%A John W. Peterson %A Rod G. Bogart %A Spencer W. Thomas %T The Utah raster toolkit %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 1-12 %A Julian E. Gomez %A Frank Preston %A Steve Fine %A Tony Hasegawa %A Bock Lee %A Blaine Walker %T A high-end high-performance graphics system for computational fluid dynamics %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 13-14 %A Ed Tannenbaum %T Recollections %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 15-16 %A Rob Myers %T Pictorial conversation: design considerations for interactive graphical media %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 17-35 %A Rob Myers %A Peter Broadwell %A Robin Schaufler %T Plasm: a fish sample %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 37-39 %A C.D. Blewett %A J.T. Edmark %A J.I. Helfman %A M. WIsh %T A multi-representation, bitmap interface to the Unix file system constructed from cooperating processes %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 41-48 %K Blit, DMD 5620, graphmod, dirmod %A Spencer W. Thomas %T Scattered thoughs on B-splines %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 49-62 %A Carlo H. Sequin %T Procedural spline interpolation in UNICUBIX %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 63-83 %A Michael Hawley %T Porting Unix to the Bosendorfer %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 85-90 %K piano %A William E. Johnston %A Dennis E. Hall %A Fritz Renema %A David Robertson %T A low cost, video based, animated movie system for the display of time dependent modeling results %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 91-115 %A Owen M. Densmore %T Object oriented programming in NeWS %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 117-135 %A David M. Geshwind %T Computer assisted color conversion %J Proceedings of the Third Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Monterey, California %D November 1986 %K Unix %P 137-144 %A Michael Hawley %T More music software for Unix %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 1 %A Cliff Brett %A Steve Pieper %A David Zeltzer %T Putting it all together: an integrated package for viewing and editing 3D microworlds %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 2-12 %K BOLIO %A Jon L. Bentley %A Brian W. Kernighan %T A system for algorithm animation %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 13-23 %K movie, stills %A John W. Peterson %T Distributed computation for computer animation %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 24-36 %K Xerox worm, Xerox process server, Apollo NCS, Remote Unix RU, distrib %A Hubert C. Delaney %T Ray tracing on the Connection Machine system (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 37 %A Ephraim Cohen %T Raster image rotation and anti-aliased line drawing %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 38-48 %A Jane Wilhelms %T Dynamics for everyone %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 49-72 %A Phillip C. Dykstra %T The BRL CAD package: an overview %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 73-80 %A Paul Randal Stay %T The definition and ray-tracing of B-spline objects in a combinatorial solid geometric modeling system %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 81-85 %A Michael John Muuss %T RT & REMRT: shared memory parallel and network distributed ray-tracing programs %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 86-97 %A Steve Strassman %T Hairy brushes (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 99 %A Chuck Clanton %T Face: a poor man's screen description language (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 101 %A Donald V. Alecci %T Generic object-oriented 3-dimensional graphics environment with editing capabilities (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 102 %A Don Hopkins %T Directional selection is easy as Pie menus (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 103 %A Michael J. Sullivan %T Visualization: computer graphics in the research laboratory (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 104 %A Roger A. Sumey %A Daniel M. Sunday %A David W. Nesbitt %A Kyle M. Upton %T A graphics library for Navy tactical display systems (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 105 %A Stephen A. Uhler %T MGR - a window system for Unix (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 106 %A James Waldo %A Marcia Delaney %A John Laporta %T A generalized font file format (abstract only) %J Proceedings of the Fourth Usenix Computer Graphics Workshop %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D October 1987 %K Unix %P 107