IRList Digest Saturday, 7 May 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 30 Today's Topics: Query - Best JASIS paper for 1987? Announcement - Program for SIGIR 88 News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 7 May 88 05:27:35 PDT From: Edward A. Fox To: fox Subject: Best JASIS Paper in 1987 Status: R Please send me your comments on the paper you think was the best paper in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science. I am a member of the "jury" and would like to solicit comments. All papers are eligible. The winning paper will be selected by plurality of the votes of the jury and is selected on the basis of the paper's professional merit, contribution to the field, and presentation quality. I look forward to hearing from people regarding their favorite paper. Regards, Ed Fox ------------------------------ Subject: 11th ACM SIGIR Conference Date: 5 May 88 12:57:14 GMT Reply-To: mcvax!!siri@uunet.UU.NET (Equipe Chiaramella) Organization: IMAG, University of Grenoble, France !!! reduced fees last till May 9th !!! ----------------------------------------- PROGRAM OF THE 88ACM - SIGIR Conference 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL JUNE 13-15, 1988 GRENOBLE FRANCE In cooperation with the ACM ORGANIZED BY Laboratoire IMAG - Genie Informatique de Grenoble UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF CNRS, INRIA, AFCET, UNIVERSITE Grenoble I, INPG SPONSORS CNRS - INRIA - AFCET - INPG Universite Grenoble I - Institut IMAG Conseil general de l'Isere - Ville de Grenoble BULL S.A., Control Data, GSI CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Y.Chiaramella LGI-IMAG - BP 53 X - 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX - FRANCE phone number : 76 51 48 31 EUROPEAN PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN E.Chouraqui GRTC-CNRS - 31, ch.J.Aiguier 13402 MARSEILLE CEDEX 9 - FRANCE phone number: 91 22 40 47 NORTH AMERICA PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN G.Salton CORNELL UNIVERSITY - Dpt of Computer Science 4130 UPSON HALL-ITHACA - N.Y. 14853-7501 USA phone number: (607) 255-7316 PROGRAM COMMITTEE M. Adiba(F) A. Bookstein(USA) C. Bouche(F) M.F. Bruandet(F) E. Chouraqui(F) W.B. Croft(USA) T.E Doszkocs(USA) A.S. Fraenkel(ISRAEL) N. Fuhr(RFA) G. Knorz(RFA) S. Miranda(F) C.D. Paice(UK) V. Quint(F) F. Rabitti(I) V.V Raghavan(USA) K.V.Rijsbergen(UK) G. Salton(USA) P. Willet(UK) S.K.M. Wong(CANADA) Conference Secretariat SIGIR 88 - LGI-IMAG BP 53 X - 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX FRANCE electronic address : siri@imag.UUCP phone : 76 51 46 34 telex : 980 134 F telecopy : 76 51 48 48 MONDAY, JUNE 13 8.00 REGISTRATION FOR DELEGATES 9.30 OPENING SESSION 10.00 SPECIAL SESSION : SIGIR AWARD Chaiman: W.B. Croft Guest Conference by K. Sparck Jones 11.00 BREAK 11.30 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (1) Chairman : C.D. Paice A.F. Smeaton (Nat. Inst. for Higher Education Glasnevin), C.J. Van Rijsbergen Experiments on Incorporating Syntactic Processing of User Queries into a Document Retrieval Strategy S. Bonzi, E. Liddy (Syracuse University) The Use of Anaphoric Resolution for Document Description in Information Retrieval 13.00 LUNCH 14.30 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (2) Chairman: Y. Chiaramella G. Antoniadis, G. Lallich-Boidin, Y. Polity, J. Rouault (CRISS - Grenoble) French Text Recognition Model for Information Retrieval System P. S. Jacobs, L.F. Rau (GE RDC Schenectady) Natural Language Techniques for Intelligent Information Retrieval 15.50 BREAK 16.20 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (3) Chairman: Y. Chiaramella J. Veronis (CNRS GRTC Marseille) Correction of Phonographic Errors in Natural Language Interfaces B. Revzner (Inst. Povisheniya Kvalificatsii, Moscow) Precedental Data Bases: How and Why they are Worked out and Used 19.00 - 20.00 CONCERT MONDAY, JUNE 13 8.00 REGISTRATION FOR DELEGATES 9.30 OPENING SESSION 10.00 SPECIAL SESSION : Chaiman: W.B. Croft Guest Conference by K. Sparck Jones 11.00 BREAK 11.30 COGNITIVE MODELS Chairman: J. Tague D.O. Case (University of California) How do the Experts do it ? The Use of Ethnographic Methods as an Aid to understanding the Cognitive Processing and Retrieval of Large Bodies of Text N.J. Belkin (Rutgers University) On the Nature and Function of Explanation in Intelligent Information Retrieval 13.00 LUNCH 14.30 PARALLEL DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING Chairman: P. Willett G. Salton, C. Buckley (Cornell University) Using Spreading Activation Methods in Automatic Information Retrieval R.J. Brachman, D.L. McGuinness (AT&T Bell Laboratories) Knowledge Representation, Connectionism, and Conceptual Retrieval 15.50 BREAK 16.20 APPLICATIONS (1) Chairman: W.B. Croft J. Seo (University of Texas at Austin) BABEL : A Base for an Experimental Library L.P. Jones, C. deBessonet, S. Kundu (Louisiana State University) ALLOY : An Amalgamation of Expert, Linguistic and Statistical Indexing Methods 19.00 - 20.00 CONCERT TUESDAY, JUNE 14 9.00 QUANTITATIVE MODELS (1) Chairman: G. Salton C.T. Yu, H. Mizuno (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago) Two Learning Schemes in Information Retrieval S.K.M. Wong, Y.Y. Yao (Univ. of Regina), P. Bollmann Linear Structure in Information Retrieval F. Hirabayashi, H. Matoba, Y. Kasahara (NEC Corporation) Information Retrieval Using Impression of Documents as a Clue 11.00 BREAK 11.30 QUANTITATIVE MODELS (2) Chairman: S. K. M. Wong P. Bollmann (Technische Univ. Berlin), V.V. Raghavan A Utility-Theoretic Analysis of Expected Search Length N. Fuhr, H. Huther (T.H. Darmstadt) Optimum Probability Estimation based on Expectations 13.00 LUNCH 14.30 THESAURAL MODELS Chairman: N. Fuhr H.P. Giger (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich) Concept Based Retrieval in Classical IR Systems E. A. Fox, G. L. Nunn, W. C. Lee (Virginia Polyt. Institute) Coefficients for Combining Concept Classes in a Collection C. J. Crouch (Tulane University, New Orleans) A Cluster-Based Approach to Thesaurus Construction 16.30 BREAK 17.00 APPLICATIONS (2) Chairman: A. Bookstein D. Harman (Lister Hill Cent. for Biomedical Comm.) Towards Interactive Query Expansion P. Biebricher, N. Fuhr, G. Lustig, M. Schwantner (Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt) The Automatic Indexing System AIR/PHYS - From Research to Application 20.00 BANQUET TUESDAY, JUNE 14 9.00 INTERFACES (1) Chairman: T. E. Doszkocs A. J. Kok, A. M. Botman (Vrije Univ. Amsterdam) Retrieval Based on User Behaviour P. Simpson (Princeton Univ.) Query Processing in a Heterogeneous Retrieval Network J. Tague, R. Schultz (Univ. of Western Ontario) Some Measures and Procedures for Evaluation of the User Interface in an Information Retrieval System 11.00 BREAK 11.30 INTERFACES (2) Chairman: G. Knorz G. Brajnik, G. Guida, C. Tasso (Univ. di Udine) IR-NLI II: Applying Man-Machine Interaction and AI Concepts to Information Retrieval F. N. Teskey (Brighton Polytechnic) Intelligent Support for Interface Systems 13.00 LUNCH 14.30 DATA BASES Chairman: M. Adiba R. Gonzalez-Rubio, M. Couprie (Centre de Recherche Bull) A Parallel Multiprocessor Machine Dedicated to Relationnal and Deductive Data Bases P. Bosc, M. Galibourg (IRISA) Flexible Selection among Objects : A Framework Based On Fuzzy Sets C. Damier, B. Defude (MATRA) The Document Management Component of a Multimedia Data Model 16.30 BREAK 17.00 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (1) Chairman: E. Chouraqui G. W. Furnas (Bellcore), S. Deerwester, S. Dumais, T. Landauer, R. Harshman Information Retrieval Using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure W.B. Croft, T.J. Lucia, P.R. Cohen (Univ. of Massachusetts) Retrieving Documents by Plausible Inference: A Preliminary Study 20.00 BANQUET WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 9.00 LOGICAL MODELS Chairman: K. Van Rijsbergen J. Nie (LGI-IMAG, Grenoble) An outline of a general model for Information Retrieval Systems. S. Laine, O. Larouk, I. Vidalenc ( SYDOL, Univ. Lyon I et II) Textual Information Systems: the contribution of extentional and intentional logics. P. Schauble (Zurich Federal Institute of Technology) An Information Structure dealing with Term Dependence and Polysemy 11.00 BREAK 11.30 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2) Chairman: G. Knorz C. Barthes, P. Glize (Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) Planning in an Expert System for Automated Information Retrieval G.P. Zarri (CNRS Paris) Conceptual Representation for Knowledge Bases and "Intelligent" Information Retrieval Systems 13.00 LUNCH 14.30 SET ORIENTED MODELS Chairman: V.V. Raghavan P. Das-Gupta (George Mason University) Rough Sets and Information Retrieval A. Bookstein (University of Chicago) Set Oriented Retrieval WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 9.00 IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES Chairman: F. Rabitti Y. Choueka (Univ. Bar-Ilan, Isral), A.S. Fraenkel,S.T. Klein Compression of Concordances in Full-Text Retrieval Systems Y.H. Ng , S.P.V. Barros (Univ. of London) Active Memory for Text Information Retrieval C. Jimenez Guarin (LGI-IMAG, Grenoble) Access by Content of Documents in an Office Information System 11.00 BREAK 11.30 APPLICATIONS (3) Chairman: A.S. Fraenkel R.H. Ledwith (Colombus, Ohio) Development of a Large, Concept-Oriented Database for Information Retrieval E. Wilson (Univ. of Kent at Canterbury) Integrated Information Retrieval for Law in a Hypertext Environment 13.00 LUNCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION : CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DE GRENOBLE 1 PL. ANDRE MALRAUX - GRENOBLE THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS AT THE CITY CENTER. PARKING TWO CARPARKS CAN BE FOUND NEAR THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. TRANSPORT TO AND FROM GRENOBLE - GRENOBLE IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE BY RAIL FROM ALL MAIN CITIES INCLUDING PARIS (DIRECT TGV), GENEVA, FRANCFORT... - IN ADDITION TO RAIL SERVICES, THERE ARE ALSO TWO CONVENIENT AIRPORTS 1. GRENOBLE : SAINT-GEOIRS (40KM) IS DAILY FLIGHTS TO AND FROM PARIS. THERE IS A REGULAR BUS SHUTTLE BETWEEN THE AIRPORT AND THE GRENOBLE SNCF STATION. 2. LYON : SATOLAS (90 KM) FOR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS FROM AND TO GENEVA FRANCFORT, LONDON, ATHENS, NEW-YORK, MILAN, MONTREAL. PASSENGERS MAY CONTINUE TO GRENOBLE EITHER BY RAIL FROM LYON OR BY BUS SHUTTLE. - TRANSPORT PRICE REDUCTIONS OF 20% FOR RAIL, AND 30% FOR AIR CAN BE OBTAINED FOR INTERNAL TRAFFIC IF YOU BUY ROUND-TRIP TICKETS AND ASK FOR A DISCOUNT ON PLANE AND TRAIN TICKETS ON THE REGISTRATION FORM. DO NOT FORGET TO VALIDATE THEM DURING THE CONFERENCE. TRANSPORTS - A TRAMWAY AND BUSES JOIN THE SNCF STATION TO THE CITY CENTER EVERY FIVE MINUTES. - SCHEDULES WILL BE DISPLAYED IN THE MAIN ENTRANCE HALL THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. REGISTRATION THE HOTEL RESERVATION FORM AND THE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE SENT TO THE LGI-IMAG, AT THE ADDRESS : SIGIR 88 - LGI-IMAG - BP 53 X 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX (FRANCE) IN CASE OF PAYMENT BY CHEQUE, THE CHEQUE MUST BE MADE OUT TO SIGIR 88; IN CASE OF PAYMENT BY CREDIT TRANSFERT, THE REFERENCE OF THE BANKING ACCOUNT IS : NO: 79026L CREDIT LYONNAIS - 32, RUE PIERRE BROSSOLETTE - 38400 SAINT-MARTIN D'HERES (FRANCE) ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN FRENCH FRANCS. FEES UNIVERSITY MEMBERS AND STUDENTS: FF 1700 OTHERS PARTICIPANTS: FF 3000 FOR THE REGISTRATION MAILED BACK AFTER MAY 9TH, THE FEES WILL BE INCREASED BY 30 %. THESE FEES COVER ACCESS TO THE CONFERENCES, PROCEEDINGS, COFFEE BREAKS,THE THREE LUNCHES, THE BANQUET AND THE CONCERT. ACCOMPANYING PERSONS PERSONS ACCOMPANYING THE CONFERENCE MEMBERS MAY HAVE THEIR LUNCHES AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE BANQUET ON JUNE 14TH, (THE PRICE IS INDICATED ON THE REGISTRATION FORM), THEY WILL ALSO BE MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND THE CONCERT. A VISIT OF THE SURROUNDINGS OF GRENOBLE OR/AND A TOWN VISIT WILL BE ORGANIZED, ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS; (SEE THE CORRESPONDING FEES OF ALL THOSE OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES ON THE REGISTRATION FORM.) CANCELLATIONS CANCELLATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MAY 24TH, IF ACCOMPANIED BY A WRITTEN REQUEST. A FEE OF 500 FF WILL BE RETAINED DUE TO THE MANAGEMENT AND MAILING OPERATIONS. AFTER MAY 24TH, NO REFUNDING WILL BE MADE. SERVICES PARTICIPANTS MAY USE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES FOUND IN THE MAIN ENTRANCE HALL FROM 9 AM TO 5 PM : - MESSAGE BOARD - BILINGUAL HOSTESSES - PHOTOCOPY SERVICE THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS CLOSE TO THE MAIN POST OFFICE, AND THE BANKS OFFICIAL LANGUAGE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE CONFERENCE IS ENGLISH, FOR THE PAPERS AND TALKS. PROCEEDINGS THE PROCEEDINGS ARE PUBLISHED BY THE PUG (PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE GRENOBLE). ONE PROCEEDING WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH PARTICIPANT. EXTRA PROCEEDINGS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT FF 400 DURING THE CONFERENCE, AND IN SEPTEMBER AT THE PUG, AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: PUG - BP 47 X 38040 GRENOBLE CEDEX - FRANCE PHONE : 76 44 43 78 TELEX : UNISOG 980910 THE PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE POSTAGE. MANIFESTATIONS COCKTAIL A COCKTAIL WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH, FROM 7 PM TO 9 PM IN THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. PARTICIPANTS MAY PICK UP THEIR INSCRIPTIONS. CONCERT A CONCERT OF QUATUORS (SCHUMANN AND BRAHMS) WILL BE HELD AT THE HISTORIC COUVENT OF 'SAINTE-MARIE-D'EN-HAUT' WHICH TAKE PLACE IN A TOURISTIC LANDSCAPE, AT 7 PM (ONE HOUR LONG), ON MONDAY, JUNE 13TH. A BUS SHUTTLE WILL DRIVE PARTICIPANTS THERE. BANQUET The banquet is arranged on Tuesday, June 14th at 8 pm. Participants will be driven to the place of banquet, and will be driven back to their hotel. TECHNICAL EXHIBITION A technical exhibition will be held during the conference, (from Monday June 13th, to Wednesday June 15th, from 9 am to 6 pm), in the exhibition Hall of the Chamber of Commerce. A preliminary list of participating companies includes : SARL B'VITAL 35 rue Joseph Chanrion 38000 Grenoble - phone : 76 51 04 96 exhibits tools for improving dictionary on an ergonomic workstation, and a French-English translation system for technical documents used in aeronautics. Centre de Documentation de l'Armement (CEDOCAR) 26 Bd Victor 75996 Paris Armes- phone : (1) 45 52 45 34 Exhibition and demonstration of information retrieval software. DELPHIA 27 Av. de la Rpublique 38170 Seyssinet- phone : 76 26 68 94 specialized in the design and the industrialisation of the PROLOG language, proposes the demonstration of a DELPHIA-PROLOG compiler and of an environment tool for workstations and mini-computers in the area of Software Engineering, AI and Relationnal DBMS. JLB INFORMATIQUE BP 105 92116 Clichy Cedex - phone : (1) 47 30 99 19 exhibits the software JLB-DOC. JLB-DOC is a software for document retrieval allowing the handling and retrieving of information using factual and textual data bases. Applications will be demonstrated in office automation and management. LOGI+ 6 rue de Stockholm 67000 Strasbourg - phone : 88 60 17 60 exhibits the three following softwares : GESBIB III a french software for documents management on micro-computer, LOGICOM a communication software oriented towards data base interrogation, and BIBAL a French software for library management (lending of documents). MATRA - 31 rue des cosmonautes, ZI du Palays 31077 Toulouse - phone : 33 61 39 61 39 The exhibition underlines efforts that must be made by a large industrial group as MATRA when it is faced to the problems of applications of computer science research to its own industrial projects. RANK XEROX 23 chemin des Sources 38240 Meylan - phone : 76 90 02 18 Documents handling and processing : from paper documents towards electronic documents. INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORM Please complete this form in CAPITAL LETTERS and, to benefit of reduced fees mail it back before May 9 to : Mr YVES CHIARAMELLA, LGI - IMAG BP 53 X 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX (FRANCE) phone number : (33) 76 51 46 34 telex : 980 134 F, electronic mail : Mr - Ms (please select the proper item) Lastname : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Firstname: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Title : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Organism : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Address : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Zip Code : |__|__|__|__|__| City : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Country : |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Telephone: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Electr. addr: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Accompanied by: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Date of arrival : |__|__|__|__|__|__| Date of departure : |__|__|__|__|__|__| Payment : including Fee, three Lunches, Banquet, Concert and Proceedings : Universitary members (*) before May 9,1988 1700F after May 9,1988 2210 FF |__|__|__|__| Others before May 9,1988 3000F after May 9,1988 3900 FF |__|__|__|__| Accompanying persons : Lunch June, 13 1988 : 100 FF X |__| persons |__|__|__|__| June, 14 1988 : 100 FF X |__| persons |__|__|__|__| June, 15 1988 : 100 FF X |__| persons |__|__|__|__| Banquet June, 14 1988: 350 FF X |__| persons |__|__|__|__| TOTAL(a) = |__|__|__|__|__| Touristic visits (to be paid at Grenoble, will be organized only if more than 20 participants) visit of Grenoble: 115 FF X |__| persons visit of the Chartreuse: 285 FF X |__| persons (*) also for ACM and AFCET members. TRANSPORT : I would like to receive (*): - a discount on train ticket : |__| - a discount on plane ticket : |__| (*) for local transportation in France only. CANCELLATION COSTS : Should there be a cancellation from the participant, the following fees will be charged: - until May 24,1988 : 500 FF of file fees per person - after May 24,1988 : no refunding will be made ACCOMMODATION REQUEST No accommodation can be retained without TOTAL PAYMENT Prices include B & B. Shower or bath and toilets for 2 and 3 stars hotels. Student accommodation and 1 star hotels: wash basin only. - from |__|__| June 1988 in the night to |__|__| June 1988 in the morning - 1 STAR |__| single room(s) X |__| nights X 124 FF = |__|__|__|__| |__| double room(s) X |__| nights X 166 FF = |__|__|__|__| - 2 STARS |__| single room(s) X |__| nights X 225 FF = |__|__|__|__| |__| double room(s) X |__| nights X 250 FF = |__|__|__|__| - 3 STARS |__| single room(s) X |__| nights X 380 FF = |__|__|__|__| |__| double room(s) X |__| nights X 426 FF = |__|__|__|__| - STUDENT ACCOMMODATION (*) normal fee: |__| single room(s) X |__| nights X 100 FF = |__|__|__|__| student fee: |__| single room(s) X |__| nights X 70 FF = |__|__|__|__| (*) Students must include a certificate proving registration at their University. TOTAL(b) = |__|__|__|__|__| + TOTAL(a) = |__|__|__|__|__| TOTAL(c) = |__|__|__|__|__|__| I enclose a remittance of |__|__|__|__|__|__| FF (c) to be paid to the order of SIGIR 88, I pay by credit transfert |__|__|__|__|__|__| FF (c) to the banking account number 79026L of the CREDIT LYONNAIS 32 rue Pierre Brossolette, 38400 SAINT-MARTIN D'HERES, FRANCE. Date : Signature : At reception of this form an invoice will be sent to you, along with your hotel reservation. ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************