Bar Chart Window/Icon The Bar Chart Window presents you with a graphic display of the Probable Relevance Ranking for the top 50 ranked documents. The top ranked document is given a score of 100. All other documents are scored in relation to the first document. Even though a search may retrieve more than fifty documents, the Bar Chart will only display the score for the top 50. (See Probable Relevance Ranking in this Help system) Clicking once on the Bar Chart Icon, second from left, located on the Lights Toolbox Menu and also on the Show Pulldown Menu, toggles the Bar Chart Window on or off. The purpose of the Bar Chart is to orient you graphically to the usefulness of the top ranked documents according to the Probable Relevance Ranking. The Bar Chart can indicate that a search may be too broad or too narrow, or that there are too few documents that meet the search criteria. Therefore, you may use the Bar Chart to initially determine the relative value of retrieved documents without having to actually call up the record.