IRList Digest Sunday, 28 February 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 9 Today's Topics: Query - Topics for IRList - IR collections on CDROM for IBM 4381 Reply - Distribution of inverted index routines - Inverted index routines Email - New address for Gautam Biswas Announcement - SIGIR sponsored mtg at Microsoft CDROM Conference - Program for ACM OIS Conference - Book on Effective Online Searching - ASIS NY Chapter: interesting program for meeting Abstracts - Interesting papers appearing in Online magazine COGSCI - Neighborhoods of Words in the Mental Lexicon News addresses are Internet or CSNET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 88 17:56:00 EST From: Ben Shneiderman Subject: topics Thanks for puttin gout the notice about the Software Psych meeting. I would like to suggest that you add two terms to the topics list: human-computer interaction user interface design OK? . . . [Note: Sounds like an obvious thing - thought I had those included - will add right away - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Jan 88 11:54:53 EST From: FC74SANF@MIAMIU.BITNET Subject: cd rom disk Dear Dr Fox: I am interested in the document collections that will be available (?) in cd rom environment. Question: how am I going to transfer them into the IBM 4381 environment? Thank you for your concern in this matter. Fazli Can, fc74sanf@miamiu.bitnet ps: I mailed the above message on the last day of 87, i've noticed that you did not receive it. [Note: Yes, I did not receive it. Perhaps it was sent as a BITNET file instead of mail message and was accidentally destroyed - mail seems more reliable. Anyhow, to reply: Yes, we are putting various IR Collections on Virginia Disk One, to be produced during the next month. Most people read CDROMs on PCs - we may use the new ISO standard file format so anyone able to handle that should be able to use our disc. I guess you could use an IBM PC as a file server for the 4381? Perhaps others know more about IBM 4381 environments - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 88 11:14:59 pst From: Rusty Sanders To: science@NEMS.ARPA Subject: Re: Programs to do inverted indices Cc: science@nems.ARPA (Mark Zimmermann): > > > Forwarded by (Ed Fox) > > I wrote up a bunch of programs in C about 6 months ago that run on Sun, > VAX, Macintosh, etc., which generate simple complete inverted indices to > every word in an ascii text file. > ..... > I think this utility sounds like it would be of use to many people. I believe you should post it to comp.sources.unix, so that it will receive a wide distribution across the net. It certianly would be at least as useful as most of the stuff posted there. I'd like you to send me a copy of it directly, if you're not going to post it. But I'm not sure I can come up with a good mail address for your mailer, not being very familiar with arpanet mailer tendencies. Normally I'd say just try to send an ack back to rgs@megatek.UUCP and see if it works. In any case, I strongly recommend that you post to comp.unix.sources. If you can't convince your mailer/news reader to accomidate you, possibly your friend Ed Fox can help you out again. ------------------------------ From: Eric Ole Barber Date: Fri, 22 Jan 88 12:45:58 GMT Subject:, Programs to do inverted indices Yes please send the routines to me. People seem to mail to me as mcvax!! from U.S. mailers which aren't picky. Have you thought of putting the routines in the sun-spots archive so that retrieval is automatic, if not random? Thanks, Eric Barber ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 88 00:10:14 CST From: Gautam Biswas Subject: Like to get on "irlist" Ed, Hi. This is to inform you that I have just moved to Vanderbilt Univ. My new address is: Computer Science Dept. Box 1688, Station B Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235. (615)-342-6204. csnet address: biswas@vanderbilt.csnet ... Gautam. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Feb 88 17:38:59 est From: fox (Ed Fox) To: fox Subject: Microsoft Conference and SIGIR Status: RO The 3rd International CDROM Conference will be held in Seattle on March 1-3, 1988. Conference information can be obtained by calling (206) 867-3341 or (206) 882-8080 x7213 or writing to Microsoft Corp., Sherrie Eastman, Dept. CDR1, Box 97017, Redmond WA 98073-9717 On Thursday, March 3 from 2pm-3:30pm there will be an ACM SIGIR sponsored session in room 428 of the Sheraton Hotel. Here are some of the things that will happen: 1) Either Daniel Ford or Stavros Christodoulakis of the Univ. of Waterloo will give a 20 minute talk about the performance and modeling of CDROM and WORM drives. 2) Mark Mandelbaum and Bernard Rous Maurer of ACM Headquaters will discuss ACM's goals and progress in the area of CDROM and electronic publishing, and invite participation. Jim Maurer, Executive Editor of Communications of the ACM will be there too, and he can talk about CACM too. 3) Matthew Koll will talk about information retrieval implications for CDROM production and access. 4) I will moderate the session, and invite people to become involved in ACM Press Books' new venture in Database Products. At 3:30, the room will be turned over to Karen Kaye's session on CD-ROM Retrieval Software Evaluation. So people may want to support that session of the new Full-Text SIG. I hope to see some of you there! Regards, Ed ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Jan 88 10:52:52 est From: Bob Allen Subject: Program for Office Information Systems Conference COIS88 - Conference on Office Information Systems March 23-25,1988 Hyatt Rickeys Hotel, Palo Alto, California Sponsored by: ACM SIGOIS and IEEECS TC-OA - In cooperation with: IFIP W.G. 8.4 SPEAKERS Keynote: Terry Winograd Banquet: Kristen Nygaard, at Tresidder Union, Stanford University SESSIONS Collaborative Work (Chair: Irene Greif) Task Modeling, Planning, and Coordination (Chair: Carl Hewitt) Organizational Impact (Chair: Rob Kling) Social Research: Methods and Principles (Chair: Tora Bikson) Multimedia (Chair: Donald Chamberlin) Hypertext and Information Retrieval (Chair: Walter Bender) Object-Oriented and Distributed Databases Object-Oriented Programming Systems PANELS Hypertext and Electronic Publishing (chair: Norm Meyrowitz) Distributed Artificial Intelligence (chair: Les Gasser) User Design of Interfaces (Chair: Austin Henderson) Object-Oriented PS/DBMSs (chair: Stan Zdonik) For more information contact: Najah Naffah, Bull, 1 Rue Ampere, BP 92 91301, Massy, France / 33-1-64479041 or Bob Allen, Bellcore, 2A-367, Morristown, NJ 07960 / (201)-829-4315 / ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 88 16:14:00 EST From: Nahum (N.) Goldmann Subject: BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective Online Searching for Scientists ONLINE RESEARCH AND RETRIEVAL WITH MICROCOMPUTERS, by Nahum Goldmann This book (TAB Professional and Reference Books, ISBN 0-8306-1947-X, tel. 1-800-233-1128) is the first on computerized information retrieval specifically addressed to the end-user. The book describes what kind of information is available online, how to search for it, and how to use it to your advantage. The book outlines the SUBJECT EXPERT SEARCHING TECHNIQUE - a new methodology for online information gathering. This efficient research method is especially tailored for the end-users of information who are working in rapidly developing scientific areas. It has been successfully used by several R&D organizations. With this technique, occasional users such as scientists and students can now master the use of online databases for themselves. Nahum Goldmann BNR (613)726-2329 ------------------------------ Date: Tue 26 Jan 88 17:30:38-EST From: Nancy Roderer Subject: ASIS NY Chapter - Program for Meeting METROPOLITAN NEW YORK CHAPTER AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE MEETING NOTICE DATE: Monday, February 29, 1988 SPEAKERS: Gerard Salton, Professor, Cornell University Department of Computer Science Michael McGill, Vice President, Research and Technical Planning, OCLC, Inc. TOPIC: COULD RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS BE BETTER? Academic researchers in the field of information retrieval have developed sophisticated techniques that could significantly improve the performance of bibliographic retrieval systems. These techniques, however, are rarely incorporated in operational systems. Our distinguished speakers will address this apparent dilemma from their respective points of view -- Professor Salton as an academic researcher and Dr. McGill based on his involvement with an operational system. Each speaker will give a short presentation of their point of view and then they will talk together about the potential for increased cooperation between researchers and developers. PLACE: CUNY Graduate Center, Room 1800 33 W. 42nd Street, New York, NY TIME: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Social hour with refreshments 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Program PRICE: $10.00 per person if paid in advance; $12.00 at the door. Telephone reservations are not accepted. Students may attend without charge if they send in a reservation in advance. SEND RESERVATION AND PAYMENT Mickie Watterson, Treasurer BY FEBRUARY 20 TO: P.O. Box 974 New York, NY 10113 (212) 807-0068 ______________________________________________________________________ Please reserve ____ place(s) @ $10.00 each for the February 29, 1988 meeting. A check for $_______ payable to ASIS/MNY Chapter is enclosed. Name______________________________ Business Phone_________________ Affiliation_________________________________ Member of _____ ASIS _____ SLA _____ ACM. Please check all that apply. ____ I am a student and wish to attend free of charge. University ______________________________ ------------------------------ From: cbosgd!mhuxd!dthk@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: papers of interest Date: Wed, 27-Jan-88 13:45:20 EST Hi, Ed: . . . I have recently published 2 papers in Online magazine that might be of interest to readers of IRList. They are: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Information Professionals-- Basic AI Terminology. D. T. Hawkins Online 11(5): 91-8 (September 1987) This defines terms and is a very brief tutorial on AI, ES, and some systems (e.g. MYCIN). It mentions IRList and your name as editor! Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Online Searching. D. T. Hawkins Online 12(1): 31-43 (January 1988) Discusses how AI could help online searchers. Includes a reading list of appropriate works in the field. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has comments on these papers. Don Hawkins AT&T Network Systems Room 4L-338 Holmdel, NJ 07733 (201)-949-3219 ...ihnp4!mhuxd!dthk ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1988 13:07 EST From: Peter de Jong Subject: Cognitive Science Calendar [Extract - Ed] Date: Thursday, 21 January 1988 10:16-EST Re: MIT Brain and Cognitive Sciences Seminar Thursday, 28 January 12:00pm Room: E25-401 Neighborhoods of Words in the Mental Lexicon Dr. Paul A. Luce Indiana University Speech Research Laboratory Department of Psychology Bloomington, Indiana [Note: sounds intesting - can anyone report on this? - Ed] ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************