%A Andrew P. Witkin %T A statistical technique for recovering surface orientation from texture in natural imagery %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 1-3 %K early vision processing %A John R. Kender %A Takeo Kanade %T Mapping image properties into shape constraints: skewed symmetry and affine-transformable patterns, and the shape-from-texture paradigm %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 4-6 %K early vision processing %A William B. Thompson %T What should be computed in low level vision systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 7-10 %K early vision processing %A Harry G. Barrow %A Jay M. Tenenbaum %T Interpreting line drawings as three-dimensional surfaces %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 11-14 %K early vision processing %A Mike Brady %A W.E.L. Grimson %A D.J. Langridge %T Shape encoding and subjective contours %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 15-17 %K early vision processing %A Eugene C. Freuder %T Information needed to label a scene %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 18-20 %K scene analysis %A Rodney A. Brooks %A Thomas O. Binford %T Interpretive vision and restriction graphs %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 21-27 %K scene analysis %A Linda G. Shapiro %A John D. Moriarty %A Prasanna G. Mulgaonkar %A Robert M. Haralick %T Sticks, platesm and blobs: a three-dimensional object representation for scene analysis %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 28-30 %K scene analysis %A Daryl T. Lawton %T Constraint-based inference from image motion %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 31-34 %K motion analysis %A Jon A. Webb %T Static analysis of moving jointed objects %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 35-37 %K motion analysis %A Marsha J. Hannah %T Bootstrap stereo %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 38-40 %K motion analysis %A Robert C. Bolles %T Locating partially visible objects: the local feature focus method %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 41-43 %K robotic vision %A N. Ahuja %A R.T. Chien %A N. Bridwell %T Interference detection and collision avoidance among three dimensional objects %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 44-48 %K robotic vision %A Stephen T. Barnard %T Automated inspection using gray-scale statistics %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 49-52 %K robotic vision %A Norman I. Badler %A Joseph O'Rourke %A Stephen Platt %A Mary A. Morris %T Human movement understanding: a variety of perspectives %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 53-55 %K robotic vision %A Olivier D. Faugeras %T An OPS approach for using contextual information in computer vision %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 56-60 %K robotic vision %A Louis Steinberg %T Question ordering in a mixed initiative program specification dialogue %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 61-63 %K program synthesis %A Steve Tappel %T Some algorithm design methods %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 64-67 %K program synthesis %A Stephen Fickas %T Automatic goal-directed program transformation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 68-70 %K program synthesis %A Brian P. McCune %T Incremental, informal program acquisition %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 71-73 %K program synthesis %A P.A. SUbrahmanyam %T A basis for a theory of program synthesis %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 74-76 %K program synthesis %A Richard J. Wood %T A program model and knowledge base for computer aided program synthesis %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 77-78 %K program synthesis %A David A. Plaisted %T An efficient relevance criterion for mechanicak theorem proving %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 79-83 %K theorem proving %A Jacek Leszczylowski %T On proving laws of the algebra of FP-systems in Edinburgh LCF %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 84-86 %K theorem proving %A Gerald E. Peterson %T A technique for establishing completeness results in theorem proving with equality %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 87-89 %K theorem proving %A Luigia Aiello %T Automatic generation of semantic attachments in FOL %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 90-92 %K theorem proving %A Daniel L. Chester %T HCPRVR: an interpreter for logic programs %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 93-95 %K theorem proving %A Vincent J. Digricoli %T First experiments with Rue automatic deduction %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 96-98 %K theorem proving %A David J. Israel %T What's wrong with non-monotonic logic ? %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 99-101 %K mathematical and theoretical foundations %A Dana S. Nau %T Pathology on game trees: a summary of results %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 102-104 %K mathematical and theoretical foundations %A S.W. Ng %A Adrain Walker %T Max-min chaining of weighted causal assertions is loop free %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 105-107 %K mathematical and theoretical foundations %A Robert Balzer %A Lee Erman %A Philip London %A Chuck Williams %T Hearsay-III: a domain-independent framework for expert systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 108-110 %K cooperating expert systems %A V.R. Lesser %A S. Reed %A J. Pavlin %T Quantifying and simulating the behavior of knowledge-based interpretation systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 111-115 %K cooperating expert systems %A Eugene Ball %A Phil Hayes %T Representation of task-specific knowledge in a gracefully interacting user interface %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 116-120 %K cooperating expert systems %A Janice S. Aikins %T Representation of control knowledge in expert systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 121-123 %K problem solving and control %A Jaime G. Carbonell %T Delta-min: a search control method for information-gathering problems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 124-127 %K problem solving and control %A Arthur M. Farley %T On waiting %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 128-130 %K problem solving and control %A Douglas E. Appelt %T A planner for reasoning about knowledge and action %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 131-133 %K problem solving and control %A Hans J. Berliner %T Making judgments %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 134-137 %K BKG 9.8 BKG9.8 SNAC backgammon %K problem solving and control %A Kurt Konolige %A Nils J. Nilsson %T Multiple-agent planning systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 138-142 %K problem solving and control %A Judea Pearl %T Scout: a simple game-searching algorithm with proved optimal properties %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 143-145 %K problem solving and control %A Harry C. Reinstein %T Problem solving in frame-structured systems using interactive dialog %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 146-147 %K problem solving and control %A Ann E. Robinson %A David E. Wilkins %T Representing knowledge in an interactive planner %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 148-150 %K problem solving and control %A Stuart C. Shapiro %A Donald P. McKay %T Inference with recursive rules %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 151-153 %K problem solving and control %A David E. Smith %A Jan E. Clayton %T A frame-based production system architecture %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 154-156 %K knowledge representation %A Carl Hewitt %A G. Attardi %A M. Simi %T Knowledge embedding in the design system Omega %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 157-164 %K knowledge representation %A Russell Greiner %A Douglas B. Lenat %T A representation language language %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 165-169 %K knowledge representation %A Kenneth D. Forbus %T Spatial and qualitative aspects of reasoning about motion %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 170-173 %K applied knowledge representation %A Martin Herman %T Computer interpretation of human stick figures %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 174-177 %K applied knowledge representation %A Gordon S. Novak %A Agustin A. Araya %T Research on expert problem solving in physics %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 178-180 %K applied knowledge representation %A Philip Klahr %A William S. Faught %T Knowledge-based simulation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 181-183 %K applied knowledge representation %A Carl Engelman %A Ethan A. Scarl %A Charles H. Berg %T Interactive frame instantiation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 184-186 %K applied knowledge representation %A Ira P. Goldstein %A Daniel G. Bobrow %T Descriptions for a programming environment %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 187-189 %K PIE Smalltalk %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A William Mark %T Rule-based inference in large knowledge bases %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 190-194 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A John L. Goodson %T A process for evaluating tree-consistency %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 195-198 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A Gerald R. Barber %T Reasoning about change in knowledgeable office systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 199-201 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A Richard E. Fikes %A D.A. Henderson,\ Jr. %T On supporting the use of procedures in office work %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 202-207 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A Michael R. Genesereth %T Metaphors and models %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 208-211 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A James R. Meehan %T Everything you always wanted to know about authority structures but were unable to represent %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 212-214 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A Chuck Rieger %A Craig Stanfill %T Real time causal monitors for complex physical systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 215-217 %K specialized issues in knowledge representation %A Thomas G. Dietterich %T Applying general induction methods to the card game Eleusis %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 218-220 %K knowledge acquisition %A Robert Smith %T Modelling student acquisition of problem-solving skills %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 221-223 %K knowledge acquisition %A Mallory Selfridge %T A computer model of child language learning %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 224-227 %K knowledge acquisition %A Michael D. Rychener %T Approaches to knowledge acquisition: the instructable production system project %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 228-230 %K knowledge acquisition %A Rene Reboh %T Using a matcher to make an expert consultation system behave intelligently %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 231-234 %K knowledge acquisition %A Norman Haas %A Gary G. Hendrix %T An approach to acquiring and applying knowledge %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 235-239 %K knowledge acquisition %A Stephen B. Whitehill %T Self-correcting generalization %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 240-242 %K knowledge acquisition %A Jonathan J. King %T Intelligent retrieval planning %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 243-245 %K specialized systems %A Drew McDermott %T A theory of metric spatial inference %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 246-248 %K specialized systems %A Scott E. Fahlman %T Design sketch for a million-element NETL machine %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 249-252 %K specialized systems %A Thomas D. Garvey %A Martin A. Fischler %T Perceptual reasoning in a hostile environment %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 253-255 %K specialized systems %A Edwins L. Risslaud %A Elliot M. Soloway %T Overview of an example generation system %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 256-258 %K specialized systems %A Wellington Yu Chiu %T Structure comparison and semantic interpretation of differences %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 259-262 %K specialized systems %A Shamim A. Naqvi %A Lawrence J. Heschen %T Performing inferences over recursive data bases %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 263-265 %K specialized systems %A Jarrett Rosenberg %T Piaget and artificial intelligence %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 266-268 %K specialized systems %A John McDermott %T R1: an expert in the computer systems domain %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 269-271 %K applications %A D.A. Waterman %A Mark Peterson %T Rule-based models of legal expertise %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 272-275 %K applications %A David R. Barstow %T Exploiting a domain model in an expert spectral analysis program %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 276-279 %K applications %A Lauce A. Miller %T Project Epistle: a system for the automatic analysis of business correspondence %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 280-282 %K applications %A Milton R. Grinberg %T A knowledge based design system for digital electronics %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 283-285 %K applications %A John F. Vinsonhaler %T Theory directed reading diagnosis research using computer simulation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 286-288 %K applications %A Kenneth Mark Colby %A Daniel Christinaz %A Santiago Graham %A Roger C. Parkison %T A word-finding algorithm with a dynamic lexical-semantic memory for patients with anomia using a speech prosthesis %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 289-291 %K applications %A Leonard Friedman %T Trouble-shooting by plausible inference %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 292-294 %K applications %A John Gaschnig %T An application of the Prospector system to DoE's national uranium resource evaluation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 295-297 %K applications %A L. Thorne McCarthy %T Some requirements for a computer-based legal consultant %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 298-300 %K applications %A R.H. Granger,\ Jr. %T When expectation fails: towards a self-correcting inference system %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 301-305 %K natural language %A Kathleen R. McKeown %T Generating relevant explanations: natural language responses to questions about database structure %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 306-309 %K natural language %A Timothy W. Finin %T The semantic interpretation of nominal compounds %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 310-312 %K natural language %A Lawrence Birnbaum %A Margot Flowers %A Rod McGuire %T Towards an AI model of argumentation %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 313-315 %K natural language %A Robert J. Bobrow %A Bonnie L. Webber %T Knowledge representation for syntactic/semantic processing %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 316-323 %K natural language %A Michael Lebowitz %T Language and memory: generalization as a part of understanding %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 324-326 %K natural language %A Eric Mays %T Failures in natural language systems: applications to data base query systems %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 327-330 %K natural language %A Janet L. Kolodner %T Organizing memory and keeping it organized %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 331-333 %K memory models %A Robert Wilensky %T Meta-planning %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 334-336 %K memory models %A Wendy G. Lehnert %T Narrative text summarization %J Proceedings of the First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Stanford, California %D August 1980 %K aaai aaai80 ncai ncai80 %P 337-339 %K memory models %A K. Prazdny %T The role of eye positioning information in algorithms for stereoscopic matching %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 1-4 %K vision %A D.D. Hoffman %A W.A. Richards %T Representing smooth plane curves for recognition: implications for figure-ground reversal %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 5-8 %K vision %A John R. Kender %T Why perspective is difficult: how two algorithms fail %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 9-12 %K vision %A Donald B. Gennery %T Tracking known three-dimensional objects %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 13-17 %K vision %A Katsushi Ikeuchi %A Yoshiaki Shirai %T A model based vision system for recognition of machine parts %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 18-21 %K vision %A Alex Paul Pentland %T Local computation of shape %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 22-25 %K vision %A William B. Thompson %A Valdis Berzins %T Edge detection in optical flow models %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 26-29 %K vision %A M.A. Fischer %A S.T. Barnard %A R.C. Bolles %A M. Lowry %A L. Quem %A G. Smith %A A. Witkin %T Modeling and using physical constraints in scene analysis %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 30-35 %K vision %A Andrew P. Witkin %T Intensity-based edge classification %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 36-41 %K vision %A Gerard G. Medioni %T Segmentation of images into regions using edge information %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 42-45 %K vision %A J.-Q. Fang %A T.S. Huang %T A corner finding algorithm for image analysis and registration %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 46-49 %K vision %A M.D. Diamond %A N. Narasimhamurthi %A S. Ganapathi %T A systematic approach to continuous graph labeling with application to computer vision %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 50-54 %K vision %A Paul Amaranth %A William Jaynes %T Determining surface type from surface normals %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 55-58 %K vision %A Douglas E. Appelt %T Planning natural-language utterances %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 59-62 %K natural language %A Lawrence Birnbaum %T Argument molecules: a functional representation of argument structure %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 63-65 %K natural language %A James F. Allen %A Alan M. Fritsch %A Diane J. Litman %T Argot: The Rochester dialogue system %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 66-70 %K natural language %A Marc Luria %T Dividing up the question answering process %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 71-74 %K natural language %A David D. McDonald %A E. Jeffery COnklin %T Salience as a simplifying metaphor for natural language generation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 75-78 %K natural language %A Mark A. Jones %A David S. Warren %T Conceptual dependency and Montague grammar: a step toward conciliation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 79-83 %K natural language %A D.L. Waltz %T Event shape diagrams %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 84-87 %K natural language %A Robert W. Milne %T An explanation for minimal attachment and right association %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 88-90 %K natural language %A Mark D. Grover %T A synthetic approach to temporal information processing %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 91-94 %K natural language %A Graeme Hirst %A Eugene Charniak %T Word sense and case slot disambiguation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 95-98 %K natural language %A David M. Keirsey %T Word learning with hierarchy-guided inference %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 99-102 %K natural language %A Robert Wilensky %T Talking to Unix in English: an overview of UC %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 103-106 %K Unix consultant %K natural language %A Renato De\ Mori %A Attilio Giordano %A Lorenza Saitta %A Pietro Laface %T An expert system for interpreting speech patterns %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 107-110 %K natural language %A Bruce W. Ballard %T A search procedure for perfect information games of chance: its formulation and analysis %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 111-114 %K problem solving and search %A Jeffrey S. Rosenschein %T Synchronization in multi-agent plans %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 115-119 %K problem solving and search %A Dana S. Nau %A Vipin Kumar %A Laveen Kanal %T A general paradigm for A.I. search procedures %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 120-123 %K problem solving and search %A Paul W. Purdom,\ Jr. %A Cynthia A. Brown %T Evaluating search methods analytically %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 124-127 %K problem solving and search %A Bernard Ludel %T Consistent-labeling problems and their algorithms %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 128-132 %K problem solving and search %A Judea Pearl %T Reverend Bayes on inference engines: a distributed hierarchical approach %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 133-136 %K problem solving and search %A Randall Davis %A Howard Shrobe %A Walter Hamscher %A Karen Wieckert %A Mark Shirley %A Steve Polit %T Diagnosis based on description of structure and function %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 137-142 %K problem solving and search %A Daniel D. Corkill %A Victor R. Lesser %A Eva Hudlicka %T Unifying data-directed and goal-directed control: an example and experiments %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 143-147 %K problem solving and search %A Sargur N. Srihari %A Jonathan J. Hull %T Knowledge integration in text recognition %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 148-151 %K problem solving and search %A Reid G. Simmons %T Spatial and temporal reasoning in geologic map interpretation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 152-154 %K problem solving and search %A Mark S. Fox %A Brad Allen %A Gary Strohm %T Job-shop scheduling: an investigation in constraint-directed reasoning %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 155-158 %K problem solving and search %A Douglas B. Lenat %T Heuretics: theoretical and experimental study of heuristic rules %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 159-163 %K problem solving and search %A Richard E. Korf %T A program that learns to solve Rubik's cube %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 164-167 %K problem solving and search %A Jaime G. Carbonell %T Experimental learning in analogical problem solving %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 168-171 %K problem solving and search %A Blake Ward %A Gordon McCalla %T Error detection and recovery in a dynamic planning environment %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 172-175 %K problem solving and search %A Rajendra S. Wall %A Edwina L. Rissland %T Scenarios as an aid to planning %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 176-180 %K problem solving and search %A Dave McArhthur %A Randy Steeb %A Stephanie Cammarata %T A framework for distributed problem solving %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 181-184 %K problem solving and search %A Joseph Faletti %T PANDORA - a program for doing commonsense planning in compplex situations %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 185-188 %K problem solving and search %A Ronald J. Brachman %A Hector J. Levesque %T Competence in knowledge representation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 189-192 %K knowledge representation %A Charles Rich %T Knowledge representation languages and predicate calculus: how to have your cake and eat it too %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 193-196 %K knowledge representation %A Marc B. Vilain %T A system for reasoning about time %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 197-201 %K knowledge representation %A Kurt Konolige %T Circumscriptive ignorance %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 202-204 %K knowledge representation %A Kenneth D. Forbus %T Modeling motion with qualitative process theory %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 205-208 %K knowledge representation %A Benjamin Kuipers %T Getting the envisionment right %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 209-212 %K knowledge representation %A Hans J. Berliner %A David H. Ackley %T The QBKG system: generating explanations from a non-discrete knowledge representation %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 213-216 %K knowledge representation %A Carl T. Uhrik %T PLANT/ds revisited: non-homogeneous evaluation schema in expert systems %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 217-220 %K knowledge representation %A Neil C. Rowe %T Inheritance of statistical properties %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 221-224 %K knowledge representation %A Mabry Tyson %T Proof methods in an agenda-based natural-deduction theorem prover %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 225-228 %K theorem proving %A Mark E. Stickel %T A nonclausal connection-graph resolution theorem-proving program %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 229-233 %K theorem proving %A Alan H. Borning %A Daniel H.H. Ingalls %T Multiple inheritance in Smalltalk-80 %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 234-237 %K AI languages and software %A Gordon S. Novak,\ Jr. %T Glisp: a high-level language for AI programming %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 238-241 %K AI languages and software %A Salvatore J. Stolfo %A David Elliot Shaw %T DADO: a tree-structured machine architecture for production systems %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 242-246 %K specialized architectures for AI %A Steven Small %A Gary Cottrell %A Lokendra Shastri %T Toward connectionist parsing %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 247-250 %K cognitive modeling %A Mallory Selfridge %T Why do children misunderstand reversible passives ? The Child program learns to understand passive sentences %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 251-254 %K cognitive modeling %A Paul S. Rosenbloom %A Allen Newell %T Learning by chunking %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 255-257 %K cognitive modeling %A R.J. Elliott %A M.E. Lesk %T Route finding in street maps by computers and people %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 258-261 %K cognitive modeling %A William F. Brewer %T Plan understanding, narrative comprehension, and story schemas %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 262-264 %K cognitive modeling %A Michael G. Dyer %T Affect processing for narratives %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 265-268 %K cognitive modeling %A Margot Flowers %T On being contradictory %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 269-272 %K cognitive modeling %A Janet L. Kolodner %T The role of experience in development of expertise %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 273-277 %K cognitive modeling %A Michael G. Genesereth %T Diagnosis using hierarchical design models %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 278-283 %K applications systems: computer systems and engineering %A Van E. Kelly %A Louis I. Steinberg %T The CRITTER system: analyzing digital circuits by propagating behaviors and specifications %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 284-289 %K applications systems: computer systems and engineering %A Hal Shubin %A John Wade Ulrich %T IDT: an intelligent diagnostic tool %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 290-295 %K applications systems: computer systems and engineering %A William R. Nelson %T REACTOR: an expert system for diagnosis and treatment of nuclear reactor incidents %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 296-301 %K applications systems: computer systems and engineering %A W.E. Underwood %T A CAS model-based nuclear power plant consultant %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 302-305 %K applications systems: computer systems and engineering %A Charles Kellog %T Knowledge management: a practical amalgam of knowledge and data base technology %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 306-309 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Laurent Siklossy %A Jean-Louis Lauriere %T Removing restrictions in the relational data base model: an application of problem solving techniques %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 310-313 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Frederich N. Tou %A Michael D. Williams %A Richard Fikes %A Austin Henderson %A Thomas Malone %T RABBIT: an intelligent database assistant %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 314-318 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Susan P. Ennis %T Expert systems: a user's perspective of some current tools %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 319-321 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Sholom Weiss %A Casimir Kulikowski %A Chidanand Apte %A Michael Uschold %A Jay Patchett %A Robert Brigham %A Belynda Spitzer %T Building expert systems for controlling complex programs %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 322-326 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Larence A. Stabile %T Frame-based computer network monitoring %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 327-330 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Philip Klahr %A David McArthur %A Sanjai Narain %T Swirl: an object-oriented air battle simulator %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 331-334 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Bob London %A William J. Clancey %T Plan recognition strategies in student modeling: prediction and description %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 335-338 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Jeff Shrager %A Tim Finin %T An expert system that volunteers advice %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 339-340 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Yumi Iwasaki %A Peter Friedland %T SPEX: a second-generation experiment design system %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 341-344 %K applications systems: knowledge/databases %A Ramesh S. Patil %A Peter Szolovits %A William B. Schwartz %T Information acquisition in diagnosis %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 345-348 %K applications systems: medical %A B. Chandrasekaran %A Sanjay Mittal %T Deep versus compiled knowledge approaches to diagnostic problem-solving %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 349-354 %K applications systems: medical %A Robert L. Blum %T Induction of causal relationships from a time-oriented clinical database: an overview of the RX project %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 355-357 %K applications systems: medical %A Martha E. Pollack %A Julia Hirschberg %A Bonnie Webber %T User participation in the reasoning processes of expert systems %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 358-361 %K applications systems: medical %A Norihiro Abe %A Fumihide Itoh %A Saburo Tsuji %T Toward a learning of object models using analogical objects and verbal instruction %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 362-366 %K applications systems: medical %A David Barstow %A Roger Duffey %A Stephen Smoliar %A Stanley Vestal %T An overview of PHInix %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 367-369 %K applications systems: medical %A Drew McDermott %A Ruven Brooks %T ARBY: diagnosis with causal models %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 370-372 %K applications systems: medical %A Daniel Neiman %T Graphical information from knowledge %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 373-376 %K applications systems: medical %A Hans P. Moravec %T The CMU rover %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 377-380 %K robotics %A Rodney A. Brooks %T Solving the find-path problem by good representation of free space %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 381-386 %K robotics %A Jonathan Delatizky %T Final position control in planar horizontal arm movements %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 387-389 %K robotics %A Tokuji Okada %T Development of an overall direction-of-action sensor for robots %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 390-393 %K robotics %A E. Gordon Powell %T An efficient collision warning algorithm for robot arms %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 394-395 %K robotics %A L.Y. Shih %T Stability of automatic guidance for a mobile robot %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 396-399 %K robotics %A Joachim Laubsch %A Marc Eisenstadt %T Using temporal abstraction to understand recursive programs invoking side effects %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 400-403 %K program synthesis and understanding %A Bil Swartout %T GIST English generator %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 404-409 %K program synthesis and understanding %A Gerald DeJong %T Automatic schema acquisition in a natural language environment %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 410-413 %K knowledge acquisition %A Paul E. Utgoff %A Tom M. Mitchell %T Acquisition of appropriate bias for inductive concept learning %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 414-417 %K knowledge acquisition %A Raymond Reiter %T Circumscription implies predicate completion (sometimes) %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 418-420 %K theoretical foundations %A Eric Mays %T Monitors as responses to questions: determining competence %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 421-423 %K theoretical foundations %A John F. Lemmer %A Stephen W. Barth %T Efficient minimum information updating for Bayesian inferencing in expert systems %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 424-427 %K theoretical foundations %A Robert C. Moore %T The role of logic in knowledge representation and commonsense reasoning %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 428-433 %K theoretical foundations %A Johan de\ Kleer %A John Seely Brown %T Foundations of envisioning %J Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D August 1982 %K aaai aaai82 ncai ncai82 %P 434-437 %K theoretical foundations %A Nelleke Aiello %T A comparative study of control strategies for expert systems: Age implementation of three variations of PUFF %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 1-4 %K expert systems %A Elizabeth Allen %T YAPS: a production rule system meets objects %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 5-7 %K support hardware and software %A J. Bachenko %A D. Hindle %A E. Fitzpatrick %T Constraining a deterministic parser %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 8-11 %K natural language %A Robert Balzer %A David Dyer %A Matthew Morgenstern %A Robert Neches %T specification-based computing environments %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 12-16 %K support hardware and software %A Hary G. Barrow %T Proving the correctness of digital hardware designs %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 17-21 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A D. Paul Benjamin %A Malcolm C. Harrison %T A production system for learning plans from an expert %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 22-26 %K learning %A Philippe Besnard %A Rene Quiniou %A Patrice Quinton %T A theorem-prover for a decidable subset of default logic %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 27-30 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Ronald J.Brachman %A Hector J. Levesque %A Richard E. Fikes %T KRYPTON: integrating terminology and asertion %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 31-35 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Michael J. Brooks %T Two results concerning ambiguity in shape from shading %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 36-39 %K vision and robotics %A Rodney A. Brooks %T Find-path for a PUMA-class robot %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 40-44 %K vision and robotics %A Mark H. Burstein %T A model of learning by incremental analogical reasoning and debugging %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 45-48 %K cognitive modeling %A Murray Campbell %A Hans Berliner %T A chess program that chunks %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 49-53 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A John Canny %T A variational approach to edge detection %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 54-58 %K vision and robotics %A Sandra Carberry %T Tracking user goals in an information-seeking environment %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 59-63 %K natural language %A Jaime G.Carbonell %T Derivational analogy and its role in problem solving %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 64-69 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Eugene Charniak %T The Bayesian basis of common sense medical diagnosis %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 70-73 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A William H. Clancey %T The advantages of abstract control knowledge in expert system design %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 74-78 %K expert systems %A James Clifford %T QE-III: a formal approach to natural language querying %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 79-83 %K natural language %A Anthony G. Cohn %T Improving the expresiveness of many sorted logic %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 84-87 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Randall Davis %T Diagnosis via causal reasoning: paths of interaction and the locality principle %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 88-94 %K expert systems %A Rina Dechter %A Judea Pearl %T The optimality of A* revisited %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 95-99 %K search %A Sarah A. Douglas %A Thomas P. Moran %T Learning operator semantics by analogy %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 100-103 %K cognitive modeling %A David W. Etherington %A Raymond Reiter %T On ingeritance hierarchies with exceptions %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 104-108 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Scott E. Fahlman %A Geoffrey E. Hinton %A Terrence J. Sejnowski %T Massively parallel architectures for AI: NETL, Thistle, and Boltzmann machines %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 109-113 %K support hardware and software %A Anne v.d.L. Gardner %T The design of a legal analysis program %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 114-118 %K expert systems %A Michael R. Genesereth %T An overview of meta-level architecture %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 119-124 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Michael Georgeff %T communication and interaction in multi-agent planning %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 125-129 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Neil M. Goldman %T Three dimensions of design development %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 130-133 %K cognitive modeling %A Bradley A. Goodman %T Repairing miscommunication: relaxation in reference %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 134-138 %K natural language %A Richard H. Granger %A Kurt P. Eiselt %A Jennifer K. Holbrook %T STRATEGIST: a program that models strategy-driven and content-driven inference behaviour %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 139-147 %K cognitive modeling %A Kristian J. Hammond %T Planning and goal interaction: the use of past solutions in present situations %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 148-151 %K cognitive modeling %A Walter Hamscher %T Using structural and functional information in diagnostic design %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 152-156 %K expert systems %A Dioane Warner Hasling %T abstract explanations of strategy in a diagnostic consultation system %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 157-161 %K expert systems %A Carl Hewitt %A Peter de\ Jong %T Analyzing the roles of descriptions and actions in open systems %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 162-167 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Robert A. Hummel %T A design method for relaxation labeling applications %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 168-171 %K vision and robotics %A Daniel P. Huttenlocher %A Victor W. Zue %T Phonotactic and lexical constaints in speech recognition %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 172-176 %K natural language %A Elaine Kant %A Allen Newell %T An automatic algorithm designer: an initial implementation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 177-181 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Richard M. Keller %T Learning by re-expressing concepts for efficient recognition %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 182-186 %K learning %A John R. Kender %T Surface constraints from linear extents %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 187-190 %K vision and robotics %A Dennis Kibler %A Bruce Porter %T Episodic learning %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 191-196 %K learning %A Jim Kim %A John McDermott %T TALIB: an IC layout design assistant %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 197-201 %K expert systems %A Madhur Kohli %A Jack Minker %T Intelligent control using integrity constraints %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 202-205 %K search %A Richard E. Korf %T Operator decomposability: a new type of problem structure %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 206-209 %K learning %A Darwin T. Kuan %A Robert J. Drazovich %T Model-based interpretation of range imagery %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 210-215 %K vision and robotics %A Benjamin Kuipers %T Modeling human knowledge of routes: partialKN and individual variation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 216-219 %K cognitive modeling %A Vipin Kumar %A Laveen Kanal %T The composite decision process: a unifying formulation for heuristic search, dynamic programming and branch&bound procedures %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 220-224 %K search %A John C. Kuntz %T Analysis of physiological behavior using a causal model based on first principles %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 225-228 %K expert systems %A J.-L. Lassez %A M.J. Maher %T The denotational semantics of Horn clauses as a production system %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 229-231 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Michael Lebowitz %T RESEARCHER: an overview %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 232-235 %K natural language %A Douglas B. Lenat %A John Seely Brown %T Why AM and Eurisko appear to work %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 236-240 %K learning %A Henry Lieberman %T An object-oriented simulator for the Apiary %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 241-246 %K support hardware and software %A James J. Little %T An iterative method for reconstructing convex polyhedra from external Gaussain images %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 247-250 %K vision and robotics %A William J. Long %T Reasoning about state from causation and time in a medical domain %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 251-254 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A David G. Lowe %A Thomas O. Binford %T Perceptual organization as a basis for visual recognition %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 255-260 %K vision and robotics %A William C. Mann %T An overview of the Penman text generation system %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 261-265 %K natural language %A Drew McDermott %T Data dependencies on inequalities %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 266-269 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Kathleen R. McKeown %T Recursion in TEXT and its use in language generation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 270-273 %K natural language %A Tom M. Mitchell %A Louis I. Steinberg %A Smadar Kedar-Cabelli %A Van E. Kelly %A Jeffrey Shulman %A Timothy Weinrich %T An intelligent aid for circuit redesign %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 274-278 %K expert systems %A Jack Mostow %T A problem-solver for making advice operational %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 279-283 %K learning %A Peter Norvig %T Six problems for story understanders %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 284-287 %K cognitive modeling %A Gordon S. Novak,\ Jr. %T knowledge-based programming using abstract data types %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 288-291 %K support hardware and software %A Bernard Nudel %T Solving the general consistent labeling (or constraint satisfaction) problem: two algorithms and their expected complexities %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 292-296 %K search %A Jane Terry Nutter %T Default reasoning using monotonic logic: a modest proposal %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 297-300 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Tokuji Okada %A Takeo Kanade %T Appropriate lengths between phalanges of multijointed fingers for stable grasping %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 301-305 %K vision and robotics %A Paul O'Rorke %T Reasons for beliefs in understanding: applications of non-monotonic dependencies to story processing %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 306-309 %K natural language %A Martha Stone %T Inference-driven semantic analysis %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 310-313 %K natural language %A Jasmina Pavlin %T Predicting the performance of distributed knowledge-based systems: a modeling approach %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 314-319 %K search %A Michael J. Pazzani %T Interactive script instantiation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 320-326 %K natural language %A Elaine Pettit %A Kathleen M. Swigger %T An analysis of genetic-based pattern tracking and cognitive-based component tracking models of adaptation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 327-332 %K learning %A James A. Reggia %A Dana S. Nau %A Pearl Y. Wang %T A new inference method for frame-based expert systems %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 333-337 %K expert systems %A Andrew L. Reibman %A Bruce W. Ballard %T Non-minimax search strategies for use against fallible opponents %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 338-342 %K search %A Larry A. Randell %T A doubly layered, genetic penetrance learning system %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 343-347 %K learning %A Elaine Rich %T Default reasoning as likelihood reasoning %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 348-351 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Steven Salzberg %T Generating hypotheses to explain prediction failures %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 352-355 %K learning %A Eric Schoen %A Reid G. Smith %T IMPULSE: a display oriented editor for STROBE %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 356-358 %K support hardware and software %A Paul D. Scott %T Learning: the construction of a posteriori knowledge structures %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 359-363 %K learning %A Reid G. Simmons %T The use of qualitative and quantitative simulations %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 364-369 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A James Slagle %A Michael Gaynor %T Expert system consultation control strategy %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 369-372 %K expert systems %A David E. Smith %T Finding all of the solutions to a problem %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 373-377 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Paul Smolensky %T Schema selection and stochastic inference in modular environments %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 378-382 %K learning %A Edward P. Stabler,\ Jr. %T Deterministic and bottom-up parsing in Prolog %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 383-386 %K natural language %A Craig Stanfill %T The decomposition of a large domain: reasoning about machines %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 387-390 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Mark E. Stickel %T Theory resolution: building in nonequational theories %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 391-397 %K knowledge representation and problem solving %A Eswaran Subrahmanian %T An analysis of a welfare eligibility determination interview: a planning approach %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 398-401 %K cognitive modeling %A Bill Swartout %T The GIST behavior explainer %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 402-407 %K expert systems %A Henry Thompson %T MCHART: a flexible, modular chart parsing system %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 408-410 %K natural language %A Richard M. Tong %A Danidl G. Shapiro %A Brian P. McCune %A Jeffrey S. Dean %T A rule-based approach to information retrieval: some results and comments %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 411-415 %K expert systems %A Chung-Hung Tzeng %A Paul W. Purdom,\ Jr. %T A theory of game trees %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 416-419 %K search %A Kurt VanLehn %T Human procedural skill acquisition: theory, model and psychological validation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 420-423 %K learning %A Ralph M. Weischedel %T Mapping between semantic representations using Horn clauses %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 424-428 %K natural language %A T.E. Weymouth %A J.S. Griffith %A A.R. Hanson %A E.M. Riseman %T Rule based strategies for image interpretation %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 429-432 %K vision and robotics %A Patrick H. Winston %A Boris Katz %A Thomas O. Binford %A Michael Lowry %T Learning physical descriptions from functional definitions, examples, and precedents %J Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Washington, D.C. %D August 1983 %K aaai aaai83 ncai ncai83 %P 433-439 %K learning %A S. Kamal Abdali %A Jan Vytopil %T Generalization heuristics for theorems related to recursively defined functions %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 1-5 %K automated reasoning %A Peter M. Andreae %T Constraint limited generalization: acquiring procedures from examples %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 6-10 %K learning %A Agustin A. Araya %T Learning problem classes by means of experimentation and generalization %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 11-15 %K learning %A Dana H. Ballard %T Task frames in robot manipulation %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 16-22 %K robotics %A A. Blake %T Reconstructing a visible surface %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 23-26 %K perception %A John H. Boose %T Personal construct theory and the transfer of human expertise %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 27-33 %K expert systems %A Ronald J. Brachman %A Hector J. Levesque %T The tractability of subsumption in frame-based description languages %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 34-37 %K knowledge representation %A Cynthia A. Brown %T A self-modifying theorem prover %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 38-41 %K automated reasoning %A Norman F. Carver %A Victor R. Lesser %A Daniel L. McCue %T Focusing in plan recognition %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 42-48 %K automated reasoning %A William J. Clancey %T Classification problem solving %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 49-55 %K expert systems %A Donald Cohen %T A forward inference engine to aid in understanding specifications %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 56-60 %K automated reasoning %A Garrison W. Cottrell %T A model of lexical access of ambiguous words %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 61-67 %K cognitive modeling %A Henry W. Davis %A Randy B. Pollack %A Thomas Sudkamp %T Towards a better understanding of bidirectional search %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 68-72 %K automated reasoning %A Michael F. Deering %T Hardware and software architectures for efficient AI %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 73-78 %K AI architectures and languages %A Johan de\ Kleer %T Choices without backtracking %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 79-85 %K automated reasoning %A Johan de\ Kleer %A Daniel G. Bobrow %T Qualitative reasoning with higher-order derivatives %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 86-91 %K automated reasoning %A Renato DeMori %A Yu F. Mong %T A system of plans for connected speech recognition %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 92-95 %K perception %A Thomas G. Dietterich %T Learning about systems that contain state variables %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 96-100 %K learning %A Gavan Duffy %A John C. Mallery %T Referential determinism and computational efficiency: posting constraints from deep structure %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 101-105 %K natural language %A Robert G. Farrell %A John R. Anderson %A Brian J. Reiser %T An interactive computer-based tutor for Lisp %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 106-109 %K AI and education %A Stefan Feyock %T Syntax programming %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 110-115 %K AI architectures and languages %A Charles Forgy %A Anoop Gupta %A Allen Newell %A Robert Wedig %T Initial assessment of architectures for production systems %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 116-120 %K AI architectures and languages %A Michael Georgeff %T A theory of action for multiagent planning %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 121-125 %K automated reasoning %A Matthew L. Ginsberg %T Non-monotonic reasoning using Dempster's rule %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 126-129 %K automated reasoning %A J.H. Griesmer %A S.J. Hong %A M. Karnaugh %A J.K. Kastner %A M.I. Schor %A R.L. Ennis %A D.A. Klein %A K.R. Milliken %A H.M. VanWoerkom %T YES/MVS: a continuous real time expert system %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 130-136 %K expert systems %A Joseph Y. Halpern %A David A. McAllester %T Likelihood, probability, and knowledge %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 137-141 %K knowledge representation %A Walter Hamscher %A Randall Davis %T Diagnosing circuits with state: an inherently underconstrained problem %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 142-147 %K automated reasoning %A Graeme Hirst %T A semantic process for syntactic disambiguation %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 148-152 %K natural language %A Eva Hudlicka %A Victor R. Lesser %T Meta-level control through fault detection and diagnosis %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 153-161 %K automated reasoning %A W. Lewis Johnson %A Elliot Soloway %T Intention-based diagnosis of programming errors %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 162-168 %K AI and education %A Aravind Jishi %A Bonnie Webber %A Ralph M. Weischedel %T Living up to expectations: computing expert responses %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 169-175 %K natural language %A Donald W. Kosy %A Ben P. Wise %T Self-explanatory financial planning models %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 176-181 %K expert systems %A Vipin Kumar %T A general bottom-up procedure for searching And/Or graphs %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 182-187 %K automated reasoning %A John E. Laird %A Paul S. Rosenbloom %A Allen Newell %T Towards chunking as a general learning mechanism %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 188-192 %K learning %A Pat Langley %A Stellan Ohlsson %T Automated cognitive modeling %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 193-197 %K cognitive modeling %A Hector J. Levesque %T A logic of implicit and explicit belief %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 198-202 %K knowledge representation %A Robert Levinson %T A self-organizing retrieval system for graphs %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 203-206 %K knowledge representation %A Tod S. Levitt %T Domain independent object description and decomposition %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 207-211 %K perception %A Guo-jie Li %A Benjamin W. Wah %T How to cope with anomalies in parallel approximate branch-and-cound algorithms %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 212-215 %K automated reasoning %A S.Y. Lu %A H.E. Stephanou %T A set-theoretic framework for the processing of uncertain knowledge %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 216-221 %K knowledge representation %A Steven L. Lytinen %T Frame selection in parsing %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 222-225 %K natural language %A Jock Mackinlay %A Michael R. Genesereth %T Expressiveness of languages %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 226-232 %K knowledge representation %A Anthony S. Maida %T Processing entailments and accessing facts in a uniform frame system %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 233-236 %K knowledge representation %A David H. Marimont %T A representation for image curves %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 237-242 %K perception %A Elaine Marsh %A Henry Hamburger %A Ralph Grishman %T A production rule system for message summarization %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 243-246 %K natural language %A Michael L. Mauldin %T Maintaining diversity in genetic search %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 247-250 %K learning %A Steven Minton %T Constraint-based generalization: learning game-playing plans from single examples %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 251-254 %K learning %A Matthew Morgenstern %T Constraint equations: a concise compilable representation for quantified constraints in semantic networks %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 255-259 %K knowledge representation %A Paul O'Rorke %T Generalization for explanation based schema acquisition %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 260-263 %K learning %A Jasmina Pavlin %A Daniel D. Corkill %T Selective abstraction of AI system activity %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 264-268 %K expert systems %A Alex P. Pentland %T Shading into texture %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 269-273 %K perception %A George Politowski %A Ira Pohl %T D-node retargeting in bidirectionalk heuristic search %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 274-277 %K automated reasoning %A Bruce Porter %A Dennis Kibler %T Learning operator transformation %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 278-282 %K learning %A Raman Rajagopalan %T Qualitative modeling in the turbojet engine domain %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 283-287 %K automated reasoning %A Edwina L. Rissland %A Eduardo M. Valcarce %A Kevin D. Ashley %T Explaining and arguing with examples %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 288-294 %K cognitive modeling %A Yoav Shoham %A Drew V. McDermott %T Knowledge inversion %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 295-299 %K automated reasoning %A Salvatore J. Stolfo %T Five parallel algorithms for production system execution on the DADO machines %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 300-307 %K AI architectures and languages %A Thomas M. Strat %T Continuous belief functions for evidential reasoning %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 308-313 %K expert systems %A Demetri Terzopoulos %T Efficient multiresolution algorithms for computing lightness, shape-from-shading, and optical flow %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 314-317 %K perception %A Charles E. Thorpe %T Path relaxation: path planning for a modile robot %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 318-321 %K robotics %A David S. Touretzy %T Implicit ordering of defaults in inheritance systems %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 322-325 %K knowledge representation %A Richard S. Wallace %T Three findpath problems %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 326-329 %K robotics %A Christoph Walther %T A mechanical solution of Shubert's steamroller by many-sorted resolution %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 330-334 %K automated reasoning %A David L. Waltz %A Jordan B. Pollack %T Phenomenologically plausible parsing %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 335-339 %K cognitive modeling %A Jon A. Webb %A Edward Pervin %T The shape of subjective contours %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 340-343 %K perception %A Stephen J. Westfold %T Very-high-level programming of knowledge representation schemes %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 344-349 %K knowledge representation %A Brian C. Williams %T The use of continuity in a qualitative physics %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 350-354 %K cognitive modeling %A Beverly Woolf %A David D. MacDonald %T Context-dependent transitions in tutoring discourse %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 355-361 %K AI and education %A A.L. Yuille %A T. Poggio %T Fingerprints theorems %J Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence %C Austin, Texas %D August 1984 %K aaai aaai84 ncai ncai84 %P 362-365 %K perception