IRList Digest Wednesday, 23 December 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 51 Today's Topics: Bibliography - Hypermedia bibliography from Brown (Part 1 of 3) News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Dec 87 13:05:30 EST From: "Paul D. Kahn" Subject: Hypermedia bibliography ******************************************************************** I used tags to identify the type of each record (Procite "workforms") and then a set of three-character tags to mark each field. Each field begins a new line, each record is separated by a blank space. Here is the key to the coding. ::BOOKLONG: chapter in a book ANA: analytic author ANR: analytic author role ATL: analytic title MTL: monographic title AMR: monographic author role MOA: monographic author LOC: location in book STL: series title SVO: series volume SID: series issue id PLP: place of publicatin PUB: publisher DAT: date ::JOURNALS serial ANA: author ATL: article title MTL: journal title VID: volume number IID: issue number LOC: location in book DAT: date ::REPORT: ANA: analytic author ATL: title MTL: report title AMR: monographic author role MOA: monographic author PUB: publisher AVL: availability PLP: place of publicatin STL: series title RID: report id DAT: date ::BOOKSHORT full book MTL: monographic title MOA: monographic author PLP: place of publicatin PUB: publisher DAT: date ::DISSERTATION: ANA: author ATL: title PUB: publisher DAT: date ::CONFPROC: ANA: analytic author ATL: title AMR: mongraphic author role MOA: monographic author MTL: monographic title PLM: place of meeting DMT: date of meeting DAT: date of publication ************************************************************************* ::CONFPROC: ANA:Akscyn, Robert, McCracken, Donald L., and Yoder, Elise ATL:KMS: A Distributed Hypertext System for Sharing Knowledge in Organizations MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Akscyn, Robert, and McCracken, Donald L. ATL:The ZOG Approach to Database Management MTL:Proceedings of the Trends and Applications Conference: Making Database Work PLM:Gaithersburg, MD DAT:May, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Allen, Todd, Nix, Robert, and Perlis, Alan ATL:PEN: A hierarchical document editor MTL:Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Conference on Text Manipulation PLM:Portland, Oregon DAT:June, 1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Backer, D., and Gano, S. ATL:Dynamically Alterable Videodisk Displays MTL:Proceedings Graphics Interface 82 PLM:Toronto, Canada DAT:May 1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Baskin, A. B. ATL:Logic Nets: Variable-valued Logic Plus Semantic Networks MTL:International Journal on Policy Analysis and Information Systems VID:4 DAT:1980 LOC:269 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Beeman, William O., Anderson, Kenneth T., Bader, Gail, Larkin, James, McClard, Anne P., McQuillan, Patrick J., and Shields, Mark ATL:Hypertext and Pluralism: From Lineal to Non-lineal Thinking MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Begeman, Michael L., Cook, P., Ellis, C., Graf, M., Rein, G., and Smith, T. ATL:PROJECT NICK: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bender, W. ATL:Imaging and Interactivity MTL:Fifteenth Joint Conference on Image Technology PLM:Tokyo, Japan DMT:November DAT:1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bigelow, James, and Riley, Victor ATL:Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Biggerstaff, T., Ellis, C., Halasz, F. G., Kellog, C., Richter, C., and Webster, D. MTL:Information Management Challenges in the Software Design Process STL:MCC Technical Report RID:STP-039-87 DAT:January, 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Bolt, R. A. ATL:Put-that-there: Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface MTL:Computer Graphics VID:15 IID:3 DAT:August 1980 LOC:262-270 ::REPORT: ANA:Bolt, R. A. MTL:Spatial Data-Management, DARPA Report PUB:MIT Architecture Machine Group PLP:Cambridge, MA DAT:1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bolter, Jay David ATL:Hypertext and Creative Writing MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Borning, Alan, Lenat, D. B., McDonald, D., Taylor, C., and Weyer, Steven A. ATL:Knoesphere: Toward a Searcher's Guide to Encylocpedic Knowledge MTL:IJCAI-83 DAT:1983 ::REPORT: ANA:Brown, John Seely MTL:Notes Concerning Design Functionality, Issues and Philosophy for an AuthoringLand PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Xerox PARC CIS Working Paper DAT:February 1982 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Brown, John Seely ATL:Process versus Product: A Perspective on Tools for Communal and Informal Electronic Learning MTL:Education in the Electronic Age: A Report from the Learning Lab MOA:WNET/Thirteen Learning Lab LOC:41-58 PLP:New York DAT:1983 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Brown, Peter J. ATL:A Simple Mechanism for Authorship of Dynamic Documents MTL:Text Processing and Document Manipulation: Proceedings of the International Conference AMR:editor MOA:von Vliet, J. C. LOC:34-42 PUB:Cambridge University Press DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Brown, Peter J. ATL:Turning Ideas into Products: the Guide System MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Buchert, R. F., Evers, K. H., and Santucci, P. R. ATL:SADT/SAINT Simulation Technique MTL:National Aerospace and Electronics Conference Proceedings DAT:1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Bulick, Stephen MTL:A Network Information Retrieval System PUB:Bellcore Database Symposium, Bell Communications Research DAT:September, 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Bush, Vannevar ATL:As We May Think MTL:Atlantic Monthly VID:176 IID:1 DAT:July 1945 LOC:101-108 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Bush, Vannevar ATL:Memex Revisited MTL:Science Is Not Enough MOA:Bush, Vannevar LOC:75-101 PUB:William Morrow DAT:1967 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Campbell, Brad, and Goodman, Joseph M. ATL:HAM: A General Purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Carmody, S. et al. ATL:A Hypertext Editing System for the /360 MTL:Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics AMR:editors MOA:M. Faiman, and J. Nievergelt LOC:63-88 PUB:University of Illinois Press DAT:1969 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Cashin, P., Robinson, M., and Yates, D. ATL:Experience with SCRAPBOOK, A Non-formatted Data Base System MTL:Proceedings IFIPS Congress DMT:1973 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Catano, J. ATL:Poetry and Computers: Experimenting with Communal Text MTL:Computers and the Humanities VID:13 DAT:1979 LOC:269-275 ::REPORT: ANA:Cattell, R. G. MTL:An Entity-Based Database Interface PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Technical Report RID:CSL-79-9 DAT:August 1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Charney, Davida ATL:Comprehending Non-Linear Text: The Role of Discourse Cues and Reading Strategies MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Charney, Davida, and Reder, L. ATL:Designing interactive tutorials for computer users MTL:Human-Computer Interaction VID:2 LOC:297-317 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Collier, George H. ATL:Thoth-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Collier, George H. MTL:Thoth-II: A Hypertext Browser PUB:Bell Communications Research PLP:Morristown, NJ STL:Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence and Information Science Research ::CONFPROC: ANA:Combelic, D. ATL:User Experience with New Software Methods (SADT) MTL:Proceedings of the National Computer Conference DAT:1978 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Conklin, Jeff ATL:Hypertext: a Survey and Introduction MTL:IEEE Computer VID:20 IID:9 DAT:September, 1987 LOC:17-41 ::REPORT: ANA:Conklin, Jeff MTL:A Survey of Hypertext PUB:MCC Software Technology Program PLP:Austin, TX RID:MCC Technical Report STP-356-86 DAT:October 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Conklin, Jeff, and Begeman, Michael L. ATL:gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Corda, U., and Facchetti, G. ATL:Concept Browser: A System for Interactive Creation of Dynamic Documentation MTL:Text Processing and Document Manipulation: Proceedings of the International Conference AMR:editor MOA:van Vliet, J. C. PUB:Cambridge University Press DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Crane, Gregory ATL:From the Old to the New: Integrating Hypertexts into Traditional Scholarship MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:Novewmber 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Delisle, Norman MTL:Neptune: A Hypertext System for CAD Applications PUB:Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory PLP:Beaverton, OR STL:Technical Report RID:CR-85-50 DAT:January 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Delisle, Norman, and Schwartz, Mayer ATL:Context-A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:di Sessa, Andrea ATL:A Principled Design for an Integrated Computational Environment MTL:Human-Computer Interaction VID:1 IID:1 DAT:1985 LOC:1-47 ::JOURNALS: ANA:di Sessa, Andrea, and Abelson, Harold ATL:Boxer: A Reconstructable Computational Medium MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:29 IID:9 DAT:September, 1986 LOC:859-868 ::REPORT: ANA:Ehrlich, K., and Walker, Janet H. ATL:High Functionality, Information Retrieval, and the Document Examiner MTL:Personalized Intelligent Information Systems, Report on a Workshop (Breckenridge, CO) AMR:editors MOA:Fischer, G., and Nieper, H. RID:87-9 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Authorship Provisions in Augment MTL:IEEE 1984 COMPCON Proceedings DAT:Spring, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Collaboration Support Provisions in Augment MTL:AFIPS Office Automation Conference DAT:1984 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect MTL:Vistas in Information Handling, Volume 1 AMR:editors MOA:Howerton, P. D., and Weeks, D. C. LOC:1-29 PLP:Washington, D.C. PUB:Spartan Books DAT:1963 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Coordinated Information Services for a Discipline or Mission-Oriented Community MTL:Second Annual Computer Communications Conference PLM:San Jose, CA DAT:January, 1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Design Considerations for Knowledge Workshop Terminals MTL:AFIPS Conference Proceedings DAT:1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Toward Integrated Evolutionary Office Automation Systems MTL:Proceedings of the International Engineering Management Conference PLM:Denver, CO DMT:October 16-18 DAT:1978 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C., and English, W. K. ATL:A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect MTL:AFIPS Proceedings, Fall Joint Computer Conference DAT:Fall 1968 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C., Watson, R. W., and Norton, J. C. ATL:The Augmented Knowledge Workshop MTL:Proceedings of the National Computer Conference PLM:Arlington, VA DAT:1973 ::JOURNALS: ANA:English, W. K., Engelbart, Douglas C., and Berman, M. L. ATL:Display-Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation MTL:IEEE Transactions on Human Factors and Electronics VID:HFE-8 IID:1 DAT:March 1967 LOC:5-15 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Fahnestock, J., and Secor, M. ATL:Teaching Argument: A Theory of Types MTL:College Compostion and Communication VID:34 LOC:20-30 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Fairchild, K. F., Poltrock, S. E., and Furnas, G. W. ATL:SemNet: Three-dimensional Graphic Representations of Large Knowledge Bases MTL:Cognitive Science and its Applications for Human-Computer Interaction AMR:editor MOA:Guindon, R. PLP:Hillsdale, NJ PUB:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates DAT:in press ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Feiner, S. ATL:Interactive Documents MTL:Design in the Information Environment AMR:editors MOA:Whitney, P., and Kent, C. LOC:118-132 PLP:New York PUB:Alfred Knopf DAT:1985 [Note: continued in next 2 issues - Ed] ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************