IRList Digest Wednesday, 23 December 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 49 Today's Topics: Email - Usenet address for IRList Query - Interesting software Abstracts - Parallel text search methods, Text weighting approaches ... Call for Papers - Draft IFIP 6.5 (message handling) News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 10:09:02 EST From: mnetor!lsuc!dave@uunet.UU.NET Subject: IRList Digest V3 #47 I'm now able to receive IRList through the Usenet newsgroup, so I don't need it mailed here separately anymore. Thanks. You might mention in the next IRList about the newsgroup, so that people who have access to Usenet can access it there and cut down on their mailer traffic. David Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Dec 87 10:19 EST From: Tom Benson 814-238-5277 Subject: CRTNET 115 [Extract - Ed] Date: 8 December 1987, 19:12:29 EST Subject: The Humanities Computing Yearbook Contributed by Willard McCarty (in this case as YEARBOOK@UTOREPAS) . . . I am gathering information about interesting and worthy software for a new serial, the Humanities Computing Yearbook, to be published by Oxford U.P. The announcement for the Yearbook follows. Please send your recommendations to me, c/o yearbook@utorepas.bitnet. Thanks very much for your help. The Humanities Computing Yearbook On behalf of Oxford University Press, the publishers, the Centre for Computing in the Humanities is pleased to announce a new periodical, The Humanities Computing Yearbook. Ian Lancashire and Willard McCarty are the co-editors. An editorial board is in process of being set up. The first volume, scheduled for publication in the summer of 1988, aims to give a comprehensive guide to publications, software, and specialized hardware organized by subject or area of application. Research and instructional work in many fields will be covered: ancient and modern languages and literatures, linguistics, history, philosophy, fine art, archaeology, and areas of computational linguistics affecting text-based disciplines in the humanities. The more notable software packages will be described in some detail. We welcome your suggestions of what we should consider. We are especially interested in discovering innovative software that may not be widely known, including working prototypes of systems in development. Electronic correspondence should be sent to YEARBOOK@UTOREPAS.BITNET, conventional mail to the Editors, The Humanities Computing Yearbook, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto, 14th floor, Robarts Library, 130 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada M5S 1A5. Our telephone number is (416) 978-4238. Please feel free to distribute this notice. Ian Lancashire Willard McCarty ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Dec 87 17:06:00 EST From: (Geri Pinkham) Subject: Requested abstracts for TR881 & 828 [Note: Here are abstracts for 2 recent technical reports available from the Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - Ed] TR 87-828: Parallel Text Search Methods Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley* Abstract An evaluation of recently proposed parallel text search methods does not support the notion that the parallel methods provide large-scale gains in either retrieval effectiveness or efficiency, compared with alternative available search strategies using serial processing machines. _________________________ *Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. This study was supported in part by the National Sci- ence Foundation under grants IST 83-16166 and IST 85- 44189. and TR 87-881: Term Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley * Abstract The experimental evidence accumulated over the past 20 years indicates that text indexing systems based on the assignment of appropriately weighted single terms produce retrieval results that are superior to those obtainable with other more elaborate text representations. These results depend crucially on the choice of effective term weighting systems. This paper summar- izes the insights gained in automatic term weighting, and pro- vides baseline single term indexing models with which other more elaborate content analysis procedures can be compared. _________________________ *Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. This study was supported in part by the National Science Founda- tion under grants IST 83-16166 and IRI 87-02735. TR 87-828 was made into a TR report 4/87 TR 87-881 was made into a TR report 11/87 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Dec 87 09:54:22 -0800 Sender: "(ARPA-MHS Discussions)" From: Einar Stefferud Subject: DRAFT IFIP 6.5 CALL FOR PAPERS FYI -John ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- THIS CALL FOR PAPERS IS SUBJECT TO SOME MINOR REVISIONS OF DETAIL, BUT IS SOLID IN TERMS OF SUBSTANCE. For example, the topic areas in which we seek papers is firm. For example, the list of contact addresses will be expanded if we get volunteers on various networks to offer forwarding arrangements so mail can easily be addressed to the conference organizers. We are seeking volunteer arrangements for this purpose. The long list of Program Committee Members actually represents the current list of reviewers, and we are seeking additional reviewers to deal with the expected 60-75 submitted papers. Please contact us if you want to be added to out list of reviewers, or if you want to serve on the main program committee. .PAGE CALL FOR PAPERS -- 1988 IFIP6.5 INTERNATIONAL WORKING CONFERENCE ON MESSAGE HANDLING AND DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION SYSTEMS -- 10 to 12 October, 1988 -- Costa Mesa, Orange County, Southern California, USA SPONSORED BY: IFIP TC 6 & the University of California at Irvine PROGRAM: The purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the technical, economic, social, and political impacts and experiences with computer messaging and distributed application infrastructures in the automated workplace environment. The conference format will be two days of conference paper presentations combined with one day of workshops. Papers are desired in the following topic areas: International Standards and Profiles -- 1988 Current Status of CCITT/ISO and Future Plans Implementors' Agreements and Harmonization Implementation Issues and Experience Testing and Conformance Activities Interconnection and Interworking Interconnection Issues and Experiences (X.400 ADMD/ADMD, ADMD/PRMD, PRMD/PRMD) Multi-Vender Private Domains Gateways to/from Non-X.400 Domains and Architectures TELEX and TELETEX Interworking Postal System Interworking Facsimile Interworking Voice Mail Interworking Multilateral and Bilateral Agreements User Agent Models and Designs User Agent Functions and Services Distributed User Agents (Such as X.400 Message Store) User Interface Designs and Experience User Agents and User Interfaces for Impaired Users Object Collection Management -- Personal and Institutional (Store, Organize, Search, Retrieve, Share, Purge, Archive) Group Communication Models and Services Organizational Communication Flows Distribution Lists for MHS Distributed Conferencing Services Real-Time, Multi-Media, Mixed-Mode Conferencing (Video, Voice, Graphics, Text -- MHS, FTAM, VTP) Models for Group Communication Information Object Standards for Interchange Abstract Syntax and Structure Encoding Open Document Architecture Open Document Interchange Format Electronic Document Interchange Electronic Funds Transfer Multi-Media Objects (Graphics, FAX, Voice, Text) Distribution of Services and Applications Workstations and Servers in Networks Services Based on Cooperating Distributed Processes (MHS, FTAM, Directory, DBMS, Conferencing) Security, Authentication, Privacy, Confidentiality Authentication Framework Standards Exchange of Encrypted Information Objects TransBorder Data Flow Legal Issues Management and Operation of Distributed Services Registration of Entities and Domains Administration of Directory Information Bases Distribution of Authority and Responsibility Fault Isolation and Reporting Queuing, Routing, and Congestion Quality of Service Management Directory Services Naming and Addressing Public Directory Services Interworking Between Public and Private Services Interworking of Directory with other Applications Policy Issues International Issues National Issues Public Regulatory Issues Public Access Issues Impacts of MHS and Distributed Services Social and Behavioral Impacts Organizational Impacts National and Governmental Impacts INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: Prospective Authors are invited to submit for review, unpublished original contributions (not exceeding 5000 words) which describe recent developments on any design or service aspect of computer message systems and distributed application systems. DEADLINES -- Today: Fill out the enclosed form stating your intention to submit a paper, or your general interest in the conference. February 29, 1988: Draft versions of papers due for review. April 30, 1988: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection. June 30, 1988: Camera-Ready papers required for publication. SUBMIT PAPERS TO: Dr. Peter Schicker Zellweger Telecomunications AG CH-8634 Hombrectikon, Switzerland Telephone: +41 55 416 377 Telex: 875 558 Facsimile: +41 55 416 385 EAN: OR TO: Ole-Jorgen Jacobsen Advanced Computing Environments 21370 Vai Avenue Cupertino, California, USA 95014 Telephone: +1 408 996 2042 +1 415 325 9542 Internet: Ole@CSLI.Stanford.EDU PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Peter Schicker (CH - European CoChair) Ole Jacobsen (USA - North American CoChair) David Biran (IL) Tim Bishop (CDN) Bert Boutmy (NL) Ebe Butrini (I) Ian Cunningham (CDN) Andre' Danthine (B) Harry Forsdick (USA) Jose' Granado (P) H.G. Hegering (D) Christian Huitema (F) W.J. Jaburek (A) Dipak Khakhar (S) Thomas Kalin (YU) Farouk Kamoun (TN) Steve Kille (GB) Albert Ku"ndig (CH) Susan Lebeck (USA) Erik Lillevold (N) Dan Lynch (USA) James McHugh (USA) Manuel Medina (E) Richard Miller (USA) Najah Naffah (F) Yukio Nakagome (J) S. Ramani (IND) Steve Rothwell (USA) Horst Santo (D) Erik Skovgaard (CDN) Hugh Smith (GB) Otto Spaniol (D) Rolf Speth (B) Doug Steedman (CDN) Einar Stefferud (USA) John Stidd (USA) Tibor Szentivany (H) Fred Szatnjnkrycer (F) David Taylor (USA) Liane Turoco (BR) Ronald Uhlig (USA) James White (USA) Paolo Zupa (I) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Einar Stefferud (General Chair) James McHugh (Local Arrangements Chair) Jeff Cole (UCI Conference Coordinator) NETWORK MAIL CONTACTS: "Peter Schicker EAN" "Ole Jacobsen INTERNET" "Einar Stefferud INTERNET" "Einar Stefferud INTERNET" "Einar Stefferud BITNET" "Jeff Cole BITNET" "Jeff Cole INTERNET" "Conference Office BITNET" "Conference Office INTERNET" ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************