VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL DATABASE We have assembled this genealogical data from several hundred (both published and original) sources. We trust that this CD-ROM disc version will encourage and help your research of pre-Civil War Virginia families. This data is part of a larger online database being steadily added to by Progenesys Press, PO Box 2623, Christiansburg, VA, 24068. They also publish TURBO GENEALOGY: THE COMPUTER-ENHANCED HOW-TO-FIND-YOUR-ROOTS HANDBOOK, 1987/88 EDITION. The company welcomes submission of all computerized Virginia family data (in ASCII format, with sources included) for future editions. While we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, we will be continuously monitoring the database in order to detect and correct mistakes. We would greatly appreciate your contacting us about any possible errors you find. Also, contact us to learn the source(s) used for any particular record. (These bibliographic sources, as well as all corrections made to that point, will be reflected in the next CD-ROM volume in this series.) Copyright 1988 by John and Carolyn Cosgriff. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the authors. (While it is OK to make use of this information for personal use; copyright law forbids downloading and re-publishing any part of it in the same format as appears here).