

Crisis, Tragedy and Recovery network (CTRnet), is a digital library network for providing a range of services relating to different kind of tragic events. Through this digital library, we collect and archive different types of CTR related information such as Web sites, videos, blogs and tweets.  Various collections about school shootings and natural disasters have been developed from collaboration with the Internet Archive.  Please click an image below to visit the collections. The complete list of our web and tweet collection names can be found here

We provide services such as visualization, searching and browsing of the data. We hope that these services could help communities and stakeholders as they heal and recover from various tragic events. We also hope that our data is useful for researchers who investigate the various aspects of disasters.

Political Crisis, Terrorism, and Shooting Collections


Several collections related to school shooting events can be searched below using the interface provided by Archive-It.  Please select a collection name in the drop-down list, enter a query in the text box, then click 'Go' button. Search results will be displayed on another page.

All CollectionsJasmine Revolution-Tunisia ArchiveMiddle East, North Africa Revolution ArchiveIndonesian Hotel Bombing ArchiveGeorgia, Russia Conflict ArchiveTibet Protest ArchiveZimbabwean Crisis ArchiveYoungstown Shooting ArchiveTucson Shooting ArchiveAlabama University Shooting ArchiveNorthern Illinois University Shooting ArchiveVirginia Tech April 16 ArchiveVirginia Tech April 16 Remembrance ArchiveInternational School Shootings Archive


By clicking the image of a collection below, you can browse archived pages. The browse interface is provided by the Archive-It.

Political Protests, Terrorism and Conflicts






Jasmine Revolution-Tunisia

(Feb. 2011)









Middle East, North Africa Protest

(Feb. 2011)

Indonesia Hotel Bombing



Tibet Protest


Georgia & Russia Conflict

(Aug. 2008)


Zimbabwean Crisis






























                                                        Shooting Incidents

Youngstown State University

(Feb. 2011)


Tucson, AZ

(Jan. 2011)

University of Alabama

(Feb. 12, 2010)


Virginia Tech April 16 Remembrance

(Apr. 16, 2010)

Northern Illinois University

(Feb. 14, 2008)

Virginia Tech April 16 Archive

(Apr. 16, 2007)

International Schools
