IRList Digest Friday, 7 November 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 57 Today's Topics: Email - Fire and repair Query - References on effect of hemispheres on speech and emotional behavior Query - Publishing List of Active Research in Knowledge and Database Systems Discussion - Publishing List of Active Research (above) and AIList - Publishing List of Active Research (above) and TRList Call for Papers - INFORMATION IN THE 1990'S: IMAGE, NUMERIC, SOUND, TEXT - 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages Report - Int'l Workshop on User Modelling News addresses are ARPANET: BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet CSNET: fox@vt UUCPNET: seismo!vtisr1!irlistrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Oct 86 13:11:20 est From: vtopus!fox (Ed Fox) Subject: fire in steam tunnels On 25 Oct. we had a fire in the steam tunnels, destroying some of our network on campus. The only effect relevant to IRList was with address for ARPANET users and fox@vtcs1 for BITNET users. These should be fixed shortly. Regards, Ed [Note as of 11/7: everything is working again, but if any of you sent messages to one of the addresses above for a few days after, please send again. Sorry, Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Oct 86 21:16 EDT From: Subject: INFORMATION To: FOXEA@VTVAX3 ... Second, I would appreciate it if you would send me anything that you can about speech analysis and cognitive psychology. I am doing a paper on the left and right hemispheres and their affect on speech and emotional behavior. Any other information dealing with these topics would also be on great help. Thanks again, and I will be awaiting your reply. [Note: I don't know much about this area, and hope that readers will reply directly to you or else back to me for posting. - Ed] CYNTHIA MARTIN ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 02:06:03 est From: LAWS@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA [Actually, from Dr. J. Deken, forwarded by K.Laws] To: Subject: List of Active Research in Knowledge and Database Systems Ken, I have an online list of the current awards in the Knowledge and Database Systems Program at NSF, including a short abstract (150 words) of each project. I would be happy to have this available for people. The total file is about 85000 characters. Is it too long for AIlist? If I send it to you, can you post a message and archive it somewhere for FTP? Other possibilities? Let me know what you think. Our Division has been renamed: Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems (IRIS). It includes four programs: Knowledge and Database Systems Robotics and Machine Intelligence Interactive Systems Information Impact I also have a list of awards/abstracts for the Robotics and Machine Intelligence Program (Y.T. Chien, Director) which I think he would be amenable to circulating. Best regards, Joseph Deken, Director Knowledge and Database Systems Program, Rm 336 National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. 20550 ------------------------------ Date: Thu 30 Oct 86 09:42:56-PST From: Ken Laws Subject: Re: List of Active Research in Knowledge and Database Systems To: ICS.DEKEN@R20.UTEXAS.EDU I would have to break the file into at least four digests, which isn't outrageous but is probably a bit much to broadcast. I'll forward your message to Ed Fox (Fox%VPI.CSNet@CSNet-Relay). His information-retrieval list is more likely to be interested in the abstracts. In fact, I believe his list has already published the titles of the award projects. If he does want the material, AIList could publish a notice directing interested parties to you and to that source. If he doesn't, I could store and forward the material as you suggest -- without making it part of that AIList archive. I hesitate to accept the distribution responsibility, though, since this comes out of SRI's pocket. (Perhaps someday NSF will fund interchange media such as AIList, although there are good reasons why I haven't asked for funding.) -- Ken Laws [Note: I will be happy to publish this over IRList. I believe we will receive Macintosh files to be run through a LaserWriter here that I will include in the next issue of ACM SIGIR Forum as well. Thanks, Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Nov 86 02:24:00 est From: E1AR0002%SMUVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Subject: response I would be happy to distribute the lists of materials mentioned in the previous communications of ICS.Deken@R20.UTexas.EDU through TRLIST. They are not technically tech reports, but since there are abstracts the same sort of people interested in keeping track of the tech report literature should find it useful. [Note: I think it would be fine to have them in either or both of IRList and TRList. I look forward to getting the files at as well as on Macintosh diskettes from J. Deken. - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 13:16:38 pst From: Michael Shepherd Subject: trying again Ed: The following mail was just returned to me, so I am trying again. I also am in the process of putting together a short report of ongoing ir work here in Nova Scotia. This will follow shortly. regards, mike ... CALL FOR PAPERS The 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science will convene at The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, May 6-8, 1987. The theme of the conference will be: INFORMATION IN THE 1990'S: IMAGE, NUMERIC, SOUND, TEXT Previously unpublished contributions are solicited dealing with the generation, processing, and dissemination of information and related technologies, including but not limited to the following areas: geology computer vision geography music art videotext meteorology numeric databases speech recognition full text databases cybernetics artificial intelligence expert systems logic-based systems Three copies of a 500-1000 word abstract with the author's full name, affiliation, address and telephone should be submitted to: Dr. Michael A. Shepherd, Director Computing Science Division Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H 3J5 The abstracts may also be submitted via e-mail to: shepherd@cs.dal.cdn shepherd@dalcs.uucp Selected papers will be published in the Canadian Journal of Information Science. For details regarding the Conference, contact: Dr. Michael Nelson, School of Libary and Information Science, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 1H1. Telephone: (519)661-3542. IMPORTANT DATES: November 1, 1986 Abstract Due November 15, 1986 Notification to Authors January 15, 1987 Papers Due ================== thanks mike shepherd ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Oct 86 03:08:38 edt From: nl-kr-request@ROCHESTER.ARPA Subject: NL-KR Digest Volume 1 No. 16 [Extract - Ed] Date: Tue 14 Oct 86 17:26:14 From: Roland Hjerppe Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Computer Society 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages August 19 - 21, 1987, Linkoping, Sweden Papers are invited on theory, methodology, and applications of visual languages, including both languages that have a heavy visual component and languages designed for operating on visual objects. Areas related to visual languages, such as Man-Machine Interface, Office Automation, Computer Aided Design, Computer Hardware, and Knowledge Based Systems are also of interest if the visual language aspect is in focus. Topics include, but are not limited to: Visual Data Structures Formal, Cognitive and Semantic Models for Visual Languages Shape Grammars Visual Programming Visual Support for Software Production Visualization of Programs and their Behavior User Interfaces Using Visual Objects Representation and Acquisition of Visual Knowledge Icon and Iconic System Design Animation Research Multimedia Systems Important Dates Submission Deadline February 20, 1987 Acceptance Notification April 20, 1987 Final Copy Due May 20, 1987 Conference August 19-21, 1987 Three copies of each paper - maximum length 5 000 words - should be submitted to: Erland Jungert FFV Elektronik AB Agatan 122 S-582 22 Linkoping Sweden Conference Chairman: Prof. Robert Korfhage, Dept. of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Program Chairman: Erland Jungert, FFV Elektronik AB Organizers: Roland Hjerppe, Christian Krysander, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Linkoping, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden For details, contact the the Organizers at: UUCP:RHJ@LIUIDA ARPA: RHJ%LIUIDA.UUCP@SEISMO ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Oct 86 03:08:38 edt From: nl-kr-request@ROCHESTER.ARPA Subject: NL-KR Digest Volume 1 No. 16 [Extract - Ed] Date: Wed, 15 Oct 86 14:43:56 From: "Alfred Kobsa" Subject: Report on UM86, International Workshop on User Modelling Report on UM86: International Workshop on User Modelling 30-31 Aug. 1986, Maria Laach, West Germany Organizers: Alfred Kobsa and Wolfgang Wahlster SFB 314: AI - Knowledge-Based Systems, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Saarbruecken, D-6600 Saarbruecken 11, W. GERMANY A two-day international workshop on user modelling in dialog systems has been held in Maria Laach, West Germany. The organization of the workshop was made possible by a grant of the German Science Foundation (DFG) in its Special Collaborative Program on AI and Knowledge-Based Systems (SFB 314). The aim of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for researchers in this field to present their work and ideas, and to discuss topical problems and proposals with colleagues. 24 invited researchers from the U.S.A. (12), West Germany (7), Canada, England, Italy, The Netherlands and Switzerland participated in the workshop. The pleasant setting of the conference site close to the medieval abbey of Maria Laach and the volcanic Lake Laach fostered a nice atmoshphere for intensive discussions and the exchange of ideas. The following talks were given: Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware: Dynamic Construction and Application of User Models Jaime Carbonell and Jill Fain, Carnegie-Mellon University: The Role and Nature of User Models in Task-Oriented Dialogs David Chin, Univ. of California at Berkeley: KNOME: Modeling What the User Knows in UC Robin Cohen, University of Waterloo: Towards User Specific Explanations From Expert Systems (short talk) Marco Colombetti, Gabriella Airenti and Bruno Bara, Milan Polytechnic: Modelling the Relationship between User and System in Man-Machine Dialogue Tim Finin, University of Pennsylvania: A General User Modelling System (Talk given by Ethel Schuster) Bradley A. Goodman, BBN Laboratories Inc.: Miscommunication and Plan Recognition Anthony Jameson, Univ. of Nijmegen: A Model of Impression Monitoring and Image Maintenance Aravind K. Joshi, University of Pennsylvania: The Role of User Models in Constraining Inferences (short talk) Alfred Kobsa, University of Saarbru"cken: A Taxonomy of Beliefs and Goals for User Models in Dialog Systems William C. Mann, Information Science Institute: The User Model: Varieties of Content for Text Generation (short talk) Kathleen F. McCoy, University of Delaware: Reasoning on a User Model to Respond to Misconceptions Katharina Morik, Technical University of Berlin: Modeling the User's Wants Cecile L. Paris, Columbia University: Tailoring Object Descriptions to the User's Level of Expertise Alexander E. Quilici, University of California at Los Angeles: User Modeling in AQUA (short talk) Elaine Rich, MCC: User Modelling in a Natural Language Dialogue System (short talk) Ethel Schuster, University of Pennsylvania: Establishing the Relationship between Discourse Models and User Models (short talk) Karen Sparck Jones, University of Cambridge: Realism about User Modelling Wolfgang Wahlster, University of Saarbruecken: Some Terminological Remarks on User Modeling Selected papers of the workshop will appear as a book in the Springer series 'Symbolic Computation' and in the Computational Linguistics journal. Abstracts of all talks presented at the workshop are available from the organizers upon request, and extended abstracts of the regular talks directly from the authors. ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************