Blind Faith: "But there came a day when, without the slightest warning, without any previous hint of feebleness, the entire communication system broke down, all over the world, and the world as they understood it, ended." (Forster, 1964) Time is required for system developers to install and debug even the most carefully conceived technological applications. When a direct interface exists between the user and the new component or installation, adequate time is also required for the user group to assimilate the new technology into the work regime. The difficulty encountered in the installation of an optical search and retrieval (OSAR) system for California's statewide property lien records illustrates the unreasonable expectations that often surround new technologies. The system developer requested a 30 day start-up period, and advised the state to keep the existing system operational until the new system was fully functional. The state budget office refused the request to maintain the existing database and deactivated it. As systems engineers worked to install and debug the new OSAR system, it was able to operate at only 30% of designed capacity. In the ensuing confusion, over 50,000 lien search requests were backlogged. This meant that bankers couldn't make loans, and commercial businesses couldn't borrow. The California Banking Association estimated that costs to both banks and businesses will be in the millions of dollars. According to the system developer, the state "just wanted to turn on the switch on and have our new system running at 100%. That's impossible in the start-up phase of a project this complex" (Miles, 1989). This incident demonstrates the danger of uninformed decisions based on an unrealistic expectation of technological capabilities, and it underscores the need to carefully choreograph the adaptation of new technologies into the work regime. In subscribing to the promises of increased effectiveness and cost benefits that emerging technologies appear to offer, it is essential for end users to work closely with the experts who best understand the technology. Additionally, simple common sense dictates the maintenance of an existing system as backup until its replacement is operating efficiently and according to design parameters. Moderation Technological Compulsions Cautions Artificial Intelligence