IRList Digest Thursday, 7 April 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 18 Today's Topics: Announcement - SGSET seminar "Coming of Age of Electronic Publishing" - HyperCard stack with report on Hypertext 87 Call for Papers - IJCAI 89 in Detroit News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 12:11:28 EST From: Peter.Capell@CAT.CMU.EDU Subject: SGSET Seminar Press Release ***** For Immediate Release: SGSET Seminar May 23-24 Carnegie Mellon University Contact: Peter Capell - (412) 268-8599 Hunt Library SGSET Office Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA - Carnegie Mellon University's Study Group on the Structure of Electronic Text (SGSET) will sponsor a 2-day conference, May 23-24, 1988, with the theme: "The Coming of Age of Electronic Text" The conference will include discussions of the "practical aspects of coping with the difficulties of making large amounts of text available for general distribution," says William Arms, University Vice-president for Academic Services at Carnegie Mellon. "The program will consist of five parts, each of which addresses what we we feel are among the most pressing issues in moving electronic publishing forward: real-world experience in electronic electronic publishing, the capture of information, electronic text processing, implications of structuring text for retrieval, and the economics of information. SGSET's aim is to bring together researchers, librarians, publishers, and information vendors and brokers in order to facilitate the distribution and use of electronic text." A listing of the first day's speakers includes: o William Arms (Carnegie Mellon) - To open the sessions o Mark Mandelbaum (ACM) - Chairing the session entitled: "Experience with Electronic Text" o Stuart Rothenstein (McGraw-Hill) - Speaker "Experience" o James H. Morris (Carnegie Mellon) - Speaker "Experience" o Adam Hodgkin (Oxford University Press) - Chairing the session: "The Capture of Information" o Jean-Paul Emard (Meckler Publishing) - Speaker "The Capture of Information" o J. Sperling Martin (Aspen Systems) - Speaker "The Capture of Information" o Richard A. Bowers (AITRC) - Chairing the session: "The Processing of Electronic Text" o Thomas Hickey (OCLC) - Speaker "The Processing of Electronic Text" o Sandra Mamrak (Ohio State University) - Speaker "The Processing of Electronic Text" o Dana Scott (Carnegie Mellon) - Introduction for Dinner Speaker o Howard Webber (DEC) - Dinner Speaker "A Manifesto for Electronic Publishing" Registration is $150.00, includes everything except hotel expenses. The SGSET Office is taking reservations at this time. Those interested may call Peter Capell, (412) 268-8599. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Mar 88 22:25:26 DNT From: Jakob Nielsen Tech Univ of Denmark Subject: RE: HyperCard stack with report on HyperTEXT workshop available Yes, I would like to have the announcement go out to the IR-List as I assume that many people will be interested. The stack does not contain the actual papers presented at the workshop because of copyright problems. It only contains stuff written by myself. It also includes 3 earlier reports which I refer/link to from the primary report - the reason for this is to give some feel for the hypertext situation even in a situation where I can only publish my own stuff. . . . [Note: now that I have permission, and have received a copy in the mail, I am happy to recommend this - there may be some later distribution of this and related materials through ACM as part of their new Database Products series (see Feb. CACM article by P. Wegner). Meanwhile, see details below. - Ed.] Date: Mon, 29 Feb 88 15:22:49 DNT From: Jakob Nielsen Tech Univ of Denmark Subject: HyperCard stack with report on HyperTEXT workshop available My report on the recent HyperTEXT workshop is now available in a hypertext version in the form of a 400 K HyperCard stack. To read it, you will need a Macintosh and APple's HyperCard program. To get a copy of this electronic document please send two double sided Macintosh diskettes to the following address. One diskette will be returned to you with the hypertext report and the other will be kept to cover postage and hanling. Jakob Nielsen Technical University of Denmark Dept. of Computer Science Building 344 DK-2800 Lyngby Copenhagen Denmark ------------------------------ From: Sridharan Date: 16 Mar 88 18:31:11 PST (Wed) Subject: Call for Papers - IJCAI 89 in Detroit ________________________________________________ Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ________________________________________________ Detroit, Michigan U.S.A August 20 thru 26 1989 ________________________________________________ The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) continue to be the premier forum for international scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The next conference will be held in Detroit, Michigan USA from August 20 through August 26, 1989. The conference is sponsored by the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Inc. (IJCAII) and is co- sponsored and hosted by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and a broadly-based consortium of academic, industrial and governmental institutions in the Southeastern Michigan region. The conference is designed to give representation to all subfields of AI including research of all kinds. The conference will also highlight the relationship of AI to other related disciplines. The technical program will comprise a Paper Track focusing on empirical, analytical, theoretical, conceptual, foundational aspects and applied research; and a Videotape Track focusing on applications in all subfields best suited for this form of presentation. The Eleventh IJCAI will feature: o an outstanding technical program; o state-of-the-art exhibit of AI related hardware and software; o stimulating and informative tutorials; o special events that include prizes, awards, panels and workshops; o visits to academic and industrial research centers and o automobile manufacturing plants; and o an interesting variety of extra-conference activities. The official language of the conference is English, both for papers and videotapes. The major areas and subareas are indicated below. A. AI Tools and Technologies A1. Machine Architectures, Languages, Shells A2. Parallel and Distributed Processing A3. Real-Time Performance B. Fundamental Problems, Methods, Approaches B1. Search Methods B2. Knowledge Acquisition, Learning, Analogy B3. Cognitive Modeling B4. Planning, Scheduling, Reasoning about Actions B5. Automated Deduction B6. Patterns of Commonsense Reasoning B7. Other issues in Knowledge Representation C. Fundamental Applications C1. Natural Language, Speech Understanding and Generation C2. Perception, Vision, Robotics C3 Intelligent Tutoring Systems C4. Design, Manufacturing, Control D. Perspectives and Attitudes D1. Philosophical Foundations D2. Social Implications Submission Requirements and Guidelines Important Dates Submissions must be postmarked by: December 12, 1988 Notification of acceptance or rejection: March 27, 1989 Edited version to be produced by: April 27, 1989 Conference: August 20-26, 1989 Program Chair: Paper submissions, reviewing, invited talks, panels, awards and all matters related to the technical program. Dr. N.S. Sridharan FMC Corporation, Central Engineering Labs. 1205 Coleman Avenue, Box 580 Santa Clara, CA 95052 USA (408) 289-0315 Videotape Track Chair: For videotape submissions, editing and scheduling of video presentations. Dr. John Birk Hewlett-Packard Labs. 3500 Deer Creek Road, P.O. Box 10350 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1317 USA (415) 857-2568 Other Contacts: Local Arrangements Chair: Enquiries about local arrangements. Dr. Ramasamy Uthurusamy General Motors Research Laboratories Computer Science Department Warren, Michigan, 48090-9055 USA (313) 986-1989 Tutorials, Exhibits and Registration: Ms. Claudia Mazzetti AAAI Office, 445 Burgess Drive, Suite 100 Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA (415) 328-3123 General Chair: For all general conference related matters. Professor Wolfgang Bibel Computer Science, University of British Columbia 6356 Agricultural Road, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 Canada (604) 228-3061 bibel@ubc.csnet IJCAII Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. Donald Walker AI and Information Science Research Bell Communications Research 445 South Street, MRE 2A379 Morristown, NJ 07960-1961 USA (201) 829-4312 Paper Track Submission: Authors should submit five (5) copies of their papers in hard copy form. Papers should be a minimum of 2000 words (about four pages single spaced) to a maximum of 5000 words (about 10 pages single spaced). Papers should be printed on 8.5"x11.0" or European A4 sized paper, with 1.5" margins, using 12 pt type and be of letter- quality print (no dot matrix printouts). Each full page figure counts for 500 words. Each paper should contain the following information: o Title of paper o Full names of all authors and complete addresses o Abstract of 100-200 words o Length of the paper in words o The area/subarea in which the paper should be reviewed o Declaration of multiple submissions. If the paper submitted to IJCAI-89 is similar in substance or form to another paper submitted to other major conferences in 1989, this must be declared by the author. Papers will be uniformly subject to peer review. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results and the quality of the presentation. Late submissions will be automatically rejected without review. The decision of the Program Committee will be final and cannot be appealed. Papers selected will be scheduled for presentation and will be printed in the Proceedings. Videotape Track Submission: Authors should submit one (1) copy of a videotape of 15 minutes maximum duration, of applied research, accompanied by a submission letter that includes o Title o Full names of authors and complete addresses o Tape format (indicate one of NTSC, PAL or SECAM; and one of VHS or .75" U-matic) o Duration of tape in minutes o An abstract not to exceed 100 words. Late submissions will be automatically rejected without review. Tapes will not be returned; authors must retain extra copies for making revisions. All submissions will be converted to NTSC format before review. Permission to copy for review purposes is required and authors should indicate this in the submission letter. This track is reserved for displaying interesting applications to real- world problems arising in industrial, commercial, space, defense and educational arenas. This track is designed to demonstrate the current level of usefulness of AI tools, techniques and methods. Tapes will be reviewed and selected for presentation during the conference. The following criteria will guide the selection: o Level of interest to the conference audience o Clarity of goals, methods and results o Presentation quality (including audio, video and pace) Preference will be given to applications that show a good level of maturity. Tapes which are deemed to be advertising commercial products, propaganda, purely expository materials, merely taped lectures or other material not of scientific or technical value will be rejected. ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************