GIS Solid Modeler: This graphic system will represent a convergence of image processing, animation, GIS, and remote sensing technologies. The information gathered, manipulated, and processed by this system will facilitate resource evaluation, management, and public interpretation. The GIS information base assembled will describe the cultural site at the scale of an historic district, park, or region. The system will graphically integrate spatial data relevant to the natural and cultural resources within site boundaries, as well as those environmental influences in close proximity to the site which will impact resource management decisions. The information layers generated by sensing techniques will be analyzed and digitally integrated into a graphic 3-D model of physical landscape characteristics that will assist resource managers in understanding the multidimensional character of the cultural scene. The animated 3-D GIS will provide the basis for the generation of a surrogate landscape that will assist resource managers in understanding the evolution of the historic resource, and the interaction between the cultural and natural landscape. Predictive modeling will be used with the animated GIS solid modeler to discover landscape sites of cultural significance, such as prehistoric sites of human settlement, sites of historic activity, and the subtle, unrevealed imprints of the cultural experience on the landscape as a whole. Further animation efforts will generate simulations depicting identified cultural sites in their historic or prehistoric context. Animation and 3-D Graphics Integrated Planning