Form 15 (3/31/86) NSF PROJECT IST-850 5411 EXPERIMENTS ON THE COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF INFORMATION SEEKING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVING USER QUESTIONS FOR ONLINE SEARCHES QUESTION NUMBER: 014 A1. BRIEF TITLE: Prospective payment system-related changes in hospital information systems and imformation systems groups A2. QUESTION STATEMENT: The advent of prospective payment systems for American health care organizations (including diagnosis-related groups ("DRGs")) is expected to have caused many changes in American hospitals' use of an information systems group/function. One expects the increased design and development of improved management information systems that will help hospital decisions makers manage in the new payment enviroment. These computer-based information systems would assist the hospital in product and service costing (micro-costing), as well as better integration of patient care information with financial (charge) information. One also expects changes in the position, role and reward structure of the hospital information systems group. As management information systems become more central to the survival of the hospital, one would expect the hospital's data processing group to become larger, better paid, and more powerful. They are also expected to be more closely linked with top hospital decision makers. Terms: Prospective payment/DRG: systems used by Medicare, some Medicaid and other third party payors to set the price for patient care (in patient) before service is rendered to the patient. Management information system/computer-based information system/information system: the collection of hardware, software and procedure used to collect, store, and report information used in task and decision support. Information systems group/MIS group/data processing: the individuals who develop, acquire, manage information systems for an organization. Micro-costing: The activity of examining, in detail, how many resources are consumed in producing a unit of a product or service. Diagnosis-related-group (DRG): a particular prospective payment method, in which a set payment is made for all cases of a given disease or health problem. Amounts a hospital would be paid for the patient would depend on what DRG the patients case is classified as. Š QUESTION 014 - page 2 TYPE OF SEARCH REQUESTED B. A precise or a broad search: Broad C. Research application: Graduate study-Management D. Retrieve articles in English only or any language: English E. Years to be searched: No limits F. DIALOG databases suggested: