Date: Mon, 9 Jun 86 09:01:52 edt From: vtisr1!irlistrq To: fox Subject: IRList Digest V2 #27 Status: R IRList Digest Monday, 9 June 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 27 Today's Topics: Query - Library Automation Software? Announcement - MS Defense on IR Comparisons Call for Papers - Eastern States Conf. on Linguistics CSLI - Lexical Representation, Ordinals and Mathematical Structure Announcement - 3rd IEEE Symp. on Logic Programming ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 09:16:59 EDT From: SAROFF@UMass.bitnet (MANAGER OF THE KILLER DIGEST) Subject: A question about library software...... Hi, The University of Massachusetts Science Fiction Society has a library with over 3000 books in it. We are currently using a paper-and-3x5-card system to handle the books. A number of people, myself included, have decided to investigate the possibility of computerizing the library, card catalogue, and membership roster. What sort of software is available to do this. The requirements for the software follow: 1) It must be able to interface with a bar-code reader or some other similar system (Minimizes Human Error In check-ins/check-outs). 2) It must prevent a person with books or fines outstanding from checking out books. 3) It must be able to maintain an up to date membership roster. 4) It must be able to function as a card catalogue. 5) It must distinguish between hard and soft bound books. 6) It must be able to handle "doubles". (Books that have two novels, generally by two different authors, that are bound together.) 7) Must be reasonably "idiot proof" to use. 8) The budgetary constraints limit us to: A micro-computer, a bar code reader, and a hard disc. U.M.S.F.S. does not currently have a micro, so any software source is fine we will select the system based on the library software. Matthew Saroff BITNET:SAROFF@UMASS ARPANET:SAROFF%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU [Note: I am not really current on latest automation software. I know that the Virginia Tech library uses VTLS, and it handles most of your requirements (I am not sure about 2,5), but uses HP mini for our million record file. I am sure other readers can give you more info. or you could go to upcoming Library conference to see for yourself. By the way, there are other IRList subscribers at Umass such as Roger Thompson who you might talk with. Let us know what your select! Good luck - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 86 14:37:14 edt From: vtcs1::fox Subject: MS Project Defense Monday 6/9 at 3pm Sharat Sharan will defend his report "Information Retrieval Comparisons" on Monday June 6 at 3pm. This report deals with experimentatl studies of extended Boolean query notations and with an investigation of retrieval approaches to handle a fair subset of the VTLS data from our library. All are invited to attend and to learn about the SMART retrieval system. Regards, Edward A. Fox ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jun 86 00:48:20 edt From: JAMIE@SU-CSLI.ARPA Subject: [Carl Pollard : ESCOL 86] Date: Tue 27 May 86 13:15:20-PDT From: Carl Pollard Subject: ESCOL 86 ESCOL 86, Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, will be jointly sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie-Mellon University. Dates: October 10-12, 1986 Invited Speakers: Charles Fillmore (Berkeley) Lily Wong Fillmore (Berkeley) Martin Kay (Xerox PARC) George Miller (Princeton) Added Attraction: Demonstrations of NLP Software Theme of the conference is "Linguistics at work": we invite papers on computational linguistics or language teaching, as well as on any topic of general linguistic interest. Send a 1 page anonymous abstract, with separate return address, by US Mail to ESCOL 86 Department of Linguistics University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 or by netmail to Abstract should arrive in Pittsburgh by June 13. Submitted papers will be scheduled for 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for discussion. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 06:53:26 edt From: JAMIE@SU-CSLI.ARPA Subject: Calendar, June 5, No. 19 [Extract - Ed] CSLI ACTIVITIES FOR THIS THURSDAY, June 5, 1986 THIS WEEK'S COLLOQUIUM AFT, Past and Prospects Julius Moravcsik (Julius@csli) AFT was introduced as a theory of lexical representation with the following distinguishing features: a) Meanings determine extension only partially, b) Meaning structures are composed of (at most) four components c) by talking about the four meaning components we can give the theory of lexical representation more empirical explanatory power. This year's work expanded the theory considerably, showing how it ties in with direct reference theory, with semantic predicate structure analysis, and with accounts of linguistic competence. In the talk examples will be given, showing how AFT analysis yields an interesting account of verb-semantics and predicate argument structure, and what additional factors are needed in order to specify fully reference. CSLI ACTIVITIES FOR NEXT THURSDAY, June 12, 1986 NEXT WEEK'S SEMINAR Ordinals and Mathematical Structure Chris Menzel (Menzel@csli) This talk will have two components, one semantical and the other philosophical. I will begin with an account of the semantics of ordinals in English as they occur in NPs like `The third man on the moon' and `Seventeen of the first one hundred tickets'. The account will be developed within the framework of generalized quantifiers, augmented by work of Godehard Link on plurals. I will then move to the philosophical problem that started me thinking about these semantical issues in the first place, viz., the nature of number. An influential movement in the philosophy of mathematics known as ``structuralism'' claims that mathematics is the study of abstract structure per se, and not of a realm of peculiarly mathematical objects like ordinal numbers at all. Indeed, structuralists argue, any attempt to find such objects is necessarily wrong-headed. For to identify any particular objects as (say) THE ordinal numbers is in effect just to pick out an INSTANCE of the structure which is the proper subject matter of arithmetic (viz., the structure exemplified by all omega-sequences), and not the structure itself. I think structuralism is half right. Much of mathematics is in fact the study of abstract structure, but I will argue that when we get clear about what this comes to, there are natural accounts to be given of several types of mathematical objects. In particular, I will revive an old neglected doctrine of Russell's that the ordinal numbers are (roughly) abstract relations between objects and structured situations of a certain kind. I'll then point out why this doesn't run afoul of the structuralist argument above. I'll close by showing that this view of the ordinals is implicit in the semantics given in the first part of the talk. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 86 00:49:45 edt From: keller@UTAH-CS.ARPA Subject: SLP '86 Program [Extract - this has been brutally cut - Ed] SCHEDULE SLP '86 Third IEEE Symposium on LOGIC PROGRAMMING September 21-25, 1986; Westin Hotel Utah; Salt Lake City, Utah Conference Chairperson Gary Lindstrom, University of Utah Program Chairperson Local Arrangements Chairperson Robert M. Keller, University of Utah Thomas C. Henderson, University of Utah Tutorials Chairperson Exhibits Chairperson George Luger, University of New Mexico Ross Overbeek, Argonne National Lab. Program Committee: Francois Bancilhon, MCC William Kornfeld, Quintus Systems John Conery, University of Oregon Gary Lindstrom, University of Utah Al Despain, U.C. Berkeley George Luger, University of New Mexico Herve Gallaire, ECRC, Munich Rikio Onai, ICOT/NTT, Tokyo Seif Haridi, SICS, Stockholm Ross Overbeek, Argonne National Lab. Lynette Hirschman, SDC Mark Stickel, SRI International Peter Kogge, IBM, Owego Sten Ake Tarnlund, Uppsala University SUNDAY, September 21 19:00 - 22:00 Symposium and tutorial registration MONDAY, September 22 08:00 - 09:00 Symposium and tutorial registration 09:00 - 17:30 TUTORIALS (concurrent) George Luger Introduction to AI Programming in Prolog University of New Mexico David Scott Warren Building Prolog Interpreters SUNY, Stony Brook Neil Ostlund Theory of Parallelism, with Applications to Romas Aleliunas Logic Programming University of Waterloo 12:00 - 17:30 Exhibit set up time 18:00 - 22:00 Symposium registration 20:00 - 22:00 Reception TUESDAY, September 23 08:00 - 12:30 Symposium registration 09:00 Exhibits open 09:00 - 09:30 Welcome and announcements 09:30 - 10:30 INVITED SPEAKER: W. W. Bledsoe Some Thoughts on Proof Discovery 11:00 - 12:30 SESSION 1: Applications The Logic of Tensed Statements in English - an Application of Logic Programming Incremental Flavor-Mixing of Meta-Interpreters for Expert System Construction The Phoning Philosopher's Problem or Logic Programming for Telecommunications Applications 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 2: Secondary Storage EDUCE - A Marriage of Convenience: Prolog and a Relational DBMS Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage 16:00 - 17:30 SESSION 3: Compilation Compiling Control Automatic Mode Inference for Prolog Programs IDEAL: an Ideal DEductive Applicative Language 17:30 - 19:30 Reception 20:30 - 22:30 Panel (Wm. Kornfeld, moderator) Logic Programming for Systems Programming WEDNESDAY, September 24 09:00 - 10:00 INVITED SPEAKER: Sten Ake Tarnlund Logic Programming - A Logical View 10:30 - 12:00 SESSION 4: Theory A Theory of Modules for Logic Programming Building-In Classical Equality into Prolog Negation as Failure Using Tight Derivations for General Logic Programs 13:30 - 15:00 SESSION 5: Control Characterisation of Terminating Logic Programs An Execution Model for Committed-Choice Non-Deterministic Languages Timestamped Term Representation in Implementing Prolog 15:30 - 22:00 Excursion THURSDAY, September 25 09:00 - 10:30 SESSION 6: Unification Refutation Methods for Horn Clauses with Equality Based on E-Unification An Algorithm for Unification in Equational Theories An Implementation of Narrowing: the RITE Way 11:00 - 12:30 SESSION 7: Parallelism Selecting the Backtrack Literal in the AND Process of the AND/OR Process Model Distributed Semi-Intelligent Backtracking for a Stack-based AND-parallel Prolog The Sync Model for Parallel Execution of Logic Programming 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION 8: Performance Redundancy in Function-Free Recursive Rules Performance Evaluation of a Storage Model for OR-Parallel Execution MALI: A Memory with a Real-Time Garbage Collector for Implementing Logic Programming Languages 16:00 - 17:30 SESSION 9: Warren Abstract Machine A High Performance LOW RISC Machine for Logic Programming Register Allocation in a Prolog Machine Garbage Cut for Garbage Collection of Iterative Programs EXHIBITS: An exhibit area including displays by publishers, equipment manufacturers, and software houses will accompany the Symposium. The list of exhibitors includes: Arity, Addison-Wesley, Elsevier, Expert Systems, Logicware, Overbeek Enterprises, Prolog Systems, Quintus, and Symbolics. For more information, please contact: Dr. Ross A. Overbeek Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439 312/972-7856 [Note: Additional information can be obtained by writing to address below - Ed.] Third IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming IEEE Computer Society 1730 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-1903 ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************