IRList Digest Tuesday, 14 October 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 53 Today's Topics: Email - Delays and Problems Should be Resolved Abstracts - Automatic Indexing News addresses are ARPANET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet CSNET: fox@vt UUCPNET: seismo!vtisr1!irlistrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: fox Date: Mon Oct 13 09:03 EDT 1986 Subject: mail problems I have been having a terrible time with mail systems! Things were going well until a few weeks ago when the volume of error messages received on vtisr1 was about 300 Kbytes in one night! A switch was made to use BITNET to handle sending out digests and to receive the error messages. Then, the BITNET-ARPANET gateway indicated that it was not able to contact seismo. Several other routes were tried, issue #47 had to be resent, ... A number of you have missed issues, had messages returned, etc. However, things are clearing up. I called Rick Adams at seismo on Friday and he had just returned from 2 weeks of vacation to find 8000 messages waiting to be handled. He also changed protections so that I could finally update the distribution list, today. Let us hope that with issue 53, things will get back to normal. Please forgive any inconveniences I have caused, and feel free to ask for missed messages. Our list is growing and more people are contributing, so I will let the digests each be a bit bigger than my previous limit of around 13K. Thanks for your patience and assistance! - Ed PS The addresses given below the "Today's Topics" list are the ones that people should use, or other related forms as shown below. There have been mailer problems that may mean that you cannot simply "reply" to me, so please stick to the approved list: 1. If you are on ARPANET and can't use domains [This costs us but is reliable.] [Free but BITNET gateway is busy.] [Free but BITNET gateway is busy.] 2. If you are on ARPANET and can use domains [see comments under 1] 3. If you are on BITNET [These are all free.] fox@vtcs1 foxea@vtvax3 4. If you are on CSNET [This costs us but is reliable.] fox@vt (or other ones in 1 and 2 above) 5. If you are on UUCPNET [This costs but usually works.] seismo!vtisr1!fox (or an address with prefix to reach seismo) Thanks for your patience - maybe some retrieval people will someday solve the directory problems of the world with some nice applied retrieval software! ------------------------------ Message-Id: <8610021922.AA27502@cernvax.UUCP> From: Mitchell Wyle Date: Thu, 2 Oct 86 15:48:37 -0100 Subject: automatic indexing bibliography Here is a bibliography with abstracts of automatic indexing in information retrieval. It might be too big to include in IRlist, but you can cut it down. [Note: I have removed the %X field that had the Abstract or other comments. Entries with %X will be slotted to appear in the next issue of ACM SIGIR Forum, so you can look there for further details. - Ed] Different people in our group here are developing pieces of information retrieval systems, and they are working together to integrate the pieces and help each other. I intend to collect more data (actually keep current) in this bibliographic database, and use these data to evaluate indexing schemes and retrieval strategies. Much like SMART and SIRE. For starters, I shall use Unix's addbib, sortbib, roffbib, indxbib, lookbib suite of programs. The manuals say that one can change the options of indxbib when it stems, stop lists etc. I have found the list of the 100 most common words (/usr/lib/refer/eign), but I can't figure out how to change the stemming from 6 characters. Can someone out their in IRdigest-land help? [Note: Perhaps Mike Lesk will read this or someone else at Bellcore will prod him to ask about this? - Ed] Bibliography follows: %A ? %T Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: INFORMATICS 8. Proceedings of an Aslib/British Computer Society Joint Conference, 16-17 April 1985 Oxford, England %P 101-19 %D1985 %I Aslib %C London %T KNOWLEDGE FOR MACHINES. %A T R Addis %A L Johnson %B THE FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTER PROJECT. STATE OF THE ART REPORT,1983, %I PERGAMON INFOTECH, LTD %C MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND %T The extension of data base systems and information retrieval systems to knowledge based systems. %A H Appelrath %J Nachrichten fuer Dokumentation %V 36 %N 1 %P 13-21 %D 1985 %T The semantic binary relationship model of information %S The British Computer Society Workshop Series %A M Azmoodeh %A S H Lavington %A M Standring %B Research and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %I University Press %C Cambridge %A M Baertschi %A H P Frei %T A data organization for information retrieval on a personal computer %J Personal computing, Berichte des German chapter of the ACM %C Teubner, Stuttgart %D 1982 %V 5 %N 3 %A M Baertschi %A H P Frei %T Adapting a data organiyation to the structure of stored information %E G Salton %E H J Schneider %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Berlin %D 1983 %S Lecture notes in computer science %V 146 %I Springer-Verlag %A M Baertschi %T Term Dependence in information retrieval models %R PhD Thesis %I ETH %C Zuerich %N 7525 %D 1984 %T Multikey retrieval from K-d trees and quad-trees %A D A Beckley %A M W Evens %A V K Raman %J SIGMOD Rec. (USA) %V 14 %N 4 %P 291-301 %D December 1985 %B Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD 1985 International Conference on Management of Data 28-31 May 1985 %C Austin %A G G Belonogov %A B A Kuynetsov %A V K Krichevskii %T Automatic document indexing for dialogue information systems %J Autom Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics %V 18 %N 4 %P 71-78 %D 1984 %T Dataflow architectures for knowledge representation systems %A L Bic %E A S Wojcik %B AFIPS Conference Proceedings: 1985 National Computer Conference, 15-18 July 1985 Chicago, IL %P 287-295 %D 1985 %I AFIPS Press %C Reston, VA %T A knowledge based system approach to document retrieval %A G Biswas %A V Subramanian %A J C Bezdek %J Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications: The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems %D 11-13 Dec. 1985 %I IEEE Comput. Soc. Press %C Washington, DC %A D C Blair %T The data-document distinction in information retrieval %J Communications of the ACM %V 27 %N 4 %D 1984 %A D C Blair %A M E Maron %T An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness for a full-text document retrieval system %J Comm ACM %V 28 %N 3 %P 289-299 %D 1985 %A E M Blinkina %T Analysis of frequency dictionaries and their use for request correction %J Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics %V 18 %N 2 %P 29-87 %D 1984 %A A Bookstein %T On the perils of merging boolean and weighted retrieval systems %J Journal of the ASIS %V 29 %N 3 %D May 1978 %P 156-158 %A A Bookstein %T Fuzzy requests: an approach to weighted boolean searches %J Journal of the ASIS %V 31 %N 4 %D July 1980 %P 240-247 %A A Bookstein %T Explanation and generalization of vector models in information retrieval %E G Salton %E H J Schneider %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Berlin %D 1983 %S Lecture notes in computer science %V 146 %I Springer-Verlag %T Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Research and Their Possible Impact on Information Science. %A H Borko %J Education for Information %V 3 %N 2 %P103-14 %D June 1985 %A H Borko %T Artificial intelligence and expert systems research and their possible impact on information science %J Education for information %V 3 %N 2 %P 103-104 %D June 1985 %T KARMA: knowledge-based assistant to a database system %A P K Bose %A M Rajinikanth %J Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications: The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems %D 11-13 Dec. 1985 %I IEEE Computer Society Press %C Washington, DC, %T A STRUCTURAL PARADIGM FOR REPRESENTING KNOWLEDGE. %A R J Brachman %I Able Publishing Corp %C Norwood, NJ %D 1984 %T Problem descriptions and user models: developing an intelligent interface for document retrieval systems %A H M Brooks %A P J Daniels %A N J Belkin %B Advances in Intelligent Retrieval: INFORMATICS 8. Proceedings of an Aslib/British Computer Society Joint Conference, 16-17 April 1985 Oxford, England %P 191-214 %C London %I Aslib %T Managing information intelligently (Quantum's Knowledge Management System) %A M Brownstein %J Hardcopy %V 14 %N 11 %P 139-141 %D November 1985 %T Artificial intelligence and authority control. %A R H Burger %J Library Resources & Technical Services %V 28 %N 4 %P 337-345 %D October 1984 %A J M A Cavanagh %T Intra-active retrieval systems %P National online meeting proceedings 1986 %P 59-65 %D 6-8 May 1986 %C New York %B Learned Information %C Medford NJ %T Intelligent interface design %A M H Chignell %A A Loewenthal %A P A Hancock %J IEEE 1985 Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society %P 620-3 %D 12-15 November1985 %C Tucson %A E F Codd %T Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning %J ACM Transactions on database systems %V 4 %N 4 %D 1979 %T Bridging the gap between AI and IR Artificial intelligence and information retrieval %S The British Computer Society Workshop Series %A W S Cooper %B Research and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %C Cambridge %I University Press %A W S Cooper %T bridging the gap between AI and IR %P 259-266 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Implementation of a system of diffuse search in a bibliographical database %A U Cortes %Q Lopez de Mantaras, R %A J Manero %A E Plazy %A X Salra %D 17-18 Oct. 1985 %J Consorci Inf. & Documentacio de Catalunya %C Barcelona, Spain %A W Crawford %T The hardware approach to information retrieval systems and its impact on the information market in the 1980s %B The design of information systems for human beings %E K P Jones %E H Taylor %P 49-56 %C London %I ASLIB %D 1981 %A W B Croft %T A model of cluster searching based on classification %J Information Systems %V 5 %N 3 %D 1980 %P 189-195 %A W B Croft %A R Wolf %A R Thompson %T A network organization used for document retrieval %B Proceedings of the sixth annual international ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval %J ACM SIGIR Forum %V 17 %N 4 %D 1983 %A W B Croft %A R Wolf %A R Thompson %T A network organization used for document retrieval %B Proceedings of the 6th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval %J ACM SIGIR Forum %V 17 %N 4 %D 1983 %T Representation of Legal Knowledge for Conceptual Retrieval. %A G R Cross %A C G deBessonet %J Information Processing and Management %V 21 %N1 %P35-44 %D1985 %T Formalization of legal information %A C G deBessonet %A G R Gross %A S J Hintze %A M Rajinkanth %E R F Allen %B International Conference on Data Bases in the Humanities and Social Sciences 1983, New Brunswick, New Jersey %P 425-434 %C Osprey, FL %I Paradigm Press %A B Defude %T Knowledge based systems versus thesaurus: an architecture problem about expert system design %P 267-280 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Relational knowledge structures: a structural model of information for research and retrieval. %A R A V Diener %B Challenges to an Information Society. Proceedings of the 47th ASIS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 21-25, 1984 %I Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc %C White Plains, NY %T Automatic indexing of documents in the MSIS NIR system %A H Dryzek %C Centrum INTE, Warszawa, Poland %J Aktual. Probl. Inf. & Dok. (Poland) %V 30 %N 6 %P 19-23 %D1985 %T DARC system for documentation and artificial intelligence in chemistry %A J E Dubois %A Y Sobel %J J. Chem. Inf. & Comput. Sci. (USA) %V 25 %N 3 %P 326-333 %D August 1985 %T Shared processing with an advanced intelligent terminal. The British %S The Brittish Computer Society Workshop %A C Estall %E C J vanRijsbergen %BResearch and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %I Cambridge University Press %C Cambridge %T Clinical and academic uses of COMMES: an implemented AI expert system %A S Evans %E M J Ackerman %B Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 10-13 Nov. 1985 %C Baltimore %I IEEE Comput. Soc. Press %C Washington, DC %A W B Flakes %T Term conflation for information retrieval %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %A H P Frei %A J F Jauslin %T Graphical presentation of informatation and services: A user oriented interface %J Information technology: Research and development %V 2 %N 1 %D January 1983 %A F Fuhr %A G E Knorz %T Retrieval test evaluation of a rule based automatic indexing (AIR/PHY) %P 391-408 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T Retrieval test evaluation of a rule based automatic indexing (AIR/PHYS). %E C J vanRijsbergen %S The Brittish Computer Society Workshop %A N Fuhr %BResearch and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %I Cambridge University Press %C Cambridge %T The Impact of Microcomputing on Political Science. %A D GGarson %J Teaching Political Science %V12 %N 3 %P 92-98 %D Spring 1985 %A U Hahn %A U Reimer %T Computing text constituency: an algorithmic approach to the generation of text graphs %P 343-368 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge university press %P 343-366 %S British computer society workshop series %D 1984 %T Expert systems as intelligent information systems. Perspectives for functional extension of information retrieval. %A U Hahn %J Nachrichten fuer Dokumentation %V 36 %N 1 %P 2-12 %D 1985 A comparison of conventional document retrieval systems, fact retrieval and expert systems is given on a functional level. Based on a legal information problem and illustrative interactions among system and user knowledge sources available for each system type as well as the background knowledge necessary on the users side are outlined. An illustration of expert systems' problem solving capabilities is provided applying deductive reasoning mechanisms to a legal rule base. The discussion of properties of conventional and intelligent information systems introduced so far leads to an estimation of how the development of expert information retrieval systems might influence current information practice. %A P Harding %T Automatic indexing and classification for mechanised information retrieval %J British library for research and development %R report %N 5723 %D 1982 %T Natural language access to the data base of the AIDOS/VS information retrieval system. %A H Helbig %B Elsevier Science Publishing Company %C New York %D 1984 %T PROLOG to the future: a glimpse of things to come in artificial intelligence %A Herther, N.K. %J Microcomput. Inf. Manage. (USA) %V 3 %N 1 %P 31-45 %D March 1986 %T The HYPERCATalog-from vision to systems design %A M Jagerfeld %A Z Jonak %T Automatic indexing of full texts %J Information Processing Management %V 20 %N 5-6 %D 1984 %P 619-627 %A K P Jones %A C L Bell %T The automatic extraction of words from texts especially for input into information retrieval systems based on inverted files %P 409-420 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series %T MORPHS-an intelligent retrieval system %A K P Jones %A C L M Bell %J ASLIB Proc. (GB) %V 38 %N 3 %P 71-79 %D March 1986 %T Prolegomen intelligent' thesaurus software %A P Kleinbart %J Inf. Sci. Princ. & Pract. %V 11 %N 2 %P 45-53 %D 1985 %T Phrase structure rewrite systems in information retrieval. %A P H Klingbiel %J Information Processing and Management %V 21 %N 2 %P 113-126 %D 1985 %A P H Klingbiel %T Phrase structure rewrite systems in information retrieval %J Information Processing Management %V 21 %N 2 %P 113-126 %D 1985 %T Phrase structure rewrite systems in information retrieval %A P H Klingbiel %J Inf. Process. & Manage. (GB) %V 21 %N 2 %P 113-26 %D 1985 %A G Knorz %T Automatisches Indexieren als Erkennen abstrakter Objekte %C Tuebingen %D 1983 %I Niemeyer %S Sprache und Information %A M B Koll %A T Noreault %A M J McGill %T Enhanced retrieval techniques on a microcomputer %B National Online meeting 1984 %C Medford %D 1984 %E M E Williams %E T H Hogan %I Learned Information Inc %P 165-170 %A L Koved %T Restructuring textual information for online retrieval %R Masters thesis %N CAR-TR-133 CS-TR-1529 %C College Park %I University of Maryland %D July 1985 %T EP-X: a knowledge-based system to aid in searches of the environmental pollution literature %A D A Krawczak %A P J Smith %A S J Shute %A M Chignell %BSecond Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications: The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems 11-13 Dec. 1985 Miami Beach, FL, USA %I IEEE Comput. Soc. Press %C Washington, DC %D 1985 %T The 'intellectual capacity' of automated factographic information retrieval systems %A B V Kristalnyi %A V G Voiskunskii %A A A Raskina %A I S Sidorov %A V I Sharygin %J Nauchno-Tekh. Inf. Ser. %V 2 %N 12 %P 4-11 %D 1985 %T Natural language research. %A R Kuhlen %J SIGART Newsletter %N 83 %P 20-21 %D January 1983 %T A document-document similarity measure based on cited titles and probability theory, and its application to relevance feedback retrieval. %S The British Computer Society Workshop Series %A K L Kwok %B Research and Development in Information Retrieval %D 1984 %C Cambridge %I University Press %A K L Kwok %T A document document similarity measure based on cited titles and probability theory, and its application to relevance feedback retrieval %P 221-231 %B Research and development in information retrieval %C Cambridge %E C J Rijsbergen %I Cambridge University press %D 1984 %S British computer society workshop series ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************