IRList Digest Tuesday, 7 May 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 31 Today's Topics: Email - Trouble with replying and address for John Gilmore Query - Electronic form of Saracevic et al. study in JASIS - Designing relational database to model nested hierarchy - NSF award listings on line Call for Papers - 4th Centre for New OED Conf: Information in Text - Office Inf. Systems: The Design Process News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 May 88 23:32:41 PDT From: hoptoad!gnu@Sun.COM (John Gilmore) Subject: Re: IRList Digest V4 #22 In-Reply-To: your article <> > Date: Mon, 11 Apr 88 03:24:32 PDT > From: (John Gilmore) > > [Note: Jakob sent me ascii files as well, which I can resend. > Yes, we need standards! Now it is my turn to give you a hard time: > Speaking of retrievable, I wonder if your email address would let > me send files to you. You would be amazed how difficult it is to > reply back to IRList inquirers - I doubt my mailer can handle it > if your user name is simply ":" as is suggested by the address above. > Please make it easy on mail recipients to reply by "signing" > submissions as I request in the Welcome message, with an address > labelled as "internet" or "bitnet," in canonical form. Thanks, Ed.] I don't read IRlist often enough to see the Welcome messages (I read it on the Usenet). My Internet address is I don't have a Bitnet address. I would like to track down the bug that resulted in my address appearing as "", which is definitely mangled. It probably started as "hoptoad!". If you can send me back a copy of this message, including all the header lines, to, I can see from the Received: lines what sites it went through, so I can contact the Postmasters at those sites. I'd like to get the ASCII files you mentioned, too... John Gilmore [Note: John, I hope this reaches you and that the files arrived too! I tried to send them once to "" and gave me all kinds of errors. I appreciate your help with all this - it is amazing what kinds of addresses arrive in the headers I receive. My only way to get back to many people is if they put a "signature" in the bottom of their message saying what their address from BITNET or Internet is. I sometimes have to give up and not add or reply if I can't get back after a few tries. Thanks for your patience, Ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 May 88 12:27:34 EST From: "Susanne M. HUMPHREY" Subject: Saracevic study in JASIS Ed, Is there a movement underway to capture the study in electronic form and make it available to the IR community? --Susanne [Note: They have the files. I am working with them to see if the files can go on one of the Virginia Disc series of CD-ROMs. It is a a big job requiring a great deal of labor to get all the data in order, but I hope eventually to receive it all, along with copyright release. - Ed.] ------------------------------ From: rsp@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Steve Price) Newsgroups:,pb.unix,pb.informix Subject: Designing nested hierarchies Keywords: data design, nested hierachies, foreign keys Message-Id: <3394@pbhyf.PacBell.COM> Date: 26 May 88 14:47:21 GMT Organization: Pacific * Bell, San Ramon, CA Lines: 53 I would appreciate any words of wisdom on how to design an efficient database (using a relational model) that would model a nested hierarchy such as the command structure of the military or the political hierarchy of a major corporation. EXAMPLE: A corporation has this political hierachy: COMPANY TERRITORIES DIVISIONS DISTRICTS WIRE CENTERS WORK GROUPS Each political entity reports to the entity listed above it. Each political entity has at least one instance. COMPANY is assumed for this database to report to no entity. REQUIREMENTS: Model the hierachy in such a way that any political relationship can be retrieved and in such a way that political entities may be reaasigned to the governance of different higher entities easily. Of course, normalization is desired. My first attempt to model this involves the use of a) a unique serial# to be the primary key of each entity table and b) a foreign key in each relation that points to that entity's superior entity, ie: COMPANY(id, company_name) TERRITORY(id, territory_name, company_id) DIVISION(id, division_name, territory_id) DISTRICT(id, district_name, division_id) WIRE CENTER(id, wire_center_name, district_id) WORK GROUP(id, work_group_name, wire_center_id) The term "id" is the unique integer representing each tuple in a given relation. In each relation "id" is the primary key. (ie, is a primary key). The modified or named "?_id" terms are the foriegn keys. In each relation, such foriegn keys will contain the value of the "id" of the superior political entity. The naming convention reflects this. (ie, DISTRICT.division_id can be used to join on to reveal which DIVISION a DISTRICT reports to.) (Other fields may exist in each relation, but are omitted here.) This should satisfy the minimal requirements. But is there a better way? Thanks for any comments, Steve Price pacbell!pbhyf!rsp (415) 823-1951 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 May 88 10:48 EDT From: LEWIS@UMass Subject: NSF award listings on line I recall that awhile back on IRLIST the list of abstracts of NSF-funded projects in computer science for fiscal 1986 appeared. If whoever posted these is reading this (was it you, Ed?) I'd be curious to know if the abstracts for NSF-funded projects in all areas are available on-line. If so, this might make an interesting IR test collection. David D. Lewis Computer and Information Science (COINS) Dept. University of Massachusetts, Amherst ph. 413-545-0728 Amherst, MA 01003 BITNET: lewis@umass USA INTERNET: [Note: I believe there is an online list of projects but cannot recall the details - can anyone help? - Ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 May 88 14:18:54 EDT From: Maureen Searle Subject: Call for Papers - New OED Conference Reminder -------- UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO CENTRE FOR THE NEW OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY 4TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS - CALL FOR PANELISTS INFORMATION IN TEXT October 27-28, 1988 Waterloo, Canada This year's conference will focus on ways that text stored as electronic data allows information to be restructured and extracted in response to individualized needs. For example, text databases can be used to: - expand the information potential of existing text - create and maintain new information resources - generate new print information Papers presenting original research on theoretical and applied aspects of this theme are being sought. Typical but not exclusive areas of interest include computational lexicology, computational linguistics, syntactic and semantic analysis, lexicography, grammar defined databases, lexical databases and machine-readable dictionaries and reference works. Submissions will be refereed by a program committee. Authors should send seven copies of a detailed abstract (5 to 10 double-spaced pages) by JUNE 10, 1988 to the Committee Chairman, Dr. Gaston Gonnet, at: UW Centre for the New OED University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada, N2L 3G1 Late submissions risk rejection without consideration. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by July 22, 1988. A working draft of the paper, not exceeding 15 pages, will be due by September 6, 1988 for inclusion in proceedings which will be made available at the conference. One conference session will be devoted to a panel discussion entitled MEDIUM AND MESSAGE: THE FUTURE OF THE ELECTRONIC BOOK. The Centre invites individuals who are interested in participating as panel members to submit a brief statement (approximately 150 words) expressing their major position on this topic. Please submit statements not later than JUNE 10, 1988 to the Administrative Director, Donna Lee Berg, at the above address. Selection of panel members will be made by July 22, 1988. The Centre is interested in specialists or generalists in both academic and professional fields (including editors, publishers, software designers and distributors) who have strongly held views on the information potential of the electronic book. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Roy Byrd (IBM Corporation) Michael Lesk (Bell Communications Research) Reinhard Hartmann (Univ. of Exeter) Beth Levin (Northwestern University) Ian Lancashire (Univ. of Toronto) Richard Venezky (Univ. of Delaware) Chairman: Gaston Gonnet (Univ. of Waterloo) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 May 88 08:29:47 EDT From: Alex Verrijn-Stuart < VERRYNST @ HLERUL5.BITNET > Subject: IFIP WG8.4 Working Conference (Linz, 15-17 August 1988) [Forwarded by: (Bob Allen)] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION "OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS: The Design Process" Johannes Kepler University (Linz, Austria) 15-17 August 1988 THEME: The design of office and organizational information systems entails a series of interdisciplinary and complex activities. Mostly, the specialists involved carry out their tasks on the basis of experience only, without the benefit of an underlying theory on which to base design decisions and without the support of computer based design tools. This working conference focusses on such badly-needed theory and on tools for all the office design phases. PROGRAMME SUMMARY: Invited speaker: Sture HAGGLUND (Linkoping University, Sweden) "Interative development and adaptive maintenance of knowledge-based systems" Design support environments: OIDA: Office Information Systems Design Aid (N. Dachouffe, R. Lesuisse: University of Namur, Belgium) Office Procedure Knowledge Base for Organizational Office Work (H. Ishii, K. Kubota: NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Japan) A Comprehensive Approach to Modelling Office Org'n and Support Technology ((D.W. Conrath, V. De Antonellis, C. Simone: U Waterloo / U Milan) Design Support Tools: A Knowledge Representation Approach to Architecture Spec'n in the OIS Design (D. Castelli, C. Meghini, D. Musto: IEI-CNR, Pisa, Italy) An Environment for Conceptual Design of Office Systems (M.G. Fugini, S. Pozzi: Politecnico di Milano, Italy) TP Nets: A Computer-Based Tool for Office Systems (G.H. Masapati, G.M. White: U of Ottawa, Canada / Dir.Et.Av., Massy, France) Intelligent Offices: A Proposal for Incorporating Rules in ODA-documents (J. Yang: University of Trondheim, Norway) Exceptions and Office Information Systems (E. Auramaki, M. Leppanen: University of Jyvaskyla, Finland) Service Interface Approach in Distributed Loosely Coupled Information Systems (H. Hammainen, J. Alasuvanto, H. Arppe: Helsinki U of Technology, Finland) Modelling Activities: An Ontological Foundation for Information Systems Design Theory (Y. Wand: University of British Columbia, Canada) Validation Conceptual Models of OIS (V. Karakostas, P. Loucopoulos: UMIST, Manchester, U.K.) Deadlock-freeness and Consistency in a Conversational System (G. Woetzel, Th. Kreifelts: GMD, Schloss Birlinghoven, Fed. Rep. Germany) Interfaces for Designers and for Users: An interface for the Specification of Office Activities (D.E. Mahling, W.B. Croft: University of Massachussetts, USA) Multimedia Office System Interface Design Using a UIMS (P. Costantopoulos, G. Drettakis, E. Petra, M. Theodoridou, Y. Yeorgaradoukis: Institute of Computer Science, Heraklion, Crete) Specifying Office Tasks by Example (T. Mosser, P. di Felici, F. Lochovsky: University of Toronto, Canada) A System for the Automatic Reading of Printed Documents (C. Paoli, M.T. Pareschi, IBM Pisa Scientific Center, Italy) Panels: "Plan Based Design Methodologies" "Developments in User-Centered Design" Excursion, banquet, etcetera; participants' copy of proceedings. Conference FEE (including above) O Schilling 3000 (O Sch 3500 after 15 July) Hotel (Sommerhaus, Linz / night) O Schilling 370 (single, O Sch 560 double) Registration (and further detail): Professor R. Wagner, Institut fuer Informatik Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz Altenbergerstrasze 69 A-4040 Linz/Donau AUSTRIA E-mail: K331090 at AEARN.BITNET Phone: 43-732-2468791/24689308 ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************