Date: Sat 20 Feb 1988 23:51-PST From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws Reply-To: AIList@KL.SRI.COM Us-Mail: SRI Int., 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (415) 859-6467 Subject: AIList Digest V6 #37 To: AIList@KL.SRI.COM Status: R AIList Digest Sunday, 21 Feb 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 37 Today's Topics: Queries - MACSYMA Under Golden Common Lisp & AI and OOPS & Frame/Logic/TMS/Rule Code & AI in Communications and Signal Processing & Economic Prediction Lecture & Analogy Conference Proceedings, AI Tools - Fuzzy Logic vs. Probability Theory ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 18 Feb 88 19:01:58 WUT From: LENNEIS%AWIWUW11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: MACSYMA under Golden-Common-Lisp I am sending this out for a friend. Please send replys to the address below. People interested in a summary should contact me directly. ********************* request: MACSYMA under Golden-Common-Lisp Does anybody know, if there is a version of MACSYMA available for the Golden-Common-Lisp-Developer? If it exists, please give me the company's name and address. regards, Wolfram Rinke ********************* Joerg Lenneis University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna Department of Statistics and Applied Data Processing Vienna, Austria Email: LENNEIS@AWIWUW11 (BITNET) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Feb 88 20:36:15 GMT From: Frank_Calliss Subject: Re: AI and OOPS Someone mentioned in this group that there soon a journal on OOPS would be issued. Could we have a name and address for information on subscription. Thanks Frank Return addresses E-Mail ------ JANET : Frank_Calliss@UK.AC.DUR.MTS BITNET: Frank_Calliss%DUR.MTS@AC.UK BITNET: Frank_Calliss%DUR.MTS@UKACRL ARPA : Frank_Calliss%MTS.DUR.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU UUCP : ukc!!fwc Snail Mail ---------- Mr. F.W. Calliss University of Durham School of Engineering and Applied Science(Computer Science) Science Laboratories South Road Durham England DH1 3LE ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 88 04:29:53 GMT From: pitt!cisunx! (Jeffrey A. Sullivan) Subject: Frame/Logic/TMS/Rule Code request If anyone has pointers to code (pref Common Lisp) for any of the following, please let me know: -- Frame systems -- Rule(Production) systems -- Logic (theorem provers or deductive retrievers, pref both) -- Truth Maintenance Systems Thanks! -- .......................................................................... Jeff Sullivan University of Pittsburgh Intelligent Systems Studies Program jasper@PittVMS (BITNET) Graduate Student ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Feb 88 18:44:05 est From: (Dennis R. Bahler) Subject: AI in Communications and Signal Processing I am looking for descriptions or pointers to AI applications in advanced communications systems and adaptive signal processing. Right now I am looking more for traditional symbolic AI than connectionist/neural approaches although the latter are of interest also in the longer term. As an example, intelligent systems/models/approaches for: network modeling and analysis tools for advanced communication systems design network management, control, diagnosis, and repair vision, image, and signal processing multidimensional signal processing complex optimization I know these are pretty broad areas, and some are more familiar to me than others; what I need are suggestions of where to dig. Dennis Bahler Dept. of Computer Science INTERNET - North Carolina State University CSNET - Raleigh, NC 27695-8206 UUCP - ...!decvax!mcnc!ncsu!cscadm!drb ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 88 22:37:23 GMT From: beta!unm-la! (Joe Claborn) Subject: Re: Economic Prediction Lecture (2/23/88) Will someone who is able to attend this lecture please summarize to the net ? Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Feb 88 12:55:05 MST From: teskridg%nmsu.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: analogy conference proceedings Can anyone tell me where I can get the Proceedings of the Allerton Workshop on Analogy & Similarity. The workshop was held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in June of 1986. Thanks. Tom Eskridge Computing Research Laboratory New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 teskridg%nmsu ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 88 23:47:25 GMT From: texsun!skb%usl@Sun.COM (Sanjiv K. Bhatia) Reply-to: texsun!!skb@Sun.COM (Sanjiv K. Bhatia) Subject: Fuzzy logic Is anybody on the network interested in fuzzy logic? Is there already a group to discuss this area? If not, how about starting one? I do not know the procedures to start a new group, so will somebody out there get in touch with me. Sanjiv ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 88 04:24:08 GMT From: (Cliff Joslyn) Subject: Re: Fuzzy Logic In article <400@usl> (Sanjiv K. Bhatia) writes: >Is anybody on the network interested in fuzzy logic? Is there already a group >to discuss this area? If not, how about starting one? I do not know the >procedures to start a new group, so will somebody out there get in touch with >me. > >Sanjiv I'm researching the application of fuzzy theory to expert systems, and would be very interested in participating in such a group. If there is one, I'm ignorant of it (someone please inform). I recently posted a reply to someone on this subject. Is there a more general interest? O----------------------------------------------------------------------> | Cliff Joslyn, Mad Cybernetician | Systems Science Department, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY | V All the world is biscuit shaped. . . ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 88 15:56:57 GMT From: Eric Neufeld Reply-to: Eric Neufeld Subject: Re: FUZZY LOGIC VS. PROBABILITY THEORY In article <8802180658.AA11175@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> golden@FRODO.STANFORD.EDU (Richard Golden) writes: >I am not an expert in Fuzzy Logic or Probability Theory but I have examined >the literature regarding the foundations of Probability Theory and the >derivation of these foundations from basic principles of deductive logic. >[...] >The reference from which these arguments are based is given >by Cox (1946). Probability Frequency and reasonable expectation. >American Journal of Statistical Physics, 14, 1-13. >[...] >To my knowledge, the axioms of Fuzzy Logic can not be derived from >consistency conditions generated from the deductive logic so I conclude >that Fuzzy Logic is not appropriate for inferencing. Any comments?!!! The interest in reasoning with and about uncertainty in AI has sparked a re-investigation into foundations of Prob. Theory. Cox's theorem has become an important result for those interested in prob. theory as a measure of belief. You may be interested in the following references: Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty and AI: 1985, 1986, 1987. A number of articles investigate the relationship between formal prob. theory and the various alternate formalisms: Fuzzy, Certainty Factors, Dempster-Shafer. Note articles by Cheeseman, Grosof, Heckerman and Horvitz. Kyburg, Henry E- Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Evidential Updating, AI Journal, Vol 31, 1987. Investigates probabilistic assumptions underlying Dempster-Shafer Theory. Heckerman et al: AAAI-86: "A Framework for comparing alternate formalisms..." Has been described as a presentation of Cox's result to the AI community. Computational Intelligence: Upcoming issue (delayed in printing) Contains a polemic article by Peter Cheeseman on probability theory (versus everything in the world) and responses by various researchers, etc. Aleliunas, Romas: "Mathematical Models of Reasoning". Contains a generalization of Cox's result to topologies other than real-valued continuous [0,1] probability. University of Waterloo Tech Report. Eric Neufeld Dept. Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo Canada ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Feb 88 10:15:47 PST From: golden@frodo.STANFORD.EDU (Richard Golden) Subject: I'm still not convinced ... Fuzzy Logic and Probability Theory I'm sorry but I do not find Bruce D'Ambrosio's arguments convincing (although I would be happy to be convinced!!!) As I noted before, the AXIOMS of probability theory can be justified from constraints upon rational decision making (i.e., standard deductive logic). I have not seen (I would like to see) similar arguments constructed for the AXIOMS of fuzzy set theory. In response to point 1 that fuzzy logic is appropriate in cases where we do not have exact probabilities I would argue that probability theory is still applicable since we can do conditioning. That is, suppose we know that the probability of event A, p(A), lies in the interval [0.3,0.4]. We can model our uncertainty associated with p(A) by rewriting p(A) as p(A|t) where t is a dummy random variable uniformly distributed over the interval [0.3,0.4]. In response to point 2, that Zadeh's intuition was set theoretic, and not frequentist or subjective I would like to emphasize that all of my arguments break down if one takes the frequentist view of probability theory --- it is absolutely essential that the subjectivist view of probability theory is taken. The subjectivist view simply says that some number is associated with a particular event in the environment and this number reflects one's belief that the event occurs. Thus, there is no reason why we can't interpret this number as an indicator of approximate correctness. The final comment that there can be "no real conflict between fuzzy set theory and probability theory" is valid as long as you are not concerned with making inferences which are always consistent with the symbolic logic (i.e., Boolean Algebra). If you are concerned with making inferences consistent with symbolic logic...then you are right...there is no conflict... probability theory wins (unless you can justify the axioms of fuzzy set theory with respect to rational decision making for me). A final caveat upon the limitations of probability theory AND fuzzy logic. Both of these approaches assume one can represent belief as a single real-valued function -- this critical assumption should not be ignored. But if one does accept this assumption and one wants to make logically consistent inferences, probability theory is the way to go. Cc: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Feb 88 12:27:36 EST From: ST401843%BROWNVM.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re:Fuzzy Logic vs. Probability Theory Here is my two bits about fuzzy logic: Richard Golden writes: >...Rational selection in this case meaning consistency with the classic >deductive/symbolic logic - boolean algebra... But here's the rub! In Boolean Algebra you have clear cut True or False truth values.In Crisp Set Theory (to a subclass of which theory Boolean Algebra is isomorphic) you have clear cut "x belongs A" relationships. Write this as B(x,A)=1 , where x is an element, A is a set and B(.,A) takes values (for "belongs" and 0 for "not belongs". In other words B(.,A) is the "belongingness" function of A. In Fuzzy Set Theory on the other hand, B(.,A) can take any value between 0 and 1. There are no clear cut answers to questions such as: "does a person 5 ft. 10 in. tall belong to the set of tall persons?". Cisp Set Theory is what we traditionally call Set Theory. It is a subset of Fuzzy Set Theory, in that in CST B can take only the extreme values 0 and 1. Of course in all of FST we use the reasoning, syllogisms etc. of the Boolean Algebra. I don't know if anyone does Fuzzy Mathematics. In FM, things such as reasoning by Reductio ad Absurdum would not be valid. Why? Well, in RaA we usually want to prove something for x, call it P(x). And we begin by saying: "assume NOT P(x)..." But in FST P(x) and NOT P(x) are just two of uncountably many possibilities. But maybe ther is a Fuzzy generalization to RaA. Does anyone know? Anyways, I think FST is still an alternative way to reasoning about uncertain events, different from Probability Theory. In fact there has been work done on Fuzzy Probability, postulating fuzzy probability measures. I did not have time to check before I send this, but I suppose they would drop things like the countable additivity hypothesis. And classical PT is by no means the only way to reason about uncertain events- see von Mises and deFinneti, among others. One last observation. I do not want to make much of it, but is it not remarkable that FST, an alternative to the Aristotelian logic, was invented by Zadeh, an Indian? Thanasis Kehagias ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************