IRList Digest Wednesday, 23 December 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 53 Today's Topics: Bibliography - Hypermedia bibliography from Brown (Part 3 of 3) News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Dec 87 13:05:30 EST From: "Paul D. Kahn" Subject: Hypermedia bibliography [Note: this is last of 3 parts - Ed] ::JOURNALS: ANA:Newell, A., McCracken, Donald L., Robertson, G., and Akscyn, R. ATL:ZOG and the USS CARL VINSON MTL:Computer Science Research Review DAT:1981 LOC:95-118 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Nguyen, L. T., and Greenes, R. A. ATL:A Framework for the Use of Computed Links in the EXPLORER-1 Knowledge Management System MTL:MEDINFO 86, IFIP-IMIA AMR:Editors MOA:Salamon, R., Blum, B., and Jorgensen, M. LOC:891-894 PLP:North-Holland PUB:Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Oren, Tim ATL:The Architecture of Hypertexts MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Palay, Andrew J., and Fox, Mark S. ATL:Browsing through databases MTL:Information Retrieval Research AMR:editors MOA:Oddy, R. N. et al. PLP:London PUB:Butterworths DAT:1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Pasquier, Jacques MTL:The Method and Model Base of the Electronic Book: Markov Chains and Reliability Modelling PUB:Institute for Automation and Operations Research PLP:University of Fribourg (Switzerland) STL:Technical Report DAT:June 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Pontecorvo, Michael S. ATL:A Hypermedia Multiple Perspective Mechanism MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Ragland, Craig ATL:Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Macintosh MTL:MacA.P.P.L.E. DAT:August, 1987 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Ramakrishna, K. ATL:Schematization as an Aid to Organizing ZOG Information Nets PUB:Computer Science Department, Carnegie-Mellon University DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Raskin, Jef ATL:The Hype in Hypertext: A Critique MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Raymond, Darrell R. MTL:Personal Data Structuring in Videotex PUB:University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science Technology RID:Cs-84-7 DAT:February, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Raymond, Darrell R., and Tompa, Frank Wm ATL:Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Reitman, W., Roberts, R., Sauvain, R., Wheeler, D., and Lynn, W. ATL:AUTONOTE - A Personal Information Storage and Retrieval System MTL:Proceedings of the 24th National Conference of the ACM DAT:1969 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Remde, Joel R., Gomez, Louis M., and Landauer, Thomas K. ATL:SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration-Hypertext? MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Rittel, H., and Webber, M. ATL:Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning MTL:Policy Sciences VID:4 DAT:1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Robertson, C. K., McCracken, Donald L., and Newell, A. ATL:Experimental Evaluation of the ZOG Frame Editor MTL:Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference DAT:June, 1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Robertson, C. K., McCracken, Donald L., and Newell, A. MTL:The ZOG Approach to Man-Machine Communication PUB:Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University PLP:Pittsburgh, PA STL:Technical Report RID:CMU-CS-79-148 DAT:October 1979 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Russell, D. M., Moran, T. P., and Jordan, D. S. ATL:The Instructional Design Environment MTL:Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned AMR:editors MOA:Psotka, J., Massey, L. D., and Mutter, S. A. PLP:Hillsdale, NJ PUB:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates DAT:in press ::REPORT: ANA:Schatz, B. R. MTL:Telesophy: A System for Browsing and Sharing Inside a Large Information Space PUB:Bell Communications Research PLP:Morristown, NJ RID:TM-ARH-006-094 DAT:September 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben ATL:User Interface Design for the Hyperties Electronic Encyclopedia MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben MTL:User interface design and evaluation for an electronic encyclopedia PUB:Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland PLP:College Park, MD RID:CS-TR-1819 DAT:March, 1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben, Shafer, Philip, Simon, Roland, and Weldon, Linda MTL:Display Strategies for Program Browsing: Concepts and an Experiment PUB:Department of Compuer Science, University of Maryland PLP:College Park, MD RID:CAR-TR-192, CS-TR-1635 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Seybold, Jonathan B. ATL:Tymshare's Augment: Heralding a New Era MTL:Seybold Report on Word Processing VID:1 IID:9 DAT:October 1978 LOC:1-16 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Shapiro, E. ATL:A First Look at Dayflo MTL:Byte VID:9 IID:3 DAT:March 1984 LOC:81-86 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Shasha, Dennis ATL:NetBook-A Data Model to Support Knowledge Exploration MTL:Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Very Large Data Bases PLM:Stockholm DAT:August, 1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Shasha, Dennis ATL:When Does Non-linear Text Help? MTL:Proceedings of the Expert Database Systems Conference DMT:1986 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smith, John B., Weiss, Stephen P., and Ferguson, Gordon J. ATL:A Hypertext Writing Environment and its Cognitive Basis MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Smith, John B., Weiss, Stephen F., Ferguson, Gordon J., Bolter, Jay David, Lansam, M., and Beard, D. V. MTL:WE: A Writing Environment for Professionals PUB:University of North Carolina, Department of Computer Science PLP:Chapel Hill, NC RID:86-025 DAT:August, 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smith, Karen E., and Zdonik, Stanley B. ATL:Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems MTL:Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '87) PLM:Orlando, FL DMT:October 4-8 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Smith, L. C. ATL:'Memex' as an Image Potentiality in Information Retrieval Research and Development MTL:Information Retrieval Research AMR:editors MOA:Oddy, R. N. et al. LOC:345-369 PLP:London PUB:Butterworths DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smolensky, Paul, Bell, Brigham, Fox, Barbara, King, Roger, and Lewis, Clayton ATL:Constraint-based Hypertext for Argumentation MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Stefik, M., Foster, G., Bobrow, D. G., Kahn, K. M., Lanning, S., and Suchman, Lucy ATL:Beyond the Chalkboard: Using Computers to Support Collaboration and Problem Solving in Meetings MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:30 IID:1 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Svibely, J. R., and Smith, J. W. ATL:A Prototypic Hypertext Information System for Pathologist MTL:Informatics in Pathology VID:1 DAT:1986 LOC:133-142 ::REPORT: ANA:Tanguay, David A. MTL:A General System for Managing Videotex Information Structures PUB:University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science Technology RID:CS-86-23 DAT:June 1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thompson, Bev, and Thompson, Bill ATL:Hyping Text: Hypertext and Knowledge Representation MTL:AI Expert DAT:August, 1987 LOC:25-28 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thorsen, Linda J., and Bernstein, Mark ATL:Developing Dynamic Documents: Special Challenges for Technical Communicators MTL:Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Communications Conference PLM:Denver, CO DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thursh, D., Mabry, F., and Levy, A. H. ATL:Computers and Videodiscs in Pathology Education: ECLIPS as an Example of One Approach MTL:Human Pathlology VID:17 DAT:1986 LOC:216-218 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thursh, D., and Mabry, F. ATL:A Knowledge-Based System for Pathology Education MTL:Bulletin of Pathology Education VID:6 IID:2 DAT:Fall 1980 LOC:36-45 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thursh, D., and Mabry, F. ATL:A knowledge-based hypertext of pathology MTL:Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care DAT:1980 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thursh, D., Mabry, F., and Levy, A. H. ATL:The Knowledge Access, Management, and Extension System in Pathology AMR:editors MOA:A. H. Levy, and B. T. Williams MTL:Proceedings of the AAMSI Congress DAT:1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Tompa, Frank Wm ATL:Retrieving data through Telidon MTL:Proceedings CIPS DAT:1982 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Tompa, Frank Wm, Gecsei, Jan, and Bochmann, Gregor V. ATL:Alternative Database Facilities for Videotex MTL:The Telidon Book AMR:editors MOA:Godfrey, D., and Chang, E. PUB:Press Porcepic DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Tou, F., Williams, M., Fikes, R., Henderson, D. A., and Malone, T. ATL:RABBIT: An Intelligent Database Assistant MTL:Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence PLM:Pittsburgh DMT:August 16-20 DAT:1982 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Trigg, Randall H. ATL:A Networked-based Approach to Text Handling for the On-line Scientific Community PUB:University of Maryland DAT:1983 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., and Irish, Peggy M. ATL:Hypertext Habitats: Experiences of Writers in NoteCards MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., Moran, T. P., and Halasz, Frank G. ATL:Adaptibility and Tailorability in NoteCards MTL:Proceedings of INTERACT '87 PLM:Stuttgart, West Germany DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., Suchman, Lucy, and Halasz, Frank G. ATL:Supporting Colaboration in NoteCards MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., and Weiser, M. ATL:TEXTNET: A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling MTL:ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems VID:4 IID:1 DAT:January, 1986 LOC:1-23 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:van Dam, Andries MTL:FRESS (File Retrieval and Editing System) PLP:Barrington, RI PUB:Text Systems DAT:July 1971 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:van Dam, Andries, and Rice, D. E. ATL:Computers and Publishing: Writing, Editing and Printing MTL:Advances in Computers PLP:New York PUB:Academic Press DAT:1970 ::JOURNALS: ANA:van Dam, Andries, and Rice, D. E. ATL:On-Line Text Editing: A Survey MTL:Computing Surveys VID:3 IID:3 DAT:September 1971 LOC:93-114 ::REPORT: ANA:VanLehn, K. MTL:Theory Reform Caused by an Argumentation Tool PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center RID:ISL-11 DAT:1985 ::REPORT: ANA:Walker, D. MTL:Knowledge Resource Tools for Accessing Large Text Files PUB:Bell Communications Research RID:85-21233-25 DAT:1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:Document Examiner: Delivery Interface for Hypertext Documents MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:The Document Editor: A Support Environment for Preparing Technical Documents MTL:Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Conference on Text Manipulation DAT:June 1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:Symbolics Sage: A Documentation Support System MTL:Intellectual Leverage: The Driving Technologies, IEEE Spring Compcon84 DAT:1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H., and Bryan, R. L. ATL:An Editor for Structured Technical Documents MTL:Protext IV ::CONFPROC: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. ATL:As We May Learn MTL:Multimedia in Education: Interfaces to Knowledge- Education Advisory Council Conference Proceedings DAT:April 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. ATL:The Design of a Dynamic Book for Information Search MTL:International Journal of Man-Machine Studies VID:17 DAT:1982 LOC:87-107 ::REPORT: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. MTL:Searching for Information in a Dynamic Book PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA RID:Report SCG-1 DAT:February 1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Weyer, Steven A., and Borning, Alan ATL:A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia MTL:ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems VID:3 IID:1 DAT:January 1985 LOC:66-88 ::CONFPROC: ANA:White, J. E. ATL:A High-Level Framework for Network-based Resource Sharing MTL:AFIPS Proceedings, National Computer Conference DAT:1976 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Wilder, H. A., and Maxemchuck, N. F. ATL:Virtual Editing: II. The User Interface MTL:Proceedings of SIGOA Conference Office Automation Systems PLM:Philadelphia, PA DMT:June 21-23 DAT:1982 ::REPORT: ANA:Wilson, K. S. MTL:Palenque: An Interactive Multimedia Optical Disk Prototype for Children PUB:Bank Street College of Education, Center for Children and Technology PLP:New York STL:Technical Report RID:#2 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Woods, William A. ATL:What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks MTL:Readings in Knowledge Representation AMR:editors MOA:Brachman, Ronald J., and Levesque, Hector J. PLP:Los Altos, CA PUB:Morgan Kaufmann DAT:1975 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole et al. ATL:The Sampler Companion: Four Educational Software Samples MTL:Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Fifth Annual Conference PLM:Golden, CO DMT:October 19-22 DAT:1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Hann, Bernard, and Meyrowitz, Norman ATL:Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Environment MTL:IEEE Computer DAT:January 1988 ::REPORT: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Landow, George P., and Heywood, Peter MTL:Designing Hypermedia 'Ideabases'-The Intermedia Experience PUB:Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship, Brown University PLP:Providence, RI STL:IRIS Technical Report RID:87-4 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Meyrowitz, Norman, and van Dam, Andries ATL:Reading and Writing the Electronic Book MTL:IEEE Computer VID:18 IID:10 DAT:October 1985 LOC:15-30 ::REPORT: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, and van Dam, Andries MTL:Spinning Scholarly Webs: The Annenberg/CPB Project Report to Higher Education PUB:The Annenberg/CPB Project PLP:Washington, D.C. DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Young, J. S. ATL:Hypermedia MTL:MacWorld VID:3 IID:3 DAT:March 1986 LOC:16-21 ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************