Form 15 (3/31/86) NSF PROJECT IST-850 5411 EXPERIMENTS ON THE COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF INFORMATION SEEKING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVING USER QUESTIONS FOR ONLINE SEARCHES QUESTION NUMBER: 009 A1. BRIEF TITLE: Alternative human services delivery systems A2. QUESTION STATEMENT: The classical model of service delivery has been the individual client and the individual casework in a agency based office. The model is best exemplified by the Family Service Agencies. Beginning about 1960 variations and alternatives to this model have been developed. We are hoping thru a series of demonstration projects to design alternative models and test them. What I would like are abstracts describing alternative model which have been developed over the past 25 years. An example would be the decentralization of the service into the black inner city church, rather than offering service at the agency. I could narrow the question to model which include the utilization of "natural" networks (black church) and rely more on community networks, natural or created by the social workers. TYPE OF SEARCH REQUESTED B. A precise or a broad search: Broad C. Research application: Faculty research-applied social science D. Retrieve articles in English only or any language: English E. Years to be searched: 1960-present F. DIALOG databases suggested: Š