Y036090 1 7776144 860500144 Watchlist; critical issues for managers January-June 1986 EDITION: 4p.A4 Business Europe, a weekly report to managers of European operations, Geneva , (26), nr. 2, Jan. 13, 1985, watchlist section, p. 1)., CATALOG NO.: BDZ-2-1986.01.13 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Overview of critical external issues demanding managers' attention in the next six months (jan/june ' 86). Watchlist of likely and possible developments in 16 Western European countries, Europe in general and in the EEC. Discussed are a.o.: composition of government, growth, industrial policy, incentives, taxes, exchange controls, labour costs, industrial relations, environment, currency, trade. Desc.: *Investment climate; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 304 (4-15) Y036090 2 7774380 860400380 Europese staalindustrie voegt zich naar krimpende markt Schoenmakers, J.T EDITION: 3p.A4 Financieel-economisch magazine, FEM, Amsterdam, nr. 38, dec. 28, 1985, p. 44)., Ill. Tabs CATALOG NO.: FEA-38-1985.12.28 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular De Europese staalindustrie herstelt zich van een diepe crisis die tien jaar heeft geduurd. De aanbodzijde is nu ingrijpend gesaneerd maar de vraag naar staal daalt nog steeds. In oktober 1985 hebben de Europese ministers van Economische Zaken een akkoord bereikt over het staalbeleid voor de komende drie jaar. Dit beleid betekent een kleine stap in de richting van een vrije staalmarkt. De kansen liggen vooral op het gebied van hoogwaardige staalprodukten. Desc.: *Steel; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 669.14 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 3 7774301 860400301 Investment in trade; the Japanese general traders in Western Europe Burton, F.N.; Saelens, F.H EDITION: 24p.A5 Gestion 2000, Louvain-la-Neuve, (3), nr. 3, 1985, p. 49)., Figs. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: ASE-3-1985. R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education In Western Europe the Japanese general traders (sogo-shosha) have built up an extensive network of sales subsidiaries ao establishments. It is not expected that the number of subsidiaries will increase to any great extent. Not only in Europe, but also worldwide, it appears that the traders' period of rapid expansion has come to an end and, conversely, that a period of consolidation has set in. Outline of the basic characteristics of general traders and their associated industrial groupings, of foreign direct investment (overview of Japan' s largest foreign direct investors), and of direct investment in Western Europe classified into regional management offices, trading subsidiaries, and sales -, service - an d manufacturing companies. Description of owner characteristics. Statistics, 1982. (Resume francais). Desc.: *General trading firms; *Joint ventures; *Subsidiaries; *Foreign investments of a country; *Japan; Western Europe; Ownership UDC NO.: 658.114.513.25 658.114.513.241 339.727.24 (520) Y036090 4 7768024 860100024 Corporation and change; Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry Katzenstein, P.J USA, Ithaca, Cornell univ. press, 1984. , 331p.A5 Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-8014-1716-3 CATALOG NO.: 3-9081 SERIES: (Cornell studies in political economy). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education On the basis of the argument that political stability and economic flexibility are not contradictory but mutually contingent, the small economies of Austria and Switzerland are investigated and compared, two states where economic openness and vulnerability have made possible corporatist arrangements, which shape the politics and policy of industrial adjustment. Description of Austria' s social democracy, Switzerland' s liberal capitalism, and both countries' democratic corporatism. Investigation of the politics of change in the textile industry, and in the steel and watch industries. Statistics, 1970 and 1980. Desc.: *Mixed economy; *Welfare state; *Politics; *Trade unions*Austria; *Switzerland ; Industrial policy; Textiles; Steel; Watches; Clocks UDC NO.: 330.342.146 32 331.881 (436) (494) Y036090 5 7766197 852400197 India; industrial export project-engineering products Publ. by World bank; Western Africa project department; Water supply divisio USA, Washington, 1985., 80p.A4 Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: WOBAZ-382-1985 Not to be lent Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Govt. Publication GRADE LEVEL: Popular The industrial export sector in India is overviewed. The proposed project consists of 2 loans, as follows: a 90 million US dollar International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan to the Government of India (GOI) to finance foreign exchange costs of several credits, a Productivity Fund and an Export Marketing Fund. A second IBRD loan of 160 million US dollar to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) to finance the foreign exchange portion of subloans, for export-oriented subprojects, with 100 million dollar earmarked especially for engineering subprojects. Statistics, 1970-1984. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Projects; *World Bank group; *India ; Export UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 69.05+351.712.2 339.732.2WB (540) Y036090 6 7764343 852300343 Western Europe EDITION: 46p.A4 Quarterly energy review; Western Europe, London, nr. 3, 1985, p. 1)., Tabs CATALOG NO.: QER-3-1985.Western-Europe R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Covered are energy developments and policies in Western European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Production, consumption, foreign trade in the sectors oil, coal, natural gas, electricity and power. Statistics, 1973/2000. Desc.: *Energy; *Oil; *Western Europe; Energy policy; Coal; Electricity; Electric power; Natural gas; Petrochemical industry UDC NO.: 620.9 665.61 (4-15) Y036090 7 7762185 852200185 Japan: Partner und Konkurrent Laumer, H.; Ochel, W.; Ernst, A EDITION: 71p.A4 IFO Schnelldienst, Munchen , (38), nr. 26/27, Sept. 26, 1985, p. 1)., Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: IFD-26/27-1985.09.26 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Acht Beitrage uber Japan. H. Laumer: Hohe Defizite im Japanhandel der EG. H. Laumer und W. Ochel: Industrielle Strukturanpassung: das japanische Modell. A. Ernst: Das japanische Beschaftigungssystem; Auswirkungen auf die internationale Wettbewerbsfahigkeit. M. Eli: Wirtschaftliche Verbundgruppen und Universalhandelshauser in Japan. L. Scholz: Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik in Japan und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. M. Kuchle: Deutsch-japanische industrielle Kooperation. R. Ziegler: Die Deutsche Leistungsschau Tokio 1984 im Urteil der Aussteller. Statistiken, 1965-85. Desc.: *Foreign trade; *International cooperation; *Industrial policy; *Science policy; *Research policy; *Japan; Labour market; Employment; General trading firms; Conglomerates; Western Europe; Germany FR UDC NO.: 339.5 339.92 338.45: 338.22 001.891: 338.22 (520) Y036090 8 7762164 852200164 Gevecht om wereldmarkt Wolff, L.J. de EDITION: 5p.A4 Financieel-economisch magazine, FEM, Amsterdam, nr. 30, sept. 7, 1985, p. 19)., Ill. Portrs CATALOG NO.: FEA-30-1985.09.07 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Er is geen economische oorlog tussen Amerika, Japan en Europa, maar tussen bedrijven en groepen van bedrijven om de wereldmarkt, volgens Keniche Ohmae op het managements-symposium te Sankt Gallen. " Insiderization" is volgens Ohmae het antwoord van multinationale ondernemingen op het neo-protectionisme. Alternatieven zijn joint ventures en consortiums, volgens Ohmae. Volgens Junne is een typisch Europees probleem dat de belangrijkste bedrijven in de EG-landen ongeveer even groot zijn met als gevolg dat bundeling van kracht uitdraait op een ingewikkeld sociaal, economisch en juridisch proces. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Monopolistic competition; *Multinationals; *OECD countries; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.5.013.1 658.114.513.24 (100.3) (4-15) Y036090 9 7762142 852200142 Erfolg und Misserfolg sektoraler Strukturpolitik; Bericht ueber den wissenschaftlichen Teil der 47. Mitgliedervesammlung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinst- itute e.V. in Bonn am 10. und 11. Mai 1984 Germany FR, Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 1985., 312p.A5 Graphs.Ref. Tab ISBN: 3-428-05791-0 CATALOG NO.: BEKP-31-1985 SERIES: (Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik, Heft 31). Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Dreizehn Referate versuchen die sektorale Strukturpolitik zu begrunden im Rahmen dreier Abschnitte. 1. Ziele, Probleme, und Evaluierung staatlicher Strukturpolitik (ua Kumulations- und Kompensationseffekte staatlicher Strukturpolitik; Moglichkeiten zur Konkretisierung von Subventionszielen als Grundlage fur eine Erfolgskontrolle). 2. Eingriffe, dargestellt an Beispielen (ua Mittelstandspolitik und ihre sektorale Auswirkung am Beispiel der Existenzgrundungen; Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik und Wirtschaftsstruktur; Strukturwandel im Weltschiffbau-Auswirkungen auf die westeuropaische Schiffbauindustrie, dargestellt an den Beispielen BRD, Japan und Schweden). Im 3. Teil ua Leitlinien fur eine politik r positiven Strukturanpassung, und die Rolle der Wirtschaftspolitik im Strukturwandel der BRD. Desc.: *Economic policy; *Economic structure; *Subsidies and guarantees; *Germany FR; *Western Europe ; Small business policy; Foundation of a company; Science policy; Research policy; Shipbuildin; World; International UDC NO.: 338.22 338.4 338.246.062.2 (430.1) (4-15) Y036090 10 7756132 851900132 CITIC: Pacesetting corporation; can this unique group of former industrialists sustain its recent success? Engle, T EDITION: 6p.A4 China business review, Washington, (12), nr. 4, July / Aug., 1985, p. 6)., Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: UCH-4-1985.07/08 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Founded in 1979, the China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) has become one of the principal vehicles for re-enlisting the skills of these former industrialists, bringing them back into the economic mainstream. CITIC' s joint ventures with foreign companies. CITIC invested abroad and at home. An interview with Rong Yiren, chairman of the Board of Directors of the CITIC. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Information for industry; *Advice; *China PR UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 659.235 (510) Y036090 11 7754437 851800437 Wirkungen von Subventionen und Quoten-das Beispiel der EG-Stahlindustrie Herdmann, U.; Weis, F.D EDITION: 13p.A4 Weltwirtschaft, Tubingen , nr. 1, 1985, p. 101)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: WYW-1-1985 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Die gegenwartige Situation auf dem Weltstahlmarkt ist vor allem gekenzeichnet durch die anhaltende Nachfrageschwache in den klassischen stahlverbrauchenden Landern, das steigende Angebot der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklungslander, aber auch der Staatshandler, den anhaltenden Preisdruck und ubersehbare politische Anstrengungen, Investitionen, Produktion und Handel im Stahlsektor zu lenken. Untersucht werden die Auswirkungen von Subventionen und Quoten bei der Stahlindustrie in der Europaischen Gemeinschaft. Subventionen fur die EG-Stahlindustrie 1980-1985. Kapazitatsauslastung in der EG-Stahlindustrie 1970-1983. Schaubilder. Statistiken, 1970-1985. Desc.: *Steel; *Industrial policy; *Subsidies and guarantees; *EEC; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 669.14 338.45: 338.22 338.246.062.2 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 12 7754097 851800097 Economic trends 1985/86; world economic expansion only moderate EDITION: 6p.A4 Economic bulletin DIW, Farnborough, (22), nr. 6, Aug., 1985, p. 1)., Tabs CATALOG NO.: EMC-6-1985.08 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular A closer look at the situation in the United States shows that demand and output trends there are increasingly diverging. The current deficit is steadily increasing, which did, however, not entail a loss of confidence, because of the big capital inflow to the United States, which caused a high dollar exchange rate and weakened American competitiveness. Other countries have benefited of the growth in demand in the USA. through exports. Economic policies in Western Europe continued to be too restrictive: none of the Western European countries pursuing a policy which will cause the economy grow daster. Trend of gross national products in western industrial countries. Trends in GNP components. Trends in gross i comes, unit profits and wage costs per unit of output. Savings and investment in selected countries. Statistics, 1984-1986. Desc.: *Economic development; *USA; *Western Europe; *Japan; OECD countries UDC NO.: 338.1 (73) (4-15) (520) Y036090 13 7752307 851700307 Activity of the conference 31st annual report-1984; resolution of the Co. of ministers of transport and reports approved in 1984 Publ. by European conference of ministers of transport, ECMT France, Paris, 1984. , y. 327p.A4 Graphs.Tabs ISBN: 92-821-1097-4 CATALOG NO.: ECMA-1984 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Annual Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Outline of the structure and proceedings of the Conference. Activities of the ECMT: general transport policy, activitiesin particular fields, economic research and documentation, external relations. Trends in the transport sector, 1970-83. General questions. Raod traffic rules and signs and signals adopted by the ministers. Reports approved by the Co. of ministers. Statistics, 1960-1982. Desc.: *Transport; *Transport policy; *Shipping conferences; *Transport conferences; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 656 656: 338.22 656.078.1 (4-15) Y036090 14 7750107 851600107 Economic survey of Europe in 1984-85 Publ. by United Nations; Economic commission for Europe USA, New York, 1985., y. 262p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: UNEC-1985 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Annual Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development, short-term prospects and analysis of current policies in Western Europe and North America. Output and demand. Costs and prices. Productivity. Labour market developments. Developments in Southern Europe, esp. Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe and the USSR. Growth of national output. Foreign relations. Resources for domestic use. Agriculture. Industry. Investment. Consumer incomes and supplies. Labour productivity. International trade and payments. East-West trade. Statistics, 1970/1983. Desc.: *Economic development; *Economic policy; *Europe; *Canada ; *USA; World trade; Labour market; Employment UDC NO.: 338.1 338.22 (4) (71) (73) Y036090 15 7748379 851500379 Crisis and adjustment in European steel; beyond laisser-faire Tsoukalis, L.; Strauss, R EDITION: 22p.A5 Journal of common market studies, Oxford, (23), nr. 3, March, 1985, p. 207)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: JCT-3-1985.03 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education So far steel is the only industrial sector in which the European Commission and the Community in general have developed a coherent policy. An evaluation is made of the Community' s role in the management of the crisis and the restructuring of European steel. The objective of EC policy has been to arrest the decline in prices and the consequent financial losses incurred by steel producers, while at the same time preserving a certain degree of freedom in intra-EC trade. It is argued that despite its many limitations the EC policy on steel was better than no policy at all. However, the lack of transnational integration on the production level is likely to act as a major obstacle to further EC cooperation in ind ustrial policy. Desc.: *Steel; *Industrial policy; *EEC; *Recession; *Crises; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 669.14 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC 338.124 (4-15) Y036090 16 7748150 851500150 Europe' s industries; public and private strategies for change (Ed. by Shepherd, G., Duch^ene, F., Saunders, C. ) USA, Ithaca, Cornell university press, 1983., 292p.A5 Bibl. Graphs.Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-8014-1706-6 CATALOG NO.: 2-2436 SERIES: (Cornell studies in political economy). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Report on a research project which aimed at identifying the kinds of adjustment problems facing Western European industry and at understanding public and private responses to these challenges. It contains eight sector studies on textiles, steel, shipbuilding, motor cars, electrical power plants, process plant contracting, machine tools, and semiconductors. The final chapter focuses on Japan' s growing competitive presence and in particular on the post-war development of the shipbuilding, motor car and semiconductor industries in Japan. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Textiles; *Steel; *Shipbuilding; *Western Europe; Automobiles; Cars; Machine tools; Electricity; Electric power; Semiconductors; Process industries UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 677 669.14 629.12 (4-15) Y036090 17 7746016 851400016 Les transformations du systeme industriel occidental Bienayme, A EDITION: 6p.A4 Problemes economiques; selection de textes francais et etrangers, Paris, nr. 1925, mai 22, 1985, p. 6)., CATALOG NO.: PBE-1925.05.22 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular C' est difficile de qualifier les economies occidentales. Trois qualifications, avec des zones d' ombre sont expliques. Premiere: la societe post-industrielle dans laquelle la production se tranforme, les differences s' estompent entre le secteur secondaire et tertiaire et dans laquelle l' information devient tres important. Deuxieme: la societe salariale dans laquelle il n' est plus possible d' etablir un lien entre revenus individuels et la contribution a la production, suivi par rigidites nouvelles. Troisieme: la societe mixte ou l' Etat et les autres agents du secteur prive interferent dans les processus de decision et de regulation, ayant consequences pour le fonctionnement des entrepr es. Points de vue. (Chroniques d' actualite de la SEDEIS, 15 fevrier 1985). Desc.: *Economic systems; *Economic structure; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 330.342.1 338.4 (4-15) Y036090 18 7744185 851300185 World economic outlook EDITION: 6p.A4 IMF survey, Washington , (14), nr. 10, May 13, 1985, p. 145)., Graphs.Ill. Tab CATALOG NO.: IFU-10-1985.05.13 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Despite expected industrial country growth in the 3% range over the next two years - accompanied by inflation of just under 4% - the continuation of high rates of unemployment in Europe and major financial imbalances in some countries cause concern. Mixed prospects for developing countries. No substantial changes are to be expected in the monetary conditions of the major industrial countries. There remains considerable uncertainty about the cause of the high real interest rate. Structural problems. Structural policy options: deregulation and industrial policy formulation. Capital flows and world oil prospects affect the outlook for developing nations. Statistics, 1973-1985. Desc.: *World economy; *International Monetary Fund; *IMF UDC NO.: 339.9 (100) 339.732.4IMF Y036090 19 7744089 851300089 Jordan Johns, R.; Khouri, R.; Counsell, A EDITION: 4p.A2 Financial times, London , May 24, 1985, p. 9)., Ill. Maps. Portr. Tab CATALOG NO.: FTS-1985.05.24 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Jordan' s economic problems could prove as intractable as the Palestinian issue. The new government has to reactivate the economy, stimulate the private sector and encourage foreign investment. The GNP dropped in 1984 to 2.4% (population growth is 3.8% per annum). The central government' s budget. Planning. Water supplies. Banking. Industry: for 1984 a rise of 15% in the industrial production. Trade protocol between Egypt and Jordan. Increase in exports. Free trade zones (to attract foreign companies). Agriculture' s share in GDP was only 5.6%. In 1984, drought was severe. A very weak marketing system is the crux of the problem: there is no well-defined, long-term agricultural policy taking into consideration omestic and export demands. Tourism. Statistics, 1980-1984. Desc.: *Economic development; *Jordan UDC NO.: 338.1 (569.5) Y036090 20 7742329 851200329 Corporate R and D strategy, innovation and funding issues (Ed. by Brown, J.K., Kay, L.W. ) Publ. by Conference board USA, New York, 1985. , 72p.A4 Graphs ISBN: 0-8237-0304-5 CATALOG NO.: NAIR-863-1985 SERIES: (Conference board report no. 863). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Fifteen contributions by E. David Jr, J. Baruch, J. Harwood, L. Krogh, R. Lockerd, D. Berg, H. Doan, L. Sumney, P. Smidt, F. Middleton, ao. Discussion of issues of R and D as a critical factor in the corporate management setting (oa process automation in the automative industry, and the entrepreneurial spirit in a large company). Fostering innovation in a university setting. Creative approachs to funding R and D (ao the consortium approach to research, a case history of partnerships, and external sources of growth in corporate venturing). Corporate straegy and R and D. Industrial R and D in Western Europe. US-context. Desc.: *Research and development (firm); *Innovation; *New products; *Corporate strategy; *Business policy; *Management and organization; *USA ; Process industries; Large-sized firms; Higher education; Universities; Equity finance; Venture capital; Western Europe UDC NO.: 658.012.1 658.624 658.011.1 658.01 (73) Y036090 21 7742214 851200214 International transfer of new technologies and problems of adjustment in small open economies (Proceedings of the Third Canadian-Hungarian economic roundtabe, April 28-30, 1982 Budapest (Ed. by Balkay, B. ) Publ. by Hungarian scientific council for world economy Hungary, Budapest, 1984., 256p.A5 Ref. Tabs ISBN: 963-301-115-9 CATALOG NO.: TELM-50-1984 SERIES: (Trends in world economy, nr. 50). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Seventeen contributions by M. Simai, K. Kadas, I. Dobozi, A. Abonyi, F. Flatters, B. Szanto, R. McRae, T. Hazledine, L. Drechsler, T. Szatmari, ao, discussing aspects of general policy problems of international and interregional technology transfer (notably in Hungary and between East Europe and LDC' s); of industrial policy and structural adjustment in open economies (ao energy policy and labour adjustment in Canada); of macro economic issues of technology imports to Hungary; of financing and regulatory issues of technology transfer; of technology policy in national and regional integration setting. Presentation of sectoral studies of international technology movements (telecommunications-, aluminium- and textile industry in an Hungarian, Canadian and North-South context). Statistics. Desc.: *Technology transfer; *Industrial policy; *International economic relations; *Hungary; *Canada; Innovation; New products; Worl; International UDC NO.: 60: 659.24 338.45: 338.22 339.9 (439) (71) Y036090 22 7742150 851200150 Industrial policy in France Keyder, C.; Balassa, B EDITION: 12p.A4 American economic review, Nashville, (75), nr. 2, May, 1985, p. 308)., Ref CATALOG NO.: AER-2-1985.05 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Two papers on industrial policy in France. The first paper deals with the persistent importance of the state in French economy since 1750. The second reviews the French record with industrial policy under the socialist government since 1981. It is argued that, in line with its expansionary stance, the government postponed the necessary adjustment in French industries while wages and social charges increased. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *France UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (44) Y036090 23 7742034 851200034 Confederazione generale dell industria italiana (Confindustria); relazione annuale Confindustria Italy, Roma, 1985., y CATALOG NO.: CGIIY-1984 Lang.: Italian DOC TYPE: Yearbook GRADE LEVEL: Popular Activities of the syndicate. Economic development and policy. Industrial policy. Finance of industry. Technological innovation. Problem of state participation. Sources of energy. Transport. Public services. Technical norms and legislations. Price policy and tariffs. Gas tariff. Company law. Competition. Industrial property. Consumer policy. European economic integration. Development of bilateral relations. Export finance. Organisation of foreign trade. Developments in the small business sector. Labour market. Social security. Fiscal problems. (Itafian text). Desc.: *Employers' associations; *Industry; *Economic development ; *Italy UDC NO.: 331.882 338.45 338.1 (45) Y036090 24 7740076 851100076 Study trip to Japan: 23 september - 6 oktober 1984 by a delegation of The " Professor B.M. Telders international law debating society" Netherlands, ' s-Gravenhage, 1984., 221p.A4 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: 4-2902 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Popular Account of the study tour of Japan containing a record of summarized briefings and lectures delivered by a large number of experts and representatives. Japan in the world today and its relations to the EEC. Vision of Dutch companies and of the Dutch government on doing business with Japan. Joint ventures. System of law. Japan' s foreign policy and its relations with the Netherlands. World trade center of Japan. Japan-US political relations. Philips and ABN in Japan. Ministry of international trade and industry. Educational system. Socio-economic approach to Japan. The Japanese company as a competitor. Desc.: *Country profile; *Investment climate; *Trading practices*International cooperation; *Japan; Western Europe; USA UDC NO.: 338 338.45: 304 339.16 339.92 (520) Y036090 25 7738257 851000257 The development of the European information industry Middleton, R EDITION: 13p.A5 Electronic publishing review, Abingdon, (5), nr. 1, March, 1985, p. 49) Portr. Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: EPR-1-1985.03 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Analysis of the current situation of the European information industry, referring to its recent past. Interrelated features of the present situation of the industry are strength in traditional publishing; concentration on the bibliographic sector; very strong government influence; fragmentation of markets (few Europe-wide services). Conclusions are drawn about the conditions for its future development. In an annex the conclusions and proposals for action of Euripa (the trade association representing the private sector of the European information industry), which has studied the barriers to the growth of the industry, are discussed. Finally a policy statement by Euripa on the roles of the public and private sectors is summarized. Statistics, 1981-87. Desc.: *Information industry; *Media; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 621.39+655 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 26 7738235 851000235 Technological innovation in a corporatist state; the case of biotechnology in the Federal Republic of Germany Jasanoff, S EDITION: 16p.A4 Research policy; a journal devoted to research policy, research management and planning, Amsterdam , (14), nr. 1, Feb., 1985, p. 23)., Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: RNI-1-1985.02 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Examination of a decade (1965-77) of federal support for biotechnology, in order to determine the impact of liberal corporatist patterns of decision-making on industrial policy (which is taken to include both public initiatives aimed at promoting the new technology and those designed to control its risks). The distinct forms of corporatism discernible are large businesses, the state, and the academic research community, influential in defining the scope and specific objectives of the federally funded R and D program in biotechnology. Desc.: *Biotechnology; *Scientific research; *Industrial policy; *Public decision making; *Germany FR UDC NO.: 62: 57 001.891 338.45: 338.22 338.22: 519.816 (430.1) Y036090 27 7736454 850900454 Gas prospects in Western Europe Frazer, F Publ. by Financial times business information United Kingdom, London. 1981. , 224p.A4 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Maps. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-903199-51-3 CATALOG NO.: 4-2920 Not to be lent Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Popular Development of the Western European gas industry. Nature of gas. Gas as an energy source. Natural gas reserves. Prospects for gas imports. Ownership and control of resources. Development of gas technology. Economics of gas supply. Trends in gas pricing. Politics of gas supply. Future market for gas. Gas in petrochemicals. Areas for investment. Statistics, 1950-2000. Desc.: *Natural gas; *Western Europe ; Natural resources; Reserves; Import; Price policy; Petrochemical industry; Energy UDC NO.: 662.767 (4-15) Y036090 28 7734112 850800112 Italy Buxton, J.; Gilbert, S.; Friedman, A.; ao EDITION: 12p.A2 Financial times, London , March 11, 1985, section III, p. 1)., Fig. Graphs.Ill CATALOG NO.: FTS-1985.03.11 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Italy' s economy has bounded out of recession and registered faster growth than virtually every country in Western Europe. Whether the country can consolidate that achievement depends much on whether the government of Bettio Craxi survives. Political scene. Local elections. Defence and foreign policy. Banking and finance. Tax controversy. Wage indexation issue. Industrial sector. Changing ownership of industry. State industries. Social issues. War against the mafia. Corruption and politics. Sports. Music and the arts. Television and the press. Statistics, 1970-85. Desc.: *Economic development; *Italy UDC NO.: 338.1 (45) Y036090 29 7732159 850700159 Recent changes in Europe' s trade EDITION: 121p.A4 Economic bulletin for Europe, New York, (36), nr. 4, Dec., 1984, p. 393)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: EBU-4-1984.12 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic developments in the ECE region, developments in East-West economic relations, and structural changes in North-South trade, with emphasis on the trade of the ECE region. World trade. Trade prices and terms of trade. Current account. East-West trade and credit flows. Balance of payments. Trade structure. Statistics, 1965-84. Desc.: *Foreign trade; *Western Europe; World trade; East-West trade; Economic development; Foreign exchange UDC NO.: 339.5 (4-15) Y036090 30 7730225 850600225 Western Europe EDITION: 49p.A4 Quarterly energy review; Western Europe, London, nr. 4, 1984, p. 1)., Tabs CATALOG NO.: QER-4-1984.Western-Europe R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Special report on electricity in the UK. Regional review: Energy policy. Supply, demand and prices mostly concerning Belgium, Denmark, France, West Germany, European Community, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK. Oil. Coal. Gas. Electricity. Statistics, 1983/84. Desc.: *Energy; *Oil; *Western Europe; Energy policy; Coal; Electricity; Electric power; Natural gas; Petrochemical industry UDC NO.: 620.9 665.61 (4-15) Y036090 31 7728297 850500297 RSV-enqu^ete; enqu^ete Rijn-Schelde-Verolme (RSV); verslag van de Enqu^ etecommissie Rijn-Schelde-Verolme (RSV Netherlands, ' s-Gravenhage, Staatsuitgeverij, 1984, 16 dln., 1788p.A4 Ill ISBN: 90-12-04786-2 CATALOG NO.: 4-2895--1/16--1984 SERIES: Kamerstukken Tweede kamer, Vergaderjaar 1984-1985, 17817, nr. 21). Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Overheidsbeleid tav RSV, en gang van zaken in en rond het concern sedert de jaren zestig. Deel 1. Opkomst en ondergang van RSV 1965-77. Deel 2. Periode 1977-83. Deel 3. Werkwijze en procedures. Delen 4 t/m 7. Bijlagen. Delen 10 en 11. Hoofdlijnen ontwikkeling; rapport en externe deskundigen. Deel 11. ROS, Simon Stevin, bouw voor eigen rekening. Deel 12. Kolengraver, Algerije-projecten. Deel 13. Verhoren 1965-71. Deel 14. Verhoren 1971-77. Delen 15 en 16. Verhoren 1977-83. (Summary in Eng. in part 2). Desc.: *Failure; *Bankruptcy; *Company profiles; *Shipbuilding; *Industrial policy; *Netherlands; Building machines; Economic history; Public decision making; Yards; Offshore industry UDC NO.: 658.11.016.8: 347.736 658.11: 001.87 629.12 338.45: 338.22 (492) Y036090 32 7728242 850500242 European multinationals in the semiconductor industry; their position in microprocessors Tulder, R. van; Empel, E. van Netherlands, Amsterdam, 1984. , 85p.A4 Bibl. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-8497-1984 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Popular Increasing vertical integration in the European semiconductor industry and strategies in the production of microprocessors. Market position compared to Japan and USA. Political and industrial strategies in France, Germany and United Kingdom. International agreements among semiconductor producers. EEC industrial policy. Microprocessors as a growth sector. Military applications. Desc.: *Semiconductors; *Multinationals; *Western Europe ; Industrial policy; EEC; Competition UDC NO.: 621.382 658.114.513.24 (4-15) Y036090 33 7726179 850400179 The newly industrializing countries: trade and adjustment Turner, L.; McMullen, N.; Colin, I.; a.o United Kingdom, London, 1982. , 302p.A5 Bibl. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-04-382036-0 CATALOG NO.: 3-8910 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Survey of the interplay of political and economic forces in certain US and Western European manufacturing industries which are currently being penetrated by the leading third world exporters (NICs). Textiles and clothing. Consumer electronics (colour television). Automobiles. Iron and steel. Petrochemicals. US and European trade political reactions, and the view from NICs. Major issues in the adjustment debate. NICs in this book are: S. Korea , Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India. Statistics last decennia. Desc.: *World trade; *Foreign trade policy; *Western Europe; *USA; *Developing countries; *Newly industrializing countries; Textiles; Television sets; Automobiles; Cars; Iron; Steel; Petrochemical industry UDC NO.: 339.5 (100) 339.54 (4-15) (73) (5/9) Y036090 34 7724119 850300119 Albania' s economy today and tomorrow Ellman, M EDITION: 8p.A5 World economy, Oxford , (7), nr. 3, Sept., 1984, p. 333)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: WEV-3-1984.09 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Outline of Albania' s economic development. Employment and investment policy. Foreign aid. Natural resources and their utilization. Industry and agriculture. Foreign trade. Political situation. Albania is becoming a state-controlled industrial-agrarian economy. The country is no longer dependent on foreign aid, but hes become self-supporting. Economic development depends on the efficiency with which she exploits her indigenous natural resources and on the prices that they fetch on world markets. Trade and other links between Albania and Western Europe are in the interest of both parties. Statistics, 1951-82. Desc.: *Economic development; *Communist economy; *Albania UDC NO.: 338.1 330.342.152 (496.5) Y036090 35 7722389 850200389 La restructuration de la siderurgie europeenne; une oeuvre en voie d' achevement Vanderseypen, G EDITION: 10p.A4 Revue du Marche commun, Paris, nr. 280, sept. / oct., 1984, p. 389)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: RMD-280-1984.09/10 Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Cela fait de 10 ans que la CEE est confrontee aux problemes de la crise de son siderurgique. La plupart des pays industrialises procederont dans les prochaines annees a des restructurations considerables de leur siderurgie afin de s' adapter aux besoins du marche et aux niveaux imperatifs de competitivite. Developpement de la siderurgie communautaire, probleme des surcapacites et la politique de restructuration. Code des Aides. Adhesion de l' Espagne et du Portugal. Perspectives. Statistiques, 1960-90. Desc.: *Iron; *Industrial policy; *Reorganization of an economic sector; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 669.12 338.45: 338.22 338.45.011.8 (4-15) Y036090 36 7722271 850200271 Esprit; maakt de informatietechnologie Europese geesten los? Linde, J.G. van der EDITION: 4p.A4 Economisch statistische berichten, ESB, Rotterdam, (69), nr. 3483, nov. 28, 1984, p. 1130)., Ref CATALOG NO.: ESB-3483-1984.11.28 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education De informatietechnologie in de Europese Gemeenschap heeft achterstand op de Amerikaanse en Japanse industrie. Het Esprit-programma, goedgekeurd op 28 februari 1984, is een belangrijke bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van een Europees onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingspotentieel. Voorgeschiedenis en betekenis van het programma. De informatie-industrie in Europa. Esprit-werkprogramma (werkterreinen, looptijd, voorwaarden voor deelname aan het programma). Desc.: *Information industry; *Media; *Technology; *Research and development (firm); *Science policy; *Research policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 621.39+655 60 658.012.1 001.891: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 37 7722237 850200237 Social Europe May 1984 Publ. by Commission of the European communities; Directorate-general for employment, social affairs and education Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1984. , 125p.A4 Graphs.Ill. Portrs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CESI-1--may--1984 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Overview of the main developments in the social field which have taken place in the European community in 1983. The main topics are unemployment and the employment policies in the ten member states, the problem of how jobs will be affected by the introduction of new technology and the reform of social security systems. Further discussion of worksharing, parental leave, illiteracy and vocational training, toxicology, extractive, industries safety and occupational cancer, and the social impact of new technologies in banking and in the automobile industry. Statistics. 1981-1982. Desc.: *Social policy; *Unemployment policy; *Social security; *Working conditions; *Western Europe; Technology; Education; Occupational safety UDC NO.: 351.83 331.57 368.4 658.382 (4-15) Y036090 38 7720393 850100393 Regio' s, De, van de Eurpese Gemeenschap; de sociaal-economische situatie van de Europese regio' s EDITION: 11p.A5 Notities over Europa, Luxemburg, nr. 15, okt., 1984, p. 1)., Maps. Re CATALOG NO.: BBH-15-1984.10 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Tussen de regio' s van de Europese Gemeenschap treden grote economische en sociale verschillen aan de dag. De uitbreiding met Spanje en Portugal zal de scherpte van die verschillen nog meer doen voelen vooral op het gebied van de landbouw en economie. Overzicht van de regionale onevenwichtigheid. Sectorgewijze ontwikkeling. Cijfers over BBP, werkloosheid, intensiteit van regionale problemen, 1977-81. Desc.: *Regional economy; *Economic structure; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 711.2 338.4 (4-15) Y036090 39 7720292 850100292 Deindustrialization: restructuring the economy Summers, G.F.; Harris, C.S.; Yago, G.; a.o EDITION: 167p.A5 Annals of the American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia , nr. 475, Sept., 1984, p. 1)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: APS-475-1984.09 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education The sluggish economy has drawn attention to plant closures and their consequences. Shutdowns are dramatically visible outcroppings in the restructuring of the American economy. Attention is focused on three aspects of the deindustralization debate: the nature of the restructuring, its effects on workers and communities, and alternative policy options to deal with economic restructuring. A comparison is made between the US conservative free-market policy, the French industrial policy, and the Swedish, social welfare emphasis. The British experience is also discussed. Contributions by C. Harris, G. Yago, H. Korman, Sen-Yuan Wu, M. Schwartz, B. Bluestone, K. Root, J. Prial Gordus, R. Fedrau, E. Blakely a.o. Desc.: *Liquidation; *Unemployment; *Industrial policy; *Economic structure; *USA ; Social welfare; United Kingdom; France; Sweden UDC NO.: 658.11.016.8 331.56 338.45: 338.22 338.4 (73) Y036090 40 7720227 850100227 Japanese metalworking machinery industry EDITION: 61p.A4 Digest of Japanese industry and technology, Tokyo, nr. 200, 1984, p. 1) Graphs.Ill. Tabs CATALOG NO.: DJT-200-1984 S Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Ten contributions by Hideo Matsui, Shinshichi Abe and Takenori Tsuchiya. Japan produces annually about 800 billion yen (US.3.33 billion) worth of machine tools, which is the largest output in the world. Of Japan' s output, about 60% is NC machine tools. Exports amounted to 300 billion yen annually. Technological development. Domestic and international problems. Reasons for growth. Machine tool fair. Factory automation. Optical system. Activities of the Japan Overseas Development Corporation. Industrial policy. List of manufacturers. Key products. Statistics, 1970-84. Desc.: *Machinery; *Appliances; *Machine tools; *Branches of industry; *Large-sized firms; *Japan; Technology UDC NO.: 621 621.9 338.45: 168.2 658.11.017.1 (520) Y036090 41 7720134 850100134 European industry: public policy and corporate strategy (Ed. by Jacquemin, A. ) United Kingdom, Oxford, Clarendon press, 1984. , 391p.A5 Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-19-828500-0 CATALOG NO.: 2-2338 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Fourteen contributions by J. Lesourne, C. Wilkinson, D. Metcalf, J. Waelbroeck, H. de Jong, G. White, G. Shepherd, A. de Lettenhove, M. Eng., C. Stoffaes, a.o., on Western European industrial policies, sectoral patterns of adjustment and corporate strategies. Trends, ex-and internal developments. Employment and industrial assistance. Logic of EC policy making. Sectoral development and policies. Intra-industry trade adjustment. Industrial change in six sectors. Case study in industrial policy in steel. European information technology industry. French industrial strategy in sunrise sectors. Micro foundations of industrial policy. Large firms in the European corporate economy. Statistics. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Corporate strategy; *Business policy*Western Europe; Steel; Micro electronics; Chips; France UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 658.011.1 (4-15) Y036090 42 7718143 842400143 Industrie manufacturiere, L', en Italie; quelques aspects structurels EDITION: 7p.A4 Problemes economiques; selection de textes francais et etrangers, Paris, nr. 1894, oct. 17, 1984, p. 17). , Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: PBE-1894-1984.10.17 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular La production industrielle en Italie a eu des phases de croissance tres fortes, notamment entre 1977 et 1980, et sur la periode 1970-1983 la croissance tendancielle a ete de pres de 3%, contre 2% pour les pays europeens de l' OCDE. Cette performance a ete rendue possible par une restructuration de l' industrie. Donnees sur la distribution de l' emploi par taille d' etablissements et par branche de l' industrie, la productivite du travail, les couts de production et les resultats financiers des entreprises, l' investissement, et le commerce exterieur des produits manufactures. Statistiques, 1971-1982. (OCDE, Etudes Economiques, Italie, mai 1984). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Industrial products; *Employment; *Italy; OECD countries UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 62.002.6 331.6 (45) Y036090 43 7716171 842300171 Comparative advantage and industrial restructuring the Belgian case, 1970-1980 Culem, C EDITION: 28p.A5 Cahiers economiques de Bruxelles, Bruxelles , nr. 103, 3e trimestre, 1984, p. 457)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CEK-103-1984.3e-trimestre R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education It is attempted to find an answer to a number of questions concerning the necessity of the restructuring of Belgian industry. Analysis of factors which determine Belgian industry' s comparative advantage vis-a-vis its EEC partners, other OECD countries and developing countries. It is investigated whether changes tool place in Belgium' s structure of industrial specialization, and which sectors of national industry does foreign competition, and especially competition from developing countries, threaten most. The conceptual framework of analysis is the neo-factor proportion theory; it involves regressing an index of revealed comparative advantage on the intensities of use of different factors of production. (R esume francais). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Competition; *Economic structure; *Foreign trade theory; *Belgium UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.117.2 338.4 339.5.01 (493) Y036090 44 7714419 842200419 Global competition and EEC policy in telecommunications; an Italian perspective Montella, L EDITION: 8p.A4 Telecommunications policy, Haywards Heath, (8), nr. 3, Sept., 1984, p. 205)., CATALOG NO.: TEC-3-1984.09 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Interpretation of the future development lines of EEC telecommunications, against the background of increasing US and Japanese competition. Europe' s subordinate position in this sector is explained in terms of the subdivision of services at the national level and the fragmentation of industrial areas within the respective countries. Proposition of a European scenario for recovery, referring to the Italian problems in testructuring and development. Desc.: *Telecommunication; *Industrial policy; *EEC; *Italy; Competition; USA; Japan UDC NO.: 621.39 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC (45) Y036090 45 7714258 842200258 Energy demand and supply conditions in Japan Hideo Ishihara EDITION: 26p.A5 OPEC review, Vienna , (8), nr. 3, autumn, 1984, p. 283)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: OPO-3-1984.autumn R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education The availability of abundant and cheap imported crude oil was the very foundation upon which Japanese postwar economic growth was made possible. This prompted the shift of the energy source from coal to oil in almost every sector of industry, since the early postwar years, whereas in the US and Europe there was a reluctance to undertake rapid change to protect domestic coal and crude oil production. Development of the present oil industry as well as changes in the environment of the industry are analyzed. Trends in electric utilities are discussed and and outlook for Japan' s long-term energy demand and supply is given. Statistics, 1970-87. Desc.: *Supply and demand; *Energy; *Energy policy; *Industrial policy; *Japan UDC NO.: 339.11 620.9 620.9: 338.22 338.45: 338.22 (520) Y036090 46 7714252 842200252 Innovative strength and competitive position Beckurts, K.H EDITION: 7p.A4 IFO digest; a quarterly journal on economic trends in the FR of Germany, Munich , (7), nr. 3, Sept., 1984, p. 3). , Portr CATALOG NO.: IGE-3-1984.09 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Development and innovative ability of the West-German industry. Review of current technological innovation in three key industrial branches (automobile-, chemical-, and electrical industry) supports the view that Germany' s industrial goods maintain an enviable position in the international arena and its competitive strength in classical, technically advanced areas remains largely intact. The roles of universities and governments in stimulating innovation efforts are reviewed. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Innovation; *New products; *Competition; *Technology; *Germany FR UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 658.624 339.117.2 60 (430.1) Y036090 47 7714204 842200204 Economic survey of Europe in 1983 Publ. by United Nations; Economic commission for Europe USA, New York, 1984., y. 252p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: UNEC-1983 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Annual Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development, short-term prospects and analysis of current policies in Western Europe and North America. Recession. Inflation. Output and demand. Costs and prices. Productivity. Labour market developments. Developments in Southern Europe, esp. Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe and the USSR. Growth of national output. Efficiency. Foreign relations. Resources for domestic use. Agriculture. Industry. Investment. Consumer incomes and supplies. Labour productivity. International trade and payments. East-West trade. Statistics, 1970/1983. Desc.: *Economic development; *Economic policy; *Europe; *Canada ; *USA; World trade; Employment UDC NO.: 338.1 338.22 (4) (71) (73) Y036090 48 7714115 842200115 Swedish economy Done, K.; Brown, D.; Montagnon, P EDITION: 8p.A2 Financial times, London, Oct. 5, 1984, section IV, p. 1)., Graphs.Ill. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: FTS-1984.10.05 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular The Swedish economy performed better over the last few years than the government had expected, but inflation still looms as the main threat. Exports jumped by 12% in volume in 1983. The two devaluations in 1981 and 1982 have given Swedish industry a competitiveness in international markets. Industrial production rose by 6% in 1983. R and D spending is expected to exceed SKr 19 br during 1984-85. Sweden has been by far and away the largest international borrower in Western Europe in 1984. Chemical and steel industry. Engineering. Forestry. Unemployment policy. Politics. Money market. Stock exchange. Foreign investors guide. Statistics, 1980-84. Desc.: *Economic development; *Sweden UDC NO.: 338.1 (485) Y036090 49 7712360 842100360 European multinationals in the telecommunications industry; a pilot study Tulder, R. van; Junne, G Publ. by Universiteit van Amsterdam; Vakgroep internationale betrekkingen en volkenrecht, FSW-A Netherlands, Amsterdam, 1984. , 88p.A4 Bibl. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-8296-1984 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Analysis of the position of European multinationals in the international telecommunication industry. Predominance of multinationals in the international telecommunication industry. International position of the European telecommunications industry, compared to the telecommunications industry of Japan and the USA. Structure of the telecommunications industry in different European countries. International cooperation among telecommunications equipment manufacturers. Policy of the EEC with regard to telecommunications. Statistics, 1980-85. (Bibl. 4p). Desc.: *Telecommunication; *Multinationals; *Western Europe; Japan; USA; Industrial policy; EEC UDC NO.: 621.39 658.114.513.24 (4-15) Y036090 50 7712357 842100357 Fight, The, for Europe Jones, K.; Sharman, G.; Tinsley, T.; a.o EDITION: 19p.A4 Electronic business, Boston , (10), nr. 11, Aug. 1, 1984, p. 103)., Graphs.Ill. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: EBI-11-1984.08.01 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Six contributions by K. Jones, G. Sharman, T. Tinsley, J. Gee and W. Arnold. Europes electronics manufacturers are cooperating with each other increasingly in the face of ever-growing competition from suppliers based in the USA and Japan. European governments have invested more than US. 3 billion per year in supporting their electronics industries. Government initiatives both seperately and together with the EEC. Financial performance of the 100 largest companies in Western Europe, USA and Japan. Profiles of Motorala Inc. and Texas Instrument Inc. Cost of an office in Europe. Prospects. Statistics, 1981-87. Desc.: *Electronics; *Private enterprises; *Company profiles; **Profitability; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe; USA; Japan UDC NO.: 621.38 658.114 658.155 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 51 7712002 842100002 European multinationals in the robot industry; a pilot study Junne, G.; Tulder, R. van Publ. by Universiteit van Amsterdam; Vakgroep internationale betrekkingen en volkenrecht, FSW-A Netherlands, Amstedam, 1984. , 94p.A4 Bibl. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-8295-1984 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Analysis of the position of European multinational companies in the international robot industry. Increasing importance of multinationals in robot production worldwide. International position of the European robot industry, compared to the robot industry of Japan and the USA. Structure of the robot industries in different Western European countries. International cooperation agreements among robot manufacturers. Policy of the EEC with regard to robotics. Statistics, 1981-85. (Bibl. 5p). Desc.: *Robots; *Multinationals; *Western Europe; Industrial policy; EEC; Japan; USA UDC NO.: 007.52 658.114.513.24 (4-15) Y036090 52 7710313 842000313 The future of international specialisation in the automotive industry Chew, E EDITION: 18p.A5 Policy studies, journal of the policy studies institute, London, (5), nr. 1, July, 1984, p. 60)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: PST-1-1984.07 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Improvement of industrial competitiveness and adjustment of its economic structure to the new forces in the industry is the key challenge facing Western Europe. The challenge to its car industry comes not from the Third World but from Japan. The managerial techniques, technology and design skills of the Japanese industry are transferable. Outright protection would probably slow the reorganization of the European industry. Review of vehicle production in selected countries, OECD imports of cars and parts by source, factors explaining the US-Japanese productivity gap, e.a. Statistics, 1930-80. Desc.: *Automobiles; *Cars; *International division of labour; *Competition; *OECD countries; Management and organization; Technology; Western Europe; Japan; USA UDC NO.: 629.113 339.9.011.3 339.117.2 (100.3) Y036090 53 7710153 842000153 Geef ons meer Europa; oproep van het Europese bedrijfsleven aan de kandidaten voor de Europese verkiezingen Uitg. door Raad van Nederlandse werkgeversverbonden VNO en NCW Netherlands, ' s-Gravenhage, 1984., 13p.A4 CATALOG NO.: BROS-8242-1984 Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Er wordt weergegeven welk beleid de UNICE (Unie van Europese Industriefederaties) noodzakelijk acht om het economische herstelproces in de Europese Gemeenschap in goede banen te leiden en welke rol het Europese parlement daarbij kan vervullen: bevorderen van investeringen, kiezen voor nieuwe technologieen, tot stand brengen van een echte gemeenschappelijke markt, versterken van Europa om te kunnen concurreren met Japan en de VS, samenwerking van Europese industrieen, meer monetaire stabiliteit, harmonisatie van de wetgeving, milieubescherming, meer banen door bedrijven de ruimte te geven. Desc.: *Economic policy; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe; EEC UDC NO.: 338.22 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 54 7708243 841900243 Trade and structural changes in the market and centrally-planned economies of the ECE EDITION: 61p.A4 Economic bulletin for Europe, New York, (36), nr. 2, June, 1984, p. 95) Bibl. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: EBU-2-1984.06 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Examination of the main changes in the rates of growth of domestic output and foreign trade in centrally-planned and market-economies of the ECE. (Economic Commission for Europe). The evolution of the trade-output ratio (i.e. foreign trade dependence in a broad sence) both globally and by specific sectors and branches of activity is analysed. The main factors underlying increased foreign trade dependence and the prospects for a continuation of those trends in the new economic environment are also examined. Statistics, 30p., 1960-1981. Desc.: *Foreign trade; *Market structure; *East Europe; *Western Europe; Foreign trade theory UDC NO.: 339.5 339.11.012 (4-11) (4-15) Y036090 55 7708167 841900167 Economic survey of Europe in 1982; Prepublication text: Part 1+part 2 Publ. by United Nations; Economic commission for Europe Switzerland, Geneva, 1983. , y. 614p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: UNEC--1-2--1982 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Annual Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development, short-term prospects and analysis of current policies in Western Europe and North America. Recession. Inflation. Output and demand. Costs and prices. Productivity. Labour market developments. Developments in Southern Europe, esp. Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe and the USSR. Growth of national output. Efficiency. Foreign relations. Resources for domestic use. Agriculture. Industry. Investment. Consumer incomes and supplies. Labour productivity. International trade and payments. East-West trade. Statistics, 1960-85. Desc.: *Economic development; *Economic policy; *Europe; *Canada ; *USA; World trade; Employment UDC NO.: 338.1 338.22 (4) (71) (73) Y036090 56 7706364 841800364 Female-male earnings differentials in the founder countries of the European economic community; an econometric investigation Petraki Kottis, A EDITION: 20p.A5 Economist, Leiden , (132), nr. 2, 1984, p. 204)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: ECN-2-1984 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level Attempt is made to find out whether the female-male earnings differentials in the six founder countries of the EEC are caused by the differences in the work characteristics of the two groups or by systematic bias against women. In cases where discrimination against women appears to exist, an estimate is made of its degree. It is found that in all countries considered, with the exception of the Netherlands, women have lower average earnings even after standardizing for their different work characteristics. A substantial part of the female-male earnings differential can not be explained by the differences in the work characteristics of women and can be attributed to other factors, such as sexual prejudice. Statistics, 1972. Desc.: *Female labour; *Women; *Employees; *Male employees; *; *Wage structure; *EEC; *Western Europe; Labour theory; Labour market theory; Statistical analysis; Netherlands UDC NO.: 658.3-055.2 658.3-05 331.2: 330.564 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 57 7706191 841800191 Investeren in de toekomst van Europa; nota inzake de Europese Gemeenschap van het Verbond van Nederlandse ondernemingen, het Nederlands christelijk werkge versverbond en het Cenrtraal orgaan voor de economische betrekkingen met het buitenland Netherlands, ' s-Gravenhage, Haagse Drukkerij, 1984., 21p.A5 CATALOG NO.: BROS-8277-1984 Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Aspecten van het EG-beleid die van belang zijn voor het bedrijfsleven. Gestreefd wordt naar versterking van de interne markt door afbraak van non-tarifaire belemmering, totstandkoming van een Europees vervoersbeleid en versterking van het EMS. Industriepolitiek, handelspolitiek en mededingingsbeleid. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Foreign trade policy; *Transport policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.54 656: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 58 7704170 841700170 Strategie voor Europa' s industrie EDITION: 10p.A5 Notities over Europa, Luxemburg , nr. 11, juni / juli, 1984, p. 3)., Graph. Ref CATALOG NO.: BBH-11-1984.06/07 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular De industriepolitiek van de EG is gericht op verbetering van het internationale mededingingsvermogen van de Westeuropese industrie. Enerzijds moet de integratie van de Europese markt worden doorgezet en anderzijds moet de aanpassing van de produktiestructuren worden bevorderd. De Europese Commissie pleit voor opheffing van belemmeringen zoals technische handelsbelemmeringen. Investeringen worden gestimuleerd en internationale samenwerking wordt uitgebreid. Optreden in bepaalde sectoren. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 59 7702319 841600319 The Japanese industrial system McMillan, C.J Germany FR, Berlin, de Gruyter, 1984 X., 368p.A5 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs ISBN: 3-11-008894-0 CATALOG NO.: 3-8814 SERIES: (de Gruyter studies in organization/). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Empirical study of management practices in Japan. The book examines the Japanese management ' model' at three levels, government, microeconomic sector analysis, and at the level of the corporation. The Japanese society. Social origins and structure of business-government relations. Industrial planning. Technology policies. Education and management recruitment. Management strategy and organization. Human resource strategies and work. Production and operations management. Trading firms and distribution. Japanese management abroad. Overview of Japan' s banking system. Japanese efficiency and learning from Japan. Statistics, 1950-2020. Desc.: *Management and organization; *Industrial policy; *Corporate strategy; *Business policy; *Production management; *Japan; Management development; Management education; Distribution channels; Banks; Banking; Personnel management; Technology UDC NO.: 658.01 338.45: 338.22 658.011.1 658.5 (520) Y036090 60 7698322 841400322 A comparison of management in American, Japanese and European firms, I Ikujiro Nonaka; Akihiro Okumura EDITION: 18p.A4 Management Japan; the magazine of multinational businessmen, Tokyo, (17), nr. 1, spring, p. 23, Figs. Graph. Portrs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: MJP-1-1984 spring Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education With the use of data collected by means of a questionnaire survey among large companies, 1980, a comparison is made of management practices in the USA and Japan, with additional data from Western Europe. Aspects compared are business environment, production technology, management objectives and -strategy, organizational structure and processes (leadership, conflict resolution, control and decision making), skills of top management, and differences between mechanistic adaptation (in the USA) and organic adaptation (in Japan) to the environment. Subsequently an interfirm comparison within the same industrial classification in the USA and Japan is presented, ie a comparison of the differences regarding strate y orientation and method of forming organizations, in terms of the two comprehensive planes of operation orientation vs product orientation, and group dynamics vs bureaucratic dynamics. Desc.: *Management and organization; *Corporate strategy; *Business policy; *Organization; *USA; *Japan; Business environment; Production management; Management decision making; Western Europe; Theory of the firm UDC NO.: 658.01 658.011.1 658.013/.014 (73) (520) Y036090 61 7698005 841400005 Robotics industry, The Publ. by U.S. department of commerce; International trade administration USA, Washington, USGPO, 1983., 54p.A4 Figs CATALOG NO.: BROS-8183-1983 SERIES: (High technology industries: profiles and outlooks). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Popular Sales and production of robots in the USA are expanding at a vigorous 35-40% per annum rate, and most forecasters expect that trend to continue through 1990. Producers and consumers. Principal uses. Price. Government policy in robotics. Robotic market in Japan, West Germany, Sweden, UK, France, Italy. World trade. International agreements between private firms. Standards and regulation. Labour and automation. Prospects. Statistics, 1975-90. Desc.: *Robots; *USA; *OECD countries ; Industrial policy; Markets UDC NO.: 007.52 (73) (100.3) Y036090 62 7696234 841300234 International biotechnology directory 1984, The; products, companies, research and organizations (Ed. by Coombs, J. ) United Kingdom, London, MacMillan, 1983., ap. 436p.A4 ISBN: 0-333-35140-1 CATALOG NO.: (100)62: 57, AD: BT-1984 LZ Not to be lent Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Directory GRADE LEVEL: Popular Covers biotechnology (industrial microbiology) in Western Europe, North America and Japan. It provides both an overview of the extent of present interest with a summary of activities in the various geographical areas and a catalogue whereby suppliers of materials and services can be identified. Introduction to biotechnology: overview, international organizations, information services (databases, jounals, newsletters). National profiles arranged by country with information on government department and societies related to biotechnology. Non-commercial organizations and companies also arranged by country with detai led information (address, telephone/telex, activities, products. Products, research and services buyers' guide arranged classified. Buyers' guide classification index. Desc.: *Engineering; *Biology; *Technology; Western Europe; USA; Japan; World; International UDC NO.: 62 57 60 Y036090 63 7694144 841200144 European industrial policy; past, present and future Franko, L Publ. by Conference board in Europe Belgium, Brussels, 1980. , 71p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CBEE-ER--2--1980 SERIES: (Research report, ER 2). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular The economic outlook for Western Europe and its business community is affected both directly and indirectly by the industrial policies of the national governments and of the EEC. These policies are in many instances aimed at stimulating growth in selected industries, or even supporting troubled industries or sometimes individual companies. The purpose of this report is to apprise planners and decision makers of the past, present, and declared future industrial policies of eight Western European countries, and of the EEC. Statistics, 1960-79. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 64 7692144 841100144 L' Europe industrielle a-t-elle un avenir? Messine, P.; Deville, G EDITION: 6p.A4 Problemes economiques; selection de textes francais et etrangers, Paris, nr. 1866, mars 21, 1984, p. 12)., Ref CATALOG NO.: PBE-1866-1984.03.21 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Libre-echangisme et refus de la preference communautaire peuvent avoir des consequences particulierement graves dans les marches publics et de l' unification du marche interieur. Une vive hostilite a toute forme de volontarisme. Declin de l' Europe et les moyens du rattrapage. Creation d' un veritable marche continental qui profite prioritairement aux entreprises europeennes. (Le Monde diplomatique, dec. 1983). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *EEC; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 65 7690321 841000321 Industrial mobility and migration in the European Community (Ed. by Klaassen, L.H., Molle, W.T.M. ) United Kingdom, Aldershot, Gower, 1983. , 449p.A5 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Maps. Portr. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-566-00486-0 CATALOG NO.: 2-2222 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Study of the movement of manufacturing plants in the EEC by country. Relative importance of movement in quantitative terms. Characteristics of moving industries. Spatial patterns of movement. Motives for moving. Socio-economic effects. Employment. Theoretical aspects of industrial migration and mobility. International super-synthesis of the national synthetic studies. Comparison of the various aspects of the phenomenon in the ten countries. Industrial and regional policies. Statistics, 1945-81. Desc.: *Plant relocation; *Occupational mobility; *Employment; *Migration; *Western Europe ; Management decision making; Industrial policy; Regional policy; Regional planning UDC NO.: 658.219.4 331.02: 325 331.6 325 (4-15) Y036090 66 7690098 841000098 Europe' s decline is not irreversible Richonnier, M EDITION: 17p.A5 Journal of common market studies, Oxford, (22), nr. 3, March, 1984, p. 227)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: JCT-3-1984.03 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Discussion of a number of questions regarding the formidable technological and socio-cultural challenge the EEC-countries are facing and for which they are not prepared. Outline of the EC' s technological and industrial decline in relation to the US' and Japan' s domination, the scientific decline, and inadequacies of industrial and commercial strategies. Statistical examples are given concerning the weakness of the EC' s electronics industries, mecatronics, computer industry, consumer- and professional electronics and telecommunication, robots, a.o. Statistics, 1970-82. Desc.: *Recession; *Crises; *Industry; *Technology; *Western Europe; Electronics; Telecommunication; Robots; USA; Japan UDC NO.: 338.124 338.45 60 (4-15) Y036090 67 7686192 840800192 The common market and how it works Kerr, A.J.C EDITION: 2nd ed. United Kingdom, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1983 X., 275p.A5 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Ill. Maps. Tabs ISBN: 0-08-030207-6 CATALOG NO.: 2-2208 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Historical background of the Common market, basic details of ten EEC member states, and an outline of the main Community institutions and of the decision-making process. Common agricultural policy. Rules of competition. Social policy. Regional policy. Industry and technology policy. ECSC. Consumer protection. Transport. Energy policy. Economic, financial and fiscal affairs. Internal market. Customs union. Education. Science and research. External policy. Relation with developing countries. Statistics, 1978-82. Desc.: *EEC; *Economic policy; *Economic development; *Public decision making; *Western Europe K; International agreements UDC NO.: 339.543.62EEC 338.22 338.1 338.22: 658.012.122.2 (4-15) Y036090 68 7686154 840800154 Development plan 1983-1987 Publ. by Industrial development corporation of Barbados Barbados, Z.pl., 1983., 27p.A4 Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-8074-1983 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Outline of the Barbados industrial development corporation development plan for the period 1983-87. Contribution of manufacturing to GDP. Goals: increase GDP, manufacturing output and employment, maximize exports, upgrade jobs and expand local participation with special emphasis on four major industries: electronics, medical supplies, information services and apparel. Handicraft plan. Critical succes factors of the strategy for example human resources and promotion. Fiscal incentives. Import substitution. Anti-export bias. Planned projects and programmes. Statistics, 1971-88. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Economic plans; *Development plans; *Projects; *Barbados UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.26 69.05+351.712.2 (729.86) Y036090 69 7686153 840800153 Portugal; credits et techniques EDITION: 3p.A4 Moniteur du commerce international, MOCI, Paris, nr. 596, fev. 27, 1984, p. 43)., Ill CATALOG NO.: MOI-596-1984.02.27 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Credits et techniques pour dynamiser l' industrie et revitaliser le secteur prive en Portugal. Lourd endettement mais les experts du FMI sont impressionnes par le redressement. Assainissement des entreprises a capitaux prives. L' aide pre-adhesion de l' Europe. Nouvelle legislation en vue de l' adhesion a la CEE. Dynamisme industriel grace a un vaste programme de recherches technologiques. 6 Actions pour developper la technologie et l' innovation. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Industrial credit; *Portugal UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 336.77: 338.45 (469) Y036090 70 7686143 840800143 Productivity; another Japanese export Williamson, N.C EDITION: 8p.A4 Business; the magazine of managerial thought and action, Atlanta, (33), nr. 4, Oct. / Nov. / Dec., 1983, p. 3). , Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: ATX-4-1983.10/11/12 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular In 1979 Japanese industrial productivity increased by 10%. The increase in productivity of US companies was less than 2%. A Provisional Plan for Corporate Democratization was of particular importance in increasing the productivity of Japanese corporations. Its objectives concerned profit making, product quality and market share designated as more important to managerial success than profits. The Japanese government helps in the development of industries using a method assessing production growth for an industry. Desc.: *Productivity; *Efficacy; *Production management; *Industrial policy; *Japan UDC NO.: 338.3.011.1 658.5 338.45: 338.22 (520) Y036090 71 7684261 840700261 Agrarbericht 1984; agrar- und ernaehrungspolitischer Bericht der Bundesregierung EDITION: 48p.A4 AGRA Europe, Bonn, (25), nr. 9, Feb. 27, 1984, Dokumentation, p. 1)., Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: AGA-9-1984.02.27 Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Strukturanalyse der Land-, Forst-, Holz- und Fischwirtschaft der BRD. Arbeitskrafte. Betriebsgrossen. Gesamtrechnung. Investitionen. Betriebsergebnisse. Ernte. Soziale Situation. Lohne. Umfang der Waldschaden. Produktion von Holz und Holzwaren. Aussenhandel. Lage der Wirtschaft in der EG. Vorschatzung. Statistiken, 1949-84. Desc.: *Agriculture; *Fish; *Fisheries; *Forestry; *Forest policy ; *Profitability; *Germany FR; Western Europe; Structure; branch of industry UDC NO.: 63 639.2 634.0 658.155 (430.1) Y036090 72 7682453 840600453 Economie regionale europeenne Romus, P Publ. par Presses universitaires de Bruxelles Belgium, Bruxelles, 1983. , 342p.A4 Graphs.Maps. Ref. Tabs. CATALOG NO.: 4-2735 Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Structures et politiques economiques regionales des Etats de la CEE. Problemes regionaux europeens. Population. Migrations. Emploi. Chomage. Politiques regionales nationales et de la CEE. Aides regionales des Etats et la libre concurrence dans la CEE. Tarifs de soutien de transport. Financement des activites industrielles et agricoles du developpement regional. Politique sociale. Role du FEDER. Statistiques, 1951-83. Desc.: *Regional policy; *Regional planning; *Regional economy; *Subsidies and guarantees; *EEC; *Western Europe; Economic structure; Transport policy; Agricultural policy; Mining; Minerals; Ores; Infrastructure UDC NO.: 711.2: 338.22 711.2 338.246.062.2 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 73 7682011 840600011 Europe' s changing markets Prep. by Business international Switzerland, Geneva, 1983., 130p.A4 Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: 4-2720 Not to be lent SERIES: (Business international research report). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education The size and shape of Western Europe' s future markets for consumer products and services will be determined by key demographic trends and changes in economic structure and consumer lifestyle brought about by new technologies, shifts in social structure and transformed attitudes. These factors affect companies selling consumer products and services and therefore must be taken into account in framing successful business strategies. Desc.: *Consumer goods; *Population; *Consumer behaviour; *Consumer expenditure; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 330.123.4 312 330.567.22 (4-15) Y036090 74 7680209 840500209 Industrial policy and southward enlargement of the European Community; the case of shipbuilding and repairs Eussner, A EDITION: 26p.A5 Journal of common market studies, Oxford, (22), nr. 2, Dec., 1983, p. 147)., Graph. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: JCT-2-1983.12 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Using the example of the shipbuilding industry, an important sector for both the EC and the acceding countries, particularly Spain, the conflicts likely to emerge during negotiations on EC accession and during the transitional periods, the structural differences underlying these conflicts and the chances of agreement being reached, are discussed. Overview of subsidization schemes for shipyards and shipowners in the EC and in the applicant countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece). It is concluded that even in the crisis sectors the powers of the EC Commission remain confined to their traditional areas of foreign trade an dcompetition policy. Structural programmes continue to be a matter for national governments. Statistics, 1968-80. Desc.: *Economic integration; *Industrial policy; *Shipbuilding; *Western Europe; *Spain; Portugal; Greece UDC NO.: 339.922 338.45: 338.22 629.12 (4-15) (46) Y036090 75 7678486 840400486 Excess capacity and rationalization in the West European synthetic fibres industry Shaw, R.W.; Shaw, S.A EDITION: 18p.A5 Journal of industrial economics, Oxford, (32), nr. 2, Dec., 1983, p. 149)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: JIO-2-1983.12 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Examination of the process of rationalization in an international oligopoly confronted by persistent excess capacity and losses. Outline of developments in the West European synthetic fibres industry, 1967-80. Comparison of the actual pattern of rationalization achieved between 1975 and 1981 with the predicted patterns of rationalization based on theory, both under a cartel with government intervention and in a competitive solution free from such intervention. Statistics, 1975-81. Desc.: *Man made fibres; *Oligopoly; *Production capacity; *Capacity utilization; *Anti trust policy; *Western Europe ; Rationalization; Forecasting; Forecasts; Competition; Statistical analysis UDC NO.: 677.4 338.5.014 338.32 658.114.5: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 76 7676489 840300489 Organizing international trade in textiles Mahon, R.; Krieger Mytelka, L.; Dolan, M.B.; a.o EDITION: 93p.A5 International organization, Madison-Wisc., (37), nr. 4, autumn, 1983, p. 551)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: IOG-4-1983.autumn R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Three contributions by R. Mahon, L. Krieger Mytelka, M. Dolan, V. Aggarwal on international trade in textiles. Relationship between industrial restructuring and new protectionism. The response of two states, Canada and France, to recent changes is examined. European restructuring and import policies for a textile industry. Puzzles posed by the 1981 renewal of the Multi-Fiber Arrangement. Examination of international regime change. Statistics, 1948-80. Desc.: *Textiles; *Foreign trade policy; *Industrial policy; *International agreements; *Western Europe; Canada; France UDC NO.: 677 339.54 338.45: 338.22 341.24 (4-15) Y036090 77 7676244 840300244 Current issues and progress in European shipping policy Boehme, H EDITION: 28p.A5 World economy, Oxford, (6), nr. 3, Sept., 1983, p. 325)., Ref CATALOG NO.: WEV-3-1983.09 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Review of recent developments in shipping policy, notably concerning competition, in the EC, drawing on documents produced by Community institutions, governments of member countries, shipowners' associations, individual shipping lines or conferences, shippers' councils and other branches of industry. Desc.: *EEC; *Shipping; *Competition; *Western Europe; Shipping conferences; Transport conferences UDC NO.: 339.543.62EEC 656.6 339.117.2 (4-15) Y036090 78 7676162 840300162 The European Community; our largest market Fields, A.K.; Linville, D.; Denman, R.; a.o EDITION: 23p.A4 Business America, Washington, (6), nr. 25, Dec. 12, 1983, p. 3)., Fig. Ill. Map. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: COR-25-1983.12.12 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Importance of Europe for American business. Trade relations between the EC and USA. Organizational structure of the EC. Business law. Customs duties. Trade fairs. Market opportunities for US goods. Recommendations for US businessmen interested in entering the European market. Promising market sectors. Economic development of the EC and outlook for 1984. Business experiences of two companies. Statistics, 1982-83. Desc.: *Investment climate; *Western Europe; EEC; Foreign trade UDC NO.: 338.45: 304 (4-15) Y036090 79 7674147 840200147 Industrial subsidies in Sweden; macro-economic effects and an international comparison Carlsson, B EDITION: 23p.A5 Journal of industrial economics, Oxford, (32), nr. 1, Sept., 1983, p. 1)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: JIO-1-1983.09 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Discussion of industrial subsidies as an element of industrial policy, distinguishing between general and specific subsidies. Overview of the magnitude and orientation of the Swedish industry subsidy program in the 1970' s. International comparison of industrial subsidy programs (EEC-countries). Investigation of the macro-economic effects of Swedish firm-specific subsidies. Use is made of a micro- (firm)-based simulation model. Statistics, 1970-94. Desc.: *Subsidies and guarantees; *Industrial policy; *Firms and enterprises; *Sweden; *Western Europe ; Macro economics; Macro economics; Simulation models UDC NO.: 338.246.062.2 338.45: 338.22 658.11 (485) (4-15) Y036090 80 7674001 840200001 The robotics challenge to European industry Farrands, C EDITION: 13p.A4 European trends, London, nr. 77, 1983, p. 19)., Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: EEB-77-1983 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular The great difficulties which the Japanese and to a lesser extent the US robotics challenge poses to the West European industry are examined. Surveys of individual countries show that the European community has some strong, but rather scattered, resources to meet that challenge. Suggestions for national measures, which policy makers should look at to strengthen European policy in robotics. Desc.: *Robots; *Industry; *Western Europe; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 007.52 338.45 (4-15) Y036090 81 7672313 840100313 Government policy for the offshore supplies industry; Britain compared with Norway and France Cook, L.; Surrey, J Publ. by University of Sussex; Science policy research unit, SPRU United Kingdom, Bringhton, 1983. , 105p.A4 Bibl. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-903622-22-X-OP-21 CATALOG NO.: 4-2684 SERIES: (SPRU occasional paper series no. 21). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Mkt Res Rpt GRADE LEVEL: Popular Comparison of the British, Norwegian and French policy concerning the offshore supplies industry, against the background of the development of the oil industry especially the offshore industry. Development of the British offshore industry. Exploration. Exploration fields. Expenditure. Investment. UK share in supply. Participation in offshore activities such as construction of oil platforms. R and D. Projects. Policy comparison and impact and reasons for differences. Future directions of the British policy. Statistics, 1970-83. Desc.: *Offshore industry; *Industrial policy; *United Kingdom; *Norway; *France; Offshore drilling; oil, gas; Research and development; Projects UDC NO.: 622.242.4: 338.45 338.45: 338.22 (410) (481) (44) Y036090 82 7670340 832400340 The shaping of technological strategy; European chemical firms in South East Asia Boisot, M EDITION: 20p.A4 Management international review, Wiesbaden, (23), nr. 3, 1983, p. 16)., Figs. Ref CATALOG NO.: MUY-3-1983 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Presentation of a framework which can be used to build up a meaningful description of a firm' s transactional posture as well as an approximate description of its technological strategy. It is argued that much detailed research is still needed to explore the links between this posture and strategy. Data are drawn on European chemical firms in South East Asia. Desc.: *Corporate strategy; *Business policy; *Technology; *Management decision making; Chemical industry; Chemicals; Western Europ; South East Asia UDC NO.: 658.011.1 60 658. Y036090 83 7666255 832200255 Industrial policies for growth and competitiveness; an economic perspective (Ed. by Adams, F.G., Klein, L.R. ) USA, Lexington, D.C. Heath, 1983 X. , 442p.A5 Bibl. Figs. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-669-05412-7 CATALOG NO.: 3-8647 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Sixteen contributions by F. Adams, L. Klein, C. Bollino, P. Urban, M. Cherkes, R. Wescott, J. Behrman, W. Milne, F. DeWitt, G. Wagenhals a.o. on the present state of knowledge and experience on industrial policy. Theoretical justifications. Main literature and philosophies that underlies industrial policy in Western Europe and the USA. Role of this policy in developing countries. Major policy initiatives and their background. Evaluation of the success or failures of these policies. Statistics, 1951-80. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Western Europe; *Developing countries ; *USA UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) (5/9) (73) Y036090 84 7666218 832200218 Towards European economic recovery in the 1980s; report presented to the European parliament Albert, M.; Ball, R.J Publ. by European communities Germany FR, Strassbourg, 1983., 128p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-7891-1983 SERIES: (European parliament working documents 1983-1984). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Analysis of the economic crisis in Westeuropean countries, and its effects on the EC, and of the ways and means of bringing about a recovery of growth. Crucial developments in the 70s and the 80s. Role of the individual member states. Industrial policy. Employment. Growth with stability. Creation of a European area for industry and research. European " Marshall Plan" for energy and regional policy. Flexibility of labour. Statistics, 1961-86. Desc.: *Economic development; *Economic policy; *Recession; *Crises; *EEC; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.1 338.22 338.124 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 85 7664392 832100392 Public policy Schultze, C.L.; Walters, K.D.; Monson, R.J EDITION: 32p.A5 California management review, Berkeley, (25), nr. 4, summer, 1983, p. 5)., Ref CATALOG NO.: CMD-4-1983.summer R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Three contributions by C. Schultze, K. Walters, and J. Monsen. The view that the relationship between government and business in the USA is in need of fundamental reform, is criticized. Management of nationalized industries in Europe. Political and economic pressures that confront the managers of private-owned firms, in the context of recent policy changes by the British and French governments. Desc.: *Business environment; *Industrial policy; *Nationalization; *Western Europe; *USA; Public enterprises; Management control UDC NO.: 658: 304 338.45: 338.22 338. (4-15) (73) Y036090 86 7662218 832000218 An analysis of ACP-EEC trade after LOME I Convention Ogbonna, M.N EDITION: 20p.A5 Acta oeconomica, Budapest , (29), nr. 3/4, 1982, p. 341)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: ACO-3/4-1982.vol.29 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Assessment of the performance of the Lome I Convention on the ACP-EEC trade patterns. Accessibility of the ACP-countries products to the EEC markets. Growth of trade for the ACP states. Structure of exports of the participants. Comparison with the Stabex-arrangement. Statistics, 1969-80. (Summary in Russian). Desc.: *Foreign trade; *International economic relations; *Western Europe; *Africa; *Caribbean regions; Far East UDC NO.: 339.5 339.9 (4-15) (6) (729) Y036090 87 7662185 832000185 Could a common industrial policy provide jobs? Bailey, R EDITION: 4p.A4 Accountant, London, (189), nr. 5656, Aug. 25, 1983, p. 12)., CATALOG NO.: ACC-5656-1983.08.25 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular It is considered whether a common industrial policy as opposed to a collection of measures combined in an industrial strategy could be of real benefit to Western Europe. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *EEC UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC Y036090 88 7662184 832000184 General measures to assist workers and firms in adjusting to injury from freer trade; issues raised by various European approaches and some ad hoc industry measures adopted elsewhere Stein, L EDITION: 13p.A4 American journal of economics and sociology, New York, (42), nr. 3, July, 1983, p. 315)., Ref CATALOG NO.: AJE-3-1983.07 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Various European measures to alleviate hardships following structural changes, including those resulting from changes in international trade, particularly imports, are summarized. The characteristics of an ideal trade adjustment scheme are itemized along with some of the difficulties in maintaining them. Finally, suggestions are made to de-politicize the tariff-making process in the interest of freer trade. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Free trade; *Tariffs; *Customs duties ; *Subsidies and guarantees; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.5.015.22 339.543 338.246.062.2 (4-15) Y036090 89 7660201 831900201 Hidden goals in Chinese industrialization; lessons from early modernization attempts Mijers, H.E EDITION: 5p.A4 Columbia journal of world business, the, New York, (17), nr. 4, winter, 1982, p. 74)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CJW-4-1982.winter R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education For corporations considering new business ties with China PR, an understanding of Chinese government' s goals and policies and the country' s cultural environment is provided. Historical tradition. Environmental contrasts. Contrasting business policies in the shipping industry. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Industrialization; *Trading practices ; *China PR UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.45: 330.35 339.16 (510) Y036090 90 7658483 831800483 Structural adjustmet in the textile and clothing industries in EFTA EDITION: 6p.A4 EFTA bulletin, Geneva , (24), nr. 2, Apr. / June, 1983, p. 8)., Ill. Tabs CATALOG NO.: EFE-2-1983.04/06 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Development of textile and clothing industries in the EFTA countries. Technological change. Industrial structure. International trade. Production. Trade balances. Output and employment. Industrial policies. Statistics, 1963-79. Desc.: *Textiles; *Clothing; *Ready-made clothing; *Western Europe; *EFTA countries UDC NO.: 677 687 (4-15) Y036090 91 7658069 831800069 Economic survey of Europe in 1982 PUBL.: Prep. by UNO; Economic Commission for Europe; Secretariat. USA, New York N.Y., 1983., y. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: UNEC-1982 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Annual Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development of Western Europe, Southern Europe and Yugoslavia. Output, demand and employment. Cost and prices. Foreign trade. Prospects and policies. Developments in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Agriculture. Industry. Investment. Foreign trade. Consumers' income. Structure of West European manufacturing industry in the 1970' 2. Desc.: *Economic development; *East Europe; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.1 (4-11) (4-15) Y036090 92 7652145 831500145 Les nationalisations Bauchet, P.; Bizaguet, A.; Vessillier, E.; a.o EDITION: 232p.A5 Revue economique, Paris, (34), nr. 3, mai, 1983, p. 429)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: RVU-3-1983.05 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Sept contributions de P. Bauchet, A. Bizaguet, E. Vessillier, X. Greffe, J.-C. Asselain, C. Stoffaes, C. Leray. Importance des entreprises publiques dans l' economie francaise et europeenne apres les nationalisations en 1982. Aspects financiers des nationalisations. Entreprises publiques dans la politique de l' Etat. Dimension sociale des nationalisations. Objectifs economiques et criteres de gestion du secteur public industriel. Apprehension de l' efficacite dans les entreprises publiques industrielles et commerciales. Statistiques, 1973-81. (Summaries in Eng.). Desc.: *Nationalization; *Public finance; *Industrial policy; *France; *Western Europe ; Public enterprises; Private enterprises; Social climate; Efficiency; Effectiveness UDC NO.: 338. 336.1/.5 338.45: 338.22 (44) (4-15) Y036090 93 7646235 831200235 Studies identify challenges to US high tech leadership EDITION: 5p.A4 Business America, Washington , (6), nr. 9, May 2, 1983, p. 7)., Ill CATALOG NO.: COR-9-1983.05.02 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Role of high technology industries in US economic and military security. Importance to output growth, productivity and trade performance. Factors contributing to the decline in US leadership and recommendations to prevent further decline. US performance in world trade and competitiveness. Industry targeting. Industrial policy of USA, Japan, France and West-Germany. Prospects. Desc.: *Technology; *Industrial policy; *USA; World trade UDC NO.: 60 338.45: 338.22 (73) Y036090 94 7646152 831200152 De industriestrategie van de Europese Gemeenschap Maillet, P EDITION: 72p.A5 Europese documentatie, Brussel , nr. 5, apr., 1982, p. 1)., Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: EHR-5-1982.05 Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Dimensie, doeltreffendheid en algemen aanpassingsproblemen van de industrie van de Europese Gemeenschap. Communautaire beleid inzake het economisch milieu en de maatschappelijke begeleiding daarvan. Gemeenschapsbeleid ter bepaling van de koers en als stimulans. Overzicht van sectoren die kampen met relactieve of absolute teruggang (textiel, staal), van de geavanceerde technologie (electronica) en met mogelijke problemen (automobielindustrie). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Western Europe; EEC UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 95 7646032 831200032 Modern liberatism; conversations with liberal politicians Netherlands, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1982. , 298p.A5 Ill. Ref ISBN: 0444-86484-9 CATALOG NO.: 2-2110 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Liberalisation in its European variety, analyzed through conversations with 9 prominent liberal politicians, each from a different, West European country: J.-F. Deniau, P. Federspiel, J. Grimond, G. Malagodi, M. Masani, W. Mischnick, J. Rey, G. Thorn, E. Toxopeus. Industrial policy. protectionism. Trade unions. Decentralization. Function of Parliament. European integration and defence. Dilemmas of the welfare state. Desc.: *Economic schools; *Liberalism; *; *Politics; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 330.8 32 (4-15) Y036090 96 7644161 831100161 Protectionism and structural adjustment: an overview Publ. by United Nations conference on trade and development; UNCTAD secretariat Switzerland, Geneva, 1983. , 50p.A4 Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-7654-1983 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Trade-related adjustment in the Federal Republic of Germany, the USA, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the Netherlands during the period 1968-78. Degree to which changing patterns of comparative advantage have influenced the structure of manufacturing production and employment. Consequences of the new protectionism which stems mainly from resistance to structural adjustment. Suggestions for an alternative to protection, managed adjustment. Statistics. Desc.: *Economic structure; *Foreign trade; *Protectionism; *Western Europe; *USA; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 338.4 339.5 339.5.015.24 (4-15) (73) Y036090 97 7642232 831000232 Intra-industry and inter-industry trade in Switzerland Greenaway, D EDITION: 13p.A5 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Tubingen , (119), nr. 1, 1983, p. 109)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: WEL-1-1983.Band 119 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level Extent ot which intra-industry exchange took place in Switzerland over the period 1965-77 is ascertained, and comparisons with a number of West European countries are given. Reference is made to Grubel and Lloyd (1975), a.o. Statistics, 1965-77. (Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch. Resume en francais. Resumen espanol). Desc.: *Trade-- domestic, inland; *Economic structure; *Trade theory; *Switzerland; Statistical analysis; Western Europe UDC NO.: 339.3 338.4 339.1 (494) Y036090 98 7638179 830800179 Vereinigung oesterreichischer Industrieller; Jahresbericht Austria, Wien, y. Ill. Tabs CATALOG NO.: VEOIX Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Annual Co Report GRADE LEVEL: Popular Wirtschaftliche ntwicklung und Wachstum der Industrie in Oesterreich. Finanz- und Steuerpolitik. Industriepolitik. Handelspolitik und internationale Wahrungspolitik. Sozialpolitik. Verkehrspolitik. Bildungspolitik. Rechtspolitik. Publizistik. Wirtschaftswerbung. Organe der Vereinigung Desc.: *Industry; *Economic policy; *Austria ; Employers' associations; Industrial policy; Social policy; Foreign trade policy; Tax policy UDC NO.: 338.45 338.22 (436) Y036090 99 7636363 830700363 Knowledge, productivity and industrial policy. 1 MacCharles, D.C EDITION: 5p.A4 Cost and management, Hamilton, (57), nr. 1, Jan. / Feb., 1983, p. 14)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CST-1-1983.01/02 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Analysis of costs of knowledge R and D, productivity and industrial policy in Canadian manufacturing. Policy implications. Number of corporations and sales values of the manufacturing sector. Desc.: *Research and development; *Productivity; *Efficacy; *Industrial policy; *Canada; Cost acconting; Valuation UDC NO.: 658.012.1 338.3.011.1 338.45: 338.22 (71) Y036090 100 7634157 830600157 DDR und Osteuropa; Wirtschaftssystem, Wirtschaftspolitik, Lebensstandard; ein Handbuch (Mit Beitragen von Bethkenhagen, J., Cornelsen, D., Gramatzki, E., u.a. ) Germany FR, Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 1981., 372p.A5 Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs ISBN: 3-8100-0385-9 CATALOG NO.: 3-8564 Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Funfzig Beitrage von J. Bethkenhagen, D. Cornelsen, H.-E. Gramatski, H.-H. Hoekman, R. Hopf, H. Lambrecht, M. Lodahl, H. Machowski, M. Melzer, M. Ruban, u.a. Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Politik in der DDR, und in den uebrigen osteuropaischen Landern. Lebensstandard. Industriepolitik. Preisbildung. Beschaftigung. Energie. Chemie. Elektrotechnik. Konsumgute. Bauwirtschaft. Agrarpolitik. Transportwesen. Einzelhandel. Staatshaushalt. Soziale Sicherung. Gesundheit. Aussenhandel. Wirtschaftliche Integration in den osteuropaischen Landern. Wirtschaftssystem. Strukturprobleme. Statistiken, 1950-' 90. Desc.: *Economic development; *Economic policy; *Standard of living; *Germany DR; *East Europe; Comecon; Foreign trade; Industrial policy; Price policy; Employment UDC NO.: 338.1 338.22 330.59 (430.2) (4-11) Y036090 101 7626462 830200462 Steel crisis and steel policy; a comparison Esser, J.; Fach, W.; Gierszewski, G.; a.o EDITION: 6p.A4 Intereconomics; monthly review of international trade and development, Hamburg , (17), nr. 6, Nov. / Dec., 1982, p. 279)., CATALOG NO.: WSA-6-1982.11/12 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular The spectrum of national steel policies, together with its place in international regulation models, is illustrated by four examples: the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Austria. Desc.: *Steel; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 669.14 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 102 7626279 830200279 Flanders; orientated to industry and technology Overstraeten, R.J. van; Montagu, M. van; Schell, J.; a.o EDITION: 7p.A2 Financieel ekonomische tijd, Antwerpen, (15), nr. 3686, dec. 2, 1982, katern 2, p. 1)., Figs. Ill. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: VEB-3686-1982.12.02 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Inplementation of technology in Flanders. Research and development in the micro-electronic industry and ceramic industry. DIRV (Third industrial revolution in Flanders) campaign by the regional government as part of the innovative strategy. Activities at the Flanders' technology fair in Ghent. Economic data List of participants to the campaign. (Deutsche Zusammenfassung, resume francais). Desc.: *Technology; *Research and development; *Industrial policy ; *Belgium; *Flanders; Trade fairs UDC NO.: 60 658.012.1 338.45: 338.22 (493) Y036090 103 7614146 822000146 An Irish sweepstakes for American corporations Watzke, G.E EDITION: 9p.A5 Journal of general management, London, (7), nr. 4, Summer, 1982, p. 31) Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: JEP-4-1982 Summer Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Examination of the strategy which the Irish Republic has evolved for industrial development, the tactics of attracting foreign (mainly US-) investment, and the strategic rationale of American firms. Implications for competing UK-firms and government agencies. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Investment climate; *Ireland-- Eire Foreign investments in a country; USA; United Kingdom UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.45: 304 (417) Y036090 104 7610315 821800315 Werkzeugmaschinenbau, Der, in der DDR EDITION: 7p.A4 Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Wochenbericht, Berlin, (49), nr. 29, Juli 22, 1982, p. 384). , Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: WIK-29-1982.07.22 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Uebersicht der DDR-Kombinate und ihre Produktionsprogramme-Daten zur Export (besonders nach RGW-Landern), zum Industrieroboter- und Handhabungsgeratebestand. Entwicklungsvergleiche zwischen DDR, Bundesrepublik, und RGW-Landern. Statistiken, 1960-85. Desc.: *Machine tools; *Robots; *Export; *Germany DR ; Industrial policy; Germany FR; East Europe UDC NO.: 621.9 007.52 339.564 (430.2) Y036090 105 7610196 821800196 Two decades of IDCOL Mahanti, P.C EDITION: 18p.A4 Commerce, Bombay , (145), nr. 3709, July 10, 1982, p. 2)., Graphs.Ill. Portr. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CWI-1982.07.10 Supplement Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Review of the activities of the Industrial development corporation of Orissa (IDCOL), India. Aspects of Orissa' s economic history. IDCOL' s subsidiaries. Export. Future development projects. Interview with the managing director. Statistics, mainly 1972-83. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Institutions; *India; Economic plans ; Development plans; Joint ventures; Subsidiaries UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 061 (540) Y036090 106 7606246 821600246 National industrial strategies and the world economy (Ed. by. Pinder, J. ) United Kingdom, London, Croom Helm, 1982., 302p.A5 Graphs.Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-7099-2010-5 CATALOG NO.: 3-8455 SERIES: (An Atlantic institute Pov international affairs Research Volume). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Nine contributions by C. Saunders, J. Pinder, S. Woolcock, G. Edwards, Takashi Hosomi, Ariyoshi Okumura, W. Diebold Jr. and W. Hager. Changes in the distribution of world production and trade in manufactures. Causes and kinds of industrial policy. Recent development of five industrial sectors (steel, textiles, man made fibres, shipbuilding, aircraft) and policy responses of governments and international organizations. Industrial policies of Japan, the USA, Canada and Western Europe. Statistics, 1944-79. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *World economy; International division of labour; World trade; World; International UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.9 (100) Y036090 107 7606245 821600245 Industrial policy; influencing the international marketplace Jones, T.M.; Holland, R.C.; Eberle, W.D.; a.o EDITION: 148p.A5 Journal of contemporary business, Seattle, (11), nr. 1, 1982, p. I)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BPT-1-1982 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Eleven contributions by Jones, R. Holland, W. Eberle, I. Magaziner, P. Tiffany, J. Calton, J. Johansson, S. Cohen, Tran Van Tho, T. Roehl, a.o., on aspects of US-industrial policy: political implications of the 1980' s, the development of a strategy of less market-interference, the need of a national consensus for economic rejuvenation, the problem of declination of the steel industry. Historical review of industrial policy developments in world auto industry (notably W. Europe and Japan). Examples of the Swedish, French, and Japanese economical models. he Japanese textile industry-experience. Industrial policy in developing countries. Statistics, 1950-90. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *USA; *OECD countries ; Steel; Automobiles; Cars; Textiles; Developing countries UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (73) (100.3) Y036090 108 7604364 821500364 Electricity and industry Herve, E.; Robin, A.; Meller, E.; a.o EDITION: 282p.A4 Revue de l' energie, Paris, (33), nr. 344, mai / juin, 1982, p. 371)., Figs. Graphs.Ill. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: RFA-344-1982.05/06 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Twenty-six contributions by E. Herve, A. Robin, E. Meller, E. Decker, M. Thelwell, F. Prytz, T. Akselsen, R. Ouellette, O. Farah, T. Momota, a.o. Use of electricity in the industrial sector (OECD countries). Choice of electricity and its contribution to industrial development in the UK, Norway and the US. Conditions of Japanese energy plan and electric heating technology. Partners energy in France. Nuclear electricity. Electrical equipment industry. Electric furnaces. Automation and energy. Electricity to replace fossil fuels in the chemical industry. Use of electric energy in the transformation of ferrous metals . Agribusiness and energy. Innovation and rational use of electricity (esp for small business). Electricity' s place in the national energy context of France. Electricite de France' s rate making policy. Europe' s energy policy. Necessity of training and information. (Egalement texte francais). Figures. Desc.: *Electricity; *Electric power; *Industry; *Heating; *Efficiency; *Effectiveness; *France; Energy policy; Pricing UDC NO.: 621.31 338.45 697 658.011.4 (44) Y036090 109 7604196 821500196 Opleving van het communautaire beleid in verschillende sectoren; gevolgen van het mandaat van 30 mei 1980 EDITION: 113p.A4 Bulletin van de Europese gemeenschappen, Brussel, nr. 4, 1981, p. 1)., Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BYH-4-1981 Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Beleidslijnen, ter uitvoering van het mandaat van 30 mei 1980, op het gebied van de economische politiek, de energie, onderzoek en ontwikkeling, de industrie, deindustriele innovatie, het regionaal beleid en het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid van de EEG. Desc.: *Economic policy; *EEC; Energy policy; Industrial policy; Agricultural policy; Science policy; Research policy UDC NO.: 338.22 339.543.62EEC Y036090 110 7602459 821400459 La liberte d' etablissement et la libre prestation de services dans la Communaute economique europeenne Wendling, S EDITION: 24p.A4 Revue du Marche commun, Paris , nr. 255, mars, 1982, p. 132)., Ref CATALOG NO.: RMD-255-1982.03 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Evalution de vingt ans de realisation des programmes de liberation de l' etablissement et des service dans la CEE. Activites liberees. Beneficiaires de la liberte. Principe de non-discrimination et ses limites. Mesures destinees a favoriser lexcercise effectif de la liberte. Desc.: *Business environment; *Services sector; *EEC; *Western Europe; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 658: 304 338.46 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 111 7602272 821400272 Toward better Japan-Europe economic relations Hiroya Ichikawa EDITION: 6p.A4 Intereconomics; monthly review of international trade and development, Hamburg , (17), nr. 3, May / June, 1982, p. 112)., Tab CATALOG NO.: WSA-3-1982.05/06 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular It is argued that present economic relations between Japan and Europe are marred by misunderstanding and ignorance of one another' s positions. Factors which could improve the basic structure of these relations. Desc.: *International cooperation; *Western Europe; *Japan UDC NO.: 339.92 (4-15) (520) Y036090 112 7600210 821300210 Resaerch and development; what role for the Communission EDITION: 10p.A4 European trends, London, nr. 71, May, 1982, p. 37)., Tabs CATALOG NO. EEB-71-1982.05 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Examination of the present condition of R & D and industrial innovation in Western Europe. Promotion and stimulation activities. R & D financing. Comparison with Japan. Role of the European Commission. Statistics, 1970-80. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Research and development; *Innovation ; *New products; *Western Europe; *Japan; EEC UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 658.012.1 658.624 (4-15) (520) Y036090 113 7600208 821300208 EEC responce, The, tot ht US-Japanese challenge in microelectronics, data processing and numerically controlled machine tools EDITION: 12p.A4 European trends, London , nr. 71, May, 1982, p. 24)., Graph. Tabs CATALOG NO.: EEB-71-1982.05 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Europe' s dependency on Japan and the USA in the field of microelectronics, data processing and numerically controlled machine tools. National strategies of individual EEC members. Largest manufacturers. Europe' s competitiveness and protectionist measures. Statistics, 1974-90. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Electronics; *Microelectronics; *; *Automation; *Data processing; *EDP; *Machine tools; *Western Europe; Japan; USA; Competition; Protectionism; Numerical control UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 621.38 651.011.56 621.9 (4-15) Y036090 114 7600207 821300207 Industrial policies in the European community Curzon Price, V Publ. for Trade policy research centre United kingdom, London, MacMillan, 1982. , 155p.A5 Bibl. Tabs ISBN: 0-333-31911-7 CATALOG NO.: 2-2006 SERIES: (World economic issues). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Aspects of industrial policy in the context of the Tokyo round negotiations. Industrial policy, the market and the state. Industrial policy in France, West Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands. Sectoral problems: steel, shipbuilding, chemicals and textiles. Alternatives to delayed structural adjustment in " Workshop Europe" . Statistics, 1971-79. (Bibliogr. 4p.). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *EEC; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 115 7596238 821100238 Bedrijven in moeilijkheden 1981; globale en specifieke economische, sociale, ordepolitiek en juridische aspecten (Onder red. van Verloren van Themaat, P./ ) Netherlands, Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1982. , 272p.A5 Ref ISBN: 90-271-1872-8 CATALOG NO.: 3-8403 SERIES: (Uitgaven van het Molengraaff instituut voor privaatrecht te Utrecht, 8). Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Tien bijdragen van H. Leliveld, A. Jaspers, J. van Duijn, A. Stevers, A. Korthals Altes, A. Kaag, B. Hessel, J. Winter, L. Geelhoed, en D. Schouten, over macro-economische en structurele aspecten van bedrijfsmoeilijkheden in Nederland, alsmede loon- en arbeidsmarktproblematiek en sectorstructuurbeleid. Werkloosheid als gevolg van conflicterende stelsels. Orientatie vanuit vennootschaps-surceance- en faillissementsrecht. Rol van het Ministerie van economische zaken bij vennootschapsrecht. Nederlands steunverleningsbeleid, alsmede Europeerechtelijke aspecten. Democratie en economische orde in de verzorgingsstaat. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Subsidies and guarantees; *Company law; *Labour market policy; *Netherlands; Macro economics; Economic structure; Mixed economy; Welfare state; Small business subsidies; Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.246.062.2 347.72 331.6: 338.22 (492) Y036090 116 7590015 820800015 URSS et Pays de l' Europe de l' Est; proliemes actuels Asselain, J.C.; Gicquiau, H.; Feuvel, G.R.; a.o EDITION: 238p.A5 Economies et societes, Paris , (15), nr. 8/9, aout / sept., 1981, p. 1153)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: CBK-8/9-1981.08/09 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Anq contributions de J. Asselain, H. Gicquiau, G. Feiwel, J. Lipinski et V. Rigacev. Repartition des revenus en Hongrie. Direction de la qualite dans l' industrie sovietique. Strategie d' industrialisation de Bulgarie. Solutions parametriques et oligopolistiques dans une economie socialiste soumise a la planification centrale. Perfectionnement du systeme a plusiers niveaux d' optimisation des plans perspectifs de l' economie nationale. Desc.: *Communist economy; *Income; *Income distribution; *Industry; *USSR; *Hungary; Bulgaria; Industrial policy; Oligopoly UDC NO.: 330.342.152 330.564 338.45 (47+57) (439) Y036090 117 7588541 820700541 Condition d' emploi et cout de la main d' oeuvre dans les economies europeennes Sigogne, P EDITION: 22p.A4 Economie et statistique, Paris , nr. 140, jan., 1982, p. 63)., Figs. Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: ETU-140-1982.01 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Role de la qualite de la main-d' oeuvre dans l' efficacite dans l' industrie, les institutions financieres et les commerces en France et des differentes economies europeennes. Structure du cout de la main d' oeuvre. Repartition des salaries par groupe de qualification. Influence des conditions d' emploi et des pyramides des ages. Productivite remuneration et profit. Taux d' invertissement. Desc.: *Working conditions; *Wage structure; *Economic structure*France; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 658.382 331.2: 330.564 338.4 (44) (4-15) Y036090 118 7582395 820400395 Symposium on the public sector; a special supplement EDITION: 36p.A4 Pakistan economist, Karachi, (21), nr. 48, Nov. 28, 1981, p. 17)., Ill. Portr. Tabs CATALOG NO.: PKE-48-1981.11.28 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Symposium on Public sector performence, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 1981: discussion of practical issues and problems in the framework on Pakistan' s economic development. Speech by mr Khan, Minister for finance, on public corporations. Patterns of management. Development of technology. Aspects of public enterprise behaviour. Public vs private sector. Design of a control system with regard to the monopolistic content of public enterprise activity. Role of the industry under the Ministry of production. Role of the Pakistan industrial development corporation (PIDC). Steel industry. Public enterprise in the market economy. Desc.: *Public enterprises; *Private enterprises; *Management and organization; *Technology; *Pakistan ; Micro economics; Industrial policy; Development policy; Steel; Corporate strategy; Business policy UDC NO.: 658.115 658.114 658.01 60 (549) Y036090 119 7582035 820400035 Europe' s durable unemployment woes Ball, R EDITION: 6p.A4 Fortune, Chicago , (105), nr. 1, Jan. 11, 1982, p. 66)., Graphs.Ill CATALOG NO.: FOT-1-1982.01.11 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Problems and causes of structural unemployment in Western Europe. Structure of labour costs and fringe benefits. Stagnating job growth. Possible solutions to unemployment. Future economic prospects. Competitiveness. Steel industry. Desc.: *Unemployment; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 331.6.063 (4-15) Y036090 120 7580179 820300179 Progres technique, croissance et emploi; un modele d' inspiration kaldorienne pour six industries europeennes Boyer, R.; Petit, P EDITION: 41p.A5 Revue economique, Paris , (32), nr. 6, nov., 1981, p. 1113)., Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: RVU-6-1981.11 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level Un modele kaldorienne est elabore montrant l' importance relative des differents determinants de la productivite industrielle; croissance de la demande, rythmes d' accumulations et d' innovations techniques. Le modele est applique a l' evolution de six economies europeennes (Republique Federale d' Allemagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Belgique et Royaume-Uni) dans la periode 1960-1976. Il est examine dans quelle mesure des politiques de relance ou de restructuration de l' offre pourraient enrayer le phenomene de des industrialisation. Desc.: *Productivity; *Efficacy; *Technology; *Employment; *Western Europe; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 338.3.011.1 60 331.6 (4-15) Y036090 121 7578272 820200272 Industrial innovation and foreign trade in the 80' s Grewlich, K.W EDITION: 6p.A4 Intereconomics; monthly review of international trade and development, Hamburg , (16), nr. 6, Nov. / Dec., 1981, p. 269)., Ref CATALOG NO.: WSA-6-1981.11/12 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Economic and trade relations between the EC, USA and Japan, Europe' s technological potential. Problems in the field of cars, steel, textiles, agriculture, technology trade against the background of agreements between the EC and the USA. Barriers to technology transfer. Industrial policy of Japan. Development of a common strategy by the EC-commission. Desc.: *Foreign trade; *Technology transfer; *Western Europe; *Japan; *USA; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 339.5 60: 659.24 (4-15) (520) (73) Y036090 122 7578188 820200188 Nigeria Survey Wiiliams, D.; Lukic, A.M.; Cotton, D.; a.o EDITION: 14p.A4 African business, London, nr. 40, Dec., 1981, p. 51)., Ill. Portrs.Tab CATALOG NO.: AGC-40-1981.12 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development of Nigeria. Political backgrounds. Fiscal situation. Revenue position. Industrial policy. Agricultural policy and credit. Grain Cocoa. Private sector code of conduct. Foreign trade. Investment climate. EEC aid. Statistics 1976-85). Desc.: *Economic policy; *Nigeria; Grain; Cereals UDC NO.: 338.22 (669) Y036090 123 7574276 812400276 Aussenhandels- und Strukturpolitik; komplementaere Zielvorstellungen Lukesch, D.; Moser, R.; Holzmueller, H EDITION: 10p.A4 Creditanstalt Bankverein. Wirtschaftsberichte, Wien, (16), nr. 3, 1981, p. 6)., CATALOG NO.: CRV-3-1981 Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Drei Vortrage von Lukesch, Moser und Holzmueller gehalten auf dem 1. osterreichischen Wirtschaftsakademiker-Tag am 29. Mai 1981 in Seefeld zum Generalthema Aussenhandels- und Strukturpolitik-komplementare Zielvorstellungen. Aussenwirtschaftlich induzierten Strukturproblemen und Strukturpolitik. Wahrungs- und Wechselkursproblematik und Aussenhandelsstruktur. Internationaler Medienstrome und Aussenhandel. Desc.: *Foreign trade policy; *Industrial policy; *Austria; Exchange rates UDC NO.: 339.54 338.45: 338.22 (436) Y036090 124 7570283 812200283 Strukturpolitik in marktwirtschaftlich orientierten Wirtschaftssystemen Meissner, W EDITION: 18p.A5 Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin, (101), nr. 5, 1981, p. 537)., Ref CATALOG NO.: SJB-5-1981 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Darlegung der Moglichkeiten Staatlicher Einflussnahme auf die sektorale Struktur in westlichen Marktwirtschaften. Am Beispiel von vier westlichen Industrielandern (BRD, Grossbritannien, Frankreich und Schweden) werden Unterschiede und Gesamtheiten der Strukturpolitik gezeigt. Besondere Aspekte der Strukturpolotik: Abstimmung der Strukturpolitik innerhalb der EG; Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik. Beurteilung der Zielsetzung und Handlungsspielraum staatlicher Strukturpolitik (Summary in Eng.). Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Economic structure; *Western Europe Germany FR; United Kingdom; France; Science policy; Research policy UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 338.4 (4-15) Y036090 125 7568775 812100775 De Europese staalindustrie; strijd tussen " commonsense" en nationalisme (II); het beleid in de Europese Gemeenschap Hooglandt, J.D.; Heusdens, J.J.; Ven, J.M.M. van der EDITION: 7p.A4 Economisch statistische berichten, ESB, Rotterdam, (66), nr. 3323, sept. 23, 1981, p. 920)., Ref CATALOG NO.: ESB-3323-1981.09.23 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Vervolg op een artikel in Economisch statistische berichten, jrg. 66, no.3323, 23 sept. 1981. Bevoegdheden tot interventie in de staalindustrie die de Europese commissie op grond van het EGKS-verdrag bezit. EEG-beleid in de crisesperiode 1975-1980. Recente ontwikkelingen: markt-, prijs- en sociaal beleid, subsidiecodex. Mogelijkheden van een verschrottingspremie als instrument van het herstructureringsbeleid. Desc.: *Steel; *Recession; *Crises; *Industrial policy; *EEC UDC NO.: 669.14 338.124 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC Y036090 126 7568691 812100691 Richtingsaanwijzers voor produkt- en marktontwikkeling inzake de industriele bedrijvigheid in de EEG in het algemeen en Nederland in het bijzonder Bunt, J.; Tettero, J.H.J.P Uitg. door Erasmusuniversiteit Rotterdam; Centrum voor bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek, CBO; Vakgroep commerciele beleidsvorming Netherlands, Rotterdam, 1981. , 40p.A4 Fig. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BROS-641-1981 Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Historische analyses, toekomstverkenningen op wereldniveau, projecties, kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve analyses mbt produkt- en marktontwikkeling in de EEG en Nederland. Analyse van de ontwikkeling van 12 industriele bedrijfsklassen in de EEG, vergeleken met deze in Japan en de USA, over de periode 1960-1975. Analyse van de exportontwikkeling van de 9 EEG landen, en de plaats van Nederland. Aanbevelingen voor de ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse industry. Desc.: *Product management; *Market research; *Western Europe; Export; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 658.62 658.8.012.1 (4-15) Y036090 127 7566244 812000244 Reviving sick industries; at what cost? Chattopadhyay, P EDITION: 10p.A4 Commerce, Bombay , (143), nr. 3662, Aug. 22, 1981, p. 329)., Tabs CATALOG NO.: CWI-3662-1981.08.22 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Three contributions on the phenomenon of industrial sickness in India. Number of sick industrial units and credit outstanding. Industrial policy measures. Roles of the Reserve bank and the Industrial reconstruction corporation of India. Objectives of the soft loan scheme and of rehabilitation finance. Problems being faced by commercial banks and lending institutions lending to reviving industries. Statistics, 1978-1979. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Industrial credit; *Reorganization and reconversion; *India UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 336.77: 338.45 658.11.016.7 (540) Y036090 128 7566017 812000017 Aspects of growth, structural change, and employment; a Schumpeterian perspective Giersch, H EDITION: 24p.A5 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Tubingen , (115), nr. 4, 1979, p. 629)., Graphs.Ref. Tab CATALOG NO.: WEL-4-1979 bnd 115 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level In a Schumpeter framework the development of two new world economic centers outside the USA in Europe and Asia (Japan) in the postwar period is discussed. Catching-up process. Problems of transatlantic equilibrium. Policies towards growth and Employment. (Zusammenfassung, resume, resumen). Desc.: *Economic growth; *Viennese school; *Schumpeter; *; *Western Europe; *Japan; Economic structure; Employment; Growth models; USA UDC NO.: 330.35 330.831.2 (4-15) (520) Y036090 129 7562250 811800250 Industrieansiedlungen in der EG EDITION: 12p.A4 Wirtschaftswoche, Dusseldorf , (35), nr. 32, Juli 31, 1981, p. 38)., Ill. Tab CATALOG NO.: WFZ-32-1981.07.31 Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Westeuropaische Forderungspraxis bei der Bekampfung der Arbeitslosigkeit dutch neue Investitionen. Rolle des EG Regionalfonds. Investitionschancen in den zehn EG Landern. Beispiel des Hoechst Konzerns in Italien. Konkurrenzkampfen bei der Werbung fur Industrieansiedlung in der BRD. Ansiedlungspolitik Irlands. Auskunfteadressen in den EG Landern. Desc.: *Investment climate; *Location; *Western Europe; Business environment; Unemployment policy; Industrial policy UDC NO.: 338.45: 304 658.21 (4-15) Y036090 130 7560286 811700286 Specialisation internationale et crise Maldaque, R.; Lafay, G.; Aglietta, M.; a.o EDITION: 199p.A5 Revue economique, Paris, (32), nr. 4, juil, 1981, p. 619)., Bibl. Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: RVU-4-1981.07 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Anq contributions de Maldaque, Lafay, Aglietta, Orlean, Oudiz, Savary et Balassa. Politiques ' d' ajustement positif' dans la Communaute europeenne. Dynamique de specialisation des pays europeens. Politique de change, consequences des constraintes monetaires. La France dans la division internationale du travail: une approche par l' investissement direct international. Evolution de la structure des echanges de produits manufactures entre pays industriels et pays en development. Statistique, 1973-1978. (Bibliogr. 2p.; resumes en francais, summaries in Eng.). Desc.: *International division of labour; *International finance; *Foreign trade; *Western Europe; *France ; Foreign investments; International economic relations; Recession; Crises UDC NO.: 339.9.011.3 339.7 339.5 (4-15) (44) Y036090 131 7558477 811600477 Die Suederweiterung der Europaeischen Gemeinschaft Musto, S.A EDITION: 32p.A5 Kyklos; internationale Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaften, Basel, (43), nr. 2, 1981, p. 242)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: KYK-2-1981 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level Folgerungen der Untersuchungen des Deutschen Instituts fur Entwicklungspolitik, die sich auf die strukturellen Implikationen der zweiten Erweiterung der EEG, fur die Gemeinwirtschaft beziehen. Die internen Folgen und die externen Folgen der ungleichen Entwicklung. Implikationen fur die gemeinsame Agrarpolitik. Strukturmerkmale der mediterranen Landwirtschaft. Implikationen fur die Industrie. (Summary in Eng.; resume en francais). Desc.: *Agricultural policy; *Industrial policy; *EEC and associates UDC NO.: 63: 338.22 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EECA Y036090 132 7558244 811600244 Ost-West-Vergleich interindustrieller Verflechtungsstrukturen auf der Basis von Input-Output-Tabellen Scholing, E.; Timmermann, V EDITION: 12p.A5 Kyklos; internationale Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaften, Basel, (34), nr. 2, 1981, p. 230)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: KYK-2-1981 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: University Level Fur 13 westliche und 5 ostliche Lander 1959 und 1965 wird untersucht ob sich zwischen beiden Landergruppen ein systematischer Systemeinfluss nachweisen lasst. Die Stellung einzelner Sektoren im intersektoralen Verflechtungszusammenhang. Es wird untersucht ob die Aenderungen als Konvergenz- oder Divergenzentwicklungen interpretiert werden konnen. (Summary in Eng.; resume en francais). Desc.: *Economic structure; *International economic relations; *East Europe; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.4 339.9 (4-11) (4-15) Y036090 133 7556320 811500320 The technologically-oriented Japanese economy; a way to a new international relationship, tri-lateralism Tetsuo Adachi EDITION: 8p.A4 LTCB research; quarterly review of Japanese industry, Tokyo, nr. 47, 1981, special, p. 1)., Graphs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: CLK-47-1981 special Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development of Japan, and the development of the Western industry compared with Japan. Impact of US industrial renovation. Advanced technology of Western countries (nuclear power, space development, aircraft industry, life science). Technical trade balance. Example of the Japanese aircraft industry. Programs for promotion of technological development. Statistics, 1970-1981. Desc.: *International cooperation; *Japan; *USA; *Western Europe ; Technology UDC NO.: 339.92 (520) (73) (4-15) Y036090 134 7556274 811500274 Japan' s trade with the EEC; accommodate or retaliate; which way for the commission? EDITION: 23p.A4 European trends, London , nr. 67, May, 1981, p. 19)., Fig. Graphs.Tab CATALOG NO.: EEB-67-1981.05 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Japanese foreign trade with Western Europe. Balance of trade. Invisible trade. Japan' s total import trade by country and by product group. Impact of the Japanese industrial policy. Comparison of economy and population of Japan and the EEC-countries. EEC protectionist responce to Japanese exports. Statistics, 1970-1985. Desc.: *Foreign trade; *Western Europe; *Japan UDC NO.: 339.5 (4-15) (520) Y036090 135 7556246 811500246 Industrial policy and innovation ( Publ. by National institute of economic and social research, Policy studies institute and Royal institute of international affairs. ) Ed. by Carter, C United Kingdom, London, Heinemann, 1981 X., 241p.A5 Graph. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-435-83116 X CATALOG NO.: 2-1831 SERIES: (Joint studies in public policy, 3). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Thirteen contributions, with commentaries, by Shonfield, Carter, Silberston, Daly, Allen, Pavitt, Stout, Willott, Jones, White, Dosy and Northcott, Role of the UK government. Industrial policies in the UK, 1960-1980. Technology and R and D in the UK. Role of the National Enterprise Board. Role of industrial policy. Technology transfer. Institutions, markets and policies for micro-electronics in Europe. Case study of machine tool indistry in the UK. Industrial policy and innovation in Japan. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Innovation; *New products; *Research and development; *United Kingdom; Electronics; Technology; Japan UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 658.624 658.012.1 (410) Y036090 136 7556021 811500021 Berechnung des industriellen Brutto-Anlagevermoegens in den EG-Laendern unter Anwendung einheitlicher Definitionen, Abgrenzungen und Verfahren Seidel, B Hrsg. Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung Germany FR, Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, 1981., 363p.A4 Graph. Ref. Tab ISBN: 3-428-04821-0 CATALOG NO.: DIWB-62-1981 SERIES: (Beitraege zur Strukturforschung Heft 62, 1981). Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Bruttoanlageinvestitionen und Bruttoanlagevermogen nach Produktionsbereichen 1960-1978. Ein Anlagevermogensmodell wird Verwendet zur Bestimmung der Nutzungsdauer der Anlageguter. Desc.: *Capital; *Capital formation; *Investment theory; *National investments; *Western Europe; Statistics; Economic structure UDC NO.: 330.14 330.146 330.567: 330.14 (4-15) Y036090 137 7554298 811400298 Communautaire industriepolitiek en de aard van de industriele verandering Pelkmans, J.; Ven, H. van der EDITION: 19p. A5 Maandschrift economie, Tilburg, (45), nr. 5, 1981, p. 193)., Bibl. Re CATALOG NO.: ERK-5-1981 R Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Verdeling van de stelling dat de competentieverdeling tussen het nationale en het communautaire niveau van industriepolitiek economisch inefficient is. Kenmerken van industriepolitiek. Relatie tussen industriepolitiek en industriele verandering. Bevoegdheden en instrumenten van de EEG: positieve of sturende - en negatieve of verbiedende industriepolitiek, handelspolitiek, flankerende fondsen en staalbeleid. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *EEC UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC Y036090 138 7552654 811300654 Textiles; l' Europe en mal de politique Hubert, A EDITION: 4p.A4 Revue du Marche commun, Paris, nr. 244, fev., 1981, p. 67)., CATALOG NO.: RMD-244-1981.02 R Lang.: French DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Probleme de la crise dans les industries europeennes du textile et de l' habillement. Renouvellement du Arrangement multifibre (9 decembre 1980). Marches proteges. Regles du Gatt. Perspectives pour une politique industrielle europeene. Desc.: *Textiles; *Industrial policy; *EEC; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 677 338.45: 338.22 339.543.62EEC (4-15) Y036090 139 7552322 811300322 Measures for saving materials in engineering industries Publ. by United Nations; Economic commission for Europe USA, New York, 1980., 1p. A4 Figs. Graphs.Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: 4-2294 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Importance of saving materials in engineering industries in east Europe and western Europe. Economic and technical factors influencing the structure of the consumption of basic traditional and new types of materials. Ways and means of using materials efficiently. Possibilities of standardization. Statistics, 1970-78. Desc.: *Engineering; *Waste materials; *Efficiency; *Effectiveness; *East Europe; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 62 62.002.68 658.011.4 (4-11) (4-15) Y036090 140 7542278 810800278 PIDC' s limits to growth EDITION: 25p. A4 Pakistan economist, Karachi , (21) nr. 4, Jan. 24, 1981, p. 8)., Ill. Portr. Tabs CATALOG NO.: PKE-4-1981.01.24 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Role of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) in Pakistan' s economy. Projects and companies involved: natural gas, woollen and cotton textiles, sugar, refractories, mining. Financial constraints. Interview with PIDC chairman. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *Projects; *Institutions; *Pakistan UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 69.05+351.712.2 061 (549) Y036090 141 7542127 810800127 Austria. The strains on consensus EDITION: 8p. A4 World business weekly, London, (4), nr. 9, March 9, 1981, p. 27)., Ill. Map. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: WBW-9-1981.03.09 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Economic development of Austria. Business environment. Industrial relations. Exchange rates. Role of foreign automobiles' industry. Energy-, small business-, and industrial policy. Bank profitability. Tourism. Desc.: *Economic development; *Austria UDC NO.: 338.1 (436) Y036090 142 7540470 810700470 Competitive position and future of inland waterway transport; report of the forthy-ninth round table on transport economics held in Paris on 31st january and 1st february 1980 Publ. by European conference of Ministers of transport ECMT; Economic research centre France, Paris, 1980., 98p. A5 Graphs.Tabs ISBN: 92-821-1065-6 CATALOG NO.: ECMT-49-1980 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education L.W. Chini. Competitive position and future of inland waterway transport. Macro-economic aspects; supply structure, demand trends, competition and freight rates (Rhine and Danube basin), intermodal competition, impact on state economy. Micro-economic aspects: cost structure, marketing approach, pricing, (dis)advantages of inland waterway undertakings. Economy' s need of inland waterway operators. Profitability opportunities. Summary of discussion. Desc.: *Shipping-- inland water transport; *Transport economics; *Competition; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 656.62 656: 33 339.117.2 (4-15) Y036090 143 7536233 810500233 The need for structural change in Europe Wegner, M EDITION: 3p. A4 IFO-digest; a quarterly journal on economic trends in the F.R. of Germany, Muenich, nr. 4, Dec., 1980, p. 3)., Portr CATALOG NO.: IGE-4-1980.12 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular The working of structural change. Role of OPEC in energy pricing. Major factors encouraging change and structural adjustment in the eighties. World trade 1950-' 80. Desc.: *Economic structure; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.4 (4-15) Y036090 144 7534213 810400213 Europe Dale, R.; Wyles, J.; Rutherford, M.; a.o EDITION: 14p. A2 Financial times, London , Jan. 12, 1981, Section III, p. 1)., Ill. Portrs.Tabs CATALOG NO.: FTS-1981.01.12 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular EEC-politics. Eastern Europe. US and Europe. Industrial production. Branch developments. Pollution. Communication. Steel. Energy and policy. Unemployment. Banking. Credit control. The EMS. Economic convergence. Harmonization. EEC developments per country. Profiles MNC-topmanagers of Saint-Gobain, Philips, GKH, Bayer and Arbed. Figures 1970-80. Desc.: *Economic policy; *Structure-- branch of industry; *Western Europe; EEC UDC NO.: 338.22 338.45: 658.012.1 (4-15) Y036090 145 7520285 802100285 The future for European business-strategies for growth Franc, J.-D. le EDITION: 6p. A4 Long range planning, London, (13), nr. 4, Aug., 1980, p. 18)., Tabs CATALOG NO.: LOR-4-1980.08 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education New economic relationships in the world economy since the oil shock. Prospects for raw material supply. Implications of technological proliferation. Economic policy actions of France. Consequences of opening borders and protectionism. Importance of specialization and innovation. Desc.: *International economic relations; *Industrial policy; *Western Europe ; Commodities; Raw materials; Protection and free trade; Innovation; New products; Energy UDC NO.: 339.9 338.45: 338.22 (4-15) Y036090 146 7520225 802100225 Indien liberalisiert Industriepolitik EDITION: 1p. A4 Nachrichten fur Aussenhandel, Koln, (43), nr. 166, Aug. 28, 1980, p. 5). CATALOG NO.: NFA-166-1980.08.28 R Lang.: German DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Neutrale Beobachter sehen jedoch noch zahlreiche Investitionshemmnisse. Einzelheiten der industriepolitischen Erklarung vom 23.7.1980 u.a. Anhebung der Investitionsobergrenze fur die Kleinindustrie. Automatische Expansion fur 15 Industriebereiche. Exportindustrien. Modernisierung. Arbeitsnehmer/-geberbeziehungen. Desc.: *Industrial policy; *India UDC NO.: 338.45: 338.22 (540) Y036090 147 7518293 802000293 The Mediterranean challenge Part. 3. EEC enlargement-the southern neighbours Tovias, A Publ. by Sussex European research centre United Kingdom, Z.pl., 1979. , 102p. A5 Bibl. Ref. Tabs ISBN: 0-903422-25-5 CATALOG NO.: SEUP-5-1979 SERIES: (Sussex European papers nr. 5). Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Popular Effects of the entry of Greece, Spain, and Portugal into the EEC on economic structure, agriculture and foreign trade of Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Malta, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan. Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus and Yugoslavia. Statistics 1960-77. Desc.: *EEC and associates; *Western Europe; *Maghreb; *North Africa UDC NO.: 339.543.62EECA (4-15) (61) Y036090 148 7518233 802000233 Ontwikkeling, De, van de bedrijfstakstruktuur in Europa sedert de oliecrisis 1973-1978; Europa' s aanpassingsvermogen onder de bep Verslag van de groep deskundigen Sectorale analyses Uitg. door Commissie der Europese gemeenschappen; Directoraat generaal economische en financiele zaken Belgium, Brussel, 1979., 111p. A4 Tabs ISBN: 92-825-1463-3 CATALOG NO. 4-2094 SERIES: (Europese economie: speciale uitgave). Lang.: Dutch DOC TYPE: Monograph GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Macro-economische achtergrond van de sectoriele veranderingen; verstoring wereldeconomie, verschillen tussen lid-staten. Binnenlandse vraag: particuliere consumptie en investeringen; trendbreuken als gevolg van de crisis. Buitenlandse vraag; algemene en wereld-vraag resultaten op de OPEC-markten, internationale industriele specialisatie en arbeidsverdeling. Produktieontwikkeling per bedrijfstak per land. Gebruik van de produktiefaktoren; werkgelegenheid, produktiviteit. Prijzen, lonen, winsten. Desc.: *Economic structure; *Recession; *Crises; *Western Europe UDC NO.: 338.4 338.124 (4-15) Y036090 149 7516570 801900570 The strategies of US multinationals in Europe Young, S.; Hood, N EDITION: 19p. A4 Multinational business, London, nr. 2, 1980, p. 1)., Ref. Tabs CATALOG NO.: MQO-2-1980 R Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Higher Education Factors underlying US corporate strategy in Europe. Highlights of a Scottish economic planning department study on future investment trends and policy measures of US MNCs in order to sustain US multinational investments in Europe. European and Scottish business environment, industrial structure, product and market roles, reorganization. Desc.: *Corporate strategy; *Business policy; *Multinationals; *Western Europe; *East Europe; *USA; Investments; corporate UDC NO.: 658.011.1 658.114.513.24 (4-15) (4-11) (73) Y036090 150 7506368 801400368 Insurance. Many problems to be faced EDITION: 6p. A4 Business and finance, Athens, nr. 83, March 29, 1980, p. 23)., Graph. Ill. Tabs CATALOG NO.: BUX-83-1980.03.29 Lang.: Eng. DOC TYPE: Article GRADE LEVEL: Popular Characteristics of the Greek insurance market. Car accidents in West-European countries. The Greek Committee of European Insurance. Distribution of insurance companies according to economic regions. World view. The activities of insurance companies abroad. Premiums according to economic regions, 1978. Structure of the insurance market in different countries. Desc.: *Insurance; *Traffic accidents; *Western Europe; *Greece ; World; International UDC NO.: 368 656.08 (4-15) (495)