IRList Digest Thursday, 9 July 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 19 Today's Topics: Discussion - Feedback Announcement - ALLC-AIBI Joint Conferences COGSCI - Default reasoning and sterotypes in user modeling News addresses are ARPANET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet CSNET: fox@vt UUCPNET: seismo!vtisr1!irlistrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue 5 May 87 23:33:14 From: Roland Hjerppe Subject: feedback Dear Ed, I enjoy receiving IRList but seem to be missing the following issues: ... [Note: hope these arrived - let me know if I can help others too. - Ed] Sometimes when reading questions or requests for information I wonder if others have already answered or whether I should venture an answer. It would be nice to have some kind of indication (satisfied, still open, no answers) in the next issue (a regular feature) of the fate of previous requests. [Note: I agree that more feedback is needed, but that may also be a result of my research. - Ed] Roland Hjerppe LIBLAB, Linkoping University ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 87 15:28:39 edt From: Yaacov Choueka Subject: Conferences announcement ALLC--AIBI Joint Conferences June 1988 -- Jerusalem, Israel Preliminary Announcement The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC) and the Association Internationale Bible et Informatique (AIBI) invite you to attend their International Conferences to be held in June 1988 in Jerusalem. The Fifteenth Annual Conference of ALLC will take place on June 5-9, 1988, and it will be followed immediately by the Second Conference of AIBI on June 9-13, 1988. The conferences are jointly organized by the Organizing Committee in Israel (which will also serve as the Conference Committee for the ALLC one), but the procedures for papers' submission and selection and for registrations will be kept separate. A significant discount will be given, however, for a joint registration, to encourage attendees of each conference to attend the other one also, thus enhancing fruitful exchanges and communications between researchers of closely related interests. Special registration rates will also apply to speakers, students, and members of sponsoring institutions. The conferences are sponsored and supported by a number of academic and professional societies and organizations that will be listed in future mailings. A ``Call for Papers'' for the ALLC conference is enclosed; a ``Call for Papers'' for the AIBI one is being mailed separately. The coordination between the two programs will be assured by a special panel consisting of Y. Choueka and R.-F. Poswick. Both conferences will consist of invited lectures, contributed papers, panels, product-review sessions, poster displays, exhibits and demonstrations. Standard hardware and communications equipment for on-line demonstrations and large-screen displays will be available on site. Every effort will be made to meet special hardware needs if a detailed request is sent well in advance to the Organizing Committee. Selected papers from the two conferences will be published in two separate Proceedings volumes. The conferences will be accompanied by an exhibition of hardware, software, books and other products and services relevant, in general, to the computing-in-the-humanities domain. The timing of the conferences was specially chosen so as to coincide (hopefully...) with some of the most glorious sunny days that Jerusalem can offer, and to assure availability (and lower fares...) of air tickets and hotel rooms, while avoiding the rush summer season when tourists usually crowd the city. A rich and interesting series of cultural, social and tourist events for the registrants and their parties will accompany the conferences. A few Mediterranean beaches, beautiful in so many ways, are also about one hour of driving from Jerusalem; far enough so as not to distract the conscientious wisdom seeker, but close enough for an occasional refreshing jump to the sun-and-sea worshipper... The fascinating appeal and haunting beauty of Jerusalem, with its multi-cultural environments and institutions, its intriguing history, and its unique human and architectural landscapes, coupled with the anticipated characteristic ambiance usually associated with scientific activities and the gathering of scholars and researchers from all over the world, will certainly turn these meetings into an exciting professional and cultural event. So, mark these dates on your calendar, and plan early to join us in June 1988 in Jerusalem. Don't miss this excellent opportunity for an enriching scientific and human experience. In order to receive future mailings about the conferences, and to help us better plan them, please return the enclosed Notification Form, duly filled out, as soon as possible. For further information on the conferences and their programs, and for suggestions for panels, tutorials, etc., please write to the Organizing Committee at the address given in the enclosed form. ================================================================ ALLC--AIBI Joint Conferences 5-13 June 1988, Jerusalem Organizing Committee: Yaacov Choueka, Chairman Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan (visiting Bell Communications Research, Morristown) Hillel Weiss, Coordinator Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Daniel Boyarin Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Itamar Even-Zohar Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv Ariel Frank Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Reuven Mirkin Academy of Hebrew Language, Jerusalem Uzzi Ornan The Hebrew University, Jerusalem Yehuda Radday Technion, Haifa Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 52100 electronic mail: R70016%BARILAN.BITNET choueka@bimacs.bitnet ================================================================= Notification Form Mail to: Organizing Committee ALLC--AIBI Joint Conferences Deprtment of Mathematics and Computer Science Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel, 52100 Title_______Name_________________________________________________ Affiliation______________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ Tel._______________ e-mail address___________________ __ Please send me more information when available __ Please send me the Call for Papers of the AIBI conference __ I plan to attend __ ALLC Conf. __ AIBI Conf. __ Both Conf. __ I plan to submit a paper to __ ALLC __ AIBI Tentative Title: _______________________________________________________________ __ I propose the following panel to the __ALLC __AIBI conference: _______________________________________________________________ =================================================================== ===================================================================== Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing Fifteenth Annual Conference 5-9 June 1988, Jerusalem Literary and Linguistic Computing-1988 The Fifteenth Annual Conference of ALLC will be held on 5-9 June 1988 in Jerusalem. As has been traditional with ALLC meetings, the full spectrum of literary and linguistic computing in general is expected to be covered at the conference. Specific topics which are currently under vigorous research, such as large textual databases and corpora and linguistic computing in multi-lingual environments, are naturally expected to receive special attention. Papers are invited on substantial unpublished research on the main themes of the conference and similar related areas such as: -computational morphology, syntax and semantics -computational lexicography and lexicology -mechanized dictionaries, lexicons and grammars -lemmatization and parsing -ambiguity and its mechanical resolution -stylistic analysis and authorship studies -statistical linguistics and metrics -research tools: corpora, concordances, indexes and thesauri -full-text systems -natural language understanding -text processing and retrieval Papers that present specific theoretical models coupled with new experimental results are particularly welcome, but contributions dealing with critical evaluations, general reviews and appraisal of theoretical models, software packages and specialized hardware will be also considered. General descriptions of on-going long-range projects are acceptable only if they contain substantial new and unpublished information. Authors should send 6 copies of a one-page abstract and a cover sheet in the format, and to the address, given below. Abstracts should clearly point to the originality and importance of the contribution and its relevance to the conference, and should clarify the operational status of described projects; vague or unsubstantiated claims and plans for the future will be given little weight. Priority in evaluation and consideration will be given to abstracts that are accompanied by an Extended Abstract of 4-6 pages (6 copies). Although not formally required, authors are urged to include these extended abstracts, so as to help making the reviewing process more reliable and balanced. Papers must be received by December 15, 1987. Authors will be notified for acceptance by February 29, 1988. Based on the contribution's contents and on the feedback from the conference, papers will be then selected for inclusion in the Proceedings volume to be published by Slatkine (Geneve). The happy selected authors will be notified by the end of June 1988, and a camera-ready version of the full-length papers must be received by August 15, 1988. Opportunity will be thus given to the authors to include in the final version any refinements or clarifications called for by the oral presentation and its feedback. More details on local arrangements and accomodations, registration fees and forms, etc., will be given in the second call for papers to be mailed during winter 1987. If you would like to receive future mailings, and certainly if you plan to submit a paper or just to attend the conference, please mail the enclosed notification note immediately. Format for submissions: Cover Sheet: ____________ ABSTRACT SUBMITTED TO ALLC 1988 Title Author Affiliation Complete address,including tel. and e-mail address Subject identification (e.g. statistical linguistics, morphological disambiguation, etc.) Abstract ________ Title Author ABSTRACT the text of the abstract, one page of about 30 single-spaced lines (in elite, pica or roman type, 10-12 points). Extended Abstract: __________________ Title Author EXTENDED ABSTRACT text, 4-6 pages with the same format as the abstract. Address: Send all material to: Yaacov Choueka Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 52100. ======================================================================= International Advisory Board Paul Bratley Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec Jacqueline Hamesse Universite Catholique, Louvain-La-Neuve R.-F. Poswick Bible et Informatique, Maredsous Klaus M. Schmidt Bowling Green State University, Ohio Don Walker Bell Communications Research, Morristown, New Jersey ----------------------- Important deadlines December 15, 1987 paper submission February 29, 1988 author notification April 5, 1988 end of early registration August 15, 1988 camera-ready version of full papers for the Proceedings ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1987 10:40 EDT From: Peter de Jong Subject: Cognitive Science Calendar [Extract - Ed] Date: Monday, 8 June 1987 11:08-EDT From: AHAAS at G.BBN.COM Re: ai seminar - - - - Monday, 8 June 2:00pm Room: second floor large conference room at 10 Moulton Street. BBN Seminar Default Reasoning and Stereotypes in User Modelling Tim Finin Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA This talk discusses the application of various kinds of default reasoning in systems which must maintain a model of its users. In particular, we describe a general architecture of a domain independent system for building and maintaining long term models of individual users. The user modelling system is intended to provide a well defined set of services for an application system which is interacting with various users and has a need to build and maintain models of them. As the application system interacts with a user, it can acquire knowledge of him and pass that knowledge on to the user model maintenance system for incorporation. We describe a prototype general user modelling system (hereafter called GUMS1 which we have implemented in Prolog. This system satisfies some of the desirable characteristics we discuss. [Note: Christine Borgman also sent in announcement from AIList of this talk being presented on Thursday, June 18, 1987 in Doherty Hall 3313 (which I think was at CMU) - Ed] ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************