%A Stan Miastkowski
%T Extended color Basic for the TRS-80 color computer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 36

%A Gregg Williams
%T The Commodore VIC 20 microcomputer:
a low-cost high-performance consumer computer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 46

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T DC motor controls: build a motorized platform
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 66

%A Christopher Kern
%T Washington tackles the software problem
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 128

%A Stephen A. Becker
%T Legal protection for computer hardware and software
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 140

%A Adolph Mangieri
%T Wire-wrapping and proto-system techniques
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 152

%A Ronald Bobo
%A John Knoderer
%T Speeding up TRS-80 graphics
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 171

%A Bruce D. Carbrey
%T An integer math package for the 8080
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 204

%A George M. White
%T Using interrupts on the Apple II system
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 280

%A Richard C. Hallgren
%T Digital plotting with the Apple II computer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 296

%A Robert Morris
%T Recursion and side effects in Pascal
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 316

%A A.I. Halsema
%T DEMONS: a symbolic debugging monitor
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 326

%A James Nicholson
%A Roger Camp
%T Build a super simple floppy-disk interface, part 1
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 360

%A Edward Heyman
%T A file catalog system for UCSD Pascal
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 408

%A Toan C. Nguyen
%T Numerical methods in data analysis
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 436

%A Kevin Cohan
%T The Epson MX-80 and MX-70
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 22

%A Gregg Williams
%T Star Raiders
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 106

%A Bob Liddil
%T Super Nova
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 108

%A Robin Moore
%T Tranquility Base
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 112

%A Oliver Golt
%T Asteroids in space and Planetoids
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 116

%A Elizabeth Cooper
%A Yvon Kolya
%T Dancing demon from Radio Shack
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 148

%A Stanley D. Robbins
%T Super STEP
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 248

%A Mark Dahmke
%T Wordsmith
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 5
%D May 1981
%P 254

%A Harold Nelson
%T Logo for personal computers
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 36

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build a low-cost speech-synthesizer interface
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 46

%A Randall E. Hicks
%T Mathematical modeling: a Basic program to simulate real-world systems
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 72

%A John Gibson
%T A computer-based laboratory timer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 110

%A Gary Kindall
%T CP/M: a family of 8- and 16-bit operating systems
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 216

%A Robert Greenberg
%T The Unix operating system and the Xenix standard operating environment
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 248

%A James Larson
%T The ins and outs of CP/M
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 268

%A James Nicholson
%A Roger Camp
%T Build a super simple floppy-disk interface, part 2
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 302

%A Robert Daggit
%T An easy-to-use A/D converter
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 378

%A Stephen Wozniak
%T The impossible dream: computing e to 116,000 places with a personal computer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 392

%A Mark Pelczarski
%T RAMCRAM memory module for the Atari
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 24

%A Stan Miastkowski
%T Information unlimited: the dialog information retrieval service
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 88

%A Keith Carlson
%A Steve Haber
%T Four word processors for the Apple II
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 176

%A Scott Mitchell
%T Startrek 4.0 and Startek 3.5
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 352

%A Christopher Kern
%T The BDS C compiler
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 6
%D June 1981
%P 356

%A Peter W. Frey
%T The Santa Cruz Open: Othello tournament for computers
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 26

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build a Z8-based control computer with Basic, part 1
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 38

%A George E. Mobus
%T Harvesting the Sun's energy
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 48

%A Bruce Barkstrom
%T What time does the sun rise and set ?
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 94

%A Hunter Scales
%T Multiprocessing with Motorola's MC6809E
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 136

%A Daniel Doan
%T Computer simulation of a solar-energy system
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 158

%A David R. Jackson
%A John M. Callahan
%T Energy conservation with a microcomputer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 178

%A Jerry Lobdill
%T Kalman mileage predictor-monitor
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 230

%A Richard T. Parry
%A Howard Pfeffer
%T The infamous traveling-salesman problem: a practical approach
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 252

%A Scott G. Robinson
%T Micromodem support in Apple Pascal
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 308

%A Pat Macaluso
%T Life after death
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 326

%A Dan Sokol
%T Computer-aided drafting with Apple Pascal
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 388

%A Robin B. Moore
%T Mountain computer 's MusicSystem
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 60

%A Mark Pelczarski
%T The Atari assembler/editor
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 174

%A Yvon Kolya
%T DOSPlus: double-density operating system for the TRS-80
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 334

%A Mahlon G. Kelly
%T Percom's doubler
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 344

%A Mark Pelczarski
%T Videx keyboard and display enhancer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 7
%D July 1981
%P 354

%A Edward E. Brent,\ Jr.
%T Writing with a data-base management system
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 18

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Switching power supplies, an introduction
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 36

%A Joel Neely
%A Steve Stewart
%T Fundamentals of relational data organization
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 48

%A Bradley W. Bennett
%T Build a bar-code scanner inexpensively
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 62

%A Daniel Cosgrove
%T The microcomputer as a laboratory instrument
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 84

%A Michael Gagle
%A Gary J. Koehler
%A Andrew Whinston
%T Data-base management systems: powerful newcomers to microcomputers
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 97

%A Candace E. Kalish
%A Malinda F. Mayer
%T DIF: a format for data exchange between applications programs
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 174

%A Kathryn S. Barley
%A James R. Driscoll
%T A survey of data-base management systems for microcomputers
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 208

%A Paul Swanson
%T PDQ: a data manager for beginners, don't reinvent the wheel
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 236

%A Chris Crawford
%T The Atari tutorial, part 3: player-missile graphics
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 312

%A Gregory Walker
%T Toward a structured 6809 assembly language, part 1:
an introduction to structured assembly language
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 370

%A Ron Ferguson
%T Prolog: a step toward the ultomate computer language
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 384

%A Valo G. Motalygo
%T PS - a FORTH-like threaded language, part 2
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 400

%A Steven M. Sedlet
%A Jonathan Dust
%T Linking a Pascal microengine to a Cyber 170
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 472

%A Michael B. Feldman
%T Information hiding in Pascal, packages and pointers
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 493

%A Mark Friedman
%T Reversal, Othello for the Apple II
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 76

%A Keith Carlson
%T The Exatron stringy floopy data-storage system
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 126

%A Allyn Richardson
%T The Datahandler from Miller Microcomputer Services
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 138

%A Mark Pelczarski
%T Microsoft Softcard
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 152

%A Elaine Holden
%T CourseWare Magazine
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 166

%A Elizabeth Cooper
%A Yvon Kolya
%T Orchestra-80
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 264

%A Ken Biochowiak
%T Apple II file-management systems
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 274

%A Mahlon G. Kelly
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 342

%A Phil Lemmons
%T Five spelling-correction programs for CP/M-based systems
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 11
%D November 1981
%P 434

%A Gregg Williams
%T The coinless arcade
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 36

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build a touch tone decoder for remote control
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 42

%A William Barden,\ Jr.
%T Color computer from A to D, make your color computer "see" and "feel" better
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 134

%A Chris Crawford
%T The Atari tutorial, part 4: display-list interrupts
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 166

%A David Matuszek
%T How to build a maze
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 190

%A Gregory Walker
%T Toward a structured 6809 assembly language, part 2:
implementing a structured assembler
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 198

%A Robert Labenski
%T MIKBUG and the TRS-80, part 1: a cross-assembler for the Motorola 6800
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 229

%A Thomas W. Malone
%T What makes computer games fun ?
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 258

%A Josephn J. Roehrig
%T Computer scrabble
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 320

%A Jacob R. Jacobs
%T Generating programs automatically
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 352

%Q Microcomputer Information Services
%T Byte's cumulative index
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 366

%A Steven K. Roberts
%T Online information retrieval: promise and problems
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 452

%A Howard Batie
%T Handi-writer, a video note pad for the physically handicapped
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 474

%A Curtis Feigel
%T Robotwar
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 24

%A David A. Kater
%T Olympic decathlon
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 74

%A Robert Moskowitz
%T Missile defense vs. ABM
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 80

%A Peter V. Callamaras
%T Gorgon
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 90

%A George Stewart
%T Commbat: a tele-game for two
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 100

%A Steve Levine
%A Bill Mauchly
%T AlphaSyntauri music synthesizer
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 108

%A Gregg Williams
%T Battle of the asteroids
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 163

%A Rowland Archer
%T Pascal-80
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 304

%A Eric Grammer
%T Starfighter
%J Byte
%V 6
%N 12
%D December 1981
%P 486

%A Phil Lemmons
%T 16-bit designs
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 52

%A Bruce Roberts
%T Sunrise systems
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 54

%A Phil Lemmons
%T The Gavilian mobile computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 74

%A Wesley Melling
%T Digital's Professional 300 series
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 96

%A John J. Snyder
%T A DEC on every desk ?
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 104

%A John Monahan
%T Tight squeeze: the HP series 200 model 16
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 110

%A Harry Littlejohn
%A Mark Jander
%T Texas Instruments' 99/2 basic computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 128

%A Colin Nayler
%T Implementing minicomputer capabilities in a desktop microcomputer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 138

%A Wayne Clingingsmith
%T A machine for all processors: the Fujitsu model 16s
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 150

%A Skip Hansen
%T The Pronto series 16
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 168

%A Sergio Mello-Grand
%T A sleek import: the Docutel/Olivetti M20
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 188

%A Sudha Kavuru
%T Modular architecture
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 194

%A Gary Kindall
%A David Thornburg
%T Digital Research's DR Logo
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 208

%A Tim Paterson
%T An inside look at MS-DOS
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 230

%A Phil Lemmons
%T Byte West Coast: a guided tour of Visi On
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 256

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Use ADPCM for highly intelligible speech synthesis
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 35

%A Stan Wszola
%T NEC PC-8201
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 282

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: The user goes to the faire
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 306

%A Thomas W. Starnes
%T Design philosophy behind Motorola's MC68000, part 3: advanced instructions
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 339

%A Rinaldo F. Prisco
%T The Bazeries cylinder
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 352

%A W.D. Maurer
%T AVL trees
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 387

%A David J. Lilja
%T Build a simple light pen for the Apple II
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 395

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: Zenith Z-100, Epson QX-10,
software licensing, and the software piracy problem
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 411

%A Stephen A. Heywood
%T The 8086 - an architecture for the future, part 1: introcution and glossary
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 450

%A Marvin L. De\ Jong
%T HMS3264 EPROM programmer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 288

%A Jon N. Swanson
%T Electrohome supercolor board and color monitor
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 6
%D June 1983
%P 298

%A Bruce Roberts
%T The C language
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 46

%A Stephen C. Johnson
%A Brian W. Kernighan
%T The C language and models for systems programming
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 48

%A James Joyce
%T A C language primer, part 1: constructs and conventions
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 64

%A Jerry Houston
%A Jom Brodrick
%A Les Kent
%T Comparing C compilers for CP/M-86
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 82

%A Christopher O. Kern
%T Five C compilers for CP/M-80
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 110

%A Ralph A. Phraner
%T Nine C compilers for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 134

%A Jason Linhart
%T Managing software development with C
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 172

%A David Fiedler
%T The Unix tutorial, part 1: an introduction to features and facilities
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 186

%A Walter Zintz
%T A survey of C and Unix resources
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 212

%A Rebecca Thomas
%T What is a software tool ?
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 222

%A Matthew Halfant
%T The Unix C compiler in a CP/M environment
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 243

%A Terry A. Ward
%T Annotated C: a bibliography of the C language
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 268

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build a power-line carrier-current modem
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 36

%A Dennis Leas
%A Paul Wintz
%T Chisel your code with a profiler
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 286

%A Richard T. Simoni,\ Jr.
%T A new shape subroutine for the Apple
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 292

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: The debate goes on ...
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 312

%A Tim Field
%T The IBM PC and the Intel 8087 coprocessor, part 1:
overview and floating-point assembly-language support
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 331

%A Roger Millikan
%T Curious coordinates for computer graphics
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 386

%A William Gates
%T Byte West Coast: the future of software design
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 401

%A Stephen A. Heywood
%T The 8086 - an architecture for the future, part 3: instruction set continued
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 404

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: Epson Qx-10, Zenith Z-29, CP/M-68K, and more
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 434

%A John E. Hoot
%T Voice lab, part 2,
menu driven routines for digital speech synthesis and analysis
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 456

%A Al Evans
%T Help in Apple III Pascal
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 8
%D August 1983
%P 477

%A Phil Lemmons
%A Barbara Robertson
%T Product preview: the HP 150
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 36

%A Phil Lemmons
%A Barbara Robertson
%T An interview: the HP 150's design-team leaders
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 51

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build the micro D-cam solid-state video-camera, part 2:
computer interfaces and control software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 67

%A Phil Lemmons
%A Barbara Robertson
%T Byte West Coast: shaping consumer software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 94

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: new computers, boards, languages, and other tidbits
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 107

%A Bruce Roberts
%T The Unix operating system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 130

%A David Fiedler
%T The Unix tutorial, part 3: Unix in the microcomputer marketplace
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 132

%A Jean L. yates
%T Unix and the standardization of small computer systems
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 160

%A James Joyce
%T A tour through the Unix file system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 170

%A Stephen R. Bourne
%T The Unix shell
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 187

%A Mark Krieger
%A Fred Pack
%T Unix as an application environment
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 209

%A Sandra L. Emerson
%T Usenet: a bulletin board for Unix users
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 219

%A Lorinda L. Cherry
%A Nina H. Macdonald
%T The Unix Writer's Workbench software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 241

%A Bill Tuthill
%T Typesetting on the Unix system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 253

%A Michael Tilson
%T Moving Unix to new machines
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 266

%A David B. Suits
%T The NEC advanced personal computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 280

%A Rowland Archer,\ Jr.
%T Radio Shack's TRS-80 model 4
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 292

%A Tom Wadlow
%T The Morrow micro decision
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 306

%A Chris Wieland
%T The Microneye
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 316

%A Roberty W. Floyd
%T The MC68000 educational computer board
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 324

%A Paul E. Hoffman
%T Fancy font
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 341

%A Christopher O. Kern
%T More Unix-style software tools for CP/M
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 428

%A Peter Cann
%T Photographic animation of microcomputer graphics
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 350

%A Alexander Pornelle
%T The Fourth National Computer Graphics Association Conference
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 366

%A C. Bradford Barber
%T Echonet, part 2: the compiler
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 384

%A Collen Gillard
%A Jim Smith
%T Computer crime: a growing threat
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 398

%A Mahlon Kelly
%T Mainframe graphics on a microcomputer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 439

%A Heyward S. Williams
%T Talker
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 447

%A Eric Sohr
%T Bitmaps speed data-handling tasks
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 480

%A Raymond Irvine
%T Simplified program interfacing
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 10
%D October 1983
%P 499

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build the H-Com handicapped communicator
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 36

%A Barbara Robertson
%T Byte West Coast: California hardware
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 52

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: the latest from Chaos Manor
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 65

%A Gregg Williams
%T Inside the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 76

%A Steven S. Ross
%T IBM PCs do the unexpected
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 78

%A Lawrence J. Curran
%A Richard S. Shuford
%T IBM's Estridge
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 88

%A Tim Field
%T Enhancing screen displays for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 99

%A Hugh R. Howson
%T POKEing around in the IBM PC, part 1:
accessing system and hardware facilities
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 121

%A Frank Gens
%A Chris Christiansen
%T Could 1,000,000 IBM PC users be wrong ?
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 135

%A Richard Willis
%T Big Blue goes Japanese
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 144

%A Mark J. Welch
%T Expanding on the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 168

%A Tim Field
%T Installable device drivers for PC-DOS 2.0
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 188

%A Richard Moore
%A Michael Geary
%T A communications package for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 199

%A Charles B. Duff
%T A graphics editor for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 211

%A Bobbi Bullard
%T Comparing the IBM PC and the TI PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 232

%A Charle Montague
%A Dave Howse
%A Bob Mikkelsen
%A Don Rein
%A Dick Mathews
%T Technical aspects of IBM PC compatibility
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 247

%A Brian Camenker
%T The making of the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 254

%A Joe Guzaltis
%T Concurrent CP/M
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 257

%A Larry Birenbaum
%T The IBM PC meets Ethernet
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 272

%A Chris Larson
%T MS-DOS 2.0: an enhanced 16-bit operating system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 285

%A Rowland Archer,\ Jr.
%T The IBM PC XT and DOS 2.0
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 294

%A Rich Malloy
%T The Corona PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 308

%A Berry Kercheval
%T A look at the HP series 200 model 16
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 328

%A jack Bishop
%T Three generations of business charts for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 352

%A Richard S. Shuford
%T A versatile IBM PC word tool: Sorcim's Superwriter
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 370

%A Phil Lemmons
%T Japan and the fifth generation
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 394

%A A.J. Cote,\ Jr.
%T Speech images on the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 402

%A David D. Clark
%T Lmodem: a small remote-communication program
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 410

%A Deborah K. Scherrer
%A Philip H. Scherrer
%A Thomas H. Strong
%A Samuel J. Penny
%T The software tools: Unix capabilities on non-Unix systems
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 430

%A Robert H. Sturges,\ Jr.
%T Double the Apple II's color choices
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 449

%A Raymond A. Diedrichs
%T A character editor for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 467

%A Peter A. Lachenbruch
%T Statistical programs for microcomputers
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 11
%D November 1983
%P 560

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Keep power-line pollution out of your computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 36

%A Phil Lemmons
%T Byte West Coast: Microsoft Windows
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 48

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: buddy, can you spare a door latch ?
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 59

%A Phil Lemmons
%T Easy software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 100

%A Dash Chang
%T An introduction to integrated software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 103

%A John M. Carroll
%T Presentation and form in user-interface architecture
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 113

%A Sam Edwards
%T Why is software so hard to use ?
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 127

%A Paul Heckel
%T Walt Disney and user-oriented software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 143

%A Andy Pope
%A Geoff Kates
%A Dan Fineberg
%T Making life easier for professional anbd novice programmers
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 155

%A Martin Dean
%T Simplify, simplify, simplify
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 161

%A Robert T. Nicholson
%T Integrating voice in the office world
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 177

%A Steven Vandor
%T The Starburst user interface
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 189

%A Michael J. Brown
%T The complete information-management system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 199

%A Tom Houston
%T The allegory of software
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 210

%A Robert W. Warfield
%A George M. White
%T The new interface technology
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 218

%A Edward W. Andrews
%T Trackball interfacing techniques for microprocessors
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 234

%A Martin Herbach
%A Richard Katz
%A Joseph Landau
%T The user interface: two approachs
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 247

%A Chuck Clanton
%T The future of metaphor in man-computer systems
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 263

%A Rich Malloy
%T Reviewer's notebook
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 282

%A Mark Haas
%T The Texas Instruments Professional Computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 286

%A Dave Small
%A Sandy Small
%T The ATR8000
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 329

%A Tom Wadlow
%T The Hercules graphics card
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 343

%A Elaine Long
%T The Wang Professional Computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 360

%A Elaine Holden
%T In search of the most amazing thing
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 372

%A Frederick B. Essig
%T Color graphics from any computer
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 380

%A Greg Dunn
%T Mainframe to micro: adaptiong a financial-modeling language
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 400

%A Hogh R. Howson
%T POKEing around in the IBM PC, part 2:
subroutines for the BIOS interface and screen-display disk storage
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 417

%A Steven Hendrix
%T The CMOS 6502
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 443

%A Dan Rollins
%T The Tiger meets the dragon
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 457

%A Stuart Edwards
%T A computer-algebra-based calculating system
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 481

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T User's column: The user looks at books
%J Byte
%V 8
%N 12
%D December 1983
%P 519

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: understanding linear power supplies
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 98

%A Bill Benzon
%T The visual mind and the Macintosh
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 113

%A Joseph S. Nadan
%T A glimpse into future television
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 135

%A Gregg Williams
%T Microsoft Macintosh Basic version 2.0
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 155

%A Gregg Williams
%A Rob Moore
%T The Apple story, part 2: more history and the Apple III
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 167

%A William Rynome
%T Uninterruptible power supplies
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 183

%A Richard S. Shuford
%T In introduction to fiber optics, part 2: connections and networks
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 197

%A Paul A. Nilson
%T Algorithms for a variable-precision calculator
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 211

%A Vince Banes
%T Audio-frequency analyzer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 223

%A Charles Bigelow
%T Font design for personal workstations
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 255

%A Bruce D'Ambrosio
%T Expert systems - myth or reality ?
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 275

%A Mark Haas
%T The HP 110 portable computer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 290

%A Charles H. Strom
%T Gifford's MP/M 8-16
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 305

%A Dick Pountain
%T Lotus's Symphony
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 317

%A Alan R. Miller
%T MagicPrint
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 329

%A Mark Haas
%T The Hewlett-Packard ThinkJet printer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 337

%A Mark Haas
%T The TI Omni 800/model 855 printer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 345

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: the fast lane
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 363

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: The Amstrad CPC 464
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 401

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%T Byte West Coast: light touches
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 415

%A Michael W. Ecker
%T Mathematical recreations: The fundamental counting principle
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 425

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: The new and the old
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 1
%D January 1985
%P 429

%A Phillip Robinson
%T The HP Integral personal computer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 98

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: build a serial EPROM programmer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 104

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%T The Macintosh office
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 120

%A Ted Carnevale
%T C to Pascal
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 138

%A Don Stauffer
%T Simulate a servo system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 147

%A Jeffrey L. Star
%T Introduction to image processing
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 163

%A John C. Nash
%T The birth of a computer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 177

%A Kiyochisa Okamura
%A Kamyah Aghai-Tabriz
%T A low-cost data-acquisition system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 199

%A Eric E. Aubanel
%A Keith B. Oldham
%T Fourier smoothing without the fast Fourier transform
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 207

%A Richard Karpinski
%T Paranoia: a floating-point benchmark
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 223

%A Alan Curtis
%T Modeling mass-action kinetics
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 239

%A Earl J. Kirkland
%T Viewing molecules with the Macintosh
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 251

%A Lincoln E. Ford
%T Laboratory interfacing
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 263

%A Thomas R. Clune
%T Interfacing for data acquisition
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 269

%A John Heilborn
%A Nanci Reel
%T NewWord
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 291

%A Mark J. Welch
%T Janus/Ada
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 295

%A Rich Malloy
%T The Epson Geneva PX-8
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 302

%A Kevin Bowyer
%T Two Modula-2 compilers for the IBM PC
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 311

%A Wayne Rash,\ Jr.
%T E-mail for the masses
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 317

%A Mark J. Welch
%T Mannesmann Tally MT 160
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 325

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: troubles
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 339

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: disks and printers
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 367

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Byte West Coast: what next ?
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 371

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: Realizing a dream
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 379

%A Robert Greene Sterne
%A Perry J. Saidman
%T Computers and law: copying mass-marketed software
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 2
%D February 1985
%P 387

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: build the touch-one interactive message system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 98

%A John Markoff
%T Factfinder
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 113

%A Peter Rice
%T Arithmetic on your PC
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 119

%A Robert Kong Win Chang
%T Build a serial card
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 129

%A Richard S. Shuford
%T Two flat-display technologies
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 130

%A Frederick N. Rounds
%T Navigation: putting the microcomputer to work at sea
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 141

%A David L. Kahn
%T A unit-conversion algorithm
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 151

%A Steve McMahon
%T Build your dream editor
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 171

%A John C. Field
%A Greg Richards
%A Eric Beenfeldt
%T The Commodore 64 80-column terminal
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 183

%A Laine Stump
%T The kit solution
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 193

%A John Markoff
%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Public-domain gems
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 207

%A David Betz
%T An Xlisp tutorial
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 221

%A Tom Clune
%T Budget 3-D graphics
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 240

%A Greg Corson
%T The Altos 586 with the Xenix development system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 247

%A John D. Unger
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 256

%A Jon Edwards
%T Atari 800XL
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 267

%A Gregg Williams
%T Dazzle draw
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 277

%A Donald R. Osgood
%T The KoalaPad
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 283

%A Steven D. Ryals
%T FriendlyWriter and FriendlySpeller
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 289

%A Glenn Hartwig
%T Tecmar's JrCaptain
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 299

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: on the road: Hackercon and COMDEX
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 313

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Byte West Coast: up to date
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 355

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: multitasking Forth
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 363

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: a sampler
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 375

%A Robert T. Kurosaka
%T Mathematical recreations: magic squares
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 383

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: build the home run control system,
part 1: introduction
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 102

%A Colleen Roe Wilson
%T Coprocessing in Modula-2
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 113

%A James Hawley
%T A million-point graphics tablet
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 120

%A Marvin Minsky
%T Communication with alien intelligence
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 126

%A Roger Schank
%A Larry Hunter
%T The quest to understand thinking
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 143

%A John R. Anderson
%A Brian J. Rieser
%T The Lisp tutor
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 159

%A W. Lewis Johnson
%A Elliot Soloway
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 179

%A Michael F. Deering
%T Architectures for AI
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 193

%A Patrick H. Winston
%T The Lisp revolution
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 209

%A Carl Hewitt
%T The challenge of open systems
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 223

%A Dana H. Ballard
%A Christopher M. Brown
%T Vision
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 245

%A Geoffrey E. Hinton
%T Learning in parallel networks
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 265

%A Jerome A. Feldman
%T Connections
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 277

%A John K. Stevens
%T Reverse engineering the brain
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 286

%A Robert H. Michaelsen
%A Donald Michie
%A Albert Boulanger
%T The technology of expert systems
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 303

%A Beverly A. Thompson
%A William A. Thompson
%T Inside an expert system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 315

%A John D. Unger
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 338

%A Bruce D'Ambrosio
%T Insight - a knowledge system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 345

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: over the moat
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 355

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%T Byte West Coast: lasers, office publishing, and more
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 379

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: new database ideas
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 389

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: the fifth generation in Japan
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 4
%D April 1985
%P 401

%A Gregg Williams
%T The AT&T Unix PC
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 98

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: build the home run control system,
part 2: the hardware
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 108

%A Alfred L. Schumer
%T Set extensions with Apple Pascal
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 128

%A Ernest H. Piette
%T Build a talking clock speech synthesizer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 143

%A Bruce Webster
%T Smalltalk comes to the microcomputer world
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 151

%A Bruce Webster
%A Tom Yonkman
%T Methods: a preliminary look
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 152

%A Christopher Macie
%T Smalltalk-PC
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 155

%A Jim Anderson
%A Barry Fishman
%T The Smalltalk programming language
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 160

%A Rich Krajewski
%T Multiprocessing: an overview
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 171

%A Gary D. Beals
%T Extending microprocessor architectures
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 185

%A William Gerhard Paseman
%T Apllying data flow in the real world
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 201

%A Paul Walker
%T The transputer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 219

%A J. Eric Roskos
%A Ching-Dong Hsieh
%T Data-movement primitives
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 239

%A Jerry Grady
%T The Compaq DeskPro
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 260

%A Alan Finger
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 270

%A G. Michael Vose
%T True Basic
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 279

%A Mark Haas
%T The GTX-100 modem
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 291

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: in search of the perfect product
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 307

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: megabits and gigaflops
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 355

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%A Donna Osgood
%T Byte West Coast: homebrew chips
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 363

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: parallel processing
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 385
%K ALICE, CTL, Hope, transputer

%A Robert Greene Sterne
%A Perry J. Saidman
%T Computers and law: the sale of computer products
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 399

%A Robert T. Kurosaka
%T Mathematical recreations: an exercise in Basic bitwise logic operation
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 417

%A John Lawler
%A Paul Hairsine
%A Albert E. Miller
%T Interactive audio in a videodisc system
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 108

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: build the home run control system,
part 3: the software
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 121

%A Samuel D. Fenster
%A Lincoln E. Ford
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 147

%A Phillip Robinson
%T The SUM: an AI coprocessor
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 169

%A David Ushijima
%T Inside AppleTalk
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 185

%A Michael Fichtelman
%T The expert machine
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 205

%A Werner F. Grunbaum
%T Switch
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 221

%A Gary Bronson
%A Karl Lyon
%T Two's-complement numbers revisited
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 228

%A Gary Elfring
%T Choosing a programming language
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 235

%A Arthur Huston
%T Structuring Basic
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 243

%A Bruce Webster
%T Subroutine libraries in Pascal
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 253

%A Wayne P. Stevens
%T Using data flow for application development
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 267

%A Gregg Williams
%T Debugging techniques
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 279

%A Joe Holt
%T 6502 tricks and traps
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 295

%A Lamar Ledbetter
%A Brad Cox
%T Software-ICs
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 307

%A Tom Wadlow
%T The Mindset personal computer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 324

%A Wiliam Hershey
%T Idea processors
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 337

%A Mark J. Welch
%T Convenience software
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 353

%A Bruce D'Ambrosio
%T Building expert systems with M.1
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 371

%A Rich Malley
%T Hewlett-Packard's HP 7475A plotter
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 379

%A Jon R. Edwards
%T The IBM Quietwriter printer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 385

%A George Sheldon
%T The Word plus
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 393

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: from the living room
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 409

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: telephone computers
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 439

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: new NECs and a cartridge disk
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 451

%A John Markoff
%A Phillip Robinson
%T Byte West Coast: a GEM seminar
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 6
%D June 1985
%P 455

%A Bruce Webster
%T Programming project: new perspectives on nearby stars
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 106

%A Glenn J. Adler
%T Liquid-crystal displays for portables
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 119

%A Rich Malley
%T Product description: the GRiDcase
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 129

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: living in a sensible environment
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 141

%A Murray Lesser
%T Programming insight: Travesty revisited
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 163

%A Brent Daviduck
%T Programming insight: real-number formatting your Apple
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 171

%A Russell M. Genet
%T Updating the oldest science
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 179

%A Richard Wilton
%T Microcomputers in NASA's SIR-B
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 192

%A David S. Dixon
%T Comet lines in Fortran
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 203

%A E.H. Weiss
%T Tracking earth satellites
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 215

%A Louis J. Boyd
%T Automating a telescope
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 227

%A Richard Bochonko
%A William T. Peters
%T Astronomical computing with micros
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 239

%A Richard Grehan
%A Eva White
%T Texas Instruments' Pro-Lite professional computer
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 252

%A Elaine Holden
%T NCR personal computer model 4
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 258

%A John E. Mosley
%T Monitoring Halley's comet
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 265

%A Benjamin Bernar
%T Space-flight simulators
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 269

%A William Hershey
%T MaxThink
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 279

%A George V. Kinal
%T The Anchor Automation Signalman mark XII modem
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 287

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: come to the Faire
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 309

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Byte West Coast: Snobol and Icon
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 341

%A Dick Pountain
%T Byte U.K.: starlit spectrum
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 353

%A William M. Raike
%T Byte Japan: peripherals, chips, and new computers
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 363

%A Bruce Webster
%T According to Webster: start-up
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 367

%A Robert T. Kurosaka
%T Mathematical recreations: parsing and solving linear equations
%J Byte
%V 10
%N 7
%D July 1985
%P 385

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T The new generation: under the covers
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 101
%K IBM PS/2 Micro-Channel

%A G. Michael Vose
%A David Betz
%A Jane Morrill Tazelaar
%T The new generation: head to head
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 113
%K IBM PS/2 Macintosh

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Ciarcia's circuit cellar: using the ImageWise video digitizer, part 2:
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 117

%A William A. McWorter,\ Jr.
%A Jane Morrill Tazelaar
%T Programming project: creating fractals
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 123

%A Bill Nicholls
%T Inside the 82786 graphics chip
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 135

%A William Clocksin
%T A Prolog primer
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 147

%A Alex Lane
%T Simulating a microprocessor
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 161

%A Catherine Lassez
%T Constraint logic programming
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 171

%A Alan Colmerauer
%T Opening the Prolog III universe
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 177

%A Stan Szpakowicz
%T Logic grammars
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 185

%A Laurence H. Loeb
%T The Macintosh SE
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 201

%A John Unger
%T Two high-performance PC AT compatibles
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 207

%A Donald Evan Crabb
%T 80386 accelerator boards
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 213

%A Joel West
%T Macintosh C compilers revisited
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 219

%A Matt Trask
%T 386|ASM/LINK 1.1e
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 224

%A Rob Fixmer
%T BackComm and SideTalk
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 229

%A Phillip Robinson
%T A CAD for all incomes
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 232

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: faster, bigger, better
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 243

%A Dick Pountain
%T Focus on algorithms: search and destroy
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 257

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Applications only: moving toward AI
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 9
%D August 1987
%P 263

%A Rich Malloy
%A G. Michael Vose
%A George A. Stewart
%T The Tandy anniversary product explosion
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 100

%A Ray Duncan
%T The OS/2 applications family
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 109

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T A spiritual heir to the Macintosh
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 121
%K Canon Cat, Jef Raskin

%A Dick Pountain
%T The Archimedes A310
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 125
%K ACORN ARM Olivetti

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build the Circuit Cellar AT computer, part 2
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 135

%A Peter Wayner
%T Zero-knowledge proofs
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 149
%K authentication protection

%A William P. Jones
%A Josiah Hoskins
%T Back-propagation
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 155

%A Mark Roberts
%T Optimizing compilers
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 165

%A Paul V. Haley
%T A search strategy for commonsense logic programming
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 173

%A Leon Sterling
%T Mathematical reasoning
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 177

%A Gary Josin
%T Neural-network heuristics
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 183

%A Bruce F. Webster
%T The Macintosh II
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 197

%A John Unger
%T The GRiDLite laptop
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 202

%A Alex Lane
%T The Wang Laptop
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 203

%A Dave Thomas
%T The Definicon DSI-780
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 209

%A Wayne Rash,\ Jr.
%T Laser printer time four
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 214

%A Jonathan Robie
%T Three C language screen-utility packages for PCs
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 223

%A Mark Mallett
%T Advantage C++ and Guidelines C++
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 229

%A George A. Stewart
%T Equation solvers
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 237

%A Ernest R. Tello
%T Personal consultant plus
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 242

%A William Hershey
%T Guide
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 244
%K hypertext

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: new life for Lucy
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 251

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Into the 4th dimension, part 1
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 11
%D October 1987
%P 269

%Q Byte editorial staff
%T The new generation: MPW compiler lets Mac II's 68020 shine
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 109

%A G. Michael Vose
%T QuickBASIC 4.0
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 111

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Three new spreadsheets
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 119

%A Gregg Williams
%T MultiFinder for the Macintosh
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 123

%A Tom Thompson
%T The Compaq Portable 386
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 134

%A Curtis Franklin,\ Jr.
%A Richard Grehan
%T The IBM PS/2 model 80
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 143

%A Ed McNierney
%T Acer 1100 and Micro 1 386+
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 153

%A Raymond G.A. Cote
%T 80286 accelerators
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 161

%A Curtis Franklin,\ Jr.
%T BIX product focus: accelerator boards
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 169

%A Laurence H. Loeb
%T Accelerator boards for the Macintosh SE
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 177

%A Pete White
%T Traveling modems
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 180

%A David W. Burleigh
%T Three Fortran 77 compilers
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 187

%A Matt Trask
%T High C 386
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 196

%A Nicholas M. Baran
%T ANSYS-PC/Linear and MSC/pal2
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 205

%A Donald Swearingen
%T Master tracks pro MIDI sequencer
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 212

%A Rubin Rabinovitz
%T WordCruncher
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 216

%A Jerry Pournelle
%T Computing at Chaos Manor: on the road to Karlsruhe
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 225

%A Ezra Shapiro
%T Applications only: split decisions
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 241

%A Phillip Robinson
%T A world of workstations
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 251

%A Hal L. Stern
%T Comparison of windowing systems
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 265

%A Martin Plaehn
%T PHIGS: programmer's hierarchical interactive graphics standard
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 275

%A W. Anthony Mason
%T Distributed processing: the state of the art
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 291
%K CMU MACH, Stanford V

%A Steve Ciarcia
%T Build the Circuit Cellar IC tester, part 1: hardware
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 303

%A Dick Pountain
%T Focus on algorithms: spraying and smudging
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 317

%A Mike Morton
%T Recursion + data structures = anagrams
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 325

%A Jerry LeVan
%T A fast CRC
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 339

%A Isaac Malitz
%T The Turing machine
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 345

%A Don F. Ridgway
%T A C interface
%J Byte
%V 12
%N 13
%D November 1987
%P 363