DVI Directories These directories contain files created in connection with our work at VPI&SU as a beta test site and as a developer using DVI (Digital Video Interactive (tm) Intel Corp.). See the readme files in each directory. You will need a Pro750 or similar DVI system to be able to examine these files, which are all Copyright (c) 1989,1990 Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ. All Rights Reserved. The idea is that you can play back these images but need permission to do anything else with them. Directories av and img deal with the DVI application developed at VPI&SU through funding from NCR Corp. and the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology. The av files are full-motion video of NCR product demonstrations and segments about VPI&SU. The img files are stills used during user interaction with the simulated TV and CD players shown. The NCR Product Theatre video is Copyright (c) 1989 NCR Corporation. All other video and image sequences are Copyright (c) 1989 VPI&SU. Directory archtake has 72 different takes of a still image of the Parthenon captured from the VPI&SU architecture videodisc. It has files to allow playback with different resolutions and different filtering using both 9 bits (files take1 - take 36) and 16 bits per pixel(files take37 - take72). Directory archimgs has 66 different images taken from different parts of that videodisc to show architecture from around the world. All images were captured at 512x480 using 9 bits per pixel. Directories archcom0 and archcom1 have the 72 different takes of the still image of the Parthenon taken from the VPI&SU architecture videodisc but in compressed form, using either 9 or 16 bits per pixel.