Global Reach and Impact of Digital Libraries Workshop

This workshop is part of the events connected with JCDL'2004. Please see for information about the conference. Workshop attendees are expected to register for the meeting through the JCDL site.

Those interested in attending the workshop should read the description below and submit on time to the workshop chair as specified. The workshop co-chairs will select for inclusion as many as possible of those whose submissions best fit in with the workshop theme.




The primary aim of the workshop is to advance global reach and impact of digital libraries by facilitating international collaboration. Attendees will work in groups, organized around themes such as Indo-US collaboration, or the establishment of an international association to promote education aided by digital libraries. Each group will leave with a detailed action plan.

The workshop will begin with opening remarks by the organizers, and be followed by 1/4 day of poster session, so attendees can become familiar with the work and interests of all present. The rest of the afternoon of 6/10 will have attendees divided into groups based on proposals that argue for topical or regional collaboration (e.g., Shalini Urs and Martin Halbert will lead a group to continue prior exploration of opportunities for Indo-US DL collaboration). Group leaders will meet during the evening of 6/10 to set the agenda for the next day. The morning of 6/11 will begin with 90 minutes of additional group discussion. Then groups will present a summary of their action plan in a plenary session, and general discussion will conclude the meeting.

Those interested in co-leading a group should submit by April 30 a proposal indicating: title for group, theme for discussion, two names (and contact information) of co-organizers, list of others planning to attend, and pointers to prior reports or meetings (if any) that relate (and which this event will allow to continue).

Individuals interested in attending should submit by May 3 a proposal indicating name, contact information, ranked list of themes for discussion they would like to consider, and a 1 page description of their poster – suitable for inclusion in the workshop electronic proceedings.