CRISTAL Description: The key component of the CRISTAL information management system is software that functions as an interactive videographic database manager. This software, developed by VideoCad, Inc. (Blacksburg, Va.) enables the user to combine and manipulate data of different types from a variety of visual media sources. As a consequence, it can provide the foundation structure for: - a graphic database that combines images from scanned or video captured sources with computer generated graphics, text, or numeric data. - an interactive simulation program that provides access to graphic processing capabilities, enabling a user to manipulate contemporary and historical images to depict evolved or proposed changes to sites and structures. This capability can be used in a variety of research, analysis, and interpretation applications. Graphic simulations can visually demonstrate the contextual fabric of place, and convey an understanding of the essential character and integrity of cultural resources, thereby facilitating the resource management decision process. - resource protection design and planning by enabling a user to generate graphic aids to prescribe appropriate material treatments, maintenance routines, development schemes, or monitoring activities. CRISTAL: Introduction CRISTAL: Objectives CRISTAL: Prototypes CRISTAL: 4 Preservation Issues