Lycos search: multimedia storage architectures
Lycos found 18751 documents matching at least one search term.
Printing only the first 100 of 102 documents with at least scores of 0.200.
Matching words (number of documents): multimedia (11173), multimedia94
(1), multimedia95 (3), multimediaa
(3), multimediaacad (2), multimediaal (3), multimediaan (6), storage
(5125), storageexec (1), storageexpress
(7), storagefigure (1), storagehouse (1), storageinterface (1),
storagelogo (1), storageprecision (1),
storageproducts (1), architectures (2832), architecturesassociate (1),
architecturestaff (7)
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 8384
links: 7
title: mpg
outline: Multimedia Projects Group Channel Integration in Multimedia Network Interfaces ( MNI ) ( OSI-'95 ) Multimedia Applications: User requirements and technological support
keys: multimedia storage architectures
Multimedia Projects Group
Channel Integration in Multimedia Network Interfaces ( MNI )
* Collaborators: BT Labs.
* Sponsor: The Science and Engineering Research Council
* Dates: ? - ?
* Description: The objectives of the project are:
( OSI-'95 )
* Collaborators: ?
* Sponsor: CEC Esprit
* Dates: ? - ?
* Description: The objectives of the project are:
Engineering Support for Continuous Media in ODP
* Collaborators: None
* Sponsor: The Science and Engineering Research Council
* Dates: Apr 93 - Mar 95
The aim of the project is to develop an enhanced engineering model to provide the necessary real-time support for multimedia in an Open Distributed Processing environment (ODP).
The essence of the research is to support real-time guarantees on a system
Content Based Modelling of Distributed Multimedia Information
Engineering Support for Continuous Media in Open Distributed Processing
LANC - Local Area Network on a Chip
MEND - Multimedia Enhancement Network Device
MNI - Channel Integration in Multimedia Network Interfaces
MOST - Mobile Open Systems Technology for the Utilities Industries
Quality of Service Architecture (QOS-A) for Multimedia Communications
Scalable Multimedia Storage Servers
date: 30-Mar-95
bytes: 3624
keys: storage architectures multimedia
This section is from the document '/pub/mailing-lists/mail-archive/rem-conf/rem-conf-1993-12'.
From Wed Dec 08 04:50:00 1993
id ; Wed, 8 Dec 1993 01:49:18 +0000
id AA19534 sendmail 5.67/UCSDPSEUDO.4-CS
via SMTP Tue, 7 Dec 93 23:36:20 -0800 for
for mm-announcement-list@odin; Tue, 7 Dec 93 23:36:15 -0800
Subject: Call For Papers
It is widely recognized that the success of a multimedia computer
system is dependent of the ability to integrate
date: 14-Apr-95
bytes: 1681
keys: architectures multimedia storage
Multimedia Systems
Managing Editor: P. Venkat Rangan University of California at
San Diego, CA
Main Editors: Domenico Ferrari, University of California at
Berkeley and the International Computer Science Institute;
Ralf G. Herrtwich, IBM European Networking Center
Editors: Sid R. Ahuja, AT&T Bell Laboratories; S. Christodoulakis,
Tech Univ
Multimedia Systems
date: 10-Apr-95
bytes: 3803
links: 3
title: P&DT 1995 Editorial Calendar
outline: Spring 1995
keys: architectures storage multimedia
P&DT 1995 Editorial Calendar
IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology
1995 Editorial Calendar
Spring 1995
*A Compile-Time Model for Composing Parallel Programs
*Graphical Design of Distributed Applications through Reusable Components
*Supporting Irregular Distributions in Fortran-90/HPF Compilers
*Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production Parallel Scientific Workload
*Adaptive Routing Strategies for Dynamic Applications in Massively Parallel Architectures
*Experiences with CODE and Hence in Visual Programming for Parallel Computing
*Development, Porting, and Optimization of a Distributed Direct Solver for the Cray T3D
Summer 1995
Multimedia and High-Performance Computing
With network bandwidths approaching a gigabit per second, and with traditionally
1995 Editorial Calendar
Look ahead
date: 29-Nov-94
bytes: 2143
links: 6
title: The Rowena Project at OGI
outline: Rowena Publications
keys: storage architectures multimedia
The Rowena Project at OGI
Rowena is a latency-hiding storage system for multimedia applications. The
project is investigating the operating system and database system support
needed for applications that require guaranteed real-time access to continuous
media data types such as digital video and audio. This research is in
collaboration with
Dave Maier
(OGI) and
Calton Pu
We have several students working on specific
date: 24-Dec-94
bytes: 3470
links: 14
title: MCL Projects
keys: architectures storage multimedia
MCL Projects
Current Research at the MCL
We are studying a number of
topics in the domain of multimedia computing. These include:
On-Demand Video Network Architectures and Applications
Temporal Data Modeling
Synchronization Mechanisms for Audio and Video Traffic
Physical Data Organizations for Audio and Video Storage
Scheduling in Real-Time Communications Scalable Video Delivery Services and Protocols
Current Projects in the MCL
Several projects are currently underway to build prototypes to
demonstrate the applications of multimedia.
The New Virtual Video Browser Interface to Mosaic
Video and Audio Format Conversion
MPEG-I System level Encoder
MPEG-I System Level Decoder
Video Broadcast
date: 06-Apr-95
bytes: 7866
title: D E X A 95
outline: Call for Papers D E X A 95 6th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications Date: September 4-8, 1995 Location: London, United Kingdom AIMS OF THE CONFERENCE Usage and development of database and expert systems can be found in all fields of computer science. The aim of DEXA 95 is to present a wide spectrum of already implemented or just being developed database and expert systems. DEXA will offer the opportunity to discuss extensively requirements, problems, and solutions in the field. Contributions should cover new requirements, concepts for implementations (e.g., languages, models, storage structures), management of meta-data, system architectures, and experiences gained by using databases and expert systems in different areas of applications. The workshops and conference should inspire a fruitful dialogue between developers in practice, users of database and expert systems, and scientists working in the field. SUGGESTED TOPICS The papers are solicited on applications including, but not limited to, the fo
llowing topics: CASE - Knowledge Engineering
- CIM - Legal Information Systems
- Communications - Machine Learning/Knowledge Aquisition
- Computer Cartography - Medical Information Systems
- Cooperative DB - Multimedia Databases
- Data Protection - Museum Information Systems
- Databases in the Humanities - Natural Language Interfaces/Processing
- Databases on Supercomputers - Object-Oriented Databases
- Deductive Databases - Office Information Systems
- Design Tools - Parallel Database Systems
- Distributed Applications - Reverse Engineering
- Environmental Inf. Systems - Scientific/Engineering Applications
- Expert Systems Architecture - Social/Governmental Information Systems
- Heterogeneous Systems - Spatial Databases
- Historical Databases - Statistical Databases
- Hypertext/Hypermedia - Uncertainty Handling
- Image Processing - Visual Interfaces
- Information Retrieval INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or experience reports in English. Papers should be double-spaced and no longer than 5000 words. Submit four copies (with an abstract and key words) to: Prof. Norman Revell
Head of School Computing Science
Middlesex University
Bounds Green Phone: ++44(0)81 362 5214
London N11 2NQ Fax: ++44(0)81 361 1726
United Kingdom e-mail: All accepted papers of the workshop and conference will be published in the DEXA proceedings. General Chairperson R.R. Wagner, FAW, University of Linz, Austria Program Chairpersons N. Revell, Middlesex University, UK
A M. Tjoa, Technical University of Vienna, Austria Program Committee Members H. Afsarmanesh, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
H.J. Appelrath, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
K. Bauknecht, University of Zuerich, Switzerland.
T. Bench-Capon, University of Liverpool, UK.
J. Bing, NRCCL Oslo, Norway.
S. Christodoulakis, University of Crete, Greece.
B. Croft, University of Massachusetts, USA.
W.S. Cellary, Technical University of Poznan, Poland.
J. Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
S.M. Deen, Keele University, UK.
P. Drazan, RIKS Maastricht, The Netherlands.
J. Eder, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
T. Eiter, Technical University of Vienna.
A.L. Furtado, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
G. Gardarin, INRIA, France.
C.A. Goble, University of Manchester, UK.
F. Golshani, Arizona State University, USA.
G. Gottlob, Technical University of Vienna, Austria.
A. Hameurlain, University of Toulouse, France.
I. Hawryszkiewycz, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
P. Henderson, University of Southampton, UK.
D. Hsiao, Naval Postgraduate School, USA.
M. Jarke, University of Aachen, Germany.
K.G. Jeffrey, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK.
M. Kamel, Naval Postgraduate School, USA.
Y. Kambayashi, IMEEL, Japan.
G. Kappel, University of Linz, Austria.
D. Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria.
M.A. Ketabchi, Santa Clara University, USA.
P. Kroha, University of Chemnitz, Germany.
J. Lazansky, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic.
T.W. Ling, University of Singapore, Singapore.
V. Lum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
V. Marik, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic.
G. Mueller, University of Freiburg, Germany.
M. Murphy, San Francisco State University, USA.
M.-A. Neimat, HP Laboratories, USA.
E. Neuhold, GMD-IPSI, Germany.
T.W. Olle, T.W. Olle & Associates, UK.
G. Ozsoyoglu, University Case Western Research, USA.
G. Pangalos, University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
M. Papazoglou, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
G. Quirchmayr, University of Vienna, Austria.
I. Ramos, Technical University of Valencia, Spain.
C. Rolland, University Paris I, France.
N. Roussopoulos, University of Maryland, USA.
A. Sernadas, University of Lisabon, Portugal.
J.C. Smith, University of British Columbia, Canada.
D. Specht, University of Cottbus, Germany.
R. Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
M. Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan.
K. Tanaka, Kobe University, Japan.
C. Thanos, IEI-CNR, Italy.
H.W. Thimbleby, Middlesex University, UK.
C.H. Thoma, Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland.
J. Vassiliou, University of Athens, Greece.
K. Vidyasankar, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada. Conference Organisation Office:
G. Wagner, FAW, University of Linz, Austria. IMPORTANT DATES 6th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications Date: September 4-8, 1995 Location: London, United Kingdom
D E X A 95 Call for Papers D E X A 95 6th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications Date: September 4-8, 1995 Location: London, United Kingdom AIMS OF THE CONFE...
Databases and Expert Systems and Applications Conference
DEXA'95 - a conference at Middlesex University
date: 26-Feb-95
bytes: 2435
links: 4
title: Bibliography on multi-media operating systems
outline: Bibliography on multi-media operating systems
keys: architectures multimedia storage
Bibliography on multi-media operating systems
Up: Collection of Bibliographies
Bibliography on multi-media operating systems
Standardized BibTeX version
(21 KB; Original in bibtex format)
date: 13-Apr-95
bytes: 4221
links: 16
title: Systems And Software Technology Division
keys: architectures multimedia storage
Systems And Software Technology Division
Information Systems Engineering
CSL Overview
Computer Security
Systems and Software Technology Division Standards-based and vendor-neutral open systems enable
organizations to integrate computer and communications products
that are acquired from a variety of sour...
date: 13-Jan-95
bytes: 1152
links: 1
title: Mark Haas & Associates
outline: Cirrus Logic
keys: architectures storage multimedia
Mark Haas & Associates
Cirrus Logic
Headquartered in Fremont, Calif., Cirrus Logic Develops innovative architectures for analog and digital system functions, and implements those architectures in very-large-scale-integration (VLSI
date: 24-Nov-94
bytes: 3299
links: 11
title: Who's Who at OGI: Richard Staehli
outline: Richard Staehli( Graduate Research Assistant Dissertation Topic Publications A few hyperlinks from Rich's hotlist.
keys: storage architectures multimedia
Who's Who at OGI: Richard Staehli
Richard Staehli(
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI)
Office: CSE North, room 100-15
Phone: (503) 690-1009
Richard is a 5th year Ph.D. student in the
Distributed Systems Research Group (DSRG) .
He is currently defining a Quality of Service interface for a
real-time storage architecture . His
thesis proposal and work schedule gives more detail.
His research interests include multimedia
information systems, distributed operating systems, and object-oriented
programming. His resume is available to potential
In his spare time
date: 09-Mar-95
bytes: 4383
links: 14
title: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
outline: Distributed / Meta - Computing
keys: storage multimedia architectures
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
The WWW Virtual Library - other subjects
. Distributed / Meta - Computing
Information categorised by subject.
Please mail if you know of online information not
in these lists; or use our
automated form to easily add a new reference.
* Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing * Distributed Storage Systems Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing Amoeba distributed operating system information. Arjuna: an object-orien...
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
(NPAC): High-performace computing, communications, parallel processing,
distributed computing, computational science, and technology transfer
Open Software Foundation (OSF)'s
server contains
Distributed / Meta - Computing
date: 02-Jan-95
bytes: 4261
links: 14
title: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
outline: Distributed / Meta - Computing
keys: storage architectures multimedia
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
The WWW Virtual Library - other subjects
. Distributed / Meta - Computing
Information categorised by subject.
Please mail if you know of online information not
in these lists; or use our
automated form to easily add a new reference. * Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing * Distributed Storage Systems Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing Amoeba distributed operati...
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
(NPAC): High-performace computing, communications, parallel processing,
distributed computing, computational science, and technology transfer
Open Software Foundation (OSF)'s
server contains information on OSF's DCE (Distributed Computing
WWW Virtual Library: Distributed Computing
date: 06-Apr-95
bytes: 4367
links: 14
title: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
outline: Distributed / Meta - Computing
keys: storage architectures multimedia
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Distributed / Meta - Computing
The WWW Virtual Library - other subjects
. Distributed / Meta - Computing
Information categorised by subject.
Please mail if you know of online information not
in these lists; or use our
automated form to easily add a new reference.
* Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing * Distributed Storage Systems Distributed Computation Systems / Metacomputing Amoeba distributed operating system information. Arjuna: an object-orien...
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
(NPAC): High-performace computing, communications, parallel processing,
distributed computing, computational science, and technology transfer
Open Software Foundation (OSF)'s
server contains
date: 28-Nov-94
bytes: 9728
links: 1
title: MCL Research Abstracts
outline: MCL Project Abstracts
keys: storage
MCL Research Abstracts
MCL Project Abstracts
On-Demand Video Network Architectures and
The availability of large bandwidth, improved switching techniques and
rapidly decreasing cost of memory has made possible a new generation
of multimedia applications including Video-on-Demand (VOD) service
which provides electronic access to repositories of multimedia
information. A subscriber to such a service will be able to browse
through available motion pictures and other information sources
without the temporal restrictions imposed by conventional broadcast
programming services. VOD represents a key demonstrative application
for enabling multimedia technology in the MCL and requires solving a
number of diverse technical problems related to communications
date: 24-Nov-94
bytes: 5307
links: 15
title: Pegasus Operating System Group Information
outline: The Pegasus project
keys: architectures storage multimedia
Pegasus Operating System Group Information
The Pegasus project
The Pegasus project (Esprit BRA 6865) is a collaborative research
effort with the University of Twente (NL). The official title of the
project is "Operating system support for distributed interactive
multimedia", and the work is organised as four work packages:
* Operating system
* File system
* Communications support
* Application
Reports (and other information) about the current status of the project are
available from the pegasus
area on the laboratory's anonymous ftp server.
The Twente Pegasus group run a WWW server of their
own, and also have an ftp
server .
Operating system work package
Pegasus is producing an entirely new operating system, whose design is geared
to support of high-performance
date: 05-Feb-95
bytes: 6021
links: 7
title: Symposium Abstract Information
outline: DECUS '95/Washington, D.C. Symposium Abstract Information Highlighted Tracks Technology Tracks Managing Digital Government Focus
keys: architectures storage multimedia
Symposium Abstract Information
DECUS '95/Washington, D.C. Symposium Abstract Information
DECUS Symposium
Monday, May 8 - Thursday, May 11
The DECUS symposium has over 500 hours of technical sessions, clinics and
working groups. Take advantage of the broad mix of peer discussions, expert
panels, Q&As, birds-of-a-feather meetings, and other interactive forums to
learn about the hottest products and solutions in the Digital community. At
the same time, improve your organization's performance and build your own
skill set.
* Highlighted Tracks
* Technology Tracks
* WWW Special Technology Track
* Linux Track
* Managing Digital Track
* Government Focus
*Abstracts by Track
*Abstracts by Day
*Abstracts by Speaker Name
*SAG - Sessions-At-A-Glance
Highlighted Tracks
date: 12-Apr-95
bytes: 3585
links: 2
title: Network Research in Sequoia 2000
keys: architectures multimedia
Network Research in Sequoia 2000
( J. Pasquale )
Sequoia 2000
is a large-scale multi-campus University of California project which seeks to address the massive data storage, network, and visualization requirements of Global Change applications. We designed the S...
Our research focuses on the design of I/O and network system software for routers and endpoint computers. We attack the problem of moving large data objects efficiently between where they happen to re...
Selected Publications:
J. Pasquale, E. Anderson, and K. Muller, "Container-shipping: operating system support for intensive I/O applications," IEEE Computer, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 94, pp. 84-93.
J. Kay and J. Pasquale, "The importance
date: 25-Nov-94
bytes: 4833
links: 26
title: Workshop on Sound-related Computation
outline: Workshop on Sound-related Computation Position Papers: Topics: Text of Position Papers:
keys: architectures storage
Workshop on Sound-related Computation
August 3, 1993
ACM Multimedia 93 Conference
Anaheim, California USA
(See below for full text of submitted position papers)
Position Papers:
Choose one of the broad categories given below (sound & image, software &
hardware, auditory display) and identify from one to three "hot topics",
unsolved problems, pressing issues, emerging technologies, or open
questions facing researchers in that area.
Why are these questions important? What else depends on the answers to
these unsolved problems? Why should we be looking at these problems? Why
should the next sound-related computation workshop focus exclusively on
this issue? What impact might this sound-related computation problem have
on mainstream computing research and development
Position Papers
date: 12-Apr-95
bytes: 7854
links: 9
title: Scalable I/O Facility
keys: storage architectures
Scalable I/O Facility Scalable I/O Facility Breaking the I/O Bottleneck Objective The Scalable I/O Facility (SIOF) will use the High-Performance Storage System (HPSS) to manage parallel hierarchies of...
date: 05-Apr-95
bytes: 7158
outline: The National Storage Laboratory A growing industry/DOE laboratory/university collaboration to explore high-performance storage architectures
keys: storage architectures
THE NATIONAL STORAGE LABORATORY The National Storage Laboratory A growing industry/DOE laboratory/university collaboration to explore high-performance storage architectures
The NSL mission and its impact
The National Storage Laboratory (NSL) has been organized to investigate, demonstrate, and commercialize high-performance hardware and software storage technologies that promise to remove network compu...
Large scientific, commercial, and digital library applications are straining storage and networking facilities, a condition compounded by new supercomputers, massively parallel processors, and high-pe...
The NSL approach
The approach of the NSL is based on the premise that no single company, government laboratory, or research organization has the ability to confront
date: 28-Nov-94
bytes: 31892
title: MCL Paper Abstracts
outline: MCL Paper Abstracts
keys: multimedia
MCL Paper Abstracts
MCL publications are available via anonymous ftp at in
T.D.C. Little and D. Venkatesh, "Prospects for Interactive Video-on-Demand,"
to appear in IEEE Multimedia , Fall 1994.
Abstract: Interactive multimedia systems represent a key
technology rapidly evolving from marketing hype and research
prototypes to commercial deployments. Supporting truly interactive
multimedia services requires providing personalized, dedicated
channels or sessions for each user. For these services, the user has
complete control over the session and has the freedom to explore the
depth of both live and stored programming as maintained by future
information providers. Development of these interactive multimedia
services requires solving a diverse
A Digital Video-on-Demand Service Supporting Content-Based Queries,
A Framework for Synchronous Delivery of Time-Dependent Multimedia Data,
An Adaptive Document Management System for Shared Multimedia Data,
An ATM LAN for Multimedia Traffic,
An Intermedia Skew Control System for Multimedia Data Presentation,
Client-Server Metadata Management for the Delivery of Movies in a Video-On-Demand System,
Connection-Oriented Service Renegotiation for Scalable Video Delivery ,
Distributed Multimedia Object Management and Composition,
Interval-Based Temporal Models for Time-Dependent Multimedia Data,
Issues in Networking and Data Management of Distributed Multimedia Systems,
Management of Time-Dependent Multimedia Data,
Multimedia Synchronization Protocols for Broadband Integrated Services,
Multimedia Synchronization,
Physical Storage Organizations for Time-Dependent Multimedia Data,
Probabilistic Assignment of Movies to Storage Devices in a Video-On-Demand System,
Probability-Based Assignment of Movies to Storage Devices in a Video-on-Demand System,
Prospects for Interactive Video-on-Demand,
Protocols for Bandwidth-Constrained Multimedia Traffic,
Real-Time Data Delivery for Multimedia Networks,
Real-Time Sche duling for Multimedia Services Using Network Delay Estimation,
Scheduling of Bandwidth-Constrained Multimedia Traffic,
Spatio-Temporal Composition of Distributed Multimedia Objects for Value-Added Networks,
Synchronization and Storage Models for Multimedia Objects,
Video Query Formulation,
Video Scene Decomposition with the Motion Picture Parser,
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 2339
links: 14
title: TNS Calls For Papers
outline: TNS Calls For Papers
keys: multimedia storage
TNS Calls For Papers
Last updated 22 March 1994
* IEEE Multimedia
Magazine, Section on Novel Applicatons of Multimedia Technology ,
ongoing call
* Computer
Communications, Special Issue on Multimedia Storage and Databases ,
* International Journal of Applied
Software Technology , Fall 1994
* WWW94 , May 25-27,
1994, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (Abstract deadline: March 31, 1994)
* 1st IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems , May
Calls for papers
Declarations of Interest & Draft Contributions
Extensions to the HTTP protocol
Gateways to database systems
On-the-fly page/image/image-map generation
date: 28-Nov-94
bytes: 2339
links: 14
title: TNS Calls For Papers
outline: TNS Calls For Papers
keys: multimedia storage
TNS Calls For Papers
Last updated 22 March 1994
* IEEE Multimedia
Magazine, Section on Novel Applicatons of Multimedia Technology ,
ongoing call
* Computer
Communications, Special Issue on Multimedia Storage and Databases ,
* International Journal of Applied
Software Technology , Fall 1994
* WWW94 , May 25-27,
1994, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (Abstract deadline: March 31, 1994)
* 1st IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems , May
date: 26-Dec-94
bytes: 4908
links: 3
title: NSL Home Page
keys: storage architectures
NSL Home Page
A growing industry/DOE laboratory/university collaboration to explore
high performance storage architectures
This hypertext
document serves as a launching point for access to information about the
National Storage Laboratory.
The NSL collaboration, launched in 1992 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) with six interested private companies, has grown in one year into a
major DOE laboratory/industry/university/other government agency
collaboration. A complete list of all NSL participants will be included here
upon completion of LLNL review and release procedures. NSL participants
provide equipment and/or labor. Funding to the DOE laboratories for NSL work
is being provided by the DOE's Defense Programs Technology Transfer Initiative
National Storage
Laboratory (NSL)
National Storage Laboratory
date: 18-Mar-95
bytes: 42922
keys: multimedia storage
Market Overview
Page 2 of 21
Interactive Commerce
Market Opportunities
An Overview to Trends in
Computing, Multimedia & Interactivity
Jack Johnson
VP Research & Development
MediaShare Corporation
Carlsbad, California
November 1994
MediaShare's products and services allow sales and marketing
organizations to leverage new computing technologies (CD-ROM
storage, multimedia integration and online interactivity) to more
effectively deliver product information and marketing
The potential application of this technology is enormous. This
overview of markets will examine trends in computer technology
and usage, including the convergence of communications and
The Information Age Arrives
date: 25-Jan-95
bytes: 5040
links: 4
title: NSL Home Page
keys: storage architectures
NSL Home Page
A growing industry/DOE laboratory/university collaboration to explore
high performance storage architectures
This hypertext
document serves as a launching point for access to information about the
National Storage Laboratory.
The NSL collaboration, launched in 1992 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) with six interested private companies, has grown in one year into a
major DOE laboratory/industry/university/other government agency
collaboration. NSL participants
provide equipment and/or labor. Funding to the DOE laboratories for NSL work
is being provided by the DOE's Defense Programs Technology Transfer Initiative
and DOE Energy Research and Defense Programs programmatic support. The
collaboration anticipates producing products useful
date: 27-Mar-95
bytes: 3885
links: 18
title: The Berkom GLASS Project
outline: Berkom GLASS (GLobally Accessible ServiceS) Disclaimer A little Introduction to GLASS More Information Contact
keys: multimedia storage
The Berkom GLASS Project
Berkom GLASS (GLobally Accessible ServiceS)
The WWW pages on GLASS are not finished yet. There are many unresolved
URLs. But you may get an idea, what you can expect later. Thank you for
your interest so far.
This text is not part of the GLASS project. Therefore, all opinions
expressed here are only informal. The text is provided by GMD Fokus
and was partially published in official GLASS documents.
A little Introduction to GLASS
The goal of the project is to define an architecture and realize a
pre-product implementation of an open system for multimedia service
provision to professional and consumer users. The envisaged services
comprise facilities to access
broadcast television,
on-line multimedia storage systems providing
date: 12-Dec-94
bytes: 3759
links: 17
title: The Berkom GLASS Project
outline: Berkom GLASS (GLobally Accessible ServiceS) Disclaimer A little Introduction to GLASS More Information Contact
keys: multimedia storage
The Berkom GLASS Project
Berkom GLASS (GLobally Accessible ServiceS)
The WWW pages on GLASS are not finished jet. There are many unresolved
ULRs. But you may get an idea, what you can expect later. Thank you for
your interest so far.
This text is not part of the GLASS project. Therefore, all opinions
expressed here are only informal. The text is provided by GMD Fokus
and was partially published in official GLASS documents.
A little Introduction to GLASS
The goal of the project is to define an architecture and realize a
pre-product implementation of an open system for multimedia service
provision to professional and consumer users. The envisaged services
comprise facilities to access
broadcast television,
on-line multimedia storage
Multimedia architectures
Multimedia Storage Server
date: 25-Dec-94
bytes: 48413
keys: storage
Design of VMS Volume Shadowing Phase II-Host-based Shadowing
By Scott H. Davis
VMS Volume Shadowing Overview
Phase II is a fully
distributed, clusterwide Volume shadowing is a
data availability product technique that provides
designed to replace the data availability to
obsolete controller-based computer systems by
shadowing implementation. protecting against
Phase II is intended data loss from media
to service current and deterioration,
future generations of communication path
storage architectures. failures, and controller
In these architectures, or device failures. The
there is no intelligent, process of volume shadowing
multiunit controller that entails maintaining
functions as a centralized multiple copies of the
gateway to the multiple same data
Computer Communications, Special Issue on Multimedia Storage and Databases
Multimedia storage
Design of a Large Scale Multimedia Storage Server, Milind Buddhikot and Guru Parulkar, USA
date: 12-Apr-95
bytes: 14275
5th International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for
Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '95)
April 18, 19, 20, 21, 1995 Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, in cooperation with ACM
101 papers were submitted. 23 full papers were selected to form the
basis for 9 sessions. Each session will consist of two parts:
first, the presentation of the Full Papers; second, a round-table
discussion moderated by a session chair.
The panelists for these round-table discussions will be the presenters
of the Full Papers, one of the authors of each of the Adjunct Papers,
and additional Invited Panelists selected the session chairs. Before
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 11874
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
date: 10-Apr-95
bytes: 11992
links: 80
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
information on Hypertexts , including links to Xanadu Project and ``As we may think'' by V. Bush
Kanada's Research Database
Research Database Page
date: 05-Mar-95
bytes: 11273
links: 76
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* Bookstores and Book Publishers
* Kanada's Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
Gutenberg Project , OBI ,
Kanada's Research Database
date: 09-Mar-95
bytes: 16601
keys: storage
NUMBER 194-096
DATE 940405
CATEGORY WS00, WS20, AS47, IO00, IO99
TYPE Product
ABSTRACT A new optical storage product and an installation kit expand
the offerings of Options (TM) by IBM (R) storage solutions.
The 127MB (million bytes) Optical Disk Drive provides
removable storage for personal computers. With a 3.5-inch form
factor and a one-inch height, the drive is ideal for mounting
internally in IBM and IBM-compatible systems. Typical applications
include large data file storage and multimedia.
A key feature of this drive is the extremely low-power (4.3
watts) dissipation achieved through a high-efficiency opto-mechanical
An Optical Drive Bezel Kit is also available, which has all
the necessary hardware required
date: 11-Apr-95
bytes: 1551
links: 8
title: Systems Research Group
outline: Projects
keys: storage multimedia
Systems Research Group
The systems research group consists of about 35 academic staff, research
assistants, research associates and students most of whom are working on
system support for multimedia.
The Main areas of research are:
*Multi Service Networks
*Operating Systems
*Storage Systems
*Multimedia Presentation
date: 03-Apr-95
bytes: 4647
links: 31
title: Systems Research Group at Univeristy of Hong Kong
outline: Useful Information 2. WWW Servers in Hong Kong 3. Computer science information servers 4. Computer or Science-related journals 5. Information of Overseas Universities 6. Sources of Internet Shopping Information 7. Sources of Computer Industry Information 9. Other sources of information
keys: architectures multimedia
Systems Research Group at Univeristy of Hong Kong
Welcome to the Systems Research Group and Network Laboratory
(Latest updated date: February 18, 1995)
The Systems Research Group (SRG) at the Department of Computer Science
is investigating issues in operating systems,
parallel processing and
network architectures for multimedia. Our principal investigators are
Dr. Henry Cheung. and
Dr. Francis Lau. We
encourage you to browse our lab electronically.
Current projects being pursued at Systems Research Group
We are studying a number of topics in the domain of systems research.
These include (not a complete list) :
* Network Protocol for Distributed
Operating System's
* Multimedia Data Delivery in
a Distributed System
A list of recent publications
related to the above
Hong Kong Univ, Web Server
Systems Research Group and Network Laboratory
The University of Hong Kong - Department of Computer Science
date: 26-Mar-95
bytes: 2720
links: 25
title: Department of Computing Science
outline: The chief The projects Upcoming events
keys: storage multimedia
Department of Computing Science
The IR group of the Department of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow .
The chief
Keith van Rijsbergen
The braves
Iain Campbell Naveed Khan
Alison Cawsey Mark Magennis
Fabio Crestani Jane Reid
Mark Dunlop Ian Ruthven
Martin Gardner Mark Sanderson
Christof Gerber Fabrizio Sebastiani
The projects
(Formalisation and Experimentation on the Retrieval of Multimedia Information)
(Idomeneus Network of Excellence)
(Multimedia Information Retrieval)
(A prototype for the Electronic
Information Retrieval Group
IR Group
date: 14-Apr-95
bytes: 6239
keys: multimedia architectures
Aesthetics and the Interface
Nicole Lazzaro, Volume 2 Number 2, Summer 1991: 9-12
Artificial Reality: Past and Future
Myron W. Krueger, Volume 1 Number 2, Summer 1990: 31-34
The Benefits of the Graphical User Interface
Volume 1 Number 4, Winter 1990: 10-17
Book Review
Mary Ann O'Connor, Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 1990: 47-48
Book Review
Mary Ann O'Connor, Volume 1 Number 4, Winter 1990: 43-44
Book Review
Diane Gayeski, Volume 2 Number 2, Summer 1991: 44
Design Techniques for Ensuring Structure and Flexibility in a Hypermedia
Sharron J. Love, Volume 2 Number 2, Summer 1991: 34-43
Designing for the Mind: Five Psychological Principles of Articulate
Stephen M. Kosslyn, Volume 1 Number 3, Fall 1990: 23-29
Designing Realities:
Multimedia Review
Storage System Architectures for Continuous Media Data
date: 16-Feb-95
bytes: 8083
links: 11
title: MIRO - 6576
outline: Multimedia Information Retrieval MIRO - 6576
keys: multimedia
MIRO - 6576
Multimedia Information Retrieval
MIRO - 6576
Work Area: Databases, Information Retrieval and Multimedia Keywords multimedia information systems, human-computer interaction, logic and probability theory, multimedia information structures, storage...
Start Date: 1 October 92 / Duration: 36 months / Status: running [ participants / contact ]
Abstract MIRO is researching new methods and techniques for information storage and retrieval so that all types of media can be handled in an integrated manner through adaptive interaction with a user...
The Group is researching new methods and techniques for information storage and retrieval so that all types of media can be handled in an integrated manner through adaptive interaction with a user. Th...
Centralized and Distributed Architectures of Multimedia Presentational Applications
date: 02-Jan-95
bytes: 1764
links: 1
title: Systems Clinic - Computer Lab
outline: Systems Clinic Computer Lab
keys: storage multimedia
Systems Clinic - Computer Lab
Systems Clinic Computer Lab
The Systems Clinic computer lab is currently designed to create multimedia
applications for the PC, Macintosh and Unix platforms. It is also designed to
find new ways of connecting cross plateforms. The lab is composed of the following
equipment and software:
*Six Pentium 90mhz computers with 32MB
date: 12-Jan-95
bytes: 1875
links: 1
title: Internet Commercial Marketplace Services
outline: Internet Commercial Marketplace Services Data Library Services Billing Application Design and Configuration Homepage Marketing Pricing For more information
keys: multimedia storage
Internet Commercial Marketplace Services
Data Library Services
Our affordable 10 Megabit/sec last mile link to homes, schools, and
offices now available in Washington, DC, and the San Fancisco Bay
Area, for the first time allows interactive multimedia applications to
be commercially broadcast. High speed access to the internet via our
state of the art data servers is now available
date: 17-Dec-94
bytes: 99268
keys: multimedia
MMM-14 has been updated by the following report:
Jose J. Garcia-Luna, Andrew Poggio, and David Elliot,
"Research into Multimedia System Architectures" Final Report, SRI Project
5363, February 1984, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Available in hard copy only, on-line version will made available soon.
To obtain a copy of the report please contact:
Jose Garcia-Luna (415)859-5647
Andy Poggio (415)859-5094
SRI International
333 ravenswood Ave., EJ-145
Menlo Park, CA 94025
- 1 -
(final version)
1.1. Purpose of the report
1.2. Structure of the report
date: 08-Feb-95
bytes: 2494
links: 2
title: Dotto On Data
outline: Dotto On Data
keys: storage multimedia
Dotto On Data Dotto On Data
Broadcast Schedule
Mondays at 2:30 pm
January 30, 1995 - March 27, 1995
Episode Descriptions
Program 1 -
Steve Dotto gives an overview of the series and explains how we incorporate data
into content, knowledge and ideas. He discusses the history of word processing
and gives tips on current word processing packages.
Program 2 -
Steve and his graphic artist create a logo for the series using Photoshop and
Freehand. Steve shows Kea and Jay how to
Dotto on Data
date: 09-Apr-95
bytes: 11874
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
information on Hypertexts , including links to Xanadu Project and ``As we may think'' by V. Bush
Kanada's Research Database
Research Database Page
date: 13-Jan-95
bytes: 10221
links: 66
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Kanada's Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
Gutenberg Project , OBI ,
Online Magazines and Journals, and so on.
Technical Reports in Computer Science
* Kahaner Report List
date: 26-Nov-94
bytes: 3242
links: 2
title: Multimedia Systems Project Descriptions
outline: MMSG Projects Raw Disk Bandwidth Video Data Compressors Real-Time MPEG Player Non-Linear Video Editor Quality of Service Specification for Multimedia Presentations
keys: multimedia storage
Multimedia Systems Project Descriptions
MMSG Projects
Raw Disk Bandwidth
Investigate the method and performance benefits of using raw disk I/O for video capture and playback. This requires learning how to use the MovieTool for video capture, learning how to set up a raw di...
Ke Zhang is working on this.
Video Data Compressors
At present we can capture high-resolution video on Lemond with the Parallax card and software using JPEG compression. We need to be able to convert these files to MPEG-1 in order to allow playback on ...
Srijayanth Chakrapani may be interested in working on this.
Real-Time MPEG Player
Allow interactive playback controls
date: 08-Mar-95
bytes: 1613
links: 6
title: Loviel Computer Corporation
outline: Welcome to Loviel Computer Corporation's World-Wide-Web Server! Loviel Computer Corporation is both a manufacturer of SCSI storage and peripherals and an authorized Apple Value Added Reseller. Loviel also offers creative digital services through our Media Integration Center (MIC). The MIC uses state of the art Macintosh wizardry to prouduce media content ranging from hi-res animation to corporate training multimedia and video. Our peripherals division has been serving the finest Corporations, Universities, and Government agencies since 1988. We can offer you the following services:
keys: multimedia storage
Loviel Computer Corporation
Welcome to Loviel Computer Corporation's World-Wide-Web Server!
Loviel Computer Corporation is both a manufacturer of SCSI storage and peripherals and an authorized Apple Value Added Reseller. Loviel also offers creative digital services through our Media Integrat...
Computer Peripherals
date: 11-Dec-94
bytes: 2822
links: 12
title: PET Home Page
keys: storage multimedia
PET Home Page
Network heterogeneity has become a major issue and the challenge
is to write universal multimedia applications that run over
interconnected networks with many subnetworks of unevenly distributed
resources (processing, bandwidth, storage and congestion control
policies etc.). Applications generate bursty traffic in today`s
packet networks, causing unavoidable congestions, delays and losses .
Thus, for applications such as real-time multimedia it is desirable
for information to be compressed and prioritized so that the
application can
date: 06-Jan-95
bytes: 2266
links: 7
title: Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
outline: Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
keys: architectures storage
Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
The Microelectronic Systems Branch (Code 521) is responsible for the evaluation,
demonstration, and application of state-of-the-art data systems
architectures, processors, and storage technologies as solutions to
directorate data systems requirements. The branch also assists other
divisions and other NASA organizatons in the application of these new
technologies through technology demonstrations, testbeds, and
date: 29-Nov-94
bytes: 2488
links: 7
title: Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
outline: Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
keys: architectures storage
Microelectronic Systems Branch - Code 521
The Microelectronic Systems Branch (Code 521) is responsible for the evaluation,
demonstration, and application of state-of-the-art data systems
architectures, processors, and storage technologies as solutions to
directorate data systems requirements. The branch also assists other
divisions and other NASA organizatons in the application of these new
technologies through technology demonstrations, testbeds, and
collaborative efforts.
Branch Projects : an
date: 20-Dec-94
bytes: 3581
keys: multimedia storage
Applications Area
o Russ Hobby:
Area Summary reported by Russ Hobby/UC Davis
Area Overview
The general goal of the area is to define the protocols to create an
interoperable multimedia distributed computing environment for the
Internet. The Internet is now a global communications resource and
people want more applications than the standard Telnet, FTP and SMTP
At the Boston meeting there were demonstrations of how video and audio
could be carried between workstations over the Internet today. The
Teleconferencing Architecture BOF discussed what is necessary to create
a multi-workstation multimedia conference environment. With the greater
international interest in the
date: 08-Mar-95
bytes: 23660
keys: storage
NUMBER 194-058
DATE 940228
CATEGORY WS00, WS20, AS47, IO00, IO99, CM00, CM10, GI99
TYPE Product
ABSTRACT Effective March 31, 1994, for most features being withdrawn
from marketing, and May 31, 1994, for others, customers will no
longer be able to obtain these products directly from IBM.
However, the features may be obtained on an as-available basis
through IBM Authorized Remarketers or IBM Authorized Personal
Computer Dealers. The features being withdrawn are in five
o Accessory Products
o Communication Products
o Memory Products
o Multimedia Products
o Storage Products
For a complete listing of the features being withdrawn, as
well as replacement products, refer to the customer
date: 25-Dec-94
bytes: 5402
links: 3
keys: multimedia storage
Prof. Jim Lengel
You can't truly understand the new media unless you create them. Students
at The College of Communication at Boston University who take courses in
the new multimedia laboratory create their own multimedia works every
day, right in the classroom. Each of the 20 student stations includes
everything necessary for capturing, editing, and presenting interactive
multimedia projects, so each student enjoys hands-on work in every class
An otherwise standard classroom was transformed in the weeks just before
the semester opened. College of Communication Dean Brent Baker watched
the computers arrive in Room 206.
The Dean and his staff opened the boxes of Power Macintosh 6100 personal
computers, with a/v option, and
COM Multimedia Lab
date: 03-Feb-95
bytes: 1195
keys: storage multimedia
Internet Addresses for OCBE Staff
Staff members of the U.S. Department of Commerce's
Office of Computers and Business Equipment (OCBE)
may now be contacted by Internet, using the
following address format:
date: 20-Dec-94
bytes: 4237
links: 15
title: CaberNet Research
outline: CaberNet Research A General Framework for Research Coordination
keys: multimedia storage
CaberNet Research
Information on the research activities of CaberNet and its members:
*The CaberNet Radicals
*current research projects
*CaberNet DSEJ Special Issue Call for Papers
Research information services provided by CaberNet members:
* distributed systems and computing science research groups and departments
*access to technical reports and articles
*access to library services
*access to bibliographic information related to distributed systems
A General Framework for Research Coordination
CaberNet aims to provide a long-term framework for cooperation on and
integration of distributed systems research activities across Europe. To
this end, CaberNet will be promoting and organising research according to
the six areas of distributed computing described below
date: 08-Apr-95
bytes: 11876
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
date: 09-Apr-95
bytes: 11874
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
[Research Database page (parent page)]
information on Hypertexts , including links to Xanadu Project and ``As we may think'' by V. Bush
Kanada's Research Database
date: 05-Jan-95
bytes: 10221
links: 66
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Kanada's Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
Gutenberg Project , OBI ,
Online Magazines and Journals, and so on.
Technical Reports in Computer Science
* Kahaner Report List
[Research Database page (parent page)]
date: 24-Feb-95
bytes: 1615
links: 7
title: SunSITE at Hong Kong (
outline: Welcome to the SunSITE Hong Kong Multimedia Information Service
keys: storage multimedia
SunSITE at Hong Kong (
Welcome to the SunSITE Hong Kong Multimedia Information Service
SunSITE Hong Kong is administered by the Centre of Computing Services and Telecommunications (CCST) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). A SPARCserver 1000 with 2 CPU's and 6...
* Information on World
date: 12-Feb-95
bytes: 2848
links: 5
title: Hardware support for sparse matrix computations
outline: Hardware support for sparse matrix computations Members of the project team Research objectives Collaborations Timetable Intended results, deliverables Recent Publications
keys: architectures storage
Hardware support for sparse matrix computations
Members of the project team
* Prof. Dr. H.A.G. Wijshoff (supervisor)
* Ir. A.J. Niessen (PhD student)
Research objectives
Due to the importance of sparse matrix applications, research has been
conducted for hardware solutions to tackle problems that are inherent
to software controlled sparse data storage: fill-in, data movement, need
for memory management, indirect addressing, and hard-to-optimize
(obscured) code.
At the memory level, we propose architectures that support the storage
of sparse vectors and matrices. These
date: 24-Feb-95
bytes: 2848
links: 5
title: Hardware support for sparse matrix computations
outline: Hardware support for sparse matrix computations Members of the project team Research objectives Collaborations Timetable Intended results, deliverables Recent Publications
keys: architectures storage
Hardware support for sparse matrix computations
Members of the project team
* Prof. Dr. H.A.G. Wijshoff (supervisor)
* Ir. A.J. Niessen (PhD student)
Research objectives
Due to the importance of sparse matrix applications, research has been
conducted for hardware solutions to tackle problems that are inherent
to software controlled sparse data storage: fill-in, data movement, need
for memory management, indirect addressing, and hard-to-optimize
(obscured) code.
At the memory level, we propose architectures that support the storage
of sparse vectors and matrices. These
Multimedia Applications and Network Architectures
date: 05-Apr-95
bytes: 3865
keys: architectures storage
%T The Integration of Virtual Memory Management and Interprocess Communication in Accent
%A Richard F. Rashid
%A Robert Fitzgerald
%V 4
%N 2
%D MAY 1986
%P 147-177
%T Virtual Storage Management in the Absence of Reference Bits
%A Ozalp Babaoglu
%J PhD Dissertation
%I Computer Science Division
%I EECS Department
%I University of California, Berkeley,
%D NOV 1981
%T Converting a Swap-based System to do Paging in an Architecture Lacking Page-Referenced Bits
%A Ozalp Babaoglu
%A William N. Joy
%J Proceedings of the 8th SOSP
%D 1981
%T Storage organization and management in TENEX
date: 11-Dec-94
bytes: 1203
links: 10
title: Highland Digital Internet Product Catalog
outline: Highland Digital Internet Product Catalog
keys: storage multimedia
Highland Digital Internet Product Catalog
Network Products and Design Services
Sun Workstations and Network Performance Tools
Multimedia Products and Software Consulting Services
Document Publishing & Management Tools
Productivity Products
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 1797
links: 12
title: IRPD Home Page
outline: Universita' degli Studi di Padova Information Management Systems
keys: storage multimedia
IRPD Home Page
Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Information Management Systems
Research Group
* General Information
* Group members
* Current research activities
* Papers and Research Reports
* Miscellaneous
Links to WWW sites related to our research activities:
Formalisation and Experimentation on the Retrieval of Multimedia
date: 05-Mar-95
bytes: 5300
links: 4
title: Computer Vision & Image Processing Group
outline: Computer Vision & Image Processing Group Head : I. Pitas Projects Research facilities Publications International cooperation Further information
keys: architectures
Computer Vision & Image Processing Group
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Informatics
Computer Vision & Image Processing Group
Head : I. Pitas
Brief profile
The digital image processing team at the University of Thessaloniki is an
active research group working for more than one decade in digital image
processing and related areas. Its topics of interest span the areas of
nonlinear signal and image filtering, image sequence processing and
analysis, multichannel and color image processing, parallel image
processing, medical signal processing (ECG, EEG and EMG processing),
ultrasonic image processing and storage, fast algorithms and architectures
for digital filtering and image processing, morphological image analysis
and knowledge-based image
date: 02-Jan-95
bytes: 4754
links: 2
title: ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 2396 - NP Text
outline: ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 2396 - NP Text Available parts inside this document: Main Referee: State of Entry: Document parts: Scope:
keys: storage multimedia
ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 2396 - NP Text
Available parts inside this document:
* Scope
* Description and Work Item
Internal Information:
Main Referee:
Heiner Schomaker
State of Entry:
Document parts:
Leonardo Chiariglione - Convenor
New Work Item Proposal (NP) for very-Low Bitrate Audio-Visual Coding
Adopted at 20th WG11 meeting
The scope of this project consists of the development of international standards for generic audio-visual
coding systems at very-low bitrates (up to tens of kilobits/second).
The generic nature of the work indicates that the scope includes development of provisions that allow
Applications for very-low bitrate audio-visual coding systems are those that are restricted in the
date: 29-Mar-95
bytes: 14302
links: 9
title: Group Projects' Overview
outline: ITG Projects' Overview
keys: storage architectures
Group Projects' Overview
ITG Projects' Overview
Information and Computing Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720
Publication number: LBL-35352
* Network and Distributed Computing Technology
* LBL - UCB High Speed Network Testbed
* ATM Video and Image Application Testbed
* Distributed Systems
* Applications
* Micro-Manipulation:
Video Microscope Prototype
and Visual-Servoing
* Computer Vision for Scientific Image Analysis
* The Image Server System and Digital Image Libraries
* Information Infrastructure
* Healthcare Information System
Network and Distributed Computing Technology
date: 28-Nov-94
bytes: 18083
links: 19
outline: Description of the Multimedia Technology Class Problems with Making Technology Appropriate for Eighth Graders Conclusions
Experiences Teaching Eighth Graders Multimedia Technology
Using the Internet
Experiences Teaching Eighth Graders Multimedia Technology
Using the Internet
In the summer of 1994, the
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
offered a multimedia technology course to
a group of eight graders in the Young
Scholars Program at Syracuse University. This 4 week residential
program provides courses in science, math, and computer technology for
middle school students who are minority or female. The goal of the
program is to encourage bright young minority and female students to continue
studying mathematics, science and computer technology in high school
and college. The program is targeted at a critical age group in which students often lose interest in the sciences
Experiences teaching multimedia technology to 8th graders
date: 09-Apr-95
bytes: 6435
links: 3
outline: Interaction&Communication Staff * Ahlsen, Matts * Gustavsson, Pelle (part time)
* Hällström, Mattias * Katzeff, Cecilia * Kool, Peeter * Paulsson, Stefan * Rosengren, Peter * Segerberg, Anders * Wingstedt, Ulf Ongoing projects The group is currently involved in the following research projects: * Intuitive , an ESPRIT III project focusing on tools for navigation, browsing
and retrieval from large distributed multimedia databases.
* Milord , an AIM (Advanced Informatics in Medicine) project where architectures
and tools for large object-oriented radiological databases are being researched
and developed.
* Group Computer Technology, an applied research project where we are
experimenting with products like Xerox Liveboard to evaluate different usage
models from a business-oriented perspective.
* HCIS-A (Healthcare Information Systems Architecture) is a standardization
project within the European standards body CENs technical commitee for medical
* Multimedia Brokering , a feasability study within CEC framework 4 information engineering programme concerning architectures and services for implementing multimedia
* The Electronic Newspaper, a joint project with Grafiska
Forskningslaboratoriet, GFL , and a large swedish newspaper intended to
establish an infrastructure for the production and distribution of electronic
newspapers, including reader access in the home. We are also engaged in a knowledge transfer project, funded by NUTEK , which
aims at developing an information service for swedish industry. The service
will provide swedish industry with the possibility to learn and explore
novel, but commersially available, information technologies and how they can be
used efficiently. Future Target Research Areas
keys: architectures
Interaction&Communication The Interaction&Communication research group at the Swedish Institute for Systems Development, SISU , focuses on information technologies that may improve the quality of inte...
date: 14-Mar-95
bytes: 2196
links: 19
outline: IPSI activities
keys: multimedia storage
GMD Darmstadt, IPSI, Activities
IPSI activities
Listed here are a few links to typical IPSI research activities. Further information is provided in our MultiMedia Forum (MMF) .
* Active Media Object Stores (AMOS)
* Open Object-Oriented Database Systems (VODAK)
* Knowledge Oriented Distributed Information Management (KODIM)
* PUBLISH, OCEAN department (hypermedia storage, modelling, collaborative authoring; telecooperation, multimedia technology
date: 04-Feb-95
bytes: 1419
links: 1
title: NOW Sponsors
outline: Sponsors of the NOW Project Grants Corporate Sponsors
keys: storage architectures
NOW Sponsors
Sponsors of the NOW Project
* ARPA Grant N00600-C-2481.
Roboline Storage: Low Latency High Capacity Storage Systems.
* Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Grant LLL-B28 3537.
Active Messages and Split-C.
* California MICRO Grant.
Research in High Performance
date: 14-Apr-95
bytes: 1201
keys: multimedia storage
Subject: ACM Multimedia'95 Paper Submission Extension: April 10
Due to the large number of requests, we have decided to extend the
Multimedia'95 paper submission deadline until APRIL 10, 1995 AT 5:00 PM PDT.
All papers MUST BE RECEIVED by this
date: 13-Apr-95
bytes: 5217
links: 1
outline: Major Research Projects
keys: multimedia storage
Major Research Projects
KAIST, ``A Storage System Supporting New Database Applications,'' 1994. 3 -- 1995. 2. (principal investigator).
Korea Telecom, ``Development of a GIS Engine for Large Spatial Database Management,'' 1994. 4 -- 1997. 2 (co-investigator).
Ministry of Communications, ``Organization and Administration of the Subcommittee of Telecommunications Advancement Council for Promoting Database Industry,'' 1993. 8 -- 1994. 5 (principal investigato...
Korea Computer Communications Co., ``Development of a Multi-User Object-Oriented Database System on UNIX,'' 1993. 8 -- 1994. 7 (principal investigator).
Korea Telecom, ``Development of a General-Purpose Multiuser Object-Storage System with Efficient Support for Variable-Length Attributes,'' 1993. 4 -- 1996
date: 28-Nov-94
bytes: 1919
links: 8
title: Andre's Home Page
outline: André Baltimore
keys: storage multimedia
Andre's Home Page
André Baltimore
Travel, SCUBA, Spanish, Multimedia, and all things nerdish.
Owner of Micro Media , a retail store specializing in multimedia PC software. Visit our CD Kiosk on the web!
* Micro Media *9815 Watson Rd., Crestwood, MO 63126 *voice: 314-984-8822; fax: 314-772-2238 * Regional Systems Engineer providing
Andre Baltimore's Home Page
date: 08-Apr-95
bytes: 4458
links: 14
title: Virtual Environments, 3D Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics Lab
outline: Welcome to the Virtual Environments 3D Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics Laboratory Welcome to the Virtual Environments 3D Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics Laboratory in the Air Force Institute of Technology's Graduate School of Engineering Research in design and implementation of virtual environments, distributed interactive simulations, and advanced distributed simulations for military and medical uses. Research in 3D medical imaging. Research in multimedia. Research in advanced computer architectures for virtual environments and advanced distributed simulation. Research in other topics related to computer graphics. Seminars, workshops, in-house demonstrations, classes, and limited on-site demonstrations. Lab Research Projects: Virtual Environments & Distributed Simulation 3D Medical Imaging For more information The Virtual Environments, 3D Medical Imaging, and Computer Graphics Lab is a reimbursable organization. For more information Lab Resources: Annotated bibliographies A Gallery of images and movies from the Lab. Other Graphics Resources: A Visual listing of Graphics Research Areas Naval Postgraduate School Other WWW Sites of Interest (check them out!) About the Faculty: Lt. Colonel Martin R. Stytz ( Captain Keith Shomper ( Lt. Colonel Tom Wailes ( Major Mark Kanko ( About the Students:
keys: architectures multimedia
Virtual Environments, 3D Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics Lab Welcome to the Virtual Environments 3D Medical Imaging and Computer Graphics Laboratory in the Air Force Institute of Technology's Gr...
date: 20-Dec-94
bytes: 4030
links: 8
title: Sun Microsystems Product Overview
keys: storage multimedia
Sun Microsystems Product Overview
Sun Microsystems, Inc. develops, builds, and sells the workstations, servers,
Solaris distributed operating environment, assorted peripherals for the SPARC
platform, and the appropriate software for your client-server solutions.
* New Products for the Technical User, 11/94
* Hardware
* SMCC Product Family
* Workstations
* Servers
* Netra Server Family
* System Upgrades
* Remarketed Systems
* Multimedia & Graphics
* Printer Products
* Mass Storage & Peripherals
* Hardware Spare Parts
* SPARC Board & Chip Level Products
* Software * Operating Environment * End User Tools * Software Development * Enterprise-Wide Management * Networking & Connectivity * ATM * Fast Ethernet * Enterprise Connectivity * PC Desktop Integra...
Product Overview
Sun Microsystems Products Page
date: 07-Feb-95
bytes: 1628
links: 11
title: Computing. Lancaster University. UK
keys: multimedia storage
Computing. Lancaster University. UK
Dr. Andrew Scott
- Lecturer
Computing Department
Engineering Building
Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK
Andrew is an investigator on the following funded projects:
*SERC Quality of Service-Architecture ( QOS-A ) for multimedia communications
date: 04-Jan-95
bytes: 4100
links: 8
title: Sun Microsystems Product Overview
keys: storage
Sun Microsystems Product Overview
Sun Microsystems, Inc. develops, builds, and sells the workstations, servers,
Solaris distributed operating environment, assorted peripherals for the SPARC
platform, and the appropriate software for your client-server solutions.
* New Products for the Technical User, 11/94
* Hardware
* SMCC Product Family
* Workstations
* Servers
* Netra Server Family
* System Upgrades
* Remarketed Systems
* Multimedia & Graphics
* Printer Products
* Mass Storage & Peripherals
* Hardware Spare Parts
* SPARC Board & Chip Level Products
* Software * Operating Environment * End User Tools * Software Development * Enterprise-Wide Management * Networking & Connectivity * ATM * Fast Ethernet * Enterprise Connectivity * PC Desktop Integra...
Product Overview
date: 13-Apr-95
bytes: 11941
links: 80
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
date: 08-Apr-95
bytes: 9137
links: 32
title: Doug Ierardi
outline: Doug Ierardi
keys: storage multimedia
Doug Ierardi
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Henry Salvatori Computer Science Center, SAL 300
University of Southern California
(213) 740-4503
(213) 740-7285
Doug Ierardi is a member of the
Ierardi, Doug
Prof .Doug Ierardi
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 11872
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
[Research Database page (parent page)]
information on Hypertexts , including links to Xanadu Project and ``As we may think'' by V. Bush
Kanada's Research Database
date: 07-Apr-95
bytes: 11874
links: 79
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: multimedia architectures
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
information on Hypertexts , including links to Xanadu Project and ``As we may think'' by V. Bush
Research Database Page
date: 13-Apr-95
bytes: 11943
links: 80
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
date: 24-Mar-95
bytes: 20598
links: 61
title: IEEE Compcon '95
outline: 1995 Program Index Conference Fees (3 days): Tutorials (extra fee required) Theme: TECHNOLOGIES for the SUPERHIGHWAY MONDAY March 6, 1995 Monday, Track 1 Monday, Track 2 Monday, Track 3 Tuesday, Track 4 Tuesday, Track 5 Tuesday, Track 6 PowerPC Processors, S. Peter Song, IBM and Nasr Ullah, Motorola Power PC software and Systems, N. Ullah, Motorola, M. NguyenPhu, IBM WEDNESDAY, March 8, 1995 Wednesday, Track 7 Wednesday, Track 8 Wednesday, Track 9 Wednesday, Track 10 TUTORIALS Sunday, March 5 Thursday, March 9
IEEE Compcon '95
Welcome to the IEEE COMPCON 95 web site!
Updated 2/28/95
*Robin Williams, IBM (Program Chair)
*Winfried Wilcke, HaL (General Chair)
The IEEE Compcon 1995 Conference will be held March 5-9, 1995
at the Stanford Court Hotel
, San Francisco, California. Compcon has a
travel agency for this event. Please
consider them.
This year's conference continues the Compcon tradition of
providing a broad technical overview of the most
exciting developments in the computer industry. However,
special emphasis is given to the technologies driving
the emerging Information Super Highway - from the nuts
and bolts of fast microprocessor design to broadband
networks, advanced storage and compression technologies
and multimedia applications
IEEE Compcon '95
date: 25-Jan-95
bytes: 1529
title: Distributed Audio Video Environment (DAVE) -- A fully integrated multimedia networking environment facilitates the transfer of technology to private industry and other research partners
outline: Distributed Audio Video Environment (DAVE) -- A fully integrated multimedia networking environment facilitates the transfer of technology to private industry and other research partners
keys: storage multimedia
Distributed Audio Video Environment (DAVE) -- A fully integrated multimedia networking environment facilitates the transfer of technology to private industry and other research partners
Researchers at the National Laboratories frequently work with private industry partners and other national laboratories
Distributed Audio/Video Environment (DAVE)
date: 25-Mar-95
bytes: 1355
links: 10
title: AFT Projects
outline: AFT Projects
keys: storage multimedia
AFT Projects
* Multimedia systems
* Site disturbance
* Forest fuel characterization by remote
* Remote Sensing of Foliar Chemistry
* Seed Orchard Management System
* Carbon Budget Model
* Database for Image Meta-data Storage and Retrieval
date: 31-Mar-95
bytes: 7798
links: 1
title: Edupage newsletter for 22-02-94
Edupage newsletter for 22-02-94
For more information about Edupage and the Educom consortium, click
A computer programming error caused Chemical Bank to
mistakenly deduct about $15 million from customer accounts in the New York
City area, by double-recording withdrawals from automated teller machines.
Chemical Bank reacted promptly to correct the problem and said that many of
the customers sounded "more resigned than threatening." (New York Times
2/20/94 p.15)
Because the venerable 200-year-old Encyclopedia
Britannica shunned multimedia technology, its profits have dried up and it
is being hurt badly in the marketplace by CD ROM competitors Compton's,
Grolier's and Encarta. (Forbes, 2/28/94 p.42).
date: 02-Apr-95
bytes: 2017
links: 2
title: IST
outline: IST Image Science and Technology Research Center
keys: architectures multimedia
IST Image Science and Technology Research Center
The Image Science and Technology Research Center (IST)
has been instituted to promote common research activities
involving studies on digital images : analysis and processing of images,
recognition and image understanding, artificial vision, virtual reality,
architectures for image analysis, visual languages, multimedia systems and
image databases.
Image Science and Technology Research Center, University of Pavia (Italy)
IST - Image Science and Technology Research Center
date: 06-Apr-95
bytes: 4745
outline: LIST OF RESEARCH PROJECTS - 1993/1994
keys: multimedia architectures
A Comprehensive Review and Evaluation of the Objectoriented (OO)
Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (Case) Tools
A Critical Evaluation of the Application of Object Oriented Database
Management System in Real Time Communication Systems Development
A Generalized and Portable Parser of Chinese Text Using Lexical
Functional Grammar Approach
A Generic Operating System Kernel for Multimedia Machines
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Cross-Checking of Inter-Model Consistency
A Medical Multimedia Document Architecture and Database Design
A Methodology for a User Oriented, Holostic Approach to the Design of
Multiple Reasoning System
date: 24-Dec-94
bytes: 3346
title: GMD Darmstadt, IPSI-Projects [9]
outline: Editorial work
keys: storage multimedia
GMD Darmstadt, IPSI-Projects [9]
Production of an electronic journal:
the 'relationship publishing' way
MMF Team
The MultiMedia Forum is an electronic multimedia journal for GMD members. Since January 1993, many issues have been produced at regular intervals by the GMD-IPSI editorial team.The MMF provides text, ...
In May 1994, an MMF special issue accessible via WWW, has been started as the "MMF public edition".
Editorial work
In the acquisition phase, MMF documents are either produced inhouse or imported from various traditional or digital sources inside the GMD or from outside; they are converted and transferred into stor...
For the MMF production, the distributed
platform for an interactive electronic journal
date: 02-Apr-95
bytes: 11622
links: 78
title: Research-related Database
outline: Research-related Database
keys: architectures multimedia
Research-related Database
This page contains links to research-related knowledges for
Kanada 's hesearch.
See also :
[Kanada's research themes] .
[Kanada's home page in English (a parent page)] ,
[Kanada's home page in Japanese (a parent page)] .
Note :
This database is mainly for Kanada's research, but it may be useful for others.
This section contains meta-catalogues and catalogues of both online and paper
libraries (on research-related articles and general articles).
This section should be restructured!
* Search Engines
for WWW Pages, Bibliography, etc.
* BP : Bookstores and
Book Publishers
* Collection of Libraries ,
including WWW- or telnet-accessible Search Engines,
Online Publications including
[Research Database page (parent page)]
To see more hits, use the Search form.
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