Form 15 (3/31/86) NSF PROJECT IST-850 5411 EXPERIMENTS ON THE COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF INFORMATION SEEKING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVING USER QUESTIONS FOR ONLINE SEARCHES QUESTION NUMBER: 026 A1. BRIEF TITLE: Workers' compensation in Ohio and Ontario A2. QUESTION STATEMENT: What was the interaction between the "law" and "lawyers" on the one hand and the policy of creating an administrative agency for purposes of compensating industrial workers injured or killed in accidents in Ohio and Ontario in the years from 1915 to 1935? Both Ohio and Ontario created workers' compensation schemes that were effective by 1915. In Ontario the Workers Compensation Board and in Ohio the Industrial Commission were intended to operate as an alternative to judicial determination of liability in tort (common law) litigation -- the previous existing method of compensation. Ontario successfully ridded its process of lawyers and courts: personal injury cases were determined on a no-fault basis from a compulsory compensation fund gathered by assessments on industries. Ohio legislated a similar scheme, but allowed appeals from the Industrial Commission findings and left room for lawyers to represent clients before the Commission. I am interested in legislative debates concerning this topic, in laws enacted, in laws applied by courts, in bar associations or other lawyers' groups impressions of changing circumstances, in medical concern about examinations of injured and dead workmen, in manufacturers' associations and labor unions' ideas and reactions, in reports and other materials produced by the compensation agencies, and in social scientists and legal scholars' comments on the issues. TYPE OF SEARCH REQUESTED B. A precise or a broad search: Broad C. Research application: Faculty research - History D. Retrieve articles in English only or any language: English E. Years to be searched: No limits F. DIALOG databases suggested: Š