Hypermedia: "Contemporary society's dramatic increase in reliance on information and knowledge is giving computer based information systems central roles in sociological, government, technological, scientific, business, political, cultural, factory, and even in some interpersonal relations and endeavors. Indeed the collection, storage, retrieval, processing, dissemination, and application of data has become society's primary method for assisting critical inquiry for amplifying society's capacity to learn, 'know,' build, manage, design, and to organize." (Joseph, 1987) The hypermedia concept is based on the integration of all information resources into a readily accessible, coherently structured, digital environment. Hypermedia systems are similar to expert systems in terms of their capabilities for associative information management and decision enhancement. Recent developments in computer memory, data integration, and connectivity have fostered significant advances in the hypermedia concept. However, for the development of a system that functions as an information clearinghouse at the global scale, the fundamentals of a coherent, efficient data structure represents major design constraint. <ffile29> Monitoring Technological Developments <ffile36> Xanadu <ffile37> Pooling of Knowledge <ffile84> Man to Man: Research