Search Operators In Standard Search or Forms Search Modes, the following Search Operators are available: AND, OR, NOT, Boolean logic operators W/n, ADJ Proximity operators; n is a number (ADJ =W/1) () Any level of nested parentheses allowed ? Matches any one character, e.g. m?cro * Matches any string, e.g. micro* Q_n Refers to search number n, e.g. Q_3 AND Q_4 D_n Refers to document number n, e.g. Q_3 ORD_147 w! Expands word w to related words w:field-1,field-2...Limits search for word w to field-1,field-2.. /F:field-1,field-2...Limits whole search to field-1,field 2 valOPfieldOPval is a whole number and OP is >, <, You may use any Search Operator at any time between two search variables and the Search Operator will override the default Search Operator. -- Example of a simple, field-specific search: Smith:name Chicago:location engineering:subject -- Example of a complex, non-field specific search concerning computer programming and software development techniques: ((computer and programming) or (software w/2 development)) and techniques -- Example of another complex search using whole documents (indicated by Doc ID #), single word Expansion results (!), a previous search (Q_2), a field specific variable (smith in the name field), and a range search between the years 1981 and 1984 in the year field. D_17, D_25 or programming! or Q_2! and smith:name and 1981