IRList Digest Wednesday, 15 October 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 54 Today's Topics: Announcement - New Journal, LISP Retrieval System with Fuzzy Logic - Prototype Prolog Bibliographic Retrieval System Abstracts - Last Part of Abstracts on Automatic Indexing News addresses are ARPANET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet CSNET: fox@vt UUCPNET: seismo!vtisr1!irlistrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 18:01:45 edt From: seismo!usceast!eastman (Caroline Eastman) Message-Id: <8610102201.AA14780@usceast.UUCP> Subject: misc ... I will also send a copy of the announcement for the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning for which Jim Bezdek is the editor. [Note: one of the topics to be covered by this new journal is information retrieval. Perhaps J. Bezdek or others can send in machine readable copy telling more. - Ed] ... There are now two students working on the IR project here with Gautam Biswas. One is incorporating new fuzzy functions into the current system. The other is going to try to do an evaluation study of some sort of the system performance. The system is written primarily in typical academic project LISP. ... [Note: this system has been under development at Univ South Carolina and has been reported upon in the literature. Perhaps more details can be sent to IRList. - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Oct 86 09:42:54 edt From: Michael Shepherd Message-Id: <62:shepherd@cs.dal.cdn> Subject: a.i. applied to i.r. Dear Ed: Dr. Carolyn Watters and I are working on extending traditional information retrieval systems towards expert systems. In doing this, we are interested in a number of areas, particularly: application of a.i. techniques to text databases, knowledge representation, extraction of knowledge for knowledge structures, etc. We have developed a prototype expert system using predicate logic as the model for retrieval with a natural language front-end. The prototype is in prolog. The database consists of bibliographic records, manually indexed. Our current emphasis includes the application of a faceted classification scheme as the underlying knowledge structure. It also includes techniques for improving throughput of prolog searches in both hardware and software. We would like to hear from other people working in this area. We can be reached on cdnnet at: shepherd@cs.dal.cdn regards, Michael Shepherd ------------------------------ Message-Id: <8610021922.AA27502@cernvax.UUCP> From: Mitchell Wyle Date: Thu, 2 Oct 86 15:48:37 -0100 Subject: automatic indexing bibliography [Note: final part - Ed] Here is a bibliography with abstracts of automatic indexing in information retrieval. It might be too big to include in IRlist, but you can cut it down. [Note: The entries with abstracts were removed and will appear in ACM SIGIR Forum. Part 1 of the rest appeared in last issue. - Ed] %T Interpretation of natural language database queries using optimization methods %A W Leigh %A J Evans %J IEEE Trans. Syst., Man & Cybern. (USA) %V SMC-16 %N 1 %P 40-52 %D Jan.-Feb. 1986 %A M E Maro %T Probabilistic approaches to the document retrieval problem %E G Salton %E H J Schneider %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Berlin %D 1983 %S Lecture notes in computer science %V 146 %I Springer-Verlag %T RUBRIC: a system for rule-based information retrieval %A B P McCune %A R M Tong %A J S Dean %A D G Shapiro %C Mountain View, CA %J IEEE Trans. Software Eng. %V SE-11 %N 9 %P 939-945 %D September 1985 %T An architectural approach to advances in information retrieval %A D R McGregor %A J R Malone %B Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: INFORMATICS 8. Proceedings of an Aslib/British Computer Society Joint Conference, 16-17 April 1985 Oxford, England %P 34-46 %D1985 %I Aslib %C London %T Artificial intelligence as a tool of classification, or: the network of language games as cognitive paradigm %A N Meder %J Int. Classif. (Germany) %V 12 %N 3 %P 128-132 %D 1985 %T Expert Systems 85. Proceedings of the Fifth Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems %A M Merry %B Expert Systems 85. Proceedings of the Fifth Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems 17-19 Dec. 1985, Coventry England %C Cambridge %I Cambridge %A D P Metzler %A T Noreault %A L Richey %A B Heidorn %T Dependency parsing for information retrieval %P 313-324 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Artificial intelligence and the fifth generation: some wrong ways, the correct way %A G A Mihram %A D Mihram %D 1986 %I ACM, %C New York %B Proceedings of the fourteenth annual computer science conference CSC 1986, 4-6 February 1986 %T Information retrieval aids in an online public access catalogue: automatic intelligent search sequencing %A N N Mitev %A S Walker %B Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: INFORMATICS 8. Proceedings of an Aslib/British Computer Society Joint Conference, 16-17 April 1985 Oxford, England %P 215-26 %D 1985 %I Aslib %C London %T Interactive Querying Techniques for an Office Filing Facility. %A J M Morrissey %J Information Processing and Management %V 22 %N 2 %P121-34 %D1986 %T Interactive querying techniques for an office filing facility %A J M Morrissey %A D J Harper %A C J vanRusbergen %J Inf. Process. & Manage. (GB) %V 22 %N 2 %P 121-134 %D 1986 %A J M Morrissey %T Interactive querying techniques for an office filing facility %J Information processing and management %V 22 %N 2 %P 121-134 %D 1986 %A G T Niedermair %A G Thurmair %A I Buettel %T MARS: A retrieval tool on the basis of morphological analysis %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T ExERT SYSTEMS IN SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION ECHANGE. %A E J Nowak %A B F Szablowski %J Journal of information science: Principles and practices %V 8 %N 3 %P 103-111 %D 1984 %A E Omiecinski %A P Scheuermann %T A global approach to record clustering and file reorganiyation %P 201-220 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge % RrImbridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %A F Rabitti %A J Zizka %T Evaluation of access methods to text documentation systems in office systems %P 21-40 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Relevance on a biomedical classification structure %A R Rada %A S Humphrey %A M Suh %A E Brown %A C Coccia %J Expert Systems in Government Symposium 24-25 Oct. 1985 McLean, VA, USA %I IEEE Comput Soc. Press %C Washington, DC %T Novel Filing Systems Applicable to an Automated Office: A State-of-the-Art Study. %Q Restorick, F. Mark %J Information Processing and Management %V 22 %N 2 %P151-72 %D1986 %A C J van Rijsbergen %T Information Retrieval, 2nd Edition %I Butterworths %C London %D 1979 %T REPRESENTATION IN MEMORY. %A D E Rumelhart %R UCSD No ED 235-770 Thesis %D June 1983 %A M Azmoodah %A S H Lavington %A M Standring %T The semantic binary relationship model of information %P 133-152 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %H Wu %A G Salton %T A term weighting model based on utility theory %B Information Retrieval Research %E R N Oddy %E S E Robertson %E C J van Rijsbergen %E P W Williams %I Butterworths %C London %D 1981 %A G Salton %T A blueprint for automatic indexing %J ACM SIGIR Forum %V 16 %N 2 %D Fall 1981 %P 22-38 %A G Salton %T A blueprint for automatic boolean query processing %J ACM SIGIR Forum %V 17 %N 2 %D Fall 1982 %P 6-25 %T Introduction to modern information retrieval. %A G Salton %A M J McGill %I McGraw Hill Book Company %D 1983 %A G Salton %A M J McGill %T Introduction to modern information retrieval %I McGraw Hill International Book Company %C Paris %D 1983 %A G Salton %T Extended boolean information retrieval - an outline %P 339-346 %B National Online meeting 1984 %C Medford %D 1984 %E M E Williams %E T H Hogan %I Learned Information Inc %T Some characteristics of future information systems %A G Salton %J SIGIR Forum (USA) %V 18 %N 2-4 %P 28-39 %D Fall 1985 %A G Salton %T Some characteristics of future information systems %J SIGIR Forum %V 18 %N 2-4 %P 28-39 %D Fall 1985 %T Solving tasks on semantic networks and graphs by active distributed structures. %A P S Saparty %B Artificial Intelligence and Information Control Systems for Robots %D1984 %I Elsevier Science Publishing Co %C New York %A C Schneider %T Syntaktische Relationen in der automatischen Indexierung zur Relationierung von Deskriptoren am beispiel juristischer dokumente %C Regensburg %D 1983 %R PhD Dissertation %A T K Sellis %A L Shapiro %T Optomiyation of extended database query languages %J SIGMOD Rec %V 14 %N 4 %P 424-436 %D December 1985 %T Optimization of extended database query languages %A T K Sellis %A L Shapiro %J SIGMOD Rec. (USA) %V 14 %N 4 %P 424-436 %D December 1985 %B Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD 1985 International Conference on Management of Data 28-31 May 1985 %C Austin %T An Investigation of Document Partitions %Q Shaw, W. M., Jr. %J Information Processing and Management %V 22 %N 1 %P 19-28 %D 1986 %T Principles, Procedures and Rules in an Expert System for Information Retrieval. %A P Shoval %J Information Processing and Management, %V 21 %N 6 %P475-87 %D1985 %T Principles, procedures and rules in an expert system for information retrieval %A P Shoval %J Inf. Process. & Manage %V 21 %N 6 %P 475-487 %D 1985 %A P Shoval %T Principles, procedures, and rules in an expert system for information retrieval %J Information and processing management %V 21 %N 6 %P 475-487 %D 1985 %A A F Smeaton %A C J Rijsbergen %T Information retrieval in an office filing facility and future work in project minstrel %J Information processing and management %V 22 %N 2 %P 135-149 %D 1986 %T Information Retrieval in an Office Filing Facility and Future Work in Project Minstrel. %A A F Smeaton %Q van Rijsbergen, C.J. %J Information Processing and Management %V22 %N 2 %P135-49 %D1986 %T A guide to information sources in artificial intelligence. %A L C Smith %J Science and Technology Libraries %V 5 %N 3 %P 79-100 %D Spring 1985 %A J Tague %T A semantic model and schema notation for bibliographic retrieval systems %P 71-94 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Information retrieval and spatial orientation %A R H Veith %E CA Parkhurst %BASIS '85. Proceedings of the 48th ASIS Annual Meeting, 20-24 Oct. 1985 Las Vegas, NV %P 250-254 %I Knowledge Ind. Publictions %C White Plains, NY %T An intelligent interface for online interaction. %A A Vickery %J Journal of Information Science: Principles & Practices %V 9 %N 1 %P 7-18 %D 7-18 August 1984 %T Knowledge resource tools for accessing large text files %A D E Walker %S Artificial Intelligence & Inf. Sci. Res. (Bell Commun. Res) %E S Nirenburg %B Proceedings of the Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages, 14-16 Aug. 1985 Hamilton, NY, USA %P 335-347 %D 1985 %I Colgate Univ %C Hamilton, NY, %A B H Weinberg %A J A Cunningham %T Word frequency data in full text database searching %P 425-432 %B National Online meeting 1984 %C Medford %D 1984 %E M E Williams %E T H Hogan %I Learned Information Inc %T Electronic databases %A M E Williams %J Science %V 228 %N 4698 %P 445-450 %T Retrieving, structuring, and presenting knowledge from very large bibliographical databases %A J H Wilson %E E L Gallizzi %E J Elam %E R H Sprague,Jr. %B Proceedings of the Eighteenth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 1985, 2-4 Jan. 1985 Honolulu, HI, USA %P 798-801 %V 2 %I Hawii International Conference on Systems Science %C Honolulu HI %T Using information retrieval techniques in an expert system %A S G Winett %A E A Fox %B Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications: The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems 11-13 Dec. 1985 Miami Beach, FL, USA %P 230-5 %D 1985 %I IEEE Comput. Soc. Press %C Washington, DC %A S K M Wong %A V V Raghavan %T Vector space model of information retrieval - a reevaluation %P 167-186 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T On generalized vector space model in information retrieval %A S K M Wong %A W Ziarko %J Ann. Soc. Math. Pol. Ser. IV: Fundam. Inf. (Poland) %V 8 %N 2 %P253-267 %D 1985 %A S K M Wong %A W Ziarko %T On generalized vector space model in information retrieval %J Ann Soc Math Pol Ser IV Fundam Inf %V 8 %N 2 %P 253-267 %D 1985 %A C T Yu %A K Lam %A G Salton %T Term weighting in information retrieval using the term precision model %J Journal of the ACM %V 29 %N 1 %D January 1982 %P 152-170 %T Interactive information retrieval: an artificial intelligence approach to deal with biographical data %A G P Zarri %B Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: INFORMATICS 8. Proceedings of an Aslib/British Computer Society Joint Conference, 16-17 April 1985 Oxford, England %P 101-19 %D1985 %I Aslib %C London %T Some remarks about the inference techniques of RESEDA, an "intelligent" information retrieval system. The British Computer Society Workshop Series %A G P Zarri %B Research and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %C Cambridge %I University Press %A G P Zarri %T Some remarks about the inference techniques of RESEDA, an intelligent information retrieval system %P 281-300 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************