CS4624 Projects

Project Overview

Chosen Project Ideas

See the student lists for the two labs to find assignments to projects, for Tuesday and Thursday. The selected topics are:
  1. Tue - CCR = Collaboration/Conferencing room:
    designing McB 104 conferencing/collaboration room, working with grad student J. Gabbard and Prof. Mary Beth Rosson.
  2. Tue - DLB = Digital library:
    working on building a digital library for computer science, along with grad student Madhan Subhas.
  3. Tue - LIT = Computer and information literacy, related to Provost's request:
    training materials for Virginia Tech students to assist with computer/information literacy. Contact Dean E. Hitchingham. CEUT will host a brown bag lunch on this topic Feb. 15!
  4. Tue - TUR = Tours of multimedia labs on campus:
    tours of multimedia labs on campus, for WWW. Please see the partial tour already set up by N. Dwight Barnette about Library information services which can be extended, with possible video assistance of the VRL group.
  5. Tue - VRC = Virtual reality for campus:
    developing VR models for campus. They will do an overall model, and then perhaps work on the new planned ACITC (Advanced Communications and Information Technology Center) that will bridge across the Mall to the Library. A contact familiar with Virtus software is Dennis Neale (dneale@vt.edu).
  6. Thu - BEV = BEV video/interactive history:
    documentary, history of the Blacksburg Electronic Village. Contacts include Dr. A. Cohill, grad student Neill Kipp, and Prof. J. Carroll.
  7. Thu - HST = WWW CS history museum:
    virtual museum of computer history. Dr. Lee has wonderful materials to capture (images, video, audio-tapes, documents) and will help design this so people can move through the history of our field.
  8. Thu - IFM = Infomercial and other video/interactive on CS Dept.:
    recruiting materials for the Department of Computer Science (contact Prof. J. Carroll); the first part of this should be an infomercial which has already been sketched out by Dr. Lee and which is needed before March 1996.
  9. Thu - VRL = Virtual Reality of the Library on Campus:
    developing VRML models for Newman Library. Contacts are: Alan Armstrong (armstrng@vt.edu) and Ginger Young (gingery@vt.edu) who have been asked by the Dean of Libraries, Eileen Hitchingham (hitch@nebula.lib.vt.edu), to work with you. A contact familiar with Virtus software is Dennis Neale (dneale@vt.edu). Please see the partial tour already set up by N. Dwight Barnette of Library information services which can be extended, with possible video assistance of the TUR group.
  10. Thu - WOO = MOO+WWW (+VR):
    extending EIEIOmoo to tie in with VR and the WWW. A group of graduate students has already identified an information page and the Brown system mentioned looks promising. See also SenseMedia's technology description. There are some good pointers from pages at UNC on education.

Other Project Ideas

Copyright 1996 Edward A. Fox