Preservation Data Storage and Retrieval: The fundamental challenge relating to database management systems for preservation applications is that of collecting, organizing, and disseminating information relating not only to the character of individual cultural resources, but also to the techniques, technologies, and policies that are the basis for preservation management decisions. While dependable tools for information management and manipulation are required to facilitate informed decision making processes, the OTA Report emphasized the vital importance of effective archival storage (U.S. Congress, 1986). The quality and stability of the archival record is a critical prerequisite for the development of an effective integrated preservation information system (IPIS). Information storage has been revolutionized by the development of reliable analog and digital optical disk technologies. The utilization of these high density storage technologies can place the information necessary to shape better informed cultural resource management strategies at the rapid disposal of decision makers. These storage systems can also facilitate the widespread dissemination of relevant technical and nontechnical information to public or private interests, and to the preservation craftsmen and architects who must make specific management decisions about the very fabric of the cultural resource. Effective information dissemination enhances the decision environment and contributes to long term CRM cost effectiveness. Current Information Management Inadequacies Preservation Databases