%A Zohar Manna
%A Richard Waldinger
%T Deductive synthesis of the unification algorithm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 1/2
%D 1981
%P 5-48

%A C.A.R. Hoare
%T A calculus of total correctness for communicating processes
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 1/2
%D 1981
%P 49-72

%A F.L. Bauer
%A M. Broy
%A W. Dosch
%A R. Gnatz
%A B. Krieg-Bruckner
%A A. Laut
%A M. Luckmann
%A T. Matzner
%A B. Moller
%A H. Partsch
%A P. Pepper
%A K. Samuelson
%A R. Steinbruggen
%A M. Wirsing
%A H. Wossner
%T Programming in a wide spectrum language: a collection of examples
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 1/2
%D 1981
%P 73-114

%A E. Best
%A F. Cristian
%T Systematic detection of exception occurrences
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 1/2
%D 1981
%P 115-144

%A W.H.J. Feijen
%T Bulterman's reshuffling problem
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 1/2
%D 1981
%P 145-147

%A Bernard Sufrin
%T Formal specification of a display-oriented text editor
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 157-202

%A Ravi Sethi
%T Circular expressions: elimination of static environments
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 203-222

%A Edsger W. Dijkstra
%T Smoothsort, an alternative for sorting in situ
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 223-233

%A Lothar Schmitz
%T An exercise in program synthesis:
algorithms for computing the transitive closure of a relation
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 1
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 235-254

%A Christian Lengauer
%A Eric C. Hehner
%T A methodology for programming with concurrency:
an informal presentation
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 1
%D 1982
%P 1-18

%A Christian Lengauer
%T A methodology for programming with concurrency:
the formalism
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 1
%D 1982
%P 19-52

%A John Guttag
%A Jim Horning
%A Jeannette Wing
%T Some notes on putting formal specifications to productive use
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 1
%D 1982
%P 53-68

%A Stephan Heilbrunner
%A Werner Pohlmann
%T A technique for recursion removal based on string homomorphisms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 1
%D 1982
%P 69-81

%A Philip E. London
%A Martin S. Feather
%T Implementing specification freedoms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 2
%D 1982
%P 91-131

%A Martin Rem
%A Young-il Choo
%T A fixed-space program of linear output complexity
for the problem of the three vessels
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 2
%D 1982
%P 133-141

%A J. Misra
%A David Gries
%T Finding repeated elements
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 2
%D 1982
%P 143-152

%A Tzilla Elrad
%A Nissim Francez
%T Decomposition of distributed programs
into communication-closed layers
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 155-173

%A Leslie Lamport
%T An assertional correctness proof of a distributed algorithm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 175-206

%A David Gries
%T A note on a standard strategy
for developing loop invariants and loops
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 207-214

%A G. Mints
%A E. Tyugu
%T Justification of the structural synthesis of programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 215-240

%A E. Allen Emerson
%A Edmund M. Clarke
%T Using branching time temporal logic
to synthesize synchronization skeletons
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 2
%N 3
%D 1982
%P 241-266

%A H. Partsch
%T An exercise in the transformational derivation
of an efficient program by joint development
of control and data structure
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 1
%D 1983
%P 1-35

%A Paul A. Pritchard
%T A case study of number-theoretic computation:
searching for primes in arithmetic progression
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 1
%D 1983
%P 37-63

%A K.R. Apt
%A E.-R. Olderog
%T Proof rules and transformations dealing with fairness
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 1
%D 1983
%P 65-100

%A Nissim Francez
%T Extended naming conventions for communicating processes
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 1
%D 1983
%P 101-114

%A Lawrence Paulson
%T A higher-order implementation of rewriting
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 2
%D 1983
%P 119-149

%A G. Kahn
%A B. Lang
%A B. Melese
%A E. Morcos
%T Metal: a formalism to specify formalisms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 2
%D 1983
%P 151-188

%A Trevor I. Dix
%T Exceptions and interrupts in CSP
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 2
%D 1983
%P 189-204

%A Jyrki Katajainen
%A Olli Nevalainen
%T An alternative for the implementation
of Kruskal's minimal spanning tree algorithm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 2
%D 1983
%P 205-216

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 2
%D 1983
%P 217-222

%A Harald Ganzinger
%T Increasing modularity and language-independency
in automatically generated compilers
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 3
%D 1983
%P 223-278

%A R. Barbuti
%A A. Martelli
%T A structured approach to static semantics correctness
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 3
%D 1983
%P 279-311

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 2
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 3
%N 3
%D 1983
%P 313-319

%A Fred B. Schneider
%A David Gries
%A Richard D. Schlichting
%T Fault-tolerant broadcasts
%P 1-15
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 1
%D 1984

%A H. Partsch
%T Structuring transformational developments:
a case study based on Earley's recognizer
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 1
%D 1984
%P 17-44

%A J.R. Abrial
%T The mathematical construction of a program
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 1
%D 1984
%P 45-86

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 3
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 1
%D 1984
%P 87-94

%A Manfred Broy
%A Friedrich L. Bauer
%T A systematic approach to language constructs for concurrent programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 2
%D 1984
%P 103-139

%A Stefan Sokolowski
%T Partial correctness: the term-wise approach
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 2
%D 1984
%P 141-157

%A Rob Gerth
%A Willem P. de\ Roever
%T A proof system for concurrent Ada programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 2
%D 1984
%P 159-204

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 4
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 2
%D 1984
%P 205-210

%A Robert Wagner
%A Robert Geist
%T The crippled queen placement problem
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 3
%D 1984
%P 221-248

%A R.K. Shyamasundar
%T A simple livelock-free algorithm for packet switching
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 3
%D 1984
%P 249-256

%A Zohar Manna
%A Amir Pnueli
%T Adequate proof principles for invariance and liveness properties
of concurrent programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 3
%D 1984
%P 257-289

%A Pierre Cointe
%T Une extension de VLISP vers les objets
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 3
%D 1984
%P 291-322

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 5
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 4
%N 3
%D 1984
%P 323-333

%A C.J. Koomen
%T Algebraic specification and verification of communication protocols
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 1
%D 1985
%P 1-36

%A Douglas R. Smith
%T The design of divide and conquer algorithms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 1
%D 1985
%P 37-58

%A Andrzej Tarlecki
%T A language of specified programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 1
%D 1985
%P 59-81

%A Fahimeh Jalili
%T A general incremental evaluator for attribute grammars
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 1
%D 1985
%P 83-96

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 6
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 1
%D 1985
%P 97-106

%A Bertrand Meyer
%A Jean-Marc Nerson
%A Soon Hae Ko
%T Showing programs on a screen
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 2
%D 1985
%P 111-142

%A Lawrence C. Paulson
%T Verifying the unification algorithm in LCF
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 2
%D 1985
%P 143-169

%A J.A. Bergstra
%A J.V. Tucker
%T Top-down design and the algebra of communicating processes
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 2
%D 1985
%P 171-199

%A Jean-Pierre Finance
%A Jeanine Souquieres
%T A method and a language for constructing iterative programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 2
%D 1985
%P 201-218

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 7
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 2
%D 1985
%P 219-229

%A Jeanine Souquieres
%A Jean-Pierre Finance
%T Description and improvement of iterative program transformations
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 233-264

%A Alain J. Martin
%T Distributed mutual exclusion on a ring of processes
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 265-276

%A Abha Motra
%T Automatic construction of CSP programs
from sequential non-deterministic programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 277-307

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 8
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 5
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 309-316

%A Robert McCurley
%A Fred B. Schneider
%T Derivation of a distributed algorithm
for finding paths in directed networks
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 1-9

%A Franciose Bellegarde
%T Rewriting systems on FP expressions
to reduce the number of sequences yielded
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 11-34

%A Nissim Francez
%A Brent Hailpern
%A Gadi Taubenfeld
%T Script: a communication abstraction mechanism and its verification
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 35-88

%A J.G. Wiltnik
%T Two most nondeterministic programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 89-94

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 9
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 95-102

%A J.V. Guttag
%A J.J. Horning
%T Report on the Larch shared language
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 103-134

%A J.V. Guttag
%A J.J. Horning
%T A Larch shared language handbook
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 135-157

%A R.S. Bird
%T Transformational programming and the paragraph problem
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 159-189

%A Krzysztof Zielinski
%T Model of error propagation in systems of communicating processes
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 191-205

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 10
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 207-211

%A N.W.P. van\ Diepen
%A W.P. de\ Roever
%T Program derivation through transformations:
the evolution of list-copying algorithms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 213-272

%A Jon Fairbairn
%T A new type-checker for functional language
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 273-290

%A William Stoye
%T Message-based functional operating systems
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 291-311

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 11
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 6
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 313-318

%A Thomas A. Joseph
%A Thomas Rauchle
%A Sam Toueg
%T State machines and assertions: an integrated approach
to modeling and verification of distributed systems
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 1-22

%A M. van\ der\ Nat
%A A.A. Verrin-Stuart
%T Analysing a class of distributive partitioning sort algorithms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 23-33

%A Manfred Broy
%A Bernhard Moller
%A Peter Pepper
%A Martin Wirsing
%T Algebraic implementations preserve program correctness
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 35-53

%A Jan L.A. van\ de\ Snepscheut
%T A derivation of a distributed implementation of Warshall's algorithm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 55-60

%A Frederic Voisin
%T CIGALE: a tool for interactive grammar construction
and expression parsing
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 61-86

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 12
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 87-97

%A H. Partsch
%T Transformational program development in a particular problem domain
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 99-241

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 13
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 243-248

%A Geoffrey L. Burn
%A Chris Hankin
%A Samson Abramsky
%T Strictness analysis for higher-order functions
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 249-278

%A Mark B. Josephs
%T Functional programming with side-effects
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 279-296

%A Katsuro Inoue
%A Hiroyuki Seki
%A Kenichi Taniguchi
%A Tadao Kasami
%T Compiling and optimizing methods for the functional language ASL/F
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 297-312

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 14
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 7
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 313-319

%A Paul Chisholm
%T Derivation of a parsing algorithm in Martin-Lof's theory of types
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 1
%D February 1987
%P 1-42

%A Mathai Joseph
%A Abha Moitra
%A Neelam Soundarajan
%T Proof rules for fault-tolerant distributed programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 1
%D February 1987
%P 43-67

%A Claude Kirchner
%A Helene Kirchner
%T REVEUR-3: the implementation of a general completion procedure
parameterized by built-in theories and strategies
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 1
%D February 1987
%P 69-86

%A Stefan Kolbl
%A Mitchell Wand
%T Liner future semantics and its implementation
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 1
%D February 1987
%P 87-103

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 15
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 1
%D February 1987
%P 105-112

%A R.S. Bird
%T A formal development of an efficient supercombinator compiler
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 2
%D April 1987
%P 113-137

%A D. Gries
%A J.F. Prins
%T McLaren's masterpiece
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 2
%D April 1987
%P 139-145

%A Luca Cardelli
%T Basic polymorphic typechecking
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 2
%D April 1987
%P 147-172

%A G. Cousineau
%A P.-L. Curien
%A M. Mauny
%T The categorical abstract machine
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 2
%D April 1987
%P 173-202

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 16
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 2
%D April 1987
%P 203-211

%A Douglas R. Smith
%T Applications of a strategy for designing divide-and-conquer algorithms
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 3
%D June 1987
%P 213-229

%A David Harel
%T Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 3
%D June 1987
%P 231-274

%A E. Allen Emerson
%A Chin-Laung Lei
%T Modalities for model checking: branching time logic strikes back
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 3
%D June 1987
%P 275-306

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 17
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 8
%N 3
%D June 1987
%P 307-313

%A Sun Yong-Qiang
%A Huang Ren-ling
%T Deriving some expansion theorems for nonlinear functional equations
by an algorithm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 1
%D August 1987
%P 1-15

%A Paul Pritchard
%T Linear prime-number sieves: a family tree
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 1
%D August 1987
%P 17-35

%A Zohar Manna
%A Richard Waldinger
%T The origin of a binary search paradigm
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 1
%D August 1987
%P 37-83

%A Anne Kaldewaij
%T Some algorithms based on the dual of Dilworth's theorem
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 1
%D August 1987
%P 85-89

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 18
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 1
%D August 1987
%P 91-100

%A Hanne Riis Nielson
%T A Hoare-like proof system for analyzing the computation time of programs
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 2
%D October 1987
%P 107-136

%A Ahlem Ben\ Cherifa
%A Pierre Lescanne
%T Termination of rewriting systems by polynomial interpretations
and its implementation
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 2
%D October 1987
%P 137-159

%A Fosca Giannotti
%A Attilio Matteucci
%A Dino Pedreschi
%T Symbolic evaluation with structural recursive symbolic constants
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 2
%D October 1987
%P 161-177

%A Henryk Jan Komorowski
%A Jan Maluszynski
%T Logic programming and rapid prototyping
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 2
%D October 1987
%P 179-205

%A M. Rem
%T Small programming exercises 19
%J Science of Computer Programming
%K scp
%V 9
%N 2
%D October 1987
%P 207-211