Standard Search Standard Search allows you to use a word, phrase, or larger increments of text as search terms. If Standard Search is not your current Search Mode and you are working with a database that allows for switching among alternative Search Modes, click on the Search Pulldown Menu option, move your mouse pointer to the Standard Search Mode, and click. NOTE: As you move from one mode to another, Windows Personal Librarian recalls the default settings for the newly selected mode. Default settings include which window options are being shown, the sizes and positions of the windows, and the font styles and sizes for the text within each window. To use Standard Search, move your mouse pointer to the Search Window Text Entry Area within the Search Window and click to activate this window. The Search Window Text Entry Area is active when a flashing Text Position Indicator appears. Once the Search Window Text Entry Area is active, you can enter text and/or numbers along with various Boolean or other operators. When you have completed entering your search terms, you activate a search by pressing the ENTER key or by moving your mouse pointer to the Search Button in the Search Window and clicking. This action will initiate your search. (See Search Operators in this Help system) The Document Window displays the documents retrieved by a Search, one document at a time, and the document displayed first is always the document ranked first according to the Probable Relevance Ranking option (if Probable Relevance Ranking is activated). You may browse through the set of retrieved documents by using the Browse options. You may also browse documents not retrieved by the particular search but located in close proximity to retrieved documents. (See Browse 1 and 2 in this Help system) The results of a search will appear in the Document Window, which occupies all but the top portion of the screen. Other windows, such as the Search Window, the Lights Toolbox Menu, the Bar Chart Window, and the List Window will appear on top of the Document Window if they are active.