PC-Hypertext: Objectives The objective of this phase of the research effort was to determine whether a hypertext system might represent an appropriate strategy for resolving the information management needs associated with the preservation process. The intent was to not only respond to the programmatic demands that guided the assembly of the HSPD (see 4.1.3), but to expand on its capabilities by implementing intuitive and discretionary navigation in an associative reference structure. The product was a prototype application that put preservation information into an accessible, integrated environment which would allow the system user to focus on evaluation and synthesis of information rather than the gathering of information (Chignell and Lacy, 1988). The attributes of several hypertext systems were reviewed, and after assessing performance, user interface, availability, and cost, software developed by MaxThink Inc. (Kensington, CA) was selected for development of the prototype preservation information system. PC-Hypertext: Introduction PC-Hypertext: Description PC-Hypertext: Summary