NDLTD Fall 1997 Steering Committee Agenda

The Fall 1997 meeting will open at 9am. A final agenda will be agreed upon first, building upon the tentative agenda below:

  1. Finalize agenda
  2. Welcome, overview
  3. Member Reports
    1. Kevin McGrath, Adobe
    2. Bill Savage, UMI
    3. Peter Syverson, Council of Graduate Schools
    4. George Brett, SURA
    5. Joseph Boykin, SOLINET
    6. Roger Clark, CIC
    7. Fred Friend, University Theses Online Group
    8. David Balatti, National Library of Canada
    9. Terry Noreault, OCLC
  4. Virginia Tech Reports
    1. Library activities
    2. Progress with the Virginia Tech pilot
    3. Reports to SURA, FIPSE
    4. Electronic publishing: Web site, automation, tools
    5. Digital library: Z39.50 (SiteSearch), IBM, NCSTRL-like
    6. Surveys and analysis
    7. Dissemination
  5. Dissemination: plans, problems, approaches
    1. Regional, national, international
    2. Visits, videoconferences, regional meetings, conferences
    3. Coordination: regional centers, connecting with other organizatons
  6. IPR, Copyright, Relationship with Publishers
    1. Statements: Kenneth Crews, Gail McMillan, Edward Fox
    2. Legal Context
    3. Interlibrary Loan
    4. Negotiation Process, Agreements
    5. Draft letter to publishers
    6. Meetings, Publicity
  7. Writing Projects
  8. Funding Opportunities
  9. Steering Committee Membership
  10. Next Meeting