PC-Hypertext: At its most basic level, a hypertext system is a database management system that connects screens of information (idea nodes) by using associative links. A sophisticated hypertext system establishes an environment for professional collaboration, communication, and the acquisition of knowledge (Fiderio, 1988). In order to facilitate the research effort, the process of assembling the prototype hypertext system for historic preservation focused on a discrete preservation issue rather than the construction of a comprehensive information management application. The focal issue selected for the prototype was masonry deterioration problems and preservation treatments. The intent was to design a hypertext preservation information module which could serve as a model component for the assembly of a comprehensive preservation information system. The information for the masonry module was derived from the Historic Structures Preservation Database of the National Park Service, from information assembled by the NPS Technical Preservation Services Division, and from publications by (Grimmer, 1988), (Oehrlein, 1980), (Addleson, 1972), and (Richardson, 1980). Case Studies PC-Hypertext: Hardware and Software PC-Hypertext: Objectives PC-Hypertext: Assembly PC-Hypertext: Attributes 1. PC-Hypertext: Limitations 1. PC-Hypertext: Summary Application: IPIS-Hypertext