CRISTAL Frame Grab: The videotape record provides a library of images of the site that can be accessed for viewing reference or analysis through the use of computer hardware and software systems. Images from videotape can be digitally captured and stored in the computer's memory by a process called "frame grabbing". This entails converting the analog video signal (which is in line form) to the computer's digital signal (dot or pixel form). The computer image, which replicates the video image in color and resolution, is then stored in the computer's memory structure (magnetic or optical disk) for future reference and manipulation. Through the use of frame grabbing techniques with television cameras and videotape recordings, a wide array of information from many media sources, such as sketches, slides, photographs, handwritten notes, and drawings, can be merged into a single environment. Each of the case study projects in this research employed this digitizing process to assemble a library of images from various sources. CRISTAL: Resource Documentation CRISTAL: Information Management CRISTAL: Data Storage