# how to make the programs in this directory CFLAGS= -O -s LCVL= lib/libcvl.a EXEC=chcmnt chghead convert crehead edhead header normalize cmd: ${EXEC} chcmnt: chcmnt.c cc -O -s -I. -o chcmnt chcmnt.c ${LCVL} chghead: chghead.c cc -O -s -I. -o chghead chghead.c ${LCVL} convert: convert.c cc -O -s -I. -o convert convert.c ${LCVL} -DVAX crehead: crehead.c cc -O -s -I. -o crehead crehead.c ${LCVL} edhead: edhead.c cc -O -s -I. -o edhead edhead.c ${LCVL} header: header.c cc -O -s -I. -o header header.c ${LCVL} normalize: normalize.c cc -O -s -I. -o normalize normalize.c ${LCVL}