Form 15 (3/31/86) NSF PROJECT IST-850 5411 EXPERIMENTS ON THE COGNITIVE ASPECTS OF INFORMATION SEEKING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVING USER QUESTIONS FOR ONLINE SEARCHES QUESTION NUMBER: 015 A1. BRIEF TITLE: Retrolental Fibroplasia A2. QUESTION STATEMENT: Retrolental fibroplasia is a disease of the eye which began appearing in premature babies in the mid. to late 1940's. Because of excessive oxygen in the incubators, these babies were permanently blinded. The cause of this disease was isolated in the early 1950's. I am interested in the occurrences, causes, treatment, and prevention of Retrolental Fibroplasia from 1945 to 1985. TYPE OF SEARCH REQUESTED B. A precise or a broad search: Broad C. Research application: General D. Retrieve articles in English only or any language: English E. Years to be searched: 1945-1985 F. DIALOG databases suggested: Š