DISPLAY Displays a document on the screen or creates a file of documents for printing. You can turn fields on or off by using the SET:DISPLAY command. Once PL has selected and ranked documents for a query, the documents can be displayed in order or selectively. (See WRITE for displaying by DOCUMENT number.) Return Key Displays retrieved documents in order, a screen at a time. DISPLAY Displays the first screen of the next document. DISPLAY n Displays the selected document. n is the RANKING number of the desired document; 0 denotes the start of the current document; negative numbers move back through list DISPLAY n-m Writes the contents of documents with ranking numbers n through m to the file DOCOUT, which can be printed while in the editor (see the ED command) or after exiting PL > (or Displays the next screen of the currently displayed document cursor right) or the first screen of the next document in the database < (or Displays previous screen in the database cursor left) (See LIST for alternate meaning).