IRList Digest Saturday, 18 Jan 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 3 Today's Topics: Discussion - Comment on BITNET archive search, query on CRTNET Announcement - Test collections ACM News - Professional Development Tutorials ACM Request for Recommendations for Accreditation Visitors NSF Information Science Program 1985 Awards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Werner Uhrig Date: Tue 14 Jan 86 16:30:12-CST Subject: RE: IRLIST 2-1 Ed, RE: CRTNET NEWS 20: The Abstract SEARCH Program I never heard of CRTNET NEWS and wonder if you could add any additional information about it (either to me or to IRLIST for the enlightenment of all). RE: BITNET searching for ARPANET digests yes, I've been in touch with Henry, and it seems that my several attempts found Murphy at work, so that all failed. But after Henry got in touch with me, all worked great ever since. Murphy always manages to make people feel foolish ... Cheers, ---Werner [Note: Regarding BITNET searching, I am glad all is now straightened out. Regarding CRTNET, following is info that will get you started. - Ed] -------- info on CRTNET extracted from recent issue -------- From: Tom Benson 814-238-5277 -- A NEWSLETTER OF THE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AND THEORY NETWORK -- Send articles for the next issue of CRTNET NEWSLETTER to: Tom Benson Penn State University 227 Sparks Bldg., University Park, PA 16802 814-238-5277 (ATT) {akgua,allegra,ihnp4,cbosgd}!psuvax1!psuvm.bitnet!t3b (UUCP) T3B@PSUVM (BITNET) Subscriptions to CRTNET NEWSLETTER are free, and you are encouraged to inform students, faculty, and others of its availability. We welcome articles, correspondence, queries, and announcements having to do with human communication -- subject matter is not limited to computers. Back issues of the newsletter are available from LFCNET AT ICNUCEVM (Pisa University). For assistance, type TELL LFCNET AT ICNUCEVM /HELP if you are at a Bitnet node that allows interactive messaging. ------------------------------ From: Geri Pinkham Date: Wed, 8 Jan 86 09:18:44 est Subject: Smart Collections Cc: [Note: in an outside discussion, it was noted that Cornell has several test collections which I used and have copies of here: ADI - 82 documents, 35 queries, from Amer. Doc. Inst. papers CACM - 3204 documents, 52 queries, from CACM 1958-79 MEDLARS - 1033 documents, 30 queries, from Cornell study reported by 1971 ISI - 1460 documents, 76 queries, built at Cornell based on list provided by ISI of highly cited information science books/articles I will be happy to distribute copies if so requested, as will Cornell. Note following excerpt from message by G. Salton through his secretary. - Ed] ... In addition to the 5 collections you used, we have two more available: 1. Cranfield 1398 documents, 225 queries 2. NPL 11429 documents, 93 queries The latter is available only in indexed form and not in the original natural language. We are glad to make these 2 collections available also to anyone who wants them. Regards, Gerry Salton ------------------------------ From: fox (Ed Fox) Date: Sat, 11 Jan 86 16:06:28 est ACM NEWS - January 2, 1986 ACM OFFERS SPRING SERIES OF TUTORIALS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The ACM will sponsor a full week of Tutorials for Professional Development, May 5-9, 1986 in Palo Alton, CA. The program, to be held at Hyatt Rickeys Hotel, will feature a 3-track series of all-day seminars on 1) Logic and Expert Systems, 2) Software Engineering, and 3) Computer Graphics. The Logic and Expert Systems Track provides seminars on Issues in Expert Systems, Prolog and Parallel Execution Models for Prolog, Knowledge-Based Software Environments and Expert Systems in Health Care. ... A complete program announcement giving course outlines, registration fees and hotel information is available from Gerry Segal, Educational Manager, ACM, 11 West 42nd Street, NY, NY 10036. (212) 869-7440 ------------------------------ From: fox (Ed Fox) Date: Sat, 11 Jan 86 16:16:25 est Subject: ACM request for recommendations for accreditation visitors The following is an excerpt of request to appear in ACM SIG newsletters: RECOMMMENDATIONS FOR VISITORS FOR THE COMPUTING SCIENCE ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE The Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (CSAB) has completed its first year of evaluating Computer Science Programs in schools for the 1985-6 Academic year. Over 30 campuses were visited this year with an anticipated increase in applications for the second round 1986-7 Academic year. In order to maintain this effort the board will continue to need the support of the recog- nized leaders in the computer profession to nominate colleagues to act on a team of visitors to schools requesting computer science accreditation. Campus visiting teams are made up of a Team Chair and two visitors. ... It is important that each visitor be an experienced computer professional with recognized stature in the computer area. The CSAB board would like help in identifying senior people in Computing who would assist as team members. Please forward your suggestion to: Dr. John Dalphin, VPAA, Norwich Univ., Northfield VT 05663 The board is aiming for a balance of people from industry, government and academia. ... Each person nominated will receive a packet ... with an invitation to submit their name ... Visitors will be selected from among those persons nominated and willing to serve. [... visitors inst. should pay for travel to 1 day training course but visit costs are covered] ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue 14 Jan 86 09:11:26-CST Subject: NSF Award List .......................... National Science Foundation Information Science Program 1800 G St. NW, Rm. 336 Washington, D.C. 20550 Joseph Deken, Director CSNET: deken@nsf BITNET:deken@nsfvax AWARDS for FY '85 (list ordered by expiration date) This is an informal listing. The official printed list of awards may be obtained by writing to the Program at the above address. ------------------------------------------------------------ Prop No Principal Investigator Name AWARD-TITLE AWARD-TITLE-2 AWARD-TITLE-3 EFFECT-DT EXPIRE-DT NAME ------------------------------------------------------------ 8501161 Bookstein Abraham Travel to the International Conference on Computer Assisted Information Retrieval, Grenoble, France: March 18-20, 1985 (Information Science) 85/02/15 85/08/31 University of Chicago 8512693 Peters Stanley Workshop on Information and Representation; Washington, DC; Spring 1985 85/04/15 85/09/30 Stanford University 8500502 Petry Frederick E International Group Travel to the First International Fuzzy Systems Association Congress: Palma de Mallorca, Spain July 4-6, 1985 (Information Science) 85/06/15 85/11/30 Tulane University 8444246 Soloway Elliot M Mappings Between Programmers' Conceptualizations and Programming Language Constructs (Computer Science and Information Science) 83/06/01 85/11/30 Yale University 8413837 Brodie Michael L Research Directions Workshop on Large Scale Knowledge Base and Reasoning Systems, February 25-27, 1985 84/12/15 85/12/31 Computer Corporation of America 8541467 Herrnstein Richard J A Comparative Approach to Natural and Artificial Visual Information Processing (Information Science) 84/08/15 86/01/31 Harvard University 8505593 Malecki Gerald S Committee on Human Factors 84/03/01 86/02/28 Naval Weapons Center Office of Naval Research 8420941 Miller Les Investigations into Parallel File Organizations (Information Science) 85/02/01 86/04/30 Iowa State University of Science & Technology 8540763 Samet Hanan Hierarchical Data Structures For Image Processing (Computer Research) 83/09/01 86/06/30 University of Maryland College Park 8541596 Fredkin Edward Information-Preserving Dynamics (Information Science) 83/02/01 86/07/31 Massachusetts Institute of Tech 8445264 Katzer Jeffrey Impact of Anaphoric Resolution in Information Retrieval (Information Science) 84/02/01 86/07/31 Syracuse University 8511588 Buchanan Bruce G Information Structure and Use in Knowledge-Based Expert Systems (Information Science) 84/03/15 86/08/31 Stanford University 8505411 Saracevic Tefko Cognitive Aspects of Information Seeking and Retrieving (Information Science) 85/09/01 86/08/31 Case Western Reserve University 8544150 Traub Joseph F Information and Complexity (Computer Research and Information Science) 83/03/01 86/08/31 Columbia University 8519255 Adelson Beth IPA Mobility Assignment 86/08/15 86/09/14 Yale University 8541215 Anderson James A Cognitive Applications of Matrix Memory Models 83/04/01 86/09/30 Brown University 8543633 Zadeh Lotfi A Management of Uncertainty in Expert Systems (Information Science) 84/04/01 86/09/30 University of California Berkeley 8542811 Kashyap Rangasami L Research on Inference Procedures With Uncertainty (Information Science) 84/05/01 86/10/31 Purdue University 8543520 Richards Whitman A Natural Computation: A Computational Approach to Visual Information Processing (Information Science and Computer Research) 84/05/01 86/10/31 Massachusetts Institute of Tech 8544192 Pearl Judea Studies in The Organization of Information Structures (Information Science) 84/06/15 86/11/30 University of California Los Angeles 8421162 Seth Sharad C Decoding Substitution Ciphers Using a Spelling Dictionary with an Application to Unsupervised Character Classification (Computer Research & Information Science) 85/06/15 86/11/30 University of Nebraska Lincoln 8542431 Bezdek James C Information Retrieval from Normal Mixtures (Information Science) 84/07/01 86/12/31 University of South Carolina at Columbia 8544193 Cohen Paul R Heuristic Reasoning about Uncertainty: An Artificial Intelligence Approach (Information Science) 84/07/15 86/12/31 University of Massachusetts Amherst 8544191 Klir George J Possibilistic Information: Theory and Applicability (Information Science) 84/07/01 86/12/31 SUNY at Binghamton 8544248 Lehnert Wendy G Presidential Young Investigator Award (Information Science) 84/07/01 86/12/31 University of Massachusetts Amherst 8544920 Lehnert Wendy G Presidential Young Investigator Award (Information Science) 84/07/01 86/12/31 University of Massachusetts Amherst 8418164 Luce R.Duncan A Theory of Informational Structure (Information Science) 85/07/01 86/12/31 Harvard University 8544188 Luce R.Duncan Fundamental Information Issues in the Theory of Measurement (Information Science) 83/06/15 86/12/31 Harvard University 8544247 Maier David Presidential Young Investigator Award (Information Science) 84/05/01 86/12/31 Oregon Graduate Center 8451438 McKeown Kathleen R Presidential Young Investigator Award (Information Science) 85/07/01 86/12/31 Columbia University 8543551 Nowakowska Maria Dynamic Theory of Expertise: Multimodel Approach (Information Science) 84/07/15 86/12/31 Iona College 8543297 Rozenshstein David Towards a Flexible User Interface to Relational Database Systems (Information Science) 84/07/01 86/12/31 Rutgers University 8542873 Tucker Allen B Knowledge-Based Multilingual Machine Translation 84/07/01 86/12/31 Colgate University 8418863 Yu Po-Lung Habitual Domain Analysis for Effective Information Interface and Decision Support (Information Science) 85/07/15 86/12/31 University of Kansas Main Campus 8504191 Austing Richard H Group Travel for U.S. Participants in the 1986 Congress of the International Federation for Information Processing, September 1-5, 1986, Dublin, Ireland 85/08/01 87/01/31 Amer Federation of Info Process Soc Inc 8500615 Conant Roger C Heuristic Methods in Dependency and Reconstructability Analysis (Information Science) 85/08/15 87/01/31 University of Illinois Chicago 8544190 DeJong Gerald F Explanatory Schema Acquisition (Information Science) 84/08/01 87/01/31 University of Illinois at Urbana 8511606 Herrnstein Richard J A Comparative Approach to Natural and Artificial Visual Information Processing (Information Science) 85/08/15 87/01/31 Harvard University 8543612 Ligomenides Panos A Knowledge Representation and Measures for Relational Experiential Data Base (Information Science) 84/08/01 87/01/31 University of Maryland College Park 8544189 Salton Gerard Advance Models for Information Retrieval (Information Science) 84/02/01 87/01/31 Cornell University - Endowed 8503841 Yager Ronald R Specificity Measures of Information in Possibility Distri- butions (Information Science) 85/08/15 87/01/31 Iona College 8544154 Minker Jack Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Logic Programming, and Deductive Databases (Computer Research) 83/09/01 87/02/28 University of Maryland College Park 8510999 Porter Bruce W Using and Revising Learned Concept Models (Information Science) 85/09/01 87/02/28 Univ of Texas at Austin 8451430 Reggia James A Presidential Young Investigator Award: Abductive Inference Models in Artificial Intelligence (Information Science) 85/07/01 87/02/28 University of Maryland College Park 8543519 Weischedel Ralph M User Goals As a Basis For an Intelligent Information System's Ability to Understand Ill-Formed Input (Information Science) 84/09/15 87/02/28 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc 8544493 Kandel Abraham Analysis and Modeling of Imprecise Information in Uncertain Environments (Information Science) 84/10/01 87/03/31 Florida State University 8411688 McAllister Marialuisa Fuzzy Graphs: Theory and Applications (Information Science) 84/10/15 87/03/31 Moravian College 8413050 Ralescu Dan A Statistical Analysis of Imprecise Information (Information Science) 84/10/15 87/03/31 University of Cincinnati 8412406 Robinson Vincent Specification of Natural Language Concepts For Spatial Information Retrieval (Information Science) 84/10/15 87/03/31 CNYU Hunter College 8408551 Salveter Sharon C Transportable Natural Language Database Update (Information Science) 84/10/15 87/03/31 Boston University 8418853 Durso Francis T An Investigation of Lexical Structures (Information Science) 85/05/15 87/04/30 University of Oklahoma Norman Campus 8412791 Ullman Jeffrey D Implementation of Logical Query Languages For Databases (Information Science) 84/11/01 87/04/30 Stanford University 8445151 Miller Don W Application of the Knowledge Based System Approach to Operational Problems of Engineering Systems 84/07/15 87/06/30 Ohio State University 8540101 Parsons Charles D The Structure of Information in Science: Fact Formulas and Discussion Structures in Related Subsciences (Information Science) 83/11/01 87/06/30 Columbia University 8418862 Robertson Scott P Errors, Explanation, and Plan Modification in Cognitive Skill Learning (Information Science) 85/01/15 87/06/30 The Catholic University of America 8541597 Sager Naomi Language as a Database Structure (Information Science) 84/03/01 87/08/31 New York University 8543327 Kolodner Janet L Extracting Information From Experience: Experience-Driven Incremental Learning (Information Science) 84/06/15 87/11/30 Georgia Institute of Technolgy Main Campus 8508406 Omiecinski Edward R Incremental File Recorganization Schemes (Information Science) 85/08/15 88/01/31 North Dakota State University Main Campus 8505019 Soloway Elliot M The Cognitive Processes Underlying Design (Information Science) 85/08/15 88/01/31 Yale University 8511538 Vianu Victor Dynamic Aspects of Databases (Information Science) 85/08/01 88/01/31 University of California San Diego 8511542 DeJong Gerald F A Computer Model of Learning Classical Mechanics (Informa- tion Science) 85/09/01 88/02/29 University of Illinois at Urbana 8510894 Derry Sharon J Training Arithmetic Problem-Solving Skills: A Prototype Model Utilizing Intelligent CAI (Information Science) 85/09/01 88/02/29 Florida State University 8510069 Evens Martha W Automatic Construction of Lexicons with Relational Primitives (Information Science and Computer Research) 85/09/01 88/02/29 Illinois Institute of Technology 8511167 Lansky Amy L Behavioral Planning for Multiagent Domains (Information Science) 85/09/15 88/02/29 SRI International 8509180 Nemes Richard M Modular Verification of Strong Correctness of Communicating Sequential Processes (Information Science) 85/09/01 88/02/29 Rutgers University 8504713 Rapaport William J Logical Foundations for Belief Representation (Information Science) 85/09/01 88/02/29 State University of New York System Office 8511170 Stepp Robert E Discovering Underlying Concepts in Data Through Conceptual Clustering (Information Science) 85/09/01 88/02/29 University of Illinois at Urbana 8418860 Falmagne Jean-Claude Assessment and Measurement of Knowledge - Theory and Algorithms (Information Science) 85/05/15 88/04/30 New York University 8511176 Beeson Michael J Advances in Computer-Assisted Instruction (Information Science) 85/08/01 89/01/31 San Jose State University ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************