PC-Hypertext: Attributes 2. - Links connect associated nodes (ideas) in PC-Hypertext. These links remain in place regardless of how many times the ideas are modified, moved, or changed. The development programs (HOUDINI, MaxThink) enable application authors to quickly construct or modify nodal links, and to merge or split nodes (idea topics) without invalidating the links that connect them. Utility routines can create associative links between topics according to the key words, text strings, or parallel existing links that are specified by the system developer. HOUDINI and MaxThink routines also permit system developers to test the integrity of the network links constructed in the system. - While the modification or creation of associative links in PC-Hypertext is relatively simple, it is important to remember that effective hypertext construction depends on a highly structured information network that is based on the classification and associative linking of idea nodes that might span a broad range of information fields and subjects. - The Main menu is always displayed as a hierarchical organization, yet it actually represents a network structure in its support of super-sets, loops, and dual path browsing. While PC-Hypertext displays only a hierarchical view of the information base, it retains the network path established by the current user in memory. The user can mark and save the current network path (using the [F5] key), or simply retrace (reverse) the current path by pressing the [Left arrow] key. PC-Hypertext: Attributes 1.