IRList Digest Monday, 2 January 1989 Volume 5 : Issue 2 Today's Topics: Email - Note changes in phone and postal address here Reply - Addresses of OWL: producers of Guide - References on IR evaluation Query - Theory of IR systems and other pointers - Dissertation: need database of books, LCSH thesaurus - References on Super Book project Announcements - Assistant Professor Position at UCLA - Research Position at Edinburgh - N. Meyrowitz on "Intermedia" VPI&SU 11/30/88 seminar News addresses are Internet: BITNET: foxea@vtcc1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 Dec 88 10:25:37 EST From: Edward A. Fox Subject: phone and address changes for IRList readers My phone line has changed to (701) 231-5113 effective immediately. Also, the full zip code here is 24061-0106. See the welcome msg in revised form as sent out in V5 #1 for more details. Regards, Ed Fox ------------------------------ From: Mr Jack Campin Date: Wed, 30 Nov 88 13:08:44 GMT Subject: for IRLIST digest (address for Guide) Guide is produced by OWL (Office Workstations Ltd), who are at the following addresses: OWL International Inc Office Workstations Ltd 14218 NE 21st St 5 Abbeymount Techbase Bellevue 2 Easter Road WA 98007 Edinburgh EH7 5AN USA Scotland (1) 206 747 3203 (44) 31 659 6737 Compuserve 76545,444 Compuserve 72057,703 I would have posted this directly to the Dutch person asking the question but the email address was too incomplete to be any use. Maybe full addresses could be added in future? [Note: I ask that in my Welcome msg -- I share your frustration in that I tried to reach him by email several times and all attempts failed. - Ed.] Jack Campin, Computing Science Department, Glasgow University, 17 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND. 041 339 8855 x6045 wk 041 556 1878 ho ARPA: USENET: jack@glasgow.uucp JANET: PLINGnet: ...mcvax!ukc!!jack ------------------------------ From: Prof Keith Van Rijsbergen Date: Mon, 5 Dec 88 15:36:12 GMT To: Peter.Capell@EDU.CMU.CAT Subject: evaluation (ref. V4 #57 inquiry) Try Information Retrieval Experiment, Butterworths, 1981, Sparck Jones (ed). Contains good source material and references to the literature. My book has a good chapter too. C.J. van Rijsbergen. [Note: Peter's address is incorrect - I also had trouble reaching him and hope he can supply a correct one - perhaps might work? - Ed.] ------------------------------ From: unido!softcon!uh@uunet.UU.NET (Ulrich Herold) Newsgroups: comp.databases, Subject: retrieval Keywords: retrieval, databases Message-Id: <367@softcon.UUCP> Date: 13 Dec 88 16:04:26 GMT Article-I.D.: softcon.367 Posted: Tue Dec 13 17:04:26 1988 Reply-To: unido!softcon!uh@uunet.UU.NET (Ulrich Herold) Organization: SOFTCON GmbH, Muenchen Lines: 17 Hello, I am looking for some hints or pointers to get some informations about the theory of information-retrieval-systems, i.e. database structures, retrieve technics and so on. Or you have some experience with some retrieval systems. Bye for now uli --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Uli Herold | Phone: (49) 89 - 7911073-75 | | SOFTCON GmbH | FAX: (49) 89 - 7911152 | | Irmgardstr. 15 | e-mail: uh@softcon.uucp | | 8000 Muenchen 71 | | | W-Germany | SOFTCON bietet mehr als Software... | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note: see the reply below from C.J. van Rijsbergen. I also suggest you try to come to the ACM SIGIR mtg in June 89 in Cambridge MA, join ACM SIGIR, read the recent book by Salton "Automatic Text Processing", and let us know if you have specific questions. We would be interested to know more about your work and progress. - Ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu 22 Dec 88 11:12:24-EST From: Hsinchun Chen Subject: AI & IR (IRlist) Hi, I am a Ph.D. student (ABD) in New York University working on my dissertation. My thesis topic is: "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Design of Online Information Retrieval Systems". During the past two years I conducted two cognitive psychology based empirical studies observing the information seeking behavior of online catalog users alone (searcher/system interactions, 30 subjects) and with the assistance of reference librarians (searcher/librarian/system interactions, 34 subjects). Findings concerning online search strategies, query refinement process, and knowledge components during the search were derived from these two studies. An article reporting a consultation model between searchers and librarians was published in the Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence, 1987. Other papers are either under review or in preparation. Currently I am in the process of developing a prototype system which will incorporate those interesting findings. Two things are necessary for the completion of the prototype system: a database of book records (at least over a couple of thousand records) and a computer-readable form of LCSH thesaurus (with terms and relationships between terms like the real big red book, but perhaps in a smaller domaim such as: artificial intelligence, management science, etc.). The purpose of this mail is to solicit any pointers to these two resources: A DATABASE OF BOOKS AND AN ONLINE LCSH THESAURUS. Your information may be able to save me two month's manual effort. Also I am interested in exchanging ideas and information concerning the general topic of "applying AI techniques in information retrieval". Thank you for your attention. -- Hsinchun Chen Information Systems department New York University 624 Tisch Hall Washington Square New York, NY 10003 TEL: 212-9984205 BITNET: HCHEN@NYBVX1 ------------------------------ Subject: Reference details re talk at ACM Doc. Proc. Systems Conf. Date: Mon, 12 Dec 88 15:52:12 EST From: By the way, there was a reference from the floor during Salton's talk about the "Bell Labs Super Book" project. Can you give me a more direct citation on that? Thanks. --Rick [Note: Perhaps some readers can give a list of references about the Bellcore project and other similar efforts? - Ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 01 Dec 88 12:40 PST From: Christine Borgman Subject: job announcement - at UCLA JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Teaching specialty in management The UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science is seeking to make a full-time appointment in the area of management at the assistant professor level. Interest in public librarianship or services to special populations is desirable. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to teach in other areas. Applications are desired from persons with a doctorate, or from persons about to receive one, with demonstrated experience or strong potential in teaching, with interest and competence in theoretical and empirical research and with the knowledge of professional practice. Salary will depend upon record of experience and competence within the following established range: Assistant Professor: $32,400 to $34,900, on a nine month academic year basis. The date of appointment will be arranged between the candidate and GSLIS. Inquire and send resume with a list of three references to: Robert M. Hayes, Dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024. Priority consideration will be given applications received before 15 January 1989. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Dec 88 12:08:36 GMT From: Alan Bundy Subject: Research Position at Edinburgh Department of Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Mathematical Reasoning) Applications are invited for an SERC supported post, tenable, as soon as possible, on a mutually agreed date. Appointment will be to September 30 1989, initially, but with a strong possibility of renewal to at least September 30 1991. The research is to develop proof plans , a technique for guiding the search for a proof in automatic theorem proving. The main application is to the automatic synthesis, verification and transformation of logic programs using constructive logic. The project is led by Professor Alan Bundy and Dr Alan Smaill. Candidates should possess a PhD or have equivalent research or industrial experience. Knowledge of logic is essential and knowledge of artificial intelligence, formal methods in software engineering or logic programming would be an advantage. Salary is on the AR1A scale in the range 9,865 - 15,105 pounds p.a., according to age and experience. Applicants should send a CV and the names of two referees to: Prof. Alan Bundy. Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1HN, SCOTLAND. as soon as possible. The closing date for applications is 16th January 1989. Further details may be obtained from Prof. Bundy (at the above address or email to or quoting reference number 5613. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Nov 88 10:35:32 EST From: Norman Meyrowitz Subject: Abstract & Bio for VPI&SU CS Seminar 11/30/88 Intermedia: The Architecture and Construction of an Object-Oriented Hypertext/Hypermedia System and Applications Framework Norman Meyrowitz Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS) Brown University Box 1946 Providence, RI 02912 ABSTRACT When is an object-oriented methodology appropriate for designing a large interactive system? When is object-oriented programming the appropriate implementation vehicle for such a system? How does one coordinate the efforts of a team simultaneously designing and developing an object-oriented system? What advantages does object-oriented programming provide? What disadvantages? What hardware and software exist today to serve as a base for such systems? We offer a case study of the design, architecture, and construction of a large-scale integrated set of object-oriented applications, with the objective of providing one snapshot of the object-oriented development process to aid in answering questions such as those posed above. Specifically, we present a chronological tour through the development of the Intermedia system -- a large-scale, object-oriented hypertext/hypermedia system -- from project inception through system implementation. The system provides the ability to create sophisticate linkages between documents from a variety of applications as well as providing a development framework for creating additional applications that possess that capability. The talk will cover the requirements, design, architecture, and implementation phases. Emphasis will be placed on critically examining the approaches we have taken, pointing out areas where standardization and research could produce object-oriented technology better-suited to the job at hand. BIO Norman Meyrowitz, Associate Director of Brown University's Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS), has directed the Institute's hypertext and multimedia research since he helped found the Institute in 1983. Most recently, Meyrowitz has managed and been the principal architect of IRIS's Intermedia system, a networked, shared, multi-user hypermedia system for research and education. He has served on the program committees of a variety of conferences including Hypertext '87, OOPSLA '86 , '87 and '88 and COIS '88. Meyrowitz's major research interests are in the areas of component software, next generation "desktop" environments, hypermedia, compound documents, text processing, user-interface design, and object-oriented programming. In the past, he has designed one of the first UNIX-based wndow management systems, an object-oriented page-layout system, and object-oriented extensions to the C programming language. He has authored and co-authored many technical publications and several major IRIS proposals, and has given a wide variety of talks and lectures. He has worked with a number of industrial partners on hypertext and multimedia research. Meyrowitz graduated from Brown in 1981 with a degree in Computer Science. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and Sigma Xi. ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************