and F. Meyer auf der Heide and H. Rohnert and R. E. Tarjan", Title = "Dynamic perfect hashing: upper and lower bounds", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science", Pages = "524--531", Year = 1988) @article(DILL80, Author = "Martin Dillon and James Desper", Title = "The Use of Automatic Relevance Feedback in {B}oolean Retrieval systems", Journal = "J. Doc.", Volume = "36", Number = "3", Pages = "197--208", Month = sep, Year = 1980) @article(DILL90, Author = "Andrew Dillon and Cliff McKnight", Title = "Towards a classification of text types: a repertory approach", Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "33", Pages = "623--636", Year = "1990") @article(DIXO89, Author = "Douglas F. Dixon", Title = "Life Before the Chips: Simulating Digital Video Interactive Technology", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "824--831", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(DODD91, Author="Philip V.W. Dodds, Compatability Project Director", Title="Commentary", Journal="IMA Combatability Project Proceedings", Volume=1, Number=1, Pages="3", Month=sep, Year=1991) @article(DOLK86, Author="Daniel R. Dolk", Title="A Generalized Model Management System for Mathematical Programming", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Page="92--126", Month=jun, Year=1986) @article(DONA86, Author="James Donahue and Jennifer Widom", Title="Whiteboards: A Graphical Database Tool", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=4, Number=1, Pages="24-41", Month=jan, Year=1986) @mastersthesis(DONA86b, Author = "Judith S. Donath", Title = "The Electronic Newstand: Design of an Intelligent Interface to a Variety of News Sources in Several Media", School = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(DONG87, Author="Jack J. Dongarra and Eric Grosse", Title="Distribution of Mathematical Software via Electronic Mail", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=5, Pages="403-407", Month=may, Year=1987) @article(DONO91a, Author="John W. Donovan", Title="Multimedia: Solutions Anticipating a Market", Journal="Byte", Volume=16, Number=13, Pages="150-152", Month=dec, Year=1991) @article(DONO91b, Author = "John W. Donovan", Title = "Intel/{IBM}'s Audio-Video Kernel", Journal = "Byte", Month = dec, Year = "1991", Volume = "16", Number = "12", Pages = "177--186") @inproceedings(DOSZ83, Author = "Tamas E. Doszkocs", Title = "From Research to Application: The {C}ite Natural Language Information Retrieval System", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Proc.", Editor = "G. Salton and Hans-Jochen Schneider", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Berlin, West Germany", Pages = "38--50", Month = may, Year = 1983) @article(DOSZ86, Author = "Tamas E. Doszkocs", Title = "Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "4", Pages = "191--196", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(DOSZ86b, Author = "Tamas E. Doszkocs", Title = "{IR}, {NLP}, {AI}, and {UFOS}: or {IR} relevance, Natural language problems, artful intelligence and user-friendly on-line systems", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(DOYL62, Author = "Doyle, L. B.", Year = "1962", Title = "Indexing and Abstracting by Association", Journal = "American Documentation", Volume = "13", Number = "4", Month = "October") @inproceedings(DRAP91, Author = "George D. Drapeau and Howard Greenfield", Title = "{MAE}stro --- A Distributed Multimedia Authoring Environment", Booktitle = "Proc. USENIX Summer 1991 Conf.", Address = "Nashville, TE", Month = "June 10-14,", Pages = "315--328", Year = 1991) @article(DREN91, Author = "H. Drenth and A. Morris and G. Tseng", Title = "Expert Systems as Information Intermediaries", Journal = arist, Volume = "26", Pages = "133--154", Year = "1991") @article{DRIS91, Author = "James R. Driscoll and David A. Rajala and William H. Shaffer and Donald W. Thomas", Title = "The operation and performance of an artificially intelligent keywording system", Journal = ipm, Volume = "27", Number = "1", Pages = "43--54", Year = "1991"} @inbook(DRUS90, Author = "Ronald Drusin", Title = "Cardiology Section", Booktitle = "Abnormal Human Biology", Publisher = "Columbia University", Year = "1990", Note = "Course notes for Abnormal Human Biology, at Columbia University") @inproceedings(DULU85, Author = "J.R. Dulude", Title = "Application Interface of WORM Optical Drives", Booktitle = "Topical Meeting on Optical Disk Storage", Year = 1985) @article(DUPU90, author="Alexander Dupuy, Jed Schwartz, Yechiam Yemini and David Bacon", title="NEST: A Network Simulation and Prototyping Testbed", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="63-74", month=oct, year=1990) @techreport(DYKI90, Author = "Richard Dykiel and J. Henry and M. Mabrouk", Title = "Subtask 2/2/3, {T}echnical {R}equirements for {ODA} / {H}ypermedia, Version 1.2", Institution = "ESPIRIT project PODA2", Month = sep, Year = "1990", Number = "T/BU/010", Address = "Bull S.A.") @article(EARL73, Author = "Lois Earl", Title = "Use of Word Government in Resolving Syntactic and Semantic Ambiguities", Journal = "Inform. Stor. Retr.", Volume = "9", Pages = "639--664", Year = 1973) @inproceedings(EAST78, Author="C.M. Eastman, and S.F. Weiss", Title="A Tree Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Searching in Document Retrieval Systems", Conf="Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Storage and Retrieval, SIGIR '78", Place="Rochester, NY", Year=1978) @article(EBER87, Author="Jurgen Ebert", Title="A Versatile Data Structure for Edge-Oriented Graph Algorithms", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=6, Pages="513-519", Month=jun, Year=1987) @article(EDMO94, Author="Ernest A. Edmonds and Linda Candy and Rachel Jones and Bassel Soufi", Title = "Support for Collaborative Design: Agents and Emergence", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "41--47", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(EDS90, Author = "{EDS}", Title = "The changing face of technology", Journal = "Open Line", Pages = "17--19", Year = 1990) @book(EDUC89, Author = "{Educational Technology Publications}", Title = "The Educational Technology Anthology Series: Interactive Video", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications, Inc", Address = "720 Palisade Av, Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "0-87778-211-3", Year = "1989") @article(EFE87, Author="Kemal Efe", Title="A Proposed Solution to the Problem of Levels in Error-Message Ge\ neration", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=11, Pages="948-955", Month=nov, Year=1987) @article(EFTH90, Author = "Efthimis N. Efthimiadis", Title = "Online searching aids: A review of front ends, gateways and other interfaces", Journal = jdoc, Volume = 46, Issue = 3, Month = sep, Pages = "218--262", Year = 1990) @article(EGGE92, Author = "Paul Eggert", Title = "New open channels, old-fashioned societies", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "25", Number = "4", Pages = "112", Month = apr, Year = 1992) @techreport(EGYH86a, Author="Csaba Egyhazy", Title="A Model Formulation of User Interfaces for Statistical Databases with Perturbed Responses", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-33", Year=1986) @techreport(EGYH86b, Author="Csaba Egyhazy", Title="Security of Database Systems: Authorization Features and Mechanisms", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-32", Year=1986) @techreport(EHRI86, Author="Roger W. Ehrich and Deborah Hix and H. Rex Hartson", Title="Interactive Tools: Making UIMS Usable", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-30", Year=1986) @techreport(EHRI87, Author="Roger W. Ehrich and Visvanathan Ramesh", Title="Precision of Binary Matching Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-17", Month="Jun. 21", Year=1987) @misc(EHRI92, Author = "Roger Ehrich and Edward A. Fox and H. Rex Hatson and Deborah Hix and Robert Williges", Title = "Interactive Accessibility: Breaking Barriers to the Power of Computing", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Note= "(Funded) Research Infrastructure Proposal to the NSF for 1993-98", Month=nov, Year = 1992) @incollection(EINB87, Author = "John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Title = "High {S}ierra Group Format Description", Chapter = "11", Pages = "195--216", Booktitle = "{CD ROM} Optical Publishing", Editor = "Suzanne Ropiequet and John Einberger and Bill Zoellick", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-555615-000-8", Volume = "2", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(ELHA86, Author = "A. ElHamdouchi and P. Willett", Title = "Hierarchic document classification using Ward's clustering method", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(ELIO90, Author = "J. Eliot and B. Moss", Title = "Design of the {M}neme persistent object store", Journal = acmtois, Volume = "8", Number = "2", Pages = "103--139", Month = apr, Year = 1990) @techreport(ELMO87, Author = "Page Elmore", Title = "Graphic Icons for Problem-Oriented Information Retrieval", Institution = "IRIS", Number = "87-1", Year = 1987) @article(ELMO92, Author="Garland C. Elmore", Title="Integrated Technologies: An Approach to Establishing multimedia Applications for Learning", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="20--26", Month="January/February", Year=1992) @book(EMAR88, Author = "Jean-Paul Emard", Title = "{CD-ROMs} in Print 1988-89", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing", Address = "11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT", Note = "0-88736-274-5", Year = "1988") @article(ENBO88, Author = "R. J. Enbody and H. C. Du", Title = "Dynamic Hashing Schemes", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "20", Pages = "85--113", Year = 1988) @article(ENGE89, Author = "Royce Engel", Title = "Trading Places", Journal = "Semiconductor Technology", Month = sept, Pages = "51--55", Year = "1989") @incollection(ENGE88a, Author = "Doug Engelbart and Kristina Hooper", Title = "The {A}ugmentation System Framework", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Pages = "15--32", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(ENGE88c, Author = "Douglas C. Engelbart", Title = "A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect", Journal = "HyperAge", Month = "May--June", Pages = "12--16", Note = "Edited and annotated by Howard Rheingold.", Year = "1988") @book(ENGE88b, Author = "Robert Engelmore and Tony Morgan", Title = "Blackboard Systems", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1988) @article(ENRI86, Author="W.H. Enright and K.R. Jackson and S.P. Norset and P.G. Thomsen", Title="Interpolants for Runge-Kutta Formulas", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Page="193--218", Month=sep, Year=1986) @inproceedings(ENSO85, Author = "R. J. Ensor and J. D. Gabbe", Title = "Transactional Blackboards", Booktitle = "Proc. of IJCAI 85", Pages = "340--344", Month = aug, Year = 1985) @book(EPPI91, Editor = "Jeffrey L. Eppinger and Lily B. Mummert and Alfred Z. Spector", Title = "Camelot and {A}valon: A Distributed Transaction Facility", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufman, Inc", Address = "Los Altos, CA", Year = 1991) @techreport(EPSIG89, Author = "{EPSIG}", Title = "Standard for Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup", Institution = "Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group", Address = "Dublin, OH", Note = "ANSI/NISO Z39.59-1988", Year = 1989) @article(ERIC85, Author="Wilhelm S. Ericksen", Title="Inverse Pairs of Test Matrices", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Page="302--304", Month=sep, Year=1985) @article(ERIC87, Author = "Linda J. Erickson", Title = "{CD-ROM} in a Sci-Tech Library?", Journal = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science", Volume = "14", Number = "1", Pages = "18--19", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(ERMA80, Author = "L. D. Erman and F. Hayes-Roth and V. R. Lesser and D. R. Reddy", Title = "The {H}earsay-{II} Speech-Understanding System: Integrating Knowledge to Resolve Uncertainty", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "12", Pages = "213--253", Year = 1980) @article(ETZI94, Author="Oren Etzioni and Daniel Weld", Title = "A Softbot-Based Interface to the Internet", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "72--76", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @techreport(EUST88, Author = "Joanne Eustis and Thomas Head and William Sanders and Lawrence Sewell and Robert Steffen", Title = "Task Force on Imagery Research and Transmission", Institution = "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Address = "Blacksburg VA", Month = mar, Year = 1988) @techreport(EVAN90, Author = "Peter Evans", Title = "Browsing as an Information Seeking Technique", Institution = "University of Maryland at College Park", Year = "1990") @article(EVEN79, Author = "M. W. Evens and R. N. Smith", Title = "A Lexicon for a Computer Question-Answering System", Journal = "Am. J. Comp. Ling.", Volume = "Microfiche 83", Pages = "1--93", Year = 1979) @book(EVEN80, Author = "Evens, Martha W. and Bonnie C. Litowitz and Judith A. Markowitz and Raoul N. Smith and Oswald Werner", Year = "1980", Title = "Lexical-Semantic Relations: A Comparative Survey", Publisher = "Linguistic Research, Inc.", Address = "Edmonton, Alberta", Note = "Republished in paperback in 1983") @unpublished(EVEN82, Author = "Martha Evens", Title = "Structuring the Lexicon and the Thesaurus with Lexical-Semantic Relations", Note = "Final Report to the NSF", Year = 1982) @incollection(EVEN85, Author = "Martha Evens and J. Vandendorpe and Yih-Chen Wang", Title = "Lexical Semantic Relations in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Humans and Machines: the Interface through Language", Editor = "S. Williams", Publisher = "Ablex", Address = "Norwood, NJ", Pages = "73--100", Year = 1985) @article(EVEN87, Author = "Martha Evens and Thomas Ahlswede and Judith Markowitz and Kay Rossi", Title = "Digging in the Dictionary: Building a Relational Lexicon to Support Natural Language Processing Applications", Journal = "Issues and Developments in English and Applied Linguistics", Volume = "2", Pages = "33--44", Year = "1987") @book(EVEN88, Title = "Relational Models of the Lexicon: Representing Knowledge in Semantic Networks", Editor = "Martha W. Evens", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge, UK", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(EVEN89a, Author = "Evens, Martha and Sumali Pin-Ngern and Thomas Ahlswede and Sun M. Li and Judith Markowitz", Year = "1989", Title = "Acquiring Information from Informants for a Lexical Database", Booktitle = "Proc. First International Lexical Acquisition Workshop", Address = "Detroit, Michigan", Month = "August") @article(EVEN89b, Author = "Martha Evens", Title = "Computer-Readable Dictionaries", Journal = arist, Volume = "24", Pages = "85--117", Year = 1989) @article(FALO85, Author = "C. Faloutsos", Title = "Access Methods for Text", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "1", Pages = "49--74", Year = 1985, Month = mar) @article(FALO86, Author = "Christos Faloutsos and Stavros Christodoulakis", Title = "Description and Performance Analysis of Signature File Methods for Office Filing", Journal = "ACM TOOIS", Volume = "5", Number = "3", Pages = "237--257", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @article(FARA91, Author="Giuliano Faravelli, Patrizia Ghislandi, and Aldo Zullini", Title="Discovering Unfamiliar Animals with Multimedia", Journal="Multimedia Review", Volume=2, Number=4, Pages="48-55", Month="winter/Spring", Year="1991-1992") @article(FASS83, Author = "D. Fass and Y. Wilks", Title = "Preference Semantics, Ill-Formedness, and Metaphor", Journal = "American Journal of Computational Linguistics", Volume = "9", Pages = "178--187", Year = 1983) @article(FAUL88, author="Stuart R. Faulk and David L. Parnas", title="On Synchronization in Hard-Real-Time Systems", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="274-287", month=mar, year=1988) @book(FAWC89, Author = "Heather Fawcett", Title = "{PAT} 3.3 {U}ser's {G}uide", Publisher = "Center for the New Oxford English Dictionary", Address = "University of Waterloo", Year = "1989") @article(FEIN85, Author="Feiner, S.", Title="APEX: An EExperiment in the Automated Creation of Pictorial Explanations", Journal="IEEE cgaa", Volume=5, Number=11, Pages="29-38", Month=nov, Year=1985) @inproceedings(FEIN90, Author = "S. Feiner and K. McKeown", Title = "Coordinating text and graphics in explanation generation", Booktitle = "Proc. Eighth National Conf. on Art. Intel.", Location = "Boston, MA", Month = "July 29 -- Aug. 3,", Pages = "442--449", Year = 1990) @incollection(FEIN91, Author = "Steven Feiner", Title = "An Architecture for Knowledge-Based Graphical Interfaces", Chapter = "12", Pages = "259--279", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @article(FEIN91a, Author = "Steven K. Feiner and Kathleen R. McKeown", Title = "Automating the Generation of Coordinated Multimedia Explanations", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "24", Number = "10", Pages = "33--41", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @misc(FEIN92, Author="Steve Feiner, Jock Mackinlay, and Joe Marks", Title="Automating the Design of Effective Graphics for Intelligent User Interfaces", Desc.="Tutorial Notes CHI '92", Place="Monterey, California", Date="May 4", Year=1992) @article(FELD79, Author = "S. Feldman", Title = "Make - A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs", Journal = "Software - Practice and Experience", Volume = "9", Pages = "255--265", Year = 1979) @article (FELD92, Author= "Nathan Immanuel Felde", Title= "Multiplexing Media", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume=31, Number=5, Pages="90--98", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(FELD91, Author="Tony Feldman", Title="Human Perspectives in Multimedia", Journal="Multimedia Review", Volume=2, Number=4, Pages="56-61", Month="Winter/Spring", Year="1991-1992") @article(FENI80a, Author = "Carol Hansen Fenichel", Title = "The Process of Searching Online Bibliographic Databases: A Review of Research", Journal = "Library Research", Volume = "2", Number = "2", Pages = "107--127", Year = "1980-81") @article(FENI80b, Author = "Carol Hansen Fenichel", Title = "An examination of the relationship between searching behavior and searching background", Journal = "Online Review", Volume = "4", Number = "4", Pages = "341--347", Year = 1980) @article(FENI81, Author = "Carol Hansen Fenichel", Title = "Online Searching: Measures that Discriminate among Users with Different Types of Experience", Journal = jasis, Volume = "32", Number = "1", Pages = "23--32", Month = jan, Year = 1981) @article(FEUE82, Author = "A. Feuer and N. Gehani", Title = "A Comparison of the Programming Languages C and Pascal", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "14", Number = "1", Pages = "73--92", Year = 1982) @article(FIAL89, Author="Edward R. Fiala and Daniel H. Greene", Title="Data Compression with Finite Windows", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="490-505", Month=apr, Year=1989) @article(FIDE86, Author = "R. Fidel", Title = "Toward Expert Systems for the Selection of Search Keys", Journal = jasis, Volume = "37", Number = "1", Pages = "37--44", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FIDE87, Author = "Raya Fidel", Title = "Controlled Vocabulary and free-text searching: Searcher's selection of Search Keys", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting", Pages = "71--73", Year = 1987) @article(FIKE85, Author = "Richard Fikes and Tom Kehler", Title = "The Role of Frame-Based Representation in Reasoning", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "9", Pages = "904--920", Month = sep, Year = 1985) @inbook(FILL70, Author = "Fillmore, Charles J.", Year = "1970", Title = "Types of Lexical Information", Editor = "F. Kiefer", Booktitle = "Studies in Syntax and Semantics", Address = "Dordrecht", Publisher = "Reidel", Pages = "109-137") @article(FILM88, author="Robert E. Filman", title="Reasoning with Worlds and Truth Maintenance in a Knowledge-Based System Shell", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=4, pages="382-401", month=apr, year=1988) @article(FINN84, Author="Gerard D. Finn", Title="An Algorithm for Optimized {Boolean}Evaluation In Information Management Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="455-465", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(FINN85, author="Gerard D. Finn", title="Extended Use of Null Productions in {LR(1)} Parser Applications", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=9, pages="961-972", month=sep, year=1985) @book(FIRS90, Author = "{FirstMark Technologies Limited}", Title = "{KnowledgeSEEKER} User's Guide", Publisher = "FirstMark Technologies", Address = "14 Concourse Gate Site 680, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada", Year = 1990) @article(FISC91, Author="Gerhard Fischer, Andreas C. Lemke, Thomas Mastaglio, and Anders I. Morch", Title="The Role of Critiquing in Cooperative Problem Solving", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=2, Pages="123-151", Month=apr, Year=1991) @inproceedings(FITZ94, Author = "Will Fitzgerald and Christopher Wisdo", Title = "Using natural language processing to construct large-scale hypertext systems", Note = "18 pages", Editor = "Zahid Ahmed and Robert Akscyn and Nicholas Belkin and Edward Fox and Scott Stevens", Booktitle = "Position Papers, IEEE CAIA'94 Workshop on Intelligent Access to On-Line Digital Libraries", Address = "San Antonio, TX", Month = "March 1,", Year = 1994) @inproceedings(FLEI88, Author = "Albert J. Fleig", Title = "The {EOS} data and Information System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "73--84", Year = 1988) @article(FLEM86, author="Philip J. Fleming and John J. Wallace", title="How Not to Lie With Statistics", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=3, pages="218-221", month=mar, year=1986) @inproceedings(FLIC85, Author = "D. Flickinger and C. Pollard and T. Wascow", Title = "Structure Sharing in Lexical Representation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics", Pages = "263--267", Year = 1985) @book(FLOY83, Author = "Steve Floyd and Beth Floyd", Title = "Handbook of Interactive Video", Publisher = "Knowledge Industry Publications", Address = "701 Westchester Av, White Plains, NY", Note = "0-86729-019-6", Year = "1983") @article(FORD92, Author="Patrick Ford", Title="Microsoft's Windows With Multimedia Extensions: Standards, Simplicity and Success in Multimedia", Journal="CD-ROM Professional", Volume=5, Number=3, Pages="53-55", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(FORD91, Author="Daniel Alexander Ford and Stavros Christodoulakis", Title="Optimal Placement of High-probability Randomly Retrieved Blocks on CLV Optical Discs", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=1, Pages="1-30", Month=jan, Year=1991) @inproceedings(FOWL91, Author="Richard H. Fowler and Wendy A.L. Fowler and Bradley A. Wilson", Title="Integrating Query, Thesaurus, and Documents Through a Common Visual Representation", Page="142-151", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(FOXB91, Author = "Barry Fox", Title = "Multimedia in a muddle", Journal = "New Scientist", Month = "Sept. 21,", Number = "1787", Pages = "35--39", Year = "1991") @article(FOXB88, author="Bennett L. Fox and Peter W. Glynn", title="Computing {Poisson} Probabilities", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=4, pages="440-445", month=apr, year=1988) @article(FOXB86, Author="Bennett L. Fox", Title="Algorithms 647", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=4, Page="362--376", Month=dec, Year=1986) @article(FOXE80a, Author = eaf, Title = "Lexical Relations: Enhancing Effectiveness of Information Retrieval Systems", Journal = "ACM SIGIR Forum", Month = "Winter", Volume = "15", Number = "3", Pages = "5--36", Year = 1980) @article(FOXE80b, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Implementing {SMART} for Minicomputers of Information Retrieval Systems", Journal = "ACM SIGIR Forum", Volume = "15", Number = "3", Pages = "5--36", Year = "80") @inproceedings(FOXE81, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Implementing {SMART} for Minicomputers Via Relational Processing with Abstract Data Types", Booktitle = "Joint Proceedings of SIGSMALL Symposium on Small Systems and SIGMOD Workshop on Small Data Base Systems, ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 2", Pages = "119--129", Month = oct, Year = 1981) @phdthesis(FOXE83a, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Extending the {B}oolean and Vector Space Models of Information Retrieval with {P-N}orm Queries and Multiple Concept Types", School = "Cornell University Dept. of Computer Science", Note = "Available from University Microfilms Int.", Month = aug, Year = 1983) @techreport(FOXE83b, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Some Considerations for Implementing the {SMART} Information Retrieval System under {UNIX}", Number = "TR 83-560", Institution = "Cornell University, Department of Computer Science", Month = sep, Year = 1983) @techreport(FOXE83c, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Characterization of Two New Experimental Collections in Computer and Information Science Containing Textual and Bibliographic Concepts", Number = "TR 83-561", Institution = "Cornell University, Department of Computer Science", Month = sep, Year = 1983) @incollection(FOXE84a, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Combining Information in an Extended Automatic Information Retrieval System for Agriculture", Booktitle = "The Infrastructure of an Information Society", Editor = "B. El-Hadidy and E. E. Horne", Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "Amsterdam", Pages = "449--466", Year = 1984) @incollection(FOXE84b, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Information Retrieval with Undergraduate Microcomputers", Booktitle = "The Micro Revolution, Collected Papers of the Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci. 13th ASIS Mid-Year Meeting", Month = may, Pages = "253--264", Volume = "5", Year = 1984) @inproceedings(FOXE84c, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Improved Retrieval Using a Relational Thesaurus Expansion of {B}oolean Logic Queries", Booktitle = "Proc. Workshop Relational Models of the Lexicon", Editor = "Martha W. Evens", Address = "Stanford, CA", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @incollection(FOXE85a, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Composite Document Search in a Networked Society", Booktitle = "Telecommunications and Networking: Supplying the Missing Link", Publisher = "ASIS", Month = may, Number = "Fiche Article No. 11", Note = "Collected papers of the Amer. Soc. for Inf. Sci. 14th Mid-Year Meeting", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(FOXE85b, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Composite Document Extended Retrieval: An Overview", Booktitle = "Res. and Dev. in Inf. Ret., Eighth Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf.", Pages = "42--53", Note = "Montreal", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @techreport(FOXE85c, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Information Storage and Retrieval of Composite Documents: A User Oriented Model of Computer Message Systems", Number = "TR-85-34", Institution = vpisu, Month = aug, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(FOXE85d, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Analysis and Retrieval of Composite Documents", Booktitle = "ASIS 85, Proc. 48th Annual Meeting", Pages = "54--58", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(FOXE85e, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Research in Electronic Conferencing", Booktitle = "ASIS 85, Proc. 48th Annual Meeting", Note = "Invited Presentation for SIG/UOI Panel", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(FOXE85f, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Book Review of Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis of Information Processes", Editor = "H. J. Dietschmann", Journal = "Information Processing \& Management", Volume = "21", Number = "5", Pages = "465--466", Year = 1985) @techreport(FOXE85g, Author = eaf, Title = "Composite Document Extended Retrieval: An Overview", Number = "TR-85-1", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = jan, Year = 1985) @incollection(FOXE86a, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Information Retrieval: Research into New Capabilities", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Publisher = "Microsoft Press, Inc.", Pages = "143--174", Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86b, Author = "E. A. Fox and S Sharan", Title = "A Comparison of Two Methods for Soft {B}oolean Operator Interpretation in Information Retrieval", Number = "TR-86-1", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @unpublished(FOXE86c, Author = "E. A. Fox and J. L. Mindel", Title = "Communication and Information Sharing in {V}irginia, Final Report for {C}ontract {C-85-026}", Note = "Virginia Center for Innovative Technology", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @unpublished(FOXE86d, Author = "E. A. Fox and J. L. Mindel", Title = "Summary Report on Virginia Networking and Telecommunications Planning Conference, October 15-16, 1985, Fredericksburg, VA", Note = "Virginia Center for Innovative Technology", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @article(FOXE86e, Author = "E. A. Fox and Sandra Birch", Title = "{UNIX} Micros for Students Majoring in Computer Science and Personal Information Retrieval", Journal = "Microcomputers for Information Management", Volume = "3", Number = "1", Pages = "15--29", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86f, Author = "E. A. Fox and R. K. France", Title = "A Knowledge-Based System for Composite Document Analysis and Retrieval: Design Issues in the {CODER} Project", Number = "TR-86-6", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FOXE86g, Author = "E. A. Fox and R. K. France", Title = "Architecture of a Distributed Expert System for Composite Document Entry, Analysis, Representation, and Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Annual USC Computer Science Symposium: Knowledge-Based Systems: Theory and Applications", Address = "Columbia, SC", Month = mar, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86h, Author = "E. A. Fox and R. K. France", Title = "Architecture of an Object-Oriented Expert System for Composite Document Analysis, Representation, and Retrieval", Number = "TR-86-10", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = apr, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FOXE86i, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "A Design for Intelligent Retrieval: The {CODER} System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computer Interfaces and Intermediaries for Information Retrieval", Month = may, Pages = "135--154", Address = "Boston, MA", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FOXE86j, Author = "E. A. Fox and S. E. Birch", Title = "A {UNIX} Micro Requirement for Computer Science Majors", Booktitle = "Proceedings of NECC '86: 7th National Educational Computing Conference", Address = "San Diego, CA", Pages = "157--160", Month = jun, Year = 1986, Note="also TR 86-11 is same") @techreport(FOXE86k, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Expert Retrieval for Computer Message Systems", Number = "TR-86-13", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86l, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "A Call for Integrating Advanced Information Retrieval Models with {CD-ROM}/Microcomputer Systems", Number = "TR-86-14", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = jun, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FOXE86m, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Expert Retrieval for Users of Computer Based Message Systems", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 49th ASIS Annual Meeting", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Volume = "23", Pages = "88--95", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FOXE86n, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Effective Retrieval of Composite Documents", Booktitle = "NSF Research Panel at American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86o, Author = "E. A. Fox and Robert C. Wohlwend and Phyllis R. Sheldon and Qi Fan Chen and Robert K. France", Title = "Building the {CODER} Lexicon: The {C}ollins {E}nglish {D}ictionary and Its Adverb Definitions", Number = "TR-86-23", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86p, Author = "E. A. Fox", Title = "Development of the {CODER} System: A Test-bed for Artificial Intelligence Methods in Information Retrieval", Number = "TR-86-40", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @techreport(FOXE86q, Author = eaf, Title = "Development of a Prototype Electronic Mail and Bulletin Board Distributed System to Facilitate C.I.T. Operations, Supplemental Report for Contract C-85-026", Institution = "Virginia Center for Innovative Technology", Month = may, Year = 1986) @article(FOXE87a, Author = "E. A. Fox and Robert K. France", Title = "Architecture of an Expert System for Composite Document Analysis, Representation and Retrieval", Journal = ijar, Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "151--175", Year = 1987) @article(FOXE87b, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Development of the {CODER} System: A Testbed for Artificial Intelligence Methods in Information Retrieval", Journal = ipm, Volume = "23", Number = "4", Pages = "341--366", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87c, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "The {CODER} System: A Testbed for AI Methods in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services 29th Annual Conference", Address = "Washington, D. C.", Month = "mar", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87d, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Advanced Information Retrieval Methods. Workshop on Strategies for Information Access", Booktitle = "Second International Conference on {CD-ROM}. Making it Happen", Address = "Seattle, WA", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87e, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Building the {CODER} System: Working Toward a Comprehensive Testbed for AI in IR, Workshop on Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems", Institution = "Bell Communications Research and the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies of Rutgers University", Address = "New Brunswick, NJ", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87f, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen", Title = "Text Analysis in the {CODER} System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual USC Computer Science Symposium: Language and Data in Systems", Address = "Columbia, SC", Month = apr, Year = 1987, Pages = "7--14") @misc(FOXE87g, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Experimental Systems for Testing the Applicability of Advanced Retrieval Methods: Lessons Learned from {SMART} and {CODER}", Booktitle = "Seminar for Graduate Library School", Address = "University of Chicago", Month = apr, Year = 1987) @misc(FOXE87h, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "The Role of {CD} {ROM} in Libraries of the Future", Booktitle = "Academia Keynote, Compact Disks for Information Storage and Access", Institution = "Cornell University Libraries sponsored conference", Month = apr, Year = 1987) @misc(FOXE87i, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Experimental Systems for Advanced Retrieval: {SMART} and {CODER}", Booktitle = "Seminar for the School of Information Studies", Institution = "Syracuse University", Month = apr, Year = 1987) @article(FOXE87j, Author = eaf, Title = "Workshop on Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems: A Perspective", Journal = "ACM SIGIR Forum", Volume = "21", Number = "3-4", Pages = "18--20", Month = "spring/summer", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87k, Author = eaf, Title = "An Intelligent Information System for Electronic Mail Digests", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science", Month = oct, Pages = "74--78", Volume = "24", Address = "Boston, MA", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(FOXE87l, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Sheila G. Winett", Title = "Extending Expert System Techniques with Information Retrieval Methods to Select Foster Homes", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Annual Expert Systems in Government Conference", Month = oct, Address = "Washington, D. C.", Pages = "26--32", Year = 1987) @techreport(FOXE87n, Author = eaf, Title = "Improved Automatic Analysis, Indexing, Storage and Retrieval of Corporate Documentation and Network Information", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "Final Report on C.I.T. Grant INF-85-016", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @techreport(FOXE87o, Author = eaf, Title = "Effective Retrieval of Composite Documents", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "Final Report on NSF Grant IST-8418877", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @inproceedings{FOXE88a, author={Fox, E.A. and Nutter, J.T. and Ahlswede, T.E. and Evens, M.W. and Markowitz, J.A.}, title={Building a Large Thesaurus for Information Retrieval}, organization={Association for Computational Linguistics}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Second Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing}, address = "Austin, TX", month=Feb, pages={101-108}, year=1988 } @article(FOXE88b, Author = eaf, Title = "Testing the Applicability of Intelligent Methods for Information Retrieval", Journal = "Information Services and Use", Pages="119--138", Volume = "7", Number = "4-5", Address = "North-Holland", Year = 1988) @article(FOXE88c, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Matthew B. Koll", Title = "Practical Enhanced {B}oolean Retrieval: Experiences with the {SMART} and {SIRE} Systems", Journal = ipm, Volume = "24", Number = "3", Pages = "257--267", Year = 1988) @article(FOXE88d, Author = eaf, Title = "{ACM} {P}ress {D}atabase and {E}lectronic {P}roducts -- New Services for the Information Age", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "8", Pages = "948--951", Year = 1988) @article(FOXE88e, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Marybeth T. Weaver", Title = "Highlights of {CD-ROM} Hardware", Journal = "The Laserdisk Professional", Volume = "1", Number = "1", Pages = "102--103", Month = apr, Year = 1988) @techreport(FOXE88f, Author = eaf, Title = "A Review of Publishing and Access Issues for Optical Discs and {CD-ROM}s", Number = "TR-88-22", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = aug, Year = 1988) @techreport(FOXE88g, Author = "Edward Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Lenwood Heath and Sanjeev Datta", Title = "A More Cost Effective Algorithm for Finding Perfect Hash Functions", Number = "TR-88-30", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = sep, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(FOXE88h, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Marybeth Weaver and Qi Fan Chen and Robert K. France", Title = "Implementing a Distributed Expert-Based Information Retrieval System", Booktitle = "Proc. RIAO 88: User-Oriented Text and Image Handling", Pages = "708--726", Month = mar, Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(FOXE88i, Author = "Edward A. Fox and G. Nunn and W. Lee", Title = "Coefficients for Combining Concept Classes in a Collection", Booktitle = "Proc. 11th Int'l Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Pages = "291--307", Month = jun, Address = "Grenoble, France", Year = 1988) @incollection(FOXE88j, Author = eaf, Title = "Optical Disks and {CD-ROM}: Publishing and Access", Booktitle = arist, Editor = "Martha E. Williams", Publisher = "ASIS/Elsevier Science Publishers", Address = "Amsterdam", Volume = "23", Pages = "85--124", Year = 1988) @incollection(FOXE88k, Author = eaf, Title = "Improved Retrieval Using a Relational Thesaurus for Automatic Expansion of {B}oolean Logic Queries", Booktitle = "Relational Models of the Lexicon: Representing Knowledge in Semantic Networks", Editor = "Martha W. Evens", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge, UK", Pages = "199--210", Year = 1988) @article(FOXE89a, Author = eaf, Title = "Research and Development of Information Retrieval Models and their Application", Journal = ipm, Volume = "25", Number = "1", Pages = "1--5", Year = 1989) @techreport(FOXE89b, Author = "Edward Fox and Lenwood Heath and Qi Fan Chen", Title = "An O(n log n) Algorithm for Finding Minimal Perfect Hash Functions", Number = "TR-89-10", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = apr, Year = 1989) @article(FOXE89c, Author = eaf, Title = "The Coming Revolution in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "794--801", Note = "Guest editor's introduction to Special Section on Interactive Technologies", Year = 1989) @inproceedings(FOXE89d, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Lenwood Heath and Sanjeev Datta", Title = "A More Cost Effective Algorithm for Finding Perfect Hash Functions", Booktitle = "Proc. ACM 1989 Computer Science Conference", Pages = "114--122", Month = feb, Address = "Louisville, KY", Year = 1989) @incollection(FOXE89f, Author = eaf, Title = "Advanced Retrieval Methods for Online Catalogs", Booktitle = "Annual Review of OCLC Research, July 1989 to June 1990", Publisher = "OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.", Pages = "32--34", Address = "Dublin, OH", Year = "1989-1990") @article(FOXE89g, Author = "Fox, guest editor, Edward A.", Title = "Special Section on Interactive Technologies", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Note = "Included are the introduction by Fox and articles by: Dixon, Frenkel, Lippman and Butera, Mackay and Davenport, Ripley, Stevens, Tinker, and Yu et al.", Year = 1989) @article(FOXE90a, Author = "E. A. Fox and S. G. Winett", Title = "Using Vector and Extended {B}oolean Matching in an Expert System for Selecting Foster Homes", Journal = jasis, Volume = "41", Number = "1", Pages = "10--26", Year = 1990) @book(FOXE90b, Editor = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Virginia Disc One", Publisher = "VPI\&SU Press. Produced by Nimbus Information Systems", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "ISBN 0-929900-00-6. Available from Dr. Edward A. Fox, Department of Computer Science, VPI\&SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106", Year = 1990) @book(FOXE90c, Editor = eaf, Title = "Virginia Disc Two", Publisher = "VPI\&SU Press. Produced by Nimbus Information Systems", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "ISBN 0-929900-02-2. Available from Dr. Edward A. Fox, Department of Computer Science, VPI\&SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106", Year = 1990) @book(FOXE90d, Editor = eaf, Title = "Virginia Disc Three", Publisher = "VPI\&SU Press. Produced by Nimbus Information Systems", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note = "ISBN 0-929900-01-4. Available from Dr. Edward A. Fox, Department of Computer Science, VPI\&SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106", Year = 1990) @techreport(FOXE90e, Author = "Edward Fox and Deborah Hix and Edward E. Schwartz and Antonio Siochi and Prabhakar Koushik and Donald Inman", Title = "Interactive Digital Video Authoring and Prototyping", Number = "TR-90-13", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = dec, Year = 1990) @inproceedings(FOXE90f, Author = eaf, Title = "A Retrospective on {CODER}: A Testbed for Artificial Intelligence Methods in Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "1990 AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Text-Based Intelligent Systems", Month = mar, Publisher = "Stanford University", Address = "Palo Alto, CA", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(FOXE90g, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud and Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Order preserving minimal perfect hash functions and information retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. SIGIR 90, 13th Int'l Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Month = sep, Pages = "279--311", Address = "Brussels, Belgium", Year = 1990) @techreport(FOXE90h, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Lenwood S. Heath and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud", Title = "Practical Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Large Databases", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Number = "TR 90-41", Note = "Accepted to appear in CACM in 1992", Month = aug, Year = 1990) @book(FOXE90i, Editor = eaf, Title = "Interactive Digital Video", Note = "58 min. videotape documentary to supplement July 1989 {\em Communications of the ACM}, E. A. Fox executive producer and script writer", Publisher = "ACM Press Database and Electronic Products", Year = 1990) @article(FOXE90j, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "How to Proceed Toward Electronic Archives and Publishing", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "355--358", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @incollection(FOXE91a, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Robert K. France", Title = "Integrating Search and Retrieval with Hypertext", Booktitle = "Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook", Editor = "Emily Berk and Joseph Devlin", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill, Inc.", Address = "New York", Pages = "329--355", Year = 1991) @article(FOXE91b, Author = eaf, Title = "Guest Editor's Introduction: Standards and the Emergence of Digital Multimedia Systems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "26--29", Note = "For Special Section on Digital Multimedia Systems", Year = 1991, Month = "April") @article(FOXE91c, Author = "Fox, guest editor, Edward A.", Title = "Special Section on Digital Multimedia", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4,7,11", Note = "Included are the introduction by Fox and articles or sidebars in the April, July, and November issues by: Borenstein; Cockroft and Hourvitz; Green; Harney, Keith, Lavelle, Ryan and Stark; Liebhold and Hoffert; Hoffert and Gretsch; Le Gall; Liou; Lippman; Newcomb, Kipp, Newcomb; Phillips; Sijstermans and van der Meer; and Wallace", Year = 1991) @article(FOXE91d, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud and Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Order-preserving minimal perfect hash functions and information retrieval", Journal = acmtois, Volume = "9", Number = "3", Month = jul, Pages = "281--308", Year = 1991) @techreport(FOXE91e, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud and Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Order preserving minimal perfect hash functions and information retrieval", Number = "TR-91-1", Institution = "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Computer Science", Month = feb, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(FOXE91f, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Robert France and M. Koushik and Jenny-Lou Menezes and QiFan Chen and Amjad Daoud and J. Nutter", Title = "{CODER}: A Retrieval and Hypertext System Using {SGML} and a Lexicon", Booktitle = "Proc. ACH/ALLC '91", Month = mar, Pages = "159--163", Address = "Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ", Year = 1991) @article(FOXE91g, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Advances in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "24", Number = "10", Pages = "9--21", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @article(FOXE91h, Author = "Edward A. Fox and M. Prabhakar Koushik and Qi Fan Chen and Robert K. France", Title = "Integrated Access to a Large Medical Literature Database", Journal = acmtois, Pages = "Submitted for Special Issue.", Year = 1991) @techreport(FOXE91i, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Whay C. Lee", Title = "{FAST-INV}: A Fast Algorithm for Building Large Inverted Files", Number = "TR-91-10", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @incollection(FOXE91j, Author = "Edward A. Fox and S. Betrabet and M. P. Koushik and W. C. Lee", Title = "Extended {B}oolean Retrieval", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms", Editor = "W. Frakes and R. Baeza-Yates", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Engelwood Cliffs, NJ", Note = "{T}o appear", Year = 1992) @incollection(FOXE91k, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Bernard Rous and Gary Marchionini", Title = "{ACM's} Hypertext and Hypermedia Publishing Projects", Booktitle = "Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook", Editor = "Emily Berk and Joseph Devlin", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill, Inc.", Address = "New York", Pages = "465--467", Year = 1991) @incollection(FOXE91l, Author = "Edward A. Fox and J. Terry Nutter and Martha W. Evens", Title = "A Lexicon Server using Lexical Relations for Information Retrieval", Booktitle = "Machine-Tractable Dictionaries", Editor = "Chengming Guo", Publisher = "Ablex Publishing Co.", Note = "{T}o appear", Year = 1991) @techreport(FOXE91m, Author = "Edward A. Fox and M. Prabhakar Koushik and Qi Fan Chen and Robert K. France", Title = "Integrated Access to a Large Medical Literature Database", Number = "TR-91-15", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = may, Year = 1991) @techreport(FOXE91n, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Linda Wilson", Title = "Comparison of Advanced Retrieval Approaches for Onlinr Catalog Access", Number = "ED 338 262", Institution = "ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources", Address = "Final Report, Univ. Lib., VPI\&SU, Blacksburg, VA", Year = 1991) @misc(FOXE91z, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Deborah Hix and Lenwood Heath", Title = "A User-Centered Database from the Computer Science Literature", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Note= "(Funded) Scientific Database Proposal to the NSF for 1991-94", Month=may, Year = 1991) @article(FOXE92a, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Lenwood S. Heath and Qi Fan Chen and Amjad M. Daoud", Title = "Practical Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Large Databases", Journal = cacm, Volume = "35", Number = "1", Month = jan, Pages = "105--121", Year = 1992) @inproceedings(FOXE92b, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Building a User-Centered Database from the {ACM} Literature", Booktitle = "Proc. Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval", Month = "March 16-18,", Pages = "235--246", Address = "Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada", Year = 1992) @inproceedings(FOXE92c, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Qi Fan Chen and Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "A faster algorithm for constructing minimal perfect hash functions", Booktitle = "Proc. SIGIR 92, 15th Int'l Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Month = "June 21-24,", Address = "Copenhagen, Denmark", Year = 1992) @inproceedings(FOXE93a, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Robert K. France and Eskinder Sahle and Amjad Daoud and Ben E. Cline", Title = "Development of a Modern {OPAC}: From {REVTOLC} to {MARIAN}", Booktitle = "Proc. SIGIR 93, 16th Annual Int'l ACM SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Month = "June 27-July 1,", Address = "Pittsburgh, PA", Pages="248--259", Year = 1993) @article(FOXE93b, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Lois F. Lunin", Title = "Introduction and Overview to Perspectives on Digital Libraries", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "441--445", Year = 1993) @article(FOXE93c, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Deborah Hix and Lucy T. Nowell and Dennis J. Brueni and William C. Wake and Lenwood S. Heath and Durgesh Rao", Title = "Users, User Interfaces, and Objects: Envision, a Digital Library", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "480--491", Year = 1993) @misc(FOXE93d, Author = "Edward A. Fox and J.A.N. Lee and Clifford Shaffer and H. Rex Hartson and Dwight Barnette", Title = "Interactive Learning with a Digital Library in Computer Science", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Note= "(Funded) Education Infrastructure Proposal to the NSF for 1993-96", Month=mar, Year = 1993) @techreport(FOXE93e, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "Source Book on Digital libraries", Number = "TR 93-35", Month = dec, Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Note = "Edited volume, available by anonymous FTP from directory pub/DigitalLibrary on fox.cs.vt.edu", Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Year = 1993) @inproceedings(FOXE93f, Author = "Edward A. Fox", Title = "From Information Retrieval to Networked Multimedia Information Access", Editor = "G. Knorz and J. Krause and C. Womser-Hacker", Booktitle = "Proc. der 1. Tagung Information Retrieval '93", Month = "13-15 September", Address = "University of Regensburg, Germany, Univ. of Konstanz Press", Pages = "116--124", Year = 1993) @inproceedings(FOXE93g, Author = "Edward A. Fox and M. Prabhakar Koushik and Joseph Shaw and Russell Modlin and Durgesh Rao", Title = "Combining evidence from multiple searches", Editor = "Donna K. Harman", Booktitle = "The First Text {RE}trieval Conference (TREC-1)", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD", Month = mar, Note = "NIST Special Publication 500-207", Pages = "319--328", Year = 1993) @inproceedings(FOXE94a, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Ghaleb Abdulla", Title = "Digital video delivery for a digital library in computer science", Booktitle = "Proc. High-Speed Networking and Multimedia Computing Workshop, IS\&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology", Month = "Feb. 6-10", Address = "San Jose, CA", Note="7 pages", Year = 1994) @inproceedings(FOXE94b, Author = "Edward A. Fox and Joseph Shaw", Title = "Combination of Multiple Searches", Editor = "Donna K. Harman", Booktitle = "The Second Text {RE}trieval Conference (TREC-2)", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD", Month = mar, Note = "NIST Special Publication 500-215", Pages = "243--252", Year = 1994) @article(FOXJ91a, Author = "Jackie Fox", Title = "When worlds collide: Demystifying multimedia", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "6--12", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(FOXJ91b, Author = "Jackie Fox", Title = "The {A}miga: A multimedia marvel", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "47--51", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(FOXJ91c, Author = "Jackie Fox", Title = "The bandwidth blues: multimedia on networks", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "56--63", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(FOXM80, Author = "M. S. Fox and D. J. Bebel and A. C. Parker", Title = "The Automated Dictionary", Journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = 13, number = 6, Pages = "35--48", Month = jul, Year = 1980) @inproceedings(FOXM86, Author = "Mark S. Fox and J. Mark Wright and David Adam", Title = "Experiences with SRL: An Analysis of a Frame-based Knowledge Representation", Booktitle = "Expert Database Systems: Proceedings from the First International Workshop", Editor = "Larry Kerschberg", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", Pages = "161--172", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FRAE86, Author = "A. S. Fraenkel and S. T. Klein and Y. Choueka and E. Segal", Title = "Improved hierarchical bit-vector compression in document retrieval systems", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(FRAN88, Author="Robert K. France and Edward A. Fox", Title="An Artificial Intelligence Environment for Information Retrieval Research", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-10", Year=1988) @inproceedings(FRAN89, Author = "Robert K. France and Edward A. Fox and J. Terry Nutter and Qi Fan Chen", Title = "Building a Relational Lexicon for Text Understanding and Retrieval", Booktitle = "Proc. First Int'l Language Acquisition Workshop", Month = aug, Address = "Detroit, MI", Year = 1989) @techreport(FRAN86a, Author = "Robert K. France", Title = "An Artificial Intelligence Environment for Information Retrieval Research", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = jul, Note = "MS thesis", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FRAN86b, Author = "Robert K. France and Edward A. Fox", Title = "Knowledge Structures for Information Retrieval: Representation in the {CODER} Project", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Expert Systems in Government Conference", Month = oct, Address = "McLean, VA", Pages = "135--141", Year = 1986) @techreport(FRAN87a, Author="Valerie L. Frankel and Osman Balci", Title="A Prototype Assistance Manager For The Simulation Model Development Environment", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-21", Year=1987) @misc(FRAN87b, Author = "Robert France", Title = "Selections from the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary", Note = "CS5980 Final Paper", Institution = vpisu, Month = june, Year = "1987") @inproceedings(FRAN91b, Author = "Robert K. France", Title = "Lexical Resources as Reference Works and as Navigation Tools in an Integrated Information System", Booktitle = "ASIS '91 Proceedings of the 54th ASIS Annual Meeting", Year = "1991", Publisher = "ASIS", Pages = "??", Month = "October") @misc(FRAN91, Author = "Robert K. France", Title = "Reference Guide to the $F^{3}L$ Representation Language", Note = "Unpublished Internal Communique", Month = sep, Year = 1991) @misc(FRAN92, Author = "Robert K. France", Title = "User Interface Objects for {CODER}, {INCARD}, and {MARIAN}", Note = "Unpublished Internal Communique", Month = aug, Year = 1992) @book(FRANC82, Author = "W. Nelson Francis and Henry Kucera", Title = "Frequency Analysis of {E}nglish Usage: Lexicon and Grammar", Publisher = "Houghton Mifflin Company", Address = "Boston, MA", Year = 1982) @article(FRAN90, author="Jason L. Frand and Julia A. Britt", title="Sixth Annual UCLA Survey of Business School Computer Usage", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="544-562", month=jul, year=1990) @article(FRAS91, Author = "Bruce Fraser", Title = "Desktop Video: It's here, it's easy", Journal = "Publish", Volume = "1", Month = sep, Pages = "89--96", Year = 1991) @article(FRED84a, Author = "M. L. Fredman and J. Koml\'os", Title = "On the size of separating systems and families of perfect hash functions", Journal = "SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods", Volume = "5", Pages = "61--68", Year = 1984) @article(FRED84b, Author = "M. L. Fredman and J. Koml\'os and E. Szemer\'edi", Title = "Storing a sparse table with {O}(1) worst case access time", Journal = jacm, Volume = "31", Pages = "538--544", Year = 1984) @article(FREE91, Author="Peter A. Freeman and Marie-Claude Gaudel, guest editors", Title="Building a Foundation for the Future of Software Engineering", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="30--33", Month=may, Year=1991) @article(FREE88, Author = "Robert P. Freese", Title = "Optical Disks Become Erasable", Journal = "IEEE Spectrum", Volume = "25", Number = "2", Pages = "41--45", Note = "ISSN 0018-9235", Month = feb, Year = 1988) @book(FREE86, Author = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Title = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Volume = "2", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Note = "ISBN 0-89252-730-7", Year = 1986) @article(FREI83, Author = "H. P. Frei and J. F. Jauslin", Title = "Graphical Presentation of Information and Services: A User Oriented Interface", Journal = "Information Technology: Research and Development", Volume = "2", Number = "1", Pages = "23--42", Month = jan, Year = 1983) @incollection(FREI84, Author = "H. P. Frei and J. F. Jauslin", Title = "Two-Dimensional Representation of Information Retrieval Services", Booktitle = "Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis of Information Processes", Editor = "Hans J. Dietschmann", Publisher = "North-Holland", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "383--396", Year = 1984) @inproceedings(FREI91, Author="H. P. Frei and M.F. Wyle", Title="Retrieval Algorithm Effectivenss in a Wide Area Network Information Filter", Page="114--122", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @book(FREN85, Author = "James C. French", Title = "IDAM File Organizations", Publisher = "UMI Research Press", Address = "Ann Arbor, MI", Note = "ISBN 0-8357-1631-7", Year = 1985) @article(FREN86a, author="Karen A. Frenkel", title="Evaluating Two Massively Parallel Machines", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="752-759", month=aug, year=1986) @article(FREN86b, author="Karen A. Frenkel", title="Introduction", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=12, pages="1168-1169", month=dec, year=1986) @article(FREN87, Author="Karen A. Frenkel", Title="Profiles in Computing", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=10, Pages=815, Month=oct, Year=1987) @article{FREN88, author={French, L.A.}, title={The Development of Children's Understanding of ``Because'' and ``So''}, journal={Journal of Experimental Child Psychology}, volume={45}, pages={262-279}, year=1988 } @article(FREN89a, Author="Karen A. Frenkel", Title="Volume Rendering", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=4, Pages="426--435", Month=apr, Year=1989) @techreport(FREN90, Author = "James C. French and Anita K. Jones and John L. Pfaltz", Title = "Scientific Database Management (Final Report)", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia", Year = 1990, Number = "TR-90-21", Address = "Charlottesville, VA") @article(FREN89, Author="Karen A. Frenkel", Title="HDTV and the Computer Industry", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=11, Pages="1300-1312", Month=nov, Year=1989) @article(FREN90, author="Karen A. Frenkel", title="The Politics of Standards and the EC", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="40-51", month=jul, year=1990) @article(FREN90b, author="Karen A. Frenkel", title="Highlights from The Second Annual Computer Bowl", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="84-96", month=aug, year=1990) @article(FREN91, Author="Karen A. Frenkel", Title="The Human Genome Project and Informatics", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=11, Pages="32-39", Month=nov, Year=1991) @article(FRENK89, Author = "Karen S. Frenkel", Title = "The Next Generation of Interactive Technologies", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "872--881", Month = "July", Year = 1989) @article(FRIE85, Author="Peter Friedland and Laurence H. Kedes", Title="Discovering the Secrets of DNA", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1164--1186", Month=nov, Year=1985, Note="also,'Introduction' in Sep.1985 issue") @incollection(FRIE88, Author = "Larry Friedlander", Title = "The {S}hakespeare Project", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Pages = "115--142", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(FRIE91, Author="Ophir Frieder and Hava Siegelmann", Title="On the Allocation of Documents in MultiprocessorInformation Retrieval Systems", Page="230--239", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @incollection(FRIS88, Author = "Bernard Frischer", Title = "Cicero", Pages = "143--156", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(FRISS88, Author = "Mark E. Frisse", Title = "Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook", Journal = cacm, Volume = "31", Number = "7", Pages = "880--886", Year = "1988") @inproceedings(FUHR86, Author = "N. Fuhr", Title = "Two models of retrieval with probabilistic indexing", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(FUHR91, Author = "N. Fuhr and U. Pfeifer", Title = "Combining Model-Oriented and Description-Oriented Approaches for Probabilistic Indexing", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Chicago, IL", Month = "October 13-16,", Pages = "46--56", Year = 1991) @article(FUHR91b, Author="Norbert Fuhr and Chris Buckley", Title="A Probabilistic Learning approach for Document Indexing", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=3, Pages="223--248", Month=jul, Year=1991) @article(FUJI90, Author="Richard M. Fujimoto", Title="Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=10, Pages="30--53", Month=oct, Year=1990) @article(FUJI84, Author = "L. Fujitani", Title = "Laser Optical Disk: The Coming Revolution in On-Line Storage", Journal = cacm, Volume = "26", Number = "6", Pages = "546--554", Month = jun, Year = 1984) @article(FURN87, Author = "G. W. Furnas and T. K. Landauer and L. M. Gomez and S. T. Dumais", Title = "The Vocabulary Problem in Human-System Communication", Journal = cacm, Volume = "30", Number = "11", Pages = "964--971", Month = nov, Year = 1987) @book(FUNK53, Author = "Funk \& Wagnalls Editorial Staff", Title = "Standard Handbook of Prepositions, Conjunctions, Relative Pronouns and Adverbs", Publisher = "Funk \& Wagnalls", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1953) @article(FURU82, Author = "R. Furuta and J. Scofield and A. Shaw", Title = "Document Formatting Systems: Survey, Concepts, and Issues", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "14", Number = "3", Pages = "417--472", Month = sep, Year = 1982) @inproceedings(FUTR94, Author = "Robert P. Futrelle and Xiaolan Zhang", Title = "Large-Scale Persistent Object Systems for Corpus Linguistics and Information Retrieval", Pages = "80--87", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @article(GABR91, Author="Armen Gabrielian and Matthew K. Franklin", Title="Multilevel Specification of Real-Time Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="50--61", Month=may, Year=1991) @article(GACO92, Author="Raymond Ga Cote and Stanford Diehl", Title="Searching for Common Threads", Journal="Byte", Pages="290-302", Month=jun, Year=1992) @article(GAJE91, Author="Oliver Gajek", Title="the Metal System", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=9, Pages="40-47", Month=sep, Year=1991) @article(GALE86, Author = "John C. Gale and Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch", Title = "The Impact of Optical Media on Information Publishing", Journal = basis, Pages = "12--14", Month = aug, Year = 1986) @article(GALE86, Author = "John C. Gale", Title = "Current Trends in the Optical Storage Industry", Journal = basis, Month = aug, Pages = "12--14", Year = 1986) @article(GALI86, Author="Zvi Galil", Title="Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum Matching in Graphs", Journal=acmcs, Volume=18, Number=1, Pages="23-38", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(GALL87, Author = "Bert Gall", Title = "CD-I: A Powerful Interactive Audio/Video System", Journal = basis, Month = aug, Pages = "24--25", Year = 1987) @techreport(GALL91, Author = "Leonard Gallagher and Joan Sullivan", Title = "Database Language {SQL}: Integrator of CALS Data Repositories", Institution = "National Institute of Standards and Technology, Information Systems Engineering Division", Year =1991, Number ="CALS Status Report", Address ="Gaithersburg, MD 20899") @article(GALL84, Author = "Herve Gallaire and Jack Minker and Jean-Marie Nicolas", Title = "Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "16", Number = "2", Pages = "153--185", Month = jun, Year = 1984) @inproceedings(GALL86, Author = "S. Gallelli and C. Iacobelli and P. Marchisio", Title = "An Approach to Multimedia Information Management", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "31--38", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @techreport(GAMB89, Author="Jim Gamble and Calvin J. Ribbens", Title="Performance Comparison of Three Parallel Implementations of a Schwarz Splitting Algorithm", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-37", Month="Oct. 23,", Year=1989) @techreport(GAMB91a, Author = "Jim Gamble and Calvin J. Ribbens", Title = "Explicit Parallel Programming: User's Guide", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Jul. 23,", Year = 1991) @techreport(GAMB91b, Author = "Jim Gamble and Calvin J. Ribbens", Title = "Explicit Parallel Programming: System Description", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Jul. 23,", Year = 1991) @incollection(GAMM85, Author = "John C. Gammack and Richard M. Young", Title = "Psychological Techniques for Eliciting Expert Knowledge", Booktitle = "Research and Development in Expert Systems", Editor = "Bramer", Pages = "105--112", Year = 1985) @article(GANA82, Author="Mahadevan Ganapathi and Charles N. Fisher and John L. Hennessy", Title="Retargetable Compiler Code Generation", Journal=acmcs, Volume=14, Number=4, Pages="573--592", Month=dec, Year=1982) @article(GANN86, Author="J.D. Gannon and E.E. Katz and V.R. Basili", Title="Metrics for {Ada} Packages: An Initial Study", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="616--623", Month=jul, Year=1986) @inproceedings(GARD87, Author = "R.N. Gardner and V. W. Halling and T. A. Rinehart and A. W. Funkenbusch and M.A. Khan and D.W. Siitari and R. P. Freese", Title = "Status of M/O Erasable Media Production", Booktitle = "Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage", Publisher = "Optical Society of America", Pages = "120--122", Note = "Stateline, NE, sponsored by the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society of IEEE and Optical Society of America, IEEE Catalog Number 85CH2234-3", Month = mar, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(GARD86, Author = "R. N. Gardner and S. C. Webster and M.A. Khan and T. A. Rinehart and A. W. Funkenbusch", Title = "M/O: Its Emergence as the dominant erasable technology", Booktitle = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Editor = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Pages = "48--55", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Volume = "2", Note = "ISBN 0-89252-730-7", Year = 1986) @article(GARD90, Author = "William Gardner", Title = "The Electronic Archive: Scientific Publishing for the 1990s", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "333--341", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @book(GARE79, Author = "M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson", Title = "Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness", Publisher = "W. H. Freedman and Company", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1979) @book(GARF78, Author = "E. Garfield", Title = "Citation Indexing: Its Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities", Publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1978) @misc(GARFXX, Author = "Simson L. Garfinkel", Title = "The Care and Feeding of the Compact Disk File System Daemon", Year = "XX") @inproceedings(GARR86a, Author = "L. Nancy Garrett and Karen E. Smith", Title = "Building a Timeline Editor for Prefab Parts: The Architecture of an Object-Oriented Application", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Object-oriented programming Systems, Languages and Applications", Pages = "1--15", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(GARR86b, Author = "L. Nancy Garrett and Karen E. Smith and Norman Meyrowitz", Title = "Intermedia: Issues, Strategies, and Tactics in the Design of a Hypermedia Document System", Booktitle = "Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @article(GARR93, Author = "John R. Garrett and Patrice A. Lyons", Title = "Toward an Electronic Copyright Management System", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "468--473", Year = 1993) @techreport(GAT87, Author="Erann Gat and David P. Miller", Title="Reasoning About Knowledge Using Extensional Logics", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-36", Year=1987) @article(GAUC89, Author = "Susan Gauch and John B. Smith", Title = "An expert system for searching in full-text", Journal = ipm, Volume = 25, Issue = 3, Pages = "253--263", Year = 1989) @article(GAUC91a, Author = "Susan Gauch and John B. Smith", Title = "Search improvement via automatic query reformulation", Journal = acmtois, Volume = 9, Issue = 3, Month = jul, Pages = "249--280", Year = 1991) @article(GAUC91b, Author ="Susan Gauch", Title = "Intelligent information retrieval: An introduction", Journal = jasis, Volume = 43, Issue = 2, Month = mar, Pages = "175--182", Year = 1991) @article(GAVI90, Author="Bezalel Gavish and Olivia R. Liu Sheng", Title="Dynamic File Migration in Distributed Computer Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=2, Pages="177--189", Month=feb, Year=1990) @article(GAY92, Author="Geraldine K. Gay and Robert J. Thomas", Title="Collaborative Design in a Networked Multimedia Environment", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="31-33", Month="January/February", Year=1992) @book(GAYE83, Title = "Corporate \& Instructional Video Design \& Production", Author = "Diane M. Gayeski", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = "1983") @book(GAYE85, Title = "Interactive Media", Author = "Diane M. Gayeskiu and David Williams", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = "1985") @book(GAYE87, Title = "Interactive Toolkit", Author = "Diane M. Gayeski", Publisher = "OmniCom Associates", Address = "407 Coddington Rd, Ithaca, NY", Note = "0-944650-01-5", Year = "1987") @report(GAZD85, Author = "Gerald Gazdar and Geoffrey K. Pullum", Title = "Computationally Relevant Properties of Natural Languages and their Grammars", Number = "CSLI-85-24", Institution = "Center for the Study of Language and Information", Address = "Stanford, CA", Year = 1985) @article(GEAR80, Title="Runge-Kutta Starters for Multistep Methods", Author="C. W. Gear", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="263--279", Month=sep, Year=1980) @book(GEHA85, Author = "N. Gehani", Title = "C: An Advanced Introduction", Publisher = "Computer Science Press", Address = "Rockville, MD", Year = 1985) @article(GEIL84, Author="John W. Geils", Title="Why Students Reject Engineering Teaching Careers", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="25-28", Month=jan, Year=1984) @article(GELE85, Author = "David Gelernter", TItle = "Domesticating Parallelism", Journal = "Computer", Month = "August", Year = "1986", Pages = "12--16") @article(GEMM92, Author="Jim Gemmell and Stavros Christodoulakis", Title="Principles of Delay-Sensitive Multimedia Data Storage and Retrieval", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=10, Number=1, Pages="51-90", Month=jan, Year=1992) @inproceedings(GEMM93, Author="D.J. Gemmell", Title="Multimedia Network File Servers: Multi-Channel Delay Sensitive Data Retrieval", Month=aug, Year="1993", Booktitle = acm-mm93, Note= "Anaheim, California, to appear") @article(GENE85, Author = "Michael R. Genesereth and Matthew L. Ginsberg", Title = "Logic Programming", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "9", Pages = "933--941", Month = sep, Year = 1985) @article(GENE94, Author="Michael R. Genesereth and Steven P. Ketchpel", Title = "Software Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "48--53", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(GEOR80, Author="Alan George and Joseph W.H. Liu", Title="A Fast Implementation of the Minimum Degree Algorithm Using Quotient Graphs", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="337--358", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(GEOR90, Author="Nicholas D. Georganas and Reigo Yatsuboshi and Najah Naffah", Title="Guest Editorial: Multimedia Communications", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="322--324", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(GEOR91, Author="Joey F. George and John L. King", Title="Examining the Computing and Centralization Debate", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=7, Pages="40--61", Month=jul, Year=1991) @article(GERY89, Author = "Gloria J. Gery", Title = "The learner can now be in Control", Journal = "Instruction Delivery Systems", Pages = "6--24", Month = "March/April", Year = 1989) @mastersthesis(GHAZ91, author = "Nasser K. Ghazi", title = "Development of a User Interface for the {MARIAN} System and a Server for the {SMART} System", school = "Virginia Tech, Dept. of Computer Science", year = "1991", month = sep) @incollection(GIBB88, Author = "Sam Gibbon and Kristina Hooper", Title = "The Voyage of the {MIMI}", Pages = "181--192", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Booktitle = "Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-124-1", Year = 1988) @article(GIBB86, author="Norman E. Gibbs and Allen B. Tucker", title="A Model Curriculum for a Liberal Arts Degree in Computer Science", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=3, pages="202-211", month=mar, year=1986) @inproceedings(GIBB86b, Author = "S. Gibbs and D. Tsichritzis", Title = "Document presentation and query formulation in Muse", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(GIDD84, Author="Richard V. Giddings", Title="Accomodating Uncertainty in Software Design", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="428--434", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(GIFF88, author="David K. Gifford, Rogerm. Needham, and Michael D. Schroeder", title="The Cedar File System", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="288-299", month=mar, year=1988) @article(GIFF90, author="David K. Gifford", title="Polychannel Systems for Mass Digital Communications", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="141-151", month=feb, year=1990) @article(GILL90, author="Mark L. Gillenson", title="Physical Design Equivalencies in Database Conversion", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="120--131", month=aug, year=1990) @inproceedings(GLAD94a, Author = "Henry M. Gladney and Edward A. Fox and Zahid Ahmed and Ron Ashany and Nicholas J. Belkin and Maria Zemankova", Title = "Digital Library: Gross Structure and Requirements: Report from a {M}arch 1994 {W}orkshop", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Pages = "101--107", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @techreport(GLAD94b, Author = "Henry M. Gladney and Zahid Ahmed and Ron Ashany and Nicholas J. Belkin and Edward A. Fox and Maria Zemankova", Title = "Digital Library: Gross Structure and Requirements (Report from a {M}arch 1994 {W}orkshop)", Number = "IBM Research Report RJ9840 and Virginia Tech Dept. of Computer Science TR 94-25", Institution = "IBM Almaden Research Laboratory", Month = jun, Note = "Available by anonymous FTP from directory pub/DigitalLibrary on fox.cs.vt.edu", Year = 1994) @article(GLIN84, Author="Ephraim P. Glinert and Richard E. Ladner", Title="A Large Font Virtual Terminal Interface", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="567-573", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(GLYN90, author="Peter W. Glynn", title="Likelihood Ratio Gradient Estimation For Stochastic Systems", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="75-84", month=oct, year=1990) @book(GOLDB82a, Author = "A. Goldberg and D. Robson and D. H. H. Ingalls", Title = "Smalltalk-80: the Interactive Programming Environment", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Menlo Park, CA", Year = 1982) @article(GOLD91, Author="David Goldberg", Title="What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic", Journal=acmcs, Volume=23, Number=1, Pages="5--48", Month=mar, Year=1991) @article(GOLD86, author="Donald Golden and Michael Pechura", title="The Structure of Microcomputer File Systems", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=3, pages="222-231", month=mar, year=1986) @article(GOLD91, Author="Richard Goldhor and Mark Miller and Joel Feldman", Title="{SynchroMedia}, An Architecture for Organizing", Journal="IMA Compatability Project Proceedings", Volume=1, Number=1, Pages="60--62", Month=sep, Year=1991) @article(GOLD84, Author = "C. M. Goldstein", Title = "Computer-Based Information Storage Techniques", Journal = arist, Volume = "19", Pages = "65--96", Year = 1984) @book(GOLDF90, Editor = "Charles F. Goldfarb and Steven R. Newcomb", publisher = "ANSI", Title = "{X3V1.8M} Working Draft {ANSI} Project {X3.749-D}: Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language ({HyTime})", Month = "Sept.", Year = 1990) @book(GOLDF91a, Editor = "Charles F. Goldfarb", publisher = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8", Title = "Draft International Standard ISO/IEC DIS 10744: Information Technology -- Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language ({HyTime})", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @book(GOLDF91b, Author = "Charles F. Goldfarb", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Title = "The {SGML} Handbook", City = "Oxford", Year = 1991) @article(GOMA86, Author="Hassan Gomaa", Title="Software Development of Real-Time Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="657-668", Month=jul, Year=1986) @inproceedings(GONN87, Author = "Gonnet, G. H. and Tompa F. W.", Title = "Mind your grammar: a new approach to modelling text", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Very Large Databases", Address = "Brighton", Pages = "339--346", Year = 1987) @techreport(GONN87b, Author = "Gonnet, G. H.", Title = "Examples of {PAT}", Institution = "UW Center for the {N}ew {O}xford {E}nglish {D}ictionary", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario", Number = "OED-87-02", Month = aug, Year = 1987) @article(GONN88, Author = "G. H. Gonnet and P. Larson", Title = "External hashing with limited internal storage", Journal = jacm, Volume = "35", Pages = "161--184", Year = 1988) @book(GONN84, Author = "G. H. Gonnet", Title = "Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1984) @techreport(GONN91, Author = "Gaston H. Gonnet and Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates and Tim Snider", Title = "Lexicographical Indices for Text: Inverted files vs. {PAT} trees", Institution = "{UW} Center for the {N}ew {O}xford {E}nglish {D}ictionary and Text Research", Year = "February 1991", Address = "Waterloo, Ontario", Number = "OED-91-01",) @article(GOOD89, Author = "Andrew M. Goodman and Robert M. Haralick and Linda G. Shapiro", Title = "Knowledge-Based Computer Vision", Journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = 22, number = 12, Pages = "43--54", Month = dec, Year = 1989) @article(GORD85, Author = "John W. Gordon", Title = "System Architectures for Computer Music", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Pages = "191--233", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @article(GORD88, Author="Michael Gordon", Title="Probabiistic and Genetic Algorithms in document Retrieval", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=10, Pages="1208-1219", Month=oct, Year=1988) @article(GORE92, author="Albert Gore Jr.", title="The Information Infrastructure and Technology Act", journal="EDUCOM", volume=27, number=5, pages="26--29", year=1992) @article(GOST85, author="Jack Gostl and Irwin Greenberg", title="An Application of {Queueing} Theory to the Design of a Message-Switching Computer System", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="500-505", month=may, year=1985) @article(GOUL85, Author = "John D. Gould and Clayton Lewis and Vincent Barnes", Title = "Cursor Movement during Text Editing", Journal = "ACM TOOIS", Volume = "3", Number = "1", Pages = "22--34", Month = jan, Year = 1985) @article(GOUL85a, Author = "John D. Gould and Clayton Lewis", Title = "Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Pages = "300--311", Year = 1985) @article(GOUL85b, Author="John D. Gould, Clayton Lewis, and Vincent Barnes", Title="Cursor Movement during Text editing", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=3, Number=1, Pages="22-34", Month=jan, Year=1985) @article(GOUL91, Author = "John D. Gould and Stephen Boies and Clayton Lewis", Title = "Making Usable, Useful, Productivity-Enhancing Computer Applications", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Pages = "75--85", Year = 1991) @article(GRAH84, Author="Robert L. Graham", Title="The Legal Protection of Computer Software", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="422-427", Month=may, Year=1984) @book(GRAH86, Author = "Margaret B. W. Graham", Title = "RCA and the Videodisc: The Business of Research", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "32 East 57th St, NY", Note = "0-521-32282-0", Year = "1986") @article(GRAN83, Author = "R. H. Granger", Title = "The NOMAD System: Expectation-Based Detection and Correction of Errors during Understanding of Syntactically and Semantically Ill-Formed Text", Journal = "Journal of Computational Linguistics", Volume = "9", Pages = "188--196", Year = 1983) @article(GRAN92, Author="John Grant and Jack Mincker", Title="The Impact of Logic Programming on Databases", Journal=cacm, Volume=35, Number=3, Pages="66--81", Month=mar, Year=1992) @article(GRAY84, Author = "Robert M. Gray", Title = "Vector quantization", Journal = "IEEE ASSP Magazine", Volume = "1", Pages = "4--29", Year = 1984) @inproceedings{GRAY88, Author = "Robert M. Gray", Title = "Vector Quantization", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "205--231", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @inproceedings{GREE88, Author = "James L. Green", Title = "Space Data Management at the {NSSDC}: Applications for Data Compression", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "85--98", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @article(GREE92, Author = "James L. Green", Title = "The Evolution of {DVI} System Software", Journal = cacm, Volume = "35", Number = "1", Pages = "52--67", Month = jan, Year = 1992) @article(GREI94, Author="Irene Greif", Title = "Desktop Agents in Group-Enabled Products", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "100--105", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(GRIE86, author="David Gries", title="The 1984-1985 Taulbee Survey", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=10, pages="972-977", month=oct, year=1986) @article(GRIE91, author="David Gries", title="Teaching Calculation and Discrimination", journal=cacm, volume=34, number=3, pages="44-55", month=mar, year=1991) @article(GRIF82, Author = "Robert L. Griffith", Title = "Three Principles of Representation for Semantic Networks", Journal = "ACM TODS", Volume = "7", Number = "3", Pages = "417--442", Month = sep, Year = 1982) @techreport(GRIM85, Author = "Grimshaw, P. and Ray Jackendoff", Year = "1985", Institution = "National Science Foundation", Note = "Grant IST-81-20403, in xerograph and in machine-readable form", Note = "Brandeis Verb List") @inproceedings(GRIS82, Author = "R. Grishman and L. Hirschman and C. Friedman", Title = "Natural Language Interfaces Using Limited Semantic Information", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics", Pages = "89--94", Year = 1982) @inproceedings(GRIS83, Author = "R. Grishman and L. Hirschman and C. Friedman", Title = "Isolating Domain Dependencies in Natural Language Interfaces", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference of Applied Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", Year = 1983) @book(GRIS86, Editor = "Grishman, Ralph and Richard Kittredge", Title = "Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains: Sublanguage Description and Processing", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates", Year = "1986", Pages = "69-83") @inproceedings(GROS83, Author = "B. Grosz", Title = "TEAM: A Transportable Natural-Language Interface System", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference of Applied Natural Language Processing", Publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", Pages = "39--45", Year = 1983) @article(GRUD92, Author="Jonathan Grudin", Title="Consistency, Standards, and Formal Approaches to Interface Development and Evaluation", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=10, Number=1, Pages="103-111", Month=jan, Year=1992) @article(GUHA94, Author="R. V. Guha and Douglas B. Lenat", Title = "Enabling Agents to Work Together", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "126--142", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(GUID83, Author = "G. Guida and C. Tasso", Title = "An Expert Intermediary System for Interactive Document Retrieval", Journal = "Automatica", Volume = "19", Number = "6", Pages = "759--766", Year = 1983) @article(GUIM85, author="Tor Guimaraes", title="A Study of Application Program Development Techniques", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=5, pages="494-499", month=may, year=1985) @article(GUGL91a, Author = "Connie Guglielmo", Title = "Quick{T}ime reality check: what it will and will not do", Journal = "MacWeek", Volume = "5", Number = "41", Month = "Dec. 3,", Pages = "34--35", Year = 1991) @article(GUGL91b, Author = "Connie Guglielmo", Title = "{MPEG} standard aims to squeeze digital video into mainstream", Journal = "MacWeek", Volume = "5", Number = "41", Month = "Dec. 3,", Pages = "30--32", Year = 1991) @article(GUPT84, Author="G.K. Gupta", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure XIII", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="435-444", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(GUPT80, Author="G.K. Gupta", Title="A Note about Overhead Costs im ODE Solvers", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="319--326", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(GUPT85, Author="Gopal K. Gupta, Ron Sacks-Davis, and Peter E. Tischer", Title="A Review of Recent Developments in Solving {ODEs}", Journal=acmcs, Volume=17, Number=1, Pages="5-48", Month=mar, Year=1985) @article(GUTC85, author="J. Gutknecht", title="Concepts of the Text Editor Lara", journal=cacm, volume=28, number=9, pages="942-960", month=sep, year=1985) @article(GUYN88, author="Jan L. Guynes", title="Impact of System Response Time on State Anxiety", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="342-347", month=mar, year=1988) @article(HAAN92, Author = "Bernard J. Haan and Paul Kahn and Victor A. Riley and James H. Coombs and Norman K. Meyrowitz", Title = "{IRIS} Hypermedia Services", Journal = cacm, Volume = "35", Number = "1", Month = jan, Pages = "36--51", Year = 1992) @techreport(HAAN86, Author = "Bernard J. Haan and Steven M. Drucker and Nicole Yankelovich", Title = "An Object-Oriented Approach to Developing Consistent, Integrated Applications", Institution = "Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship", Address = "Brown University, RI 02912", Number = "86-3", Year = 1986) @techreport(HADD89, Author="Emile K. Haddad", Title="Attainable Resource Allocations Bounds", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-24", Year=1989) @techreport(HADD89b, Author="Emile K. Haddad", Title="Optimal Load Allocation for Parallel and Distributed Processing", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-12", Month=apr, Year=1989) @techreport(HADD89c, Author="Emile K. Haddad", Title="Analysis, Modeling and Optimization of Multiprocessing Execution Time", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-11", Year=1989) @techreport(HADD90a, Author="Emile K. Haddad", Title="Attainable Resources Allocation Bounds", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-2", Month=jul, Year=1990) @techreport(HADD90b, Author="Emile Haddad", Title="Dynamic Working-Set Memory Allocation for Concurrent Processes", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-3", Year=1990) @techreport(HADD90c, Author="Emile K. Haddad", Title="Minimax Resource Allocation with Continuous Variables: The Definitive Solution", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-1", Month="Dec. 1989,", Year=1990) @techreport(HAFT86, Author="Raphael T. Haftka et al", Title="Two Point Constraint Approximation in Structural Optimization", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-21", Year=1986) @article(HAGA87, Author = "Dalia L. Hagan", Title = "The Tacoma Debut of Books in Print Plus", Journal = "Library Journal", Month = sep, Pages = "149--151", Year = 1986) @incollection(HAHN84, Author = "U. Hahn and U. Reimer", Title = "Heuristic Text Parsing in `{T}opic': Methodological Issues in a Knowledge-based Text Condensation System", Booktitle = "Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis of Information Processes", Editor = "Hans J. Dietschmann", Publisher = "North-Holland", Pages = "143--163", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1984) @article(HAKE86, Author = "j.-Fr. Hake", Title = "Remark on Algorithm 569", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 12, Number = 3, Pages = "283--284", Year = 1986) @article(HALL80, Author = "P. A. V. Hall and G. R. Dowling", Title = "Approximate String Matching", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "12", Number = "4", Pages = "381--402", Year = 1980) @article(HALL85, Author="George Hall", Title="Equilibrium States of Runge Kutta Schemes", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Page="289--301", Month=sep, Year=1985) @article(HALL86, Author="George Hall", Title="Equilibrium States of Runge-Kutta Schemes: Part II", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Page="183--192", Month=sep, Year=1986) @article {HALV86, Author = "Per-Kristisan Halvorsen", Title = "Natural Language Understanding and Montague Grammar", Journal = "Computer Intelligence", Year = "1986", Volume = "2", Pages = "54--62"} @article(HAMI85, Author="Dennis E. Hamilton", Title="Remark on Algorithm 620", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=3, Page="305--307", Month=sep, Year=1985) @article(HAMI87, Author = "Fae K. Hamilton", Title = "From Online to {CD-ROM}: Database Design Considerations", Journal = basis, Month = oct, Pages = "25--26", Year = 1987) @article(HAMM90, Author="Heikki Hammainen and Eero Eloranta and Jari Alasuvanto", Title="Distributed Form Management", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=1, Pages="50--76", Month=jan, Year=1990) @techreport {HAMP84, Author = "Viktor E. Hampel and Carol A. Gaynor and Bruce E. Hegemann and Robert D. Sanner and Y. Wolman", Title = "International Information Networks for Material Properties", Institution = "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California", Month = "June", Year = "1984", Number = "UCRL-90942", Note = "Prepared for presentation to the Ninth International CODATA Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, June 24-28, 1984"} @techreport {HAMP85, Author = "Viktor E. Hampel and Bruce L. Garner and Jack R. Matthews", Title = "Intelligent Gateway Processors as Integrators of CAD/CAM Networks", Institution = "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California", Month = "July", Year = "1985", Number = "UCRL-93115", Note = "Prepared for presentation to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Symposium, Miami Beach, Florida, November 21, 1985"} @inproceedings(HAMZ87, Author = "M.H. Hamza", Year = "1987", Title = "Applied Control, Filtering and Signal Processing", Booktitle = "A Publication of IASTED", Location = "Geneva, Switz.", Pages = "37--41") @book(HANK79, Editor = "P. Hanks", Title = "{C}ollins {D}ictionary of the {E}nglish {L}anguage", Publisher = "William Collins Sons and Company", Address = "London, England", Year = 1979) @article(HANN92, Author="Karl-Heinz Hanne and Hans-Jorg Bullinger", Title="Multimodal Communication: Integrating Text and Gestures", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "8", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "127-138", Year=1992) @article(HANS88, Author="Wilfred J. Hansen and Christina Haas", Title="Reading and Writing with Computers: A Framework for Explaining Differences in Performance", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=9, Pages="1080-1089", Month=sep, Year=1988) @incollection(HARD86, Author = "Andrew Hardwick", Title = "Error Correction Codes: Key to Perfect Data", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "73--84", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @unpublished(HARMXX, Author = "Donna Harman and Wayne McCoy and Robert Toense and Gerald Candela", Title = "An Approach to a Distributed Information Retrieval System", Institution = "National Institute of Standards and Technology", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD 20899", Year = "XX") @unpublished(HARMXY, Author = "Donna Harman and Gerald Candela", Title = "Bringing Natural Language Information Retrieval Out of the Closet", Institution = "National Institute of Standards and Technology", Address = "Gaithersburg, MD 20899", Year = "XX") @article(HARM89, Author = "Donna Harman and Gerald Candela", Title = "A Very Fast Prototype Retrieval System using Statistical Ranking", Journal = "SIGIR Forum", Year = 1989) @article(HARM88a, Author = "Donna Harman and Dennis Benson and Larry Fitzpatrick and Rand Huntzinger and Charles Goldstein", Title = "IRX: An Information Retrieval System for Experimentation and User Applications", Journal = "SIGIR Forum", Volume = "22", Number = "3-4", Pages = "2--10", Month = "Spring/Summer", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(HARM88b, Author = "Harman, D.", Year = "1988", Title = "Towards Interactive Query Expansion", Booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM SIGIR Conference", Location = "Grenoble", Pages = "321--331") @inproceedings(HARM87, Author = "Harman, D.", Year = "1987", Title = "A Failure Analysis of the Limitations of Suffixing in an Online Environment", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International ACMSIGIR Conference", Location = "New Orleans", Month = "June", Pages = "102-107") @inproceedings(HARM86, Author = "D. Williamson Harman", Title = "An experimental study of factors important in document ranking", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @incollection(HARM92, Author = "D. Harman and E. A. Fox and R. Baeza-Yates and W. C. Lee", Title = "Inverted Files", Booktitle = "Information Retrieval: Data Structures \& Algorithms", Editor = "W. Frakes and R. Baeza-Yates", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Engelwood Cliffs, NJ", Pages = "28--43", Year = 1992) @article(HARN90, Author = "Stevan Harnad", Title = "Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication Continuum of Scientific Inquiry", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "342--344", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @article(HARN91, Author = "Kevin Harney and Mike Keith and Gary Lavelle and Lawrence D. Ryan and Daniel J. Stark", Title = "The {i750} Video Processor: A Total Multimedia Solution", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "64--78", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article {HARP86, Author = "D. J. Harper and J. Dunnion and M. Sherwood-Smith and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Title = "Minstrel-{ODM}: A Basic Office Data Model", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Year = "1986", Pages = "83--117"} @inproceedings(HARR87, Author = "Henry Harr and Martha Evens and James Sprowl", Title = "Interpreting ABF -- A Language for Document Construction", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Symposium", Pages = "205--213", Year = 1987) @article(HART91, Author="Paul Hart and Deborah Estrin", Title="Inter=Organization Networks, Computer Integration, and Shifts in Interdependence", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=9, Number=4, Pages="370-398", Month=oct, Year=1991) @article(HART85, Author = "S. P. Harter and A. R. Peters", Title = "Heuristics for online information retrieval: a typology and preliminary listing", Journal = "Online Review", Volume = 9, Issue = 5, Pages = "407--424", Year = 1985) @book(HARTE86, Author = "Stephen P. Harter", Title = "Online Information Retrieval: Concepts, Principles and Techniques", Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc.", Address = "Orlando, FL", Year = 1986) @book(HARTI75, Author = "J. A. Hartigan", Title = "Clustering Algorithms", Publisher = "John Wiley and Sons", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1975) @techreport(HARTS86a, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="UIMS: Toward the Next Generation", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-41", Year=1986) @techreport(HARTS86b, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="Human-Computer Interface Development: Concepts and Systems for Its Management", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-7", Year=1986) @techreport(HARTS87a, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Eric C. Smith", Title="Rapid Prototyping", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-26", Year=1987) @techreport(HARTS87b, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix and Thomas M. Kraly", Title="Developing Human-Computer Interface Models and Representation Techniques", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-22", Year=1987) @techreport(HARTS87c, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="Building Bridges and Interfaces: Toward the Next Generation of UIMS", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-3", Year=1987) @techreport(HARTS88a, Author="H. Rex Hartson", Title="User-System Interfaces: An Important Element of Information Systems Strategies", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-18", Year=1988) @techreport(HARTS88b, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="Toward Empirically Derived Methodologies and Tools for Human-Computer Interface Development", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-12", Year=1988) @techreport(HARTS88c, Author="H. Rex Hartson", Title="Control and Communication in User Interface Management", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-3", Year=1988) @article(HARTS89a, Author = "H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title = "Toward Empirically Derived Methodologies and Tools for Human-Computer Interface Development", Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies", Volume = "31", Pages = "477--494", Year = "1989") @article(HARTS89b, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix", Title="Human-Computer Interface Development: Concepts and Systems", Journal=acmcs, Volume=21, Number=1, Pages="5-92", Month=mar, Year=1989) @techreport(HARTS89, Author="H. Rex Hartson and Eric C. Smith", Title="Rapid Prototyping in Human-Computer Interface Development", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-42", Month=oct, Year=1989) @article(HARTS90a, Author = "H. Rex Hartson and Deborah Hix and Thomas M. Kraly", Title = "A University/Industry Liaison: Developing Human-Computer Interface Models and Representation Techniques", Journal = "Journal of Software: Practice and Experience", Pages = "425--457", Year = "1990") @article(HARTS90b, Author = "H. Rex Hartson and Antonio C. Siochi and Deborah Hix", Title = "The {UAN}: A User-Oriented Representation for Direct Manipulation Interface Designs", Journal = acmtois, Volume = "8", Year = "1990") @techreport(HARTS90c, Author="H. Rex Hartson, and Raymond T. West, Jr.", Title="Implementation of B-Trees Using Dynamic Address Computation", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-37", Year=1990) @techreport(HARTS90d, Author="H. Rex Hartson, Antonio C. Siochi, and Deborah Hix", Title="The UAN: A User-Oriented Representation for Direct Manipulation Interface Designs", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-16", Year=1990) @article(HARTS91a, Author = "H. Rex Hartson and Eric Smith", Title = "Rapid Prototyping in Human-Computer Interface Development", Journal = "Interacting with Computers", Volume = "3", Pages = "51--91", Year = "1991") @techreport(HARTS91b, Author = "H. Rex Hartson and Philip D. Gray", Title = "Temporal Aspects of Tasks in the User Action Notation", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = may, Year = 1991) @techreport(HARTS91c, Author = "H. Rex Hartson", Title = "An Agenda for Human-Computer Interaction Research: User Interface Development Processes and Methodologies", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Year = 1991) @inproceedings{HASK88, Author = "Barry Haskell", Title = "International Standards Activities in Image Data Compression", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "439--450", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @inproceedings(HASK80, Author = "R. Haskin", Title = "Hardware for Searching Very Large Text Databases", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Procedures", Publisher = "ACM", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "49--56", Month = mar, Year = 1980) @incollection(HAUK87, Author = "Richard Haukom and Eric Malone", Title = "A Survey of Level {III} Videodisc Delivery Systems", Chapter = "5", Pages = "93--116", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(HAUS86, Author = "Susan E. Hauser and Michael A. Crocker and Thomas R. Harris", Title = "An Investigation of Broadband Ethernet for Image Transmission", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Local Computer Networks", Address = "Minneapolis, MN", Pages = "56--62", Year = 1986) @techreport(HAWL88, Author = "Michael Hawley", Title = "Indexing Movies", Institution = "MIT Media Lab", Year = "1988", Note = "date is uncertain but after Dec. 1987") @techreport(HAYEB84, Author = "B. Hayes-Roth", Title = "BB1: An Architecture for Blackboard Systems that Control, Explain, and Learn About their own Behavior", Number = "STAN-CS-84-1034", Institution = "Stanford University Department of Computer Science", Month = dec, Year = 1984) @article(HAYEB85, Author = "Barbara Hayes-Roth", Title = "A Blackboard Architecture for Control", Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Volume = "26", Pages = "251--321", Year = 1985) @book(HAYEF83, Editor = "F. Hayes-Roth and D. A. Waterman and D. B. Lenat", Title = "Building Expert Systems", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1983) @article(HAYEF85, Author = "F. Hayes-Roth", Title = "Rule-Based Systems", Journal = cacm, Volume = "28", Number = "9", Pages = "921--932", Month = sep, Year = 1985) @incollection(HAYEF86, Author = "Frederick Hayes-Roth and Philip Klahr and David J. Mostow", Title = "Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Acquisition, and Knowledge Refinement", Booktitle = "Expert Systems: Techniques, Tools and Applications", Editor = "Philip Klahr and Donald A. Waterman", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Pages = "310--349", Year = 1986) @article(HAYEM86, author="Manny Hayes", title="Accessing Bit Fields in Fortran-77", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=10, pages="991-995", month=oct, year=1986) @techreport(HAYEP76, Author = "Phillip J. Hayes", Title = "A Process to Implement Some Word-Sense Disambiguations", Institution = "University of Rochester Computer Science Department", Number = "TR6", Month = mar, Year = 1976) @article(HAYEP81, Author = "P. Hayes and G. V. Mouradian", Title = "Flexible Parsing", Journal = "American Journal of Computer Linguistics", Volume = "7", Number = "4", Pages = "232--242", Year = 1981) @inproceedings(HAYEP85, Author = "P. J. Hayes and P. M. Andersen and S. Safier", Title = "Semantic Caseframe Parsing and Syntactic Generality", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics", Pages = "153--160", Year = 1985) @book(HAYN89, Author = "George R. Haynes", Title = "Opening Minds: The Evolution of Videodiscs and Interactive Learning", Publisher = "The Videodisc Monitor", Address = "The Videodisc Monitor, PO Box 26, Falls Church, VA", Note = "0-8403-5191-7", Year = "1989") @techreport(HE89, Author="Xudong He and J.A.N. Lee", Title="A Comparison of Formal Definitions of Ada Tasking", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-4", Month="Mar. 20", Year=1989) @book(HEAP78, Author = "H. S. Heaps", Title = "Information Retrieval, Computational and Theoretical Aspects", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1978) @techreport(HEAT90a, Author="Lenwood S. Heath and Sriram Pemmaraju", Title="New Results for the Minimum Weight Triangulation Problem", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-65", Month="Dec. 31,", Year=1990) @techreport(HEAT90b, Author=":Lenwood S. Heath, Praveen K. Paripati and John W. Roach", Title="Representing Polyhedra: Faces are better than Vertices", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-64", Month="Dec. 31,", Year=1990) @article(HEAT90c, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath and David S. Greenberg and Arnold L. Rosenberg", Title = "Optimal embeddings of butterfly-like graphs in the hypercube", Journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", Volume = "23", Pages = "61--77", Year = 1990) @article(HEAT90d, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Covering a set with arithmetic progressions is {NP}-complete", Journal = "Information Processing Letters", Volume = "34", Pages = "293--298", Year = 1990) @misc(HEAT90e, Author = "L. S. Heath and J. P. Vergara", Title = "The complexity of edge-packing graphs", Note = "in preparation", Year = "1990") @techreport(HEAT90f, Author="Lenwood Heath and Sorin Istrail", Title="The Pagenumber of Genus g Graphs is O(g)", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-21", Year=1990) @techreport(HEAT91, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Edge Coloring Planar Graphs With Two Outerplanar Subgraphs", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Dec. 30", Year = 1991) @techreport(HEAT89a, Author="Lenwood Heath", Title="Covering a Set with Arithmetic Progressions is NP-Complete", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-25", Year=1989) @techreport(HEAT89b, Author="Lenwood S. Heath and Arnold L. Rosenberg", Title="Graph Layout Using Queues", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-**?", Month="Dec. 21,", Year=1989) @article(HEAT88, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath and Arnold L. Rosenberg and Bruce T. Smith", Title = "The physical mapping problem for parallel architectures", Journal = jacm, Volume = "35", Pages = "603--634", Year = 1988) @article(HEAT87, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Embedding outerplanar graphs in small books", Journal = "SIAM J. on Algebraic and Discrete Methods", Volume = "8", Pages = "198--218", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(HEAT90d, Author = "L. S. Heath and P.K. Paripati and J. W. Roach", Title = "Polyhedra: faces are better than vertices", Booktitle = "Second Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(HEAT87b, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath and Sorin Istrail", Title = "The pagenumber of genus g graphs is {O}(g)", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing", Pages = "3880--397", Year = 1987) @phdthesis(HEAT85, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Algorithms for Embedding Graphs in Books", Year = 1985, School = "Univ. of North Caroline Chapel Hill") @inproceedings(HEAT84, Author = "Lenwood S. Heath", Title = "Embedding planar graphs in seven pages", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Pages = "74--83", Year = 1984) @incollection(HEFL90, Author = "William E. Hefley", Title = "Architecture for Adaptable Human-Machine Interfaces", Booktitle = "Ergonomics of Hybrid Automated Systems II", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.", Pages = "575--585", Year = "1990") @inproceedings(HEFL91, Author = "William E. Heffley", Title = "Active Participation in Learning Complex Systems", Booktitle = "CHI '91 Workshop on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction in Complex Systems", Address = "New York", Pages = "67--79", Year = 1991) @article(HEHN84, Author="Eric c.r. Hehner", Title="Corrigendum: Predicative Programming", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="593", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(HEID90, Author="Philip Heidelberger, guest editor", Title="Introduction: Discrete Event Simulation", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=10, Pages="28-29", Month=oct, Year=1990) @book(HELA88, Editor = "M. Helander", Title = "Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction", Publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishing Co.", Address = "New York, New York", Year = 1988) @article(HELGXX, Author = "Linda W. Helgerson", Title = "{CD-ROM} Search and Retrieval Software: The Requirements and Realities", Journal = "Library Hi Tech", Volume = "Issue 14", Pages = "69-77", Year = "XX") @booklet(HELG86, Author = "Linda W. Helgerson", Title = "CD Data Report", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @incollection(HELG88, Author = "Linda W. Helgerson", Title = "The CD ROM Industry: Past, Present and Future", Pages = "3--16", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @inproceedings(HELM85, Author = "A. R. Helm and Kimbal Marriott and Catherine Lassez", Title = "Prolog for Expert Systems: An Evaluation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Pages = "284--293", Month = oct, Year = "85") @book(HEND85, Author = "Tony Hendley", Title = "Videodiscs, Compact Discs and Digital Optical Disks", Publisher = "Cimtech", Address = "The Hatfield Polytechnic, P.O. Box 109 College Lane, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 9AB", Note = "ISBN 0-85267-245-4", Month = feb, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(HEND86, Author = "Gerry Henderson and Rachael K. Anderson and Robert I. Levy", Title = "{IAIMS} at {C}olumbia: Development of a strategic plan and model project", Booktitle = "Bulletin of the Medical Library Association", Volume = "74", Pages = "243--248", Year = 1986) @book(HEND87, Author = "Tony Hendley", Title = "{CD-ROM} and Optical Publishing Systems", Publisher = "Meckler Publishing Corporation", Address = "Westport, CT", Note = "ISBN 0-88736-192-7", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(HENN91, Author="Scott Heningen", Title="Retrieving Software Objects in an Example-Based Programming Environment", Page="251--260", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @techreport(HENR86, Author="Sallie Henry", Title="Do You Recognize This Well-Known Algorithm?", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-38", Year=1986) @techreport(HENR87a, Author="Sallie Henry and Calvin Selig", Title="Design Metrics Which Predict Source Code Quality", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-32", Year=1987) @techreport(HENR87b, Author="Sallie Henry and Calvin Selig", Title="A Metric Tool for Predicting Source Code Quality from a PDL Design", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-23", Year=1987) @techreport(HENR88a, Author="Sallie Henry and Matthew Humphrey", Title="Comparison of an Object-Oriented Programming Language to a Procedural Programming Language for Effectiveness in Program Maintenance", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-49", Year=1988) @techreport(HENR88b, Author="Sallie Henry and Steve Wake", Title="Predicting Maintainability with Software Quality Metrics", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-46", Year=1988) @techreport(HENR88c, Author="S. Henry and D. Kafura and K. Mayo and A. Yerneni and S. Wake", Title="A Reliability Model Incorporating Software Quality Factors", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-45", Year=1988) @techreport(HENR88d, Author="Sallie Henry and Roger Goff", Title="Comparison of a Graphical and a Textual Design Language Using Software Quality Metrics", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-20", Year=1988) @techreport(HENR89, Author="Sallie Henry and John Lewis", Title="Integrating Metrics into a Large-Scale Software Development Environment", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-1", Year=1989) @techreport(HENR90a, Author="Sallie Henry, Matthew Humphrey, and John Lewis", Title="Evaluation of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-32", Year=1990) @techreport(HENR90b, Author="Sallie M. Henry and Matthew Humphrey", Title="A Controlled Experiment to Evaluate Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-39", Year=1990) @techreport(HENR90c, Author="Sallie Henry", Title="A Project Oriented Course on Software Engineering", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-23", Year=1990) @incollection(HENS86, Author = "Martin Hensel", Title = "Data Publishing on Optical Discs", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "487--494", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(HERM86, Author = "David Herman and John Josephson and Ron Hartung", Title = "Use of DSPL for the Design of a Mission Planning Assistant", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Address = "McLean, VA", Month = oct, Pages = "273--278", Year = 1986) @article(HERS87, Author = "William Hershey", Title = "Guide", Journal = "Byte", Month = oct, Pages = "244--245", Note = "ISSN 0001-0782", Year = 1987) @article(HERT87, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "The Silver Disk", Journal = "Database", Pages = "137--142", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @book(HERT88, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "The Laserdisk Professional", Publisher = "Pemberton Press, Inc.", Address = "Minneapolis, MN", Year = 1988) @article(HERT90a, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "{MultiMedia} {S}olutions from {IBM}: An Interview with {IBM}'s {P}eter {B}lakeney", Journal = "CD-ROM Professional", Pages = "13--18", Month = jul, volume = 3, number = 4, Year = 1990) @article(HERT90b, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "{SONY}'s Multimedia Vision: An Interview with {SONY}'s {T}akashi {S}ugiyama", Journal = "CD-ROM Professional", Pages = "15--19", volume = 3, number = 5, Month = sep, Year = 1990) @article(HERT91a, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "A {CD-I} sampler", Journal = "CD-ROM Professional", Volume = "4", Number = "5", Month = sep, Pages = "33", Year = 1991) @article(HERT91b, Author = "Nancy K. Herther", Title = "Interactive multimedia at Philips: {CP} interviews Philips' Bert Gall about {CD-ROM}, {CD-ROM} {XA}, {CD-I}, and their future", Journal = "CD-ROM Professional", Volume = "4", Number = "5", Month = sep, Pages = "33", Year = 1991) @article(HEVN85, Author="Alan R. Hevner, O. Qi Wu, and S. Bing Yao", Title="Query Optimization on Local Networks", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=3, Number=1, Pages="35-62", Month=jan, Year=1985) @article(HILD85, Author = "Charles R. Hildreth", Title = "Online Public Access Catalogs", Journal = arist, Volume = "20", Pages = "233--286", Year = 1985) @article(HILD87, Author = "Charles R. Hildreth", Title = "Beyond Boolean: Designing the Next Generation of Online Catalogs", Journal = "Library Trends", Volume = "35", Month = "Spring", Pages = "647--667", Year = 1987) @book(HILD89, Author = "Charles R. Hildreth", Title = "Intelligent Interfaces and Retrieval Methods", Publisher = "Library of Congress", Address = "Washington, D.C.", Year = 1989) @book{HILL68, author={Hill, L.A.}, title={Prepositions and Adverbial Particles}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, address={London}, year=1968 } @article(HILL90, author="Mark D. Hill and James R. Larus", title="Cache Considerations for Multiprocessor Programmers", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=8, pages="97-102", month=aug, year=1990) @article(HILL92, Author="Will Hill and David Wroblewski and Tim McCandless and Rich Cohen", Title="Architectural Qualities and Principles for Multimodal and Multimedia Interfaces", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "17", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "311--318", Year=1992) @article(HILL86, author="W. Daniel Hillis and Guy L. Steele, Jr.", title="Data Parallel Algorithms", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=12, pages="1170-1183", month=dec, year=1986) @techreport(HILL85, Author = "Bruce K. Hillyer", Title = "A Knowledge-Based Expert Systems Primer and Catalog", Number = "CUCS-195-85", Institution = "Columbia University Department of Computer Science", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @article(HINX84, Author="Anthony I. Hinxman", Title="Updating a Database in an Unsafe Environment", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="564-566", Month=jun, Year=1984) @inproceedings(HIRS84, Author = "Graeme Hirst", Title = "A Semantic Process for Syntactic Disambiguation", Booktitle = "Proceedings of AAAI-84", Pages = "148--152", Year = 1984) @techreport(HITE88, Author="Lee Ann Hite and David P. Miller", Title="Designing a Testing Strategy for Expert Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-41", Year=1988) @techreport(HIX88, Author="Deborah Hix and Kay Tan", Title="An Evaluation Procedure for Human-Computer Interface Development Tools", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-44", Year=1988) @techreport(HIX89a, Author="Deborah Hix", Title="A Procedure for Evaluating Human-Computer Interface Development Tools", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-29", Month="nov", Year=1989) @article(HIX89b, Author = "Deborah Hix", Title = "Developing and Evaluating an Interactive System for Producing Human-Computer Interfaces", Journal = "Journal of Behaviour and Information Technology", Pages = "285-300", Year = 1989) @techreport(HIX89c, Author="Deborah Hix, Kay C. Tan, and Robert S. Schulman", Title="Development and Testing of an Evaluation Procedure for User Interface Management Systems (UIMS)", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-28", Month="oct", Year=1989) @techreport(HIX90, Author="Deborah Hix", Title="A Procedure for Evaluating Human-Computer Interface Development Tools", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-25", Year=1990) @article(HIX91, Author = "Deborah Hix and Robert S. Schulman", Title = "Human-Computer Interface Development Tools: A Methodology for Their Evaluation", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "3", Pages = "74--87", Month = mar, Year = 1991) @article(HLAV87a, Author = "Marjorie M.K. Hlava and Susan P. Reinke", Title = "{CD-ROM}: How the Users React", Journal = basis, Volume = "14", Number = "1", Pages = "23--24", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(HLAV87b, Author = "Marjorie M.K. Hlava", Title = "{CD-ROM} vs. Online: Can Both Exist?", Journal = basis, Volume = "14", Number = "1", Pages = "14", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(HOAD90, Author="Ellen Hoadley", Title="Investigating the Effects of Color", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=2, Pages="120-125", Month=feb, Year=1990) @article(HOAG90, author = "A.S. Hoagland", journal = "{UNIX} Review", title = "Storage [r]evolution", pages = "48--53", volume = 8, number = 10, month = oct, year = 1990) @article(HODG89, author = "Matthew E. Hodges and Russell M. Sasnett and Mark S. Ackerman", title = "A construction set for multimedia applications", journal = "{IEEE} {S}oftware", pages = "37--43", month = jan, year = 1989) @article(HOFF91, Author = "Eric M. Hoffert and Greg Gretsch", Title = "The Digital News System at {EDUCOM}: A convergence of Interactive Computing, Newspapers, Television and High-Speed Networks", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "113--116", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(HOFF93, Author = "Melia M. Hoffman and Lawrence O'Gorman and Guy A. Story and James Q. Arnold and Nina H. Macdonald", Title = "The {RightPages} Service: An Image-Based Electronic Library", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "446--452", Year = 1993) @article(HOFS92, Author="Fred Hofstetter", Title="Institutional Support for Improving Instruction with Multimedia", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="27--30", Month="January/February", Year=1992) @incollection(HOLD87, Author = "Steve Holder and Rod Daynes", Title = "Interactive Design Strategies", Chapter = "3", Pages = "29--68", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @inproceedings(HOLL85a, Author = "L. A. Hollaar", Title = "A Testbed for Information Retrieval Research: The Utah Retrieval System Architecture", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on R \& D in Information Retrieval", Pages = "227--232", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(HOLL85b, Author = "Lee A. Hollaar", Title = "The Utah Search Engine", Booktitle = "ASIS Proceedings", Pages = "369", Year = 1985) @article(HOLL87, Author = "Carson Holloway", Title = "Books in Print and Ulrich's on CDROM: A Preliminary Review", Journal = "Online", Month = sep, Year = 1987, Pages = "57--61") @incollection(HOLL91, Author = "James Hollan and others", Title = "An Introduction to {HITS}: Human Interface Tool Suite", Chapter = "14", Pages = "293--337", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @inproceedings(HOLT90, Author="B. Holtkamp and V.Y. Lum and N.C. Rowe", Title="DEMOM -- A Description Based Media Object Data Model", Conference="IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference", Place="Chicago, Ill.", Month=oct, Year=1990) @incollection(HOND87, Author = "David Hon", Title = "Parameters for the Design of Interactive Programs", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Chapter = "2", Pages = "15--28", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @article(HOPP90, Author = "Andy Hopper", Title = "Pandora -- an experimental system for multimedia applications", journal = "ACM Operating Systems Review", Volume = 24, Number = 2, Month = apr, Pages = "19--34", Year = 1990) @inproceedings(HORA84, Author = "W. Horak and G. Kronert", Title = "An Object-Oriented Office Document Architecture Model for Processing and Interchange of Documents", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd ACM-SIGOA Conference on Office Information Systems", Pages = "152--160", Month = jun, Year = 1984) @article(HORO83, Author = "Gary L. Horowitz and Jerome D. Jackson and Howard L. Bleich", Title = "PaperChase: Self-service Bibliographic Retrieval", Journal = "JAMA", Volume = "250", Number = "18", Pages = "2494--2499", Month = nov, Year = 1983) @book(HORN74, Editor = "A. S. Hornby", Title = "{O}xford {A}dvanced {D}ictionary of {C}urrent {E}nglish", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Address = "Oxford", Year = 1974) @book(HOUS64, Author = "Householder, F.W. and D. Alexander and P.H. Matthews", Year = "1964", Title = "Adjectives before That-Clauses in English", Publisher = "Indiana Linguistics Club", Institution = "Indiana University", Address = "Bloomington, Indiana") @book(HOUS65, Author = "Householder, Fred and Wolfgang Wolck and P.H. Matthews and Jerome Tone and James Wilson", Year = "1965", Title = "Preliminary Classification of Adverbs in English", Publisher = "Indiana Linguistics Club", Institution = "Indiana University", Address = "Bloomington, Indiana") @article(HOUS85, Author="E.N. Houstis and W.F. Mitchell and J.R. Rice", Title="Collocation Software for Second-Order Elliptical Partial Differential Equations", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=11, Number=4, Page="379--412", Month=dec, Year=1985) @article(HOWA86, Author="Geoffrey S. Howard and Robert D. Smith", Title="Computer Anxiety in Management: Myth or Reality?", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="611-615", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(HUAN88, author="Bing-Chao Huang and Michael A. Langston", title="Practical In-Place Merging", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="348-352", month=mar, year=1988) @article(HUDS90, Title="Interactive Specification of Flexible User Interface Displays", Author="Scott E. Hudson and Shamim P. Mohamed", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="269-288", Month=jul, Year=1990) @article(HULL85, Author = "T.E. Hull and A. Abrham", Title = "Properly Rounded Variable Precision Square Root", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 11, Number = 3, Pages = "229--237", Year = 1985) @article(HULL86a, Author="T.E. Hull and A. Abrham", Title="Variable Precision Exponential Function", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Page="79--91", Month=jun, Year=1986) @techreport(HULL86b, Author = "Richard G. Hull", Title = "A New Design for SNIP the SNePS Inference Package. SNeRG", Number = "86-10", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Buffalo", Year = 1986) @article(HULL87, Author="Richard Hull and Roger King", Title="Semantic database Modeling", Journal=acmcs, Volume=19, Number=3, Pages="201-260", Month=sep, Year=1987) @inproceedings(HUMP86, Author = "Susan M. Humphrey and Nancy E. Miller", Title = "The {NLM} Indexing Aid Project", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "106--112", Year = 1986) @techreport(HUMP88, Author="Matthew C. Humphrey", Title="Efficient Computation of Voronoi Diagrams", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-7", Year=1988) @inproceedings(HUMP89, Author = "Betsy L. Humphreys and Donald A. B. Lindberg", Title = "Building the {U}nified {M}edical {L}anguage {S}ystem", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on computer applications in medical care", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", Editor = "Kingston, L. C.", Pages = "475--480", Year = 1989) @incollection(HUNT86, Author = "Stanley R. Huntting", Title = "Open Wide and Say Dataa", Booktitle = "CD ROM: The New Papyrus", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Washington", Year = 1986) @article(HUNT90, Author = "Earl Hunt", Title = "People, Pitfalls, and the Electronic Archive", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "346--349", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @article(HUTC86a, Author="M.F. Hutchinson", Title="Algorithm 642", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Page="150--153", Month=jun, Year=1986) @book(HUTC86b, Author = "E. Hutchins and J. Hollan and D. Norman", Title = "User-Centered Systems Design", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Year = 1986) @article {HWAN85, Author = "Kai Hwang", Title = "Multiprocessor Supercomputers for Scientific/Engineering Applications", Journal = "Computer", Pages = "57--73", Month = "June", Year = "1985"} @inproceedings(IMAM85, Author = "Nobutake Imamura", Title = "Recent Trends of Magneto-optical Disk Memory", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Optical Disk Storage", Year = 1985) @techreport(IMPA89, Author = "{Impact Group}", Title = "The {J}ean {T}alon Project: User Needs and Current Trends - {V}olume {II}: Literature Review", Institution = "The Impact Group", Month = aug, Year = "1989") @inproceedings(INGR86, Author = "Ingria, Robert", Year = "1986", Title = "Structuring the Lexicon", Note = "Presented as a tutorial session", Booktitle = "24th Annual Meeting of the ACL", Month = "June", Pages = "?") @inproceedings(INGR87, Author = "Ingria, Robert", Year = "1987", Title = "Survey of Verb Complement Types in English", Note = "Presented at the Workshop on the Lexicon", Institution = "Stanford University", Month = "July", Pages = "?") @article(INGW82, Author = "P. Ingwersen", Title = "Search Procedures in the Library -- Analysed from the Cognitive Point of View", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "38", Number = "3", Pages = "165--191", Month = sep, Year = 1982) @inproceedings(INGW86, Author = "P. Ingwersen and I. Wormell", Title = "Improved Subject Access, Browsing and Scanning Mechanisms in Modern On-line {IR}", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Pages = "68--76", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @phdthesis(INGW91, Author = "Peter Ingwersen", Title = "Intermediary Functions in Information Retrieval Interaction", Year = "1991", School = "Copenhagen Business School, Institute of Informatics and Management Accounting") @inproceedings(INGW94, Author = "Peter Ingwersen", Title = "Polyrepresentation of Information Needs and Semantic Entities: Elements of a Cognitive Theory for Information Retrieval Interaction", Pages = "101--110", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @techreport(INTE87a, Author = "{International Electrotechnical Commission}", Title = "Compact Disc Digital Audio System", Institution = "International Electrotechnical Commission", Address = "Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale, 3 rue de Varembe, Genece, Suisse", Year = 1987) @incollection{IRIS88, author={Iris, M.A. and Litowitz, B.E. and Evens, M.W.}, title={Problems of the Part-Whole Relation}, booktitle={Relational Models of the Lexicon}, editor={M.W. Evens}, pages={261-288}, year=1988, address={Cambridge, UK}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, } @book(ISAI85, Author = "Jordan Isailovic", Title = "Videodisc and Optical Memory System", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs", Year = 1985) @book(ISO86a, Author = "ISO", publisher = "International Organization for Standardization", Title = "Information Processing -- Text and Office Systems -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), First Edition", Note = "ISO 8879-1986", Month = oct, Year = 1986) @book(ISO86b, Author = "ISO", publisher = "International Organization for Standardization", Title = "Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri", Note = "ISO 2788-1986", Year = 1986) @book(ISO88, Author = "ISO", publisher = "International Organization for Standardization", Title = "Information Processing -- Volume and File Structure of CDROM for Information Exchange", note = "ISO 9660", Month = dec, Year = 1986) @article(ISAB85, Author = "P. Isabelle and L. Bourbeau", Title = "TAUM-AVIATION: Its Technical Features and Some Experimental Results", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "11", Pages = "18--27", Year = 1985) @article(ISBO87a, Author = "Jean-Pierre Isbouts", Title = "A User-Friendly Guide for Videodisc Producers", Journal = "The Videodisc Monitor", Month = jun, Pages = "16--19", Year = 1987, Note = "Available from the Videodisc Monitor, P.O. Box 26, Falls Church, VA 22046") @inproceedings(ISBO87b, Author = "Jean-Pierre Isbouts", Title = "And Now, the Multi-Media {CD-ROM}: Using Graphics and Audio in Today's Microcomputer Environments", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eikon/Microsoft Conference", Address = "Rome, Italy", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(ISBO87c, Author = "Jean-Pierre Isbouts", Title = "'End of Controversy'?", Journal = "Instruction Delivery Systems", Volume = "1", Number = "4", Pages = "11--15", Month = jul, Year = 1987) @report(ISO87, Author = "International Organization for Standardization", Title = "Information processing -- Volume and file structure of CDROM for information interchange: Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 9660", Publisher = "ISO", Year = 1987) @InProceedings{ISOD86, author={Isoda, M. and Aiso, H. and Kamibayashi, N. and Matsunaga, Y.}, title={Model for Lexical Knowledge Base}, organization={COLING 86}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, month=August, pages={451-453}, year=1986 } @book(IUPP84, Author = "Nicholas V. Iuppa", Title = "A Practical Guide to Interactive Video Design", Publisher = "Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc", Address = "701 We Av, White Plains, NY", Note = "0-86729-041-2", Year = "1984") @book(IUPP88, Author = "Nicholas V. Iuppa and Karl Anderson", Title = "Advanced Interactive Video Design: New Techniques and Applications", Publisher = "Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc", Address = "701 Weschester Av, White Plains, NY", Note = "0-86729-170-2", Year = "1988") @article(JACK80, Author="K.R. Jackson and R. Sacks-Davis", Title="An Alternative Implementation of Variable Step-Size Multistep Formulas for Stiff ODEs", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="295--318", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(JACK87, Author = "Robert F. Jack", Title = "Oh, Say Can You {CD-ROM}", Journal = basis, Volume = "14", Number = "1", Pages = "17--18", Month = oct, Year = 1987) @article(JACO85, Author = "P. Jacobs", Title = "PHRED: A Generator for Natural Language Interfaces", Journal = "Computational Linguistics", Volume = "11", Pages = "219--242", Year = 1985) @article(JACO90, Author="Paul S. Jacobs and Lisa F. Rau", Title="{SCISOR}: Extracting Information from Online News", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=11, Pages="58--74", Month=nov, Year=1990) @article(JACO91, author="Robert J.K. Jacob", Title="The Use of Eye Movements in Human-Computer Interaction Techniques", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=2, Pages="152--169", Month=apr, Year=1991) @article(JAES80, Author = "G. Jaeschke and G. Osterburg", Title = "Technical Correspondence: On Cichelli's minimal perfect hash functions method", Journal = cacm, Volume = "23", Pages = "728--729", Year = 1980) @article(JAES81, Author = "G. Jaeschke", Title = "Reciprocal hashing -- a method for generating minimal perfect hash functions", Journal = cacm, Volume = "24", Pages = "829--833", Year = 1981) @article(JAIN90, author="Sanjay Jain and Karon Barber and David Osterfield", title="Expert Simulation for On-Line Scheduling", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="54--62", month=oct, year=1990) @article(JANS86, Author="Paul Jansen and Peter Weidner", Title="High-Accuracy Arithmetic Software- Some Tests of the ACRiTH Problem-Solving Routines", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Page="62--70", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(JARD71, Author = "N. Jardine and C. J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "The Use of Hierarchic Clustering in Information Retrieval", Journal = "Information Storage and Retrieval", Volume = "7", Number = "5", Pages = "217--240", Month = dec, Year = 1971) @article(JARK84, Author="Matthias Jarke and Jurgen Koch", Title="Query Optimization in Database Systems", Journal=acmcs, Volume=16, Number=2, Pages="111--152", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(JARK92, Author="M. Jarke and J. Mylopoulos and J. W. Schmidt and Y. Vassiliou", Title="DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems", Journal=acmtois, Volume=10, Number=1, Pages="1--50", Month=jan, Year=1992) @inproceedings(JARV91, Author="Kalervo Jarvelin and Timo Niemi", Title="Data Conversion, Aggregation and Deduction for Advanced Retrieval from Heterogeneous Fact Databases", Page="173--182", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @inproceedings(JEFF90, Author = "Kevin Jeffary and F. Donelson Smith", Title = "Designing a Workstation-Based Conferencing System Using the Real-Time Producer/Consumer Paradigm (Extended Abstract)", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @inproceedings(JEFF84, Author = "Stanley Jefferson and David Plaisted", Title = "Implementation of an Improved Relevance Criterion", Booktitle = "Proceedings AAAI-84", Pages = "476--482", Year = 1984) @article(JENN84, Author = "M. Jennings", Title = "The Electronic Manuscript Project", Journal = "Bulletin American Society of Information Science", Volume = "10", Number = "3", Pages = "11--13", Month = feb, Year = 1984) @InProceedings{JENS88 , Author={Jensen, K. and Binot, J.-L.} , title={Dictionary Text Entries as a Source of Knowledge for Syntactic and Other Diambiguations}, organization={Association for Computational Linguistics}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Second Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing}, month=feb, pages={152-159}, year=1988 } @book(JOHN70, Author = "Stuart R. Johnson and Rita B. Johnson", Title = "Developing Individualized Instructional Material: a self-instructional material in itself", Publisher = "Westover Learning Press", Address = "Palo Alto, CA", Year = 1970) @article(JOHN85, Author = "S. Lennart Johnsson", Title = "Solving Narrow Banded Systems on Ensemble Architectures", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 11, Number = 3, Pages = "271--288", Year = 1985) @book(JOHN87, Author = "Jerome Johnson", Title = "Electronic Learning: From Audiotape to Videodisc", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc", Address = "365 Broadway Hillsdale, NJ", Year = "1987") @book(JONA89, Author = "David H. Jonassen", Title = "Hypertext/Hypermedia", Publisher = "Educational Technology Publications", Address = "720 Palisade Av, Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = "1989") @book(JONE71, Author = "K. Sparck Jones", Title = "Automatic Keyword Classifications", Publisher = "Butterworths", Address = "London, England", Year = 1971) @book(JONE73, Author = "K. Sparck Jones and Martin Kay", Title = "Linguistics and Information Science", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1973) @article(JONE76, Author = "K. Sparck Jones and C. J. Van Rijsbergen", Title = "Information Retrieval Test Collections", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "32", Number = "1", Pages = "59--75", Month = mar, Year = 1976) @article(JONE84, Author = "K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait", Title = "Automatic search term variant generation", Journal = jdoc, Volume = "40", Number = "1", Pages = "50--66", Month = mar, Year = 1984) @article(JONE91, Author = "Karen Sparck Jones", Title = "The role of artificial intelligence in information retrieval", Journal = jasis, Volume = 42, Issue = 8, Month = sep, Pages = "558--565", Year = 1991) @article(JONE92, Author="Loretta L. Jones and Stanley G. Smith", Title="Can Multimedia Instruction Meet Our Expectations?", Journal="Educom Review", Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="39-43", Month="January/February", Year=1992) @article(JONE86, Author="William P. Jones and Susan T. Dumais", Title="The Spatial Metaphor for User Interfaces: Experimental Tests of Reference by Location versus Name", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=4, Number=1, Pages="42-63", Month=jan, Year=1986) @techreport(JOSL86, Author="David E. Joslin and John W. Roach", Title="An Analysis of Conjunctive-Goal Planning", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-34", Year=1986) @article(JOYC90, author="Rick Joyce and Gopal Gupta", title="User Authorization Based on Keystroke Latencies", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="168-176", month=feb, year=1990) @techreport(IRAN89, Author="Kashmira M. Irani et al", Title="Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Homotopy Curve Tracking", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-41", Year=1989) @techreport(IRAN90, Author="Kashmira Irani, et al", Title="Experiments with Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Homotopy Curve Tracking", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-35", Year=1990) @article(IRVI86, author="R.H. Irving, C.A. Higgins, and F.R. Safeyeni", title="Computerized Performance Monitoring Systems", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="794--801", month=aug, year=1986) @article(KACK91, Author="Charles J. Kackmar and John J. Leggett", Title="PROXHY: A Process-Oriented Extensible Hypertext Architecture", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=4, Pages="399--419", Month=oct, Year=1991) @techreport(KAFU87, Author="Dennis Kafura and Sallie Henry and Mark Gintner", Title="The Comparison and Improvement of Effort Estimates from Three Software Cost Models", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-37", Year=1987) @techreport(KAFU88a, Author="Dennis G. Kafura and Keung Hae Lee", Title="Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-53", Year=1988) @techreport(KAFU88b, Author="Dennis Kafura", Title="Concurrent Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems Research", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-47", Year=1988) @techreport(KAFU88c, Author="Dennis Kafura and James Canning", Title="Using Group and Subsystem Level Analysis to Validate Software Metrics on Commercial Software Systems", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-13", Year=1988) @techreport(KAFU89, Author="Dennis Kafura and Keung Hae Lee", Title="{ACT++}: Building a Concurrent{C++} with Actors", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-18", Year=1989) @techreport(KAFU90, Author="Dennis Kafura, Doug Washbaugh and Jeff Nelson", Title="Garbage Collection of Actors", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-9", Year=1990) @techreport(KAFU91a, Author = "Dennis Kafura and Marc Abrams", Title = "Adapting Protocols to Massively Interconnected Systems", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Year = 1991) @techreport(KAFU91b, Author = "Dennis Kafura and Marc Abrams", Title = "Adapting Protocols to Massively Interconnected Systems", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Sep. 9,", Year = 1991) @article(KAGS80, Author="Bo Kagstrom and Axel Ruhe", Title="An Algorithm for Numerical Computation of the Jordan Normal Form of a Complex Matrix", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=6, Number=3, Page="398--419", Month=sep, Year=1980) @article(KAHL91, Author = "Brewster Kahle", Title = "An Information System for Corporate Users: Wide Area Information Servers", Journal = "{ONLINE} Magazine", Note = "Also as Thinking Machine technical report TMC-199", Month = aug, Year = 1991) @article(KAHL93, Author = "Brewster Kahle and Harry Morris and Jonathan Goldman and Thomas Erickson and John Curran", Title = "Interfaces for Distributed Systems of Information Servers", Journal = jasis, Volume = 44, Number = "8", Month = sep, Pages = "453--467", Year = 1993) @techreport(KAHN86, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "A Description of {I}socrates: All of {G}reek Literature on a {CD-ROM}", Institution = "IRIS, Brown University", Year = 1986, Note = "Available from author at IRIS, Brown University, Box 1946, Providence, RI 02912") @techreport(KAHN87a, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "Research in Large Data Base Resource Access and Management", Institution = "IRIS, Brown University", Month = apr, Year = 1987, Note = "Available from author at IRIS, Brown University, Box 1946, Providence, RI 02912") @techreport(KAHN87b, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "Isocrates Project Final Report", Institution = "IRIS, Brown University", Number = "IRIS Technical Report 87-2", Year = 1987, Note = "Available from author at IRIS, Brown University, Box 1946, Providence, RI 02912") @incollection(KAHN87c, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "A Description of {I}socrates: All of {G}reek Literature on a {CD-ROM}: An Environment for {C}lassical {G}reek Scholarship Developed at {IRIS} in Collaboration with the {H}arvard {C}lassic {C}omputer {P}roject", Booktitle = "Favonius", Volume = "Supplemental Volume 1", Pages = "27--50", Year = 1987) @techreport(KAHN87d, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "Making a Difference: A Review of the User Interface Features in Six {CD-ROM} Database Products", Institution = "IRIS, Brown University", Month = dec, Year = 1987, Note = "Available from author at IRIS, Brown University, Box 1946, Providence, RI 02912") @inproceedings(KAHN88, Author = "Paul Kahn", Title = "Information retrieval as {H}ypermedia: an outline of {I}nterbrowse", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth National Online Meeting", Location = "New York, NY", Publisher = "Learned Info", Address = "New York, NY", Month = may, Pages = "131--139", Year = 88) @techreport(KAHNR88, Author = "Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf", Title = "The {D}igital {L}ibrary {P}roject. {V}olume 1: The World of Knowbots", Institution = "Corporation for National Research Initiatives", Address = "Reston, VA", Year = 1988) @article(KALL86, Author="Michael Kallay", Title="Plane Curves of Minimal Energy", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Page="219--222", Month=sep, Year=1986) @article(KAME90, author = "Ragui Kamel and Kamyar Emami and Robert Eckert", title = "{PX}: supporting voice in workstations", journal = "{IEEE} {C}omputer", volume = 23, number = 8, pages = "73--80", month = aug, year = 1990) @book(KAND86, Author = "Abraham Kandel", Title = "Fuzzy Mathematical Techniques with Applications", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1986) @article(KANG86, author="Young Moo Kang, Robert B. Miller, and Roger Alan Pick", title="Comments on 'Grosch's Law Re-Revisited'", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="779-781", month=aug, year=1986) @article(KANT82, Author = "Paul B. Kantor", Title = "Evaluation of and Feedback in Information Storage and Retrieval Systems", Journal = arist, Volume = "17", Pages = "99--120", Year = 1982) @inproceedings(KANT86, Author = "Paul B. Kantor", Title = "Information Retrieval Issues in the Design of Expert Systems", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "113--117", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(KANT86b, Author = "P. B. Kantor and J. J. Lee", Title = "The maximum entropy principle in information retrieval", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(KANT89, Author="Eliezer Kantorowitz and Oded Sudarsky", Title="The Adaptable User Interface", Journal=cacm, Volume=32, Number=11, Pages="1352-1358", Month=nov, Year=1989) @article(KAPL90, Author="S. Jerrold Kaplan, Mitchell D. Kapor, Edward J. Belove, Richard A. Landsman, and Todd R. Drake", Title="AGENDA: A Personal information Manager", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=7, Pages="105-116", Month=jul, Year=1990) @article(KAPP93, Author="F. Kappe and H. Maurer and N. Sherbakov", Title="Hyper-{G} -- A Universal Hypermedia System", Journal="Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia", Volume=2, Number=1, Pages="39--66", Year=1993) @article(KARM90, Author="Ahmed Karmouch and Luis Orozco-Barbosa and Nicholas D. Georganos and Morris Goldberg", Title="A Multimedia Medical Communications System", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="325-339", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(KARP90, author="Alan H. Karp and Horace P. Flatt", title="Measuring Parallel Processor Performance", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="539-543", month=jul, year=1990) @incollection(KASS91, Author = "Robert Kass and Tim Finin", Title = "General User Modeling: A Facility to Support Intelligent Interaction", Chapter = "5", Pages = "111--128", Editor = "Joesph W. Sullivan and Sherman W. Tyler", Booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Year = "1991") @inproceedings(KATS90, Author = "Howard P. Katseff and others", Title = "An Overview of the Liaison Network Multimedia Workstation", Booktitle = "First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video", Year = 1990, Month = nov, Organization = "International Computer Science Institute", Address = "1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, California 94704-1105", Note = "Appears as Technical Report number TR-90-062") @article(KATZ, Author="Randy H. Katz", Title="Toward a Unified Framework for Version Modeling in Engineering Databases", Journal=acmcs, Volume=22, Number=4, Pages="375-408", Month=dec, Year=1990) @techreport(KATZ82a, Author = "Katzer, et al., J.", Title = "A Study of the Overlap Among Document Representations", Institution = "Syracuse University School of Information Studies", Year = 1982) @article(KATZ82b, Author = "Katzer, et al., J.", Title = "A Study of the Overlap Among Document Representations", Journal = "Inf. Tech.: Research and Development", Volume = "1", Number = "4", Pages = "261--274", Month = oct, Year = 1982) @inproceedings(KATZ86, Author = "Jeffrey Katzer and Susan Bonzi and Elizabeth Liddy", Title = "The Effects of Anaphoric Resolution on Retrieval Performance: Preliminary Findings", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "118--122", Year = 1986) @article(KAUN84, Author="John Kaunitz and Louis Van Ekert", Title="Audit Trail Compaction for Database Recovery", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="678-683", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(KAUT94, Author="Henry A. Kautz and Bart Selman and Michael Coen", Title = "Bottom-Up Design of Software Agents", Journal = cacm, Volume = "37", Number = "7", Pages = "143--147", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(KAYA77, Author="A. Kay and A. Goldberg", Title="A Personal Dynamic Media", Journal="IEEE Computer", Volume=10, Pages="31--42", Month=mar, Year=1977) @inproceedings(KAYM79, Author = "M. Kay", Title = "Functional Grammar", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society", Pages = "142--158", Year = 1979) @article(KAYM83, Author = "Kay, Martin", Year = "1983", Title = "The Dictionary of the Future and the Future of the Dictionary", Journal = "Linguistica Computazionale", Volume = "3", Pages = "161-174") @inproceedings(KAYM84, Author = "Martin Kay", Title = "The Dictionary Server", Booktitle = "Proceedings COLING 84", Address = "Stanford, CA", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @incollection(KAYM85, Author = "M. Kay", Title = "Parsing in Functional Unification Grammar", Booktitle = "Natural Language Parsing", Editor = "D. R. Dowty and L. Karttunen and A. M. Zwicky", Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "New York, NY", Pages = "251--278", Year = 1985) @article(KEAR86, author="Joseph K. Kearney, Robert L. Sedlmeyer, William B. Thompson, Michael A. Gray, and Michael A. Adler", title="Software Complexity Measurement", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1044-1050", month=nov, year=1986) @article(KELL68, Author = "Fred S. Keller", Title = "Goodbye, Teacher ...", Journal = "J. of Applied Behavioral Analysis", Volume = 1, Number = 1, Pages = "79--89", Month = "Spring", Year = 1968) @book(KELL75, Author = "Kelly, E. F. and Stone, P. J.", Title = "Computer Recognition of English Word Senses", Address = "Amsterdam", Publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Co.", Year = "1975") @techreport(KELL87, Author="Leroy M. Kelley and Katta G. Murty and Layne T. Watson", Title="CP-Rays in Simplicial Cones", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-25", Year=1987) @techreport(KELL88, Author = "Benjamin J. Keller", Title = "Documentation Production and Analysis Under NEXT Generation Technologies: A Summary Report", Institution = "Systems Research Center & Dept of CS VPI&SU", Month = aug, Year = "1988") @techreport(KELL90, Author="Benjamin J. Keller, Richard E. Nance, and James D. Arthur", Title="Development of an AEGIS Maintenance Methodology", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-43", Month="Aug. 1,", Year=1990) @article(KEME87, author="Chris F. Kemerer", title="An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models", journal=cacm, volume=30, number=5, pages="416-429", month=may, year=1987) @incollection(KENT87, Author = "Rick Kent, M.D.", Title = "Level {II} Videodisc: Some Considerations for Programmers", Chapter = "4", Pages = "69--92", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @article(KERL91, Author="Isaac V. Kerlow", Title="Art + Design + Computer Graphics Technology", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=7, Pages="30--39", Month=jul, Year=1991) @article(KERN70, Author = "B. W. Kernighan and S. Lin", Title = "An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs", Journal = "The Bell System Technical Journal", Volume = "49", Number = "2", Month = feb, Pages = "291--307", Year = 1970) @book(KERN78, Author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", Title = "The C Programming Language", Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1978) @book(KERN84, Author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike", Title = "The {UNIX} Programming Environment", Publisher = "Prentice Hall", Address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", Year = 1984) @incollection(KERR86, Author = "Stephen T. Kerr", Title = "Transition from Page to Screen", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "321--344", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @article(KERS90, author = "Ken Kershner and Ben Passarelli", title = "Compact distribution", journal = "{UNIX} Review", pages = "64--69", volume = 8, number = 10, month = oct, year = 1990) @article(KESS63, Author = "M. M. Kessler", Title = "Bibliographic Coupling Between Scientific Papers", Journal = "American Doc.", Volume = "14", Number = "1", Year = 1963) @incollection (KHOS90, Author = "Setrag N. Khoshaflan and George P. Copeland", Title = "Object Identity", Booktitle = "Readings in Object-oriented Database Systems", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.", Editor = "Stanley B. Zdonik and David Maier", Pages = "37--46", Year = 1990) @article(KIER90, author="Ander Kierulf and Ken Chen and Jurg Nievergelt", title="Smart Game Board and Go Explorer", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=2, pages="152--167", month=feb, year=1990) @techreport(KIMU84, Author = "G. D. Kimura", Title = "A Structure Editor and Model for Abstract Document Objects", Number = "84-07-04", Institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", Month = jul, Year = 1984) @article(KIMW84, Author="Won Kim", Title="Highly Available Systems for Database Applications", Journal=acmcs, Volume=16, Number=1, Pages="71--98", Month=mar, Year=1984) @article(KIMW90, Author = "Won Kim and J.F. Garza and N. Boolo and D. Woelk", Title = "Architecture of the {ORION} Next-Generation Database System", Journal = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", Volume = 2, Pages = "109--124", Month = mar, Year = 1990) @article(KIMW91, Author="Won Kim and Nat Ballou and Jorge F. Garza and Darrell Woelk", Title="A Distributed Object-Oriented Database System Supporting Shared and Private Databases", Journal=acmtois, Volume=9, Number=1, Pages="31--51", Month=jan, Year=1991) @article(KINC85, Author="Christine M. Kincaid and Pierre B. DuPont and A. Roger Kaye", Title="Electronic Calenders in the Office", Journal=acmtoois, Volume=3, Number=1, Pages="89--102", Month=jan, Year=1985) @book(KIND87, Author = "Charles Kindelberger", Title = "Interactive Video Directory", Publisher = "Applied Video Technology", Address = "5118 Westminister Place, St. Louis, MI", Note = "ISSN 0743-4537", Year = "1987") @article(KING84, Author="John L. King and Kenneth L. Kraemer", Title="Evolution and Organizational Information Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=5, Pages="466-475", Month=may, Year=1984) @article(KING85, Author="Roger King and Dennis McLeod", Title="A Database Design Methodology and Tool for Information Systems", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=3, Number=1, Pages="2-21", Month=jan, Year=1985) @incollection{KINT72, author={Kintsch, W.}, title={Notes on the Structure of Semantic Memory}, booktitle={Organization of Memory}, editor={E. Tulving and W. Donaldson}, year=1972, address={New York}, publisher={Academic Press}, pages={249-309} } @incollection{KINT77, author={Kintsch, W.}, title={On Comprehending Stories}, booktitle={Cognitive Processes in Comprehension}, editor={M. Just and P.A. Carpenter}, year=1977, address={Hillsdale, NJ}, publisher={Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, } @article(KINT90, Author = "Walter Kintsch", Title = "The Personalized Journal", Journal = "Psychological Science", Volume = "1", Number = "6", Pages = "345", Month = nov, Year = 1990) @misc(KIPP90, Author = "Neill Kipp and Victoria T. Newcomb and Steven R. Newcomb", Title = "{HyTime} Review - Standard for Hypermedia/Time-Based Document Interchange", Institution = "{TechnoTeacher}, Inc", Year = 1990) @book(KLAH86, Editor = "Philip Klahr and Donald A. Waterman", Title = "Expert Systems: Techniques, Tools and Applications", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1986) @inbook(KLAU89, Author="M. Klaus, Y.V. Lum, and C.T. Wu", Title="Image Management in a Multimedia Database Systyem", Publishers="Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)", Pages="497-523", Year=1989) @inproceedings(KLAV87, Author = "Klavans, Judith", Year = "1987", Title = "Extracting Selectional Restrictions from On-Line Dictionaries", Note = "Presented at the Workshop on the Lexicon", Institution = "Stanford University", Location = "Stanford, California", Month = "July", Pages = "?") @article(KLEI85, Author="Leonard Kleinrock", Title="Distributed Systems", Journal=cacm, Volume=28, Number=11, Pages="1200-1213", Month=nov, Year=1985) @inproceedings(KLIN94, Author = "Rob Kling and Margaret Elliott", Title = "Digital Library Design for Usability", Pages = "146--155", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @article(KNAP87, Author="Edgar Knapp", Title="Deadlock Detection in Distributed Databases", Journal=acmcs, Volume=19, Number=4, Pages="303--328", Month=dec, Year=1987) @article(KNIG89, Author="Kevin Knight", Title="Unification: A Multidisciplinary Survey", Journal=acmcs, Volume=21, Number=1, Pages="93-124", Month=mar, Year=1989) @article(KNIG90, Author="Kevin Knight", Title="Connectionist Ideas and Algorithms", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=11, Pages="58-74", Month=nov, Year=1990) @inproceedings(KNOB94, Author = "Craig A. Knoblock and Yigal Arens", Title = "An Architecture for Information Retrieval Agents", Note = "14 pages", Editor = "Zahid Ahmed and Robert Akscyn and Nicholas Belkin and Edward Fox and Scott Stevens", Booktitle = "Position Papers, IEEE CAIA'94 Workshop on Intelligent Access to On-Line Digital Libraries", Address = "San Antonio, TX", Month = "March 1,", Year = 1994) @book(KNUT73, Author = "D. E. Knuth", Title = "The Art of Computer Programming: Sorting and Searching", Volume = "3", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1973) @article(KNUT84, Author="D.E. Knuth", Title="Corrigendum: The Complexity of Songs", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="593", Month=jun, Year=1984) @article(KOCH82, Author = "Thomas R. Kochtanek", Title = "Bibliographic Compilation Using Reference and Citation Links", Journal = ipm, Volume = "18", Number = "1", Pages = "33--39", Year = 1982) @book(KODA91, Author = "Kodak", Title = "A Planning Guide for Developers", Publisher="Eastman Kodak Company", Address="Rochester, NY", Month =may, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(KOEG93, Author="J. F. Koegel and L.W. Rutledge and J.L. Rutledge and C. Keskin", Title="{HyO}ctane: A {HyT}ime Engine for an {MMIS}", Month=aug, Year="1993", Booktitle = acm-mm93, Note= "Anaheim, California, to appear") @misc(KOLL86, Author = "M. Koll and P. Das Gupta", Title = "A Comparison of Fuzzy and Probabilistic Models of Relevance Assessment", Note = "in progress", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(KOLL85, Author = "Matthew B. Koll", Title = "SIRE: Outperforming mainframe retrieval on a micro", Booktitle = "ASIS Proceedings", Pages = "370", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(KOLL84, Author = "M. Koll and T. Noreault and M. McGill", Title = "Enhanced Retrieval Techniques on a Microcomputer", Booktitle = "Proceedings of National Online Meeting", Address = "New York", Month = apr, Year = 1984) @article(KOLO83, Author = "J. L. Kolodner", Title = "Indexing and Retrieval Strategies for Natural Language Fact Retrieval", Journal = "ACM TODS", Volume = "8", Number = "3", Pages = "434-464", Month = sep, Year = 1983) @techreport(KONI86, author = "Aya Konishi", title = "Auto-Cassette: The automatic clipping service for {TV} news", institution = "Mass. Inst. of Tech.", month = jun, year = 1986, type = "B.S. thesis", address = "Dept. of Elect. Eng. and Comp. Sci.") @book(KONI87, author = "Ira Konigsberg", title = "The complete film dictionary", year = 1987, publisher = "New American Library (NAL Books)", city = "New York") @article(KOOP86, author="Raymond F. Koopman", title="The Orders of Equidistribution of Subsequences of Some Asymptoically Random Sequences", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="802-806", month=aug, year=1986) @techreport(KORF84, Author = "Robert R. Korfhage and Charles Hemphill", Title = "Retrieval Linguistics", Number = "84-CSE-12", Institution = "Southern Methodist University Department of Computer Science", Address = "Dallas, TX", Year = 1984) @techreport(KORF85, Author = "Robert R. Korfhage and Sung H. Myaeng", Title = "Dynamic User Profile in Information Retrieval", Number = "85-CSE-4", Institution = "Southern Methodist University Department of Computer Science", Address = "Dallas, TX", Month = feb, Year = 1985) @techreport(KORF86, Author = "Robert R. Korfhage", Title = "Browser: A Concept for Visual Navigation of a Database", Institution = "Southern Methodist University Department of Computer Science", Number = "86-CSE-4", Address = "Dallas, TX", Month = feb, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(KORF91, Author="Robert R. Korfhage", Title="To See or Not to See-- Is That the Query?", Page="133--141", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(KOTT91, Author="Jeffrey E. Kotteman and Michael D. Gordon and Jack W. Scott", Title="A Storage and Access Manager for Ill-Structured Data", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=8, Pages="94--103", Month=aug, Year=1991) @article(KOUB90, Author="Manolis Koubarakis", Title="Telos: Representing Knowledge About Information Systems", Journal=acmtois, Volume=8, Number=4, Pages="325--362", Month=oct, Year=1990) @article(KOUL92, Author="Thomas M. Koulopoulos", Title="Text Retrieval Systems in 1991: The Market, Vendors, Evaluators, and Users", Journal="CD-ROM Professional", Volume=5, Number=3, Pages="56--61", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(KOUS89, Author = "P. M. Koushik and E. A. Fox", Title = "{CD-ROM}: The New Wave in Information Science", Journal = "CS Bits and Bytes", Volume = "1", Number = "3", Pages = "1,4", Month = feb, Publisher = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Year = 1989) @article(KOVA91, Author="Amy Kovarick", Title="Overview: Intel's DVI", Journal="Mind Over Media", Volume=1, Number="8", Pages="3-8", Month="May 1,", Year=1991) @article(KOVA92, Author="Srdjan Kovacevic", Title="A Compositional Model of Human-Computer Dialogues", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Chapter = "21", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages= "373--404", Year=1992) @book(KOWA79, Author = "R. A. Kowalski", Title = "Logic for Problem Solving", Publisher = "Elsevier North-Holland", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1979) @article(KRAM88, Author="Kenneth L. Kraemer and John Leslie king", Title="Computer-Based Systems for Cooperative Work and Group Decision Making", Journal=acmcs, Volume=20, Number=2, Pages="115-146", Month=jun, Year=1988) @book(KRET90, Editor = "Francis Kretz", publisher = "Multimedia and hypermedia information coding expert group (MHEG)", Title = "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG12, MHEG Working Document S, Version 2, Coded Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information", Month = "July", Year = 1990) @article(KRET92, Author="Francis Kretz and Francoise Colaitis", Title="Standardizing Hypermedia Information Objects", Journal="IEEE Comm. Mag.", Pages="60-70", Month=may, Year=1992) @article(KROG86, Author="Fred T. Krogh", Title="Algorithms Policy", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Page="171--174", Month=jun, Year=1986) @book(KROL92, Author = "Ed Krol", Title = "The Whole Internet User's Guide \& Catalog", Publisher = "O'Reilly \& Associates", Address = "Sebastopol, CA", Year = 1992) @article(KRUG92, Author="Anton Kruger", Title="Block Truncation Compression", Journal="Dr. Dobb's Journal", Pages="48-55, 104,106", Month=apr, Year=1992) @book(KUCE67, Author = "Henry Kucera and W. Nelson Francis", Title = "Computational Analysis of Present-Day American {E}nglish", Publisher = "Providence: Brown University Press", Year = 1967) @inproceedings(KUCE85, Author = "Henry Kucera", Title = "Uses of On-Line Lexicons", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the First Conference of the {UW} {C}entre for the {N}ew {O}xford {E}nglish {D}ictionary: Information in Data", Month = nov, Address = "Waterloo, Canada", Pages = "7--10", Year = 1985) @techreport(KUMA86, Author="S. k. Kumar and W.I. Thacker and L.T. Watson", Title="Magnetohydrodynamic Flow and Heat Transfer About a Rotating Disk with Suction and Injection at the Disk Surface", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-22", Year=1986) @techreport(KUMA87a, Author="S.K. Kumar and W.I. Thacker and L.T. Watson", Title="Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Between a Solid Rotating Disk and a Porous Stationary Disk", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-6", Year=1987) @techreport(KUMA87b, Author="S.K. Kumar and W.I. Thacker and L.T. Watson", Title="Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Past a Porous Rotating Disk in a Circular Magnetic Field", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-2", Year=1987) @article(KUMA90, author="Kuldeep Kumar and Niels Bjorn-Anderson", title="A Cross-Cultural Comparison of IS Designer Values", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=7, pages="528-538", month=jul, year=1990) Note="also, 'Post Implementation Evaluation of Computer-Based Information Systems' in Feb 1990 issue" @article(KUNG90, Author="Chenho Kung", Title="Object Subclass Hierarchy in SQL: A Simple Approach", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=7, Pages="117-125", Month=jul, Year=1990) @article(KURO84, Author="James F. Kurose, Mischa Schwartz, Yechiam Yemini", Title="Multiple-Access protocols and Time-Constrained Communication", Journal=acmcs, Volume=16, Number=1, Pages="43-70", Month="March", Year=1984) @article(KUSS84, Author="Richard P. Kusserow", Title="The government Needs computer Matching to Root Out Waste and Fraud", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="542--545", Month=jun, Year=1984) @incollection(KUTT85, Author = "Paul Kuttner", Title = "Optics for Data Storage: Optical Disk Technology", Booktitle = "Laser Beam Scanning: Opto-Mechanical Devices, Systems, and Data Storage Optics", Publisher = "Marcel Dekker, Inc.", Address = "New York, NY", Series = "Optical Engineering", Volume = "8", Editor = "Gerald F. Marshall", Pages = "303-409", Note = "ISBN 0-8247-7418-3", Year = 1985) @inproceedings(KWOK86, Author = "K. L. Kwok", Title = "the Concept of Document Components for Probabilistic Indexing", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Pages = "158--162", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(KWOK86b, Author = "K. L. Kwok", Title = "An interpretation of index term weighting schemes based on document components", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(KWOK90, Author="K.L.Kwok", Title="Experiments with a Component Theory of Probabilistic Information Retrieval Based on Single Terms as Document Components", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=4, Pages="363-386", Month=Oct, Year=1990) @inproceedings(KWOK91, Author="K. L. Kwok", Title="Query Modification and Expansion in a Network with Adaptive Architecture", Page="191--201", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(LAFO91, Author="Christine LaFontaine and Yves Ledru and Pierre-Yves Schobbens", Title="An Experiment in Formal Software Development", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=5, Pages="62-71", Month=may, Year=1991) @article(LAI84, Author="Ten-Hwang Lai and Sartaj Sahni", Title="Anomalies in Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithms", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=6, Pages="594--602", Month=jun, Year=1984) @book(LAMB86, Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Title = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @book {LAMB87a, Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallie", Title = "{CD-I} and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co., Inc", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Year = 1987} @article(LAMB91, Author = "Charles Lamb and Gordon Landis and Jack Orenstein and Dan Weinreb", Title = "The {O}bject{S}tore Database Management System", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "10", Pages = "50--63", Month = oct, Year = "1991") @article {LAME86, Author = "W. Lamersdorf and J. W. Schmidt and G. Muller", TItle = "A Recursive Approach to Office Object Modelling", Journal = ipm, Volume = "22", Number = "2", Pages = "109--120", Year = "1986"} @book {LAMP87, Author = "Christopher Lampton", Title = "{CD-ROMS}", Publisher = "Franklin Watts Publishing Co.", Address = "New York", Year = 1987} @book(LANC72, Author = "F. W. Lancaster", Title = "Vocabulary Control for Information Retrieval", Publisher = "Information Resources Press", Address = "VA ", Year = 1972) @book(LANC78, Author = "F. W. Lancaster", Title = "Toward Paperless Information Systems", Publisher = "Academic Press", Address = "New York, NY", Year = 1978) @article(LAND86, author="Frank G. Landram, James R. Cook, and Marvin Johnston", title="Spreadsheet Calculations of Probabilities from the F, t, x2, and Normal Distribution", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=11, pages="1090-1093", month=nov, year=1986) @article(LANG86, Author="Glen G. Langdon", Title="Self-Assessment Procedure XVI: A Self-Assessment Dealing with Computer Organization and Logic Design", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=11, Pages="1051-1060", Month=nov, Year=1986) @article(LARS91, Author = "Ray Larson", Title = "Classification clustering, probabilistic information retieval, and the online catalog", Journal = "The Library Quarterly", Volume = "61", Pages = "133--173", Month = apr, Year = "1991") @article(LARS88, Author = "P. Larson", Title = "Linear hashing with separators -- a dynamic hashing scheme achieving one-access retrieval", Journal = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", Volume = "13", Pages = "366--388", Year = 1988) @article(LARS88b, Author="Per-Ake Larson", Title="Dynamic Hash Tables", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=4, Pages="446-457", Month=apr, Year=1988) @inproceedings(LARS85, Author = "P. Larson and M. V. Ramakrishna", Title = "External perfect hashing", Booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD 1985 International Conference on Management of Data", Pages = "190--199", Year = 1985) @article(LARS84, Author = "P. Larson and A. Kajla", Title = "File organization: implementation of a method guaranteeing retrieval in one access", Journal = cacm, Volume = "27", Pages = "670--677", Year = 1984) @article(LATH87, Author="Richard H. Lathrop, Teresa A. Webster, and Temple F. Smith", Title="{ARIADNE}: Pattern-Directed Inference and Hierarchial Abstractio\ n in Protein Structure Recognition", Journal=cacm, Volume=30, Number=11, Pages="909-921", Month=nov, Year=1987) @techreport(LATT89, Author="Mark Lattanzi and Clifford A. Shaffer", Title="An Optimal Boundary to Quadtree Conversion Algorithm", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-16", month="May 10", Year=1989) @article(LAUB86, Author="Alan J. Laub", Title="Algorithm 640", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Page="26--33", Month=mar, Year=1986) @book(LAUR90, Author = "B. Laurel", Title = "The Art of Human-Computer Interface Desgin", Publisher = "Addison-Wesley", Address = "Reading, MA", Year = 1990) @incollection(LAUR92, Author = "Brenda Laurel and Tim Oren and Abbe Don", Title = "Issues in Multimedia Interface Design: Media Integration and Interface Agents", Chapter = "3", Editor = "Meera Blattner and Roger Dannenberg", Book="Multimedia Interface Design", Publisher = "ACM Press Books", Address = "ACM Press in NY and Addison-Wesley in Reading MA", Pages="53--64", Year = "1992") @techreport(LAVE88, Author="R. Gregory Lavender", Title="Issues Related to the Explication of Process-Product Relationships in DoD-Std-2167 and DoD-STD-2168", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-36", Month="Mar. 31", Year=1988) @techreport(LAVE90, Author="Greg Lavender and Dennis Kafura", Title="Specifying and Inheriting Concurrent Behavior in an Actor-Based Object-Oriented Language", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-56", Year=1990) @techreport(LAVE91, Author = "R. Greg Lavender and Dennis Kafura", Title = "The Synergy Between Object-Oriented Programming and Open Systems Interconnection", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Nov. 22,", Year = 1991) @incollection(LAVE86, Author = "Tony Lavender", Title = "{CD ROM} Servo Systems", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "91--100", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @article(LAW86, Author="Kincho H. Law and Steven J. Fenves", Title="A Node-Addition Model for Symbolic Factorization", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Page="37--50", Month=mar, Year=1986) @article(LE85, Author = "D. Le", Title = "An Efficient Derivative-Free Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations", Journal = acmtoms, Volume = 11, Number = 3, Pages = "250--262", Year = 1985) @techreport(LEAH90, Author="Michael Leahy and Deborah Hix", Title="Effect of Touch Screen Target Location on User Accuracy", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-48", Year=1990) @article(LEBO83a, Author = "Michael Lebowitz", Title = "Memory-Based Parsing", Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Volume = "21", Pages = "285--326", Year = 1983) @techreport(LEBO83b, Author = "Michael Lebowitz", Title = "RESEARCHER: An Overview", Institution = "Columbia University Department of Computer Science", Number = "CUCS-54-83", Month = may, Year = 1983) @techreport(LEBO84, Author = "Michael Lebowitz", Title = "Using Memory in Text Understanding", Institution = "Columbia University Department of Computer Science", Number = "CUCS-121-84", Month = may, Year = 1984) @article(LEBO88, Author="Michael Lebowitz", Title="The Use of Memory in Text Processing", Journal=cacm, Volume=31, Number=12, Pages="1483-1502", Month=dec, Year=1988) @inproceedings(LECO86, Author = "Koenraad Lecot", Title = "Logic Programs with Uncertainties: Dealing with Multiple Evidence", Booktitle = "Proceedings IEE Expert Systems in Government Conference", Month = oct, Address = "McLean, VA", Pages = "234--242", Year = 1986) @article(LECU90, author="Pierre L'Ecuyer", title="Random Numbers for Simulation", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="85-97", month=oct, year=1990) @article(LEDG86, Author="Henry Ledgard", Title="Introduction", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="593", Month=jul, Year=1986) @techreport(LEEJ86a, Author="J.A.N. Lee", Title="The Changimg Relationships between Computing Centers, Other Campus Units and University Adminstrations", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-18", Year=1986) @techreport(LEEJ86b, Author="J.A.N. Lee and Roz Steier and Gerald Segal", Title="Positive Alternatives to Computer Misuse", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 86-9", Year=1986) @techreport(LEEJ88a, Author="J.A.N. Lee and Xudong He", Title="A Methodology for Test Selection", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-29", Month="Sep. 2", Year=1988) @techreport(LEEJ88b, Author="J.A.N. Lee and Karl Nyberg", Title="Strategies for Introducing Formal Methods into the {ADA} Life Cycle", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-9", Year=1988) @techreport(LEEW88, Author="Whay C. Lee and Edward A. Fox", Title="Experimental Comparison of Schemes for Interpreting Boolean Queries", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 88-27", Year=1988) @techreport(LEE89, Author="Keung Hae Lee and Dennis Kafura", Title="A Fast and Efficient Method Dispatching for Statically Typed Multiple Inheritance Object-Oriented Languages", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 89-40", Year=1989) @article(LEE90a, Author="Jintae Lee and Thomas W. Malone", Title="Partially Shared Views: A Scheme for Communicating among Groups that Use Different Type Hierarchies", Journal="ACM TOOIS", Volume=8, Number=1, Pages="1-26", Month="jan", Year=1990) @techreport(LEE90b, Author="Keung Hae Lee and Dennis Kafura", Title="HANA: A Model of Type and Inheritance for Object-Oriented Programming Languages", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-7", Year=1990) @article(LEEJ87a, Author = "Joel M. Lee", Title = "On the Convention Circuit - The Second Microsoft International Conference on {CD-ROM}", Journal = "Technicalities", Volume = "7", Number = "5", Pages = "14--XX", Month = may, Year = 1987) @techreport(LEEJ87b, Author="J.A.N. Lee and Xudong He", Title="Coverage Analysis Methods for Formal Software Testing", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 87-4", Month="Jan. 7", Year=1987) @techreport(LEE91, Author = "John A.N. Lee", Title = "The Need for Ethics Education in Computer Curriculum", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Month = "Aug. 30", Year = 1991) @techreport(LEEN85a, Author = "N. S. Lee", Title = "P-Shell: A Prolog-Based Knowledge Programming Environment", Institution = "AT\&T Technical Report", Number = "TM 59567-851201-01", Month = dec, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(LEEN85b, Author = "N. S. Lee and J. W. Roach", Title = "GUESS/1: A General-Purpose Expert System Shell", Booktitle = "Proceedings Expert Systems in Government Symposium", Month = oct, Year = 1985) @inproceedings(LEEN86, Author = "Newton S. Lee", Title = "Fuzzy Inference Engines in Prolog/P-Shell", Booktitle = "Proceedings IEEE Expert Systems in Government Conference", Month = oct, Pages = "243--247", Address = "McLean, VA", Year = 1986) @inproceedings(LEET86, Author = "T. C. Lee and D. Chen", Title = "Optotech 5984 Drive Overview", Pages = "116--127", Editor = "Robert P. Freese and Maarten DeHaan and Albert A. Jamberdino", Booktitle = "Optical Mass Data Storage, Proceedings of the SPIE", Publisher = "SPIE -- The International Society for Optical Engineers", Address = "Bellingham, WA", Note = "ISBN 0-89252-730-7", Volume = "2", Year = 1986) @techreport(LEEW88, Author = "Whay Lee and Edward Fox", Title = "Experimental Comparison of Schemes for Interpreting {B}oolean Queries", Number = "TR-88-27", Institution = vpisu, Address = "Blacksburg, VA", Month = sep, Year = 1988) @incollection(LEFF84, Author = "Samuel J. Leffler and Robert S. Fabry and William N. Joy", Title = "A 4.2BSD Interprocess Communication Primer", Booktitle = "ULTRIX-32 Supplementary Documents", Volume = "3", Pages = "3-5--3-28", Year = 1984) @article(LEGA91, Author = "{Le Gall}, Didier J.", Title = "{MPEG}: A Video Compression Standard for Multimedia Applications", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "46--58", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(LEGE91, Author = "Alain Leger and Takao Imachi and Gregory K. Wallace", Title = "{JPEG} still picture compression algorithm", Journal = "Optical Engineering", Month = jul, Year = "1991", Volume = "30", Number = "7", Pages = "947--954") @book(LEHN78, Author = "W. G. Lehnert", Title = "The Process of Questions Answering: A Computer Simulation of Cognition", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Year = 1978) @inproceedings {LEIG88, Author = "Tom Leighton and Satish Rao", Title = "An approximate max-flow min-cut theorem for uniform multicommodity flow problems with applications to approximation algorithms", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Year = "1988", Month = oct, Address = "White Plains, NY", Pages = "422--431"} @article(LELA91, Author = "Jon Leland", Title = "Desktop video: The hidden revolution", Journal = "PC Today", volume = 5, number = 6, Pages = "23--31", Month = jun, Year = 1991) @article(LELE87, Author = "Debra A. Lelewer and Daniel S. Hirschberg", Title = "Data Compression", Journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", Volume = "19", Number = "3", Pages = "261--296", Month = sep, Year = 1987) @inproceedings(LELU91, Author="Alain Lelu", Title="Automatic Generation of Hypertext Links in Information Retrieval Systems", Page="326--335", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @article(LEMA86, Author="Moira LeMay and Eric Hird", Title="Operator Work Load: When is Enough Enough?", Journal=cacm, Volume=29, Number=7, Pages="638-642", Month=jul, Year=1986) @article(LENA86, Author = "Doug Lenat and Mayank Prakash and Mary Shepherd", Title = "CYC: Using Common Sense Knowledge to Overcome Brittleness and Knowledge Acquisition Bottlenecks", Journal = "The AI Magazine", Month = "Winter", Pages = "65--84", Year = 1986) @article(LENA90, Author="Douglas B. Lenat, Ramanthan V. Guha, Karen Pittman, Dexter Pratt and Mary Shepherd", Title="Cyc: Toward Programs With Common Sense", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=8, Pages="30-49", Month=aug, Year=1990) @book(LENK85, Author = "John Lenk", Title = "Complete Guide to Laser/Videodisc Player Troubleshooting and Repair", Publisher = "Prentice-Hall Inc.", Address = "Book Distribution Center, Route 59 at Brook Hill Drive, West Nyack, NY", Year = "1985") @article(LESK85, Author = "M. Lesk", Title = "Report on Information in Data: Using the {O}xford {E}nglish {D}ictionary on a Computer", Journal = "IRList Digest", Volume = "1", Number = "28", Month = dec, Year = 1985) @InProceedings{LESK87, author={Lesk, M.}, title={Automatic Sense Disambiguation Using Machine Readable Dictionaries: How to Tell a Pine Cone from an Ice Cream Cone}, booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference of Research and Development in Information Retrieval}, pages={24-26}, year=1987 } @inproceedings(LESK91, Author = "Michael Lesk", Title = "The {CORE} Electronic Chemistry Library", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval", Address = "Chicago, IL", Month = oct, Pages = "93--112", Year = 1991) @misc(LESK92, Author = "Michael Lesk and Edward A. Fox and Michael J. Mc{G}ill", Title = "A Nationwide Electronic Science, Engineering and Technology Library", Note = "Draft proposal as part of the report of the NSF Invitational Workshop on Future Directions in Text Analysis, Retrieval and Understanding, Oct. 10-11, 1991, Chicago, IL", Year = "1992") @article(LESP86, Author = "Yves Lesperance", Title = "Toward a computational interpretation of situation semantics", Journal = "Comput. Intell.", Volume = "2", Pages = "9--27", Year = 1986) @article(LEUN90, Author="Wu-Hon F. Leung and Thomas J. Baumgartner and Yeou H. Hwang and Mike J. Morgan and Shi-Chuan Tu", Title="A Software Architecture for Workstations supporting Multimedia Conferencing in Packet Switching Networks", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="380-390", Month=apr, Year=1990) @inproceedings {LEVE84a, Author = "Hector J. Levesque", Title = "A Logic of Implicit and Explicit Belief", Booktitle = "Proceedings of AAAI", Year = "1984", Pages = "198--202"} @inproceedings(LEVE84b, Author = "Hector J. Levesque", Title = "A Fundamental Tradeoff in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth CSCSI National Conference ", Month = may, Address = "London, Ontario", Pages = "141--152", Year = 1984) @article(LEVY90, Author="Eliezer Levy and Abraham Silberschatz", Title="Distributed File Systems: Concepts and Examples", Journal=acmcs, Volume=22, Number=4, Pages="321-374", Month=dec, Year=1990) @techreport(LEWI89, Author="John Lewis and Sallie Henry", Title="A Methodology for Integrating Maintainability Using Software Metrics", Institution=vpisu, Number="TR 89-2", Year=1989) @techreport(LEWI90a, Author="John A. Lewis and Sallie Henry", Title="On the Benefits and Difficulties of a Maintainability via Metrics Methodology", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-33", Year=1990) @techreport(LEWI90b, Author="John A. Lewis", Title="Managerial Issues in Developing a Quality Metrics Program", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-50", Year=1990) @techreport(LEWI91a, Author = "John A. Lewis and Sallie M. Henry and Dennis G. Kafura and Robert S. Schulman", Title = "An Empirical Study of the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Software Reuse", Institution ="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 91-6", Year = 1991) @article(LEWI91b, Author="Scott Lewis", Title="Introducing the IMA Recommende Practices for Multimedia Portability", Journal="IMA Compatability Project Proceedings", Volume=1, Number=1, Pages="55-59", Month=sep, Year=1991) @inproceedings(LEWI94, Author = "David D. Lewis and William A. Gale", Title = "A Sequential Algorithm for Training Text Classifiers", Pages = "3--12", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(LI87a, Author = "Ping-Yang Li and Martha Evens", Title = "A Bilingual Text Generation Module for a Decision Support System for Stroke", Journal = "CONFER", Volume = "xx", Number = "xx", Pages = "1--8", Year = 1987) @article(LI87b, Author = "Ping-Yang Li and Martha Evens and Daniel Hier", Title = "Generating Medical Case Reports with the Linguistic String Parser", Journal = "CONFER", Volume = "xx", Number = "xx", Pages = "1--5", Year = 1987) @techreport(LI90a, Author="Wei Li, Charles Cooley, John Lewis, and Sallie Henry", Title="Software Metrics and the Object-Oriented Paradigm", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-55", Year=1990) @techreport(LI90b, Author="Wei Li and Sallie M. Henry", Title="A Lifecycle Which Incorporates Software Metrics", Institution="Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science", Number="TR 90-51", Year=1990) @inproceedings(LI92, Author = "T. Li and V. Chiu and F. Gey", Title = "{X-Window} Interface to SMART, an Advanced Text Retrieval System", Booktitle="SIGIR Forum", Pages = "5--16", Publisher="acm Press", Year = 1992) @incollection(LIBE89, Author = "Mark Liberman", Title = "Text on Tap: the {ACL} {D}ata {C}ollection {I}nitiative", Booktitle = "Speech and Natural Language", Editor = "DARPA", Publisher = "Morgan Kaufman", Address = "San Mateo, CA", Pages = "173--188", Note = "ISBN 1-55860-112-0, Proceedings of DARPA workshop held in October 1989", Year = 1989) @book(LICK65, Author = "J. C. R. Licklider", Title = "Libraries of the Future", Publisher = "The MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, MA", Year = 1965) @inproceedings(LIDD94, Author = "Elizabeth D. Liddy and Michael B. Eisenberg and Charles R. McClure and Kim Mills and Susan Mernit and James D. Luckett", Title = "Research Agenda for the Intelligent Digital Library", Editor = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and Richard K. Furuta and Ted Metcalfe", Pages = "12--20", Booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94: The First Annual Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries", Organization = "Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A\&M Univ.", Address = "College Station, TX", Month = "June 19-21,", Note = "Electronic proceedings at http://atg1.WUSTL.edu/DL94", Year = 1994) @techreport(LIEB86a, Author = "Henry Lieberman", Title = "Communication of Expert Knowledge in Graphic Design", Institution = "MIT Media Lab", Year = "1986", Note = "Date is uncertain but after 1985") @incollection(LIEB90, Author = "Michael Liebhold", Title = "Hypermedia and Visual Literacy", Pages = "99--110", Editor = "Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper", Title = "Learning with Interactive Multimedia", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Note = "ISBN 1-55615-282-5", Year = 1990) @article(LIEB91, Author = "Michael Liebhold and Eric M. Hoffert", Title = "Toward an Open Environment for Digital Video", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "103--112", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(LIEB86, author="Edward Lieblein", title="The Department of Defense Software Initiative", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=8, pages="734-744", month=aug, year=1986) @inproceedings(LIN91, Author="Xia Lin and Dagobert Soergel and Gary Marchionini", Title="A Self-Organizing Semantic Map for Information Retrieval", Page="261--269", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @incollection(LIND90, Author = "Martha J. Lindeman and J. Charles Crabb and John R. Bonneau and Vera Fosnot Wehrli", Title = "Designing a Scholars Electronic Library: The Interaction of Human Factors and Computer Science Tasks", Booktitle = "Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Volume III", Year = 1990) @misc(LIND88, Author = "Martha J. Lindeman and John Bonneau and Kym Pocius", Title = "Developing Full-Text Systems for Scholars: What Do They Want and Need?", Address = "Dublin, OH", Institution = "OCLC", Month = jul, Year = 1988) @inproceedings{LIND88a, Author = "Robert A. Lindsay", Title = "A Recursive Technique for Adaptive Vector Quantization", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop", Pages = "337--349", Publisher = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", Year = 1988} @article(LINE90, Author="Thomas E. Linehan", Title="Digital Image-Digital Cinema", Journal=cacm, Volume=33, Number=7, Pages="30--39", Month=jul, Year=1990) @article(LIOU91, Author = "Ming L. Liou", Title = "Overview of the {px64} {kbit/s} Video Coding Standard", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "59--63", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @inproceedings(LIPP80, author = "Andrew Lippman", Title = "Movie-maps: an application of the optical videodisc to computer graphics", booktitle = "Proc. of 1980 {SIGGRAPH} {C}conference", year = 1980, organization = "SIGGRAPH", publisher = "ACM") @inproceedings(LIPP87, author = "Andrew Lippman and William Bender", Title = "News and movies in the 50 megabit living room", booktitle = "Proc. Globecom 87", year = 1987, month = nov, address = "Tokyo, Japan", organization = "{MIT} {M}edia {L}aboratory", publisher = "{IEEE}") @article(LIPP89, Author = "Andrew Lippman and William Butera", Title = "Coding image sequences for interactive retrieval", Journal = cacm, Volume = "32", Number = "7", Pages = "852--860", Year = 1989) @article(LIPP91, Author = "Andrew Lippman", Title = "Feature Sets for Interactive Images", Journal = cacm, Volume = "34", Number = "4", Pages = "92--102", Month = apr, Year = 1991) @article(LISK88, author="Barbara Liskov", title="Distributed Programming in {Argus}", journal=cacm, volume=31, number=5, pages="300-313", month=mar, year=1988) @article(LITC90, Author = "Brenda C. Litchfield", Title = "Science {Q}uest: A Multimedia Inquiry-Based Videodisc Science Curriculum", Journal = "Instruction Delivery Systems", Pages = "12--17", Month = "May/June", Year = 1990) @article(LITT90a, Author="Thomas D.C. Little and Arif Ghafoor", Title="Synchronization and Storage Models for Multimedia Objects", Journal="IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications", Volume=8, Number=3, Pages="413-427", Month=apr, Year=1990) @article(LITT90b, Author="Thomas D.C. Little and Arif Ghafoor", Title="Network Considerations for Distributed Multimedia Object Composition and Communication", Journal="IEEE Network Magazine", Pages="32-49", Month=nov, Year=1990) @article(LITT91, Author = "Thomas D. C. Little and Arif Ghafoor", Title = "Spatio-Temporal Composition of Distributed Multimedia Objects for Value-Added Networks", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Volume = "24", Number = "10", Pages = "42--50", Month = oct, Year = 1991) @article(LIU86a, Author="Joseph W.H. Liu", Title="A Compact Row Storage Scheme for Cholesky Factors Using Elimination Trees", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=2, Page="127--148", Month=jun, Year=1986) @article(LIU86b, Author="Joseph W.H. Liu", Title="On the Storage Requirement in the Out-of-Core Multifrontal Method for Sparse Factorization", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=3, Page="249--264", Month=sep, Year=1986) @article(LOCK92, Author="Christopher Locke", Title="Making Knowledge Pay", Journal="Byte", Pages="245--252", Month=jun, Year=1992) @article(LOEB92, Author = "Shoshana Loeb", Title = "Delivering Interactive Multimedia Documents Over Networks", Journal = "IEEE Comm. Mag.", Volume = "31", Number = "5", Pages = "52--59", Month = may, Year = 1992) @inproceedings(LOGA86, Author = "E. L. Logan and Nancy N. Woelfl", Title = "Individual Differences in Online Searching Behavior of Novice Searchers", Booktitle = "Proceedings 49th Annual Meeting American Society for Information Science", Month = sep, Address = "Chicago, IL", Volume = "23", Pages = "163--166", Year = 1986) @article{LOGA90, Author = "Elisabeth Logan", TItle = "Cognitive styles and online behavior of novice searchers", Journal = ipm, Volume = 26, Number = 4, Pages = "503--510", Year = "1990"} @inproceedings(LOGA94, Author = "Brian Logan and Steven Reece and Karen Sparck Jones", Title = "Modelling Information Retrieval Agents with Belief Revision", Pages = "91--100", Booktitle = "Proceedings Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on R\&D in Information Retrieval, SIGIR '94", Editor = "W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen", Publisher = "Springer-Verlag", Address = "Dublin, Ireland", Month = jul, Year = 1994) @article(LOHM91, Author="Guy M. Lohman and Bruce Lindsay and Hamid Pirahesh and K. Bernard Schiefer", Title="Extensions to Starburst: Objects, Types, Functions, and Rules", Journal=cacm, Volume=34, Number=10, Pages="94--109", Month=oct, Year=1991) @misc(LORI83, Author = "R. Lorie and W. Plouffe", Title = "Relational Databases for Engineering Data", Institution = "IBM Research Laboratory", Address = "San Jose, CA", Number = "RJ 3847 (43914)", Month = apr, Year = 1983) @article(LOSE88, Author = "Robert M. Losee", Title = "Parameter Estimation for Probabilistic Document-Retrieval Models", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "8--16", Year = 1988) @inproceedings(LOSE86, Author = "R. Losee and A. Bookstein and C. T. Yu", Title = "Two poisson and binary independence assumptions for probabilistic document retrieval", Booktitle = "1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", Editor = "F. Rabitti", Address = "Pisa, Italy", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(LOVI68, Author = "B. J. Lovins", Title = "Development of a Stemming Algorithm", Journal = "Mech. Trans. and Comp. Ling.", Volume = "11", Number = "1-2", Pages = "11--31", Month = "March-June", Year = 1968) @inproceedings(LOWE85, Author = "John B. Lowe and Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg", Title = "Publishing Bibliographic Data on Optical Disks: A Prototypical Application and Its Implication", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers - Third International Conference on Optical Mass Data Storage", Volume = "529", Address = "Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227", Pages = "227--236", Year = 1985) @incollection(LOWE86, Author = "Gerald Lowell", Title = "The Library of Congress on CDROM", Booktitle = "{CD ROM}: The New Papyrus", Pages = "517--526", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Suzanne Ropiequet", Note = "ISBN 0-914845-74-8", Publisher = "Microsoft Press", Address = "Redmond, WA", Year = 1986) @incollection(LOWE87b, Author = "Larry D. Lowe", Title = "{CD-I}: The Medium of the Future", Chapter = "6", Pages = "117--138", Booktitle = "CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology", Editor = "Steve Lambert and Jane Sallis", Publisher = "Howard W. Sams \& Co.", Address = "Indianapolis, IN", Note = "ISBN 0-672-22513-1", Year = 1987) @article(LOY85, Author = "Gareth Loy and Curtis Abbott", Title = "Programming Languages for Computer Music Synthesis, Performance, and Composition", Journal = acmcs, Volume = "17", Number = "2", Pages = "235--265", Month = jun, Year = 1985) @article(LU86, author="H.E. Lu and P.S.P. Wang", title="A Comment on 'A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns'", journal=cacm, volume=29, number=3, pages="239-242", month=mar, year=1986) @article(LUCA84, Author="Henry C. Lucas, Jr.", Title="Organizational Power and the Information Services Department", Journal=cacm, Volume=27, Number=1, Pages="58--65", Month=jan, Year=1984) @article(LUNI88, Author = "Lois F. Lunin and Peter B. Schipma", Title = "{CD-ROM} for Information Storage and Retrieval Introduction and Overview", Journal = jasis, Volume = "39", Number = "1", Pages = "30--33", Month = jan, Year = 1988) @inproceedings(LUO91, Author="Chengjie Luo and Clement Yu", Title="Image Decompression", Page="82-91", Month="Oct. 13-16", Year=1991, Booktitle="SIGIR '91: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval") @incollection(LUTH88, Author = "Arch C. Luther", Title = "Digital Video Interactive", Pages = "187--208", Editor = "Christopher Sherman", Booktitle = "The {CD-ROM} Handbook", Publisher = "McGraw Hill Book Co", Address = "1221 Av of the Americas, NY", Note = " ISBN 0-07-056578-3", Year = "1988") @book(LUTH89, Author = "Arch C. Luther", Year = "1989", Title = "Digital Video in the {PC} Environment", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill, Inc.", Address = "New York") @book(LUTH90, Author = "Arch C. Luther", Year = "1990", Month = "August", Title = "{MEDIAscript} Multimedia Application Design Tools User Manual, {Version} 1.5", Publisher = "Network Technology Corp.", Address = "Springfield, VA") @book(LUTH91, Author = "Arch C. Luther", Year = "1991", Title = "Digital Video in the {PC} Environment, Second Edition", Publisher = "McGraw-Hill, Inc.", Address = "New York") @article(LYNC86a, Author = "Clifford A. Lynch", Title = "Implications of the Electronic Manuscript Project for Libraries, Scholarly Publications, and Universities", Journal = "EPB", Volume = "4", Number = "8", Pages = "22--26", Month = sep, Year = 1986) @article(LYNC86b, Author = "Clifford A. Lynch", Title = "Optical Storage Media, Standards and Technology Life-cycle Management", Journal = "Records Management Quarterly", Pages = "44--54", Month = jan, Year = 1986) @inproceedings(LYNC86c, Author = "Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg", Title = "Conservation, Preservation and Digitization", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACRL Fourth National Conference", Note = "Baltimore, MD, April 9--12, 1986", Year = 1986) @misc(LYNC86d, Author = "Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg", Title = "Electronic Publishing, Electronic Imaging and Document Delivery", Year = 1986) @article(LYNC90, author="Brian D. Lynch, H. Raghav Rao, and Winston T. Lin", title="Economic Analysis of Microcomputer Hardware", journal=cacm, volume=33, number=10, pages="119-133", month=oct, year=1990) @article(LYNE86, Author="James Lyness and Gwendolyn Hines", Title="Algorithm 639", Journal=acmtoms, Volume=12, Number=1, Page="24-25", Month=mar, Year=1986)