%A B.S. Walker %A J.R. Gurd %A E.A. Drawneek %T Interactive computer graphics %S Computer Systems Engineering Series %I Crane, Russak & Company %C New York %D 1975 %P 160 %A Douglas Lewin %T Computer-aided design of digital systems %S Computer Systems Engineering Series %I Crane, Russak & Company %C New York %D 1977 %P 313 %A A.L. Freedman %A R.A. Lees %T Real-time computer systems %S Computer Systems Engineering Series %I Crane, Russak & Company %C New York %D 1977 %P 277 %A S.L. Hurst %T The logical processing of digital signals %S Computer Systems Engineering Series %I Crane, Russak & Company %C New York %D 1979 %P 580